
Sorokoust about health in what helps. How to order a magpie about health correctly? Tips and tricks. What if a magpie is filed for health, and the person dies

06.02.2012 16:11:

Hello Agnessa!
Before you pray for the "witch", I want to ask you what is the basis of confidence in the correctness of your opinion. Maybe the woman you mention has nothing to do with occult knowledge and practices, and you wrongly condemn her, taking sin on your soul. I also want to remind you that Orthodox Christians who live a full-fledged church life have no need to be afraid of witches, sorcerers and other "sorcerers." If a person visits the temple, observes fasts, prays, reads the Holy Scriptures and, most importantly, confesses and receives communion, then no enemy power can even approach him (see Psalm 90). The Lord said: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him" (John 6, 56). If the Lord “abides” in you, really settles in your soul and heart, then no “witches” are able to harm such a soul. If someone, due to their unreasonableness or maliciousness, wishes you harm, tries to annoy you, slander and embarrass you, then you can order a magpie for such a person. Put a candle in the temple, pray for your ill-wisher and ask the Lord for him or her for health, prosperity and admonition from above.

Agnessa 08.02.2012 16:41:

Agnessa 08.02.2012 16:42:
Thank you, Father, for answering my question. Are you asking why I am sure that she is a witch? Because she speaks openly and does evil to my family. I go to church, read prayers, give notes about the health of my relatives, light candles. For I give this woman to the magpie and put candles for her health. I know that this happens by the permission of the Lord. I do not wish her any harm, I want her to leave my family alone. May God grant you good health!
Andrey 06/18/2018 19:00:
Hello tell me who knows what about witches?

They feel when they pray for their health.
They feel when you put a candle for them for health.
They feel when the magpie reads for their health and all the prayers for them in the church and outside it.

If a witch has a husband and someone is praying for his health, or people are relatives or strangers, or a prayer service is ordered in the church, the witch's wife will not approach him.
If someone is praying for health for the witch's husband and they have a child, then the witch will not allow his husband to touch. will put him to bed with him and so on.
If she prays for the health of the witch child, then she will not be able to touch him, she will ask her husband (if they do not pray for him) to help the child in everyday life if such help is required. You have to die with your own junk. No accidents, road accidents, etc. Who else knows what?

What does it mean if a witch has a child?
What does this mean for subsequent children from this child?

question - me = can I ask you first to define a witch? How is she different from an ordinary woman?
answer - All these signs are different that at the beginning of the topic. + is engaged in black magic, namely love spells and other nasty things. harms people for money or any other benefit she pursues.

question - me = Witches are different) It's really easier to give an association than a definition.
the answer - the association - was bewitched by my relative, and his wife herself was passionate about it. she did not tell someone, but she did everything she knew.
everyone on her street knew that she could be ordered to do something nasty to someone for money.
not myths, but a real person. her husband is slowly getting drunk as everyone knows to happen after a love spell. just do not say that all drunks are spellbound.

I'll write in haste and then add if I don't have time to write everything.

Now she is 40-41 years old. Praying to the devil of the beginning in the early 90s.
She lived in a private house and people came to bewitch her.
Now if you read any prayers for her (Otchenash, Virgin Mary rejoice)
Her voice becomes rough when speaking.
She turns her around like a disabled person.
And other.
There is other interesting evidence of her anomalous behavior.

Found somewhere
Enlighten the Lord and have mercy on Thy servant Tayana, remove her from the mouth of a pernicious serpent, ready to bring him to hell alive.
Do not let Thy servant Tayana perish, direct her to the path of Thy salvation and grant her any kind of repentance.

If a witch has already accumulated a lot of sin, she will hear the words of the prayer and after the prayer, what do you ask for her. Health, not going to your home or relatives or neighbors, quitting witchcraft, etc.

She will hear any prayer and a petition after her.
Any prayer will twist her, it will hurt and maybe she will leave. But to be thrown, she needs to start going to church, confess, receive communion.
She will not do this because will howl and growl like a schizophrenic in a hospital.

I was in Kharkov in the afternoon at the church. There was a woman about 35 years old, decently dressed at the icon where the priest enters the altar. She stood very close to the icon and read a prayer while growling.
Apparently she conjured, she gained sin, demons from hell roar through her that they torment her and she drove them out like that.
Well, there probably should be a set of measures. Prayer in the church is independent, communion. But how to go to communion when 150 people are in the temple and 25 people are in line for confession, and you growl. It is necessary \\\ "to practice \\\" not to growl and then to communion among people. Otherwise, the people can give it on the head, and follow the church and under the house.
Perhaps this is how she reasoned.

Andrey 10.02.2019 14:10:
Do not order them prayers (witches), they do not work on them. And do not go to psychics, I used to go and after that I walked and I was shaking as if I was drunk walking the streets, many psychics say that they are from God do not believe all this from the devil, even if they have icons, this does not mean anything, a real person from God can only be from the church, read the Bible, the New Testament, demons do not like this when a person picks up this book. throw them out and renounce in the Name of Jesus Christ from all this and go to church, pray and there is no evil to cling to you! Watch on the Internet the video testimony of Tatiana Belous about hell and heaven is very interesting!
Andrey 10.02.2019 14:19:
Even if someone tries to do evil to you, if you keep the commandments, read the Bible, the New Testament, pray, read Psalm 90, God will put protection over you from Evil, and if someone tries to do something, everything will return to that person, And pray to Jesus Christ not before icons, it is WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE DO NOT WORSHIP ANY IMAGE, PRAY ON THE KNEES OF JESUS ​​CHRIST AND HE WILL HELP
Andrey 12.02.2019 19:08:
I have a friend Maxim, he used to go and his mother turned to psychics, now he can't even go to church, as he starts to shake and he can't stand on his feet and after church is degrading, his mother says how to become a werewolf, now he is in the hospital, On the July days, I am writing this so that people do not make such mistakes, psychics are not from God, this is the same as a person turns to Satan. Do not go or even watch all kinds of occult programs, this is also a sin And I gave his mother the book New Testament, and as soon as she began to read it, he began to yawn often and did not listen to the end and left, the dark forces do not even allow him to listen to the Holy Scripture, although he did not read it himself, it is not known how it will all end. But I want to say only Jesus Christ will help, in the Bible in the New Testament it is written how he healed the sick, cast out demons, etc. the devil is afraid when a person picks up the Bible, because a person is sanctified, and even in my own experience, after reading 2 chapters, I have everything

some kind of lightness. The Bible is light, and light absorbs darkness, that is, it cleanses a person from evil with God's help.

It is not uncommon for a person to have enemies who are trying in every possible way to hinder or harm. You can try to reduce or neutralize the influence of such people by ordering a magpie in the church for the health of enemies.

Many people do not know how to deal with their enemies and how to get rid of their influence and reduce negativity. Sometimes some seek help from various magicians and healers who perform rituals of black magic. This is a great sin. Responsibility for these actions falls on the shoulders of not only the one who did it, but also the one who ordered these rituals. You can punish the offender, get rid of someone else's negative influence by contacting the church and ordering the magpie ritual for your foe, in which they wish the enemy health.

It is also customary in the church to mourn and commemorate the departed for forty days. It is the daily mention of the dead for forty days that is called the magpie. But in the church you can ask to pray forty days not only for the dead, but also for living people who need help and protection from above.

There is a magpie about health, this is especially important if a person is going through a difficult period and needs protection from above in case of troubles or a serious illness. This prayer is recited every morning for forty days, and each time particles are removed from the prosphora. This prayer can be ordered not only for healing, you can ask for good luck, prosperity, peace of mind. The main thing is that a person really needs it.

Many people are interested in how this prayer works on enemies and how it can help in the fight against them. The magpie ordered in three churches or monasteries for the health of enemies will soon bear fruit. They pray for the enemy not so that he remains the same as he was, but so that he will realize his atrocities, change his behavior and repent of his actions, becoming closer to God.

This prayer is very strong, the lot of those who have planned bad things or done too many hard-hitting deeds will soon be tested. More often than not, the enemy gets back what he did or was going to do with other people. This prayer helps to break the evil intentions of the enemy and punish him for all atrocities. The punishment will be trials that will help the wicked person realize the severity of their atrocities.

But it is worth knowing that if this prayer is ordered by a person who has done too much harm to another and has thus decided to consolidate the result, you should not expect anything good. Anyone who ordered a prayer and wished to punish an innocent person will soon have to regret his atrocities and deeds.

To order a magpie for the health of enemies, it is not necessary to know their names. Indeed, in real life, few people can accurately point to their ill-wisher or offender. Most often, people do all the dirty tricks and nasty things to each other in secret.

But it is also worth knowing that the one who orders the magpie for the health of the enemy must completely forgive his offender and not hold any grudge against him.

The magpie for the health of the enemy helps prevent evil intentions and reduce the negative influence of enemies. This prayer, which is read in church for forty days, is very powerful and effective.

There are many requirements and services for spiritual assistance to an Orthodox Christian in our Church. One of the very popular prayer addresses to God is the magpie about health. What is it and how is it different from any other prayer?

What is magpie

Sorokoust is a special church commemoration performed at the request of an Orthodox Christian. Its essence lies in the fact that for 40 days, each time the liturgy is served, the priest in the altar takes out a piece from the prosphora for each person whose name is submitted to the forty-mouth.

Further, all the removed particles are immersed in the Chalice with the Blood of Christ, over which a special prayer is read with a request to wash away the sins of each person who was commemorated. At the end of the service, the cup with these particles is taken out for communion, and the parishioners partake of one of the greatest miracles given to mankind - the Body and Blood of Christ.

Important. Such a commemoration in the altar followed by communion is the most complete involvement of a person in church worship.

Since each time at the liturgy in the altar, it is offered, symbolizing the sacrifice of Christ for the whole human race, participation in this sacred rite is of great spiritual significance.

Prayer for health

Very often, new-born Christians have a question why such a prayer is performed exactly 40 days, and not some other period of time. The fact is that 40 days is a symbolic time period in the Christian doctrine.

We know that Jesus Christ, having gone into the wilderness, fasted and prayed for this very period of time; many holy ascetics also performed their prayer vigils for 40 days; after the death of a person, his soul is tested for exactly 40 days, after which its fate is determined. All this testifies to the fact that the 40-day prayer really has a special meaning and special meaning.

When a magpie is ordered for health, it means not only the physical health of the listed people. Any prayer is aimed, first of all, at the salvation of the human soul, therefore, all petitions to the Lord must be weighed against their spiritual benefit. The health of the soul is understood as its cleansing from sins, a person's striving for a godly life, a struggle with their passions. Without such painstaking work, all prayers and custom requests will be meaningless, because the Lord God cannot help a person without his free will.

Reading the Magpie

How and when to order magpies for health

Healthy. To order a magpie about health, you need to go to the candle shop in the temple and ask what services you can order in a particular temple. The submission form is quite simple - you need to take a piece of paper, write on top "About health" and below list the names of those for whom the prayer should be performed.

As a rule, it is customary to indicate no more than 10 names in one note. It is customary to write names in the genitive case. For example, the text of a note might look like this:

About health

  • Mary;
  • Alexandra;
  • Barbarians;
  • Vladimir and relatives.

Also, for each name, it is proposed to make a monetary donation for the maintenance of the temple. A donation can be either a fixed amount or at the discretion of the parishioners - depending on the order established in a particular church.

For a deeper understanding of the essence of the magpie, it is worth knowing about whom you can submit notes. Following strict church canons, this prayer work is performed only for the members of the Church of Christ. And they are people who lead a Christian and church life, participate in divine services and, most importantly, in the Sacraments. Thus, according to church canons, a person who has missed three liturgies in a row without a serious reason is considered to have dropped out of church communion and church life.

Prosphora, which are used in Sorokoust

Since after removing the particles from the prosphora, they are then transformed into the Body of Christ, the sins of this person are symbolically atoned for by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. But if a person, whose name is submitted for commemoration, does not want to be saved himself and does not strive for this, the sacrifice of Christ turns out to be meaningless. The Lord God cannot save a person without his personal desire and volitional effort to correct his life.

Attention. In view of the above, church canons require that only christian Christians be submitted for 40-day commemoration. But modern life is making its own adjustments, and if you strictly follow all the canons, then only a few will remain in the church. Of course, one should strive for the canons as an ideal, but also make allowances for the infirmities of modern people. Therefore, now almost everything is allowed for commemoration at the forty-day, the main rule is that a person must be baptized in the Orthodox Church.

More about prayers for health:

Misconceptions and myths about magpies

The widespread dissemination of church requirements has led to the fact that they have become the object of various delusions, and sometimes deliberate blasphemous use. You need to very carefully monitor your life and in no case should you allow an unreasonable attitude to any church prayer.

Then first you need to figure out the very concept of this word. Before committing any religious act, you need to understand why it is being performed.

Sorokoust for health: what is it?

In Orthodoxy, the magpie is a traditional and daily prayer service (Christian rite) for health, which church officials read as part of the service. Many great elders and spiritual ascetics noted that in Christianity most of the cycles, services and rituals are associated with the forties, as well as with the weeks. After the end of earthly life, the Lord appeared to his disciples for 40 days. The great Savior Christ was completely alone in the desert for exactly 40 days. And for 40 days the prophet Moses indulged in fasting. And even bearing the fetus lasts exactly 40 weeks, when the birth of a new life proceeds without problems. In the spiritual and physical world, the number 40 has a sacred and almost phantasmagoric meaning.

The Prayer Service is called the Magpie because it is read for exactly forty days. During this period, the name of the one for whom it was ordered is mentioned in the prayer book. Today, ordering a prayer service for health can be carried out both by visiting a church in person and online via the Internet.

According to tradition, it is important to order prayer for a sick Christian. Such prayers also help seriously ill people, and they are also a good "prevention" for the health of the believer.

These prayers can help with everyday problems. They can also be ordered as help to a person in his new endeavors. The Forty-mouth gives the believer spiritual strength. It helps to solve different issues with more ease. And it is a kind of divine amulet.

The magpie as a prayer for health can be asked to read only for a living and baptized person. In order for the prayer service to be carried out, it is enough to perform the following simple algorithm of actions:

After these actions, you can be sure that the magpie will definitely be read. The prayer service can be ordered for yourself personally. Sorokoust notes are accepted any day. The note can contain several names or just one name. During Great Lent, such prayers are read less often. Therefore, it is necessary to give the names of those for whom one should pray at services. In some churches, special notebooks are used instead of notes with names. There the clergymen themselves bring in the names for the magpies. Sometimes, when ordering such a prayer service, a kind of receipt is issued that the order has been accepted and the prayer service will be served.

This prayer can be ordered for relatives, and even for their enemies. But if everything is clear with relatives, and wishes for their health will never be superfluous, then many doubt the advisability of ordering for enemies.

But God taught that it is necessary to love others. Therefore, such a forty-mouth for ill-wishers will be both a sign of the strength of your faith, and a good measure of humility, as well as trust in the Lord in the event that the enemies demand their admonition and guidance on the true path.

The answer to the question of how to order the health magpie correctly is contained in the regulations of each individual parish. The rules for ordering a magpie may vary slightly from church to church.

Varieties of magpies

In difficult cases, the prayer for health can be asked to read in three churches or parishes. It is only necessary to submit notes in churches in one day. And it's better to do it in the morning. Such a magpie is considered an effective remedy for those who need help in healing or in getting rid of troubles and misfortunes.

If there are not enough churches in the city where a person lives, then you can take excursions or plan a personal trip to different churches. And also to order this prayer service within a week, and not in one day.

Sometimes prayers for health are ordered for a year or half a year. This is done to help yourself and your loved ones, to resolve difficult situations. Prayers for health are asked to read not only for the physical health of a person, but also when a person is sick of the soul. It can be either a mental illness or a strong experience of some kind of grief.

How does help appear after the magpie?

Many believers note that after ordering a prayer service, their situation improves in the most incredible ways. For example, one woman could not get the necessary medicine for her child. She ordered a prayer service, and soon this medicine was delivered to the nearest pharmacy. Then the woman bought the drug, and the baby's treatment was successful.

Or, for example, a sick person did not get better after treatment for a long time. When he was ordered to pray for health, he quickly began to recover. The magpie also helps when doctors cannot make a correct diagnosis. And when everything is bad in the family with finances. Help from the magpie can be both instant and prolonged in time.

When ordering a prayer service, do not relax and give up. It is necessary to continue to solve problems in worldly ways. It's just that after forty days it will be easier to solve them. All the will of God, and the ways in which the problems will be solved are inscrutable. Help can come from the most unexpected side. It all depends on the strength of faith, as well as on the degree of spirituality of each believer. After all, the Bible says that everyone will be rewarded by faith. And many aspects of people's lives depend on faith.

Now you know how to correctly order a magpie about health, how. Magpies need to be ordered regularly and in urgent need, as well as simply to ask God for prosperity and happiness. Prayers for health are indeed read every day for the prescribed period. The order of such an action has its own cost. The money from the magpies goes to candles, flour for prosphora, for other needs of the church. In some situations, poor people can count on the help of the church without paying any fee for the prayer service.

Orthodox people have long and successfully used the health magpie to remove negative programs imposed by black magicians. But, submitting an application to one temple is not enough, you should definitely order a magpie in three monasteries at once. You can choose any time to deal with negativity, except for the days of Great Lent, when the liturgy, although it is held, is very rare.

When might the church need help?

There are many different situations in life that make desperate people resort to black magic to solve their problems.

For example, your husband went on a spree, but his mistress does not have enough strength to completely take him out of the family and she herself or through an intermediary makes a love spell, and even in the cemetery, to be sure. What to do in this case? Where to look for specialists who effectively remove negativity and return it to the offender? In the church, of course.

Or your loved one has become a victim of a strong evil eye and other black influence - damage, curse. His life has become unbearable and you cannot watch how he dies before our eyes, but about the fact that there is damage on him, he does not want to listen to anything. You have to apply for a magpie on your own to return it to its former state in good times.

Or maybe damage negatively affects you and every day life becomes more and more unbearable, and you remember the power of the Almighty.

Before ordering a church magpie about health, you need to answer several important questions:

  • Why do we need a magpie about health;
  • How a prayer should be ordered in order for it to bring results;
  • How the magpie helps from spoilage;
  • What does a person feel during the removal of a negative program.

What is the magpie about health?

So it is customary to call a prayer service carried out by a clergyman for 40 days. When reading, he asks the Almighty for health, cleansing of the soul and the release of sins for the person who ordered the magpie. The process takes so long for a reason. This is enough to remove the corruption and influence the fate of the soul, which on the fortieth day appears before God.

When ordering a magpie for your health in the church, be sure to specify how often the prayer will be read. It is desirable that the service be conducted every single day, and not every other day, as is often the case, unfortunately. With daily reading, the result will come in forty, not eighty, in addition, the benefits of the prayer will be greater.

How to order prayers in three churches for health correctly

If you want to use church magic to remove the negative, be sure to order a triple prayer service, so that it is read at the same time in different monasteries. The fact is that the three is a sacred number that has a strong connection with higher powers.

The choice can stop at any temples, but it is desirable that they are not all on the same straight line. An equilateral triangle is the best location. With such a figure, you will strengthen the effect of magic by concentrating a powerful flow of energy on a person. An unbaptized person cannot apply for a magpie.

In churches there are special forms for ordering a prayer service, you should write on them the name of the person to whom the ceremony is ordered and give it to the clergyman. When specifying a name, do not confuse the one that the baby is given at birth and the one that he receives at baptism. You need to write the second one (they are often different, if you order the magpie not for yourself, be sure to ask the one who is the victim of damage, the church name).

Do not hesitate to ask for help from ministers or nuns, they will gladly tell you how, where and what text to write, what is the price for the service and how to proceed correctly.

How to behave while reading the magpie?

All forty days one must adhere to a strict fast. The use of any meat, fish, dairy products, spicy foods, alcohol and sweets is prohibited. Always remember about your soul - do not swear, do not use foul language, pay attention to the state of your health.

How to prepare for a magpie

To count on the help of church magic in removing damage, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Visit the service with a proskomidia in advance, confess there, take communion, take holy water and order twelve prayers to cleanse it.
  • At home, every morning on an empty stomach, take three sips of purified water, thinking about something pleasant at this time.
  • Cleanse the area in which you live. In order to put things in order, take a full bucket of plain water and add a glass of church water there. With this mixture, wash the floor and walls of the house, not forgetting to think only about the good.
  • On the eve of a trip to three temples, take a bath, with the addition of a small amount, all the same, holy water, at this time relax and imagine how all the negativity crumbles into particles and leaves your biofield.

After the magic begins, you can notice any improvement, every time you visit the nearest church, there you need to light candles for the health of yourself and each living member of the family and for the peace of all deceased relatives, as a token of gratitude to the Almighty. Go there as many times as your heart tells you. If circumstances prevent you from attending the temple, you can read a home psalter.

Signs of removing spoilage during the magpie

Don't underestimate the black witch who has worked with your energy field. To cope with the influence of its magic, in parallel with the reading in the church, the person who ordered it can independently visit the temple for forty days and pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. If you are unable to attend church, be sure to do home prayer before bed.

Changes in a person's life will be observed already on the second or third day after the first prayer began. Their significance will be the stronger, the more negative the consequences of the imposed program.

Starting the struggle with a negative gift from one or several ill-wishers at once, a person should understand that by taking out evil from himself, which has disintegrated into particles, we provoke some discomfort for a while. In other words, this means that the dark forces will begin to give an instant response that can negatively affect your life, for example:

  • You will often feel headaches. And as the head suddenly ached, so suddenly she was cured.
  • You will have to go through a series of difficult life situations that contribute to a bad mood.
  • At every step there will be small troubles, one worse than the other.
  • The nature of relationships with others will greatly deteriorate.

Do not worry, these are temporary phenomena that will take from seven days to several weeks, then it will get much better. This happens because all evil comes out of you. Already after a while after the start of the struggle, you will notice how gradually everything falls into place. The lecture will have a beneficial effect on your energy field, and the fact that the magpie actually helps will be noticeable not only to you, but to people who live in the same house with you.

Removal of spoilage and pregnancy

The first days of the service can negatively affect the condition of a pregnant woman and harm her unborn child, which means that it is better for her to choose other, more gentle methods to combat damage.