
Features of interior decoration of wooden houses. Finishing of wooden houses - features of work and examples of design Types of wall finishes in a wooden house

A lot of materials are used for construction, but residential buildings erected from wood do not cease to be popular. The atmosphere in a wooden house is characterized by positive energy and comfort. However, the interior decoration of a wooden house is accompanied by many nuances.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Start of finishing works

It should be noted right away that it is not worth starting finishing work from the inside of the house, immediately after its construction. A structure made of wood should stand for some time and shrink. For houses built from laminated veneer lumber, this period is about a month. Other wooden houses must be at least ten months old before starting work. The exact dates are determined based on the moisture content of the material, the climatic conditions of the region and the season. During this time, the wood used as construction material dries up. Accordingly, the timber or logs decrease in size, and at the same time the insulation laid between the rows of the log house is compressed. Premature start of finishing work in a wooden house will lead to the fact that the cladding will be skewed or not adhered to the wall at all. In other words, haste to decorate a wooden house will lead to additional costs of time and money.

The crowns of the log house and their tightness

To ensure the tightness of the wooden walls of the house, you can use tow; moss is sometimes used as a jute material. The process of sealing the gaps between the crowns of a log house is called caulking. As a rule, caulk the log house in two approaches. The first time this happens 1-1.5 months after the completion of construction, and the second after 6-8 months. The cracks between the rows of timber or logs are caulked immediately from the outside and from the inside. Otherwise, the structure may skew. Therefore, in the process, caulkers move along the walls of the house and seal them alternately on both sides. Caulking starts from the lowest rims.

It is worth noting that the log house after caulking becomes 5-7 centimeters higher. Then, the severity of the walls of the log house makes itself felt and it sinks. As a result, the insulation laid between the rows of timber or logs reliably seals the walls. The temperature in the house depends on the quality of these works. In addition to preserving heat, the second caulk allows you to eliminate small distortions that have arisen during the upsetting of the log house.

The interior decoration of the walls begins only after they are finally caulked, and the house itself has settled. The shrinkage process of the structure is checked using control measurements of the height of the walls. A wooden house is considered ready for interior decoration if, after the second caulking, the height of its walls has not changed in 90 days.

Sanding walls inside a wooden house

In some cases, finishing work inside a wooden house is not required. This is true for houses built from high-quality materials and, as a result, have a pleasant appearance, both outside and inside. In this case, you can significantly save money. It is enough to polish and paint the walls of such a house. A varnish is best used to protect the floor from abrasion. Walls and ceilings can be treated with special water-based paints and antiseptics. The surfaces treated by them will not lose their natural appearance, but on the contrary, the texture of the wooden walls will become more expressive. The use of antiseptics is necessary in any case, if, of course, you want to maintain a pleasant external design of wooden walls.

The seam from the caulking, between the rows of beams or logs, can spoil the impression of any wooden walls. Therefore, in order to refine such a seam, a twisted cord is used. It not only acts as a decorative decoration, but also additionally protects the premises from drafts.

Lathing and its meaning in the interior decoration of a wooden house

The walls of some houses will no longer benefit from sanding, this applies to excessively old or crooked buildings. For the interior decoration of such houses, options such as plasterboard products, wall paneling, decorative panels, etc. are used.

Installation of any such finishing material involves the use of a frame or lathing, which will level the curvature of the walls. In addition, the presence of the crate will allow the air to circulate freely. For a wooden structure, this is an important factor. As a result of the natural movement of air, the material of the walls will not change color and will not rot. only dry wood is not subject to these processes. The circulating air between the walls and the finishing materials will keep the wood of the walls in good condition.

The distance between the wall and the finish is also used for laying cables and wires of various communications: electricity or household appliances. By the way, electrical wiring in wooden houses should be installed only in pipes made of non-combustible material (corrugated stainless steel pipes are the most common). If necessary, a material providing thermal insulation is laid in the gap provided with a crate. However, if the house is kept at a comfortable temperature, no additional materials should be used. The tree itself does a wonderful job of maintaining the right humidity in the room and unnecessary materials can do harm, not benefit.

However, fixing the finishing materials to the crate has its drawbacks. For example, if insects or rodents appear between the wall and the cladding, it will be quite difficult to eliminate them. However, before attaching the finishing materials to the wall, it will need to be leveled. A completely flat surface of wooden walls can be difficult to achieve, but with the right approach, it is quite possible. In order to close the gaps and gaps remaining between the wall and the cladding, special mastics are used. Once, instead of them, clay was used, but in some places it is still used.

Regardless of the finishing materials, it is necessary that a gap of at least 20-40 millimeters remains between the cladding and the ceiling. This will play the role of insurance in case of additional shrinkage of the new house. For an older building, the gap will compensate for changes in the wooden walls. A material such as wood "breathes" its entire service life. Accordingly, it changes: it swells, having collected water, or dries up. A gap left under the ceiling in time will allow leaving the metamorphosis of wood walls without consequences for the facing materials. The lack of such a precaution is fraught with deformation or cracks for finishing materials. In order for the gap not to stand out against the general background, a ceiling plinth is used, it is rigidly fixed only to the ceiling.

Lining for interior decoration of a wooden house

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of cladding materials for interior decoration. However, to decorate a wooden house, they often resort to clapboard. It allows you to preserve the overall style and atmosphere of a wooden building. Such material can be used both for external decoration and for internal decoration (only the methods of their processing differ). The lining is of various types. Moreover, we are not talking about the tree from which it is made and not about its size. The lining profile, depending on the wishes of the customer, can be modified. Distinguish between wavy or even design of the material, as well as imitation of a bar or log (block house).

To decorate the walls inside a wooden house, lining 15-20 millimeters thick is used. Its cost is less than that of thicker counterparts, but such a material fulfills its tasks. You can arrange the lining boards in any order: horizontally, vertically, at an angle. Owners of remarkable patience and hard work are able to create whole pictures from the lining.

When fixing the lining on the crate or on the walls, do not forget about the possible shrinkage of the house. To compensate for possible changes in the wooden walls, leave a gap of 20-40 millimeters near the floor and ceiling.

Decorative wall panels

Often, decorative panels are used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. There are claddings made of different materials and imitating a variety of surfaces:

  • MDF panels (veneered or laminated).
  • Glass panels: smooth, corrugated, colored, matte, transparent.
  • Polymer panels.
  • Wood or bamboo panels.
  • Leather panels.

The panels also differ in size, they are produced in the form of rails, assembled together or immediately in the form of a shield (sizes vary). The lining, by the way, is the same panels, but it stands apart because this material was used for finishing works long before the appearance of other similar products.

Decorative panels are fixed to the wall, usually with a lathing. The thickness and location of the bars, which depends on the type and size of the selected decorative panels. This finishing material is popular with designers and homeowners because the abundance of colors, sizes and materials allows for unusual, memorable interiors. Decorative panels also differ in price. For example, panels made of polymers and MDF are significantly cheaper than leather goods.

Some types of panels are mounted only with glue (plaster products), therefore, to fix them on the crate, they resort to additional gypsum fiber board or plywood. These are called backing panels and are attached to the battens in the first place. The main cladding panels are already glued to them.

Drywall in a wooden house

The interior decoration of the walls with plasterboard is no different from the decoration of premises from another material. Drywall is attached to a pre-assembled frame. True, as in other cases, it is necessary to leave a safety gap.

The main condition under which plasterboard wall decoration is allowed is the operation of the house for several years, i.e. the house must be warmed up and give final shrinkage. This is due to the fact that drywall is fragile, and with significant changes in the geometry of the walls, it will become unusable. It is possible to ignore such metamorphoses of wall surfaces if the frame is movable. For this, its profiles are not fixed too rigidly to the walls.

When decorating walls with plasterboard, there is one more nuance: all docking joints and seams, as well as in the corners, it is necessary to use a reinforcing mesh. The use of such a mesh will prevent or slow down the occurrence of cracks in problem areas.

Interior decoration of an old house made of wood

If the age of the wooden house in which the finishing works are planned is several decades, then the first step is to assess the safety of the wood. To do this, you will need to dismantle the entire old cladding. After that, carefully consider all the places that differ from the general background of the wall surface in color or texture of the picture. If necessary, suspicious areas should be checked by trying to damage them with a knife, screwdriver or chisel. If the tree everywhere has a dense structure and has no signs of mold or mildew, then you can start finishing work. In some cases, it is recommended to treat the wood with special impregnations. When applying them, remember that such impregnations are based on chemical elements.

However, if the material of the walls crumbles from mechanical stress, then it is necessary to identify the causes of the destruction. The most likely options are the appearance of insects, mold and other microorganisms. Sometimes, a third-party specialist is invited to determine the methods of treatment for the infected section of the wall. Damaged sections of wooden walls must be dismantled and replaced; the areas adjacent to these elements will need to be intensively treated with special compounds.

After assessing the condition of the walls of the old house, and carried out, if necessary, repairs, you can proceed to the interior decoration. The work on the decoration of the premises of the old wooden house is carried out in the same order as described above. The only difference is that the safety gap should not be left.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is one of the integral components of construction work. The installation of internal surfaces is important not only from a practical point of view, but also for the entire design of the room. If you have certain skills, it is quite possible to carry out all the work with your own hands.

Features of finishing wooden surfaces are associated with the nature of the material itself: along with the unconditional environmental value, the ability to store heat, wood is highly susceptible to decay processes. It is negatively affected by temperature extremes, exposure to moisture and the activity of various microorganisms. All this is important to consider before starting the interior decoration of a wooden house.

The whole finishing process can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Wall decoration - wood processing, removal of all cracks, irregularities and cladding.
  • Finishing the ceiling of the house.
  • Finishing the flooring.
  • Creation of the interior design of the premises.

Each stage will be considered in detail and provided with examples of ready-made solutions and step-by-step instructions for work.

Decorating the walls of a wooden house: step by step instructions

Walls are one of the main sources of heat loss (up to 30% of the total). Accordingly, it is important not only to process the wooden floors themselves well, but also to install a layer of insulation, which is optimal for this case.

Treatment of wood material with an antiseptic

Before carrying out all the main work, it is important to carefully treat all internal and external wooden surfaces with a special antiseptic.

An antiseptic is a liquid agent that performs several functions at once:

  • water-repellent properties help to protect the wood wall from moisture, which penetrates with precipitation, as well as from the air; this is especially true in coastal regions with a humid climate;
  • protection against temperature extremes by creating an additional layer;
  • protection against the action of microorganisms (mold, bacteria) due to disinfecting properties;
  • additional protection against combustion (some products include special fire-fighting components);
  • many antiseptics include various pigments, due to which the surface acquires a beautiful color after processing.

There are a lot of options for all kinds of antiseptics on the market, and in principle they can be divided into several groups:

  • Manufactured on a water basis, they are mainly used for interior work, provided that there is no constant contact of wood with moisture.
  • On the basis of organic solvents, they are used both in external and internal works: they form a dense layer that does not allow moisture to pass through and has a detrimental effect on bacteria.
  • Combined ones include fire-fighting components represented by special substances.

The treatment solution can be cancer, paint, primer, and other agents. A description of their purpose and advantages are presented in the table.

scuba diving
prevent the development of bacteria and mold;
colorless; do not give off odors, therefore they can be used indoors
varnishes for wood

well protect from moisture due to the creation of a dense layer
they penetrate very deeply into the thickness of the wood, ensuring the protection of the inner layers; do not emit strong odors, can be used indoors
are used both as an independent agent and as an auxiliary one after processing with the main composition; paint wood in different colors
antiseptic primers
universal products that are applied directly to raw wood

viscous materials that are applied to prevent swelling and mechanical damage to wood

In more detail about the rules for choosing a wood preservative:

An antiseptic is applied using a regular paint brush or spray, if the volume of work is quite large. When working with organic materials, it is best to wear safety glasses and a bandage.

In this case, you should take into account a few simple rules:

  • Before applying the product, you should wipe the wood from dirt or mechanical deposits - but this is done not with water, but with a scraper and dry cloths.
  • Processing goes from bottom to top (so that the product does not drip onto your hands).
  • First of all, it is necessary to process non-uniform surfaces - with knots, cracks, as well as sections of cuts and ends of beams.
  • Processing is carried out at a temperature not lower than + 10 ° C in dry weather (humidity should be no more than 75%).
  • After processing, you need to leave the room to ventilate for at least 12 hours.

NOTE. Do not impregnate with an antiseptic if the wood is very damp or cold, since in this case it will not be able to saturate the material sufficiently.

Slit finishing

The next important stage in the interior decoration of a wooden house is sealing the cracks to ensure the complete tightness of the room.

You can choose different materials for this work:

  • artificial polymer products: sealants, resins, polyurethane foam;
  • traditional - flax, tow, moss;
  • the most affordable option is a mixture of sawdust, shavings, wood dust with wood glue.

According to the technology of work, there are 2 finishing methods:

  • Into a set - the material is first twisted into strips, then they are inserted into the slots and driven in.
  • In a stretch - first, the cracks are filled with material, and then they are twisted and driven in.

The caulking technology is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • The wall is cleaned of all irregularities, small protruding chips, fasteners using a grinder (this is done even at the stage of antiseptic processing).
  • Further, the material is inserted along the borders of the beams and hammered.
  • The cracks are caulked with finer material, often with a sealant or polyurethane foam.

Video - technology in action

You can also perform the so-called decorative caulking. It is more accurate and performed in new log houses, which are expected to undergo major renovations to create a beautiful interior. The technology is as follows:

NOTE. It is advisable to carry out such work immediately after the end of construction, since wooden beams give strong shrinkage in the first year.

Sheathing and wall insulation in a wooden house

This is the most time-consuming and very crucial stage, since its ability to keep the temperature in winter and how neat the appearance of the walls will be depends on the quality of insulation and decoration of the room.

The sequence of works is carried out according to the following technology:

  • Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  • Installation of a layer of insulation on a wooden or profiled frame.
  • Installation of a protective layer from the wind.
  • Interior surface finishing (block house, lining, drywall).

The corresponding sectional diagram of the wall is shown in the figure.

Vapor barrier

The following materials are used as vapor barrier (waterproofing) materials:

  • polyethylene;
  • special mastics;
  • membrane-based films are the best option, since they are capable of retaining moisture, but at the same time they allow air to pass well, due to which conditions are created in the house for normal year-round ventilation.

Insulation layer

Insulation materials are most often mounted on a wooden frame or metal (aluminum profiles).

Schematically, the methods of fastening the insulation with the help of wooden beams are shown in the figure.

In the southern regions, it is possible not to use insulation, since wood itself stores heat enough. However, in most cases, the installation of such a layer is an absolutely integral part of the work on the interior decoration of the wall of a wooden house.

There are several popular insulation materials:

Video: Wall insulation technology using mineral wool and wooden profiles

Internal surface finish

Among the most popular materials that form the basis of interior wall decoration in a wooden house, the following stand out:

  • drywall;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Drywall is a material that will provide a smooth inner surface, the ability to glue wallpaper or PVC panels to create a beautiful interior.

The undoubted advantages of this material include the following:

  • it has high thermal insulation properties, which is especially important for regions with a Siberian, northern climate;
  • drywall is a very malleable material, respectively, it is easy to work with it; in addition, you can provide almost any bends that will hide the irregularities of the main wall and create the basis for the original design of the house;
  • moisture resistance - many types of this material have similar properties.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • fragility - you need to work carefully; in addition, when the house subsides, the sheet can often crack and tear the wallpaper or other finishing materials;
  • drywall strongly retains moisture and does not allow the walls to "breathe";
  • the material does not effectively protect the house from outside noise.

NOTE. Drywall does not hold well any weights that are supposed to be kept suspended (shelves). Therefore, if you choose it for decoration, you should think in advance about all the features of the interior interior and decide in advance on places for shelves, niches, etc.

Drywall comes in very handy when you need to make a false wall to create another small room. It is mounted very simply - on the basis of aluminum profiles.

Another popular material for interior decoration of the walls of a wooden house is lining.

It is the most environmentally friendly material, and at the same time, it is very affordable. The lining has other obvious advantages:

  • it looks very beautiful and allows you to create an interesting interior interior;
  • working with the lining is very simple - just treat the wood with wood stain and fix it on the pre-installed wooden profiles;
  • the material is not capricious in care - it is easy to clean and has enough resistance to mechanical stress;
  • perfectly "breathes" and does not clog the air of the room with artificial odors;
  • the surface of the wall is neat, smooth, so you can start gluing wallpaper or installing PVC panels.

The only significant disadvantage of the lining is its rotting ability and high flammability. However, processing with the previously considered means significantly reduces such risks.

Solid pine clapboard

And another interesting material that has appeared relatively recently is block house. Basically it is a wooden board that has two different surfaces:

  • front - convex, creating the effect of a log wall;
  • the back is flat.

Since the material is woody, it has about the same pros and cons. However, it is distinguished by its great visual appeal - in fact, it already creates a unique country-style design by itself, which can be preserved in its original form.

Internal installation technology - on video.

Finishing the ceiling of a wooden house from the inside

Finishing work to insulate the inner surface of the ceiling and make it look attractive is a very important stage, since heat loss through the roof is no less than through the walls (all the heat rises up).

In addition, it is important to ensure that the roof is completely watertight. If it is planned to equip a living room (attic) in the attic, accordingly, sufficient sound insulation and the strength of the floor should be provided.

Most often, environmentally friendly wood materials are selected for these purposes. They create pleasant, clean air at home, moreover, on their basis, you can create a lot of design options for every taste.


The use of wood cladding is the most natural and logical option in the case of interior decoration of a house made of wood. The material options are as follows (in order of increasing their service life):

  • plywood;
  • lining;
  • conifers (spruce, pine, larch and others);
  • more expensive arrays (beech, bast, ash, birch).

Structurally, there are 2 technologies:

The finishing methods are very simple, while the possibility of attaching them to the supporting beams allows you to complete all the work quite quickly. Some design options are presented in the video.

other methods

Of course, along with wood materials, there are other technologies for manufacturing the inner surface of the ceiling in a wooden house. The most common option is to create a stretch ceiling.

Along with the obvious advantages in terms of the possibility of creating your own design and high operational durability of the material, in the case of wooden houses, there are significant disadvantages:

  • stretch ceilings do not allow air to pass through, respectively, to some extent a greenhouse effect is created;
  • profiles from stretch ceilings together with the canvas may deform somewhat as a result of the house subsidence.

NOTE. This problem is most likely for old houses with worn out foundations and roofs, as well as for newly built structures, which will inevitably shrink during the first years.

Finishing the flooring in a wooden house

The final stage of finishing work is associated with insulation and flooring of the floor surface.

In general, its structure does not fundamentally differ from the wall - it also contains insulation, a layer of waterproofing and the actual finishing material.

Several important requirements are imposed on the floor at once:

  • he must constantly withstand heavy loads;
  • keep the house warm;
  • be perfectly flat;
  • resistant to decay and mechanical damage.

Wooden floor

Structurally, the floor can be made in two ways:

  • wooden supporting beams with flooring;
  • concrete floor with wood decking.

Both options have their pros and cons, and you need to choose based on the specific object. Concrete is durable, tightly blocks the access of insects and rodents to the house, moreover, it is very durable to prolonged mechanical stress and is not subject to decay.

At the same time, wood is not so durable, but it is warmer and does not heat the house in hot weather. The best option in many cases is a concrete floor with a thick insulation layer and wooden flooring. In this case, an extremely reliable design with additional thermal insulation properties is obtained.

The installation technology of a wooden floor is simple:

NOTE. If the floor is mounted on the basis of wooden beams, then special attention should be paid to their treatment with an antiseptic. It is better to do several approaches of 2-3 layers.

Concrete floor

In the case of the construction of a concrete floor, the material is poured in two options:

  • directly on the ground (a pre-dug pit is reinforced with a layer of sand, crushed stone and gravel to provide additional protection and drainage);
  • between the wooden joists passing under the house.

The concrete is reinforced, after which a layer of waterproofing is required, and then a wooden floor is laid using the same technology.

Interior design in a wooden house

The interior decoration of a wooden house should be carried out with preliminary design planning. Conventionally, 2 groups of design can be distinguished:

  • "Urban" - when ordinary wallpaper is glued to the inner finishing layer or PVC or MDF panels are mounted, in which case the interior is no different from an ordinary city apartment.
  • Country - stylized for a natural, rustic look with classic light and dark brown warm tones. In this case, the finishing material itself (especially a block house or wall paneling) serves as the basis for the design.

The use of country music is especially successful in the case of spacious rooms with 2 or more floors, spacious living rooms, since a wood wall creates the effect of space and provides fresh air due to the characteristics of the material.

Light colors are perfect for a bedroom or children's room.

In the kitchen, warm, rich colors are appropriate, which create a cozy atmosphere for pleasant family evenings.

The wood surface is a versatile design element, as it also fits perfectly in rooms such as a bathtub.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is a work that is quite realistic to carry out on your own. It is only important to think over all the details in advance and take into account both the design features, the quality of the material, and its design capabilities.

Wooden houses themselves look representative. From the point of view of keeping warm, they do not need interior decoration. But not everyone likes the yellow-brown monotony in the interior of the house. Fortunately, the construction market offers many materials for interior decoration of a house from a bar - you just need to spend some time studying the issue and you will definitely choose the right option for yourself.

Log house in modern design

Features of wooden houses

The interior decoration of a house from a bar does not fundamentally differ from a brick or block frame. You just need to take into account a few features:

  • complete shrinkage of the log house lasts several years;
  • over time, the gaps between the bars expand;
  • the tree requires mandatory protection from moisture.

Because of such nuances, it is impossible to rush to the beginning of the interior decoration, otherwise cracks will go along the walls and ceiling. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to cover the wood with a protective varnish in the first year after the construction of the frame.

Builders are advised to adhere to a certain order when decorating a wooden house:

  • Laying utilities over the subfloor
  • Main floor covering
  • Timber processing (filling cracks, filling, applying an antiseptic, decorative finishing)
  • Ceiling decoration (filling and varnishing beams, installation of topcoats)

Plus glued laminated timber - it shrinks less than other types of wood

In a new house, it is better to leave the original appearance of the timber - eco-friendly, natural, even. And if the log house has stood for several decades, then it is advisable to close it from the inside with modern finishing materials, since it will be difficult and expensive to restore the appearance of the tree.

Types of interior decoration

Glued laminated timber does not need additional cladding. It looks perfect even without varnishing. If the walls are made of profiled wood, you will have to think about finishing.

Protective impregnation of wood is needed in any case. It creates a barrier against mold, mildew, moisture and even fire. Can lighten or leave the color of the surface unchanged.

Low-quality profiled timber can be easily hidden under panels that imitate natural wood from lining, block house or siding - so the house inside will not only support eco-style, but also become warmer.

It is also possible to create a modern interior in a wooden cottage. The timber can be easily sheathed with plasterboard or OSB panels, painted, pasted over with wallpaper, and overlaid with artificial stone. And hide the electrical wiring inside.

Imitation of real timber in the living room

Floor installation

Before starting finishing work, be sure to think over the design of the house from a bar: the interior decoration of the house directly depends on the project. Based on it, the cost estimate is calculated.

A bona fide construction company has specialists in 3D interior design, estimates, and experienced installers. They will quickly and efficiently fulfill all your wishes, making your dreams come true.

Installation starts from the subfloor. Regardless of the chosen finishing materials, the surface of the log is first treated with a protective impregnation from moisture. Insulation (mineral wool or foam) is laid between them. Then a chipboard or OSB board substrate is attached. And a finishing coating is already being laid on top of it. It can be natural board, linoleum, laminate, parquet or artificial stone.

An additional plus! Double flooring will help keep your home warm.

Popular flooring

In a wooden cottage, the floor is often laid with a planed grooved board made of pine or spruce. It is not demanding to care for; it retains its original appearance for several decades. And when it darkens, you just need to sand the top layer and re-coat with a protective compound.

Grooved board without varnish

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

The only contraindication is the underfloor heating device. This is fire hazardous and impractical, because most of the energy will be spent on heating the tree.

Laminate and parquet flooring conduct heat well. These coverings are similar in appearance to a plank floor, only with a more interesting pattern. You can create an original pattern from parquet planks. And the laminate is strong enough, does not squeeze from heels and furniture legs. Imitates different types of wood, metal and stone.

Laminate with imitation stone in a wooden house

Artificial stone on the floor ennobles the interior. It is best to install this material in a bathroom, hallway or kitchen. To keep your feet warm, a heating system is needed. The main advantage of a stone floor is its durability and unique pattern. This floor design requires plaster and stone on the walls and ceiling.

Artificial stone on the floor looks luxurious

Linoleum is the most budgetary wood imitation. Its service life is no more than 10 years, therefore it is more often laid as a temporary coating.

Wall decoration

Wooden walls are first impregnated with an antiseptic, and then treated with varnish, paint, mastic or oil. Choose a solution based on the expected effect. If you need a tinted matte surface, then mastic or acrylic paint is suitable. For an elegant gloss, the timber is coated with oil or varnish. The texture of the wood does not change from such solutions, but moisture is not terrible in the coming years. The wax-based mastic has a porous structure that allows air to pass through, and the oil gives a beautiful golden sheen.

When the impregnation has dried, the interior decoration of the house from profiled timber begins. For the lining you need a wooden crate. Steam and heat insulating sheets are placed in the spaces between the slats. The planks themselves are nailed to the slats along the edges. And they are connected to each other using grooves. The lining can be positioned vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If you combine these methods, you get a unique pattern.

Lining on the wall is ideal in a wooden house

The lining is made from different types of wood (spruce, pine, aspen, linden, alder). This affects shades, heat resistance and strength. You should also consider the material class:

  • C-class low quality (with gaps, dark spots and knots);
  • B-class of average quality (knots come across);
  • A-class of high quality (there are knots, but they look aesthetically pleasing);
  • extra class (perfect material without defects).

The clapboard has a popular variety called the block house. A planed board, the outer side of which imitates a bar or log. The groove-shaped side attachment connects the parts securely to each other. They are laid horizontally, starting from the bottom up. Made from coniferous wood. Ideal for wall cladding made of low-grade profiled timber. Doesn't require additional protection.

A block house cannot be distinguished from a long distance from a rounded log

Another finishing material that builders like to use for finishing a wooden house from a bar is drywall. It is versatile, inexpensive and easy to install. It is mounted on aluminum or wooden profiles, which can be easily screwed to the timber. You can put insulation in the free space and hide the electrical wiring. The sheets themselves are mounted with self-tapping screws. Then plaster and topcoat. For example, wallpaper, self-adhesive paper, ceramics, or paint. Niches, arches, shelves in the wall are created from drywall, if there is such a need. The construction is from 10 cm thick, so it is better not to use this material in a small room. But as a partition, it is ideal.

Unusual drywall arch

Siding and plastic lining are also actively used in finishing work. These materials are cheaper than natural wood, and are very similar in texture.

Siding panels are mounted horizontally. You can choose the color and texture to your taste: wood, brick, metal or stone.

Plastic lining (PVC panel) with a standard width of up to 10 cm, and inside it consists of honeycombs. Air voids improve thermal insulation in the house. The vinyl surface does not require varnishing, is not afraid of moisture and sun, and its colors are amazing - from monotonous white to bright flower bouquets. A plastic lining is mounted on a metal frame. This material is suitable for corridor, bathroom and living room. You can sheathe the entire room or only the basement.

Bathroom cladding with PVC panels

Artificial stone is made from essential resins and natural chips. It looks like the real thing, but it is cheaper and lighter in weight. In texture and color it is identical to marble, chipped stone, brick, shell rock, granite, etc. It is attached to the crate with special glue. Combines well with chalet-style plaster. It is better to entrust the installation to professionals, then the tiles will be glued without gaps and will last a long time. Decorative stone is suitable for accentuation in the bedroom, living room, hallway and kitchen.

Faux stone accents in the living room

These are the main materials for decorating a house from a bar inside. They create an interior in an old Russian, classic or modern style. For the ceiling, a stretch canvas will be an excellent solution. The matte film will even fit into a country room. Drywall or clapboard is also often used in a wooden house.

Prices in Moscow for interior decoration of the house

What budget should the owner of a wooden house expect for a construction company to complete the interior decoration? It all depends on the complexity and volume. On average, an assembly team in Moscow asks 80 rubles / sq. For impregnation in one layer. m., oils - 100 rubles / sq. m, varnish or wax - 150 rubles / sq. m. Painting a log house from the inside will cost 200 rubles / sq. m. Plus the cost of the solutions themselves.

Installation of an aluminum frame for any finishing panels - 300 rubles / sq.m. Sheathing a room with plasterboard - 300 rubles / sq.m, vinyl siding or panels without insulation - 600 rubles / sq.m, and with insulation - 700 rubles / sq.m. Plus the material itself.

Video description

What and how much in finishing a wooden house - watch the video:

Installation of block house panels is a little cheaper - 450 rubles / sq.m. excluding the lathing and related work.

The cost of gluing an artificial stone to the wall is at least 1200 rubles / sq.m, but this is if the surface has already been prepared. The cost of turnkey work is not less than 10,000 rubles / sq.m.

Laying a tongue-and-groove floorboard will cost 600 rubles / sq.m together with logs, parquet without polishing - 600 rubles / sq.m, laminate or linoleum - 250 rubles / sq.m.

Ceiling lining with clapboard costs from 500 rubles / sq.m, plasterboard - 450 rubles / sq.m. And the installation of a stretch PVC cloth will cost from 550 rubles / sq.m, excluding the material.

Video description

For an example of designer decoration of a house from a bar, see the video:

Unusual options for finishing a wooden house

Even from the usual materials, you can make the original design of a wooden house inside. As, for example, a ceiling made of lining with carved elements.

Carved lining ceiling

Or the silhouette of a Japanese tree made of stones on the wall. The plinth is pasted over with the same tiles

Stone tree on the wall

Parquet in skillful hands is a real work of art. No carpet needed

Unique parquet pattern


A wooden house itself creates an atmosphere of comfort and unity with nature, and modern finishing materials help to maintain it. The main thing is the professional and high-quality performance of work on the interior decoration of the house - then the next repair will not be required soon.

The 21st century has come a long time ago, and wooden houses do not even think to go out of fashion. More precisely, it is difficult to call it a fashion either. Rather, common sense, multiplied by a subtle sense of taste, because what other natural material so organically combines environmental safety, reliability and home comfort? True, it will not be possible to escape from the interior decoration (read about how to insulate walls with expanded polystyrene outside). This is an important component of any construction, and often people have a question: what can be inexpensively and beautifully sheathed inside a wall? Moreover, not every material is suitable for use in a wooden house. We have selected for you 6 excellent options that will definitely help you overcome doubts and achieve the optimal interior design.


  • a wide selection of shades and textures;
  • sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • elementary installation.

It seems that we started with a finishing material that does not need additional recommendations. Indeed, in any building materials store, you can find dozens of texture variations. As they say, pick up - I don't want to. However, it will not be superfluous to recall some of the criteria by which the choice will definitely turn out to be correct:

  1. pay attention to the wooden lining- it is she who brings tangible notes of unique home comfort to the atmosphere and exudes a characteristic pleasant aroma;
  2. the material specification must be marked "for interior decoration"- an important point, since some types of wooden lining are intended exclusively for facade work;
  3. find out the type of wood used before buying- such information is always relevant, since different types of wood behave differently in conditions of high humidity, be guided by the options for linden, alder, oak lining if you plan to finish in the bathroom, bathhouse or in the kitchen;
  4. the so-called euro lining is also on sale- this finishing material has improved characteristics, is well ventilated and practically does not swell even in conditions of constant high humidity, it is more expensive, but it has a spectacular appearance and captivates with a long service life.

Installation of lining is one of the most common options for inexpensive, but successfully sheathed walls in a wooden house. In addition, it is not particularly complex:

  • the frame is assembled from metal profiles or wooden slats;
  • lining sheets are attached to it with clamps or, in the old fashioned way, with nails.

And in this article you can familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for installing the lining.

A video that might help with editing.


  • helps to hide engineering communications;
  • allows you to achieve a perfectly flat wall surface;
  • absorbs moisture well;
  • the possibility of non-linear editing.

Buying drywall in a store should also be careful. It should be based on the characteristics of the room in which the cladding is planned. If you have to deal with a permanently damp place, it is best to choose moisture resistant sheets hkl... They are usually available in blue or green. Suitable for rooms with high temperatures and with a certain risk of fire pink drywall - it has a reliable fireproof coating that will help protect your walls from unpleasant surprises.

One of the advantages of plasterboard wall cladding in a wooden house is simple installation. Thanks to the dimensional sheets, the cladding can be done quite quickly. True, first you have to build crate is an improvised frame made of metal profiles or wooden beams. In it, you can successfully hide all the sewer and ventilation communications that spoil the appearance of the room cables. After the sheets of hl have been attached, it remains only to treat them with a primer, seal all the seams with a serpentine, thoroughly putty all the defects and paint or whitewash in a color that fits into the format of your interior.

An important point to which I would like to pay close attention: new wooden houses tend to shrink after a while, so it is recommended to sheathe them with plasterboard only after that. In this case, it is necessary to leave gaps by 1-2 cm at the junction with the floor and ceiling, since wooden walls tend to swell - and one fine day the sheathing may simply break.
Video with expert recommendations.


  • 100% environmental friendliness;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • magnificent relief;
  • solid and expensive look.

The case when the obvious visual advantages of the cork correlate with its technical characteristics and the numbers on the price tag. This option, of course, is suitable for a respectably furnished wooden house, in which a lot of money has been invested. If you plan to sheathe the walls inexpensively, then you can go for some trick - use a cork to decorate individual fragments of the wall. In this case, the costs will not be so high - and nothing will interfere with the pleasure of contemplating the spectacular wall cladding in the house.

It is better to glue the cork to the wall in a wooden house using a special contact adhesive. It grips the sheet perfectly even at low consumption. Of course, before this, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall itself:

  1. remove irregularities;
  2. clean from dust and debris;
  3. remove the remnants of the old material.

It is best to thoroughly level the walls before this, but if you do not really want to do this with plaster, then GKL sheets will be an excellent and, most importantly, inexpensive alternative.

Decorative rock

  • creates a beautiful natural look;
  • favorably emphasizes the relief of noble stone rocks;
  • undergoing finishing.

One of the advantages of using decorative stone in the format of interior wall cladding in a wooden house is the low cost of the base material. As a rule, it is gypsum, but there are also options combined with cement. The latter, as a rule, are a little heavier, but in any case much more convenient for cladding than "wild" stone.

The disadvantages can be written down except that the increased exactingness of this cladding material to the wall surface. It must be perfectly flat, otherwise the relief created will not be so expressive.
In order to sheathe the walls with decorative stone, it is best to use tile glue or liquid nails. The first option is recommended if the cladding material is made on the basis of a weighted mixture of gypsum and cement, the second - for cladding on the basis of lightweight gypsum, which is convenient for cladding.


  • attractive appearance;
  • modest cost;
  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • unpretentious care.

People have a love for plastic just as imperishable as love for wood. And if it turns out to be competently combined in one room?

Due to its good moisture resistance, plastic can be successfully used for inexpensive and reliable interior wall decoration in the bathroom, toilets and in the kitchen in a wooden house. In order to correctly make the wall cladding, you will have to build a familiar frame - such a crate will allow you to achieve a perfectly flat surface.

If earlier the choice of plastic for wall cladding was quite modest, now you can pick up sheets with a very different texture and color. There are also beautiful relief models, which in some rooms of your house have every chance to fit perfectly into the modeled interior.

Ceramic tile

  • reliable and inexpensive;
  • suitable for bathrooms and toilets;
  • complex installation.

Another good answer to the question of what can be used inexpensively and beautifully to sheathe the walls at home, if it is made of wood. Good - in terms of material costs and the final decorative effect. However, in order to lay the tiles evenly and correctly, you cannot do without special skills. Still, good specialists are well worth it.

The tiles are glued to the base surface with tile glue, and after direct facing, the seams are sealed with a fugue - a special grout that prevents pathogenic flora from appearing on the walls of a wooden house and, along the way, by adding different dyes, also helps to emphasize certain shades in the interior.


We have considered 6 of the most attractive finishing materials that can be used to sheathe walls in a wooden house beautifully, quickly and not at all expensive. Except for cork, of course, because this material cannot be called cheap, but due to its point use, costs can be significantly reduced. Most modern wooden houses often use the familiar clapboard and ceramic tiles, but who said that you have to follow the majority opinion? A creative approach does not at all imply significant material costs - it assumes, first of all, a non-standard vision of the interior, and the decorative qualities of the finishing materials used often do not depend on their cost.

Photo: vk.com