
If I will become a slave, I will go blessing. Prayer will go out with the sign of the cross. If a person gets married often, but does not live with anyone

Conspiracies and prayers for diseases

"I will stand up blessing, I will go out crossing myself, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go into a clear field, behind a clear field, a dense forest, Behind the forest flows the okian-sea. In the middle of the okian-sea there is a table-throne, the Mother of God sits with the cross. They heal all the Baptized, help all the baptized. There they help the servant of God (name), heal. Be my words strong, molding. Age after age. Amen. "

"Our Father Christ, Son of God. Lord have mercy on us sinners. There is our daily bread growing in heaven. Lord, there is your will and your kingdom. Lord save us from the evil ones. Water is from the gogol, with (name) thinness. All lessons are from the forest. come - go to the forest, come from people - go to people. And to the evil, dashing salt in one eye, sand in the other eye, on the tongue of ashes. Be my words strong, molding. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. " ...

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I will stand, servant of God, blessing myself, I will cross myself from the hut with doors, from the gates with gates, into an open field, I will face the east, I will pray, I will submit to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the King of heaven, the Highest Savior, the True God, Michael the archangel.

Lord God Himself, you would have saved me, True God, Michael the archangel, lowers and releases two angels of the Lord from the eastern side, from the heavenly side, two angels of the Lord walk and fly, fly around, wave them off with their wings, cut them with saws, cut out with knives, claws scrape from the servant of God all the damage, lessons, pricks, tall, flutter, commotion, pinches, aches, consumption, dryness, hernias red, blue, yellow, green, cutaneous, sapwood from a white body, from red meat, from bone, from housing , from hands, from legs, from under her from clear eyes, from black eyebrows.

Two angels of the Lord, take out from the servant of God, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from 70 veins, from 70 joints, from 77 ailments, all damage, lessons, ghosts, slander, objections, flashes, commotions, splinters, aches, red hernias , blue, yellow, green, skinny, sapwood, two angels of the Lord from the western side, from the black lake the fire is hot, the resin is boiling.

Take it down there, drop it. They would have drunk the tar, eat the fire, neither dry it out, nor dry it out. Just as a tree does not come to life, does not grow back, so do you, all the spoilage, lessons, crooks, tall, flimsy, splinters, aches, collar hernias, brain, cutaneous, sapwood, do not settle down, do not grow with the servant of God (name). In the morning dew, the evening is late, forever not a little, every day, every night, every time.

Be my words sharper than a sharp knife and a damask spear. Which words you spoke, which you didn’t speak, let you finish, those words, amen. "

Conspiracies and prayers against disease

"I will become blessed, I will go out the cross, From the hut with the doors, from the doors to the gates Into the open field, under the eastern side. Under the eastern side, Jesus Christ himself Stands whisking away from the slave (s) (name) Proverbs, lessons, pains and cramps Iso all lived, from the knee joints. Be my words strong and molded. Keys are locks. For ever and ever amen. "

"As a little snowball runs, So swarms roll from the servant of God (name)."

"Adam died, Eve died, took away all the disease."

Heat the bath. Let the patient lie on the ground, on the border. Read the words of the conspiracy over him, and then take him to the bathhouse and wash him.

"Mother earth of cheese! Come on health Or take it to yourself!"

First read the prayer "Our Father", then the prayer to the healer Panteleimon, "Theotokos", and then the conspiracy itself:

"Dawn, you dawn, morning dawn, evening dawn, night dawn, dawn. Blast furnace, morning dawn of Marimyan, midnight dawn of Vasilisa.

As mothers dawns converged with dawns, dawns spoke with dawns, how all these dawns died out and died, so all diseases would have been removed from the servant of God from a clean body, from a zealous heart, from a violent head, from playful little legs and clear eyes, from mighty hands ... From a heretic peasant, from a long-haired woman, from a hollow-haired girl, from a skew-toothed guy, remove a pinch and ache. On a thorny tree, under a golden stone, tightly, tightly, firmly. From now to century of centuries. Amen".

Conspiracy from serious illness

It is read early in the morning, as well as after sunset.

"You are a pain-ailment, get away from her doorstep, away from the road. From whom the illness came, go to that one. So that the guilty cannot, eat, drink, sleep. Let the guilty of spoilage also suffer, the power of the word from now on and forever to the servant (name) will lose. Amen. "

Prayer for joint pain

First, once, read the main prayer of Christians - Our Father. Then, read the prayer for joint pain nine times. While reading this prayer, tingle and cross the diseased joint with a sunflower seed, if possible.

“Saint George rode on a white horse on a golden bridge, the horse stumbled, a joint stumbled on a joint, a vein stretched on a vein, blood was found for blood, Holy salvation prayer is the servant (s) (s) of God (his) (her) (Name) born (th) (th), baptized (th) (th), prayer (th) (th), received communion (th) (th). "

Conspiracy from colic (stabbing)

"I will stand up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. To the east, to the east side, under the bright month, under the clear stars. Father Jesus Christ, take a strong broom, sweep it, scrape out the inner thorns, heart, head, cerebral punch, from all veins, veins. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Bile spill conspiracy

Take a cup of water and holding it to your lips, whisper softly: "My body, my body, it would not hurt so much, stand in place every vein, every blood inside and outside, no pain. The liver is black, the blood is scarlet, the heart is fast as the mother gave birth to, and the Mother of God renewed. Amen. "

A conspiracy of malaise

These salutary words are spoken when you feel unwell. Cut the apple into two halves with the blunt side of the knife, then connect them and read the plot:

"As my mother, so I have blood with blood, a womb with a womb - neither on the first day, nor on the last, nor at sunrise, nor at sunset my body will not ache. Amen."

Diabetes conspiracy

Let the patient (or patient) weave a wreath of thin birch branches with buds and leaves according to the size of his head. Weave more bay leaves into the wreath.

The next day, taking a wreath with you, go to church, put seven candles, and then go with a wreath to the icon of the Mother of God, ask her to bless the wreath for your healing. When you leave the church gate, cross yourself three times and say: "I came for health and left with health."

Arriving home, pluck a handful from the wreath (how much you grab) and brew the torn greens with hot water (like tea). This broth should be drunk hot. After three hours, repeat the procedure, just drink the broth not hot, but warm. After another three hours, again pluck a handful from the wreath, and again brew with hot water, but only this broth should be drunk already cooled. In the same order as described above, you need to do every three hours, until the wreath "ends".

To finally get rid of diabetes, after you completely "drink" the wreath, repeat everything again.

A conspiracy to the sick insides

If your insides hurt, and doctors, as it sometimes happens, cannot make a diagnosis, try to help yourself using this conspiracy. You need to talk over the drink. Three days before, start fasting.

"Solomon, Peter, Jacob walked along the road, they found three illnesses: the first was a fire in the gut, the second was an ulcer hole, the third was a sick bile. She took a sharp sword, cut, chopped, healed the illness. Take away, Solomon, Peter, Jacob, illness slaves (name). Amen. "

Leg pain conspiracy

It is read on the full moon: "Bright angels, pure angels, cover the legs of the fast slaves (name) with wings, so that they do not ache, do not hurt, so that the joints do not creak. Amen."

Joint pain conspiracy

Joint pains need to be spoken on a moonless night:

"Lomatica, forceps, bone birthmark, all joints and half-joints, tops, legs, do not creak, do not hurt the slave (name), so that she does not suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen."

A conspiracy for pain in a leg or arm

If your leg or hand aches, tap it lightly on the aspen, while saying:

"Aspen, aspen, heal my hand (leg) from this hour, my order, otherwise your branches dry, your roots rot. Amen."

Asthma conspiracy (choking)

"Yegory the brave rides on a nightingale horse, in a white robe, a silver bridle, a golden whip. He patted the horse's sides with a golden whip, stomped his feet in the stirrups, said Yegor these words:

"So that the servant of God (name) does not choke, do not out of breath, do not turn blue, do not turn pale. As the mother gave birth to, so my golden whip rejuvenated him." My words will be strong and molded, stronger than a damask stone, which I taught the words, which I did not teach. Be strong now and forever. Amen".

It is read on the sleeper.

Conspiracy on an oak branch

The patient himself must speak on the oak branch. The branch must be cut off from an adult oak tree. You need to talk on Sunday, when the moon is in the sky - on the wane. They put the spoken branch on the bed under their feet and sleep like that.

In the morning, the patient personally takes the spoken branch to the river. Standing with his back to the river, he must throw it over his head into the water with the words:

"Swim along the water, not across or back. Amen. Amen. Amen."

And here is the slander itself, which the patient should read on the branch:

"Little devil brothers, fast children. Go quickly, take my gift. I’m neither breathing nor breathing. As the month in the sky decreases, so the disease decreases from me. As this branch floats away in the water, the whole disease leaves me ...

Guys, devils, sit on the shuttle, otherwise it’s not a shuttle, but an oak branch. You should ride it, but I will stay without illness. Word, the matter can not be reversed. Key, lock and broken oak. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blood conspiracies

"The horse of the quarry, the Blood is not cannon The servant of God (name)". Speak three times and spit over the left shoulder.

"The body is not painful, the bone is not pinched, the blood does not run."

"Blood, do not go Bone, do not hurt, Body, do not pinch. Amen, Amen, Amen."

"Keela is not pain, Blood do not go, At the servant of God (name)."

"The queen sits under the doors of heaven, the Blood calms, Wounds heals. So the servant of God (name) does not run blood, the wound does not hurt."

"How white is the sky, So white is the wound, The servant of God (name) So that the blood does not flow."

"There is no ore in the stone, no, no, so the servant of God (name) has no blood or tickle. Ugh, forever and ever, amen."

"I will go out of the gate into the gate. I will go out into the open field - a fiery snake flies towards me. I ask this fiery snake:

- I am flying over there, carrying a needle, to sew up a wound, bloody, clumsy there, knife there.

Substitute your words appropriate to the circumstances. "

"I will go out into a clear field; a dead body lies in an open field; the dead body had neither blood, nor wound, nor pain, brains.

And so the servant of God (name) had no blood, no wound, no pain, no pain, no pinching, no aches, no veins, no joints, no bones and no brains. Amen".

"The true Christ walked the way, the road, He pierced his left leg with a cane, He was not afraid of either a pinch or an illness, Not a bloody wound. And the same to the servant of God (name) Do not be afraid of a pinch, or an illness, Not a bloody wound. Amen!"

Repeat the conspiracy three times.

"Go Tikhon and Plato, carry a silk thread. Sew up a golden wound. For ever and ever. Amen."

The plot is repeated three times.

"I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into a clear field; there is a pillar in an open field; a stone lies at the pillar, a saber hangs at the pillar.

Fall, sharp saber, into this stone, split this stone; come out, red maiden, and speak red ore from the servant of God (name). "

"On the blue sea, on an open field, there was a stump, on this stump stood a cockerel. Whoever catches that cock, (name) will bleed. Amen."

The plot is repeated three times.

"The old woman was walking down the hill, She was leading the dog. The dog snatched away, All the blood was covered up. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The plot is repeated three times.

"I will get up, blessing, go out, crossing myself, from doors to doors, from gates to gates, I will go out into the cyst field. In the cyst field there is a thorn-stone, Nastasya-princess sits on a thorn-stone, sewing with silk thread, a bezushka needle . As you dry up, heal a fresh wound, remove that disease, stop the blood of the fuel. "

"I walked across the river (beyond the stream) along the plank, I held on to the string, The rope was snatched, The blood subsided."

To stop the blood:

"The girl walked along the river, She led the bull along the thread, Thread snatched, U (name )'s blood subsided. Amen."

This conspiracy to stop the blood is best spoken by those people who were born in the family, either the first or the last:

"Don't go blood And don't pinch your bones."

Say three times, spit three times and finally say "Amen."

To calm the blood:

"Fyodora walked uphill and uphill, carrying bast shoes for the equipment. The obrach broke, the blood subsided. Stand on a stone, blood does not drip, stand on a brick, blood, calm down. Amen."

Blood conspiracy after a cut

"As the true Christ walked through the river of fire, Locked, closed, spoke, So would the servant of God (name) locked the Blood, closed, spoke. The age is forever. Amen."

A conspiracy from painful periods

This conspiracy is slandered on water, which is then drunk on the first day of menstruation.

"Do not worry, soul, body, do not hurt, do not whine, do not hurt. Get out of the womb of a woman's ailment. As if the river flowed, washed the steep banks, underwater grasses, it would be so easily washed by the woman's blood of a slave (name). Amen."

Bleeding conspiracy

"Not from a stone ore, not from a tree ore, not from a leg blood, Sintered blood, flesh grow together. From eyelids to eyelids, from now to forever. Amen."



This is a "living prayer", you must always keep it with you:

My angel, my guardian! My Savior! Save me, save me, save me from any disease, sorrow, from enemies, adversaries. Save me at home, on the road, on the road. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This prayer is read when leaving the house:

Crossing myself, blessing, I will go out of the house through the gate, in the direction where the hunt is. I will not go astray from the path, and I will not face disaster. I will go around evil, but I will find good everywhere. I will not stumble, I will not hurt myself, I will return to the house with good luck!

This prayer is protection from an unkind look:

I am enveloped in a dense mirror shell that repels all bad.

With the evil eye, whisper into the water and wash:

She left herself green, she croaked herself, and I will help myself.

I turn off the light, I hand over my soul and body to God.

Guard for the road - with your right hand touch the right shoulder of the outgoing person, then squeeze this hand into a fist and knock on the doorframe, and then say:

God will meet you.

Preserved the child before bedtime:

I lie down in the crib, turn on the side and I'm not afraid of anyone. The Mother of God is with me, as the Mother is with me.

My grandson was very fond of this prayer and he himself read it with expression, falling asleep. I always emphasized the words: "and I'm not afraid of anyone." Now he has grown up and for some reason hesitates to read a prayer. Probably, and so is not afraid of anything. He is Cancer, always feels the full moon very much, becomes nervous and tearful. Prayer helped.

Prayer-amulet for leaving the house:

My God, I am going on Your way! In front of the Mother of God, behind Jesus Christ, on the sides - guardian angels, above me - the Holy Spirit and all the Heavenly Forces with me! Amen.

Conspiracies from any disease

To get the healing effect of reading texts, it is important to read every word carefully. You can not miss! Pronounce words aloud clearly, deliberately, confidently.

1. “I will stand up blessing, I will go out crossing myself,

I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,

I will go into a clear field, a dense forest behind a clear field,

In the middle of the okiyana-sea there is a table-throne,

They heal all the Baptized, and help all the baptized.

Be my words strong, sculpting. Century after century. Amen".

2. “Our Father, Christ the Son of God. Lord have mercy on us sinners. Thou art in heaven our daily bread grows. Lord, there is your will and your kingdom. Lord save us from the evil ones. From gogol water, with (name) thinness. All the lessons from the forest came - go to the forest, from people came - go to people. And to the evil, dashing in one eye of salt, in the other eye of sand, on the tongue of ashes. Be my words strong, sculpting. In the name of the father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

3. “In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God, blessing myself, I will cross myself from the hut with doors, from the gates with gates, into an open field, I will face the east, I will pray, I will submit myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven, the Highest Savior, the True God, Michael the archangel. The Lord God himself, you would have saved me, True God, Michael the archangel, lowers and releases two angels of the Lord from the eastern side, from the heavenly side, two angels of the Lord walk and fly, fly around, fan their wings, cut saws, cut out with knives, claws scrape from the servant of God all the damage, lessons, pricks, tall, flutter, commotion, pinches, aches, consumption, dryness, hernias red, blue, yellow, green, dermal, sapwood from a white body, from red meat, from bone, from housing , from hands, from legs, from under her from clear eyes, from black eyebrows. Two angels of the Lord, take it out of the servant of God, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from 70 veins, from 70 joints, from 77 ailments, all damage, lessons, ghosts, slander, objections, flashes, commotions, splinters, aches, red hernias , blue, yellow, green, skinny, sapwood, two angels of the Lord from the western side, from the black lake the fire is hot, the resin is boiling. Take it down there, drop it. They would drink tar, eat fire, neither dry it out, nor dry it out. Just as a tree does not come to life, does not grow back, so do you, all the spoilage, lessons, crooks, tall, flutters, pinches, aches, collar hernias, brain, cutaneous, sapwood, do not settle down, do not grow with the servant of God (name). In the morning dew, the evening is late, forever not a little, every day, every night, every time. Be my words sharper than a sharp knife and a damask spear. Which words she spoke, which she didn’t speak, let her finish, those words, amen. ”

4. “I will become blessed, I will go out crossing myself,

Under the east side, Jesus Christ himself

From all the veins, from the popliteal joints.

So from the servant of God (name), roll the swarms.

(They heat the bathhouse, put the patient on the ground at the boundary, and then wash it.)

8. “Dawn you, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn. I will come close to you, bow low. I will ask the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos, all the mothers for the dawn: the evening dawn of Praskovya, the midday dawn of Domna, the morning dawn of Marimyan, the midnight dawn of Vasilisa. As mothers dawns converged with dawns, dawns spoke with dawns, how all these dawns died out and died, so all diseases would have been removed from the servant of God from a clean body, from a zealous heart, from a violent head, from playful little legs and clear eyes, from mighty hands ... From a heretic peasant, from a long-haired woman, from a hollow-haired girl, from a skew-toothed guy, remove a pinch and ache. On a thorny tree, under a golden stone, tightly, tightly, firmly. From now to century of centuries. Amen".

9. From a serious illness.

The sick slave, not sleeping at night, knelt down, asked for deliverance: “You, pain-ailment, get away from her doorstep, away on the road. From whom the disease came, go to that one. So that the culprit cannot, eat, drink, and sleep. Let the guilty of corruption also suffer, the power of the word from now on and forever to the slave (name) will lose. Amen".

“I will rise, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. To the east, to the east side, under the bright month, under the clear stars. Father Jesus Christ, take a strong broom, sweep it, scrape out internal pricks, heart, head, brain pricks, from all veins, veins. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

11. From spills of bile.

Take some water, bring it to your very lips and whisper softly:

“My body, my body, wouldn’t hurt so much, if every vein, every bloodstream, inside and outside, would be in place, it’s not pain. The liver is black, the blood is scarlet, the heart is fast, as the mother gave birth to, and the Mother of God renewed. Amen".

12. Saving words are spoken in case of ailment.

Take an apple, cut it into two halves with the blunt side of a knife, put them together and say this: “Both my mother and I have blood with blood, a womb with a womb - neither on the first day, nor on the last, nor at sunrise, nor at sunset will my body hurt. Amen".

13. From diabetes.

The patient (or the patient) measures his head with her own hands and weaves a wreath of thin birch branches with leaves and buds to size. Weave more bay leaves into the wreath. Carry this wreath to church the next day. Put seven candles, then go to the Mother of God with a wreath, ask her to bless your wreath for your healing. As you leave the church gate, say: "I came for health and left with health" .

When you come home, take a handful from the wreath (as you grab it) and brew with hot water. Drink this broth hot. After 3 hours, do the same again, just drink the broth will no longer be hot, but warm. Wait another 3 hours and also pluck the birch and bay leaves from the wreath. Brew, but you will be drinking the broth already cooled down. So, without skipping the queue, every three hours. And in order to completely forget about diabetes, you need to repeat everything again after the wreath is all "drunk".

14. To speak sick insides.

If your insides hurt and doctors cannot find the cause, try to treat yourself with this conspiracy. Speak while drinking. Start fasting three days before.

“Solomon, Peter, Jacob were walking along the roads, they found three illnesses: the first was a fire in the gut, the second was a burrow ulcer, and the third was sick bile. The trinity took a sharp sword, slashed, chopped, healed the disease. Take away, Solomon, Peter, Jacob, the sickness of the slave (name). Amen".

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Chapter 10
Words are magic, secret, healing

The main means of the healer, as we have already said, are healing words that accompany certain actions. They are passed down from generation to generation. But like everything else in this world, words undergo changes. The wizards of our days use their conspiracies that are more modern and understandable, but they have power, because the wizards themselves have a certain power, the ability to influence people. We are talking about real healers, and not about those who think of themselves as such. True healers really heal, and this can be confirmed by the people they have healed.

The Russian language is great and powerful. The country is wide. There are many witch doctors. Each has its own arsenal of treatment and conspiracy words. And our goal is to collect as many of the available means of healing from corruption as possible, and to help, as far as possible, those who believe in corruption, suffer from diseases of corruption. Diverse means, varied and varied conspiracies that we have collected. Choose the one that suits you best, you like. Reinforced with a thirst for healing, faith in healing, your perseverance in achieving the ultimate goal - healing from illness - he will gain strength and, possibly, help you.


“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Mother of God prayer, from the Jesus cross, from the Christ seal, from holy help, from my word, move away, you unclean demon, accursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there you belong ”.

A Conspiracy to Tame Evil Hearts

“I sit in a sleigh covered with beavers, sables, and martens. As foxes and martens, and beavers, and sables are honest and dignified between priests and priests, between the world and the village, so my born son would be honest and dignified between the priests and priests, between the world and the village. I am driving on a reptile, he is driving, but he is hefty, the lords and priests have a lot of pigs, and I have a lot of those pigs. Judgment by court, century by century! I sow a poppy. All the judges will be swollen, and you are sitting, eating me. I will not be eaten; I have a bear mouth, wolf lips, pig teeth. Judgment by court, century by century! Whoever picks up my poppy will judge me. I will hide my poppy in an iron bag, and a brooch-kad in the Ocean-Sea. The ocean-sea does not dry up, no one takes out the cadi, and no one picks up my poppy seed. Judgment by court, century by century! I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts, and I throw the keys into the Ocean-Sea, into my iron pot. When the sea dries up, when the poppy from the cadi is eaten, then I will not be. Court by court, century by century! "


For three days, drive the patient to a hot bath and give him a slice of the talked-out bread to eat. Conspiracies can be as follows:

“Lord, bless! Jesus Christ is walking along a deserted road with his apostles. Jesus Christ, the Apostle return, look around at the servant of God (name), and the prank in your head and heart be calm, and the servant of God (name), appear healthy. Amen".

“On the sea on the Ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a house, on that house there is an old woman, take your stings and come to the servant of God (name), take out the mortal stings from the servant of God (name)! I begin to speak of prickly wounds on my arms, legs, head, back of the head, eyebrows and chin. Be forever on a dog black, gray, red, gray-haired, red, white - sit and never walk. "

“On Mount Alian and on Mount Abramina, the Most Pure Lady Mother Theotokos gave birth to Christ the only Lord - in that case there was no sorcerer, no sorceress, no heretic, no male, female, childish or girlish - not to spoil or jinx either the blueberry, the Chentz, the priest, the sexton, or the great literate. Protect him, Lord, with the power of the honest cross, born, prayerful, baptized, confessed, communed, crowned servant of God (name). "

“I, the servant of God (name), will get up, blessing, I will cross myself, from the hut to the door, from the gate to the gate on the east side to the holy sea-ocean. In that sea lies the belly Latyr-stone; on that stone stands the holy apostolic church, at the church gates stands Peter the Apostle, unlock, unlock the apostolic church, bless you to take the damask brace with your right hand, open it with your right hand, step over with your right foot, access to the throne of the Lord, fold the cross down to the face of God written. I will bow down and pray to the throne of the Lord and the face of God. "

“To every evil person: dashing, spoiled and urochenik - salt in the eye, hot sand, scorching fire. Any born man cannot recognize God's creature, the clouds cannot be opened, not unlocked, the frequent stars cannot be beaten off or plucked, the dawns cannot be crossed with an ax, the youth of the month cannot be pushed away, cannot be unlocked - and I, the servant of God (name), cannot be spoiled by anyone. , not to spoil century after century, from now to century. Be, my words, all have been fully negotiated century after century, from now to century. The sky is the key, the earth is the lock. "

“Get out of the servant of God (name) who has the Cross of Our God, the Life-giving Cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Gospel. Get out of the servant of God (name), get out of his soul, thoughts, passions, desires and actions. Get out of the heart and eyes, mouth and ears. Get out of all the blood, skin and hair. Get out of the servant of God (name) and all his body. Where you came from, go there. Bring what you brought. Lay it at the foot of your feet and give it to the one who created it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

“I, the servant of God (name), will get up, without being blessed, I will go without crossing myself, from doors not to doors, from gates not to gates, through the garden hole. I will not go out into the open field, not to the sub-eastern side, not to the sunset. Winds-whirlwinds do not rise from all four directions, from east to west, wash away lessons, ozopes, ghosts, evil-dashing sentences, carry them to the meadows-swamps, where the cattle are free, the people are not allowed, there you live good, sleep warmly. I close my words with a lock, throw Alatyr stone under the white-combustible stone, and as the locks are strong, so my words are marks. Be my prayer strong and molding, more cunning cunning and a pike's tooth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

“I will go, blessing, from the hut with doors to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate, under the red sun, under the open field, the holy church of God stands in the open field, and the royal doors themselves are dissolved, the servant of God (name) himself begins to speak from sorcerers, from witches, from witches, from witches, whoever thinks of trouble for me, count the woods in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".


“I will become, blessed, go out, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the courtyard with gates. I'll go, I'll go to the eastern side, on the eastern side there is an ocean-sea, in this sea lies the Latyr-stone, this stone has a pike not small nor large, a fathom is printed; this pike has well-laid cheeks, damask teeth, beaded eyes. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) damage, hacks, lessons, for the cover of the month, for the departure of the month. In the name, and everlastingly, and forever and ever. "

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from a bad hour, from a woman's, from a man's, from a child's, from a joyful one, from a hateful one, from a slap, from a negotiation. "

“I, the servant of God (name), go from gate to gate, into an open field. Seven spirits are running towards them: all evil, all black, all unsociable. Go, you evil spirits, all evil, all black, all unsociable, to the dashing people, keep them on a leash so that I, the servant of God (name), will be whole from them, be healthy and unharmed, in all ways, roads, in an open field, in a green meadow, in a dense forest, in your own house and in someone else's house. My word is strong, forever and ever. Amen".

“I, the servant of God (name), blessing, crossing myself, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, under the red sun, under the bright month, under black clouds: I have, the servant of God, in an open field an ocean-sea , on the ocean-sea there is a golden island, on the golden island there is a throne, on the golden throne sits the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, blows off the foam from the blue sea and brushes away; wipe off the servant of God (name) 12 silences, 12 kamchuzhische, 12 ailments, 12 fatty, bone, dray, vein and half-dead: keys, locks - into the water, fire - up the mountain, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy from fright

“There is a tower on the blue sea, on that tower there is an oak. There are twelve ropes on that oak. There are twelve angels on those ropes. They sing, chant, drive out the evil spirit from the servant of God (name). From bones, from hands, from legs, head, body. Disappear into the night, as well as in the day. "

Conspiracy to the newlyweds

They bake pancakes and before the wedding or before they go to sign at the registry office, they slander him:

Down the aisle
From under the aisle -
For life with a sweetheart, until the end.
The Mother of God is with me -
Dashing you will not send!
Pancakes are spoken.
Get out, sorcerers!

Conspiracy of Horny

“Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, I ask you, help. Thorny erysipelas, erysipelas, come out from the servant of God (name), from the bones, from the relics, go to the swamp, if there you are, there you burn and redness and give aches. I persuade you: “Get out! And here at the servant of God (name) do not if, do not burn, do not give aches. " Amen".


Over the place where the mug, without touching it, draw three crosses with a knife and say: "Mug (three crosses), Mary (three crosses), Shepherd (three crosses), I pray (three crosses), amen (three crosses)."

Then read the following sentence words: “Erysipelas, erysipelas, you can't grieve, don't get sick, don't itch, don't inject. Fly, mug, into the white light, to the linden blossom, blowing with the wind, washing with rain, referring to the steep mountains. There you do not grieve, do not walk, and the servant of God (name) will not have faces. I am with my spirit, Lord with help. Amen".


The source of these diseases is considered to be an evil spirit that has infiltrated a person. Witch doctors advise to roll out the patient's chest, arms and legs with a spoken crumb, take this crumb to the crossroads at midnight, put it here in a clean cloth with the words: "Holy Dobrokhot, take bread and salt, but forgive the servant of God (name)." And here are the words you need to say when rolling out the crumb (choose one of the options):

“I will deflate, utter a parable, a verdict, a verdict, male, female, counter and transverse, envious and joyful, from a violent head, from a ruddy face, from bones, from relics, from livers, greyhound feet - not by itself: in pure words. "

“Our Father, Lord, as Christ was born, he was baptized on the Jordan River, the water of Christ into the earth and water - splashes are flying all over the world. Just as you can never gather these splashes, and you cannot tear every root from the earth, and you cannot remove the stars from the sky, and you cannot gnaw a stone, and you cannot lick the sky with your tongue, and you cannot devour the whole earth - so do not slay the servant of God to the sorcerer. "

“I ask the Lord God and the Holy Spirit, stand, God, for help, angels for joy, and help me measure, pronounce from the servant of God (name) fiery, watery, earthy, windy; earthen - into the ground, water - into water, fiery - into fire, and wind - into the wind. You will not be here and you will not dry the servant of God (name). "

After that, cross yourself three times. Then measure first from head to toe, the second time around the chest and head, and the third time - the arms.

“I gnaw, I gnaw a lot on the servant of God 12 relatives: umbilical, heart, gut, joint, vest, bone, hand, eye, howler, talker. As the dead from the grave does not return, so these 12 relatives would never return to the servant of God (name), forever and ever. From now on and forever. "

“A black raven flew out of the black sea; his eyes are red, nose, claws and pannails; he drove away lessons and tracts from the servant of God (name) - counter and transverse, male, female, youthful, girlish and all kinds. "

“Magpies flew by, seized the lessons of the servant of God (name) and carried them to the forests, to the swamps. The sweats flew until the lessons were gone. From your hands, from your feet, from your shoulders, from your brown eyes, from a cheerful head, from a wide heart, from all joints. "

“Near the sea is a viburnum, a maiden under the viburnum. She did not know how to sew, or spin, or embroider with gold, she only knew how and knew from the servant of God (name) lessons to call out and call, send to dry forests. Lessons and lessons for men, women, children! You, lessons-tracts, do not stand with the servant of God (name), do not break the yellow bone, do not torture hot blood, do not bother her heart, do not dry the white stripe. You should go to the mosses, to dark meadows, to dense outlines, to dry forests, where people do not go. "

“I, the chain-link of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the gates as gates, into an open field, to the east side. There is a white stone on the east side, Solosonia's grandmother sits on a white stone. I will bow to that grandmother and pray: “You take parables, and lessons, and human slander from the chain-link of God (name): harden, pinch, ache and swell, so that the chain-link of God (name) does not hear any pinch or ache in yourself. hands, legs, veins, joints, twelve veins, twelve bones, or a violent head, and nowhere else. "

Conspiracy from devils

“Angel, my guardian! Save my soul, strengthen my heart for every day, for every hour, for every minute. In the morning I get up, wash my face with dew, wipe off the Spasov Prechistov image with a veil. Enemy Satan, move away from me a hundred miles - a thousand: I have the Lord's cross on me! On that cross are written Luke, and Mark, and Nikita the martyr - they are tormented for Christ, they are praying to God for us. Pure locks are locked with keys, sealed with locks, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Dismiss the horned devil, throw it away! Amen. Amen. Amen".


Take pebbles and mark: 1st from the bathhouse, 2nd from the hut, 3rd from the wind, 4th from people, 5th from God. Dip these pebbles into the water and listen to which one will make the noise. From this came the disease that is written on the stone: from God, from people, downwind - from the sorcerer, etc. Pour water away from yourself with the words: "Where it came from, go there."


“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, to set up iron tyns from the depths of the sea, from the heavenly height, from east to west, from north to noon. I, the servant of God (name), will enter the iron tyn with all my train; I will shut, the servant of God (name), beyond the distance of nine shields, beyond the distance of doors, and I, the servant of God (name), will close the distance of the locks; I will take out of thirty-nine locks the distance of nine keys, I will throw those keys into the clear sea of ​​the Ocean. And a golden-oper pike will come out of that sea, copper scales, and that pike will swallow the distant nine of my keys and descend into the sea, into the depths of the sea. And just as no one can catch that pike, and the keys cannot be found far away, and the locks cannot be unlocked, so neither can I, the servant of God (name) and the young prince, spoil my entire princely train; always, now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. "


“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Theotokos, from the Jesus cross, from the Christ seal, from the saints of help, from my word, go away, unclean demon, accursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there you belong, life, stay and will, and there shout, and not in the servant of God (name) be unauthorized. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself, all heavenly power, Michael the Archangel, Avoid Angel and all the holy miracle workers: Niphon and Maroth, Cyprian, Ustinia, Konon of Isauria, Dmitry Rostovsky, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker, George the Victorious and King David, John the Baptist and Blasius, Istofer and Nikita the Great Martyr, and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, damned demon, an unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be in the servant of God (name), go out, now and this minute with all the damage and spells, and get away from the servant of God (name) away, and go to your place where the Lord God, Jesus Christ, sent you and where he commanded you to live, into the abyss of the underworld, into an unworked empty land, go there and live there, and leave this servant of God (name) forever, from now on and forever. Amen".

The Conspiracy of the Demon

“Plakun! Plakun! You cried a lot, but you cried a little. Do not roll, your tears, across the clear field, do not spread, your howl, across the blue sea, be you afraid of demons and demons, old Kiev witches; but they will not give you submission, drown in tears, and flee from your disgrace; lock them up in the pits of the underworld. Be my word with you firmly and firmly forever, amen. "


“Get away, O devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners. On you, the devil, part and participation, place and rest, here is the cross of the Lord. Mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Urail, Ugasiel, Egudiel, Verakhail. The powers of heaven rejoice, here are the holy Cherubim and Seraphim. Saint Michael is now all over the universe, from them the shelves are kept by Saint Peter, holding a club, here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here for you, devil, there is no part and participation, place and peace, do not do dirty tricks, devil, to the whole place and home, and to man, and cattle, and all the servants of God, flee from here to hell, where is your real shelter, and beware there. My word is strong as a stone, amen, amen, amen. "


This conspiracy is pronounced on a coin, which is then sewn into a bag and carried with you:

“You, damned and forever condemned devils, by virtue of the words: Messiah, Emmanuel, Sabaov, Adonai, Avanatos, Ischiros and Tetragrammaton, - we fetter, weaken and expel you from every place and home, may you have no power to harm the body inhabitants of the plague, go, accursed, to the fiery hell; get wet in the depths prepared for you and henceforth do not dare to come here. This is what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit commands you. You soak, devils, condemned forever, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come again to judge the living and the dead and the whole universe with fire. Amen".

Conspiracy from an unclean force or the devil (athanasiev)

They say a word on wax, which is attached to the cross of their enemy.

“Be signified, servant of God (name), with the life-giving cross - at the right hand and at the right hand, in front and behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me, the cross of the devil and all the enemies fled. Yes, the demon runs, all the power of the enemy then I, the servant of God (name), I saw, like lightning - the power of the cross that scorches. Christ and all the power of heaven is near me: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels, beginnings, powers, thrones. The Lord's strength and indestructible terrible seraphim, and the holy guardian angels, devoted to me to keep my soul and body from holy baptism. And far away from me, with its dark-like strength, it stands, and with all the people it was driven away byst, three hundred and sixty angels became God's. Prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant (name), always, now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. "


It happens that someone throws at the threshold of the spoken objects, bones, pieces of bread, chips. Usually healers recommend them to carefully collect them with a scoop on a piece of paper and throw them away.

Who put this muck here,
He took the spoilage from me.
Cross with a cross, a devil with a tail,
My corruption is with him,
And I am with the Lord's name.

A rag can be thrown on a tree, but it is better to go into the forest and throw it under a dry tree or bury it.


Witch doctors give advice: cook three handfuls of millet. While it is cooking, read the conspiracy three times, and then take it to the yard and let any dog ​​eat it, leaving that vessel in which there was porridge in the yard. At home until the morning, do not open the curtains on the windows and do not answer calls.

I pray: Elijah the prophet,
It would help me to heal.
I was baptized at the icon -
The chariot appeared.
I fell at his feet,
She said about her misfortune.
He sent me angels.
Angels healed me
He was healed of the disease.
Dog - old age,
Youth is for me.
Who will hurt me
Old age will wear a dog.
Forever and ever. Amen.


Go to the garden, pick the plant and talk about it.

“I invited the pleasures, begged and asked: remove the evil will, remove the damage from the garden. From the first time, from God's command. Get off the ground, all the infection. The words are molded, the locks are strong. Amen".


Take a red thread and tie knots along the entire length. Moreover, each knot should be tied over the wart. Then the pieces of the thread are torn off and tied to the foot of the caught frog, which is released in the forest, having previously said the following words:

"I harnessed the toads to the cart
And she drove through the snow.
In a dark place, in a dense forest,
Where and really would not have crawled.
Threw the toads into the swamps:
"My warts, here's to you."
Toads won't come together
And my warts will shrink.
The thicket is dark. Steel tooth.
I won't be sick anymore.
Key, tongue, lock.
Pike in the sea, toad constipated.


The patient is measured with a thread: in length, in width (along outstretched arms), head (circumference); cutting off fingernails and toenails and part of the hair on the head. All this, together with the thread with which the measurements were made, should be crammed into the hole made in the blind end of the door, and hammered from above with an aspen peg. Hair and nail clippings are tied up with a red thread and also covered in the blind end of the door. At the same time, conspiracies are pronounced.

“Just as this dead end of the door does not open, so does not call names to the commotion. I hammer him with an aspen stake and conjure with my lips. And to this whole house, amen. "

“Trouble, trouble! You are not female, not male, you have a healthy head. You can ruffle a person, you can break a stomach. You can't stand here, don't break your heads, don't beat your belly. Follow the lights, the winds, the thick smoke, where dogs don't bark, where people don't talk, the lights don't burn. "

Water is poured into a bowl, drawn with the words: "Hello, Ulyana's water and Tatyana's land, I came to you to collect water and try your health."

Then they pour molten wax into the water and say:

“Pour out, commotion, on the roads, on the outlines, on the swamps, on empty places where people do not walk, the human eye does not go; both paternal and maternal; day, and night, and midnight, grandmother's, grandfather's, winged and trembling, so that he would not reach the Christian, so that the blood would not boil and the bones would not ache, the appetite would not disappear, the Christian body would not hurt. May God rise again! "

Then the whole body of the patient is rolled in a chicken egg with the words: “Overburden-commotion! I pump you out with an egg, pour you out with water, into an empty space and send you onto a dry leaf; You won't be here, you won't see red blood, you won't pull out blue veins, you won't break a yellow bone. "

Then they release the protein from this egg into a glass and look at the resulting figure: if the grave, the patient will not recover. And if they see some terrible object, they say: "You can't stand here, you can't break a yellow bone, you can't see red blood, don't dry your heart generously, don't dry your white body at the servant of God (name)."


“In the name of the Father, and the Son of God, I will arise, blessed. I will wash myself with honeydew, in the sun, dry myself in the heat, I will pray to the Heavenly King, to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: I gave birth to Christ and swaddled in all swaddling clothes, kept and observed; also, cover and protect me, the servant of God (name), with silk veils, silk belts, with your Holy Spirit from an evil sorcerer, from a witch and from every evil dashing person, from evil blood, from evil thoughts, from evil thoughts. I will still submit, the servant of God (name), to Elijah the Prophet: you light, Elijah the Prophet, a fiery carriage and a fiery chariot, you pull tight, shoot accurately, kill the enemy and adversary and scorch me with fire so that I, the servant of God (name), do not to spoil, not to bewitch neither a sorceress, nor an evil and dashing person, and evil blood, an evil thought, thoughts that are met and comprehensible, and at a drink, and a feast, in conversation, in all mortal fun. I will also pray and submit to the Savior Preserver: and you observe, save, all-merciful Nikola of Mozhaisky, Izosim and Savvatey, Solovetsky miracle workers, Tikhon the Monk, John the Baptist, John the friend, John, the conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster, and all the power of heaven iron tyn near me, the servant of God (name), from the earth, and from everlasting to everlasting, so that I, the servant of God, do not spoil, do not bewitch, do not look and do not see, and do not hear at a feast, during a conversation, in all fun and forever, forever, from now and forever, amen, amen, amen, forever amen. "


“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will cross myself in the blue sea; on the blue sea lies a white-combustible stone, on this stone stands the throne of God, on this throne sits the Most Holy Mother, holds a white swan in white little arms, picks off a white feather from a white swan; as the white feather bounced, bounced off, bounce back, jump back, back away from the servant of God (name), birthmarks and birthmarks, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart, from a black liver, from white lung, with a hand, with legs. Came from the wind - go to the wind; come from the water - go to the water; henceforth and forever. "


“I went into a clear field, took the wedding cup, took out the wedding candle, took out the wedding dress, drew water from the zagorny student; I stood in the middle of the dense forest, outlined myself as a transparent line and spoke in a loud voice. I speak to my beloved child (name) over a wedding cup, over fresh water, over a wedding shawl, over a wedding candle. I wash my little child in a clean face, wipe his sugar lips with a wedding dress, clear eyes, chelodynoe, red cheeks, illuminate with a wedding candle his camp caftan, his posture is sable, his belted patterned, his cats are embroidered, his curls are light brown, his face is brave , his step is a greyhound. Be you, my beloved child, brighter than a clear sun, sweeter than a spring day, lighter than spring water, whiter than bright wax, stronger than a fuel stone, Alatyr. I take away the terrible line from you, drive away the stormy whirlwind, move away from the one-eyed devil, from the strange brownie, from the evil water one, from the Kiev witch, from her evil Murom sister, from the morgun-mermaid, from the damned woman-yaga, from the fiery flying serpent, I brush aside a prophetic crow, from a croaking crow, protect from a kashchey-venom, from a cunning warlock, from a conspiratorial magician, from an ardent sorcerer, from a blind healer, from an old witch, but be you, my child, my words are strong in the night and at midnight, at one and half an hour, on the way and on the road, in sleep and in reality, it is sheltered from the power of the enemy, from unclean spirits, saved from vain death, from grief, from misfortune, saved in water from drowning, sheltered in fire from combustion. And your mortal hour will come, and you remember, my child, about our affectionate love, about our luxurious bread and salt; and trouble will go away, the water will not drown, and evil fate will recede, the lesson will not stick. From now on and forever do not touch you with longing. Amen".

Conspiracy from a dashing man

“I am walking across a clear field, meeting me with seven spirits with half-spirits, all black, all evil, all unsociable. You go, spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people, keep them on a leash, so that I am safe and sound from them, along the way, in the house and in the forest, in strangers and relatives, in the land and on the water, at lunch and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Whoever will overturn my word, otherwise it is naive to be in everything, for the worse, for the unkindness, it is said in the future ”.

Conspiracy from a non-friend

"Holy Sovereign Savior and Holy Sovereign Archangel Michael, close, O Lord, from the dashing of man and adversary for every hour and for all time, and now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen."

A conspiracy to spoil food

They take from the table the uneaten food of a person suffering from increased appetite. They go to the river and throw it into the water. Witch doctors advise finding a place where a stream, a small rivulet, etc. flows into the river, that is, the place where the source flows into. Facing east, they read the conspiracy:

Do not eat, devil, in three throats
Eat the liver of an eagle.
With food evil to the bottom of the pit.
Do not induce appetite!
Take evil under the steep banks.
My health is a devil of a horn!
Cross on me, zhor at the bottom.

Conspiracy with shaking hands

If you or your loved one are shaking hands, healers have such a remedy. They take a pencil and trace their hand on paper, then burn it in the stove, reading the conspiracy words.

Shaking in hand - duckweed in the swamp.
In the middle of the swamp, the aspen shakes.
Let my shiver pass on to her.
Come, shaker, drown in the swamp.
The horned devil climb into the hooves.
Help me Lord
Be with me -
In the morning, afternoon and at night.

Conspiracy from insomnia

The blue sea is constipated.
Waves doze in the open.
The ships are rocking.
The eyes close.
Waves, sea, don't wake up.
Midnight girl, go away!
Lock my eyelids.
Insomnia under the threshold.
Sculpting words. Things are strong.


They take a small mirror, sit on the porch, look into it and say:

The angel sat on the porch.
He brought an egg on the wing.
And in the egg is all God's power:
I asked God
Send me a talisman
To save from evil people.
An evil heart will overcome the holy egg.
The power is in the egg, the evil eye is in the mirror.
The Holy Trinity is with me,
Away, bad force. Amen.


“There is a house on the sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island, and an eldress sits in that house, and she holds a sting. You, old woman, take your sting and come to the servant of God (name), take out the sting of death from the servant of God (name). I am talking sore wounds on my arms and legs. "

Conspiracy from the drink

It is necessary to take wax and during the sleep of a drunken person say the following on this wax:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, the moon is bright, clear stars, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight office, in the middle of the night come to me even as a red maiden, even as a mother queen and lay it off me, take the cursed force away from me, and give me Spasov hand, Bogoroditsyn castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, hold my heart together; enemy satan, deny me. I am baptized with the cross, I enclose myself with the cross, I call on the angel, I reject the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know the Holy Signs! "


Live pike is planted in a container of wine and infused for 12 days. The pike produces a lot of mucus, and the infusion becomes rancid. A drunkard is given to them to drink, saying:

“As the pike does not tolerate wine, so the servant of God (name) would not tolerate it. Mister hop, violent head, do not hang your head down, hang on top, I don’t know where you live; top of the cheese of the tree, get into your master's copper barrels and pubs. How not to live on fire, so for seven people dashing words (name). And you will also drink this cup, and as these words of mine came out of me, so from him, the servant of God (name), is a hangover. Mister hop, as the king will sit on his kingdom, so will you sit in the place where you were born. "


Dry birch firewood is abundantly sprinkled with sugar and kindled. The flaring fire is extinguished and the alcoholic is forced to breathe this smoke. After that he is given a glass of vodka to drink. They say that after such treatment, the alcoholic stops even looking at alcohol.

Consider in detail a love spell for boredom to read - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


Strong conspiracies for the love yearning of a guy for a girl read on your own

Girls will never stop reading conspiracies that catch love melancholy on their beloved boyfriend so that he gets bored and yearned and in every possible way looked for an opportunity to meet with his beloved as soon as possible, who read a conspiracy on him for strong melancholy. If you decide to bewitch your beloved, so that he “sows” and yearns for you and marries you, use one of the following conspiracies, and which of them you will read - down the drain or from a photo, you decide, one important condition for reading, it is to say the words of a longing conspiracy for five days at sunrise, standing at home near an open window and read the morning conspiracies for a guy's melancholy so that only in this case, the conspiracy for the strongest love melancholy will work very quickly.

Read a conspiracy to longing for the wind

In order for a person to yearn for you, you need to get up in the wind to say the words of the following conspiracy to strong longing. But if you read this strong conspiracy for the love yearning of a guy for a girl on your own, going out to the crossroads in windy weather and after reading the words, having seen a whirlwind, have time to spit into it, then your beloved guy will not only yearn and miss you, but also be very much bewitched to you ... A person for the rest of his life will love only the one who performed this magical rite on him. Words of a strong conspiracy to the wind that you need to read yourself:

I will stand up blessing, I will go out crossing myself,

Door to door, gate to gate to the blue sea.

There are twelve brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower.

Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island in the blue sea,

There is an oak on the island, under this oak there is a slab of slabs, melancholy longing.

Lift this stove, take this longing

Bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (name).

Let him grieve-sadness, so that he grieves, grieves,

So that he could neither live, nor be, nor day day,

Not an hour to spend, not a minute to while away.

With you, the sun is red, with mother the dawn of morning Mary,

Evening Marimyana, Midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright moon.

I would not go, I would not sit, I would not sit, I thought, I did not think,

I would smoke, not light a cigarette, walk, not go out,

I would eat, not eat, drink, drink, sleep, not fall asleep,

In the morning he got up, took me to mind, to the slave (name).

Lighter than the midday wind, faster than the lightning of fire,

Let another girl seem scary for him,

As a lioness, as fiery ones are frequent, as the sea ones are terrible,

Like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch.

And I am for him, a slave (name), a firebird.

Strong conspiracy to yearn for a guy's photo

The strongest way to make your girlfriend yearn for your boyfriend is to use the following conspiracy to make the boy miss you a lot. For the ritual, we need a photo of a young man on whom we will read a plot of longing for a girl, but be prepared for the fact that in order to carry out the ritual, you will have to leave the house. At midnight on a full moon, stand at the crossroads with a photo of your beloved guy pressed to your chest with your arms crossed together and start reading these ancient words of the strongest love spell for a guy's strong longing for a girl after which he will definitely marry you:

An open field, wide expanse, I call my brothers here,

13 devils, drink, take a walk, feast, remember the slave (name).

You drink from (name) blood, sit on a stone board,

Give him a heavy yearning for me, God's servant (name)

So that he was fiercely bored, suffered hard, grieved with grief, sobbed blood.

How a sister cries for her brother at the commemoration,

Grandfather yearns for his grandmother at the funeral service.

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't take anything into his head,

no work, no work, no joy, no care.

Not in the morning and not in the afternoon, not by water and not by fire.

Do not lime with prayer, do not sweep away the thoughts of a slave (name) for me with a broom,

I lock the God's servant (name) with a lock, lock with a key.

The pike in the water, the finish in me.

While I am alive, my business cannot be interrupted,

In prayer, do not grind, do not remove, do not wash off.

So it will be now and will finish.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After that, silently return home and without talking to anyone, take a running shower (rinse even from a basin), having washed off the negative from yourself. After that, you can talk and live an ordinary life without telling anyone about the conduct of this strongest magical rite for boredom and melancholy on a person. Always carry a photo of a guy on which you read a longing conspiracy (you can in your purse). After this black conspiracy, a beloved guy at any distance will come to the girl who made this strong longing conspiracy with a proposal to marry him.

Strong conspiracy for longing

Go wind to my beloved, sweep his heart, catching up with melancholy,

Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk, so would he (the name of a loved one), without me (his own name).

He could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor in the day with the sun, nor in the night with the month.

Amen, amen, amen!

After reading this strong longing conspiracy, wait for news from your beloved man. After induction of love yearning, the guy will miss you very much. In practice, it is very common for a loved one to make a date call. The longer he does not communicate with you, the stronger the love melancholy will pinch the soul and heart of a man on whom a conspiracy for strong melancholy was read, and you should take a wait-and-see attitude and wait for the action of the conspiracy for boredom - longing.

Guy's melancholy plot

And here is another promised love spell on the melancholy of a loved one, so that he misses you very much and yearns for you and looks for a meeting. You can bring love melancholy by looking at the photo and reading the next conspiracy.

If you want the object of your love to yearn and want to meet you, read the following words of a longing conspiracy over his photo:

I will become a slave (such and such), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut at the door, from the yard to the gate, I will go into the open field, to the sub-eastern side, in the sub-eastern side there is a hut, a board lies among the hut, longing under the board. Melancholy cries, melancholy cries, white light awaits, white light, red sun awaits, rejoices and rejoices! So he waited for me, a slave (such and such), rejoiced and rejoiced, could not live without me, neither be, nor drink, nor eat, either at dawn or at evening; like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk, without a mother's womb, so a slave (such and such) without a slave (such and such) could neither live, nor be, drink, eat, In the morning dawn, not in the evening, not in the ordinary, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds, not in the day with the sun, not at night with the month. Dig in, longing, eat, longing, in the chest, in the heart, in the whole belly of the slave (such and such), grow and give birth in all the veins, in all the bones, aching and dryness for the slave (such and such).

All of the above conspiracies for melancholy must be read on their own. The effect of the conspiracy on melancholy that is read in the evening comes the next morning, provided that the ritual is performed correctly, only in this case, strong melancholy will make the beloved quickly come to you or call you.

Love spell to make a guy miss: read 6 rituals

Love magic is diverse and multifaceted. Among the rituals there are many that are highly not recommended for domestic prospectors, as they awaken very powerful serious forces that can sweep the victim together with the magician from the face of the Earth. And there are those that are carried out easily and act like ordinary thought forms, cheerfully and naturally. In fact, they are clean and unpretentious, no more harmful than a mosquito bite.

These rituals include all, united by the common name "love spell to make a guy miss." There are many of them. Let's take a look at some simple enough to use on our own. All of the following rituals are dispensed with without severe consequences. If there are any troubles, it will be only with the “magician” who does not know how to separate his real desires from the whims of his own “ego”.

Love spell to make the guy miss: at a distance

To carry out the ritual, you do not need anything but imagination at all. Focus and visualize the victim. It is necessary to create a mental contact. To do this, it is usually recommended to imagine that your foreheads (the spaces between your eyes) are connected by an energy cord. If with imagination seams, then take a photo.

Now bite your tongue and say (blot):

“I bite my tongue so that the Slave (name) will come to me! So that the Slave (name) yearns and misses, does not notice the joy! So that he could not find a place in the whole world, wandered under my windows, shed tears, could not sleep, but knocked on my doorstep! Amen!"

Love spell must be repeated three days in a row. And between the rituals it is worth talking to the victim. After the third day, "disappear" from his field of vision. You will see that he will start looking for you, although he will not even be able to explain to himself why he behaves this way.

Love spell to make a guy miss: contact

In order for a guy to feel sympathy for you and need your company, you need to catch the moment when he looks into your eyes. At this point, quickly say:

"Agadaga Pra Drast"

Then you need to read another spell, standing behind him:

“The servant of God (her name) went into the field, she is statuesque and beautiful, in expanse and freedom, to breathe in air, to communicate with the earth. There is a birch tree, shedding tears. She tied the Servant of God (name), does not allow him to breathe or move away, only to stand next to him, and wipe his tears. I will cut the bonds, break free. Only I can't run far, my legs are turned, I can't take my eyes off, there will be mine without restraints! Amen!"

Love spell to make the guy miss: on the trail

If you want your image to always be in the mind of a young man, you can carry out a ritual in his footsteps. To do this, you need to buy a new broom. Put it on the guy's photo for three days. Then cut off three branches, go where he usually walks, throw branches and say to each:

“I start longing for the Slave (name) road, I command to catch up. So that the smile does not touch his lips, joy does not appear in his soul. So that in the daytime and in dreams, only about the Slave (his name) he thought, yearned, but suffered, waited for a meeting. And on the road, and on the doorstep, in the house and in a foreign land, but not during a hard time! Amen!"

Love spell to make a guy miss a poppy seed

Buy a poppy, take a little in your hand. Place a photo of the guy in front of you. Pour the poppy over it from one palm to the other, pronouncing the spell:

“A good fellow gallops across the field on horseback to me! He is handsome and rich, he is glad of my love! You are a Slave (name) block the road, turn the horse back, win the good fellow! I inspire boredom, I collect for a feat! I inspire melancholy, so that I neither sleep nor eat, I just wanted to see each other! As ordered, so Rab (name) to work! Amen!"

Now collect those grains that were involved in the ritual. They must be placed one by one to the victim of the love spell. He should touch them with his hands for seven days in a row. Just throw in one seed at a time. The conspiracy can be repeated every day if you think that it did not work right away.

Love spell to make the guy miss the snow

This is, of course, a winter love spell. It is made when it is snowing outside the window. You need to go outside, put your palms and catch a few snowflakes. Imagine the image of a loved one and say:

“As a snowflake disappears in my hand, so will your indifference melt, turn into longing and boredom, twist you like an evil blizzard! Come, I will warm it up, I will melt the heart with love! Just as snow cannot warm a hand, so the Servant of God (name) burns for me, burns, suffer, miss and yearn for me! Amen!"

Love spell to make the guy miss: on his toes

To strongly influence the object of a love spell, you need to purchase a pair of men's socks. It is advisable to choose those that are to the taste of your chosen one. Place the item of the toilet in the "red corner". Usually a box is used for this. Put them as the greatest jewel, with all the comforts. In the evening, open the "dungeon" and read the conspiracy:

“I call upon Angels and Demons as witnesses, the entire population of this and other world, dark and light, I bow to all sides, I pledge to listen, I ask you! I took the Servant of God (name) captive, imprisoned him in prison, shackled his legs, and tied him to me. He will sit, get bored, but answer for his actions! You Angels in the spirit of the Slave (name) bring melancholy, blow with love, and fly! You Demons kindle doing, give boredom, but fly! What was said to be, not to remake, not to correct, from the longing of the Slave (name) cannot be corrected! Amen!"

Place the socks back in the box. To make it work faster, sharpen the photo of the victim with them. Release only once a day so that these attributes of the love spell listen to your conversation with representatives of the Higher Forces.

Love spell to make the guy miss the treat

You can prepare a special love spell for a young man. Basically, it can be anything that you do well. And those who are not on friendly terms with cooking can buy tasty things in the store. Before offering a treat to a guy, read three times:

“Pie in my mouth, boredom in my thoughts, I lock our parting! Wind the wind in the open, I give you freedom! If you help me now, I thank you! You instill boredom in the Slaves (name) so that they can quickly interrupt the separation! Amen!"

If he is far away, then such a conspiracy is slandered about a "gift" on the social network. Just make sure that this surprise resembles what he wants to eat (picture of a cake or cake).

A conspiracy for longing. Strong conspiracy to quickly catch up on love melancholy read it yourself

This is the most powerful and instant love spell conspiracy to quickly catch up on love melancholy on any person. You need to do it yourself so that your beloved is bored and yearned and constantly thinks only of you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the conspiracy that makes your beloved feel melancholy. An old conspiracy that makes a man longing for a loved one is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a guy or a man yearn and think only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. In order to quickly induce a strong melancholy on your loved one at home on your own, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and upwind) say the text of the conspiracy on love longing for the wind :

On the island of the Buyans, a strong wind blows. He sharpens stones by day and night,

Go wind to my beloved, sweep his heart, catching up with melancholy,

Let the heart of the servant of God (name) cry, cry,

Longing for him for me (name), waited and waited for a meeting with me,

The beloved could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat without me.

Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk,

So would he (name of a loved one), without me (own name).

Could not live, not be, not drink, not eat, not at dawn,

Not in the evening, not at noon, not with frequent stars, not with violent winds,

Not a day in the sun, not a night in a month.

You can quickly and effectively bewitch a man to yourself by reading a strong conspiracy for a man's love at the window with a lit candle. Immediately after reading, the man you love will begin to experience strong melancholy and a desire to see you as soon as possible - these are all the consequences of a love conspiracy that you read yourself at home for a man's love. The best time to read a love conspiracy is a growing moon or a full moon, but this is not a rule and you can fall in love with a person with this conspiracy at any phase of the moon. In the evening, after 8 o'clock at home, go to the window and light a candle. Looking at the candle fire and freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts seven times say a quick but very

If you read this love spell on Christmas time, then the person on whom the Christmas love spell is made will never stop loving and will not change you, it is this conspiracy among magicians called an eternal love spell that forever binds two souls together. It is practically impossible to remove a love spell made on Christmas week! If you decide to make this particular Christmas rite for love, once again thoroughly weigh your love feelings for the bewitched guy or man. By the way, this love conspiracy can also be read for the love of a girl or woman you love and want her to love only you all her life, replace male words in the text of the conspiracy with female ones and vice versa. For Christmas

You can read conspiracies on your own during Christmas week from January 7 to 18 for a variety of reasons, and most often on Christmas time they guess and read conspiracies for love. Conspiracies on. today they will tell the oldest and 100% working Christmas ritual for love, which is done at home during the week of Christmastide from January 7 to 19. With the help of a magic ritual for love on any day of the week, Christmastide will very quickly lure a husband who, during the coming new year, will love you very much and will definitely marry. This love conspiracy also acts on an already existing husband or man who has cooled down with feelings or, even worse, began to walk to the left - if you read a conspiracy on him

This strong conspiracy for the husband's love should be read by the wife herself so that the husband loves her more than life, he always wants only her and never cheats on his wife. After the wife reads the conspiracy for the love and respect of her husband in a glass of water and gives her husband a drink, the beloved man “takes hold of his head” will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife. As a result of this love spell made on her husband, he will be strongly drawn home to his family, every day more and more respecting and loving only his wife. Pour into a glass of drinking water and say the words of a conspiracy of love and respect over it

A husband's love spell on food is the easiest way to prevent the husband from walking and love only his wife. In order to quickly and strongly bewitch your husband to yourself, you need to read a conspiracy on salt of which, later, you should add salt to food for your husband. What is this conspiracy that you need to read on your own for the love of a husband for his wife, read on. It is best if the conspiracy is read on the full moon, in which case the conspiracy will affect the husband in the morning. Arrange a festive dinner and salt the food with a charmed salt, do not be afraid to taste the charmed food yourself, it will only affect your husband. The conspiracy for salt should be read after 6 pm - not a minute earlier, better a little later! Waking up you

Witches very often read the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witchcraft love spell in the rain and snow or in a strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black melancholy and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magic ritual is performed, the bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of the "witch's love spell" right away, the person thus bewitched begins to call more often and express his love feelings more vividly, and being from you at a distance, he greatly yearns for you. This is a very common among the people and rather quick conspiracy that allows you to let loose

A love spell and a conspiracy of loyalty and prevention of betrayal, which will be discussed, is a very strong and independent love spell that is done only once on a beloved husband and boyfriend or man so that he does not walk to the left and cannot change. A conspiracy on fidelity "the burden of fidelity" will protect a loved one from the temptation to change and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the safety of your beloved person's fidelity, perform a loyalty rite and live in peace. A love spell read only once on the loyalty of your beloved husband or guy with whom you live in a civil marriage. A quick and strong conspiracy of loyalty and the prevention of treason you need to read

A love conspiracy against her husband's betrayal will help to stop and prevent the betrayal of her husband and beloved man and boyfriend who likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you independently read the conspiracy prayer from the husband's betrayal for a good life and perform a simple ritual for the poppy, a strong conspiracy will be able to make sure that the husband does not walk on the side, does not drink and does not walk with friends and he is always drawn to the family to his wife. White conspiracy - prayer will stop her husband's betrayal and return peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against the betrayal of their beloved husband help wives to keep the family in mutual love and harmony, to save them from betrayal and jealousy, ensuring the family a good life. Poppy in the old days

The conspiracies for today will tell you how to bewitch with the help of a photo and make a love spell on your own from a photo. To make a magic ritual for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform the love spell ritual, even a photo taken on a phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photo from the phone must be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unstitched needle and red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night, the lunar cycle for a love spell also does not matter.

The magic of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God on August 28, according to the tradition of the ancestors, contributed to the maintenance of fading love between husband and wife or to kindling ardent love in the young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch to herself and forever fall in love with herself. Conspiracies for the Assumption for love continue to read on their own in our time with the aim of creating a strong family that is faithful between the spouses. When the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and the ever-virgin Mary comes this year, you can recall the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read the conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage by performing a simple ceremony in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy -

Having read the spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate the rival without the name of the rival and without her photograph with the help of magic and conspiracy. To make a magic rite on your own and after reading a conspiracy against a rival for salt, a rival in love or a lover will quarrel with your loved one herself and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet, on the forums, you can read a lot of positive reviews of those who made a conspiracy to cool off their rival. This conspiracy will very quickly allow you to permanently eliminate your rival and return your loved one to yourself. A very simple ceremony, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman and all that is needed for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make the beloved husband himself apologize and even forgive the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magic rite with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This old conspiracy against the husband after a quarrel should be read by the wife herself and not to tell anyone about the rite of reconciliation with her beloved carried out on her own. Only under this condition, even if you quarreled strongly, a conspiracy to reconcile the hostile, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, will be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. Strong conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one

You need to read a strong conspiracy on your saliva on your own if you need to make sure that your loved one loves and misses only you in separation. The magical power of saliva will make the beloved want to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls were indifferent to him. This very old love spell on saliva was often used by girls in Russia when their beloved boyfriends or husband left to work in another city. A love conspiracy - a love spell on saliva helped to save the marriage and save a loved one from betrayal. Saliva magic helped me more than once to let a strong feeling on my beloved

This rite is also suitable for those who, having read the conspiracy, want to please all men and attract their attention to themselves with the help of magic. After reading the conspiracy to meet a certain person who liked to make it so that the power of magic will help you get to know a worthy man by “pushing” him to be the first to take a step towards a serious relationship with you. And it's up to you to decide who to make of a man after influencing him with a conspiracy. You want to find a lover or husband on your own by reading a strong and safe conspiracy to meet a wealthy man, you decide. You can bind a person to yourself with the magical bonds of love from a distance from him, without contact with a man

Conspiracy on the boredom of a beloved man

There may be many different reasons for the desire to make your beloved man miss you. For example, he goes on a trip without his fiancée or his girlfriend needs to go somewhere for a long time.

Or maybe the narrowed one just started spinning with his everyday affairs and forgot about his beloved. There can be a lot of situations, but there is only one solution. With the help of a longing spell, you can awaken a longing for a chosen one in a beloved. Then, without realizing it, he will start to get bored and look for a meeting.

What is it for

Features of love rituals

Below is an example of a powerful and effective conspiracy that is worth reading whenever you need to make your loved one get bored.

“My beloved man (name), I want, the servant of God (name), To miss you and yearn for me alone, And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and longing. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, I would not leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of the earth, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

When you really need it

Should you read the conspiracy whenever you want? Of course not. Any love rituals should be performed only when there is a very good reason. Expending magical power for the sake of small things is not wise. It is very important to be sure that a person in the name of whose love the ceremony is being started is really needed.

By harming someone with a spell, you can get double punishment for this. The next conspiracy is designed for quick results. To perform the ceremony, you will need a fresh, ripe apple. The fruit must be chosen beautiful, without flaws. It is desirable that the apple is sweet.

"As the apple dries up, so the servant of God (name) will be bored!"

Having spoken the above words on the apple, you need to put it on the window. Let the fruit dry, and the guy, in the meantime, will begin to yearn and grieve for his beloved.

General principles of love magic

Magic is a very serious thing. The use of love magic must be responsible and intelligent. Before deciding to perform rituals aimed at the love of a man, you need to decide for yourself how important this man is.

Boredom or melancholy conspiracies are very powerful. A person on whom such spells have been read begins to experience corresponding feelings. The power of magic will act on the selected object until he meets his woman, and some magical rituals may have a longer effect.

Features and general rules

All love rituals should be performed on the growing moon or on the full moon. The only exception is a ceremony designed to eliminate unwanted feelings. Additional attributes for performing a boredom ritual can be clean water, an apple, candles, paper, etc. The basis of such rituals is a conspiracy and spells, which, with the help of the power of words, evoke the desired feelings in a certain person.

The following magic words are spoken for a gift or souvenir to be passed on to your beloved. After a man accepts this thing, longing and boredom will settle in his heart for the woman who gave him this little amulet.

“I give you a thing, and you take it, but at the same time you give me your peace. And you will not have peace and strength either day or night without a slave (proper name). Amen".

There is no need to choose anything symbolic as a gift. It can be an ordinary souvenir in the form of a pen, handkerchief, notebook, lighter, etc. It is worth noting that if a guy loses or throws away the thing given to him, the fat of the conspiracy will disappear with this gift. The next slander is also very strong and causes incredible melancholy in the one for whom it is designed.

“I read a magic spell on the servant of God (name). To yearn and miss me, To not see his life without me! I bring him a strong longing, sad sadness! Let him walk around me and around, Let him only please me, Let him only see happiness with me! Amen!"

Another very powerful rite of passage with a boredom spell is shown below. It is worth noting that the power of this ritual does not dry out for six months. Therefore, you need to think carefully before doing it.

“I pronounce the magic words and direct their magic power to the servant of God (the name of the beloved). I wish that he languished without me and always missed me very much, that he would constantly yearn for me and could not imagine his life without me! Sadness and longing is strong, I bring these magic words to him. So that he always walks beside me and pleases only me alone. His happiness is only next to me and so that he always remembers this. Amen!"

Spell-prayer for God's blessing

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless, Heavenly Father, if I were covered with clouds, my son would cover the sun at my right hand, and the moon for another. And the blue sea does not hesitate, and the mother of the cheese of the earth does not sway, and the frequent winds shine, and the violent winds rage, and the sun shines clearly, glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, goodwill in men. Lord God, bless us to receive strength from the blue sea, roar from damp earth, frequent winds, courage from the violent wind, golden rays from the sun, and blessings from all Your strength.

Poverty conspiracy

I get up, servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself; I, servant of God (name), will go into an open field. In an open field, the light brightens, the red sun rises, animals run out of the forests and birds fly out of their nests. I, the servant of God (name), shield myself with light and gird myself with stars. I will cover myself from misery-poverty in heaven, gird myself with bright dawns, I will surround myself with frequent stars that are sharp arrows. Chur, my thought, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, my blood! I will throw this misery - poverty across the sea. It will wash with silt, carry it with sand, take it away, my word will never pass away. Amen.

Conspiracy from the evil eye and damage to business

At dawn it was in the morning, the sun was red in the east, there was a high mountain, on that mountain the great Tsar Maiden stood guarding. Take out you, girl, the fatherly sword-kladenets, get the old-fashioned shell, the hero's helmet, unlock the raven's horse; go out into an open field, and in an open field there is a mighty army, but there is no estimate in the army of weapons. Cover me, girl, with your veil from trouble, from vanity, from bad weather, from misfortune, from evil deeds, from evil people. The heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, the moon and the stars of the Lord were established by God's wise words. And so the heart of a person (name) will be established in the footsteps and in the commandments. The sky is the key, the earth is the lock; the keys to the outside. So tyn, over amines amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for an easy contract with people

I will get up, servant of God, blessing, I will cross myself from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates, I will go out into an open field, I will face to the east, to the west with a ridge. There are in the open field, in the sub-eastern side three oaks twisted together tops; so would have hovered around me, the servant of God Peter, princes and all sorts of nobles, servants of God, bishops and archimandrites, priests and deacons, and deacons, generals, chief marshals, chiefs and subjects, and all the motley authorities, men and wives, and red maidens, and all the people of God. How would I, the servant of God Peter, at day and at noon, at night and at midnight, at one and half an hour, at a month and at a half moon, at young and old, at a loss and at the end, and at a crossroads to all authorities , as all the nobles to the servant of God Peter rejoiced at the rising red sun and the young month, and the bright Resurrection of Christ, the Great Day, so would rejoice at my parishion, servant of God Peter, all princes and great nobles, servants of God, bishops and priests and archimandrites, deacons and deacons, generals, head marshals, chiefs and subordinates, all motley authorities, men and wives, and red maidens, and all the people of God. Wake up, my words, are full and great, and strong, and great, and strong, and sharp - shoot the edge of the sword, shoot the spear, the damask knife; so that my words from the white linen and from me, the servant of God Peter, would not be blown away by the wind and not washed away by the rain always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen!

Protective conspiracy against spoilage of wealth

Lord, help, tie up, Lord, the mouth of my adversary, that (name) before me and for me on both sides, speak for me, according to the servant of God (name), to him, the servant of God (name) is always now and ever and in eyelids of centuries. Righteous you, red Sun, bake with my enemies, with adversaries, with opponents, with the authorities - governors and commanding men, and with all the people of God's mouth and heart, evil deeds and evil thoughts, so that they do not ascend, do not utter, do not speak dashing resist me. You are a red moon, come down to my cage, fill it with goodness and silver. Sunshine, you are free, come to my yard, send happiness to my house and yard, consecrate the table of God's throne with your light. Jesus Christ, King of heaven. Amen.

Conspiracy for prosperity and wealth

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dress with heaven, cover yourself with clouds, gird yourself with a belt and the power of the Most Pure Theotokos and her saints angels. I, a servant of God (name), will go into an open field - under the red sun, under the light of the month, under frequent stars, under flying clouds; I will stand, a servant of God, in an open field on a level place, that on the throne of my Lord, I will clothe myself with clouds, I will cover myself with heaven, I will put the red sun on my head, I will gird myself with bright dawns, I will gird myself with frequent stars, that I will wash myself with sharp arrows from every evil misfortune. with dew, dried by the sun, clothed with clouds, girded with clean stars, God's blessing, all goodness and righteousness. The Lord loves the righteous, and He will bless every creature and every righteous person with all the holy heavenly powers always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from detractors and envious people

I, the servant of God, will get up and go into an open field. Fire and Fire and a stormy Wind meet me. I will stand up and bow low to them and say this: goy thou Fire and Fire! do not burn down the green meadows, but the wind is a storm! do not fan the fire; and serve faithful, great service: fly to a high mountain, beyond the seven heavens, worship the Throne of our Lady of the Most Holy Theotokos. Holy Mother of God, with her saints angels, help me to your sinful servant (name of the river), and block my adversary's mouth, so that they will not be able to speak evil against me. Angels and my saints are with me, the sun at my right hand, the month of the servant of God (name of the river), stars on my head. This word is affirmation and strengthening, by it it is affirmed and strengthened and closed, and nothing - neither by air, nor by storm, nor by water, this thing is not unlocked. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A spell to help angelic forces in all kinds of good deeds

Angels Erog, Salevanil, Thundering at all prepared. Save the cross and help and remember. Angels: Anutarasiy, Vosilutar, Espedar, Naakt the firstborn, truth, wisdom, fortress, polamrar is Matvey, Bartholomew and Vselsamor. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father is of hosts and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Lord is one; and it is good for a man to bear these names of all salvation. To the Apostle Paul, bring narakols and earthly things to the church, until the Lord sees us sinners, do not leave us except for your intercession and deliver, Master of many mercies, have mercy on your servant (name) from all evil of man, and from all misfortune. The key to these words is in the heavenly height, and the lock in the depths of the sea is on the whale-fish, and no one can get this whale-fish and unlock the lock beside me; and whoever gets this fish and unlocks my castle, let it be like a tree, scorched by lightning. Amen.

Wealth growth conspiracy

Lord God, bless the Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ in heaven. There is the holy sea of ​​Akiyan; on that holy sea of ​​Akiyan there is a white stone Latar; on that white stone Latara sits an old mater, gray hair, white beard; From the east to sunset, from summer to north, stands from that mother of man Mount Gesimyan. And the morning dawn and the evening dawn rises above him. Goy thou art, Zorya Utrennyaya, and you, Zorya Vechernyaya! Fall on my gold so that it grows - as tall as a forest, as strong as an oak. Mother Zorya Vechernyaya, Morning, Midnight! as you quietly extinguish - you fade, so the illnesses and sorrows in the servant of God (name) would have extinguished and faded - daytime, night and midnight. Month, you are Month, silver horns, your golden legs, Come down. Month, take off my sorrow, take away the trouble-dryness under the clouds. My sorrow is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is mighty; I cannot bear grief, but your strength can bear it. To those words of mine, lips and teeth are a lock, my tongue is a key; and I will throw the key into the sea, stay the castle in the company. Amen.

Conspiracy to preserve well-being

Lord God, bless the Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ in heaven. There is a holy grief of Olives, I will stand on that mountain, I will pray to God, and God will send His Son, and the Son of God rides on a golden horse, and puts beside me, the servant of God (name), an iron tyn from east to sunset and from summer to north ; from a stone mountain to a heavenly height, to the Lord's throne; from the throne to the stone mountain; from a stone mountain to an iron sole, up to three whales; and the thickness is three fathoms printed. The Lord himself rides a golden horse, with his golden spear, to the copper gates, to the damask faith; and the Lord Michael himself puts the archangel with a scepter, and in the other faith of Gabriel, the archangel with a scepter and lets me in, the servant of God (name). And the holy God, Kozma and Damian closes the gates to the damask faiths; Holy God, Michael the archangel, Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, closes with his golden lock, leaves the key with me, the servant of God (name). These words are closed with locks, I throw the keys under the white-combustible stone alatyr; and just as the locks are strong, so my words are marks. Amen.

For success in any money business

Lord God! Bless, Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. King of heaven, saints Kozma, Damian, Michael the archangel, Gabriel the archangel, Peter and Paul are the supreme apostles, put haste and help to my work, and I, the servant of God (named), to you, the sovereigns of the angels, I pray from the sweat of my face; To you, sovereign angels, I will light the candles early in the morning, late in the evening, every day, every hour, every time, in the old month and when it is young, when it is full and when it is closed. And to those words of mine, a key and a lock. Some word you forgot, then put the word, holy hierarchs of Christ, all in advance. Always and now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for God's blessing

Lord, you visit, accept sinners! And you raise the dead! And you command the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And loaves grow wonderfully in Your hands, give a thousandfold harvest - they are sown, reaped, baked and broken at the same time, in an instant! And Thou art thirsty to deliver us from gladness! And you thirst for our thirst to go away! And you travel through the country of our exile with the burden of Yourself, in order to return to us the calm, sweet heavenly nature that we have lost! You shed your sweat in the garden of Gethsemane, so that we would stop shedding our sweat in obtaining bread, learned to shed it in prayers for a worthy communion of the Bread of Heaven. Thorns sprouted to us by the cursed earth, You have taken on Your head; Thou hast crowned, Thou didst wound Thy holy head with thorns! We have lost the paradise tree of life and its fruit, which imparted immortality to those who eat, - You, prostrating on the tree of the cross, have become for us the fruit that bestows eternal life to Your partakers. Both the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth, in the camp of our exile. This fruit and this tree are superior to those of paradise: they impart immortality, and these impart immortality and Deity. Through Your suffering, You poured sweetness into our suffering. We reject earthly pleasures, choose our sufferings by lot, just to become partakers of Your sweetness! It is like an anticipation of eternal life, sweeter and more precious than temporary life! You fell asleep in the sleep of a mortal who could not keep You in eternal sleep. You - God! You rebelled and gave us the excitement from this dream, from the fierce sleep of a mortal, granted a blessed and glorious resurrection! You have lifted up our renewed nature to heaven, you have planted it on the right hand of the eternal, Your own, Your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven to praise, bless, and praise Your goodness! Grant us with a frank face to see the terrible, unapproachable, magnificent Your Glory, to see It forever, to worship It and be blessed in It. Amen.

Prayer for envy

God the Eternal! confidential to the Cleric! test hearts and womb, sit on Cherubimech, and see the abysses, understand my thoughts from afar! You weigh, as if I hate, I do not want, and I do not deign to unclean, vile, blasphemous thoughts, who attack me coldly; and I pray Your goodness, forbid the blasphemous spirit, let it depart from me, drive away evil thoughts, let me not chill, calm down the agitation of my heart, tame the storm of my thoughts, shame the enemy that confuses my news, so that my enemy does not rejoice in me; The opposition of the dusi is trembling and shaking for you. Everyone will listen to you. The whole essence is working for you; You led the storm and excitement of my mind, let it become quiet, and without hesitation and embarrassment I will work for You, my Lord, all the days of my life! Amen. God! behold my sorrow, behold my misfortune, behold and the coldness of my enemy, as fiercely and heavily attacks me with blasphemous thoughts, offending my soul, grieving my heart, darkening my mind, and confusing my conscience, his blasphemous whispering and my godless words in my mind I just hate, as if I would like to die first, even if this is the good of my God, accept blasphemous thoughts, and by this I deign, even my enemy speaks in my mind; but for my weakness, overcome that disgusting and blasphemous and godless thought, and I cannot drive away from myself without your help, my God: my nature is passionate, my mind is fickle, my strength is weak, but my adversary is strong, and his strength is exceeds my strength; and if it were not for You, the Lord was strong and mighty in His people, who is contented, intact, preserved from the enemy and the devil's murderer? By this I fall to Ty, O All-Merciful and Most Merciful! not even my despair, the Creator God! and I pray your omnipotent help, strike at the head of the cold enemy, flash lightning, and the adversaries who have gone to me, shine bright in my hearts Your dawn, may the dark clouds of blasphemous thoughts that find me, but in the light by Your power, shine forth from me. I will see You my Christ, the enlightening of every man, that in the light of Your face I will go, and I will rejoice in Your name forever! Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of the home and household

O Lord our God, the source of good, commanding the earth to lime the fruit, goodness for your sake and goodness; Bless and multiply both this house and the fruitfulness of Thy servants: fill their treasures with every good fruit, wheat, wine and oil, and preserve them from every temptation, with all that are with them, and enlighten them in Thy knowledge, that Thy be pleased with You, will be worthy of Your eternal blessings. For blessing your name, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer over the seeds

This prayer is recited over the seeds of any plant that can be grown in the house, in a flower pot. The sacrificed seeds are planted and the plant is placed on the west side of the house. As long as the plant is in the house, poverty will not befall you.

O Lord our God, from Thy most pure and abundant hand, the Lord offered the gift of seeds before Thy eyes, and to this we shall entrust ourselves with a prayer: do not conclude this in the soulless earth with this, if we do not look at the command of Thy Majesty, commanding the birth of the earth, and vegetation , and give seed to the sower, and bread for food. And now we pray to Thee, our God, hearings praying to Thee, and open to us Thy great treasure, both good and heavenly, and pour out Thy blessing, let us be more satisfied with Thy false promise: and ward off from us all that eats our earthly fruit and all punishment is righteous. guided on us, sin for our sake: and Thy rich bounties sent down on all Thy people, through the grace and love of mankind of Thy only-begotten Son, with whom Thou art blessed, and with the Most Holy and Good, and Life-giving Thy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the multiplication of good in the house

Lord Jesus Christ our God, from five loaves of bread and two fish, five thousand satiating, and from the excess gather a lot of ukrukhs: You Himself, the Almighty Lord, bless the presented nests, with the prayers of the most blessed, glorious Lords of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and holy All the great Apostle and the First-Supreme Apostle Peter: and those like them who partake of the fishes, keep them in peace and health of soul and body. As if You are the giver of all good things, and we glorify You with your beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy, and good, and life-giving Your Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before starting a deed

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Beginningless Father! Thou art Thou with Thy purest lips: as without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord go, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work, I begin, to do it about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for unforgiveness of offenses and remembrance of the evil

My Savior, teach me to forgive with all my heart all those who have offended me in any way. I know that I cannot appear before You with the feelings of enmity that lurk in my soul. My heart has hardened! There is no love in me! Help me, Lord! I pray to You, teach me to forgive those who offend me, as You, my God, on the cross, forgave Your enemies! Lord, don't let me dream of myself as the best of any of the people, but think of myself as the worst of all and not condemn anyone, but judge myself harshly. Amen.

A protective conspiracy from the enemy of the human race, so that things do not spoil

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a yaz, a servant of God (name), blessing, I will cross myself, on God's deeds, on God's way, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with the gates - into an open field, from a clean field, into dark forests, dry swamps, rotten logs. Just as those rotten decks do not happen green, they do not become on me, on the servant of God (name), there are no parables and corruptions, ghosts and objections, and lessons, glass and morning, day and noon, evening and midnight, witchcraft and witchcraft from now on and I will finish, the servant of God (name) confessed centuries, the most pure Mother of God, the Mother of God altar. And I forgot the language, servant of God, and put that word in front of everyone. I will lock the servant of God to the distance of nine locks, I will take out from the distant locks the distance of nine keys, I will throw those keys into the clear sea-okyan; And a golden-oper pike, a copper scale, will come out of that sea, and swallow the distant nine of my keys, and descend into the depths of the sea. And no one can catch that pike, and the keys cannot be found far away, and the locks cannot be unlocked, and I, the servant of God, cannot be spoiled. Amen.

> Conspiracy for good luck

Lord God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, holy father with prayers. I will become, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, I will cover myself with the sky, I will help myself with the earth, I will fence myself with a cross. I am covered, the servant of God (name), of heaven, I am encased in a shell, I am belted with weapons. I am covered myself, the servant of God (name), heaven from all dashing people and adversaries; against me, the servant of God (name), the sun, a month over my head, my star in heaven. And neither water nor dew can be poured over those words of mine, nor can they be moistened with rain. Amen. In my words, the key and the lock, and the entire strength of the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy so that the business started will end in success

Lord God bless. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I will wash myself, a servant of God (name), with water and dew; wipe myself with woven, spun, and I, the servant of God (name), stand between heaven and earth; I will be rewarded with frequent stars; I'll gird myself with white light; I will close myself, the servant of God (name), with a young bright month. And I will pray, the servant of God (name), to the Most Pure Existing Mother of God: Most Pure Existing Mother of God, close and protect from all misfortune, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you, and what I will worship you, Most Pure, the Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence to Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven, created heaven and earth, and all the holy saints of Christ, and all disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

Conspiracy to save on the way from thieves and dashing people

I will rise, servant of God, blessed, I will cross myself into an open field; I will ridge to the west, face to the east, gaze - I will look at the clear sky: a fiery arrow flies from the clear sky; I will pray to that arrow - I will obey and ask her: where did the fiery arrow fly? “Into the dark forests, into the swamp, into the damp root. Oh you, fiery arrow! turn back and fly where I will send you: O Lord our God, listening to Moses, stretching out his hand to You, and the people of Israel strengthening against Amalek, battling Joshua and commanding the sun to say: You and now, O Lord, hear us praying to You: preserve His army: send Thy Angel to strengthen them: give them all the same for the salvation of petition: subdue battle and establish peace. Send, Lord, invisibly Thy right hand, Thy servants interceding in all: but for whom you have judged to lay your souls on the battle for faith, and the fatherland, so forgive their sins, and on the day of Thy righteous reparation, render the crowns of incorruptibility: as Thy Power, the Kingdom and Power from You, all help is acceptable, we trust in You, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to make it come true

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and cross myself, I will wash with fresh cold, spring water, I will wear down, the servant of God (name), with a clean, branded, thin, white towel. I, the servant of God (name), will stand in front of the holy image, I will worship and pray to the True Christ, and the Most Holy Theotokos, and the holy prophet of God Elijah the merciful. And I will pray to you, Saint Elijah the merciful, and worship about myself, the servant of God (name), and about my providence. And how you, Merciful Saint Elijah, ride your gray horse in all four directions, along the steep red mountains and yellow sands, and how you, Merciful Saint Elijah, with your holy spirit breathe and cleanse white snow from steep mountains and yellow sand, and take care of it, - and cleanse me, the servant of God (name), and from my providence all corruption, every parable, something that happened before. And as you, Saint Elijah the merciful, adorned the distant nine churches of God with the grace of God, so likewise, Saint Elijah the merciful, decorate me, the servant of God (name), in an open field, in a dark, green forest with your Holy Spirit, the grace of God. Be, my words, are strong and molded, harder than stone, sticky with glue and sulfur, salt salt, be quicker than a self-cut sword, stronger than bulat; what is planned will come true! Amen.

Protective conspiracy from a rival and an envious person

I will become, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the courtyard with gates; I will go out into an open field, on the blue sea of ​​Khvalynskoye. Under the sea near Khvalynskoye there is a copper house, and in that copper house a fiery serpent is chained, and under the fiery serpent lies a seven-pound key from the prince's house, and in the prince's house the hero's harness is hidden. I'll catch a swan: you fly to the Khvalynsky sea, peck at the fiery snake, get the seven-pound key. It is not my wings to fly to the Khvalynsky sea, it is not my urine to peck the fiery serpent, it is not my feet to drag the seven-pound key; there is a raven on the sea on the ocean, on the island on Buyan there is a raven, all the ravens are an older brother: he will fly to the Khvalynsky sea, he will bite a fiery snake, bring a seven-pound key. I unlock the prince's tower with that key, take out the hero's harness. In that harness, neither the squeak, nor the arrows, nor the soldiers, nor the fighters, nor the Tatar, nor the Kazan army, will kill me. Chur, the word is over, my business is a crown. Amen.

Conspiracy for the love of all people

Lord God bless! I will become a servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself; forgiven by the father, blessed by the mother and taught to do good deeds. And I, servant of God (name), will go out of the hut with doors, out of the courtyard with gates, and I will go out into an open field, into a wide expanse, to the east, to the east side. And I will pray (name) to the east side, from the east side fiery keys flow, the keys shone with gold, and all the hordes rejoiced, and all tongues bowed down. In those keys I wash and wipe myself with the Lord's shroud, and I would appear to all the judges and rulers redder than the sun, brighter than the month. Whoever thinks evil of me, I myself will eat that person: I have a wolf's mouth, an iron tooth. I close my conspiracy with 77 locks, 77 chains, throw the keys into the Okyan-sea, under the white-combustible stone alatyr. Who will be more sophisticated than me, who drags all the sand out of the sea.

Conspiracy for the well-being of the home and household

I lie down, servant of God (name), blessing, I will cross myself, dress myself with light, gird myself with a light dawn, cover myself with clouds, and answer with frequent stars. And I will go into an open field, I will face to the east, to the west with a horse, I renounce Satan and the devil, I surrender myself to the highest Creator, the heavenly King, the very Lord Jesus Christ, Sabaoth, God, with my own with honest good, gold and silver, and all wealth and health, and with their own good, and home, and households for preservation, for saving and instead of for an occasion, and to their court for coming, and the return journey is safe from the road. Swift in intercession and strong in help, present yourself with the grace of Thy strength now, and blessing strengthen, and in the accomplishment of the intention of the good deed of Thy servants, do it: all the great things, like a Strong God, you can do. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to multiply and preserve good

I will get up, servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, in a clear field, to the Okiyan-sea. And as rivers flow to the Okiyan-Sea from sinking mountains, from dense forests, from mosses and swamps, and patches, and from arable lands, and from forest mows, so clear money and all kinds of good things would come to me, and multiply and persisted. And as the baptized world, the people of God, upon the ringing of the bell to the church singing, to the spiritual father, to the face of God, the Mother of God, the Mother of God, would converge hard money and all good and good to me, and multiply and remain like the sun to the west ... And how firmly Mount Tabor stands in place and it holds together, and how firmly Mount Sinai stands in place and it holds together, and how firmly the Vertep Mountain stands and it holds together, and how firmly Mount Athos stands still and it sticks together, the Palestinian, Hierosalim mountains, do not crumble and do not move apart, and do not move out of place - just as my ringing money and everything would not fall apart, not move apart and never move out of the house. My conspiracy is strong, like a stone-alatyr, whoever eats a stone-alatyr will prevail over my conspiracy. To those words of mine, the sky is the key, the earth is the lock from now on and I will finish it! Amen.

Conspiracy to bless the Heavenly Host

Lord, Jesus Christ, Lady, Mother of God, Mother of God, Michael the archangel, Gabriel the archangel, Grigory the Brave, Saint Mikola, the saint of Christ and all the heavenly armies! I, (name), the servant of God, will pray and obey you, holy luminaries, pray and obey: anchor and help my words, and set me, the servant of God (name), tyn, a set, damask, stone from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the red to the damsel, from the young to the young woman, there would be no porches and a sanctuary in the tyna and in the garden. Holy luminaries, take sharp bayonets, poke, swing for the tyn and for the garden. I, the servant of God (name), will take the key and the lock and I, the servant of God (name), will become that tyn lock and lock tightly; let the key down into the blue sea. Just as this key could not be over the blue sea, so would I, the servant of God (name), have no damage, no pygoshka, no melancholy, no tingling in the day in the sun and in the night during the month, at dawn, at evening Dawn and all days and hours, and on the middle, and on Friday, and forever and ever. Amen.

Health damage conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless the true Christ. I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, to the rising of the red sun, to the sunset of the light of the month, to the quiet morning and evening dawn. Both the doorman and the sorcerer should not take the red sun into their hands, the light of the month from the sky should not be shoved, the pure stars from the sky should not be picked up, and I, the servant of God (name), should not spoil eternal eyelids and not let damage to a violent head, nor into clear eyes, not into a white face, not into a zealous heart, not into a lung, not into a liver, not into a lower back, not into a porch, not into my hands, not into a secret member, not into my knee veins, not into all my blood. As a gray goose swims in the water, and shakes itself off - all dry, so you, perversion-parables, dry, dry up; as dew dries on the mother on the grass with an ant, so do you, trouble, dry, dry up; as fire goes out from water, so you, perversion-parables, go out, go out. Go, you spoilage-parables, for dark forests, for black mud, where people don't go, don't ride horses, dogs don't run and free birds don't fly - into green moss, into a swampy swamp, into a sinkhole. Till the end of time. Amen.

A conspiracy to preserve wealth for years to come

I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, out of the doors by doors, along a frequent ladder, to a wide street, to the east side, under the red sun, under the light of the month, under frequent small stars, under a brown cloud. There is a great sea on the eastern side of the Okiyan-sea. A great island in the middle of the sea. There is a stone church on that island; the golden throne is holy in that church. On the sea on Asaph, under a cherry tree, there are three angels: the first is the archangel Michael; the second - Kuzma-Demyan; the third is Simon the saint. In the sky - a month, in an oak - a worm, in the sea - a stone. Until these three brothers come together and walk in an open field under a dry oak on a white stone, until that time, I would have, the servant of God (name), all good and good, and God's blessing. And just as the dead man lies in the coffin and does not shake off, does not move, lies dumb and dazed, so I, the servant of God (name), would not shake off and steal all good and good, and God's blessing, to this day, to this hour, to this minute, and to this second, and forever and ever. Amen.

Spell-prayer for increasing prosperity and giving longevity and prosperity

God is mighty, Holy Son, King of reigning and Lord of lords, inviolable to heavenly powers, everyone is terrified of him, he goes nowhere and no one, and can, to him in thousands and thousands of darkness and darkness of saints angel and archangel are coming. Lord, God, you are the realm of the heavenly and earthly; for the sake of your great name and for the sake of your unspeakable grace, for the sake of the only begotten Jesus Christ, hear me, your unworthy servant, at this hour: if my life or this prayer is read, let it be resolved, as if wax melts from fire, such a crafty trick and all harm human or animal or grape possessions of their small and great in the name of the life-giving Trinity may the essence and resolution be enlightened, and don’t we know another God for You. As if you have poured water from the stone to Moses with the rod of Israel, so you, God, are strong, put your sovereign and strong hand, holy, full of blessing to the house that has this prayer. As if you planted paradise in Eden, and from that emanate four rivers by your command: Geon, Pison, Tigris and Euphrates in silence and the Adamic man cannot keep it, since magic deeds or catching the demonic apostolic can’t keep the prohibitions, even if I’m allowed and I permit , I drive away and drive away the nasty, wicked, from evil people and wicked demons - from the servant of God, the name of the river, calling me in your name from all his possessions, as if thou multiplied the summer to Ezekiah the king, so may all earthly and spiritual things be multiplied to the one who has this prayer. Amen.

Poverty conspiracy

Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness! I, the servant of God (name), will get up at dawn, about the evening time, blessing and crossing myself, praying to the Lord-God, I will go out into an open field, into the blue sea. On that blue Ocean-Sea, in an open field, there is a white, curly birch - the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself. To her, the servant of God (name), I will obey and pray, bow to all sides: Most Pure Mother, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, help, help me, the servant of God (name), to dissuade all misfortune and black poverty and all human sin. Always, now and ever and forever and ever. A key to words, a lock to thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Against spoilage for fishing

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will rise, blessing; I will cross myself; from the hut by doors, from the courtyard by a gate, into an open field, under a bright month, under frequent, small stars, not at dawn, not at evening. And I, a servant of God (name), will ascend to Mount Zion, and I, a servant of God (name), will stand on an iron current under a copper ceiling; and I will dress, the servant of God (name), with a heavenly height, I will gird myself with the bright dawn of evening and morning, I will shower with frequent stars and wash myself with fresh water - from the midday wind, from the evening wind and from the morning wind, and from the night wind; from the day tributary, from the night tributary, from the evening tributary, from the morning tributary and from the midnight, and from the midday tributary, and from the ghosts, and all sorts of objections and from all evil people. And no one would harm me in anything, not mutilate me, not charm me. My words are strong for ever, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen to the Heavenly King. Amen.

Wealth conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, servant of God, will arise, blessing myself and crossing myself; I, servant of God, will go out of the hut by doors, from doors to gates. And with a swearing blessing I will go out into the white street and stand on the mother of the damp earth, on the east side; and I will pray, a servant of God, to Ospod the God of Sabao, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven, and the Archangel the Archangel of God, and John the Baptist, the Baptist of Christ, and the apostles Peter and Paul, Nicholas the Wonderworker and to all heavenly powers. I will cover myself with a cloud, I will gird myself with the morning dawn, I will be hundreds of years old, I will shut up with frequent stars, I will clothe myself in God's babble. The praise of the father from the arrow-iron, from the saber and spear, and the armored ax, from the red and blue damask steel, from the steel and the knife, and from the dagger, and from lead, and from copper, and from copper and iron wire, and from every seasoning iron. Amen.

Money conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (name), will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, to the east. The tree above is on the east side. There are three miracle workers under the tree under the higher one: the first - from the miracle worker - Nicholas the saint; the second - from the miracle worker - Kuzma-Devyan; the third - from the miracle worker - Saint Simon. Run this tree for money: for gold, silver and copper. Money is hidden in the earth; concealed silver, diluted, sophisticated, cleared of the earth by the sediment. You, Lord, have preserved and kept us from this generation and forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from the obstruction of the unclean spirit

Eternal God, deliver us from the captivity of the devil, remove Thy servant (name) from every act of unclean spirits - and with them, by a demon, depart from the soul and body from Your servant (name), and may not remain, they hide below in him, or on him attackers, but let him run away in the name of your only-begotten Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the life-giving Cross, and your Holy and life-giving Spirit from the creation of your hands, may it be cleansed of every diabolical action, libel, reverend and righteous, and we will live piously, of the most pure and life-giving mysteries, the only begotten Son and Lord of our God, Jesus Christ, with whom you are blessed and glorified, with the most holy and good, and life-giving Spirit, - always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to multiply gold

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will cross myself, enter an open field, stand to the east with my face, to the west with a ridge, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of the Most Holy Vladyka the Theotokos and all the saints; I put on the morning white light and fasten myself with the morning small-frequency stars, wash myself with the light dew of Solomon. O bright dew of Solomonia, as you cover every grass in the morning with gold dew, so cover me with imperishable, imperishable gold. Be, these words, fully and strong on the servant of God (name) in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to preserve from wicked thoughts and actions

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Depart, Satan, and with all your demons and with evil wicked men, your saints, from sowing temples from four corners and two doors, and from all of them from horses; in this temple is the throne of God, on the throne sits Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, nailed on the cross and descended into hell and trampled all the power of your devil. Christ the King of Heaven, the angels of heaven and the archangels and all the powers of heaven created the heavens, the earth, the sea, protected with sands and with hand, feet, protect me a servant of God named the river with a stone hail on three locks and fences, put the iron tyn in the heavenly height and in the depths of the sea, put up an iron tyn, iron beliefs and a copper gate, shut those locks, bury them in the Dvina peak and in a stone cave, from the witch and from the little thing, from the sorcerer and from the magician and from every evil of a person, unkind. My mouth is a lock, my tongue is a key: I will lock it with the key, I will lock it with the key, I will lower the lock into the sea, and I will throw the key into heaven. Amen.

A conspiracy to help God in every good deed

Saints Adam orav, Jesus Christ gave nash, and the Lord shone, and Mother of God she watered all the Orthodox for help. Creator and Creator of all, O God, the works of our hands, beginning to Your glory, with Your blessing, hastily correct, and deliver us from all evil, as there is one all-powerful flax and Humanitarian. Direct my feet according to your word, and may I not overcome all iniquity, deliver me from the slander of mankind, and I will keep Your commandments, enlighten Your face against Your servant, and teach me about Your justification.

Conspiracy so that the enemy does not interfere in every matter

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, pray and worship the Resurrection of Christ. All the holy hierarchs, all the angels and archangels, and all the heavenly armies will stand over the servant of God, and they will save the servant of God (name) from the enemy; , his word is an arrow, his spitting stone is burning, you are accursed enemies, retreat into the abyss of the accursed and deceitful hell from the servant of God (name) by the command of God, the heavens will open up and not shut, sent from the Lord of the true Christ, the King of Heaven, and the Most Pure Theotokos Mary on you, accursed enemies to the end, the sevenfold fire, and burn you accursed enemies, to the end, amen, amen, amen; and even from heaven they fly at you, accursed enemies, sent from the Lord and matter to Mary, poisonous and double-headed beasts, and tear you apart, enemies, and do not let you into the light, where they see the servant of God close (name). Amen.

A conspiracy against the intrigues of the dark forces

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, early in the morning and go far away into an open field, blessed from my father and forgiven from my mother, and from generation and from the tribe of near and far, I will go far into an open field and stand to the East with my face and to the West with a ridge. Mother earth, father heaven, dawn Maria, dawn of Maremania; I will put the red sun to my eyes, I will put a young moon in the rear, I will poke myself with frequent stars, I will cover myself with the incorruptible garment of the Lord. Just as the enemies of the devil and every unclean creature flee from the Heavenly King and the Most Holy Theotokos to their hellish estates, under a tree stump and a log, into black lakes, into deep pools, so every misfortune and every sin would flee from me. God is glorified, Satan is in contact, from now on I will finish it, and until the second coming of Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for every good deed and fair trade

Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! I'll go at sunset, at the sunrise of a bright month. Give, O Lord, to the young month for good deeds and for honest providence golden horns, yes to me, Your servant (name), Your God's blessing for lofty deeds. And how kings and princes, and boyars and all sorts of motley authorities, and all Orthodox Christians see, and how they see this power on the Lord God of hosts, and on angels, and on archangels, and on cherubs, and on seraphim, and on the apostles, and on the prophets, and on all saints, and on the red sun, and on the young, the moon shines, and on the frequent stars, and on the heavenly moon and on the highest, and they do not think, kings and princes and boyars and all kinds of motley authorities and all Orthodox, And this power does not think either on the Lord God of hosts, and on the angels, and on the archangels, and on the cherubim, and on the seraphim, and on the apostles, and on all the holy hierarchs, and on the red sun, and on the young, the moon is shining, and on the heavenly moon, and there is neither evil nor dashing on the one above, and the servant of God is called upon me, and I, the servant of God, would seem to the authorities in the eyes of a red red sun, brighter than the light of the month and frequent stars, always, now and ever and forever and ever , all the strength of the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy to approach the right person

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Christ is risen from the dead, right through death, and bring out from hell the righteous and sinful departed souls, and just as those righteous and sinful departed souls rejoiced and rejoiced at the three-day resurrection of Christ, so the Apostolic Cathedral Church, all the angels and archangels, rejoiced and rejoiced , martyrs and martyrs, reverend and God-bearing fathers, shepherds and teachers of the universe, so would rejoice in me, the servant of God (name), all judges and commanders, and governors, and rulers, and all the rulers of the earth. Saint Peter-Paul, supreme apostles, go to heaven, take the locks and keys, lock those my words, and take the keys to heaven, and throw the locks to the bottom of the Okiyan-sea. When the sky falls on the Okiyan-sea, then these words of mine will open. Amen.

Wealth Sign Conspiracy

I will become, servant of God (name), in the morning and in the evening, blessing, I will wash the morning dawn and evening, rub myself with white light, the red sun bakes in my forehead, a bright month in the back of my head, small small stars are scattered over the braids; He will go out of the door with doors, out of the vestibule, out of the gates with gates, will go out into an open field, will stand on four stands, will face the east, the ridge to the west. In the east, the light of the true Christ on the blue sea is the white maiden, the dawn of the dawn, the mother herself and the queen. Zorya zornitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen; the month is bright, the stars are clear, take from me the sleeplessness, the sleepless, the midwife, give me the sleepwalker, the sleepless, the nightly woman. In the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a mother as a queen, and lay off me and take away from me the accursed power and give me the hand of the Savior, the Mother of God. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, hold my heart together, enemy Satan, deny me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel, I drive away the evil one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know the holy signs!

Conspiracy on a white stone, bread and salt (from the evil eye and damage)

For this conspiracy, you will need a white pebble from the river, a piece of bread and a pinch of salt. Place the bread on a pebble and sprinkle with salt on top. Speak three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take holy bread-salt, and a white stone, and as nothing comes to bread-salt and a pebble, so nothing would come to the servant of God (name): not parables, no sorrow. Go away, lessons, snags, slander and all sorts of things that are found and flooded, and let go, and all spoilage, burdens and yawning, longing, dryness with all unclean spirits: go you, accursed, damned with all your illnesses to your father Satan to the west, and go to hell, scorching the nature of the glory of God from the Son; on me, the servant of God, the powers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rest; power of the cross is a guardian angel, which the Lord God gave from holy baptism, for every day and night, for every hour, for our preservation, and there will be the goodness of God on the servant of God (name), now and forever and forever, amen.

A conspiracy of strength

This conspiracy is read with a breakdown and unwillingness to do anything, especially when starting, continuing and at the end of an important case.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself from the hut at the door, from the door to the gate, to the east side; there is in the east, in the east there is a buoy island; on that buoy island there is a holy tree, a damask bull emerges from a thick holy tree, butts a mountain with damask horns, scratches its feet; and how that damask bull's damask horns are strong, do not bend, and do not break, and do not flatten, Holy, holy, holy! gray-haired in thunder, full of lightning, pouring springs on the face of the earth, oh terrible and formidable lord! Judge the accursed devil yourself with demons, but save us sinners, always and now and forever and forever and ever, amen. The mind is reverent, self-willed, honor from God, deliverance to the fatherland, now and forever and forever and ever, amen. Terrible God, wonderful God, living in the highest, sit on cherubimechs, walk in thunder, possessing lightning, calling on the water of the sea and spilling all the earth on the face. Scary God, wonderful God! the very execution of the enemy of his devil, always, now and ever, and forever and ever, amen. The Trinity ordered, the Theotokos ordered, to dip three times, dive in, and go out of the water. Amen to those words of mine.

A conspiracy to approach the authorities when you need to get permission or ask for money

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), blessing, I will cross myself, enter an open field, face the east, towards the clear morning dawn, towards the red sun, towards the dawn of the evening, towards the dark night. The morning dawn rejoices at the release of the red sun, the evening dawn rejoices at the dark night, the dark night rejoices in the frequent and clear small stars of the young (or decrepit) bright month, all the initial and official people and judges would also rejoice and rejoice about me, the servant of God (name) the righteous, where I will come or will come and what I will ask them, so that they could not refuse me anything and would not make my request useless; to those sentences and prayers of mine, amen.

Conspiracy so as not to be jinxed in a dream

This is the only conspiracy that can be read in the dark, before going to bed. You can read it every day - it protects from the effects of dark forces, which love to feed themselves with the energy of a sleeping person.

I lie down, servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will cross myself, dress myself with light, gird myself with a light dawn, cover myself with white clouds, cover myself with frequent stars. And I will go into an open field, stand to the east with my face, to the west with a ridge, I will deny Satan the devil, I will surrender myself to the Supreme Creator, the heavenly King, to the Lord Jesus Christ God himself.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, you do not prick the slave (name), but I will kill you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be my words strong and capacious. Amen."

Blood conspiracies

"In the name of the Father, an old man is riding from the field, under him is the horse of a quarry, the blood of Anton's servant does not drip. Be my words molded and strong, I will lay stronger, stronger than a gray stone. The key is locked, the lock is in the company, and the tongue is the key into the sea. Amen".

Read three times over the place where the blood comes from.

"I will stand, the chain-link of God, (name), I will stand, bless, I will go, cross, - from the hut with the doors, from the gates with the gates, into the open field, to the east side. In the open field, in the east side there is a blue sea, in the blue sea there is blue stone. There is no pinching or aches in the stone, it does not pinch, it does not ache and the ore does not go. So I, at the chain-link (name), neither pinched, nor ached and the ore did not go forever, forever, from now on forever. Become, ore, not a cann! A woman walked on a silk thread, a woman led a black dog, black, motley and scruffy. Baba became, and the ore stopped. Become, ore, not a cann. "

"In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will stand, blessing, I will go out, crossing myself, out of the hut into the gate, beyond the open field, to the blue sea, to the okiyan (name) On the sea on the okiyan, on the island on Buyan there is a stone tomb; on that tomb sits a red maiden; a red maiden sews and sews up with a needle and thread, and with pure Shemakhan silk, bloody wounds, slaughter veins. A black lie flies over that girl. from a carnage bullet, not from a flying arrow, not from a knife enthusiastically, not from a spear of bulatnago. Key, lock. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

"I will rise, blessing,

Poidu, crossing himself,

Into an open field

To the blue sea.

In an open field

On the blue sea

Blue stone,

On him is a brown horse;

An old man sits on a horse,

Holds a gold needle in his hands,

Silk thread;

Sews, sews up the wound,

The blood-ore soothes

Takes out aches and pains,

Ghosts, drives away frills,

From the servant of God (name).

You blood become

Not teka and not can

The servant of God (name).

Till the end of time. Amen".

Speak three times, tracing the needle three times around the wound. Throw a needle into a river or a well.

"In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I do not speak, says the true Christ and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself. There is a quarry horse, a man walks old; an old woman is walking, leading an old dog; the dog has fallen, the servant of God (name ) or the servant of God (name) all the ache left behind and hot blood stood up forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

"I will stand, blessed, but I will cross myself; from the hut by the doors, from the courtyard by the gates; I will go out into an open field. A dead person stands in an open field. A dead person has no ore (blood), no pinch, no urge, no disease, no tumor . As the Lord has established heaven and earth, so confirm, Lord, my strong words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. "

"I will lie down blessing, I will cross myself: I will go out of doors to doors, from gates to gates; I will look into an open field - a bogatyr is riding from a clean field, carrying a razor-sharp saber on his shoulder, and he cuts across a dead body, neither blood nor ore flows. , from eut's dead body. Lord, bless, true Christ, help began to put it. Amen. "

"I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from doors to doors, from gates to gates, into an open field. Thirty-three rivers and two rivers flow in an open field, and the river Chern-Smorodina is one. That river, the Black Currant, runs a light small boat. In that light small boat sits an old, mother man; his head is white, his beard is gray, he carries a naked, blue, dead body; in his hands he holds a long, wide-eyed saber of damask steel. with a saber of damask he cuts and cuts the blue, nago's dead body. From that dead, blue, naga of the body, the blood does not flow and will not sink. In the same way, the servant of God (name) would not have bloody blood from the wound, not a capsule and no dryness and aches were not. My word is strong and firm, like a pillar of copper, faith is iron. From key to key, from lock to lock. Always now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen to the King of Heaven. "

Speak three times.

"On the sea, on the okyane, lies a Latvian stone; on that stone sits a maiden: a golden comb, a silk knot; she spins thinly on thinly, winds tightly on tightly. When the thread breaks, then the blood will subside."

They say over the wound:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There was a red girl with a silk thread, a damask needle to sew up, to clamp a blood wound. The woman walked to get busy, the girl walked broke off, the ore calmed down in the wound. There is no water in the stone, there is no ore in the wound, there is no there is a crack in the sky, there is no pinch in the wound of the servant of God (name). Be my words tightly tightly, tightly on tightly; to my words the key and the lock are damask seal. "

"In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit. The old old man rode on a brown horse, the servant Ivan's blood did not drip. Be my words strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name), blessing, and I will cross myself to the sea. There is a stone on that sea on the island. On that stone the Most Holy Theotokos sat, holding a golden needle in my hand , she threw in a silk thread and sewed up a bloody wound. You, wound, do not hurt, and you, blood, do not run. Amen. "

"A raven flies across the Red Sea, carries a thread, a silk thread. You break the thread, and you calm down the blood."

"On the island on Buyan there is a pillar, on this pillar three girls are sitting, all my sisters; they sew, they embroider, they sew up bloody wounds. The Tsar is riding, under him the horse of the quarry; the horse does not hide, the ore will not sink, amen."

"I will become the servant of God Agrafena, blessing, I will cross myself from the hut at the door, from the gate to the gate, under the eastern side, at noon. Jesus Christ will meet me. I will pray, the servant of God Agrafena:" Father Jesus Christ, help me blood to speak ": Copper blood, an iron knife. Neither from the bull's milk, nor from the serovik stone to the fruit, nor from the fofan honey, and also from me, the servant of God Agrafena, there would be no blood, no tumor to the family. Still concludes me the Queen of God, heavenly , she stands on the throne in Kiev, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, and she is sewn with a damask needle and silk thread. The needle will break and the thread will be snatched, so I, the slaves of God Agrafena, would subdue my blood. , gold feathers, silver scales, iron teeth. I will pray, the servant of God Agrafena: “Mother pike Kaluga, white fish, silver scales, iron teeth, don't blow, wind up, take out the key from under the gold of the stone, from me, slaves Agrafena of God, subdue the blood. ”Be these all my words, to which I finished and which did not speak, and which I spoke, word for word, front on the front, rear on the back and middle in the middle. Into an open field, into the blue sea and a key with a lock. Amen".

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Jews crucified Christ, rocked him on the cross, pounded a nail in his hands and feet, pricked a nail in his zealous heart. How true Christ did not have a bloody wound and pinching and aches, and swelling, and like a furnace it is heated and the flame plows from the furnace; so would my servant of God (name) blood and wound subside and cease, and forever and ever, amen. "