
To summon the spirit of an assistant lover from the astral plane. How to evoke a wish-fulfilling spirit: the correct conduct of the rite. Creation of the Spirit of a helper belonging to another element

As you already know, each witch or sorcerer had their own spirits - helpers who are reflected in popular superstitions in the form of various animals (black cat, wolf, crow, owl) serving their masters. Sometimes it was just about animals, and sometimes about some strange creatures, for example, small demons, devils, brownies.

Also remember that the relationship with the helper spirits is reflected in the stories of witches selling souls to the devil, devil, or evil spirits. In fact, we are only talking about the ability of the witch to communicate with the helper spirits.

Each witch has three helper spirits, symbolizing different levels in the perception of the witch herself. These creatures "live" in other worlds, but the witch can establish contact with them.

Why do we need perfume helpers? For various purposes - healing, recognizing various secret knowledge, traveling to other worlds, manipulating various material objects, and so on. It all depends on what the witch is planning.

So, let's move on to the practical side of the matter and consider the safest and easiest ways to establish contact with spirit helpers.

Please note that with a high level of magical skill, a witch can transfer the astral essence of her helper spirit into a real animal or bird that she has. But you should start with exactly those practices that are given below.

Establishing contact with the spirit helpers of the lower world (insects, reptiles, fish)

This category includes helper spirits, usually represented in the guise of an ant, a beetle, a snake, a lizard, and so on.

So, in order to establish contact with this category of helper spirits, retire somewhere in the forest, preferably near mountains, large stones, ravines and other similar places. Close your eyes. Free your mind from all vain.

Concentrate on the abdominal area. Imagine that a dark red glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world with itself. And in it a huge earth extending in all directions appears. Look closely and you will notice that there is a hole in it.

Mentally say: "Please, spirit of the lower part of the world, appear before me." Watch the burrow carefully, and after a while, some creature in the form of an insect or a reptile will emerge from it.

Thank him and ask for his name. When he does this, whisper him several times, and then ask him to tell when and how he can help you. All the information received must be well remembered, since it is undesirable to write it down.

Establishing contact with the spirit helpers of the middle world (animals)

This category includes helper spirits, usually represented in the guise of various animals: a wolf, a fox, a dog, a cat, and so on.

To establish contact with this category of helper spirits, retire where such animals are found. Close your eyes. Free your mind from all vain.

Concentrate on the area of ​​the heart and imagine that a dark green glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world with itself. Stay in this state for a while until you completely attain peace. And then take a closer look - and you will see how the outlines of a huge forest emerge from the space.

Ask the spirit of help to come to you. And then after a while he will come out into the clearing from the forest.

Ask him to give his name and tell about himself, try to remember every word he said or the image that he shows you.

When you remember everything, say goodbye to him and imagine how he returns to the forest, and the forest itself dissolves into green space.

Establishing contact with the spirit-helpers of the upper world (birds)

This category includes helper spirits, usually represented in the form of birds: an eagle, a crow, an owl, and so on.

To establish contact with this category of helper spirits, retire where there are many nests in the trees, or sit on the top of a mountain, mountain cliff, and more. Close your eyes. Free your mind from all vain.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, imagining that a blue glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world. And in the center of this huge space, a small cloud appears. It soars alone in front of your inner gaze.

Mentally ask the spirit-assistant of the Upper World to appear before you. Wait, and after a while a bird will fly out of the cloud. This is your helper spirit.

Thank him for coming to you, and then ask about what his name is, what properties he possesses and in what cases he should be called upon. When you remember everything, release it, as in the rest of the cases, visualizing that it disappears into a cloud, and the cloud dissolves into blue space.

Just a few days ago, Bloodborne: Spawn of Blood became available to PlayStation Plus subscribers for free, and many new hunters have appeared on the streets of Yharnam. Now is the best time to hunt together! Do you want to be helped to deal with some specific boss, or are you just looking for a company? We've prepared a quick co-op guide for Bloodborne: Bloodspawn.


The insight that lies at the heart of Bloodborne's gameplay perfectly captures the spirit of Lovecraft's writings. This characteristic reflects the level of inhuman knowledge of the hero, which he receives while traveling the world and destroying bosses. As you accumulate insight points, you gradually uncover eerie secrets, begin to see untold horrors and more.

In addition, Inspiration is the main currency in co-op. After spending one point of insight, you can summon players to your world to help you in the hunt. Online play will not be available until you have earned at least one point of insight.

And you can earn them in different ways. The easiest way to get insight at the beginning of the game is to meet a boss for the first time or use the Madman's Knowledge item, which can be found on the streets of Yharnam, or knock out some enemies.

How to Summon Other Players for Help (Calling Bell)

If you get your first insight point, then it's (almost) in the bag. It remains only to find the object, without which it is impossible to play together in Bloodborne - Calling Bell.

After you earn your first insight point, you need to get the Calling Bell from the envoys in the Hunter's Dream.

By ringing this bell during a multiplayer game, you will summon other hunters to your world.

Immediately after ringing, the bell will open your world and connect you with the players who have expressed a desire to help. At the same time, their level will be comparable to yours, and they will be in the game nearby. If you want to find good helpers, we advise you to use the bell at the very beginning of the level or in front of the location with the boss.

You can summon up to 2 guests to your world at the same time. When you play online with other hunters, enemies gain health, but the co-op mode opens up many useful possibilities. For example, other players can distract the boss so you can hit more often.

Just keep in mind: by opening your world to assistants in the network, you risk attracting the attention of bloodthirsty hunters ... The game will notify you of an enemy invasion so that you can prepare for battle (or hide).

How to Help Other Players (Small Ringing Bell)

If you want to help other players, you will need the Small Ringing Bell. This item can be purchased in the Hunter's Dream from the Top Emissary of Illumination, which will appear after you receive the first point of Illumination.

Ring the Small Ringing Bell to provide assistance and the game will connect you to the player using the Calling Bell in their world. Let's repeat the advice: it is best to use this item at the very beginning of the level or in front of the location with the boss. By playing along with other hunters and helping them to destroy bosses, you get enlightenment points, with which you can then call for help in your world!

Playing with friends

If you want to go hunting with a friend, both the owner of the Calling Bell and the owner of the Small Ringing Bell must set the same password in the game's online settings. Make sure you are in the same zone and stand as close to each other as possible in your worlds.

Ending a Co-op Session (Silence Form)

If for some reason you decide to end your co-hunting session, use the Silence Form. This item is given by the same envoy from whom you obtained the Calling Bell. Shoot to interrupt your multiplayer session and return to your world, or send helpers to their worlds.

Summoning the Old Hunters

After earning your first insight, you can find the Old Hunting Bell on the steps leading to the Workshop in the Hunter's Dream. This special bell is capable of summoning the spirits of legendary hunters from all over Yharnam and even from the Underground Chalice.

Small glowing wells will appear on the map, emitting a high-pitched resonating sound. Stand at such a point and press the "cross" to ring the Old Hunting Bell. You will spend one point of insight and summon a computer-controlled hunter to help you complete the level and provide support in the battle against particularly difficult bosses.

Share Play function

If Calling Bell, Inspiration and Co-op play do not meet your wishes, if you just want to pass the controller into the hands of a friend so that they will show you a secret or suggest a trick to defeat a difficult opponent, then why not use the Share Play function?

This unique PlayStation 4 feature lets your PlayStation Network friend take control wherever he is. He will be able to do whatever he wants, as if sitting next to you.


Now that you know how Bloodborne co-op works, it's time to throw a cry on social media and find teammates using the hashtag #RukHelpBloodborne. Are you a veteran looking to take beginners on a tour of the darkest corners of Yharnam? Offer your help to the world. Just getting to know the game and can't handle the boss? Turn to the world and find companions among those who are much more experienced.

Remember, you don't have to suffer alone!

Many people ask me in their letters to tell me how to summon a helper spirit for their work. The healer should turn to the spirit-assistant only in a very last resort, since this is a difficult and serious work. The call takes place on the night of Ivan Kupala in the forest and alone. Only a churchgoer, that is, the dead man who was buried last on that day, can be stronger than the spirit-helper. When they go to the forest to call out the spirit-helper, they put on black clothes. If a helper is required for good deeds, then the night should be quiet and clear. When an assistant is needed for revenge and other harsh deeds, it takes a rainy or cloudy night for the enemies to shed tears. If the night does not coincide with the need, then it is better not to walk at all - there will be no use. Leave the forest without looking back, but go backwards. If, calling out the spirit, you get lost in words, stamp your foot and say loudly (sort of like in your hearts) such a special conspiracy spell:

Would you walk home,

And I will sink my path!

And go home immediately. And if you meet someone on the way, be silent, walk by, because maybe this is not a passer-by, but the spirit you summoned ran ahead in the hope that you would go nuts and say a word.

My grandmother told me such a case. On the night of Ivan Kupala one of her companions went to the forest for a spirit-helper. I did everything right, but found a haze on her, forgot the necessary word, and that's it. To send the spirit away from herself, she stamped her right foot, as expected. She screamed out the exile - and ran to the village. He sees her daughter running towards her, shaggy, in a torn sweater and screaming: "Mom, my husband beat me!" The witch doctor stopped and, not thinking that it was not her daughter, but a summoned spirit that took the form of a daughter, exclaimed: "When did he, the reptile, come, he moved to the city ?!" And here, luckily for her, my grandmother entered the forest, wondered what happened, but she said what was needed in time, thank God, everything worked out. So, when you come to the forest on the night of Ivan Kupala, stand with your back to the tree, lean on it and call out loudly with a spell:

I call out and call, I order:

Come to me with the fifth wheel,

The ninth, your damned psalm.

Having four paws, come to me on two legs,

Having four legs,

Hold a black candle in two hands.

I call you, I call out,

I order, I command:

Come to me like a faithful dog

Master, you're on a chain.

I call you, I call out:

Come! To me. Come!

Get together small. Get together and big.

Get together my generic word.

At my word, at my turn,

In my witch line.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.


    Read also:

In order to create a helper spirit, you need to acquire a quality gem. The stone is selected depending on the method of creating the helper spirit. If you plan to use the element of fire, take a ruby, red tourmaline, red overcoat. In short, any stone is red, with the exception of garnet.

The cut of the stone does not matter. This stone will literally be the body of your helper and its material embodiment. Take care of the setting of your stone in advance. The frame can be made of three types of metal: silver, gold or copper. Then comes the most difficult moment: an agreement with a jeweler. Of course, if you own jewelry craftsmanship, there will be no problems, but if you do not have such a skill, find a good craftsman who can make a product according to your drawing and using your metal. Also, the jeweler must agree with your schedule for making the product: the process will need to start on a strictly defined day.

Spiritual component

Once you have selected your materials, start creating a spiritual dimension. Since this is your helper spirit, then everything depends only on you. Think, fantasize, come up with images, create sketches. You can use spiritual practices: meditation and mantics. Sometimes the spirit comes to its future owner right in a dream, and a person, waking up, draws a clear sketch of his future creation.

Get the blessings of a higher power. Pick a day. Since we are talking about a fiery spirit, then you need to choose a day suitable for this element, as well as for the gender of your future helper. Create a mate of the opposite sex to facilitate communication and initial contact. If you are a woman, choose Sunday, if you are a man, choose Thursday.

Prepare the ritual: inscribe a magic club with full magic protection. Do not forget that you will be working alone, stock up on all the necessary items in order not to leave the magic circle. Pick up quality, consecrated ingredients. The rituals must be carried out in the following sequence: first, purification, then consecration with the four elements.

Tell the Elemental Managers that you want to create a helper, give them a mental image of the spirit and ask for support. After that, it remains only to receive the "body" of his assistant from the jeweler and revive it during a thunderstorm. To revive, you need to wait for a thunderstorm, go to its epicenter, put a precious product there, hide and wait for lightning to strike the stone. After that, the process of creating a spirit-helper can be considered complete.

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Summoning the spirits

Summoning the spirits

Many types of ancient magic are associated with summoning spirits, for example, to protect a person or habitat, and sometimes - tombs or ancestral lands. Performing rituals, seeking visions and prayer are all types of magic, the purpose of which is to communicate with protective spirits. Once the connection is established, you can engage in building relationships with these spirits.

Some spirits can perform many functions, becoming not only your protector, but also a guide to another world or a healer. The spirits specialized in protection are called keepers of the gates. They can guard an energetic gateway to any world or your gateway of consciousness or soul.

In all mystical traditions, there is the concept of "summoning spirits" (evocation). To establish contact with spirits, they must be invited into your life. Some higher spirits can protect you on their own initiative, but most will not communicate with you unless you invite them. Note that spirits usually do not try to restrict your free will.

Evocation is a magical summoning of the spirit. In traditional magic, evocation rituals are quite complex. These include speaking special words of power; during their conduct, as a rule, it is required to name the name of the spirit, or draw its symbol, or use the talisman associated with it.

Personally, I prefer to communicate with spirits during my meditation sessions. However, after establishing the first contact, I can also refer to them outside of meditation. For example, when I feel presence of mind in my daily life. In general, when I again turn to the spirits for help or protection, I use a kind of established "hot line". To my students who want to find protective spirits, I suggest using the following simple evocation.

I, (state your name), appeal to my higher guardian spirits. Protect me from any danger. Hello and welcome.

This is a simple and effective method. As a rule, the presence of guardian spirits is felt quite clearly. But even if you do not feel them, then, for example, when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you just need to know that the protective spirits are next to you.

If you have been meditating to communicate with a specific spirit, you can call it by name or visualize its symbol. Listen to your intuition. The symbol of calling any spirit or gatekeeper is the main evocation pentagram (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Pentagram of Evocation

Summoning symbols are used as keys: they open gates or attract spirits. To release the spirit or close the gate, use the exile pentagram with the intention of breaking the energy connection.

When you summon a spirit - mentally or aloud - tell him what you fear and ask for protection from that threat. For example, I call on my guardian spirit if I feel danger on the way home, or I am driving in a car with an inattentive driver, or I am afraid of strong energy emanations of the unfortunate people around me. In addition, I use other defense techniques at the same time, such as a shield.

If you are not sure what kind of spirit you want to invoke, then you can use the prayer for protection, invoking the Goddess, God and the Great Spirit.

I, (state your name), appeal to the Goddess, God and the Great Spirit. Protect me from danger.

You can start and end each day with the evocation of the guardian spirit. Let's say for me this is part of my morning meditation asking for protection for the day. At the end of the day, I ask the guardians to protect my body while I sleep and my spirit travels while I sleep.

Such simple evocations, in principle, can be used in any situation, although there are special techniques and offerings for certain types of spirits. Later in this chapter, we'll talk about the different spirits that can be invoked for protection, including angels, power animals, and pagan deities.

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