
Christmas rituals. Fortune-telling for a betrothed for Christmas 12 times go around the church to get married

Divination for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019 for the betrothed is the most popular. Please note that it is possible on Christmas Eve. This means from 6 to 7 January. On Christmas itself and on the night of January 7-8, you should not guess. But then a long period of Christmas time begins, which lasts until the night of January 18-19. At this time, you can guess at least every night. How to conduct a true fortune-telling for Christmas on January 6 on January 7 for a betrothed?

  • To meet a loved one
  • Husband's choice (with onion)
  • Before bedtime
  • With a twig
  • At the window
  • with comb
  • With water
  • along the fence
  • Dinner with fiance
  • With mirrors
  • The attitude of the church to divination

Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for the betrothed

Popular beliefs say that at the time described, all the prohibitions of the mysterious forces are removed and a person can, with sufficient desire, know his fate. For fortune-telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2019 for a betrothed or any other types of fortune-telling, you need to properly prepare. It is necessary to wash, let down your hair and comb your hair, remove all jewelry from yourself (they are amulets that block the flow of energy). You should try to get all material thoughts out of your head, focus only on the future, on the ritual and on your desire to know fate.

To meet a loved one

To perform this ritual, it will be necessary to approach the church at midnight on Christmas Eve. It could be any church. The one closest to your home will do. It is necessary to go around the church 12 times and ask fate to meet with the betrothed. This ritual is not even a fortune-telling, but a way to get rid of painful loneliness and meet your man.

Husband's choice (with onion)

Whether you can choose your own husbands is, of course, a moot point. But, our ancestors believed that everything is possible on Christmas Eve and during Christmas time, so why not try and pick up the best groom for yourself. To do this, it will be necessary to take several onions on one of the designated nights and polish them according to the number of candidates for your hand and heart. In order not to get confused, it is even better to sign each bulb additionally. Now put the bulbs in water and send them to the window, wait until they begin to germinate. The bulb that will have green feathers first will indicate a person who truly loves you very much.

Before bedtime

It will be necessary to eat a maximum of salty food on Christmas Eve: cabbage, cucumbers, fish. Only after this meal you can no longer drink water. So go to bed, and before going to bed, ask the betrothed mummer to come in a dream and bring a drink. If you did everything right and believe enough in, then most likely the betrothed will come in a dream, and you will meet him ahead of schedule.

With a twig

This fortune-telling for the betrothed must also be prepared before going to bed. It will be necessary to make a bridge of twigs, they can be removed from their broom. Put the bridge under the pillow and wish that in a dream the betrothed would come and lead the girl across the bridge. We hope that your future husband is a gentleman and will not refuse such a request.

At the window

It will be necessary to prepare for the ritual, as described above, and sit in complete silence by the window in your room. It is best to do this when everyone is already in bed, turn off the lights and light a candle. Now you need to ask yourself that the betrothed drove past the window. If under the window the first sounds are joyful and cheerful, then this is a good sign. If the conversations are about something sad, then life with the betrothed will be the same. Interestingly, when a car passes under the window first, this indicates a journey in the year that has just come. Perhaps it is there that you will meet your betrothed?

with comb

Again, divination is done for the coming dream. You will need to hang a comb in the house at night and ask the groom to come and comb your hair at night. Of course, you should not comb yourself before going to bed, in no case.

With water

Before going to bed, you will need to hold the lock above the water and lock the lock. At the same time, talk to yourself so that at night your betrothed-mummer will come in a dream and ask for water. The person who dreams in a dream will be your soulmate.

along the fence

This ritual is also extremely simple. You will just have to walk along the fence and run your hand along it, saying to yourself: rich, poor, widower, single. On what word the fence will end, fate has prepared such a betrothed for you.

Dinner with fiance

This fortune-telling is not for the faint-hearted girls, but they say that the result is worth it. It is necessary to guess one late in the evening on Christmas Eve. The best time for divination is close to midnight. It is necessary to lay a new tablecloth on the table and put two appliances, do not put knives and forks on the table and, in general, put them away. Close doors and windows tightly, put a plate of fruits, berries, sweets on the table. You can not put anything meat or fried, boiled on this table.

Now put your hands on the table and ask the soy bean to come to you to have dinner. Soon a noise will be heard outside the window: gusts of wind, crackling of branches. This means that the betrothed is approaching. Soon the betrothed will enter the room, you have to sit quietly and try to examine him. After that, say "Chur, my place." The betrothed will disappear, leaving you, we hope, only pleasant memories.

With mirrors

Considering specific Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed, it is simply impossible to ignore this ritual. As a rule, he is always somewhere on the sidelines in the list of others and, of course, there are reasons for this. The thing is that many sources indicate that this ritual is quite dangerous and it is important to observe all the main points of its implementation so as not to invite trouble on yourself. But, if you are lucky and everything is done extremely correctly, you will be able to see the image of your betrothed and understand exactly who fate has prepared for you and when to expect such happiness as meeting with your loved one, with whom you are destined to grow old.

So, first of all, it must be emphasized that such fortune-telling is carried out strictly in solitude. That is, if you want to have fun with your girlfriends and have fun making predictions, this method of divination is definitely not suitable. Moreover, in Russia this fortune-telling was carried out in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. All because of the fact that everything happens and instead of the betrothed, you can call evil spirits, who then want to settle in your house. It is clear that such a neighborhood is not suitable for residential premises, but there is nothing to worry about in non-residential premises.

If you have nowhere else to guess except your room in a city apartment, then do not despair. It is simply important to carefully and carefully approach all aspects of this ritual in order to eventually see the betrothed and at the same time close the otherworldly portal. So, the room should be dark, fortune-telling is carried out by candlelight. Close windows and doors tightly, remove all pets, even fish. Next, the girl will need to prepare externally for such a ritual. In particular, the hair must be loosened, all knots on the clothes should be untied, buttons and zippers, if any, should be unbuttoned. After that, remove all jewelry and approach divination very seriously: these are not jokes, but an important ritual, the conduct of which requires ceremony and the right attitude to business.

Preparing inventory and conducting fortune-telling itself

1. Take two mirrors, one should be slightly larger than the other. Put a smaller mirror closer to you, but with the front side to a large mirror. That is, in front of the fortuneteller, a mirror corridor should turn out.
2. You need to take a candle, preferably long and made of natural wax, put it between the mirrors. It turns out that the candle is also reflected in the mirror corridor.
3. Now concentrate on your desire to see the betrothed and, as it were, call him to yourself, while peering intently into the mirror corridor.
4. If everything is done correctly, with faith in the soul, then soon the image of the betrothed should appear in this corridor. Further, it is important to act strictly according to the scheme and not to delay the time, otherwise, this can lead to trouble.
5. When you saw the image of the betrothed, you must definitely say loudly three times: "Chur me." This is required so that the spirit from the mirror does not pass into our world, but remains precisely in the world of spirits, so that the portal closes.

On the other hand, do not pay too much attention to some negative predictions. Here you should listen to psychologists who say that everything, both bad and good, is programmed in the head of the person himself. Our thoughts have energy and are able to really change with the right concentration. This is no longer science fiction, but real proven facts. Therefore, you need to concentrate on everything good that fortune-telling will tell about, and immediately drive everything negative out of your head, which means that it will eventually be expelled from your life.

The attitude of the church to divination

Despite the fact that in Russia it has always been said that the period of Christmas time from January 6 to January 18 is ideal for fortune-telling and rituals, one important thing needs to be recalled. The Church considers divination a sin and does not welcome the desire of a person to look into the future and try to find out in advance the will of God. So, for the church, fortune-telling is a sin and it will be necessary to take it off at confession later.

On the other hand, for a long time in Russia, even before the advent of Christianity, there was paganism. Historically, it so happened that many pagan customs and holidays were later replaced by Christian ones and somehow smoothly fit into the church calendar. This is where a kind of confusion came from, that it seems that the Christmas period is the church period of the holiday in honor of Christmas and the Baptism of Christ, and on the other hand, various kinds of fortune-telling and rituals are held during this period, which the church does not welcome.

These are the main fortune-telling for the betrothed, which can be carried out both on Christmas Eve and during Christmas time from January 8 to 18. Of course, not all fortune-telling can work the first time. But patience and work, as you know, will bear fruit. There is plenty of time, so you can experiment. As for the festive table on Christmas Eve, it must be on it.

How Orthodoxy treats old Christmas divination.

The desire to predict, to foresee something from the future has been with people since antiquity. It is impossible to do this by any earthly means. Man, limited by the laws of the physical world, inevitably turns to supernatural forces. A question arises that requires a clear and principled solution: what is the source of our knowledge of future events. Holy Scripture shows us that only God knows the future. The dark demonic forces, as the holy fathers teach, do not know the future. As incorporeal beings, they can calculate and predict events more than people. The Word of God shows us the danger of turning to these forces, calls any divination, divination, spell an abomination and a daring crime (Deut. 10-12; Micah 5:12). The book of the prophet Daniel tells how Nebuchadnezzar turned to fortune-tellers and sorcerers to tell him the dreams he saw and explain. St. Daniel said: “The secrets about which the king asks, neither wise men, nor charmers, nor occultists, nor fortune-tellers can reveal to the king. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets” (Dan. 2:27). In order for the Lord to reveal the future, a strict, pure life, prayer, and the fulfillment of the commandments are needed. But even then God gives knowledge of the future according to His seeing for the purposes of our benefit. To enter into communication with demons, no feat is required. It is enough to resort to known methods. The price that a person pays for this is very high - spiritual health. Sometimes it ends in an obsession. Even after repentance, a painful trace remains in the soul for a long time.

Fortune-telling, which is performed on holy days, by its nature does not differ from fortune-telling at other times of the year. Even if people do not realize this, but perceive it as exotic games, this matter is not harmless, for the word has existential power. Once said, it does not disappear, but goes into the infinite memory of God. At the Judgment, it will be presented to us as justification and condemnation. The magic word attracts demons, even if the person did not want it. The existence of divination in Russia on holy days only indicates that some sinful customs can be very tenacious, because they have fallen human nature as soil. The Holy Church attunes her children and in these days to live a full-blooded spiritual life according to the holy thousand-year tradition.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov), resident of the Sretensky Monastery

"Orthodox Faith", Saratov

Once a Epiphany Eve

The girls guessed:

Shoe behind the gate

Taking it off their feet, they threw it.

V.A. Zhukovsky


Since ancient times in Russia, people who want to know their fate have been guessing, especially at Christmas time and on Epiphany days. About these, which have become a tradition, divination has been written more than once in fiction. From year to year, from century to century, people wondered, and many did not even suspect what a big sin it was. Guessing is generally a sin, and even more so on holy days.

Once I learned from a priest about the sin of Christmas divination. I must say that before that I considered fortune-telling to be something frivolous and treated it as fun. I learned about one of the ways of divination from the story of my sister Tanya. We were both still in school at the time. One day she told me that she had taken part in fortune-telling. It consisted of the following. It was necessary to crumple up a piece of newspaper, turn off the light and set fire to this lump. The shadow of the burnt newspaper should reflect on the wall, and it will resemble something. Based on what exactly this shadow will resemble, you need to draw conclusions about your future. Tanya said that she had such a picture: a crowd of people leaned over the table. Before she had time to tell me this story, our grandfather died that day, who was absolutely healthy and did not complain about anything. Then we recalled this divination several times, as a kind of omen, and nothing more.

Many years later, when I was already a young girl, I once succumbed to the persuasion of my girlfriends and decided to tell fortunes. And again crumpled newspaper. We treated this case with humor, as entertainment. I don't remember what picture "fell" to me then, but soon my sister Tanya, who was only 22 years old, died.

A few more years passed, and I, already quite an adult woman, was again seduced to guess. This time my second cousin Nadia took part in the divination. She guessed first, I followed her. I didn’t remember her picture, but I did it: a crowd of people is moving towards a hillock, on which a man stands and holds a cross in his hands, as if on a church dome. Some time passed, and Nadia's mother died, and a month later my father died, and also suddenly, in the midst of complete health and prosperity, when nothing foreshadowed trouble. And then it suddenly dawned on me that fortune-telling is not a harmless activity, not entertainment, but something very serious, and it does not go unpunished. And, perhaps, that for my fortune-telling I suffered a heavy punishment - the loss of my loved ones, whom, perhaps, I "killed" with my actions, although unwittingly.


Fortune telling for Christmas, Christmas fortune telling.

Christmas divination

Every year, almost every priest has to talk about Christmas divination. Moreover, the arguments of those who like to indulge in this by no means safe occupation are striking in their resourcefulness. Here are the arguments that there is nothing to forget folk traditions; and evidence that this is just a harmless game, and even the assertion that this action is blessed by the Church, since it is done with prayer and sanctified with church objects (candles, incense).

However, among the variety of pagan and magical techniques used on these Christmas and Epiphany days, I really like one. This action is for those who really want to meet true love. To do this, as they say, you need to go to the nearest church at midnight and go around it 12 times, and then loneliness will be destroyed and long-awaited love will appear. I am ready to fully support this statement if at midnight on Christmas you come to our temple, and together with you, singing the troparion “Your Christmas, Christ our God”, we will go around the temple 12 times, glorifying the born Infant Christ. I am sure that seeing our feat of prayer and heartfelt festive joy, the Lord will respond to the desire to love and be loved or loved.

The cunning one is cunning in his inventions, and in order to justify his cunning, he will surely present arguments that are surprising in resourcefulness.

There is no excuse for guessing. The Church has repeatedly spoken about this throughout the centuries of its existence. There are no safe methods, just as there is no division into "white" and "black" magicians. The Holy Fathers of the Church repeatedly preached and wrote about the dangers of divination and predictions. Here are the words of St. Basil the Great: “Do not be curious about the future, but profitably dispose of the present. For what profit is it to you to anticipate the command? If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not know in advance. And if it is mournful, why languish with grief until the time? Do you want to be sure about the future? Fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel Law and expect the enjoyment of blessings.

It is clear that a person entering the new year is far from being indifferent to "what the day (year) of the coming day is preparing for me." This interest is fully supported by all the media, from the tabloid newspaper to the "serious" programs on the central television channels.

Today, in the era of the Internet, when obtaining information requires only the ability to use a search engine, it is absolutely not difficult to find out what the “leading” magicians, astrologers and other home-grown oracles and all-seers predicted for us. So, let's make a small and for all possible movement to December 2009, that is, at the time when the "great seers and masters" told us about what awaits us in 2010.

As always, Nostradamus scholars translated another quatrain of Nostradamus, from which it became absolutely clear that in 2010, American President Barack Obama would initially get mired in a terrible love affair, and then unleash one or more wars (apparently with Iran and Syria) and threaten the use of nuclear weapons primarily by Russia, intimidating the whole world.

As you know, last year ended in the exact opposite. An agreement was signed on the further reduction of nuclear weapons between Russia and the United States. And the wife of the American president did not express any claims to her husband.

Our unforgettable Pavel Globa predicted the development of the global crisis, cataclysms in Europe and the early collapse of the European Union. The crisis, as they say, is fading into oblivion, and Estonia has recently joined the euro zone. And here - "by".

The seer Catherine, famous throughout Russia and Ukraine, without hesitation promised a strong earthquake in Russia, a conflict in the Crimea and a war that would begin on November 11 and in which 50 million Russians would die ...

So why don't such examples, which speak of the complete failure of fortune-tellers of all stripes, stop our curiosity? Why is even God's establishment and the ecclesiastical ban on any kind of divination and prediction not taken into account? One of the reasons is spiritual omnivorousness. 20 years of religious freedom have not been able to develop in us, Orthodox, a clear understanding of "what is good and what is bad." As before, the combination of Church Sacraments and prayers with occult practices and belief in the balance of good and evil is practiced and sometimes blessed. A recent example told to me by a local priest.

In one of our monastery churches, the floors are always very clean, polished to a shine. It turns out that if in some family there is a problem with childbearing, then it is necessary to come and wash the floor in this monastery. This will be enough for the child to appear ...

And there are a great many such superstitious statements. Here you have a cherubic incense, and a piece of earth from a holy place that you need to eat, and a second, “secret” name for a baptized child ...

The belief that without our spiritual work, striving to observe the Commandments and constant church life, one can achieve what is needed right now, is the basis for the existence of magicians of all stripes and categories.

Another reason for the undying love for divination and predictions is the policy of “preservation of folk traditions” being imposed now and on a state scale. But the fan of these "traditions" included not only the good and the eternal. Under the guise of concern for historical heritage and cultural values, all the pagan dirt painted with such a colorful appearance was swept away. Under carnival clothes and bathing fun, the same smirk of the enemy of the human race is not noticed. Christmas divination is also strongly elevated to the rank of "tradition", and where this "tradition" is not accepted, outright wickedness is presented as fun, joke or game. This frivolous flirtation with the other world is similar in its consequences to a soft drug. It will certainly require continuation in a clearer and already terrible, disastrous form.

During the year, there are several days and weeks when the forces of evil manifest themselves most clearly. Christmas time is one of such periods, because this is the time closest to the real Miracle - the birth of the Savior.

“Christmas divination,” writes Archdeacon Andrey Kuraev, “is the best way to spoil your relationship with Christ at the beginning of the new year. To those who say that the tradition comes from the Magi who brought gifts to the baby Christ, I will answer - they went from divination to Christ, and their today's imitators - in the opposite direction. The Church categorically prohibits fortune-telling (whether Christmas or any other):

“Those who surrender themselves to magicians, or others like them, in order to learn from them that discoveries ascend to them, in accordance with the previous fatherly decrees about them, let them be subject to the rule of six years of penance. Subject to the same penance those who utter fortune-telling about happiness, about fate, as well as the so-called charmers, figures of protective talisans and sorcerers. Those who are stagnant in this and do not reject such pernicious pagan fictions are determined to be completely cast out of the Church, as the sacred rules command.

(61 canons of the VI Ecumenical Council).

It is worth noting that many types of fortune-telling, especially on Christmas and Epiphany days, require the removal of a pectoral cross from oneself. In passing, it is proposed to remove the cross to the side, that is, to renounce God, so as not to interfere with the upcoming dialogue with the demons. For fortune-telling, places are chosen where, as it is believed, "the unclean force lives, which is highly activated during the Christmas period." Non-residential and non-standard places, such as abandoned houses, baths, basements, hallways, attics, cemeteries, etc.

It must be constantly remembered that any prediction and magical statement will certainly leave a mark on our lives, even if we just listen to them and consider them just a “game”. This trail is far from harmless. Willingly and unwittingly, he will deprive us of what is the highest value - the freedom of our own will, given to us by God. We must not forget that Christ is born in the Bethlehem cave also because he is free and does not depend in his choice either on the Roman emperor, or on King Herod, or on the Jewish High Priest. So why should we, who glorify Christ and believers in Him, give this freedom to the result of divination? However, among the variety of pagan and magical techniques used on these Christmas and Epiphany days, I really like one. This action is for those who really want to meet true love. To do this, as they say, you need to go to the nearest church at midnight and go around it 12 times, and then loneliness will be destroyed and long-awaited love will appear. I am ready to fully support this statement if at midnight on Christmas you come to our temple, and together with you, singing the troparion “Your Christmas, Christ our God”, we will go around the temple 12 times, glorifying the born Infant Christ. I am sure that seeing our feat of prayer and heartfelt festive joy, the Lord will respond to the desire to love and be loved or loved.

Every year, almost every priest has to talk about Christmas divination. Moreover, the arguments of those who like to indulge in this by no means safe occupation are striking in their resourcefulness. Here are the arguments that there is nothing to forget folk traditions; and evidence that this is just a harmless game, and even the assertion that this action is blessed by the Church, since it is done with prayer and sanctified with church objects (candles, incense).

The cunning one is cunning in his inventions, and in order to justify his cunning, he will surely present arguments that are surprising in resourcefulness.

There is no excuse for guessing. The Church has repeatedly spoken about this throughout the centuries of its existence. There are no safe methods, just as there is no division into "white" and "black" magicians. The Holy Fathers of the Church repeatedly preached and wrote about the dangers of divination and predictions. Here are the words of St. Basil the Great:

“Do not be curious about the future, but make good use of the present. For what profit is it to you to anticipate the command? If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not know in advance. And if it is mournful, why languish with grief until the time? Do you want to be sure about the future? Fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel Law and expect the enjoyment of blessings.

It is clear that a person entering the new year is far from being indifferent to "what the day (year) of the coming day is preparing for me." This interest is fully supported by all the media, from the tabloid newspaper to the "serious" programs on the central television channels.

... Under carnival clothes and bathing fun, the same smirk of the enemy of the human race is not noticed. Christmas divination is also strongly elevated to the rank of "tradition", and where this "tradition" is not accepted, outright wickedness is presented as fun, joke or game. This frivolous flirtation with the other world is similar in its consequences to a soft drug. It will certainly require continuation in a clearer and already terrible, disastrous form.

During the year, there are several days and weeks when the forces of evil manifest themselves most clearly. Christmas time is one of such periods, because this is the time closest to the real Miracle - the birth of the Savior.

« Christmas divination, - writes Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev, - this is the best way to ruin your relationship with Christ at the start of the new year. To those who say that the tradition comes from the Magi who brought gifts to the baby Christ, I will answer - they went from divination to Christ, and their today's imitators - in the opposite direction.

“Those who surrender themselves to magicians, or others like them, in order to learn from them that discoveries ascend to them, in accordance with the previous fatherly decrees about them, let them be subject to the rule of six years of penance. Subject to the same penance those who utter fortune-telling about happiness, about fate, as well as the so-called charmers, figures of protective talisans and sorcerers. Those who become stagnant in this and do not reject such pernicious pagan fictions are determined to be completely cast out of the Church, as the sacred rules command” (canon 61 of the VI Ecumenical Council).

It is worth noting that many types of fortune-telling, especially on Christmas and Epiphany days, require the removal of a pectoral cross. In passing, it is proposed to remove the cross to the side, that is, to renounce God, so as not to interfere with the upcoming dialogue with the demons. For fortune-telling, places are chosen where, as it is believed, "the unclean force lives, which is highly activated during the Christmas period." Non-residential and non-standard places, such as abandoned houses, baths, basements, hallways, attics, cemeteries, etc.

It must be constantly remembered that any prediction and magical statement necessarily leaves a mark on our lives, even if we just listen to them and consider them just a “game”. This trail is far from harmless. Willingly and unwittingly, he will deprive us of what is the highest value - the freedom of our own will, given to us by God. We must not forget that Christ is born in the Bethlehem cave also because he is free and does not depend in his choice either on the Roman emperor, or on King Herod, or on the Jewish High Priest. So why should we, who glorify Christ and believers in Him, give this freedom to the result of divination?

However, among the variety of pagan and magical techniques used on these Christmas and Epiphany days, I really like one. This action is for those who really want to meet true love. To do this, as they say, you need to go to the nearest church at midnight and go around it 12 times, and then loneliness will be destroyed and long-awaited love will appear. I am ready to fully support this statement if at midnight on the Nativity of Christ you come to our temple, and together with you, singing the troparion “Your Christmas, Christ our God”, we will go around the temple 12 times, glorifying the born Infant Christ. I am sure that seeing our feat of prayer and heartfelt festive joy, the Lord will respond to the desire to love and be loved or loved.

And let me remind you of the words of Holy Scripture, when through the prophet Amos the Lord says:

I hate, I reject your holidays and I do not smell the victims during your solemn meetings. If you offer Me a burnt offering and a meal offering, I will not accept them, nor will I regard them as a thanksgiving offering from your fat calves. Remove from Me the noise of your songs, for I will not listen to the sound of your harp (Amos 5:21-23).

And through Isaiah:

My soul hates your New Moons and your feasts: they are a burden to Me; It's hard for me to carry them. And when you stretch out your hands, I close my eyes from you; and when you multiply your prayers, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood (Is. 1, 14-15).

This is what our celebrations and vain exploits of fasting can lead to.




1. From January 7, every morning, as soon as you wake up, repeat your cherished desire, you can mentally visualize it izizirovat.
And so for 40 days. This period is called WORLD.
The Light Forces of the Universe help our dreams come true. On the 40th day, you need to feed the birds with bread crumbs.

2. On the night of January 7, draw an angel, cut it out of paper. Make a wish and draw one eye for the angel. It is very important! Hide the angel figurine. You will draw the second eye to the angel when you see and feel that your desire is being fulfilled. The ritual is very effective.

3. Christmas (January 7th) is the time for the fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3:00 a.m. on Christmas Day, the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can ask only for yourself and not make wishes that can harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for the love of a particular man either, you don’t know what is the highest good for this person)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and the Lord helped!
This night is really magical - if you make a wish for Christmas, looking at the open sky - it will definitely come true!

4. On Christmas night, take the time to be alone and go outside, where it's dark.
If this is difficult to do, then stand alone at the window in a dark room. Listen to the sounds of the night, peer into the depths of the starry sky, mentally connect with the Universe. At this moment, there is no one around - you are alone with the Universe.
Now mentally hold in your mind all that you would like to receive next year. Set clear goals. Also focus on what you want to get rid of (or who). Be ready to accept everything that comes after the fulfillment of these desires. Covering your eyes with your palm, quietly list what you want to get rid of - and throw it away from you with your hand into the depths of the sky. Then, in the same way, closing your palm, list what you want to receive, and throw these desires into the Cosmos.
And the third, important stage: upon entering the house, light a red candle. Put her in a place where she can
burn out safely. Let the candle burn out completely. It will serve as a beacon that attracts the realization of desires.

*** ON THE BORDER *** (ritual for decisive and courageous

On Christmas at midnight, go to the nearest church and go around it 12 times clockwise, reading the plot. It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and promotes the emergence of new love.

12 times I go around the Lord God, my betrothed, I ask
Lord help the betrothed to me bring.
Mother of God help with the betrothed wedding!
I call on all the Saints and with your patronage
we live in love and harmony.
How true that 12 months a year is true that I'm waiting for my betrothed
Lord, do not delay the path of the betrothed, point to me,
so that he hurriedly went to find me soon!
Lord, Your Christmas, my desire will be fulfilled! Amen

After reading the plot for the last time with their right hand, they throw as many little things as they can fit in the palm of their hand near the entrance to the church territory, saying PAID

Going home without looking back and already at home they read thanksgiving prayers with a lit candle and go to bed.

If the gates are closed, then they go around the church fence.

*** FORTUNE ON DESIRE *** at night

wish come true or not.
On the night of January 6-7, put 12 pieces of paper under the pillow, wishes should be written on 9 of them, and 3 should be left empty. In the morning, without looking, draw out 3 pieces of paper, what is drawn out will come true within a year.