
Runes and phases of the moon. Runes of Chaos Becoming Chaos Runes

Chaos Runes Magic.
Speaking about the runes, we should note that these are certain signs - symbols in which a certain power is contained through a certain ritual, and a binding is made to a certain energy. These runes were created during the time of the Old Order, where they were used to make weapons and artifacts. After the War, this school was forgotten, and its symbols became a simple engraving on rare surviving (in the "outer" world) swords and axes, or hammers ... Only with the return of the Chaos and the restoration of Tir Eschot, this magic can be revived.

The runes of Chaos, in principle, differ little from the runes of other magical schools, both in type (for they are a symbolic image of the corresponding spell), and in connection with power, bearing in themselves a binding to a certain manifestation of Chaos. In their system, they correspond to certain spells, usually 2nd level of power with certain restrictions, specified separately. The method of applying the runes of Chaos on objects is quite different from the methods of other schools, but it will be indicated below.

In their structure, the runes of Chaos differ in types - they distinguish between active, semi-active and passive runes. The first act only at the request of the owner, releasing the power contained in them. The latter are usually permanently activated, but in certain situations they can be "disabled" by the owner. Still others are activated constantly and independently of the owner, for the entire duration of the item's existence.

So, actually the runes ...
^ Rune of Bunch of Chaos.

An active rune, applied mainly to weapons, by order of the owner, once every 4 turns, it can attack with a bunch of Chaos of the 2nd level without control. The possibility of simultaneous throwing of the "own" bunch is not canceled.

Rune of the Network.

An active rune, applied to a weapon, by order of the owner, it can attack with a 2nd level Chaos net once every 5 moves. The restrictions are the same.

^ Rune of the Battle net.

The active rune, applied to the weapon, by order of the owner, once every 7 turns, can attack with a destructive network of Chaos of the 2nd level, everything is the same as for the above runes.

^ Rune of Energy.

An active rune, applied to armor and weapons, upon the order of the owner, fills the item with the power of Chaos without spending energy on the part of Chaos, time - until the order is canceled.

Rune of the Shield.

Semi-active rune, activated when the blades are drawn, regardless of the order (but only in the hands of the owner of the blade), by order can be either canceled when the weapon is drawn, or active when it is sheathed. Surrounds the owner with a simple shield - a dome of the 2nd level, exists until the first attack on the shield (magic of ANY level), recovers after 5 turns.

^ Rune of Restoration.

A passive rune, applied to any item, regardless of the owner of the item, restores its damaged structure. Does not make the item indestructible.

^ Rune of Corruption.

A passive rune, applied ONLY to a weapon, when struck by an enchanted weapon, introduces the force of damage to objects or wounds, which leads to damage to nonmagical objects or complications of wounds, which begin to heal much worse and take much longer to heal.

^ Rune of Portal.

(QUESTIONABLE). An active rune, applied to any object, allows using this object once (I don’t know at what time, but so to speak for an episode of the game) to open a portal of movement of the 2nd level in 2 turns without spending energy (1- concentration and order, 2 - opening the portal).

^ Rune of Mental blocking.

(UNDER THE QUESTION) A semi-active rune, applied to any object, if present, the owner is surrounded by a sphere of mental blocking, which does not allow invading his consciousness (except for especially strong magicians). May be canceled for a while.

^ Rune of Astral Control

(UNDER THE QUESTION) The passive rune, the most difficult and longest to create (caste at least 12 moves), is applied to the weapon and body. It requires an extraordinary investment of forces, because it is most closely connected with the owner. If there is an enemy nearby or a creature whose aura radiates aggression (it does not matter, towards the owner or in general) and danger, the rune makes the weapon's blade glow, or begins to burn the flesh on which it is applied.

^ Rune of Absorption.

A passive rune, usually associated with a recovery rune. Placed ONLY on a weapon, it allows the object to absorb what is on it (blood, dirt, etc.). Due to this, the metal of the blade is restored (through the restoration rune). In addition to this convenient property, the absorbed substance endows the blade with its properties (the strength depends on the amount of absorbed substance), for example. soaked in poison makes the blade more dangerous. It can even absorb magical energy, but weak and extremely rare.

So, a description of the ritual of applying and binding the runes. As already mentioned, the method of applying the runes of Chaos is very different from the methods of other schools, and this is due to certain properties of the power of Chaos, etc. So, the creation of the runes of Chaos is associated with several restrictions.

  1. These runes are not able to create NOBODY, in the forage of Chaosite (or chaotic), because this requires the power of Chaos.

  2. Runes are never carved into an object, but appear on it during the ritual of creation.

  3. When creating a rune, it is necessary that its sketch be depicted with the blood of the one whose subject will be cursed. This will create a complete energy binding of the object and the power of the rune to the owner, excluding the possibility of its use by anyone, even if it is a Guardian. This does not apply to the runes of Restoration and Corruption, because they do not depend on the owner of the blade.

  4. When creating a rune, you must have at least 2 assistants of at least level 2.

  5. The creation of a rune is possible ONLY next to a stationary, permanent, and not associated with any of the present (except for the owner of the item) source of the power of Chaos.

  6. The creator of the rune must own the spell to which the created rune is tied (does not apply to the Mental blocking rune)

  7. Runes can be applied to the body.
The ritual of creating a rune is extremely long and difficult, it takes a long time, and requires a lot of effort on the part of the owner of the item. Cast - from 9 to 15 turns (depending on the number of casters and their strength). The ritual goes like this: Chaosites gather at the source of power, and the owner of the item in his own blood draws the symbol of the rune on the floor (1st turn), and the Circle of Power (2nd turn), which energetically connects the rune with the owner of the item directly and protects the rune and the caster owner from someone else's energy. Then an object is placed in the center of the circle and its owner becomes, placing the energy sphere, which, coinciding with the Circle of Power, blocks the ritual from alien energy. (3rd move). Meanwhile, the assistants concentrate the power of Chaos from the source in order to transfer it to the rune. Then the owner of the item begins to fill the rune symbol with his own energy, and the assistants begin to transfer the power of Chaos there, which is not blocked by the energy sphere. (She simply cuts off the personal energy of the assistants so that she does not fall into the rune). (4-7 turns, depending on the number of casters and their strength). Then the transfer of forces stops, and everyone concentrates on keeping the energy within the rune, so that it can fully accommodate it and be fully connected with it (8th move with the shortest ritual). The owner of the object lifts it into the air with the help of his power under the dome of the energy sphere, and then he and the assistants simultaneously remove the blockage from the rune so that the force from it is directed to the object, i.e. straight up the beam. Once released, the energy goes into the object without a trace, and he gets a binding through it to power and a small rune symbol on its surface. (9th move). In the case of setting the rune on the body, the energy is directed to the caster. Feelings - like from red-hot steel ... The rune is located where the casterer wants it, the desire is voiced at the beginning of the ritual. Outwardly, it looks like a purple tattoo that does not protrude above the skin. The ritual is over, after that the energosphere is simply removed (with a long ritual (over 10 moves), the energosphere needs to be supported directly after the 10th move, because the blood energy weakens). Due to the high power costs, it is impossible to create several runes at a time, maximum one in 2-4 weeks.

The ritual of re-binding the rune (in the case when the object changes its owner) occurs the same way, but it can be performed with one assistant, because the rune in this case does not require intensive filling with the power of Chaos.

The dark adverb is written in the form of a series of phonetic runes, each symbol of which denotes the spoken sound. The dark dialect in its written form has much less power than the spoken words, hence the custom of many sorcerers to write their spells in volumes and grimoires. And only when these words are spoken loudly, they regain their former strength and scope. This also makes translation difficult, since all sorcerers use different runes to indicate the pronunciation of words - trying to read another wizard's notes with mispronunciation in a ritual or spell usually leads to dire, usually fatal, consequences. The runes of Chaos tremble with their own strength, long observation of them can cause headaches, nausea and insanity. Therefore, these runes are applied on many banners of Chaos - to frighten and confuse enemies.

Although there are few words in the dark dialect compared to other languages, there are countless possible root corruptions in it. Few human servants will be able to learn all of them, although as their proficiency in the language improves, so does their mastery of the forces of Chaos itself. Below are a few root words, as well as a few prefixes and suffixes that change their meanings.

Root / suffix and true meaning:

  • "Kaos" - Chaos, Sea of ​​Souls, magic, energy
  • "Faos" - Will, mind, soul, essence
  • "Taoist" - Immaterial, spirit, demon, essence
  • "Tzin" - Change - the will to change
  • "Nurg" - Decay - the will to live, resist decay
  • "Slaa" - Ecstasy - the will to feel
  • "Khar" - Rage - the will to dominate
  • "Years", "no" - Lord, lord, ruler of something, source of something
  • "Hish" - White Magic (Light)
  • "Chamon" - Yellow magic (Gold)
  • "Giran" - Green Magic (Life)
  • "Azir" - Blue Magic (Heavenly)
  • "Ulgu" - Gray Magic (Shadows)
  • "Shaish" - Purple Magic (Death)
  • "Akshi" - Red Magic (Fire)
  • "Gur" - Brown Magic (Beasts)
  • "Dhar" - Black magic (Darkness)
  • "Khaish" - Magic of all colors (Supreme)
  • "-'I" - Metallic, i.e. Akshi'i - bronze, Khish'i - itilmaril, itilmar
  • "-Ash" - Liquid, i.e. Akshiash is blood, Azirash is water
  • "Ay'-" - Element, i.e. Ay'akshi is fire, Ay'azir is air
  • "Kha-" - Time, i.e. Khaakshi - sunrise / sunset, Khadhar - night
  • "-Ek" - Place, i.e. Akshek is the battlefield, Khaishek is the world
  • "’ Fek "- Event, i.e. Akshi'fek - battle, Chamon'fek - explosion
  • "Dha-" - Heavenly body, i.e. Dhaakshi - comet, Dhachamon - sun
  • Without the last letter, just a color, i.e. "Aksh" - red, "Ulg" - gray, etc.

These are just a few of the hundreds of possible prefixes and suffixes. More complex concepts, descriptions and names can be created by combining root words and many changing words. For example, "Khadhar'fek" means twilight, and "No Khadhar'fek" is the Lord of Twilight, which can also be translated as Bringer of Darkness.

A traditional question that arises among many at the beginning of runic magical practice: Do the Phases of the Moon affect the work with Runes? And is it worth adhering to them, because the literature of recent years and Internet forums (well, where can I do without their opinion) even insist on this ...
Again, this is a question from the category of those that usually get short and capacious: “Of course not! Do not bother yourself and your colleagues in the shop with this! "
But still, let's try to figure out where the need to adhere to the phases of the moon came from, what the Moon can actually have an influence on (as a satellite of the Earth), and how all this can be connected with the runes. Because it is simply impossible to answer this question unambiguously.
And consider three aspects of the "problem" ... Magical, Psychic, Runic ...

The magical aspect has a certain background ... And it can be called its traditional (and somewhere historical) incident. Substrates indicating that this is everything, Tradition.
They began to monitor the phases of the moon since ancient times. In general, it was important for keeping the chronology, which at one time was engendered in agricultural cults. For counting periods of time that are shorter than solar (annual) cycles. But for magical purposes (it is not known whether it came into people's lives earlier or later "agrarian needs"), the lunar phases began to use cults that were symbolically attached to the moon as a celestial body. These are, first of all, the Cults of the Mother Goddess in the broadest sense of the word. One way or another, female deities of this scale were associated with the Moon and its cycles (Dite, Virgin - growing, Woman in her prime, Mother - full, Old woman - waning). Rituals of veneration, inquiring about something directed to this Goddess (to these, considering that such cults were widespread everywhere), and were tied to the phases of this satellite of the Earth.
It should be noted that in addition to the lunar deities, there are many solar deities. And the cults of the latter were never tied to the phases of the moon. Therefore, linking to the moon of their rituals, neither then nor now, logically, is not necessary. Only if the Cult rule requires it. Where, then, did this tradition appear in magic in general, and in modern magic in particular?
And the fact is that the magic traditions of antiquity, forbidden by Christianity, were revived with the "light" hand of medieval occultists. Who revived (or tried to imitate) the rituals of those cults, whose Gods (more precisely, Goddesses) were "responsible" in ancient times for the most part, for dark magic. Dark, black, tainted and wicked. Because everything light and good came from the Christian God and his Angels (but for obvious reasons it was not called magic). And the dark ones - these were naturally the various Triune Goddesses, who, as already mentioned, had the most direct relation to the Moon. We now understand that the dark Gods and Goddesses are not Evil, but in the Middle Ages they did not require anything else from them. And they turned for the most part on dark, vicious deeds.
Be that as it may, the "fathers" of modern magical thinking, sifting out all the best from the Christian understanding of magic - Levi, Papus, Crowley, Gardner continued to revive and popularize the magical tradition. They, too, insisted on observing the lunar phases in the ritual. And not only because for them it was an unconscious tradition. And just in connection with the fact that they started with cults dedicated to the Moon Goddesses.
Therefore, in order to correctly approach the worship of any Deities, you first need to carefully understand its nature. This I mean that if the deity to whom we would like to sacrifice, ask something, just carry out a thankful ritual, it can be solar (like an overwhelming male deity, by the way). And it certainly does not need to link its rituals to the lunar cycles.
As for the runes themselves, here it is necessary to determine in what capacity we work with them ... and with whom we get in touch with the help of them (since the gods have already been mentioned). If we talk about tradition (specifically about the Northern Tradition, since we are talking about runes), then almost all Ases, with rare exceptions, are solar Deities. There is no point in orienting rituals directed to Odin, Thor, Heimdall to the phases of the moon for the reasons already voiced. And work with runes often takes place with these deities.
Another question is magical, ritual work under the auspices of Freya. She, like all Vans, is closely connected with fertility, nature. With magic in general and with various mental states of a person. And through all this - with the Moon and its Phases. In rituals that are directed to Freya, even if runes are involved there, we will have to observe the phases of the moon. This is required by tradition, by the nature of the goddess, and sometimes personally by the Goddess herself.

Let us now consider the problem of the relationship between man and the moon from the point of view of the psyche. More precisely, the reaction of the human psyche to periodic changes in the phases of the moon.
Because the Moon influences our magical activity for the most part in this aspect. As a satellite of the Earth, it has a "tidal effect" on our planet. And this is reflected in everything that is in a liquid state here due to the effect of attraction. And on living things, because of the influence of the Moon on the Earth's magnetic field, and, accordingly, on everything in which biochemical processes take place.
The nature of this effect is not fully understood, and there are a lot of versions of what exactly in the human body the Earth's satellite can influence. But there are four of the most tenacious:
1) The moon can directly affect the energy of a person, the work of subtle bodies and energy centers. What creates a positive or negative effect (depending just on the phases).
2) The moon can affect the main fluid in the human body (blood). Blood affects brain function. And the specificity of the influence on the brain already creates certain conditions for the work of the psyche.
3) Doesn't really affect anything. And what people feel on themselves is a psychosomatic effect caused by belief in ancient myths about the influence of the Moon. A certain example of stereotyped thinking ...
4) Well, as an option (echoing the first part of the article) - egregorial influence. The influence of the human psyche from the phases of the moon through the attachment to the nature (nature) of this or that lunar deity with which a person works (or serves).
But no matter what nature this influence actually is (even if it is far-fetched, the human unconscious knows how to laugh at a person as a biological species), in general, it is reflected on the body indirectly, but in total (due to the fact that it primarily concerns psyche) manifests itself strongly. And holistically. This is both sleep and work activity (the influence of the moon is felt not only at night). Violation or exacerbation of attention, hearing. The ability to control emotions and mood swings. Creative ups and downs.
For a person practicing magic, it is important to track such things dependent on the phases of the moon as intuition, clairvoyance and clairaudience. But most of all, those who use in their work the techniques of expanding consciousness, trance states, mental elaboration of events, can face some kind of problems in the womb of magic. Again, because such work is based on "experiments" with the psyche, psychic energies.
And if this is our Path and our field of activity, then, of course, it is necessary to work on it with an eye to nature, seasonality and phases of the Moon. And here it is no longer a matter of tradition.
We do not want to harm ourselves: it means that we are working with an eye on such nuances of nature. Especially if we are physically in the category of meteorological people.
But for the most part, this does not apply to Runes.
Simply because work in Runes is work with Forces at the level of Logic and Knowledge. With a minimal application of your personal magical power to the process. Or on complete trust in them as the Forces of the Fundamental Order. Forces that only need Trust from interaction with a person, and the ability to direct the Power given to him by the runes in the correct (necessary for the clear execution of the script laid down in the becoming, runescript or spell) channel. If the work of the psyche is present here, it is only in the perspective of its merging with the source, which gives Forces and Runes (both as graphic symbols and as Archetypes). Dissolves the Master of the Runes in himself, and makes him their guide in the "sublunary world".

Finally, consider the so-called Runic Aspect. And here, of course, we will be more categorical. Because it's time to answer the question: "Do the Phases of the Moon affect the work with Runes and should they be observed?" And thus answer, short and capacious: "No!"
And in pursuit (to finish off, or dispel the last doubts) we will ask ourselves a tricky question: With what or with Whom are we going to work when we take the Runes into our hands?
If we work in Runes with Forces that are fundamental, with Forces that formed the Universe, and then allowed the Gods to order it, then this obvious answer suggests itself.
The moon, of course, can somehow influence the operator, the Master who performs some actions. Operates with Runes. And I repeat - it all depends on the approach to magic, on the attitude of the magician to himself, and on the methods with which he approaches the "processing of requests" through the runes.
If a magician works with runes as with magical icons (and many runologists suffer from this), behind which there is nothing, then it is understandable that they give rise to some events - an application of personal power is needed. In extreme cases - a call to help and witness their actions of the Gods. And here, of course, paying attention to the lunar cycles (and not only to them, but also to many astrological aspects as well) will be appropriate. And sometimes a necessary part for observing a complete ritual. True, then the question arises whether this person works with Runes if he puts surrogate forces "on the other end of the wire".
But if we are fully aware of the depth of the nature of the Runes, which are by no means tied either to the lunar phases in particular, or to any planetary cycles in general, then it is perfectly clear from this what a person who takes the Path of the Runes Master needs seek. It is necessary to realize and accept this very Fundamentality and Primordiality (or pre-eternity) of Runes as creative Forces. Their Maternal ("matrix") influence on all events taking place in the Universe. And then it will be clear to you where in your runic practices you can leave a place for worshiping the forces of nature (a part of which is also looking at the lunar cycles). And where it is absolutely inappropriate ...