
Magic during menstruation. Stepanova's prayer to induce menstruation. Cleansing the aura time of illness

Complete collection and description: Stepanova's prayer to induce menstruation for the spiritual life of a believer.

My grandma's golden recipes

The second time, holy Savior,

Come, Lord, Your help

From God's sun melts,

So let the gray hair

Lost from my words.

Like all the names of angels

Nobody knows God

So let the gray hair

They disappear from my words.

I will go (name), blessed,

I step out of the house, crossing myself.

From the doors to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the gate,

There the Lord will take me under protection,

Shelter me from thunder, from hail,

Save from gluttony and hunger,

Feeds me to my fill without food

And give me water to drink.

I will not languish from hunger,

I will not strive for food.

The water of God is my food,

And the cruel hunger does not matter to me.

My word be strong.

My work is done.

I will not shorten either word or deed,

There is no redistribution of my words or deeds.

Be my words all strong

Become all my affairs are fast.

Key, lock, tongue.

Three winds, three brothers walked,

All three of them blew around.

Blow, three winds, blow, three brothers,

But not in the back of the head, not in the eyebrow,

And blow on women's blood.

As the light in the sky knows its time

And how it begins to shine in due time,

So the blood of the slave (name) know your days

And do not run on other days and hours.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How does the smoke from the fire.

Key. Lock. Language.

I speak myself (name)

God's words, bad deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The fire burns, writhing,

God sees how my soul toils.

And how the fire burns out in the oven,

So the Lord will heal me.

Key, lock, tongue.

Take cancer into your new home.

From now on you will live there

From now on you will be there

And release the slave (such and such).

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Get together in one place

Then only cancer (such and such) will eat!

v After saying "amen", turn around and walk away without looking back.

v 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, strain and take a quarter cup five times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week. This collection is also good because after a week of taking the infusion, boils no longer appear, which cannot be said about the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations.

How to induce menstruation: prayer and conspiracy

All women want their body to work like clockwork. Not even the whole organism, but the reproductive system in particular. And this is possible only when menstruation is on time, and there are no inflammatory diseases.

How does the female brain work when periods are delayed? Panic begins! Some act wisely and go to the profile doctor. Others begin to delve into herbalists, look for a conspiracy or an appropriate prayer.

Is it possible to induce menstruation with the help of witchcraft rituals? Let's find out!

One, two, five - we begin to conjure

In order for the necessary secretions to begin, you will need to collect tumbleweed seeds.

This herb is. Grows in the southern steppe regions. After the growing season, the course dries up and the wind carries it over considerable distances. So, you should take a pinch of seeds and tie in a clean scarf. Put a knot in your panties and go to any intersection.

They came, pulled out, burned a bag of seeds. It is important to ensure that the smoke from the fire does not spread in your direction.

“What I brought with me, I burned at the crossroads. Amen".

Turn around, go home and don't say hello to anyone. You need to conduct a conspiracy after dark.

To start menstrual flow, you need to collect fresh urine. Attention! The volume of urine is 1 cup.

“Urine-uritsa, pure water.

Flare up, send me health.

A month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn,

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf before grass.

Received a charmed potion. It should be applied to the lower abdomen. In this case, the words of the conspiracy are not pronounced. The resulting magical infusion should not be washed off, the urine should be absorbed into the skin.

Traditional religions and menstruation

People often place increased obligations on God. Prayer is, in fact, a request to higher powers. There are various prayer requests for the health of the female reproductive system.

Requests for monthly allocations are few and far between. Most likely, this is due to the fact that a woman during menstruation is considered unclean. She cannot appear in church, there is even an opinion that at this time one cannot pray and confess.

So, one of the requests to the Lord:

“Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification are not coming, and I do not want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up my menstruation, even if it hurts more than usual. I am ready to endure anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

Prayer for menstruation. conclusions

Contact your doctor and find out the reason for the delay. Only the right treatment will help to cause the desired response of the body.

How terrible is a conspiracy for menstruation

A conspiracy for menstruation is considered very strong magic, since any ritual using blood attracts unclean spirits as close as possible, which perform what the conspirators expect from them. Each person's blood is unique. This is not just DNA, it is personal energy, which, with the right direction, can give a tremendous result.

Conspiracy for menstruation

Not a single ritual of summoning spirits took place without this component. Previously, all rituals of black magic were performed using blood, both fresh and menstrual. And in the modern world, this has not ceased to be relevant.

Benefits of using menstrual blood in rituals

As the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova says, this is a great power with which you can literally commit any magical crime. Best Victim Choice: There is a golden rule that applies to all kinds of conspiracies - to get something, you have to give something. Many witches insure themselves by donating blood. If you do not give blood in return, which can be renewed, then magic will take away what is really valuable for the performer of the ceremony.

The sorcerer, during the ritual, in order to get the blood, it is necessary to make intentional injuries. But the woman in this regard was lucky. Most often, the purpose of rituals using menstruation is drying or binding. Every girl, girl, woman dreams of great love. But, it is not always mutual. A woman in love is ready to do anything to win over the man of her dreams, because the result is important, not the process of achieving it.

sexy binding

In order for a girl to become desirable for her chosen one, she can use this method to attract him. On the second day of the cycle, you need to take a small amount of menstruation (three drops will be enough). Then pour any drink into a glass, adding those same drops. Further, with a spoon (but not silver! Silver - takes away all the negative of black magic) stir the drink counterclockwise.

“My blood is for you. Your strength is for me. You want me - I'm yours. You want me - take me. My will is strong, I will conquer you. I conjure, I command - I want to see your desire. Amen".

Offer a charmed drink to a boyfriend / husband. He must drink everything, to the last drop.

This plot is suitable for wives whose husbands go "to the left." This ritual is so powerful that a man will forget about the existence of other women. Even if it happens that he ends up in bed with someone, there will be a guarantee that he will not succeed. The conspiracy begins on the same day, no later than 12 hours later (pay attention to the time). It is best to perform the ceremony on a waning moon, on Tuesday or Thursday. The ideal drink for this ceremony is alcoholic, but not beer or vodka. It should be a noble drink - wine or cognac. By observing these conditions, the binding will be stronger, and the period will be longer. After a couple of months, the attraction may weaken, so it is advisable to repeat this procedure again.

Love spell with a needle

Not always, a man lives with a woman in the same house so that she has the opportunity to treat him to a bloody drink. This man may have a relationship, or even a family. In this case, you can make a love spell with a needle. On the second day of the cycle, you need to get about a teaspoon of menstruation. Pour into a small, narrow vessel (something like a test tube flask). In special stores, or on the Internet, purchase six black candles. It is necessary to take a gypsy needle and a full-length photograph of the victim. If it is not possible to get a photo from his house, it is enough to find it on social networks and print the photo in any printing industry.

At one o'clock, after midnight, place 6 candles in such a way that a circle is formed. Put a photo of a man in the center of the circle. Lower the needle into a vessel with blood, so that the needle enters at least 75%. Next, you need to pierce the photo in the groin area with a needle. The next step is to read the spell:

“I sew you to me. I cut you off from others. You dream of me No replies. I am addicted to others. I sew desire on me. You will fall at my feet. I'm sewing you on. Whatever you do, wherever you go, the road will lead to me. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to make a means to secure the binding. Ingredients:

  • vodka - 50 grams;
  • three seeds of green sweet pepper;
  • 5 drops of menstrual blood.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients. Put in a dry dark place for 30 days. According to verified data, a man will appear on the threshold of the house of a woman who made a love spell, a month after the ritual, even if he lives at a great distance from the woman. Moreover, the reason may be some kind of "accident" - the car broke down near the house, mixed up the address, walked nearby, etc. This is a sign to take action. Without fail, you need to invite a person to the house, offer to eat. Put 5 drops of tincture into food. Such visits will become more frequent. Every time you need to do this procedure. And one day, at the next visit, the man will remain forever.

Love spell on white fabric

This method is suitable for girls who want romance in a relationship, remembers how her husband made pleasant surprises that have long been forgotten. You need to purchase white cotton fabric. If there is no cotton, you can take another. The size depends on the desired amount of raw material. Cut the fabric into small pieces, about 5x5 cm. When menstruation has begun, a piece of fabric should be placed on the pad. When the fabric is completely saturated with menstruation, take it out, put it in a metal container and burn it.

For dinner, add a pinch of ashes to the husband / man's food. Read the following prayer:

“My soul is as pure as a white sheet. My blood is strong, will do what is meant to be. Love with your soul, heart, head. I am all for you, be with me. Amen".

After dinner, you need to go to bed, without sex. You can carry out the procedure every menstrual phase. Reviews of girls about the method with fabric are the most positive. Everyone who did this ritual wrote that they managed to evoke love.

Conspiracy with negativity in the family

Couples living together have a relationship peak that is difficult to overcome. Constant quarrels, scandals, leading to depression, mutual insults. About 50% do not stand up and disperse. But, if a girl intends to maintain a relationship, and wants to evoke former love, you can use a magical ritual. For a conspiracy, you will need a thing donated by your husband. Some valuable thing of a small size is best suited - a gold pendant, a ring, earrings. When menstruation has begun, it is necessary to collect as much blood as possible to "get". After another scandal, you need to close yourself indoors (this could be a bathroom). The husband should be at this moment at home. Take an attribute in the form of a jewel, a small container of blood. Drop the gold into the container. And speak the remedy.

“Happy times will come, adversity will go away. Anger will be forgotten, joy will come true. Anger will leave us, a good hour will come. Quarrels will dissipate, positive will remain. Where to put, there to fasten. Amen".

After getting the charmed thing, do not clean it. Hide it in a small fabric bag, which is also hidden from the eyes of her husband. Gradually, everything that is said in prayer will come true.

Potential consequences are a topic that you should be aware of before taking action. The consequences may be the opposite of what is expected, for several reasons:

  • the one who makes a conspiracy must not notify anyone of his intention;
  • it is impossible to read incorrectly, in the wrong order, confusing words;
  • with heavy or painful periods, it is undesirable to carry out a love spell;
  • you should not do magic when the arrival of menstruation is later than the expected date.

A love spell for menstruation is performed by the sorceress Tatyana Mosk

Magic video portal: http://www.privoroty.su. famous mage,

A love spell on monthly blood is carried out by the sorceress Stefan�

How to remove the magic seal

If the ritual is not followed correctly, the consequences can be fraught. It is necessary to stop the spell in time. To stop the influence of magic, you need to wait for menstruation. When they started, put a candle on the windowsill every evening and say: “Lapel - turn, lower, run, take care of yourself. Amen". Such an action will help you remove the magic and turn everything back.

When the menstruation is over, go to church, light a candle for your health and the health of the victim. Ask God to end the magical powers of the rituals performed. Before doing such things, you need to think about whether that person is worth bewitching him? And, if the victim is a husband, then isn’t the best “love spell” with the help of menstruation a delay? With a delay of 9 months, very good “consequences” of true love are born, which from time to time are overtaken by minute thunderclouds.

7 different conspiracies for menstruation

A regular menstrual cycle speaks not only about the health of a woman, but also about the absence of pregnancy. For some, the absence of pregnancy is desirable, but for someone - a whole tragedy. We will talk about how to get pregnant with the help of magic in another article.

Now consider conspiracies to cause menstrual blood.

call menstruation

You can call blood on the seeds of the tumbleweed. To do this, take a pinch of seeds and tie them in a new handkerchief. Put this knot in your swimming trunks and go to the first crossroads. At the crossroads, you need to burn a bundle with seeds.

“What I brought in my pants,

Burned at the crossroads.

Make sure that the smoke does not touch you. Leave the intersection without looking back, do not greet anyone, do not notice anyone. The consequences of an incorrectly performed ceremony can be negative.

The time for the ceremony is better to choose after sunset.

Ritual at dawn

If your period is delayed, and you are afraid of the consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy, do the following ceremony.

To induce blood, at the morning dawn, draw your fresh urine into a glass and read the plot:

“Urine-uritsa, pure spring.

Dawn-robin, red maiden.

A month, my dear friend,

You are a gilded horn,

Hurry home soon.

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf before grass.

In order for menstruation to come quickly, they rub their belly with charmed urine. You can do it in the bathroom. While rubbing the abdomen, the plot does not need to be read.

Let the urine be completely absorbed into the skin, do not wash it off.

Abundant periods

If abundant periods have gone, blood flows all the time, then you can read the conspiracy.

Get up before the first rays of the sun, take a spool of red thread, look out the window (you can open it) and read the plot to stop the blood:

“I will rise, the servant of God (name) at dawn,

I turn to pure water.

You, water, flow out of the earth,

You dry out in the bright sun.

So it would be in me (name)

The blood has subsided,

My sickness has dried up.

Like a red thread in my hand breaks,

During the third reading, tear off the thread from the spool and throw it out the window.

The consequences of the ceremony will pleasantly surprise you.

If menstruation is painful

If painful periods have gone, then the consequences may not be desirable.

On the first day in the evening, pour pure spring water into a glass.

The body is not pain, not if!

Woman's disease, get out of the womb!

As the river washes its banks

So I would be washed in the blood of a woman.

To not get pregnant

Monthly blood is also used in order not to become pregnant. To do this, you need to bury a rag (or pad) after menstruation under the roots of a dried fruitful tree.

“What blood do I give birth to,

Like a tree without fruit and seed,

So I will be burdenless.

This ceremony is valid for exactly three years. After that, you can fake it (re-carry out the ceremony with a new rag).

Amulet for relations with her husband

  • oak branch;
  • green canvas;
  • "Silver Water"

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can put a strong amulet on marital relations. To do this, cut a small branch of oak (no more than five centimeters), clean it of leaves and bark. After processing, wrap the branch in a green cloth (you can use silk) and hide it.

In the morning, take a bath in which “silver water” is added. This water can be prepared in advance by simply placing a silver object in a vessel with spring water for three days.

When your period comes, rub a couple of drops of your blood into the branch and hide it in your husband's things. If suddenly you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you or discover the consequences of infidelity, just stir the drink prepared for him with a sprig.

And if you are completely sure that the spouse is cheating, then secretly put a branch in the glove compartment of the car or his bag, pocket of outerwear. You can find where to hide this branch if you want. The consequences of betrayal will quickly disappear. This is such a magical thread!

Rite of healing

Blood is used to bring about healing from disease. In order to cure a seriously ill person, it is necessary to take a rag soaked in blood after the first wedding night of a married couple.

A sick person is washed by three people: a child, an old man and a widow. After that, wipe with a cloth with blood. The ceremony is performed at three dawns: morning, before sunset and after sunset. It must be the time of the full moon, and the weather is calm.

When they wipe the patient, they read the plot:

"The soul of the servant of God (name)

Baptized before noon

fasted in the afternoon,

And at the last red dawn

Released from her death.

A rag with blood at the same time (after the third reading) is buried under a tree so as not to cause trouble or other bad consequences.

A love spell for menstruation is used in a situation where it is necessary to intervene in the fate of a person at an energy level. However, interacting with energies is a very fine work. Few of the practicing black magicians manage to do without any side effects caused by such a ritual. We will talk about all the nuances of love spells on monthly blood in this article.

Since ancient times, magic has helped a person in solving various problems. Drought, epidemic, disease are just some of the causes that could be solved using magical rites. From time immemorial, women have used love spells and conspiracies to attract a man they like.

There are different and in strength and purpose magical rites. Some allow a guy to like you, others - push him to a responsible step or return her husband to the family.

Love spell on monthly blood

Love spell for menstruation is one of the most powerful and effective rituals. The binding of the guy is carried out at the physiological level. And since the energy of blood has a huge potential, a strong connection is created between the one who does the ceremony and the man who needs to bewitched. Some magicians attribute this rite to a specific type of damage. The will of even a very strong person breaks down and there is complete submission.

This type of magical effect is very simple to perform, and therefore its popularity is growing. However, before you decide to use this rite, you need to consider all the possible consequences, pros and cons. The love spell begins to act almost immediately after entering the body of a guy. The effect can be seen in a couple of hours, less often - a few days.

As a rule, the impact exerted affects passion, lust, revealing the most hidden desires of a person. Sometimes perverted or sadistic tendencies appear. Even if the girl used to be unpleasant to the young man, everything will change after the ceremony.

The action of magic manifests itself at the level of instincts. However, you need to remember that the spell is only valid for one month, after which the attitude towards you can change dramatically.

The most important point before the final choice of a magical rite to bewitch a guy is to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences of a love spell. This rite belongs to the category of very strong rituals. But this power also has a downside, which is expressed in consequences and side effects.

Let's consider them in order:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
    This is the smallest problem that can happen to a man immediately after your blood enters his body. As a rule, malaise, nausea, and less often vomiting occur immediately. If your young man has chronic diseases associated with digestion, then it is better to choose a different ritual. Since the guy can have a serious exacerbation.
  • Problems with the genitourinary system
    A very unpleasant consequence can be impotence, in the case when the love spell is done several times.
  • Alcoholism
    If your boyfriend has a strong and strong-willed character, then the effect of magic can cause such side effects as alcoholism.
  • Increased aggressiveness
    If you succeed in bewitching a guy, then his character can change for the worse. Possible manifestations of aggression, rudeness and assault. These are just some of the side effects of a magical rite using blood.
  • Suppression of the will
    It often happens that a woman is in love with a strong and strong-willed man, and after the binding is made, the guy changes. Instead of a decisive person, you have an insecure and lack of initiative weakling, for whom you have to decide and do everything.
  • Back kick
    If you decide to rollback this rite, then the consequences may affect both you and the guy. The consequences are expressed in this case in problems with the genitourinary system. In some cases, this is premature aging, severe illness and the inability to procreate.

Only after familiarizing yourself with all the consequences and weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide whether or not to do a love spell. Remember that you can bewitch a man in different ways, and you should resort to this type of love spells only as a last resort.

Love spell on bread

Even our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers used magical rites with menstrual blood. One of the most ancient rituals to bewitch a man is a love spell on a bread cake.

It is done in the following way. A thing stained with menstrual blood is rinsed in water. And from this water later a bread cake is made. The beloved must then completely eat this cake.

It is advisable to do this love spell only once and use the blood taken on the second or third day of menstruation. You can bewitch a man using a love spell for menstruation very quickly. The result will be noticeable immediately after he eats the cake.

Love spell on wine

To make a guy fall in love with you, you can use a love spell with blood and wine. For its color and consistency, wine is considered an ideal drink for use in magic.

To do this, add blood to a glass of wine with the words:

“As the blood was in me, so are you now with me!

After reading the plot, the beloved must drink a drink. You can use another drink, but give preference to something not very alcoholic. Beer, champagne, liquor will do.

In order to bewitch a guy, your thoughts must be pure, without a desire to take revenge or harm. Tune in to a wave of happiness and everything will definitely work out.

Spell for menstruation on food

This love spell will help to return either a husband or a lover. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and cook a delicious dinner, adding menstrual blood to the guy’s favorite dishes. It is collected on the second or third day of menstruation and should be used within the next three days.

So, blood is added to the finished dish with the words:

“My blood, enter the servant of God (name).
Let him burn with love and passion for me as a servant of God (name) and only dream of me.
My word is law!

Feed your man with charmed food and the effect will be noticeable almost immediately. It will turn out to bewitch within a few hours. Please note that the bewitched person should not hate you. Indeed, after a month after the ceremony, all negative feelings can become very aggravated.

Rite of binding

The following love spell has a strong impact on the willpower of a man. The blood collected on the second or third day of menstruation should be added to the man's tea and coffee for three days in a row with the words:

“As soon as you drink my blood, you will immediately give me your will.
Now I'm the only one that matters to you!"

The effect of this rite is expressed in the complete subordination of a man to a woman. To bewitch a guy, you need to strictly follow the instructions and do the ceremony for three days in a row without any passes.

Love spell on blood and sugar

To make this love spell, you will need your menstrual blood (a few drops) and a teaspoon of sugar. Blood is mixed with sugar and at this moment a plot is read:

“Blood and sugar will help me bewitch my beloved, the servant of God (name).
So that he could not live without me, did not dream.

Now you need to add charmed sugar when cooking or in a drink, which the man will then eat or drink. The power of a love spell lies in the contrasting mixing of the properties and characteristics of the components. The result may be noticeable in a few days. The man will wake up feelings for you and will have a passionate desire to be only with you.

Love spell on fabric

This spell for menstruation is done at midnight. For it, you will need the following components: a few drops of menstrual blood, a piece of white cloth and a candle. A piece of cloth stained with your blood must be burned by setting it on fire from a candle.

“As this blood was with me, so now you are also only with me.

The ashes will need to be added a little bit to the man's food during the week. To bewitch a lover, patience is needed, and since both blood and fire were used, the result of the rite will be strong. In addition, the duration of this ritual is not limited to one month.

A love spell for menstruation is a very strong and dangerous rite. In no case do not do it just out of curiosity, as you will not be able to bewitch the guy. You can also harm very seriously both yourself and the young man.

If you responsibly and consciously chose magical rites and rituals, then clearly follow all the instructions. Positive emotions and no doubts - and you will definitely succeed in bewitching your lover.

Girls often experience delays in menstruation, which is bad for their health, because. it plays an important role in the female body, is responsible for the stability of the hormonal background and the ability to bear children. There are conspiracies that can help with various problems of the menstrual cycle.

Rites on the urethra

With a delay in menstruation, a conspiracy on morning urine is a very effective remedy. For this ritual, on the day of the full moon, you need to get up before sunrise and collect the urethra.

We put a glass of urine on the table and begin to whisper ritual words. We whisper 9 times:

“Urine is a urethra, clean and healthy, like well water. As the clear dawn rises, so the blood of menstruation comes. My health is like pure water, my sunrise is sunny, my moon is bloody. As the moon rises, my turn will come, the disease will pass.

The charmed urethra is used as a potion, which is applied to the lower abdomen, a few drops for several days, until the full moon. The potion is used 2 times a day, morning and evening, without rinsing, to allow the skin to soak.

There is another effective ritual for delaying the menstrual cycle.

The call for the long-awaited menstruation should be done at the rising sun, having previously prepared the following attributes:

  • a glass of morning urethra;
  • red ribbon;
  • matches.

In the early morning, having collected the urethra in a container, we dip a red ribbon into it and read the words of the conspiracy:

“The scarlet ribbon was soaked, my blood remained. The scarlet dawn will bring me good news: everything that has lingered in my body will be shed into the light. Amen".

After reading the ritual words, pour out the contents of the glass, and leave the ribbon in the sun. When the tape dries, burn it and blow it in the wind.

Conspiracies from Vanga

To cause monthly blood, you can read a conspiracy from Vanga, which will require faith in what is happening and solitude in the room. Before reading the ritual words, make sure that no one will disturb you. There are several conspiracies.

  1. “The blood boils, the body boils. I call the blood on my little head, spread over the body, do not linger for a long time. Already I was waiting for you, I already called you, called. Come quickly, warm my whole body.

  2. “Female pains, strong pains, come soon. I've already been waiting for you, I've already twisted all over. Come menstruation, come relatives, so that illnesses do not stick, they do not cherish in my body.

  3. “Quietly I repeat the conspiracy, I want to call for menstruation. So that without pain and without illness they would not mock me. Amen".

Prayer for delayed periods

Go to the temple for the morning service, light candles for the health of all relatives. Stand up and pray Words of prayer-address:

“The Most Holy Theotokos, being the Mother of God, I cry out for your help, help me overcome the disease. Give me back my female health, so that I can be a mother, so that I don’t know pain. Holy Parent, take under your protection and help in this difficult matter.

There is another prayer:

“Mother intercessor, with your help and love, I ask you to intercede for me, to help in difficult hours. Get rid of pain and women's hardships. Help restore strength in moments of weakness and exhaustion. Send patience and humility in moments of indisposition, help rid the body of female torment. Amen".

Conspiracies from strong menstruation

A strong conspiracy from heavy periods should be read 7 times a night. Conspiracy words:

“White birch, my sister-girl, it’s a pleasure to look at you. Help me overcome severe blood loss. Take away the redness of my insides, give me the white color of your trunk.

For the next conspiracy, you need to visit the bathhouse in order to perform a ritual conspiracy on your naked body. We read the words of the ritual and do stroking on the stomach:

“A beautiful maiden walked on the sea. She walked on the sea, washed away illnesses with salt. Salt took away all the pain, but the ailment.

Another ritual can be done in the bathroom. For this you need:

  • take a bath of water;
  • prepare a decoction of herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm;
  • lavender oil;
  • need a candle.

In a bath of water, add 2-3 liters of decoction of herbs. Light a candle and add a drop of lavender oil to it. We carry out water procedures for 15-20 minutes, you should relax and think about the good. After the bath, we wipe ourselves with a towel and before going to bed we read the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother water has life-giving powers. A decoction of herbs will soothe my pains, lavender will give solace.

With profuse blood discharge and pain, the following prayer should be read:

“It toils, it hurts both the body and the soul, it torments the disease, it does not allow you to sleep or eat. Get out of your stomach and don't touch me again. Leave with fast rivers, fly away with violent winds. Leave me alone. Amen".

Potion for menstrual pain

Tincture is made during menstruation. For the ritual you will need:

  • lock of hair;
  • nail from the index finger;
  • 0.5 l of ethyl alcohol.

We combine all the ingredients and read the words of the ceremony 3 times:

“With my prayers, with my requests, all the pain will go away, with the help of the potion it will subside.”

The mixture should be infused for a month. It is used for rubbing into the lower abdomen, and you should also wipe your forehead and temples with it to relieve pain syndromes.

conspiracy at a distance

The ritual, so that menstruation goes at a distance, can be performed on the growing moon. A rite at a distance is needed to protect the beloved man and teach the rival a lesson.

To prepare for the ceremony, you need to eat nothing for a day, using only water. At the time of the ceremony, you should be menstruating. In the morning we collect a couple of drops of blood and dilute them with a liter of water. We go into the garden and pour it under the root of the tallest tree, reading the words:

“Your romance is short, but I have love for life. As water pours, sprinkled under the root, so your connection will pour out into nowhere.

Another effective ritual performed at a distance is performed to induce menstruation at a time that suits you in time. The ritual will help delay the days of the cycle for a week. You should drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice every day on an empty stomach and say the words:

“I drink juice, I drive away menstruation. Amen".

Conspiracy for love on menstruation

To conduct a ritual for love during menstruation, you will need:

  • rope;
  • chrysalis;
  • candle;
  • magnet;
  • Red ribbon.
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • pallor of the skin of the face;
  • causeless chills;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • ulcers, warts on the hands.

Recognition of a love spell for menstruation

To recognize that a person has been bewitched, you need to pay attention to his appearance and behavior. Such a person is observed.

This love spell is considered very strong and is often used when all means no longer help.

You should know how to bewitch a man with menstruation correctly, so as not to cause the opposite reaction.

It is important to consider:

  • the rite is not done on the first day of menstruation;
  • one drop of blood is enough;
  • necessarily on the growing moon.

The most powerful rituals with menstruation

There are several basic principles of such a ritual. Either it is dried on menstrual blood, or added to food or drink. In both cases, the action manifests itself instantly, but not as long as other, safer rites.

The ritual with blood itself has a special power, reading certain conspiracies will direct the love spell to a specific action: it will inflame passion, force it to obey, or tie it with invisible ropes.

Another question is whether it is possible to bewitch a man with menstruation for a long time or forever. Magicians say, if you have already decided to take such a step, it is better to perform it once a month. Because it is during this period that the strong initial action decreases and the other side of this love spell appears - aggression or indifference.

However, the menstrual blood that enters the body of a man forever leaves its love effect.

Another way that will cause an instant reaction in a man is to add a piece of sugar with a drop of blood to a hot drink (coffee, tea). You need to prepare such sugar in advance. The blood should be completely absorbed and dry thoroughly.

Sugar should be divided into several small parts and added each time to a cup of drink.

Conspiracy for wine or food

A drop of menstrual blood is added to a bottle of red sweet wine, a spell is read:

“My blood is for you, your passion is for me, you are now only mine, forever!”.

After the man treats himself to wine. The time of day doesn't matter.

Also, during the preparation of dinner, a drop of blood is added in advance. It will be right to add to an already prepared dish. The words can be repeated the same as in the first option. You can come up with something of your own. The call itself is important.

Drying on blood

Buy a white cotton handkerchief in advance, but you will only need to use a small piece. Put one or two drops of blood on the cloth, leave it to dry completely. Then, during the full moon, burn it on a platter. Collect the remaining ashes in a small container and hide it securely.

Now, when you get a chance, just put a small pinch of ash in your man's food or drink.

This method will immediately manifest itself in the changed behavior of a man. He will wake up interest in your person, and quite strong.

If the man is far away or you don’t have to be in the same company, you can make a love spell using a photograph and menstrual blood.

Buy new wax three candles, a white handkerchief or cloth. Prepare everything you need before midnight.

With candles lit, look at the photo, read the plot, drop a few drops of blood on the image of the selected man:

“When my blood dries up, it kindles love in you, you turn away from home, but you fall at my feet.”

Wrap the photograph in a white handkerchief and hide it, along with the candles, in a safe place so that no one can see. After that, wash yourself completely and go to bed. Do not talk to anyone, but think more about the effect of the love spell.

With a drop of blood, mark the bed where the chosen one sleeps, he will have exciting dreams, and in reality he will think about you often.

This is done like this:

  • A drop of menstrual blood is applied to the inside seams of bed linen, so that it is invisible.
  • If your lock, tightly tied with a red silk thread and soaked in blood, is sewn into a pillow, you can be sure that the husband will not look at other women. (The bundle should dry well before doing this).
  • Also, a small bag with grains of wheat and a drop of blood is sewn into the pillow. This ritual is performed on the night of the full moon. Grains are scattered on a dish, mixed with blood, the words are pronounced:

    “As wheat is born, as the earth nourishes, so I will be in your heart forever.”

  • They choose a wild flower, drop a drop of their blood into the middle, dry it in the sun, grind it into a fine powder and put it under the mattress on which the man sleeps.

Ritual for a married man with his ring

There is a proven and powerful way to bewitch a man with menstruation if he is married and wears a ring.

The difficulty is to get his ring for a while. If this succeeds, it is necessary to pass your menstrual blood through the wedding ring of a married man.

For this ceremony, a vial of blood, a clean glass, is prepared in advance. With candles lit, hold the ring over the glass and drip or pour out blood so that it passes inside the ring. Three drops are enough for the love spell to gain strength immediately.

Then the ring is washed, wiped dry and returned to the beloved. After that, he will not be able to be with his wife in the same bed, in the same house.

Simple love spells

Men mark the inner insoles in shoes with a drop of blood, while pronouncing the words:

“My blood is with you, it turns you back, you won’t go astray, you will turn around to me.”

As a man comes into the house, "seal" the door. At the four corners, inconspicuous marks are applied with monthly blood. You can say arbitrary words that now this is your house, you stay here and do not get out.

As a man leaves you, you need to drop a few drops of blood right into his footprints. This will make him come back to you again and again.

They leave imperceptibly a drop of blood on his clothes or an object that he often uses and carries with him. For example - a jacket, a bag, a purse, a case from glasses.

If you take a man's hair, tie it with your own. Mix with three drops of blood, dry, burn to ashes, and then scatter in the wind - a man will become strongly attached, a shadow will follow you.

The consequences of a love spell on menstrual blood

Despite the power of the love spell, and the man's ardent desire to be with you after that, these actions break him internally. Every girl should know if she decides to bewitch a man with menstruation, the consequences will not be long in coming. Moreover, that only a few strong sorcerers can remove such a love spell.

Many magicians do not advise to carry out such actions and do not undertake themselves. How long the effect of passionate love will last depends both on the energy of the woman and on the strength of the spiritual state of the man.

Real repeated cases show that one of the main side effects of such a love spell is a man's alcoholism. He becomes withdrawn, depressed and aggressive. The taste for life is lost, he feels like a weak-willed and worthless person. He is haunted by failures, all plans are crumbling.

A woman, seeing such a turn, is disappointed. Passion fades into the background, quarrels and scandals often occur in the house.

A man really cannot leave this woman after such a love spell. But life together does not bring joy. Sometimes everything ends tragically.

A girl should think before turning to magical powers for such help. Does she need this man so much that she is ready to sacrifice her health and fate for the sake of short happiness and passionate nights of love.

Today we will talk about such an important detail in practice, is it possible to correctly make a love spell at home. Knowledge and observance of the rules is necessary for becoming a sorcerer, and this is what will ensure the effectiveness of your work. There is an opinion that real magic happens under the cover of darkness. And, is it possible to do a love spell during the day? And is it permissible to do a love spell on the very days when menstruation occurs?

You will find answers to these and other questions in this material. It is necessary to work in accordance with the basic principles of love magic. So read the rules when you can do a love spell and love spells.

Is it possible to make a love spell for a man on a waning moon?

All the work of a warlock consists of a huge number of rules and nuances. And this is not at all what you can see on refined sites for housewives, where they are looking for advice on how to return their beloved spouse with the help of magic, and quickly, and is it possible to do a home love spell on a husband so that he does not cheat and always love only his wife. Practical magic is not easy. And the further you enter this world, the more your consciousness will expand, you will learn to see and understand the amazing relationships and invisible threads of esotericism that hold together all the objects of this world.

Working with a specific person, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, do everything in a complex and in order. This approach provides high performance. Before conducting the correct love spell for a man, strong magicians use such a thing as suppressing the will of the person in respect of whom work is being done. If necessary, I’m a magician Sergey Artgrom, I’ll help you for free, look at the page for more details, but it’s better to read this article to the end first.

Love spells for a man, this category is carried out on the waning moon. You can do this immediately, as soon as the moon began to wane. Then they choose the optimal day for a quarrel between a man and his other half (wife, mistress, bride), and for any rituals of lapel magic. Is it possible to do a love spell without suppression and quarrels? Theoretically, it is possible, but how such a magical love spell will fall on a loved one, and whether it will fall at all, is a big question.

Most magic love spells for love are done on their own on the growing moon - whether they relate to cemetery work, work with demons, or are they spontaneous rites, or white ways to bewitch your loved one. They are aimed at a person's desire for sensual love, passion, longing, marriage. Love potions are made on the growing moon, verbal love spells work well.

Beginners ask if it is possible to make a love spell on a guy on a full moon?

The full moon is the most favorable day for starting a new business and love magic. Competently made proven love spells for a man's love lie down quickly and evenly, showing the best results.

But, is it possible to do a love spell on the waning moon?

It is possible, they do, but much less frequently. And more - for the sake of punishment and revenge, and not for a happy relationship. The energy of the waning moon has different characteristics, and they do not coincide with the energy of the young moon. An effective love spell on lovers, made in the waning phase of the moon, kindles a dark passion, inflames lust. They do it on the waning moon, therefore the strongest love spell of a man will fall into corruption. If a beginner in magic wants to bewitch someone, but does not know whether it is possible to do a love spell today, he needs to familiarize himself in detail with the characteristics of the lunar day. And many questions will disappear by themselves. And I will complete the theme of the waning moon with the new moon.

Can I tell you if you can do a love spell on a new moon?

Before answering the question of whether it is possible to make an effective love spell with a new moon, let's figure out what a new moon is? This is the time of the influence of aggressive energies. If they do a home love spell on the new moon, it is only aimed at revenge, and not love.

New Moon Day is the 29th lunar day. This is a satanic day, the hardest, carrying the most destructive energies of the entire lunar cycle. The forces of Darkness manifest their influence in the most gloomy, crushing aspect. Beginners on this day should not make independent love spells for the true love of a man. But for experienced warlocks, this is a long-awaited day. The day when people feel the pressure of the gloomy energies of icy Saturn and martial Mars. On the new moon, disastrous damage, revenge, attacks and curses are done, luck and health are taken away.

Is it possible to do several love spells for one person at once?

The rules of love magic are universal. Regardless of who you dare to bewitch to yourself - whether a man or a woman, the principles of work are unchanged.

Is it possible to do two love spells at once in one lunar cycle?

Actually, there is no strict ban on conducting a very strong love spell at home in one lunar cycle, but this is still undesirable. For example, you did a rite through a cemetery. As you know, black love spells on necroenergy unwind slowly, and sometimes it will take more than one lunar cycle to see the result.

In order not to waste time, to strengthen the magical influence of a love spell, and to push a loved one to action, you can include a black love spell in the complex. Very powerful love spells for a guy's love through demons unwind quite quickly, in the classic version - within one lunar cycle. But, to hang on a man one love spell 100% working, after another there is no point - not a Christmas tree. They made a grave love spell for a married man, wait for the cycle, and for the next growth, do a black love spell for strong love.

Is it possible to do independent love spells on different men?

Certainly. If you have enough strength and skill to influence two or more men, do it. But, at the same time, correctly form work packages and do not lump everything together.

Such intensive work on conducting strong love spells on men is good for gaining experience and communication with the Forces. Analyze the results, keep a diary. This will help a lot in the future.

For magicians who have been engaged in the magical craft for a long time, is it possible to make love spells for different men - it’s not a question at all. If there is an objective need for this, then it is possible. By the time your object is ready for a love spell, you should already know exactly what exactly you want to achieve from the bewitched person, what should be the behavior and expected reaction of the victim. And, accordingly, they must decide which particular love spell will be applied by you.

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What day can you do a love spell - the rules of Saturday and Sunday

Is it possible make a spell on sunday is also one of the most frequently asked questions. If the ceremony is one-day, Sundays are best avoided. Make a magical binding on the most appropriate male or female day, depending on what gender your subject is. On Sunday, work can be done if you have chosen the strongest multi-day love spell for the love of a married guy, and you can’t miss this day.

Is it possible to do a free love spell on Saturday?

But what to do if, guided by the lunar characteristics, you choose a day, and this day is Saturday? It's women's day. If your object is a woman, feel free to do witchcraft - the love spell will lie better and unwind faster. Now it's time to say a few words about the time when magic rituals are done.

And a very topical question - is it possible to do a love spell during the day?

There are many love spells, home love spells and love spells, which, according to the condition, the magician must carry out in the dark. First of all, this concerns the strongest love spells of black magic, most of which are done at the dead of midnight - from 00.00 to 03.00 hours. This is the time of the Dark Spirits, when their influence and power are most powerful. However, it is not forbidden to work with demons (if the connection is good) immediately after dark, but they carry the ransom to the crossroads just after midnight.

As for the cemetery ways to bewitch a lover, there are many options - in the morning, afternoon, evening, at sunset and at night. In the ritual part, if the rite is really real, the time is always indicated. Is it possible to do during the day:

  • white,
  • sinless spells,
  • as well as independent conspiracies to harmonize relations between husband and wife?

Undoubtedly. And there are a lot of similar day job recipes.

Is it possible to do a love spell during menstruation

Monthly blood is a natural phenomenon necessary for the female body. During menstruation, a woman is cleansed. And not only on the physical plane, bad energy comes out. But, an effective love spell must come from an operator with a clean body, spirit and consciousness.

A very strong love spell during menstruation can be done if its purpose is not actually connected with love. It all depends on the goal and the chosen method of magic love spell on a guy. In general, it is for these days that dedicated masters have created very strong love spells to attract a lover.

The question of whether it is possible to do a love spell yourself when menstruation is coming can be answered in different ways. Depending on who is interested. If asked, the answer is more “no” than “yes”. Communication with the Dark Spirits goes through the blood. During menstruation, a woman is like an open door for entities of another world, invisible, uninvited, greedy for blood and very hungry. Girls should not roam around cemeteries and crossroads these days.

If an independent love spell is chosen for a guy at home, associated with feeding a beloved man for monthly blood, without invoking Dark Spirits, even a novice witch can do this. Observing safety rules, of course.

Is it possible to do a love spell on your own during menstruation? For a witch with many years of practice, there is no dilemma. If a ceremony needs to be done these days, she will do it. After all, that’s what protections are for, so as not to grab the return line. Or not to pick up a harmful being, not to return home with an otherworldly settler. Yes, and there is a sense to understand what is permissible to do and what is better to refrain from.

And therefore, on the topic of whether it is possible to make a lapel after a love spell, I think it is worth saying the following. If you find out that, and seeks to influence your man with a real love spell, first clean him properly, remove the eternal love spell from his consciousness, and only then make a lapel from your rival.

You can not impose a lapel on a real love spell if both programs are aimed at the same woman. At best, the man will get a nervous breakdown. And then, and something worse. This advice is for smart wives who know their own worth and do not panic at any sneeze.

Another situation. You want to bewitch a married man from a strong family, and you work in a complex. You weaken and suppress the guy, in parallel with quarrels and colds, you influence his wife, relations between spouses and the home atmosphere in general. And, finally, having chosen the optimal moment, independently make a reliable love spell for the love of a married man. Is it possible in this case to make a lapel after a homemade love spell for a guy? It is possible, because with an independent lapel you further alienate your wife from her husband, and with a true love spell you attach him to yourself.