
Interpretation of dreams about nephews. Why do you dream about your niece? Dream Interpretation

Dreams about relatives are a fairly common occurrence. If you have a niece in your life, then it is assumed that she may be present in dreams about your family. The work of dream interpretation begins if someone from your family is missing from the plot of the vision or if non-existent relatives suddenly appear in your dream. The first case most often indicates existing problems within the family and certain disagreements. The absence of a certain family member most often symbolizes the personal experiences of the sleeper.

A niece in a dream can be a symbol of unexpected events that can bring unpleasant consequences. In the labor sphere, there may be a period of emergency, difficult situations that can throw you out of your working rut. On the love front, it will also not be too smooth, there will be difficulties in mutual understanding. Be careful in all matters, take care of your relationship with your significant other, so as not to become a victim of troubles in the love field.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a woman’s dream she dreamed of a niece who looked older than she actually is, then in reality the dreamer is afraid of old age. She looks in the mirror with horror, as she expects to find another gray hair or wrinkle. She should not be afraid of aging as it is a natural process that everyone must go through.

If a man dreamed of his niece and in the dream she seduced him, then in reality he will meet his former love. He should not communicate with a woman, as his feelings may return again. He will not be able to resist and will plunge headlong into passion. As a result, he will lose his family and children. His wife will never forgive him for his betrayal and will turn his child against him.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

A violent niece in a dream warns that the resolution of a conflict issue in real life will drag on for quite a long period. If she seriously offended you in a dream, then there is a risk of material losses in reality. It is also quite possible that others will lose trust in you and stop respecting you. Relationships with work colleagues will be especially difficult.

If in a dream you pleased your relative with gifts, then this is good. This dream prophesies strong family ties, prosperity and peace in the family. If you have not yet met your destiny, then this joyful event is just around the corner. Love relationships will very quickly move to a new, very serious level.

Freud's Dream Book

If an adult bachelor dreams of a little relative, it means that in reality it is high time to think about his heirs. Years of life pass very quickly, and therefore we must not forget that after you you should leave a mark in the form of happy children. A little niece in a wedding dress, dreamed by an adult woman, will mean that her relationship with her partner has become a dead end. It is also worth noting that for men and women, the dreamed image is a symbol of dissatisfaction with one’s own life and one’s position in society.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream in which a cousin's niece appears often foreshadows serious disagreements with friends or relatives. In order to prevent conflict, admit that you are wrong and try to correct the situation. A sick niece means that the dreamer seems to be “out of his element.” Your current activity is not easy for you and brings you a lot of worries. Don't worry: time will pass and everything will get better. A pregnant niece is a sign of receiving big profits or rewards.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

A dream in which you happened to see your niece's wedding indicates that everything is not so good in your personal life. Also, this dream can symbolize dissatisfaction with both one’s position and relationships with loved ones, friends or the opposite sex.

Family Dream Book

A woman who sees her niece in a dream must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her. A dream in which your niece hugged you indicates that in real life you really miss simple joys and easy communication.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing your niece in a dream means you will rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent of being different from others. Being someone's niece means that you will be mistrusted.

Miller's Dream Book

If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing for her an unforeseen test and great grief, which she will have to cope with with dignity.

Due to excessive workload and busyness, due to the too high pace of life, some of us very rarely meet our relatives in reality. But, apparently, the soul demands meetings with relatives and sends us some signs. Let's talk about dreams today. And, to be more precise, about what living relatives mean in dreams. A nephew or niece seen in a night dream, what could they portend?

Dream Interpreter Oracle

In the near future, the sleeping person (or sleeping person) will need a lot of strength. Mental and physical strength will come in handy. A dream about a girl who is your niece by blood is a sign of unexpected and very unpleasant events. These events will take a huge share of your time and nerves. Most likely, the blow will fall on your work path. Problems with colleagues and superiors are possible.

A woman’s dream with her niece in the leading role also indicates that this lady will have problems on the love front. Perhaps her husband is deceiving her, and she will soon find out about it. For an unmarried dreamer, the dream has an even more disturbing explanation. The woman will most likely never get married. And in old age she will remain lonely and forgotten by everyone - this is what the niece dreams of.


However, such an explanation of the dream is only true in relation to the adult girl who is a relative seen in a night dream. A dream involving a child niece is explained somewhat differently. Why do you dream of a niece who is in childhood? The dream foreshadows bitter thoughts about your possible loneliness. Perhaps your subconscious in this way wants to show how afraid it is of old age.

In light clothes

Why do you dream of a niece dressed in a white outfit? This dream, one of the few, wants to indicate imminent positive life changes for the dreamer or dreamer. The girl in white, like the girl in a light outfit, is a message from the Universe: “Everything will be very beautiful.”

Miller about dreams involving his niece

According to this interpreter, what a niece dreams of for a female person and for a man has an extremely different omen. And if a woman most often meets her niece in dreams, it means trouble, but for a man the dream means something else.

A gentleman, having met his child-niece in his dreams, should begin to think about continuing his family line. Although, if so, it’s time to act, not think.

Kicking a girl out of the house or driving her away means many small, but annoying delays and obstacles in the coming month.

Dreams involving a relative who has fallen ill and who has therefore become pale and thin - to all sorts of worries and anxieties that will haunt the dreamer for a long time. Problems promise to be especially big when in the dream the niece was with her brother, who was also emaciated and sick.

Did a woman dream about her niece expecting a child? The dream speaks of imminent monetary or any material reward. For a man, seeing a pregnant niece in a dream means receiving amazing and positive news.

When you dream of a relative who is actually expecting a baby in real life, the birth will be successful and the mother and child will be healthy. Becoming an eyewitness to the birth of a girl child from your niece means lucrative offers and promising endeavors in your life.


Having a bad dream is one of the most unpleasant experiences in dream viewing. Someone has the strength to wake up from a nightmare. And someone in their visions has to survive everything until the very end (or until the alarm clock goes off).

The passing of your niece, which you dreamed about and caused indescribable horror, what can it actually predict?

It turns out that you shouldn’t fall into despair and take such a game of the subconscious at face value. This is for the successful completion of any business.

Why do you dream about living relatives?

A mother cries in her sleep - to a family scandal.

Embraces of a blood and non-blood niece - to the search for warmth and support for the dreamer (or dreamer).

Dreaming of grandparents symbolizes a spiritual debt that must be repaid. Maybe the dreamer should visit them in their home? And the old people will rejoice, and the debt will be repaid at the same time.

In a dream, seeing how you broke off relations with your relatives means in reality that you will have to cope with the troubles that have arisen on your own, without the help of loved ones.

Did you dream that relatives came to visit, what made the dreamer unusually happy? Let the sleeper expect good news and experience the same joyful emotions in real life. However, there is a condition under which the dream also has a negative interpretation. When relatives who arrive in a dream are dressed in rags and rags, have an unhealthy appearance and a downcast look - one should expect not very pleasant news from such a dream.

For some reason, the arrival of your relatives was not a joy for you? In reality, you will spend a certain amount of money on unexpected expenses. Most often, these expenses are fines, unrepaid debts and similar financial transactions.

1 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your nephew in a dream means prosperity in the house if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried.
If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing an unforeseen test and great grief for her.

2 Big online dream book

Seeing a nephew in a dream means:

Nephews - A nephew seen in a dream is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you, in reality this is a sign of concern about fading beauty and approaching old age. Seeing your niece in a dream means you will rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent of being different from others. To suffer an insult from your nephews is a loss of trust from others and material losses; pleasing your nephews with gifts in a dream promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family. Being someone's niece means that you will be mistrusted.

3 Modern dream book

A dream with a nephew in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing a nephew in a dream is a sign that you will soon be satisfied with your well-being, provided that the nephew is good-looking. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and uncomfortable.
If a woman dreams of her niece, unexpected trials and a lot of unnecessary worries await her in the near future.

4 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Dreaming with a nephew means:

A nephew is a sign of minor interference, vanity, and grief.

5 Family dream book

Nephew dream meaning:

If you saw your nephew in health and contentment in a dream, prosperity will come to your Home.
They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment.
A woman who sees her niece in a dream must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

6 Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a nephew:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant awareness of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried.
If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing for her an unforeseen test and great grief, which she will have to cope with with dignity.

7 Women's dream book

What a nephew might dream about:

Nephews - Seeing your nephew in a dream means prosperity in the house if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing an unforeseen test and great grief for her.

8 Dream book alphabetically

Nephew, in a dream means:

A nephew seen in a dream is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you, in reality this is a sign of concern about fading beauty and approaching old age.
Seeing your niece in a dream means you will rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent of being different from others.
To suffer an insult from your nephews is a loss of trust from others and material losses; pleasing your nephews with gifts in a dream promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family.
Being someone's niece means that you will be mistrusted.

9 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

If a girl dreams of a nephew, it means:

Nephew, niece - you saw your nephew in a dream and noticed that he had become handsome - the dream promises you reliable income and prosperity. The nephew you see in a dream is gloomy and looks bad - poverty does not threaten you, but losses will cause a lot of trouble; You may become disillusioned with the way you make your living. The woman seems to be dreaming of her niece - fate is preparing a test for this woman.

10 Online dream book

Why does a woman dream about her nephew:

You dreamed of a pretty nephew - you will become richer, which will make you happy.
You yourself are one - someone will doubt you.
Seeing the daughter of your brothers or sisters means that unforeseen obstacles will arise in front of you that will make you worry.

11 Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about her nephew:

Seeing your nephew handsome - a pleasant awareness of prosperity will soon come to you; otherwise - disappointment, anxiety; for a woman - to see her niece - fate is preparing you an unforeseen test and great grief, which you will have to cope with with dignity.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about a Nephew or a Niece in a dream according to 7 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the symbol “Nephew, niece” from 7 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

We found our nephew pale and thin- to anxiety and disappointment.

A woman who saw her niece in a dream- must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Nephew or Niece?

Seeing a nephew in a dream- a sign that you will soon be satisfied with your well-being, provided that your nephew is good-looking. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and uncomfortable.

In the near future, unexpected trials and a lot of unnecessary worries await her.

Miller's Dream Book

It means that a pleasant realization of prosperity will soon come to you if your nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried.

If a woman dreams of her niece- this means that fate is preparing for her an unforeseen test and great grief, which she will have to cope with with dignity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a nephew or niece in a dream?

Nephew seen in a dream- a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you- in reality this means concern about fading beauty and approaching old age.

Seeing your niece in a dream- rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent to be different from others.

Tolerate insults from your nephews- loss of trust of others and material losses; delighting your nephews with gifts in a dream promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family.

To be someone's niece- means that you will be distrusted.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your nephew in a dream- to prosperity in the house if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried.

If a woman dreams of her niece- this means that fate is preparing an unforeseen test and great grief for her.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Nephew, niece according to the dream book?

A nephew is a sign of minor interference, vanity, and grief.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Nephew, niece according to the dream book?

You dreamed of a pretty nephew- you will become richer, which will make you happy.

More interpretations

You yourself are it- someone will doubt you.

See your siblings' daughter- unexpected obstacles will arise in front of you that will make you worry.

Video: Why do you dream about Nephew and niece?

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I would be very grateful if you could help me decipher the dream.. I dreamed that at the birth of my nephew, my sister and mother sent him to an orphanage, even though I cried and didn’t want it.. then after some time I looked for him for a long time and found him and asked in the orphanage itself him about his age, even though he looked like he does now in reality (5 years old), he said that he was 15 and that’s where my dream ended.. In reality, I have 4 nephews and this middle one is the 3rd in a row.. What could this mean? ??Thank you in advance..

I arrived in the village that I go to every summer, but this time the reason for my arrival was the death of my niece, she was 10 years old, and there was also the death of one of my nephews, but it’s not clear whose exactly, the dream was sad and gloomy all the time. Also, my niece’s mother, my sister, sat over her niece’s corpse all the time.

I walk around the shopping center and look at beautiful things, a lot of dresses, hats, shorts, with the goal of buying, then I pick up my niece from kindergarten and we go home, and in the courtyard of the kindergarten there are huge shepherd dogs that guard the garden, stand motionless and look into the distance

I dreamed about my deceased niece. All night I tried to help her, to give her money for the medical examination, but I never did. I dreamed of her being healthy and peaceful, although she died a serious death from illness.

All the nephews are small and my daughter (7 years old) is sitting at a small table eating, next to their mothers - my sisters and cousins ​​- it’s very fun and then I see a small dog hiding behind a broom, and her sister teases her and she growls before her, and she was laughing at her, I went up and called her Polkan (although I didn’t know her name), and she saw me in her pocket, ran up, jumped into her arms and started licking me.

My niece and I were driving around in my dad's car at night, then we stopped, she bought an apple and we were sitting in the car listening to music and a guy and a girl started walking by who were kissing and they started asking if we had a camera.

I have three nephews, I dream that at first I am walking with one nephew, then they take me somewhere to the side and he gives away, then the same thing happens to my niece, only two hours later, it’s as if they find her dead, to walk with my third nephew, I refused, my brother (their father) worried and said that it was not my fault but his wife Olya, then I dreamed that the third nephew was constantly crying, it seemed like nonsense, but he didn’t give me peace and I also dreamed of small money and a fire

I dreamed of my niece, 2 years old, whom I only saw in a photo. She laughed merrily, smiled, and was happy with me. She held out her little hands to me. We were at a family holiday and she was only with me, as if she were my daughter. Didn't get off my hands. In the dream, only light, gentle tones were present. She seemed to glow. Then I dreamed of a hospital room. As if I had come to visit him or her. The room was also bright, clean, new, the sun was shining through the window and there was a light breeze. Although I don’t like the hospital, my grandmother always stays there and my rival works there, who stole my boyfriend.

I dreamed that my sister gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, basically twins, the boy had angel wings visible from his back, and the girl was like a little devil, the second one was born.
It was raining heavily, and for some reason I was walking into the rain in a night dress and trying with all my might to shield the boy from the water, I don’t know where the girl was, but my nephew was naked and I carried him in my arms, holding him close to me, covering my head with a hood, I tried to do Anything so that no water gets on it!!

Things apparently happen at the dacha. I am at home with my sister, she tells me that her daughter (my niece) is playing behind the fence, I decided that she is too young to be alone and followed her, approaching the fence I heard her crying loudly and loudly , and already knocking on the door, having opened the door, I took my niece away, she was scared, taking her in my arms, I saw a snake on the ground that tried to bite me, but I was able to.

We were in some apartment, there were two of my friends, a guy and a girl, and my little nephew, while my nephew and I were in one of the rooms, my friends decided to have sex, I heard this and decided to dress my nephew for a walk, we got together and went with them It turned out to be a small dog that I was leading on a leash, we were walking in the park and went into some building, it was elite, like some kind of exhibition, we walked and looked at something. there were a lot of people there that I didn't know.

I dreamed of a nephew who is not there. I just dreamed that I was playing with a 2-3 year old boy and telling him: “How beautiful you are! Just like my dad,” and I knew that I was talking about my older brother. The boy was really very handsome. My brother just recently got married. Doesn't plan to have children. What is it for?
I had a dream 1-2 months ago

I dreamed of a nephew who is not there. My brother just got married 3 months ago and doesn’t seem to be planning any children. I played with a 2-3 year old boy, while repeating: “How beautiful you are, just like your dad!” - and I knew that I meant my brother. The baby really was very beautiful. Blonde hair, light blue eyes, the cutest face and smile. I can't say anything about the color scheme. We were in my room, where brown colors predominate, the boy himself was wearing a light blouse and what looked like gray tights. We sat on the bare floor (linoleum), he played with some kind of toy, and I squeezed him.

I dreamed that my niece died. suffocated in her sleep. then the morgue workers came and took her away. They left dirty shoe marks on the floor. when I asked them “ambulance?” they answered “morgue” and I almost lost consciousness.

they say I arrived in the village where my relatives live, including my niece, and then I hear the news that she burned down in the barn. they say her mother put her to bed. but she disobeyed, ran there and for some reason took matches, and there was hay under her feet and she caught fire and she was burned alive. I thought I was going crazy, I was hysterical, then I went to a friend from the same village to ask for a black dress for the funeral, since I didn’t take any of my things with me to the village. she got me a dress, I tried it on, but it was too big for me and then I don’t remember whether I went out in it or not, because I woke up from the fact that I was sobbing in reality

My husband’s niece is standing in some empty room in front of an open door, but she’s so tall that I had to throw my head back very hard, I tell her how you’ve grown. She looked, smiled, leaned down a little to go through the white door and stood next to a young man of the same height, but very beautiful and I woke up

I had two dreams in one night. In the first one, I saw myself walking along the river bank in autumn clothes, I realized that my little daughter was walking next to me, but I didn’t see her. I started to walk around something, but my feet were ankle-deep in the water, but I didn’t get out of the water. Then somehow I ended up in the middle of the river, right in my clothes, but on the other bank, and along the bank an adult niece was walking and leading her brother by the hand, i.e. my nephew. She helps him get into the water, also in clothes, but she herself stands on the shore, and her hands do not unclasp. He squats headlong into the water and gets up happy and that’s it. I don’t see anything further about them. I remember that my daughter was with me and I start looking for her everywhere with my eyes. I look, and she is under water. I started to pull her out, but I had no strength and went under the water again. Once I pulled her out of the water, but she didn’t choke, but simply swallowed the water. Then she wasn’t around at all. I saw two men trying to cross the river. One in clothes, the other completely naked. Well, I also started crossing the river. When I crossed, I saw three barges parked on the shore. Approaching the shore, I remembered about my daughter, I looked with my eyes and realized that I had lost her. I came out of the water and realized that I had come to the wrong shore. My nephews and daughter remained on the other side. Fear gripped me and I woke up. Two hours later I fell asleep again and dreamed that I was with my husband, but I didn’t see him, we went into a cafe. I met a friend at the cafe, we started chatting. I put my daughter on the floor and forgot keep an eye on her. And when I remembered, my husband and I started running (I had clearly already seen my husband), looking for her everywhere, and the security got involved. They never found it. Fear took over again and I woke up.

Hello. I had a dream that my brother-in-law had children, although he is married and is already raising a boy. children - boy and girl. And I see that my brother and I are going somewhere. then I immediately see that I was surprised that I was carrying a girl with me, and my niece. I see further - I’m standing, I don’t remember where, and I took my nephew in my arms, before that she was lying across my stomach and holding tightly to my side. When I took her in my arms, I had such a feeling as joy, care, neatness and love for my niece. she was small (less than a year old). then I see that I am passing among all my relatives (but I especially remember the man to whom I myself am a nephew). and the following speech appears in my head - you’re all jealous, but I’ll babysit my niece. then suddenly I see me standing on the street in the middle of a short-cropped green field. and I look at my niece who is standing in the window of a wooden house. she waves her hand at me and smiles. I went up to hug goodbye. She hugged me like no one else had ever hugged me. I have never experienced such strong love from and for a child than in my dream today. and then the dream disappeared.

I dreamed that I was walking with my 7-year-old niece along the embankment, looking at the floating ducks from the bridge and we were going to the bus station where I was leaving the city, and my niece had previously run with me by the hand very joyfully and was wearing a floral scarf when I left from the city by bus, I immediately found myself in the back seat looking at the people, the road was good and I was driving

my nephew died this summer and recently I had a dream that he was burned in a fire, I saw his funeral again, but at it they accused me because I burned the house on fire and at the funeral they shouted at me, damn you, they spat at me, they accused me, I stood at the grave and cried when woke up face was in tears

I dreamed of snow falling in huge flakes. It was white and white and my brother had a birthday then in a dream his godmother came to him and congratulated him and said Sasha and when is your birthday I said when she says I need to give you a gift and that’s it

At first I dreamed of a long table, as if I were in a castle. I was wearing a brocade dress, soft blue. I put my hands on the table and see that they are completely covered with small white worms. I’m not alone in the room; there’s someone at the table, but I don’t know who. I'm trying to crush the worms and throw them off. Some of the worms still remain on my hands. Then, with someone I don’t remember being feminine, I go into a cafe, eatery, drink juice, coffee. I say it’s cheaper there, let’s go there, we’re leaving one place altogether. They take me to a restaurant where I say it’s expensive. My great-niece turns out to be nearby, she places an order and says everything will be fine. They bring us food, I don’t understand what it is and I don’t feel the taste of the food. I try from her plate and eat everything on my own. My mother comes into the restaurant holding a jacket and a bunch of parsley. She walks forward to the other tables and offers parsley as if she doesn’t notice us. Sit down at the table where she is offered.

I saw my late niece…..I went up to her crying and said how I can help you……….she smiled silently……I kissed her hand and left……..and her father sat next to her and remained sitting

Hello! Today I had a dream from Sunday to Monday) I don’t remember the essence of the dream, I remember that my niece (a girl 1 year and 1 month old) dreamed of money, a lot of money in foreign currency. and I wanted to steal them, and I think it was from my grandmother, but I didn’t dare) and I dreamed about a cat’s calla lilies (sorry for the details

I was going to the store to buy tights for my 2 nieces, I don’t remember for what reason. My sister gave me 2,000 rubles, which confused me very much, but I took the money. In some room I met Guzeeva L., and she gave me gifts for my nieces, as if she knew them and somehow, in a difficult way, she managed to get 2 white knitted bunnies. She handed them to me in chairs (like on a swing) and I took them home. I returned at dusk. Accompanied by emotions of surprise, misunderstanding and some kind of mystery. I returned at dusk.

The dream began in my own house, as if I woke up and walked away. I went for a walk, there was a meeting on the next street (not particularly important), then we moved to our House of Culture (why it will be higher), in the center of the city. Having met my sister there (who works at the center) and my mother for some reason without outer clothing, I asked them the appropriate question, they said that the door of the house had closed. Somehow, having entered the cultural center, it turned out to be a church, in a dream my second sister was expecting a child, but a week before that she lost her wedding ring (it was stolen that’s why we came here, a thief lived here), she said that the ring was on the square (in grass) we searched and found it, gave it to the second sister and she went into another room (DK). Then she began to give birth, we waited. The sister came out and did not smile much, later they reported that the child had died (a boy), because they said an incomprehensible phrase and everyone began to cry, looked around and the sister disappeared. Then mom and I went home by car. Having arrived and gone to bed there, I woke up here. In the dream there were all golden shades, as well as the shades that I saw (the houses had a familiar appearance). The problem is that my sister was pregnant and HAD a daughter, but she has an older son. Help, does this mean anything, since it seemed to me that all this was true and it looked like it...

I dreamed of a deceased niece who left us 3 weeks ago. It’s like she’s still in the hospital, and she’s arguing with her other aunt, my sister, that she’s sick, and my sister says you’re not sick. And one time my niece mistakenly said, “I’m not sick,” and I started kissing her and saying, “Well, you’re not sick.”
Until this moment I dreamed about her funeral, we are all crying

I dreamed of my late niece who died of cancer 3 years ago, I dreamed of her in the hospital as if I had come to visit her, she looked sick, there were people I knew and my niece’s mother, that is, my sister.

my mother killed or wanted to kill my niece (her daughter’s daughter), her own granddaughter. and she wanted to kill me too. I asked for help. ran away later. mother and niece stayed at home. she was lying on the floor (nephew) and her mother was sitting next to her

I dreamed that a group of my relatives went to the big bridge, my sister decided to throw my niece (one and five years old), and it so happened that the niece fell into the water, the men immediately began to jump into the water to save the child, but it was too late, they We didn’t find anyone, we walked to this bridge for several more days and jumped into the water.

I dreamed of a little baby nephew a few months before her birth. Kobuta’s mother pulls her into the cradle but doesn’t have time to do it, the car crashes into them, the child flies out onto the road, falls and dies, she was there for a month in a dream, the first trip to the clinic, and her husband was in a military uniform in this dream. This dream was very colorful.

I was constantly holding my nephew in my arms. In life he doesn’t really like to hug, and at first it was the same in the dream. But then we were constantly walking somewhere, and from a dream I realized that I was moving somewhere. We got into the car and I started hugging him again, and he hugged me tightly - tightly and kissed me. I even cried with happiness.

I dreamed about my niece, her name is Polina... I think about her every day, I miss and love her very much... I dreamed about how we played with her, ran and laughed, I remember how she kissed me))) This is all once exactly exactly it was real.....

Hello. In a dream I saw a flying peacock of extraordinary beauty and wanted to show it to my little nephew (he is already an adult). I put him on the fence and suddenly I realized that he was falling into the abyss... I instantly grabbed him and held him. It was stressful for me. I bit him I didn’t destroy it. But then I saw a lot of beautiful peacocks in the sky and admired them.

In a dream, they beat my nephew and took him somewhere and he disappeared from us, and I saw in a dream how they beat him, and then they showed everything on TV and we went to that house with a showdown and I woke up ..... there is an unpleasant feeling in my soul ...

I dreamed that there were children, adults, all members of our family in the room. They were doing something, communicating, suddenly I noticed my nephew Andryusha among the playing children, he died two years ago at the age of 13 (hit by a car), and I say : Look Andryusha, Andryusha... And he plays, runs, he’s so cheerful, and he’s not 13, but younger, 9-10 years old... Then I vaguely remember the dream, it was the most vivid moment.

My little nephew and I were driving along the lake on a motor boat. There were fishermen with fishing rods nearby, we got tangled in the line from the fishing rods and my niece was pulled into the water. When I noticed this, I picked her up, but it was too late ((((

I had a dream in which my niece died. In the dream there were many relatives, including me. But no one cried. Everyone was just excited. I didn’t see my niece herself in the dream... I had the dream from Saturday to Sunday. Maybe this dream has something to do with the fact that it’s my niece’s birthday tomorrow (Monday)?? turns one year old.

Hello Tatiana! The other day I had a very strange, even unpleasant dream, in which I saw my little niece (who is only 9 months old) giving birth to a child. The child himself was not in the dream, there was only a powerful flow of blood, and for some reason it was pink and not scarlet. And, with all this, I called her not by name, but by the name of my sister, who also happens to be her aunt. And one more thing: the niece, who still cannot speak in reality, spoke in a dream in an adult voice. After such a dream, some kind of eerie feeling remained. I will be very grateful to you for interpreting such a dream.

I was on a boat with my sister and nephew, the boat sailed up the mountain, but could not reach the top and returned back, my sister and I got off the boat. they walked somewhere and when they arrived, the boat was no longer there, they looked at the mountain where he had not climbed, they saw that he had overcome it, then the next boat sailed up

I dreamed of my dead nephew, he hugged me and took me with him across the bridge, I looked back and my colleague from work was standing there, and I felt ashamed that she would think that I went with some ragamuffin.

In the fall, my friend and my niece were in the village in the house of my grandparents who had died, I put the little one to bed in the living room, closed the door and was preparing food in the kitchen, then something fell in the living room and the little one screamed loudly, I opened the door and was lying on the floor. the hanger and the little one stood at the door, pressing her face to the wall, crying loudly, I ritualized her and asked “what happened?” she answered by pointing her finger forward, “Grandma Lucy,” I looked but there was no one, I went to another room to see if there was anyone in the house, leaving the little one with a friend, there was no one in the house, when I returned I found that my friend was with her niece lying on the floor without signs of life, I rushed to them. To see what happened, and later my friend woke up and the little one still showed no signs, we took our things and ran to the local hospital, they said that the baby was in a coma, she stayed in she was 3 hours old and woke up in a hospital room, she saw her grandmother again, the grandmother began to tear the baby out of my arms, she was unable to because the doctors came, we moved to our hometown to the hospital and there the baby saw her grandmother again, we again left for another city to another hospital , we stayed there for 2 nights and woke up in the morning and saw that the baby was dead.

I had a dream about me and a woman from a former job (she had a bunch of illnesses during her lifetime) and a couple of people, I don’t remember them, it seemed like we were some acquaintances, we were on the third floor of some building, either a school, or hospital, next to me are my little nieces, about 6 years old (this one is currently 2 years old) and 1.5 years old (not quite there yet). I look at something on the walls carefully, the older girl is running, and the younger one is slowly starting to walk and this woman is with her. She leads her by the hand up the steps, the child wants to walk on his own without the support of this woman’s hands, but her legs run straight up the steps and because they don’t listen to her, she runs over the railing and the opening between the stairs to the next one and falls on the concrete and freezes. Then her parents appear, who

I had a dream during the holy week from Friday to Saturday, as if my nephew had become my husband, although I have a husband. As if he was tall, stately, handsome and was taking care of me. He is 15 years younger than me. He has his own family, small child. But why did I dream that he was my husband and why?

I came to the store where my niece works and I bought tights for me and she offered me a red skirt with a zipper for change, but when I started trying it on, it became colored before I put it on, I began to pull up the tights and they began to tear, without paying attention, I put them on skirt, I decided to take the mirror and look, but for some reason it didn’t show me and I decided to take it off the wall by removing it and putting it on the floor, I saw that it was somehow not there, and then her mother came and began to help me hang this mirror and then I saw myself in this skirt, but it was not clear, the length of the skirt changed, then I tried to hang this mirror in place, it didn’t work, and my sister-in-law, i.e., my brother’s wife, began to help me and hung the mirror, then I found myself in the paradise and met there a man and woman I didn’t know. We said hello and that’s it, and then I dreamed about my colleague, but then the dream became kind of vague, I also dreamed about a work desk and a tool, and I work in a morgue

I had a dream as if I was walking at my niece’s wedding, clearly saw her husband (groom) and even in the dream I called his name and surname. Although I don’t actually know a person with that name. I had a dream on the night of Old New Year.

I dream that my niece is hit by a car. My mother lets her ride a bicycle to a neighboring village and she gets hit by a car. I don’t go to her funeral, if I’m not mistaken, they told me about her death a few days later, and I’m very angry with myself because of this and for something I want to ask her forgiveness. I’m sitting at the table with friends, writing wishes on paper (we’re celebrating some kind of holiday) and I write in huge letters “I’m sorry” and I understand that for some reason this applies specifically to her. I don’t like it when her mother lets her go to that village to visit her friend, because... they are there without control. My niece is 12 years old.

I find out that my sister gave birth to a girl, but I was sure that a boy would be born, because, as I was told, 16 is the year of boys. But I wasn't upset. On the contrary, I was very happy in my dream, holding my niece in my arms. What was also surprising was that the child was sooo small, I held her in my palms. She was also very sweet and a beautiful brunette. They wanted to give the name “Camilla”, but I reacted negatively to this. She began to say that owners of such names as “Karina and Camilla” can be very harmful. She asked me not to give this name.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your nephew in health and contentment, prosperity will come to your home. They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment. A woman who sees her niece must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Dream - Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing them in a dream foretells receiving news from relatives. The news will be good if your nephews like you. Otherwise, the news will be alarming or foreshadow troubles that you will have to overcome because of your relatives.

What does a dream mean about a Nephew, Niece?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of the dream about Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sign of minor disturbances, vanity, and grief.

If you see “Nephews” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means prosperity in the house if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing an unforeseen test for her and...

Dreaming about Nephew, Niece - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about nephews foreshadows the unity of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relationships. If your breeding partner is beautiful, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance, but if he (she, they) looks bad, get ready to experience troubles. For a woman to see but in a dream...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about nephews foreshadows the unity of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relationships. If your nephews are beautiful, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance. If your nephews look bad, get ready to go through trouble. For a woman to see her niece in a dream - in reality...

If you dream about Nephews, what is this for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant awareness of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, it means that fate...

Why does the Nephew appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a nephew is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you, in reality this is a sign of concern about fading beauty and approaching old age. Seeing your niece means rising in the eyes of others...

Dream Interpretation online - Nephew

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your nephew in health and contentment, then prosperity will come to your home. They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment. A woman who sees her niece must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Nephew, Niece

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You saw your nephew in a dream and noticed that he had become handsome - the dream promises you reliable income and prosperity. The nephew you see in a dream is gloomy and looks bad - poverty does not threaten you, but losses will cause a lot of trouble; ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Nephews Dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant awareness of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, it means that fate...

Seeing Nephews in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew means that a pleasant realization of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing for her...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fingers?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of your right hand without fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (perhaps a nephew). Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you will be unable to fully deal with the problems of your own family...

Milkmaid - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a man with a milk pan or near a cow is a sign of a petitioner. This could be a nephew, a matchmaker, a brother - in general, anyone who wants to borrow without paying back.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Relatives?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A conversation with your brother is a clear sign that someone needs your help and compassion. Seeing sick relatives in a dream means financial ruin. Seeing distant relatives in a dream portends joy and pleasant troubles for some good, but insignificant reason. See …

Relatives - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you dreamed of relatives gathered at the table foreshadows that some distant relative will make himself known and tell you good news: a newborn may appear in the family, or someone will get married and bring a new member into the house...

Decoding and interpretation of the dream Cap

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wearing or simply seeing a cap in a dream is a sign of joy. You realize how devoted your children, grandchildren, and nephews are to you.

Why does the Cap appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a cap foreshadows an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance. Putting a cap on your head foretells the deep satisfaction and joy that your children or nephews will bring you. To see a cap on someone else's head - indulge in pleasant memories.

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