
Landscaping of schools and other premises. Project for the improvement of the school territory "beautiful school". creation of a reference geodetic network that allows finding the necessary relief marks at all stages of the construction of the facility

  • 10; 70 Techniques for trimming flowering shrubs. Pruning dates for different types of plants.
  • 11. Mineral, organic and bacterial fertilizers. Biopreparations. The concept of the active substance in mineral fertilizers.
  • 12. Roses. Classification and features of growing park and garden roses on landscaping objects.
  • 13. Hedges and their types. Planting norms (in a row, in two rows).
  • 14. Tree vines. Appointment. Range. Technology of reproduction and use. Support structures. Give a drawing (scheme).
  • 15. Seed and vegetative methods of reproduction. The value of each method for growing ornamental plants.
  • sixteen ; 20. Indicators of seed quality and methods for their determination.
  • 17; 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Flowering time on objects.
  • 18. Storage of seeds. Storage conditions for seeds of different species (woody and herbaceous).
  • 19. Methods of preparing seeds for sowing. The concept of organic dormancy of seeds.
  • 21. Methods of vegetative propagation of ornamental (woody and herbaceous) plants.
  • 22. Green cuttings. Biological advantages and agricultural technology. Specific breeds and cutting technology.
  • 23. Characteristics of the conditions for rooting green cuttings. Artificial fog.
  • 24. Reproduction of tree species by layering. range and technology.
  • 25. Grafting of ornamental tree species: technique and timing for different methods. Obtaining spray and standard roses and lilacs (give a diagram).
  • 26. Flower gardens on the territory of squares. Range. Timing. Content.
  • 28-30. Letniki (annual). Range. Characteristics of decorativeness in different species and varieties.
  • 31. Roses on landscaping objects. Classification. Agrotechnics of maintenance.
  • 32. Spiritualists. Use in flower beds on objects. Content. Work calendar.
  • 33; 34 Carpet plants. Range. Biological and morphological features are the basis for creating specific flower beds. The color of carpet plants.
  • 35. The main structural elements of the retaining wall. Give a drawing-scheme indicating the elements. (1,2,3, etc.)
  • 36. Retaining walls. Give a drawing of the elements. Walls made of stone - "dry masonry"
  • 38. Give a drawing diagram of slope reinforcement using gabion structures.
  • 39. Design (sections) types of sports grounds. Provide a drawing.
  • 40. Slopes - strengthening methods. Submit a drawing.
  • 41; 42 Planting large trees in the streets. Give a drawing of the landing scheme. Specify dimensions.
  • 43. Ramps: purpose, classification, parameters, designs. Give a drawing of the elements.
  • 45. Perennials. Planting dates in parks depending on the timing of the laying of flowers and inflorescences.
  • 46. ​​Ornamental tree nurseries. Structure.
  • 47. Perennials. Floral design forms. Content. Work calendar.
  • 48. Monogardens (from dahlias, asters, phloxes, etc.).
  • 49. Bulbous perennials. Morphological and decorative features. Flowering time on objects.
  • 50. The structure of bulbs of hyacinth, lily, narcissus, tulip.
  • 51. Bulb flower beds. Classification, planting dates and norms. Content.
  • 52. Fertilizers in the care of flyers at facilities.
  • 53. Shade-tolerant herbaceous plants. Range. Application features.
  • 54. Rockery. Assortment.Features of the growth of various species in rockeries. Device technology and content.
  • 55. Plants for decorating natural reservoirs of various depths in parks.
  • 56. Lawns. Types and varieties of lawn grasses and their morphology. Grass mixtures, calculation.
  • 57. Growth regulators and their use in ornamental plants.
  • 58. Pruning flowering shrubs. The relationship between the timing of pruning and the timing of laying flower buds in different breeds.
  • 63. Landscaping plan (landing drawing). The method of squares. Plant binding elements.
  • 71. Plan for the improvement of the facility (layout drawing, methodology for compiling and setting out elements in nature)
  • 72. Designs of storm water wells. Give a sectional diagram indicating the dimensions of the elements.
  • 73; 74. Objects of landscape architecture in the center of Paris.
  • 75. Functional zoning of the park. Examples.
  • 76. Types of spatial structure of the park (TPS) and types of plantings.
  • 77. Typology and classification of city parks. Appointment.
  • 78. Reservoirs. The main types and their role in the park.
  • 90. Reservoirs, purpose. Classification. Examples
  • 79. The structure of green areas of the residential complex. Transfer.
  • 80. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
  • 81. Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms
  • 82. Compositions of open spaces. Partners, their classification and role.
  • 6. Water parterres.
  • 83. Landscaped areas of St. Petersburg. Left Bank Ensemble. List objects.
  • 84. Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 85. Insolation of the territory of the microdistrict and its significance. Calculation method.
  • 86. Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 87. Wood-shrub massifs - definition, classification, compositional use
  • 88. Groups of woody plants, classification.
  • 89; 94; 95 Categories and types of green spaces in the largest city
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples.
  • 91. Relief. Typology. Role. Landforms (give the image in contour lines and profile.)
  • 92. The concept of scale, proportions, rhythm in landscape design. Examples.
  • 93. Arrays and bosquets. Types. Definition. Examples. Dimensions.
  • 94. 95. Categories and types of objects of green areas of the largest city.
  • 96. (83) Gardens and parks of the left bank in St. Petersburg. Transfer. Summer garden. Peterhof, Strelna, Oranienbaum, Tsarskoye Selo (Alexandrovsky and Ekaterininsky parks), Pavlovsky park.
  • 97. Forest parks of Moscow.
  • 98. Parks of Moscow. Transfer.
  • 99 - See 73, 74, I have a bad spur!
  • 99. Landscaping of the territory of the center of Paris.
  • 100. Types of sites on the territory of the microdistrict. Dimensions. Calculation principles. Service radius (basic requirements).
  • 111. Public parks in the United States of the XIX century (Chicago, New York)
  • 112. Greening the territory of downtown Washington
  • 113. Multifunctional parks. Classification. Examples
  • 114. Boulevards. Classification and types. Territory balance
  • 115. Playgrounds in the neighborhood. Calculation and requirements for placement
  • 116. Adjoining strips, their improvement and gardening. Requirements for the assortment and placement of woody plants
  • 117. Density of placement of trees and shrubs for urban objects of landscape architecture
  • 119. Playgrounds on the territory of residential development. Classification and calculation principles
  • 120. Requirements for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of schools and kindergartens-nurseries
  • 118. Classification and purpose of landscape gardening roads. slopes. Curve radii at intersections. Scheme
  • Organization of the road network in the parks
  • 121 Types of spatial structure of the park. Purpose, role in the composition, balance ratios.
  • 122 Left-bank Ensemble of St. Petersburg.
  • 123 Boulevards. Types. Territory balance.
  • 124. Stages of designing an object. Transfer.
  • 125 Types of spatial structure of the park (TPS).
  • 126 Cross profile of the main street. Elements. Drawing
  • 127. Types of strengthening trees after planting. Structures and materials. Schematic drawing.
  • 128 Typology and classification of city parks. Appointment.
  • 129 Reservoirs. The main types and their role. Examples
  • 130. Types of landscape gardening. Examples (square, boulevard)
  • 131. Landscaped areas of the residential complex. Transfer. Types. % landscaping.
  • 132. Relief. Meaning. Forms. Examples.
  • 133. Schemes of placement of plants near fences and retaining walls. Give a drawing.
  • 134. Plan for the improvement of the territory. The method of squares. Give a drawing of the binding for the elements of the layout.
  • 135. A tree with a lump in a rigid package. Packing types. Give a drawing (diagram with dimensions).
  • 136. Slope turf construction. Drawing.
  • 120. Requirements for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of schools and kindergartens-nurseries

    Schools: Schools of city and district significance include: music, sports, art, boarding schools. Specialized sports schools, in addition to the main educational building, include indoor gyms and swimming pools, outdoor football fields, volleyball and basketball courts.

    The areas of territories of music and art schools are calculated on the basis of 15 m 2 per student. The architectural and planning solution of the territories must be purposeful and meet the relevant requirements. The territories should be decorative gardens with a set of cozy recreation areas and a walking route, with appropriate equipment and small architectural forms. On the sites of art schools, special areas for plein-air classes are provided. Plantings are designed in the form of single, large plants and picturesque groups of trees and beautifully flowering shrubs. Perhaps the device of a sports playground.

    On the territory of music schools, secluded areas for music lessons and recreation areas, as well as walking paths, are being designed. Plantings should be presented in the form of plant groupings of trees and shrubs placed on the lawns of the lawn and have a "calming" character. The whole composition should be predisposed to rest after intense musical work and, at the same time, contribute to the rise of creative forces. It is possible to provide a sports ground for playing ball.

    Secondary school in a residential complex. The territory of the school is a green area of ​​limited use. The school site, as a rule, is surrounded by a fence made of metal structures with a height of at least 1.5 m. The distance (gap) from the border of the site to the red lines of streets or driveways should be at least 15 ... 20 m, to the walls of houses of residential buildings - at least 10, utilities - at least 50 m.

    The planning center of the site is the school building. The building, as a rule, is located at one of the sides of the site and is oriented to the cardinal points in accordance with the current sanitary standards for lighting school premises. Around the building, a passage with a width of at least 3.5 m with a turnaround area is provided (the distance from the facade of the building to the nearest side is at least 8 m).

    When designing external landscaping and landscaping, it is necessary to carry out a clear functional zoning. On the territory of the school, in accordance with the educational process and programs, various sites and devices are provided for both training sessions and outdoor physical education. In accordance with this, the school site is divided into various functional areas: sports (physical culture and health), educational and experimental, recreation area, economic.

    Plantations should unite all zones into a single whole and occupy at least 40 ... 50% of the territory. Plantings should play a functional role, separating playgrounds from each other, providing protection from noise, eliminating dust and purifying the air, thereby creating favorable conditions for schoolchildren to study and relax. The placement of plantings depends on the general planning solution of the site, the placement of individual zones, sites, paths.

    Plantings in the sports zone are placed on small dividing strips or areas between the sites in the form of rows of trees or hedges of shrubs. On larger plots, between the sports and educational and experimental zones, compact groups of trees can be provided. Plants should not obscure the playing fields of the playgrounds. The range is selected in accordance with the requirements of landscaping sports grounds.

    The plantings of the educational and experimental zone have a purely functional purpose and serve to isolate individual plots and sites. They consist of dividing ordinary strips of trees (from the side of the sports area), hedges (between the sites and experimental plots), which must be at least 10 m from the orchard.

    Plantings in the recreation area are placed more freely. These are mainly groups of trees or shrubs in small areas around the sites. The requirements for the placement of individual plants and groups are the same as for the placement of trees and shrubs around recreation areas near residential buildings. The sites should have both shady corners for relaxation and well-sunshed areas. The distance from the edge of the paths to the trees should be at least 1.0 ... 0.75 m.

    Along the perimeter of the inner part of the school site, rows of trees and shrubs are provided in a strip 4 ... 6 m wide, and on the outside - a planting strip 5 ... 10 m wide.

    Near the school building, one or two recreational areas are provided for recreation of senior and junior classes during breaks, as well as (between the driveway and the school building) lawn strips with small groups of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, as well as single instances of low trees. Trees are placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the building, and shrubs - 5 m, so that the school premises are not shaded.

    Preschool institutions: The level of landscaping according to modern standards should be up to 60%. Kindergartens-nursery, as a rule, are located in the central part of residential buildings in well-lit, ventilated and dry locations with normal natural surface water flow.

    According to Moscow standards, preschool institutions are designed with a capacity for 10 ... 12 groups, and in some cases for 6 groups attached to the ends of residential buildings. Playgrounds for children are removed from the entrance to the kindergarten building by no more than 30m, and from the windows of the residential building itself by 15m. The area of ​​a group playground for toddlers is taken at 7.5 m 2 per place. The service radius of a preschool institution in the microdistrict is 300 m, in small towns - 500 m.

    The site of the kindergarten-nursery has a rectangular configuration. The distance from the boundaries of the site to the red line must be at least 25 m, to the walls of residential buildings - at least 10 m, the walls of public utilities - at least 50 m. The building is placed at one of the borders or in the center of the site. Around the building, a 3.5 m wide driveway with a 12x5.5 m turning area is usually provided. The distance from the facade of the building to the border of the passage (the nearest side stone) must be at least 8 m.

    When designing the territory of a kindergarten, it is necessary to subdivide it into the following functional zones: the entrance zone to the territory, the zone of group playgrounds, and the utility zone.

    Zone group sites includes directly group playgrounds for toddlers up to 3 years old and for children aged 4-6 years old, as well as a common sports ground (area 250m 2) and a splash pool (area 20m 2). All sites must be interconnected by a network of tracks.

    The entire economic zone is concentrated at the border of the site and isolated from the zone of group sites.

    Group sites- the main places of stay of children on the site. They are designed for outdoor recreation and play. Usually, for every two sites, one double canopy is installed, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is included in the area of ​​​​the group site. The canopy is used for group activities and games that do not require active movement (reading, games). Each group playground should be appropriately equipped, have a sandbox, playpens, wall bars, etc. Playgrounds are designed in such a way that educators can see what each child is doing at any time. The area of ​​a group playground for children under the age of 3 years should be 150 m 2 (with the number of children in a group of 20 people and the norm per child is 7.5 m 2), and for children from 4 to 6 years old - 180 m 2 (with a norm per child 9m 2).

    For children 4 ... 6 years old, a common sports ground (250m 2) is equipped with climbing, jumping, outdoor games and a splash pool with an area of ​​​​25 ... 30m 2 and a depth of 25 ... 30cm. The bottom of the pool should be concreted, smooth and have the greatest slope (0.005). A 0.6 m wide tiled path is provided around the pool. The pool is filled with heated water.

    The interconnection of all planning elements is carried out by paths 1.5 m wide. Group sites are connected by a common circular path. The coating of the tracks should be from a special mixture - gravel chips, loamy soil, seedings.

    Landscaping of the territory. Plantings are envisaged in the form of the following types: rows of trees and shrubs (trees with a dense crown), groups and single specimens of trees, hedges of shrubs, flower beds (biennials, perennials).

    When placing trees and shrubs, consider the following. Along the perimeter of the garden, rows of trees with a dense crown should be provided. A hedge of shrubs is designed along the outer border, shrubs in groups along the inner border. Trees are designed around the sites, both with a dense and openwork crown. To ventilate the area between groups of trees, it is necessary to leave gaps. Trees and shrubs are placed so that most of the sites (up to 50%) are illuminated by the sun during the day. The sports ground should also be well lit, so it is not recommended to place trees with a wide and dense crown around this site.

    The planting density of trees and shrubs depends on the climatic conditions of the area and the availability of underground utilities.

    Flower beds are located mainly at the entrances to the building, as well as in the strips between the building and the ring passage. Near the entrances to the sites, compact flower beds in the form of rectangles or circles look good. The assortment of floral herbaceous plants should include mainly perennial species of plants - phloxes, peonies, delphiniums, aquilegia, etc., as well as annuals blooming for a long time - antirrinum, petunia, kosmeya, clarkia, purslane, etc.

    The lawn on the territory of the kindergarten must be resistant to trampling. To create it, it is best to use cereal types of herbs (bluegrass, fescue, bent grass). In some cases, some of the playgrounds are provided with a lawn surface. A stable turf is created from a stolon-forming bent grass.




    PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN …………………......................…………….…....6

    PREPARATORY STAGE OF WORK ……………………...……….….7-8

    INVESTIGATION AND SELECTION OF FLOWER CROPS ..............................................................9-14

    INVESTIGATION AND INVESTIGATION OF THE SITE....................................................15 -eighteen

    SOWING SEEDS FOR SEEDLING………………………………….………........19

    SEEDLING DIVING…………………………………………….……......20

    PLANTING SEEDLINGS AND SOWING SEEDS OF FLOWER PLANTS IN OPEN GROUND ............................................................ ................................................. ...21


    USED ​​LITERATURE…………………………..………….…23


    Love for flowers has been characteristic of all peoples since ancient times. Bright, diverse shapes, with a pleasant aroma, they have always attracted the attention of adults and children. For life, a person has a love for flowers, instilled from childhood, and wherever he lives, they will breed everywhere and everywhere.

    Why did you choose this topic for the project? We spend most of our time at school. And so the school should be beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Choosing the topic of our project, we decided to please not only ourselves, but also those around us with the result of our work, and also try our hand at design, learning a lot of new things. For our flowerbed, we chose the shape of a circle, which symbolizes solidarity and friendship.


    In winter, looking out the window, you see a monotonous picture: white snow, bare trees, gray sky. Each student is looking forward to the long-awaited summer holidays and imagines how the buds on the trees will blossom outside the window, the warm sun will sparkle with light, the most beautiful flowers will bloom. But you can bring this time closer if you start preparing for it in advance. You can explore the variety of flower varieties, you can choose different color solutions for flower beds, you can think over the geometry of plantings. In order for the flowering time to be earlier and longer, you need to start growing flower seedlings on the window in winter.

    Hypothesis: if a project is developed and implemented to improve the school flowerbed, and in the future, to plant greenery around the entire school site, this will improve the recreation conditions for all "residents" of the school, and teach them to take care of nature.

    The object of our study: flower plants, annuals and perennials;

    Subject of study: how you can change the ecosystem of the school territory on your own to improve its environmental situation.

    Objective of the project - growing flower seedlings for the design of a school flower bed, taking into account the economical operation of the territory and its rational use of natural resources.

    To achieve this goal, you need to do the followingtasks:

      study the literature on the creation of landscape design and, on the basis of what has been studied, develop your own project for landscaping the school site;

      pick up an assortment of flower crops for decorating a school plot;

      to ennoble the school flower bed;

      determine the agrotechnical methods of growing the proposed plants.

    Project type: long term.

    The relevance of this project :

      Instilling aesthetic and artistic taste in students,

      Education of diligence, skills of caring for flower plants.

    For our project, we used:

      Literature on this subject;

      Possibilities of the Internet;

      Landscape projects of other schools;

      Photo and audio equipment.

    Expected results:

      Blooming flower bed in different periods of time;

      development of practical skills in growing plants;

      obtaining knowledge about ornamental plants;

      formation of the skill of research activity.

    Description of project stages:

      • collection and study of literature;

        study of design options for flower beds;

        study of the species composition of flower and ornamental plants;

        drawing up a work plan;

        soil analysis;

        sowing seeds;

        growing seedlings;

        breakdown of flower beds;

        planting seedlings in open ground;

        organization of care for flower beds during the summer months;

        analysis of the work performed;

        creating a presentation report.

    1. Project Implementation Plan


    Completed work



    Drawing up a work plan

    January February


    Exploring options for decorating flower beds.

    Studying the types of flower beds


    Practical activities

    Buying flower seeds

    February March.

    Soil preparation

    March, April.

    Growing seedlings

    March, April.



    Digging the soil in the flower bed


    Breakdown of flower beds


    Planting seedlings, sowing seeds

    April May.

    Work on the school site during the entire summer period (summer labor practice)


    Care and observation of flower plants.


    Final 1 stage

    Analysis of the work performed

    October 2016


    Before starting work on the design of flower beds, we conducted a small study - we studied the literature on this topic, learned the types of design of flower beds, the flowers used, and the methods of color design.

    Depending on the shape of the flower beds, there are oval, round, square, rectangular, rhombic, triangular, etc. They also differ in size - from 1 to 8-10 m or more in diameter.

    Flower beds are planted with one or more types of flowering plants. The internal drawing of a flower bed can be very diverse. Flowerbeds can be low or elevated (protruding above the surface), depending on the range of plants. The flowerbeds of salvia, petunias, annual asters, begonias, marigolds, etc. are very beautiful. According to the assortment of plants planted in flowerbeds, carpet beds are distinguished, consisting of only tall carpet-deciduous plants, carpet-flowering flower beds, flower beds, consisting of only flowering plants etc. The creation of composite flower beds from several types of flowering plants requires great skill, skill and taste from the gardener.

    In modern landscaping, flower beds are made low, flush with the lawn and only in special cases bulk, but not higher than 5-8 cm. The size of the flower bed depends on the size of the flower bed. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the duration of flowering of planted plants.

    The artistic decorative value of a flower garden depends on the selection of plants in a combination of colors of deciduous and flowering plants, the proportionality of individual parts of the flower garden, the clarity and clarity of the pattern, the content of the pattern, the presence of a good lawn background, and the provision of care. Successful selection of plants according to the color of leaves or flowers is essential. In this case, the rules of harmonic combination of colors among themselves provide significant assistance. The main or main colors are considered yellow, red and blue. The derivative colors will be green, which is obtained by mixing yellow with blue, orange - from yellow with red, purple from blue with red. The brighter colors yellow, orange and red are called active and the less bright colors purple, green and blue are called passive.

    A pleasant impression is made by such a combination when the main color is located next to such a derivative in which this main color is absent. Plants of the same culture are combined with each other in color, especially if there are varieties.

    Parts of the flower garden should be harmonious, pleasing to the eye. The rules of proportion help solve this.

    Mostly annual plants are used to decorate flower beds. And they choose mainly letniki, which bloom for a long time and profusely, differing in the decorativeness of the leaves. Widely used in flowerbeds, flowerbeds and parterres of summer flowering.

    What requirements should a flower garden meet?

      Continuous flowering throughout the growing season.

      Available planting material.

      Plant care is easy.

    A harmonious combination of plants in terms of height, structure of shoots, color and size of flowers and leaves should be suitable for decorating a recreation corner in the school yard.


    Based on the literature studied, we identified the most common flower crops in our area and compiled a table based on their main characteristics.

    Project estimate:

    70*10=700 rub

    10*20=200 rub.




    900 rub

    4. Study and study of the site

    In February, work began on the flower bed itself, it was necessary to study the site, the composition of the soil in the proposed flower bed, and determine its physical and chemical properties. Dig up the site, clear the grass cover and roots, select stones, loosen.

    1) Site marking.

    The area of ​​88.21 square meters, round, is located in the southern part of the school yard. The study of soils begins with the determination of its physical and chemical properties: structure, color, humidity, density, acidity, fertility.

    2) Soil description plan:

      Point (school yard);

      General relief (flat);

      Vegetation (weed).

    3) Plan for studying the soil section:

      Schematic section of the soil section (1:10);


      Structure, the ability to break up into separate parts;

      Mechanical composition;



      soil moisture;


    4) Soil composition analysis.

    1. Physical analysis of the studied soil.

    To describe the physical properties, we examined the soil profile, mechanical and mineral composition, structure, moisture capacity, water permeability and air content of the soil sample.

    Experience No. 1 "Research of the soil profile."

    From the scheme of the soil profile (Appendix No. 1) it can be seen that the sod and humus layers are weakly expressed.

    Experience No. 2 "Determination of the mechanical and mineral composition of the soil."

    They took some soil, slightly moistened it and rolled it up in the palms of their hands. The soil rolls into a thick sausage that breaks when bent. From which we concluded that the soil is light loamy. And it is not significantly dominated by alumina.

    Experience No. 3 "Determining the structure of the soil."

    They took some soil, laid it out in a thin layer on a saucer and examined it. The soil broke up into lumps. When water was added, a continuous viscous mass was not formed. After analyzing the results, we concluded that the soil has a structure.

    Experience No. 4 "Determining the moisture capacity of the soil."

    They took some soil, placed it on a metal tray and weighed it. Soil massm 1 = 100g 700mg. They placed a tray with soil for a day in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius. The dried soil was weighed. The mass of the soil has becomem 2 =48g 200mg. The percentage of water was calculated using the formula:

    {( m1- m2)*100%}: m1=(100700-48200)*100%:100700=52%

    It was concluded that the soil under study contained sufficient moisture.

    Experience No. 5 "Determining the water permeability of the soil"

    A cylindrical soil sample was taken. For this, a plastic jar was prepared (the bottom was removed in it) and a soil sample was cut out with this cylinder. Approximately 100 ml of water was poured into a wide vessel and the selected sample was placed in it. We noted the time during which the water was completely absorbed into the soil - 19 min 28 s. Since the studied soil is dry, structural, the water quickly absorbed into it. We concluded that the soil has high water permeability.

    Based on the results of physical analysis (Appendix 2) of the test sample, we found:

    a) pronounced structure, mineral composition of the soil, its high water permeability and good aeration should promote plant growth .;

    b) but a weakly expressed humus horizon indicates an insufficient content of organic matter in the soil.

    2. Chemical analysis of the studied soil.

    The following parameters were used for chemical analysis: assessment of soil acidity, determination of soil salinity, determination of the presence of heavy metals (see Annex 3).

    Experience No. 1 "Determining the pH of soil extract."

    Usingsalt soil extract, determined the pH in two ways: a) with a universal indicator solution, adding 3-5 drops of the indicator solution to the first test tube; b)pH- indicator paper, lowering the end of the paper strip with tweezers into the second test tube.

    Both tests showed that the pH of the studied soil ranged from 7-8. From which we concluded that the soil environment is slightly alkaline.

    Experience No. 2 "Study of soil salinity."

    A) Detection of carbonate ions: hydrochloric acid was added to the test tube with the soil under study. We observed the "boiling" of the soil (non-intensive release of bubbles). This indicates the presence of carbonate ions in the soil.

    2H + + CO 3 2- = H 2 O + CO 2

    B) Discoverysulfate ions: a barium salt solution was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution. A small suspension of barium sulfate was observed, which indicates the presence of sulfate ions in the soil.

    C) Detection of sulfite ions: an alcohol solution of iodine was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution.

    D) Detection of chloride ion: a solution of silver nitrate was added dropwise to a test tube with a soil solution. No visible changes were found.

    From the experiments carried out, it was concluded that the soil was slightly salinized.

    Experience No. 3 "Detection of heavy metals in the soil."

    A) Detection of copper ions: a soil solution was poured into a test tube to 1/4 of its height, 2-3 ml (excess) of ammonia solution was poured into it, the contents of the test tube were mixed.No visible changes were found.

    B) Detection of iron ions: 3-4 ml of potassium thiocyanate was poured into a test tube with a soil solution with a pipette.No visible changes were found.

    Based on the experiments performed, we made sure that the studied soil sample is not contaminated with heavy metals.

    3. Research results.

    Thus, in the course of a series of experiments, we found out:

    1. The remoteness of the school site of the school from various sources of anthropogenic pollution has a beneficial effect on the preservation of the fertility of its soil.

    2. Physical properties such as structure, mineral composition, high water permeability and good aeration of the soil should help to obtain good plant growth in the school area.

    3. Also, the presence of sulfate ions negatively affects the growth of plants in the school area.

    4. The main problem of the soil in the educational and experimental area of ​​the school is the insufficient content of organic matter and the excess content of carbonate ions, which causes a slightly alkaline environment of the soil solution and reduces productivity.

    The identified problems showed that the main task is to increase the content of organic matter in the soil and reducepH soil. In order for humus to form in the soil, all kinds of organic residues must be added to it. But very often the use of organic fertilizers is associated with high financial costs.Sowe proposed methods for increasing soil fertility in the school area without much financial effort. Applicationorganic waste.It is best to compost organic waste directly in the garden or on the paths. In this case, the maximum restoration of soil fertility is ensured with minimal labor costs. It is best to have 2-3 compost heaps. In one, organic residues are introduced, in another they are already rotting, in the third, the compost is already ready and is applied to the beds.

    The following organic residues are used for composting:
    1. Household waste of organic origin.
    2. Fresh manure and bird droppings.
    3. Wood ash.

    And finally, to neutralize the acidity of the soil, it is recommended to add wood ash to the soil. Since most garden plants and beneficial soil microorganisms develop well with soil acidity ph = 6.5-7.0 - a slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction.


    The seedling method of growing plants allows you to get earlier flowering.Required tools:


    Seeding tank

    Glass or polyethylene film


    earth mixture

    Flower seeds


    The depth of sowing seeds is determined by their size. The basic rule is that the seeds need to create conditions for easier germination. For example, the smaller the seeds, the smaller the sowing depth they need, the heavier the soil, the closer to the surface they need to be embedded, the drier the soil, the greater the sowing depth, and so on.


    The first shoots of asters appeared within a week, but the dahlias were covered with plastic wrap for a long time and the shoots were rare, single. We regularly groomed our seedlings, carefully watering the sprouts using a spray bottle.


    Our aster sprouts pulled up together and they became cramped. Need a pick! What is a "dive"?

    picking is the planting of seedlings in order to provide a larger area for their nutrition. Picked plants will develop better and faster. Therefore, picking is very important for their life.

    Seedling picking determines the further growth of the seedling, therefore it must be carried out correctly: seedlings must be watered abundantly before picking - this will facilitate the extraction of plants from the ground and protect the roots from mechanical damage. A special peg (pike) is made in the prepared substrate, where the root and part of the stem (up to the cotyledon leaves) of the seedling are lowered. At the same time, make sure that the roots do not bend. For better branching, the central root of the seedling can be pinched back by 1/3 (this will make the plant stronger and more resilient). When picking, you need to hold the plant not by the fragile stem, but by the cotyledon leaves. The recess is covered with earth, the quality of the pick is checked by lightly pulling the seedling up by the cotyledon leaves. Injury to plants during picking leads to a delay in the growth of seedlings. During picking, diseased and twisted plants are culled. It should be remembered that picking delays the development of any culture for 5-7 days.

    The picking ends with watering the transplanted plants from a shallow watering can or abundant spraying. The critical period lasts 3-4 days. At this time, you need to maintain a temperature of 23-25 0 C, keep plants in diffused light conditions and protect from wind and drafts.


    Continuing to take care of the seedlings, we watered and loosened them, kept diaries of flower observations. Every day the seedlings were pulled up, we changed the boxes, turned one side, then the other towards the light. There were many asters, but dahlias - only single plants.

    7. Planting seedlings and sowing seeds of flower plants in open ground.

    In mid-April, strengthened and healthy seedlings were planted in open ground, and seeds of flower and ornamental plants were also sown.


    The initial work of designing, selecting seed material, soil testing, sowing and planting seed material and seedlings of flower plants has been completed.

    The next stage of the project work includes planning and organizing the care of the flower bed in the summer.


      Mansurova S.E., Kokueva G.N. We monitor the environment of our city: 9-11 cells: School workshop. - M.: Center VLADOS, 2001

      Soil quality control methods: Educational and methodological manual for universities. - Voronezh, 2007

      N. G. Fedorets, M. V. Medvedeva Methods of soil research in urban areas (educational manual for students and post-graduate students of ecological and biological specialties). - Petrozavodsk, 2009


      3. A2 - washout horizon; it is not very fertile and has a light shade due to the intensive washing out of humus particles - 17-20 cm;

      4.A3-washout horizon. Substances from overlying horizons are washed out and accumulated in it.

      Appendix 2

      Table number 1. Studies of the physical properties of the soil.

      Appendix 3

      Table number 2. The results of the study of the chemical properties of the soil.

      Appendix 4

      Table number 3. Conclusions on the results of the study.

      1. Remoteness of the training and experimental site from various sources of anthropogenic pollution.

      2. Structure of the soil, the presence of large pores.

      3. High water permeability.

      4. Good aeration

      5. Mineral composition

      6. Absence of heavy metal ions and soil salinity

      1. Insufficient content of organic matter

      2. Weak expression of the humus layer

      3. Excess content of carbonate ions and sulfate ions.

      4. Slightly alkaline soil solution

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    Landscaping and landscaping of the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev


    territory landscaping landscaping

    An environmentally friendly full-fledged external environment, along with other factors, is an important prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening people's health. The vast majority of schools are located in cities and villages, and only a small part of them operate outside the settlements. An indispensable environmental requirement is the location of children's institutions at a sufficient distance from enterprises, highways, etc., but it is not always fulfilled. Therefore, the landscaping and landscaping of the school territory is of exceptional importance.

    The school is our common home, which we love and want to see beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

    The school yard is a universal tool that simultaneously performs a number of functions: cognitive, developing, spiritual and moral, the function of social hardening, civic development of the individual, the function of designing one's own activity.

    The problem of improving the school territory has become relevant from the first years of its existence. On the territory of the school yard, flowerbeds are laid out, trees are planted, there are sports grounds. As the school grows and develops, this problem remains relevant for us at the present time, which contributes to the formation of environmental thinking in students, the formation of a sense of responsibility for their school and the desire to change the face of the school for the better. Children spend most of their time at school, so landscaping and landscaping is a must. Landscaping plays an important role, because if you properly arrange landscape objects, divide the territory into zones that will functionally interact with each other, this will make it convenient to use the territory, which will allow children to develop in a favorable environment, study and relax.

    In their works, such authors as V.V. Tabolin, V.S. Zanadvorov, A.V. Zanadvorova, V.B. Zotov, Yu.L. Khotun people considered the problems of landscaping management and landscaping. Activities in the field of landscaping and gardening at the federal level are regulated by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2005 No. 190-FZ, which normalizes relations in the field of creating a settlement system, urban planning, development, landscaping and environmental protection in order to ensure favorable living conditions population. The Code delineates the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of urban planning, including the improvement of the territory of populated areas. Landscaping and landscaping of populated areas is a set of works on the creation and use of green spaces in populated areas. In urban planning, landscaping and landscaping is an integral part of the overall set of measures for the planning and development of populated areas. It is of great importance in human life, has a huge impact on the environment. The purpose of this work is to develop a project for landscaping and landscaping the territory of the secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev, located at st. Kalinina 9.

    1. Describe the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev

    2. Develop project proposals for improving the improvement and landscaping of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev;

    4. Propose a plan for the improvement of the territory.

    Subject of study: the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev

    Section 1. Overview of sources

    The issues of improving the land, ennobling nature are especially relevant for Russia, because it so happened that a lot of things are neglected and abandoned in their native open spaces, in cities, and especially in rural areas. At the same time, in recent years, the increasing craving of Russians for nature, its beautiful places, the desire to create a wonderful world of wildlife in their settlements, estates, and houses has been noticeable and understandable.

    Improvement of populated areas covers part of the issues united by the concept of "urban planning", and characterizes, first of all, the level of engineering equipment of the territory of populated areas, the sanitary and hygienic condition of their air basins, water bodies and soil. Improvement of the territory of the municipality is a set of measures aimed at creating favorable, healthy and cultural conditions for life, work and leisure of the population within the boundaries of the municipality and carried out by state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities.

    The organization of improvement and gardening of the territory of the municipality is regulated mainly by municipal legal acts, which are adopted in accordance with urban planning and housing legislation, the requirements of SNiP and other federal and regional acts. Among the acts that, as a rule, must be adopted by local governments include:

    Rules for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the municipality;

    Rules for land use and development in the municipality;

    Regulations on the regulation of urban planning activities on the territory of the municipality;

    Regulations on the passport of the exterior decoration of the facades of buildings and structures;

    Regulations on the procedure for installation, commissioning, accounting, replacement and demolition of temporary structures on the territory of the municipality;

    Passports for the improvement of the adjacent territory, etc.

    Requirements for the location and functional composition of the territory. Buildings of general educational institutions should be located in separate areas of the territory, taking into account the prospective development of a residential area and sanitary protection zones of existing and planned facilities. At all stages of designing buildings of educational institutions, it is necessary to calculate the expected noise levels from vehicles and other noise sources. If necessary, measures should be developed to protect against increased noise levels with mandatory efficiency calculations.

    In areas of the territory of general educational institutions, division into the following functional parts should be provided:

    physical culture and sports,

    educational and experimental,

    Leisure and economic.

    Sections of the territory of educational institutions must have a fence around the entire perimeter, at least 1.5 m high and have safety devices that prevent students from running out onto the carriageway of the street from the side of the entrance to the building. Along the fence, a strip of green spaces with planting of trees and shrubs should be provided.

    Green spaces along the school site protect not only from chemical pollution, but also reduce noise from moving cars, which of course has a positive effect on the educational process.

    Green spaces reduce the concentration of harmful particles in the air by 4 times, reduce wind speed by 5 times, reduce the concentration of gases from cars to 15% per unit volume of air, that is, make the air more breathable. They also purify the air from dust, harmful gases, radioactive substances, humidify it, slightly lowering its temperature in summer and raising it in winter. They give oxygen and carbon dioxide, are noise absorbers. In addition, plants emit volatile substances - phytoncides, which have a bactericidal effect and have a beneficial effect on human tone. A medium-sized tree in 24 hours restores as much oxygen as is necessary for the breathing of three people.

    The usual leaf cover in summer and even a small layer of snow on the branches of trees and shrubs in winter is a good protection against street noise. Dense bush plantings reduce noise by 10-12 decibels.

    Different tree species differ in the intensity of absorption of certain substances from the air. It is believed that the best carbon monoxide absorbers are alder, aspen, maple, spruce, birch. Lead absorbers: horse chestnut, linden. And a plant like lilac is resistant to pollution.

    The landscaped school territory will be a platform for the implementation of the program of environmental education and upbringing. As a result of the work on the project, a single complex will be created, where one could realize all one's abilities, requests, and interests. The school site will become a place where everyone will feel comfortable, will have ample opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of themselves and others, and gain life experience.

    Section 2. Characteristics of the object

    2.1 Features of the location of the object

    Secondary school No. 1 is located in the Duldurgin district with. Taptanay on Kalinina street 54a. It started functioning in 1909. Over the past years, the school district has tripled in area and the number of students has increased. Therefore, there was a need to re-landscape and plant the territory of the school.

    The entrance to the building is located on Kalinina street. The Duldurga-Aginskoye highway runs along this street. The distance from the carriageway to the school fence is 8 meters. The territory of the school is fenced with a metal fence approximately 1.5 m high.

    2.2 Facilities located on school grounds

    The territory of the school is divided into a sports zone, an economic zone, a recreation zone.

    Objects located on the territory: the main building - a school building, a garage, a boiler room, a monument to the heroes of the Second World War, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, a swing, various types of trees.

    Section 3. Project Proposals

    This course work is aimed at the improvement and landscaping of the school. It is necessary to plant trees, shrubs and ornamental plants, create garden paths, install decorative hydraulic structures, small architectural forms, and plant a lawn.

    The planning of the territory of the site will include the construction of paths, planting trees and flower beds, placement of engineering systems and equipment.

    3.1 Engineering preparation of the territory

    Site preparation includes the following activities:

    · freeing the territory from garbage, wastes of chemical production, remains of foundations formed during the development of old walls and foundations, underground structures, backfilling of pits, recesses, removal of stones, construction debris;

    · Creation of a reference geodetic network, which allows finding the necessary relief marks at all stages of the construction of the object;

    · the organization of a relief - a vertical lay-out according to design marks depending on specific conditions;

    protection of territories from flooding, strengthening of slopes and banks of reservoirs and ravines;

    · laying of underground communications - drainage, plumbing, storm sewerage, electric lighting, telephone cable;

    · removal of dry, dying trees and shrubs infected with pests and diseases, clearing the area of ​​branches, foliage, logging residues of wood, as well as small household waste, stones, glass, etc.;

    protection of valuable woody plants with the help of special devices, carrying out activities for the care of valuable plants - pruning of branches and shoots, top dressing;

    Identification of areas with valuable herbaceous cover, removal of sod cover, moving and storing it to specially designated places for further use in landscaping and landscaping;

    · identifying areas with fertile soil, removing the top layer of such soil and moving it to specially designated areas, storing it in piles for further preparation of plant land for landscaping work at the facility;

    Provision of an object with plant land for the growth of plantings directly on the objects, if there is an upper infertile soil layer that requires improvement in physical and biochemical properties, or preparation of plant land at special landfills with its subsequent delivery to the objects in the volume required by calculation.

    3.2 Justification of the need for improvement

    For a village with difficult climatic and economic conditions, along with the availability of places for employment and comfortable housing, it is also important to create the necessary conditions for a comfortable environment, to provide conditions for recreation for the population. Therefore, there is an urgent need to plan and engage in the improvement of public areas.

    Green spaces are of no small importance in cleaning the rural air from dust and gases. Vegetation has a wide variety of shapes, colors and textures. Trees purify the air, shrubs, flower beds and lawns give the school grounds a pleasant appearance.

    Surely, many people know the fact that the green color promotes rest and relaxation. That is why we feel so good and comfortable in nature, where this color is dominant.

    A variety of sculptures and beautiful landscapes will leave good and memorable impressions on the villagers.

    3.3 Description of the designed plants

    When designing a landscaping system, in no case should one forget about the biological characteristics of plants, the most important of which is the structure of the root system.

    So, for example, a spruce with a superficial root system cannot be planted in a near-stem circle surrounded by paving: as the plant grows and develops, its root system will also develop and eventually go beyond the near-trunk circle, which will first lead to cracking the paving, and then to the death of the plant.

    When forming mixed (multi-species) groups of trees and shrubs, it is also important to know and take into account the mechanical, physiological, biophysical and biochemical factors that affect the interaction between plants. Thus, Scotch pine, planted at a distance of 2 m from a warty birch, suffers greatly from whipping its leaves and various substances secreted by it, and at a distance of 5-6 m from each other, these trees grow well.

    Trees and shrubs are one of the main components of a traditional garden. Flower beds, paths, rock gardens form the lower level of the garden, while trees and large shrubs create volume for the garden, give natural comfort to places of rest, protect from wind and summer heat. It is the trees and shrubs that determine the shape, color, smell of the garden, it is the evergreen trees that give decorativeness to the garden in late autumn and winter, when all other plants have faded and fallen off, and the flower beds are hidden by snow.

    Deciduous plants are decorative, mainly in the summer. They are even more diverse than conifers, because, in addition to different leaf colors and crown shapes, they can bloom beautifully, smell fragrant (birch, mountain ash, lilac).

    Lilies of the valley, asters, tulips, carnations, iris, gladiolus, roses, narcissus and chrysanthemums will be planted in the flower beds. Hanging plants will hang on the gazebo. Ground cover plants can cover empty areas in the flower garden.

    Vertical gardening will be carried out using climbing plants, vines or cut trees, which is widely used in landscape design. The purpose of vertical gardening in a short time in conditions of lack of territory is to obtain a large green area, as well as to decorate and decorate gazebos, to create green walls to isolate individual sections from each other.

    An ordinary (simple) lawn spreads throughout the selected territory. Because it can occupy large spaces and is equipped on any side - sunny or shady

    It differs from the parterre in the quality of tillage, the thickness of the vegetation layer and lower costs.

    Section 4. Estimated part

    To make a decision on the implementation of the project, it is necessary to calculate and evaluate the economic effect - the profit that the owner will receive in connection with the implementation of the project. In this project, the owner will not receive profit from the sale, since the object is used exclusively for recreation of the population and aesthetic perception. This section discusses the costs of its implementation.

    The documents that allow solving the organizational and financial issues of the design object are the design and estimate cost, which includes price indicators characterizing all types of work on the territory.

    In construction, clear reporting and cost estimates are always important. The preparation of estimate documentation includes the work of calculating the estimate, choosing the form of the estimate, as well as the use and knowledge of regulatory bases, indices and coefficients.

    Estimated calculations are usually at the intersection of the interests of the Customer (Payer) and the Contractor (Executor), with the possible exception of the case when the Customer and the Contractor are combined in one person. Accordingly, the economic interest of the Customer lies in minimizing the estimated cost (final estimate), and the Contractor, on the contrary, in the maximum possible increase in this cost.

    Estimates are prepared by professional estimators, who must be well versed in the technology of work for which estimates are made.

    Estimated part


    unit of measurement

    Cost, rub.)

    Number of units

    Total amount (rub.)

    Design work

    Garbage clearance

    Organization of work

    paving slabs

    Tree planting:

    Site device:


    Creation of flower beds:




    Lighting system:


    Small architectural forms


    For the device of the design object, cheaper materials were used. Based on the data in the table, for the implementation of the object, it is necessary to spend approximately 857,088 thousand rubles. The results of these calculations are relative, since they largely depend on the prices of the supplier of goods and services, on the amount of payment for the work of contractors, and on many other factors.


    For all developed countries of the world, the environmental situation is the subject of special attention of official authorities at all levels, political parties and social movements, the media and the general population.

    Improvement should be understood as a set of measures aimed at ensuring and improving the sanitary and aesthetic condition of the territory of the municipality, increasing the comfort of living conditions for residents of the municipality, maintaining a unified architectural appearance of the settlements of the municipality.

    Improvement of the school territory is a set of measures aimed at creating favorable, healthy and cultural conditions for life, work and leisure of schoolchildren, employees, visitors.

    Thus, the improvement of the territory of the municipality combines a set of measures that contribute to the improvement of life and management on the territory of the municipality, including measures for engineering improvement (engineering training and engineering equipment, artificial lighting), social improvement (improving the system of social and consumer services for the population ), on external improvement (landscaping, organization of traffic and pedestrians, equipping the territory with small architectural forms and improvement elements) and improvement measures related to the improvement of the environment, improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions of residential areas, ensuring environmental improvement of the territory. Landscaping works include territory cleaning; maintenance of elements of external improvement; landscaping of the territory of the municipality; maintenance and operation of roads; lighting of settlements of the municipality.

    Landscaping is understood as a complex process associated with the direct planting of trees, shrubs, flowers, the creation of grassy lawns, and with the implementation of various types of engineering preparation and landscaping of green areas.

    List of sources

    1. Building codes and regulations II-L.4-62, paragraph 2.4;

    2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions";

    3. Improvement of residential areas of urban areas. Kaznov S.D., Kaznov S.S. - Publishing house: M.: Publishing house ASV, 2009. - 220p.

    4. Landscaping of populated areas. Urban foundations; V.S. Theodoronsky; G.P. Zherebtsova., - Publishing house: M. - "Academy". 2010. - 360s.

    5. Garden and park construction. V.S. Teodoronsky, - M .: GOU VPO MGU, 2003 - 336s.

    6. Bogovaya, I.O. Landscaping of populated areas. [Text]: textbook for universities / I.O. Bogovaya, V.S. Teodoronsky - M.: Agropromizdat, 1990. - 280s.

    7. Teodoronsky B. C. "Landscape construction": a textbook for universities. - M.: GOU VPO MGUL, 2003.

    8. Lepkovich I. P "Landscape art - LNG: Dilya Publishing House", 2004.

    9. Protsenko L.V. The design of your garden: lane with it. - M.: My world, 2008.

    10. Krizhanovskaya N. I "Fundamentals of landscape design" - Rostov N \ D: Phoenix, 2005.

    11. Rubtsov L.I. - Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture. - M, 2000.

    Hosted on Allbest.ru

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    landscaping and beautification of the school territory

    My small home

    Over the past few years, activities have been launched in our country to create and implement various social projects. This is done not only by the authorities, but also by public organizations and individuals.

    One of these projects is the improvement of the school territory "My small homeland", created in our school by the students themselves and their teachers. A creative approach to the idea is the most important aspect in such a project, therefore, when creating it, students and teachers showed all their invention, imagination and originality of thinking. Work on such a project affected not only the school building itself, but also the territory adjacent to it (sports ground, school yard, paths, school flower beds). In the process of working on the project, we realized that the improvement of the school territory is necessary both to create an attractive appearance and to maintain the reputation of the educational institution.

    The main goal of the project for the improvement of our school territory is the division of the site into certain zones and the creation of certain boundaries. Visually, this became noticeable, because we gave them shape with the help of design solutions. For example, we divided the school annex and the educational and experimental site with the help of a curb and granotsow path.

    Now there are many benches in the school yard, its territory is decorated with beautiful flower beds. And on one of the zones there is an ecological path with many types of medicinal plants.

    The playground is an important part of the school grounds where students spend a lot of time. Therefore, the compact placement of all objects on it (treadmills, volleyball or basketball courts, wall bars) is a very important and necessary element in landscaping. In the plans for the implementation of this project, we have to improve the sports ground, create play areas on the territory of the school, which are a place of recreation and entertainment. In such areas, it is planned to install gazebos, slides, labyrinths.

    Professionally performed work on the implementation of this project will lead to the fact that the school will become a modern and attractive educational institution. Taking care of the school territory requires constant attention and accuracy, so the school staff will make every effort to preserve all the beauty that they created themselves.

    Selection and justification of the project topic

    The territory of our school is vast and diverse. In addition to the school building, the building of the school gas boiler house, a warehouse, and a water heater are located here. The school grounds are adjacent to the school. In the kindergarten "Tulip" from the end there is a school canteen. Therefore, the zoning of the territory and the delimitation of zones, the improvement of these zones becomes especially relevant. The facade of the school overlooks the site.

    The landscaping and landscaping campaign traditionally takes place at the school every year in four stages. It involves students in grades 1-9.

    The first stage - February-March:

    * students develop projects for the improvement of the school territory,

    landscaping and rational use of the school grounds;

    * student projects are defended.

    The second stage - April-May:

    * preparation of planting material - seeds of vegetables and flowers;

    * growing seedlings;

    * preparation of inventory;

    *spring tillage;

    * work on the improvement of the school territory and the area adjacent to it,

    fence repair; pruning shrubs;

    *spring planting (implementation of projects);

    * laying experiments.

    The third stage - June-August:

    * care for plantings in the school area: watering, weeding;

    *experimental work;

    *systematic harvesting and its implementation.

    The fourth stage - September-October:

    * harvesting and its implementation; seed collection;

    * autumn tillage;

    * autumn planting of bulbous;

    * summarizing the experimental work, preparing reports;

    * Harvest Festival, an exhibition of gifts of nature, flowers, handicrafts from natural materials

    rial; Winner's reward ceremony.

    Goals and objectives of the project:

      creation of an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space near the school;

      the most rational use of the school territory in the educational process and economic activities of the school;

      improvement of the ecological situation in the school and on the territory adjacent to it due to green spaces and flowers;

      education of diligence, love for one's school, respect for nature;

      development of research activities of schoolchildren;

      development of creative abilities of students;

      formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

    Every year the school prepares for a new academic year. In the summer of 2010, a partial improvement of the courtyard area of ​​the school was completed, a gazebo was built, and partly a playground.

    In 2010 - 11 academic years. It is planned to allocate several zones for the year:

    1st zone- game

    * aesthetic design of the school yard.
    * a playground for schoolchildren to play volleyball, basketball.

    2nd zone - flower corner(school yard);

    3rd zone– green zone (the end of the school near the kindergarten "Tulip");

    4th zone – educational and experienced(school area).

    Sketch No. 1 Playroom "Landscaping and landscaping of the zone"

    This site is located from the main entrance to the school. Along the perimeter of the site, old trees and shrubs were culled and cut down.

    In 2010, it is planned here:

    1. Arrangement of the playing area: sports ground and playground.

    (Installation of basketball backboards, football goals, volleyball net posts, painting of the fence separating the playing area from the training and experimental area.)

    2.Construction of small forms: gazebos, alpine slides. 3. Planting shrubs and trees along the perimeter of the school along the fence (instead of those culled).

    Expected results:

    1.Improvement of the ecological situation in the school and in the territories adjacent to it.

    2. There will be an opportunity to conduct physical education lessons at your own sports ground.

    3. Conditions will be created for students to play and relax.

    For the implementation of this part of the project, planting material will be required:

    trees: maples (ash-trees, lindens) - 10 pieces;

    ornamental shrubs: Japanese spirea or stone-leaved, mock orange, snowberry (rosehip) - 50 pcs.

    Design solution for the design of the gazebo
    The gazebo is a romantic place to relax on the site. The atmosphere reigning in it can be transformed in an amazing way. In the circle of friends here is fun and noisy. In solitude, with a book - quietly and calmly. The gazebo is one of the most popular buildings on the site. It is pleasant to hide from the sun on a hot day, hide from the rain, enjoy the special, lyrical mood of nature. The gazebo is a place for children to play. And on our school site there is a place where you can install a gazebo. So several solutions were proposed, and we chose the most optimal, not expensive project. "Green" gazebo, woven from willow trunks. A beautiful panorama will open from the gazebo, and it will look advantageous, it will attract attention.

    The gazebo becomes the main decorative and most functional element on the site.

    Fence painting.

    Sketch No. 2 Flower corner "Beautification of the zone"

    The courtyard part of the school territory has an area of ​​more than 100 sq.m. To create coziness and improve the environmental situation in the school, zones with annual and perennial bright flowers will be arranged along the perimeter of the back of the building.

    Expected results:

    1. The sanitary and hygienic situation at the school and in the surrounding area will improve. The aesthetic appearance of the school yard will improve.

    2. There will be an opportunity to conduct classes on the study of fauna and flora at biology lessons.

    To complete this part of the project, planting and sowing material will be required:

    pansies (viola) - 4 packages;

    host - 1 package;

    aster (undersized varieties "Baby", "Dwarf Royal") - 5 packages;

    marigolds (undersized terry and non-terry varieties) - 5 packages;

    Chinese cloves, Turkish cloves - 2 packets;

    calendula (undersized varieties) - 4 packets;

    nasturtium - 5 packages;

    primrose (primrose) - 2 packets.

    Sketch No. 3 "Landscaping and landscaping - green zone"

    The green zone at the end of the school is a place of rest and games for children not only from our school, but also from nearby streets. The poplars near the school from the side of the Tulip kindergarten were planted many years ago, they have lost their aesthetic appearance, lost their attractiveness, they shade the windows of the school, as a result of which the light regime in the classrooms is disturbed. Therefore, we cut down some of them, and in spring and autumn of 2010-2011 we plan to plant ornamental shrubs in their place. A view of the school building will open, and the sanitary and hygienic situation in the classrooms will improve.

    Expected results of the project:

    1. Creation of the most favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions for education, games and recreation of children.

    2. Improving the aesthetic appearance of the school grounds.

    3. The use of shrubs and trees of the green zone as visual material for studying the flora of the native land.

    4. Elimination of the focus of increased danger to the life and health of students.

    To implement the project, you need:

    decorative trees:

    lindens, maples - 15 pieces;

    coniferous (pine, larch) -5 pieces;

    ornamental shrubs:

    snowberry - 20 pieces;

    spirea - 20 pieces;

    rosehip - 10 pieces;

    mock orange - 5 pieces.

    Sketch No. 4 "Landscaping and landscaping of the zone - the school site"

    The school educational and experimental site is the material base for teaching biology. It makes it possible to establish a connection between theory and practice and is intended for conducting theoretical and practical classes, organizing socially useful and productive labor, experimental, environmental work, and environmental education of students.

    The educational and experimental site of the school with an area of ​​19 acres is an open ground area, divided into eight sectors. Each sector corresponds to a specific department: field, collection, flower and decorative, fruit and berry, vegetable, systematic, arboretum and elementary school department.

    We plan to plant additional fruit trees and shrubs, lay out new flower beds and flower beds.

    In 2010-11 it is planned:

    1. Fence repair.

    2. Development of abandoned and previously unused lands.

    3. Re-planning of the site.

    4. Establishment of a small production department for growing vegetables for the school canteen.

    5. Planting additional trees and shrubs in the dendrological department, fruit trees and berry bushes.

    6. Breakdown of flower beds, flower garden-pharmacy.

    Expected results:

    1. It will be possible to use large areas for organizing departments of the school site.

    2. The most rational use of the area of ​​the site.

    3. The ecological situation and the sanitary and hygienic condition of the school territory will improve.

    4. It will be possible to use flora as a visual material in educational and extracurricular activities.

    5. Flower beds and ornamental shrubs from early spring to late autumn will delight the eye.

    6. Protection of health and life of students.

    To complete this part of the project, you will need:

      for a flower garden-pharmacy: wild rose - 10 pcs.

    badan -1 pack.

    elecampane -1 pack.

    young - 5 outlets

    hyssop -2 pack.

    yarrow-1 pack.

      for super flower bed, mixborders:

    Japanese quince - 5 pcs.

    panicled phlox - 2 pack.

    rudbeckia - 2 pack.

    aquilegia -2 pack.

    astilba - 1 pack.

    Canadian goldenrod - 1 pack.

    bought - 2 pack.

    garden chamomile - 2 pack.

    young - 5 outlets

    nasturtium - 2 pack.

    calendula - 7 pack.

    balsam - 2 pack.

    fragrant tobacco - 2 pack.

    mattiola - 5 pack.

    alyssum - 3 pack.

    daisies - 3 pack.

    morning glory - 4 pack.

    decorative sunflower - 2 pack.

      dendrological department:

    larch - 5 pcs.

    City children have little contact with nature, their life is practically not connected with the flora and fauna in any way. For the most part, they know the names of only the most famous trees and flowers: birch, oak, spruce, rose, chamomile. This is embarrassingly small!

    To determine in practice the types of plants, to know and be able to use their useful properties, to understand the relationship between the flora and fauna, to observe nature - there is almost nowhere to do this in a metropolis. The development of computers, multimedia, the displacement of outdoor games by virtual ones has led to the fact that children do not receive a whole layer of knowledge about the world around them.

    Purposeful environmental education of the younger generation will help to fill the gaps. For this, theory is not enough, a practical basis is needed. It is easiest to create it on the territory of a children's institution. This means that when landscaping is carried out on the school territory, it must be borne in mind that in addition to being decorative, it must perform educational functions.

    Landscaping the territory of a kindergarten or school has its own specifics. Where there are children, poisonous plants, as well as plants that emit a lot of essential oils, which can cause allergic or skin diseases, should not be used. Thorns, thorns, inedible fruits are dangerous. It is important that the work is carried out in strict accordance with SanPiN.

    The site should be beautiful in winter and summer, so coniferous trees are of particular importance. Fluffy Christmas trees have another purpose: you can decorate your favorite winter tree with your children for the New Year, then dance, meet Santa Claus. If the children helped make toys, then the Christmas tree will become the center of winter entertainment, an occasion for competitions (for the best decoration or drawing).

    When planning the landscape, it is necessary to create an alternation of shady and sunny areas, to provide "ventilation", avoiding too close planting of plants. What plants can grow on the territory of a children's institution? First of all, these are conifers: spruce, pine - they look great all year round, juniper - lends itself perfectly to modeling. Unpretentious, decorative types feel good in the urban environment:

    • snowberry;
    • some types of mock orange;
    • spirea;
    • lilac;
    • acacia,
    • thuja, juniper.

    One of the functions of green spaces is protective. Rows of shrubs shield the yard from the dust of the surrounding streets and contribute to a calm environment. A hedge at the same time will become an ornament if you skillfully trim the shrubs. Today it is fashionable to turn trees and bushes into funny animals, but a landscape designer must correctly model such figures and harmoniously “fit” them into the space.

    It all starts in kindergarten

    As early as the end of the twentieth century, the first attempts were made to create experimental environmental laboratories on the basis of a kindergarten. Children, under the guidance of adults, took care of plants and animals, watched them in their natural environment. They made a “corner of the forest” on the territory, where they tried to recreate a piece of the forest landscape with plants characteristic of this region (the experiment was conducted in Moscow).

    The best ideas lie on the surface. Children enthusiastically take part in planting a garden and rejoice at the “forest clearing” created right on the territory. Some educators are creative in their creation. The garden helps to learn the alphabet, if you look at the beds and remember the letters that begin the names of vegetables. A forest clearing where primroses appear in spring (carefully planted in autumn) is an occasion to talk about the change of seasons.

    Thoughtful landscaping of a kindergarten is necessary for educating children in respect for nature. The gardening plan for the kindergarten is developed taking into account the requirements of the legislation and sanitary standards. The best result is obtained if planting is thought out simultaneously with the design and design of verandas, the choice of equipment for playgrounds.

    Organization of a school site

    The original landscaping of the school territory with the division of the site into zones allows you to conduct some lessons and practical work on biology, natural history and the world around you right in the open air. Here scientists come to the aid of the school. As part of the cooperation between Moscow State University and schools, a schoolyard landscaping project was developed, which recommends allocating zones on the "green" territory:

    1. food plants.
    2. Green pharmacy.
    3. Useful plants (having properties used for the production of dyes, oils, etc.).
    4. Plants characteristic of the area.
    5. Mini pond for aquatic plants.
    6. Flower beds (flower beds of different sizes and shapes, flowerpots).
    7. Traditional crops that were grown in the area before.
    8. An experimental field that offers unlimited possibilities for the project activities of entire classes.

    Classes that include observing and caring for plants clearly show the relationship between man and nature, develop meta-subject skills, and consolidate theoretical knowledge. The design of individual sections is an occasion for the manifestation of the creative imagination of schoolchildren and the embodiment of any ideas.

    Landscaping of the school site plays an important role in dividing the yard into functional areas. If space permits, then the entrance can be decorated classically - an alley of trees. The sports complex is visually separated from the rest of the territory; Their flowering should begin before graduation. May is the time of bulbs: tulips, crocuses, daffodils, irises. Take care of their planting in the fall. It should be remembered that the grass also needs sun and care, and if these conditions cannot be provided, it is better to replace it with a special coating.

    Unfortunately, not all school yards can boast that a landscape architect worked on them, but unusual “green” objects and small architectural forms are increasingly appearing, causing a smile, making children proud of their school. It turns out that the gardening of the school yard is the beginning of the education of not only environmental literacy, but also love for the “small motherland”, patriotism.