
How to check if you have magic. How to find out if there are magical abilities? Tenth lasso - wheel of fortune

Almost every person has heard and himself encountered magicians, psychics and sorcerers.

It is considered that it is impossible to engage in a magical craft without a gift.

But how can a simple layman know for sure does he have magical powers.

There are several reliable ways to help pass the test for magical power. and find out if a person has the makings of a magician or a sorcerer.

The first thing a person needs to do is to know his pedigree more accurately.. It has long been known that if there were magicians or psychics in the family, then their abilities could be inherited. If there were any, then the person most likely has a hereditary predisposition to magic.

Also diagnostics of magical abilities necessarily includes an unusual test: you need to take a closer look at the behavior of the people around you. Real magicians have a very strong biofield that can influence the state and behavior of other people. If the one who reveals the gift in himself noticed that in his presence others become silent or try to leave quickly, then the person has a very strong biofield that suppresses others.

Another way to check if there are magical abilities. A person needs to carefully analyze his actions, in which he abruptly changed his mind and refused to do anything or go anywhere. It is possible that the cancellation of decisions played an important role, the one who has the gift foresaw terrible or dangerous events in advance and secured himself from them. Most often, this uncontrolled feeling is called intuition, but it is this ability that is very well developed among real psychics and magicians.

Many people are interested in: "How do I pass a simple test for the magic in me?"

There is another way that allows you to find out the presence of even the smallest gift.. To do this, you will need assistants who will select several photographs for the person being tested, which will contain images of living and dead people. It is desirable that these are ordinary people, and not celebrities who can be easily recognized. Further, the one who has supernatural abilities must accurately determine which of the people in the photo is dead and which is alive. The seal of death for a real magician is very easily determined. The one who guessed everything correctly is endowed with psychic abilities and can further develop his gift.

Magic ability test can be passed with the help of animals. Most often, pets behave unusually in the presence of people with a gift. An aggressive and almost wild cat can reach out for affection to a real magician, or, conversely, those animals that are quite sociable in nature hide from fear at the sight of such a person. It has also been noticed that those who have very powerful energy cannot calmly pass in the private sector, where there are a lot of dogs. Animals at the sight of such a person literally go crazy, bark loudly and rush to the fence.

Checking with money can also reveal information about the presence of a gift. To do this, you need to take several thick envelopes and put a paper bill in one of them. Money, like photographs, has a very powerful energy and it will be easy for someone who has unusual abilities to determine which envelope the bill is in.

You can also check magical abilities by date of birth. On the Internet you can find special sites that will help a person reveal the secret of his gift and name the strengths of his abilities. To find out if a person can become a magician or psychic, just enter the date of birth in special columns.

Many people do not even know about the gift that they are endowed with from birth. And everything that they manage to predict or warn is considered by chance, but not by their unusual abilities.

And yet, a little about the Initiation.

Hello, my dear readers and students. Many people are concerned about the question - how can you find out if a person has the ability to magic and how can they be developed? I will talk about this today. In general, as I already explained in the Secrets of Mastery section, magical abilities Initially, every person has, but not everyone is given to develop them.

Modern science has calculated that a person uses only seven percent of the capabilities of his brain, and the remaining 93 are simply turned off. How to activate them, mankind has been thinking for centuries, but there is no need to invent a bicycle, it is the “turning on” of non-working sections that is carried out at a special ceremony, Initiation.

However, there are few real Initiate witches, more often people acquire unusual abilities by more affordable means. Where do ordinary people get magical abilities from?

  • Training. Training with the Master enables almost anyone to independently reach the first stage of Initiation-Medicine. For most, this is enough.
  • Injury-disconnection of the brain. After clinical death or a lightning strike, the brain sometimes turns on single "blocked" abilities.
  • Indirect inheritance. If there were people with magical abilities in your family who did not pass them on to you, then some of them (abilities) may appear even after several generations.
  • Direct inheritance by lineage. If the great-great-grandmothers were Initiated Witches and your training began at the age of 5-9. In this case, your life will be enough to go through all the degrees of Initiation, unless of course you want to take a risk, you will be ready and there will be good teachers.
  • A conscious rejection of worldly things. These include seclusion, fasting, a vow of celibacy, silence, foolishness. In return, such people sometimes receive the ability to clairvoyance or healing.

Here, perhaps, are all the ways to comprehend the Great Knowledge. If you are an ordinary person, but you feel that you are ready to devote your whole life to magic, start learning right now, in order to achieve at least some skills, years and years of work are required. Now I will tell you how these abilities manifest themselves. If everything is clear with training, the Teacher puts knowledge into your head, and it depends only on your faith in him and the exact implementation of all the rules whether it will reach you or not, then you need to deal with other methods especially.

  • Injuries. People who have received magical abilities in this way often suffer greatly without understanding what is happening to them and how to live with it, because seeing, for example, spirits or diseased human organs is a test that threatens insanity. A good master can help to "turn off" this function, develop such abilities are undesirable, because they "turned on" by mistake and can pose a threat to life and health.

Indirect inheritance is most common and usually gives several related abilities. If you start teaching such a person, it will be useful. I want to say right away that those who hear voices and feel an otherworldly presence in the house do not have anything unusual at all, this is most often not a Gift, but " infection with "entities" and requires urgent deliverance, and not the development of this alleged Gift ... Abilities actually manifest themselves in dreams.

These can be bright short flashes or flights to other worlds, such dreams are very unusual and even the smell and taste of everything seen is remembered. The distinctive signs of a witch may also appear, in this case, dreams are like real Initiation, i.e. in a dream you are like - If you play an educational game, you see the aura and energies, you can control them, fly or leave your body. You are given the opportunity to try everything in a dream that you then need to realize in reality. This is the so-called Reverse Initiation.

Why the opposite? Because the usual Initiation takes place only after everything that is needed for this Degree has already been learned and exams have been passed. After that, the senior Masters, using special spells and potions, introduce the student into a state that looks like a coma. Only the pulse and breathing remain. In this state, the student can stay for up to several weeks, living in another world and seeing everything that has been erased from the memory of mankind, receiving confirmation of his skills.

In the case of a reverse Initiation, knowledge comes chaotically, in fragments, in unusual fantastic dreams, often, waking up, a person wants to sketch what he saw, or describe it in verse, or music is born. For example, this is one of my poems written down after such a “dream”.

I saw the heavenly worlds, I collected handfuls of crystal water,

Those who have long since left us, I, the Zemlyanka, were greeted as a guest...

In that same garden I wandered, where every leaf is a delight for the soul ...

There is the singing of birds, there is bliss and peace, flowers and bunches of grapes are around ...

Yes, I know that I will not be in paradise ... so He decided, which means it should be so ...

That's just the key that I carry with me, from all the gates, from heaven and from hell ...

I saw the underground worlds, my soles were burned by the flames...

There everything is not as you think ... but it would be better if we did not meet you there ...

Of course, this happens rarely, only if one of your ancestors went through at least four Initiations. If something like this happens to you, or your dreams even slightly resemble what is described above, then you have received your part of the Knowledge.More about Initiation

  • Transmission by gender is the least common and this is the most complete Knowledge obtained under the supervision of the Teachers.
  • Renunciation of worldly life is practiced in many religions in order to get closer to God, that is, to get a piece of Knowledge (for more details, see the Secrets of Mastery). Usually these people take tonsure (vow) and devote their whole lives to service. Some succeed, mainly to heal.

That's all for now. If everything written above is about you, then welcome! I will teach to the best of my ability and your desire.

Your Svetlana is from the Vasiliev family.

All adults sometimes want to have superpowers, but, having caught ourselves in such an infantile thought, we immediately renounce it, arguing that we are no longer children. But the truth of magical abilities has never been so close to us. You have a unique opportunity not only to believe in a miracle, but also to know your magical talent. Based on the date of birth, each of us is fraught with certain abilities.

Today, the most effective way to find out if you have magical abilities is to take the Zener test, developed according to a unique author's method. He is able to recognize 2 fundamental signs of magical abilities - clairvoyance and telepathy. It works like this:

  • You should have at least 25 cards in your arsenal, which show such signs: a circle, three vertical wavy lines, a square, a five-pointed star and a plus sign. Such simple pictures can be easily made at home.
  • You can pass the clairvoyance test yourself, for this, put a deck of cards face down in front of you and try to guess the top card.
  • Keep guessing cards until the deck runs out.
  • Put the guessed figures aside, and then count them.
  • If you guessed 10 or more cards, this indicates that you have clairvoyant abilities.

Before you start taking the test, isolate yourself from external stimuli: turn off your phone, TV and all sources of noise that you have at home. Take this experiment seriously. Get in a comfortable position and give yourself some time to adjust.

  • For the test for telepathic abilities, 2 people are needed. One will look at the map and mentally repeat the figure to the “experimental”.
  • Guessing cards, also put aside, so that later they can be counted.
  • About the presence of telepathic abilities you should say from 10 guessed cards or more.

The test of the famous psychologist Carl Zehner was invented back in 1930, but still has not lost its relevance. Such a technique is able to determine your inclinations of magical abilities, which, if desired, can be developed to psychic skills. You can also take the Zener test online!

Magical abilities by date of birth

Surely you will be interested to know what your date of birth can tell about the presence of one or another magical talent in you. You may have noticed that there are people who have a predisposition to subtly feel the other world and vice versa, those who are not given to know the mystery of magic. So wouldn't it be logical to assume that a person is already born with a certain set of talents?

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and turn to the art of numerology. It looks something like this:

  • Take a random date of birth. Let it be 07/19/1975.
  • Now you need to add all the numbers: 1+9+0+7+1+9+7+5=39
  • We add our result again: 3+9=12
  • And again we adjust the result to units: 1 + 2 = 3
  • Thus, the magical ability by the date of birth of this person is hidden under the number 3.

To find out if you have certain mystical abilities, look for the number that is hidden under your date of birth in the list below:

  • Unit. A person who has a unit hidden in his date of birth has an innate oratorical talent. Such people can be more than convincing in their arguments. As a rule, hypnosis techniques are subject to them, so it makes sense to move in this direction.
  • Deuce. You are excellent conductors of energy, which gives you many advantages and directions for development. Your magic may be in séances and communication with the dead, or the ability to heal with the help of hands, incantations, etc. Also, you perfectly charge water and various items. Perhaps it would be useful for you to engage in the manufacture of amulets and amulets.
  • Troika is the number of luck. You were born with the precious gift of communicating with the universe. You are always very lucky, and your thoughts quickly become reality. But you need to be careful with such a strong connection with higher powers, so try to control negative emotions and words spoken in the heat of the moment.

  • Four. You have excellent patrons in the other world who protect you. It is difficult to jinx or damage you. Your aura immediately sweeps away all the energy attacks of your enemies and envious people. You know how to save energy, but sometimes it harms you. Try to learn how to circulate it so that your channels are always clear. To do this, it is enough to at least occasionally show empathy for other people.
  • Five. You have an innate skill of intuition. Sometimes even the most pragmatic atheists surprise you. Your gift is very hard to ignore and ignore. You have everything you need to discover in yourself the magical abilities of clairvoyance and prediction.
  • Six. You are a very cynical person who is not characterized by infantile naivety. You have one useful skill - to expose your opponents. You only need to look at a person once to create a complete picture of a person in your head. You are not so easy to deceive or pity. You do not have deep magical knowledge in the field of magic, but the gift of "seeing through people" is quite enough for you.
  • Seven- this is the most magical figure of numerology, therefore, people whose dates of birth hide the number 7 have a very valuable gift - to see prophetic dreams. This gift is easy to develop if given due importance. Try to write down all your dreams and try to interpret them yourself.
  • Eight. You are a born telepath. It often happens that a person did not have time to voice a thought, and you already know what he wants to tell you. You have the makings of reading people's minds, but this gift needs to be developed. At least from time to time, practice silence, so it will be easier for you to tune in to the flow of information of the person who is next to you.

  • Nine. Your date of birth has awarded you with many talents that you notice in yourself in turn throughout your life. You can seek help from the world of the dead and communicate with deceased relatives, as well as receive important information from the Universe. You have many talents that require attention.

How to develop magical abilities?

After reading the above sections of our article, you must have found some undiscovered talent in yourself. Now it's up to the small thing - to develop the inherent skills that you possess. There are several exercises that, if repeated regularly, should help you, and we will gladly tell you about them. If you're itching to learn how to develop your magical abilities, check out the list below:

  • Energy connection. While on public transport or in line at the doctor's office, try to find yourself a "guinea pig", it can be anyone. Your task: to try to mentally penetrate into his body. Try to guess what he is thinking or if he has children. Try to see the world through his eyes. This exercise will help you establish an energy connection, which will be useful in the occult sciences.
  • Lucid dreaming. To develop the gift of prophetic dreams, you need to develop any action to automatism. For example, try to look at your hands several times during the day and be aware (where you are and what you are doing now). Sooner or later you will remember this habit in a dream and realize yourself in it. In this way, you will be able to consciously connect with the entities that come to you in a dream; ask them for help or look for an answer.
  • Sixth Sense. Many people know that we have 5 senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. Surely you have heard of such a phenomenon as blind reading. People who are deprived of this or that feeling (in this case, vision) compensate in excess with other physiological factors of receiving external information. Thus, it is possible to develop the 6th sense - the mental perception of the world. We recommend that you experiment with your senses from time to time: walk around the apartment blindfolded or read lips with earplugs.
  • Trust your intuition. Have you ever wondered why animals are able to predict trouble? There are millions of testimonies that before the death of their master, dogs howl for several days in a row; and shortly before a fire or other unpleasant event, they behave very restlessly and try to attract attention to themselves or even take the family out of the apartment. Animals are relatively primitive and unconscious beings. They completely trust their instincts, which we should learn from. People tend to feel trouble, but often we ourselves convince ourselves of the absurdity of our thoughts. Trust your intuition!

Everything in our world has its place and time, so don't be discouraged if you can't get in touch with the rest of the souls or anticipate lottery ticket numbers. The main thing in the development of magical abilities is perseverance and self-confidence. Do not give up at the first defeat, this is contrary to all the magical dogmas that you are so eager to know. You can't learn to ride a bike without bleeding your knees. Be persistent on your path, and one day you will know the mystery of magic.

Video: “How to develop magical abilities? Where can I find a magic teacher?

Many people want to have some kind of psychic abilities and wonder if they depend on the date and time of birth? Each person has certain knowledge and skills. Someone develops them, and they are clearly manifested in different periods of life. And someone is in a dormant state. So how do you define your extrasensory abilities by date of birth? There are certain ways to do this, tests, which we will consider below. It is worth trusting astrology, which characterizes the abilities of each sign in its own way.


Magical or psychic abilities enable a particular person to hear, see and perform such incredible actions that are inaccessible to others. Of course, not everyone has such opportunities. In addition, the focus of such abilities can be very different: conspiracies, love spells, healing, communication with otherworldly spirits, forces, visions. Well, can you find out exactly what opportunities you yourself have? What psychic abilities by date of birth are inherent in you?

  • Aries. This sign characterizes the gift of foresight. There are frequent cases when, for example. missing the plane, Aries avoids a plane crash.
  • Taurus. Generosity and kindness are inherent in these people. It has been noticed that the more they give, the more blessings they receive from above.
  • Twins. The gift of Gemini is persuasion. They speak so beautifully that they can often win over an opponent to their side and convince him of their point of view.

  • Crayfish. People with the strongest intuition. Can foresee the future. Cancerians are often fans of various divination methods. Able to manipulate other people.
  • A lion. Leo's ability is leadership. They easily control those around them. In magic, they are quite strong in love divination. In this area, they can reach great heights.
  • Virgo. Psychic ability is the ability to guess, and by any means. Virgos, thanks to their feelings, often win the lottery.
  • Scales. Their powers develop in natural magic, so amulets made by the hands of Libra have the strongest energy power.

if you have extrasensory abilities, any astrologer will help to calculate them by date of birth.

  • Scorpion. In any home, they are an invaluable amulet. Easily master home magic.
  • WITH sagittarius. They have the gift of healing. Able to strong suggestion to make their own dreams come true.
  • Capricorn. Great ability in palmistry and astrology. If Capricorn lives in nature, his intuition is sharply manifested.
  • Aquarius. By conducting divination and rituals, he receives true results. Able to create new rituals, they will be effective.
  • Fishes. Get energy from water. Their make it possible to carry out quite successfully rituals on the water. Fish can create various magical potions.

Elements of the zodiac signs

Some begin to try themselves in various areas of extrasensory perception, wasting their time and effort, but this will not lead to anything if you do not know in advance in which particular area you are strong, what nature has endowed you with. A horoscope will help in this, because it is by the date of birth that many life factors are determined. So you can find out your magical belonging to the world of magic by the signs of the zodiac.

This question worries many. Each sign of the zodiac belongs to a certain element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). This is also of great importance in determining psychic abilities. The sign of the zodiac is determined by a combination of elements and qualities.

Fire Trine (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, vitality, metaphysical energy. The Trigon of Fire is considered creative, it is characterized by activity, action, energy. The main governing force is Fire, and this is zeal, impatience, irascibility, courage, courage, arrogance. The defining feature of the Fire signs is ambition, they easily adapt to life situations, but, alas, they do not like and cannot obey. They are strongly expressed perseverance, perseverance, truthfulness. Already at an early age, they try to win independence and independence. Freedom is the most important thing for them.

Determination of psychic abilities by date of birth for this element lies in the fact that they receive a charge of energy from space. This allows you to either attract other signs to yourself, or vice versa - repel. Expressed leadership qualities make it easy to lead, manage people. The people around them are in constant excitement, tension, easily influenced by the energy of the representatives of the fire element.

  • Aries has amazing intuition, he is one of the first to be in the place where he is most needed.
  • a lion especially has leadership qualities. Love magic easily lends itself to him, he can use it for the benefit of the whole world.
  • Sagittarius possesses the gift of a healer, easily removes any pain with bioenergetics. They make excellent diagnosticians.

Earth Trine (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

The trine of the Earth characterizes dryness, cold, density, strength. The trine principle is stability, materialism. Earth gives stability, firmness, concreteness, creates laws, forms. People from the trine of the Earth have been moving towards their goals with firm steps since childhood, while soberly calculating their abilities. People of this element are practical, businesslike. Often choose a profession associated with material values.

  • Capricorn he loves everything close to nature, at home he often has everything natural - stone, wood.Being in the bosom of nature, representatives of this sign can find answers to many confusing questions. Psychic abilities by date of birthin this case, they allow you to do astrology, palmistry, because Capricorns have a special relationship with numbers.
  • Taurus. His career often moves at the expense of good. He tries to create it everywhere, and the more good he brings to life, the richer he becomes both spiritually and materially. The gift of Taurus is to bring good to people.
  • Virgin for the most part unsurpassed fortune-tellers. They lend themselves to any fortune-telling. Luck is always on their side, if they learn to listen to their inner voice, they can easily pull out a lucky lottery ticket.

Air Trine (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

The peculiarity of this trigon is moisture, heat, divisibility, adaptability, flexibility. Air determines relationships and contacts. Air loves freedom and independence. It ensures the existence of all life on Earth, is responsible for the transmission of life, reproduction, procreation. The people of this trigon do not tolerate monotony, they are constantly attracted by change. They quickly grasp information, process it and pass it on to others. If we consider extrasensory abilities of a person by date of birth, then "air" people can be characterized as follows:

  • scales strongly associated with natural phenomena. They are completely dependent on the sun. Charms and amulets in their hands become magical. Libra can execute them from anything, and they will have magical powers.
  • Aquarius easily invent a variety of rituals and rituals. Divination for them is an opportunity to look both into the past and into the future. A feature of success is the complete trust of the relationship: the more you believe the magician, the more clearly he will be able to predict.
  • Twins able to use the elements of the winds, it helps them in communication, in predictions. They communicate easily and can inspire you with their point of view in no time.

Water Trine (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The peculiarity of the sign is humidity and coldness. Water is memory, preservation, inner world, emotions, feelings. These people often live an inner life rather than an outer one. Extremely sensitive, but keep emotions to themselves. Sometimes they are lazy and lethargic, except for Scorpions. They have a subtle intuition, which makes it possible to foresee events in advance. Soit is quite possible, we will clarify their capabilities separately by the signs.

  • Crayfish is a natural psychologist, and this allows him to easily manipulate people. This feature is indispensable in divination. Having caught the right direction, Cancer easily foresees the circumstances.
  • Scorpion. His mere presence in the family already protects and protects you from everything evil, unpleasant. Scorpios are good at home magic, the rituals performed have a strong effect.
  • Fishes. Their strong point is water, any drinks with slanders have incredible power. Even wet cleaning carried out by Pisces removes not only dirt and dust, but also all negativity from the house.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

  1. Online testing. You can take a test that one of the sites about magic offers. There are various tasks offered. For example, feel in which of the boxes the object lies. For some, the disadvantage may be the fact that not everyone is able to feel the energy of the object through the monitor.
  2. subjective way. Psychic test, which offers answers to a series of questions. They allow you to determine if you have any psychic abilities.
  3. Any real job. The most accurate way to reveal superpowers. You can go through tasks for the same identification of an object in a box. Try to tell something about a stranger from a photograph.

How to test psychic abilities at home. Exercises

  • Stick the needle into the matchbox. Cut a thin strip of newsprint 5 cm long, fold in half and fasten to the needle. One condition - you can not pierce the paper, it must lie freely. Close your eyes, close the ring with your fingers and mentally rotate it over the paper. If the paper tape begins to move, then rejoice - some energy forces are manifesting in you.
  • Ask a friend to help you. Pour plain water into a glass, let your partner taste it and remember it. Then close your eyes and mentally inspire the water to acquire some taste. Not a word about this to the comrade. Finished work? Have a friend try the water. Has changed? Did you manage to give the taste of sweet, salty or bitter? If yes, you can clearly develop your abilities.

Test. Answer only the truth to the questions asked

Having passed you can find out if you have them. Answer yes or no.

  1. You are able to see, to distinguish the energy of people - healthy and sick.
  2. You may feel the danger. Get out of any situation without much loss. You are helped by the instinct of self-preservation, a premonition of trouble.
  3. You can influence the decisions of people, are able to inspire your thoughts so that the interlocutor takes your side.
  4. You are able to foresee some moments from the future (illness, death, disaster) and can prevent it.
  5. People from your environment notice that it is very easy for them to communicate with you, or vice versa, they feel bad in your presence. It depends on your relationship with them.
  6. Love spells, damage, evil eye - all this is subject to you.
  7. You are interested in magic. Read a lot of books, learn different methods.
  8. Knows how to guess, no matter what. The main thing is that your predictions come true.
  9. For you, any person is an open book, you see through him, you feel his thoughts and aspirations.
  10. You think a lot, you read a lot. For you, the process of self-improvement comes first.
  11. Loneliness is your best friend. It allows you to discover new potential, to reveal your inner world.
  12. You can handle some magical items.
  13. In a cemetery, in a wasteland, you do not feel fear, confusion.

If you gave a positive answer to 8-13 questions, then the makings of a psychic in you are clearly manifested, maybe not quite developed. All in your hands.

Today, many are interested in the question of how to find out if you have magical abilities. Of course, each person wants to be different from others, to have some unusual skills. But, unfortunately or fortunately, they are not accessible and open to everyone. If psychic abilities and intuition can be somehow developed, then with magic the situation is much more complicated.

For some people, the answer to the question “how do I know if I have magical abilities?” known since childhood or adolescence. In this case, we are talking about those who clearly feel their presence and even use them. Well, for those who do not know how to find out their magical abilities, we want to give some tips and tricks.

The best ways to understand if there are magical abilities

Testing magical abilities is a simple task. You just need to carefully monitor yourself, note some unusual phenomena. How do you know if you have magical powers? There are a couple of ways here. Choose the one you like:

One of them is online testing. They are called: “How to check if there are magical abilities?”. For the most part, you can go through them for free on special sites. The computer will give you a result (conclusion) about the presence or absence of your magical abilities.

Another method of how to understand if you have magical abilities is to compare some of the characteristic features with your life and characteristics. We offer you the following signs that can directly or indirectly determine the presence of magical abilities. But before checking magical abilities, carefully read each statement (sign). Answer only the truth, otherwise the result will be erroneous:

How to understand that you have magical abilities, according to the results of this test? Very simple. If you agree with 8-13 statements from all presented, then you have magical abilities (perhaps not quite pronounced and developed).


Now you know how to determine the presence of magical abilities in a person or in yourself. Agree that it is simply necessary to know about it. After all, this gift is not given just like that. One must use it for the benefit of others and oneself.

First steps into magic. How to remember a past life?

Our world is interesting and diverse, therefore it is not divided only into black and white: there are many colors, shades and halftones in it. It is the same with magic: it would be wrong to divide it only into black and white. Many are very interested in whether they have any gift and how to recognize magical abilities in themselves. There is something supernatural in almost every person, but it differs in its essence. Someone is sensitive to the various forces of nature, someone is closer to communication with the animal world, and some perfectly succeed in all the rituals and conspiracies for love. Read more about them in a special section.

We offer the most impatient for acquaintance, which not only determines the presence of superpowers, but also gives recommendations for their development. Details at the end of the article.

How do I know if I have magical abilities?

This question is the most popular on various forums and sites dedicated to magic. If you have a friend with extraordinary abilities, then the easiest way is to contact him - an experienced magician will always see a potential student and help develop magical abilities. If you do not know such an experienced mentor, and the desire to understand your strengths is great, then it is quite possible to independently find something supernatural in yourself.

Signs of magical abilities

  1. The ability to see the energy centers of people, at least indistinctly and not always, is one of the most obvious signs.
  2. Constant luck can also indicate the presence of supernatural abilities, because, most likely, such people have strong intuition, due to which they avoid trouble.
  3. Incorrect and unstable operation of electrical appliances near you will indicate a strong energy field and the presence of abilities.
  4. A developed instinct for self-preservation, a premonition of trouble, illness, death indicates the presence of magical abilities. And this can apply not only to yourself, but also to loved ones.
  5. An ambiguous and strange reaction of animals to you can also be a sign of a gift.

If you have found only a part of the signs in yourself and doubt the presence of a gift, then you can take a test and answer the question: do I have magical abilities?

Method of checking by date of birth

The time and place of birth can tell a lot about a person and about his various abilities, including a magical gift. In order to check whether you have magical abilities by date of birth, you need quite a bit. First you need to add up all the digits of your date and bring it to a simple number. And then just look at the value of the resulting number below:

  • the unit speaks of the ability to persuade and hypnosis,
  • a deuce is obtained from those who are capable of transmitting energy,
  • three is the number of lucky people
  • four means the presence of strong energy protection,
  • five gives the ability to predict the future,
  • the six allows you to feel the people around you well,
  • people with seven have prophetic dreams,
  • Eight happens to people who can read minds,
  • and if you have a nine, then you are able to see what is not available to others.

In addition to this test, you can determine magical abilities by date of birth online on many different sites.

How to determine the magical abilities of a person by other methods

The character and life path of each person is influenced not only by the date of his birth, but also by other factors. For example, name. There are many methods to determine magical abilities by a person's name. Some experts believe that this can be done by the first letters of the name and patronymic. Others believe that the sound plays an important role: hard, soft or neutral. There is a theory that believes that the number of letters and syllables in a person's name has a strong influence on a person. As well as many ways to read something about the bearer of the name by the stressed letter and syllables, the presence of elements in the names, by the stem of the name and much more.

You can also divide magical abilities according to the signs of the zodiac. This is not exactly the same as by date of birth, because the zodiac sign covers a fairly large period of time.

  • Aries has a strong energy, which he is able to direct to others;
  • Taurus is closely associated with money, as well as with recognition and success;
  • twins have the ability to damage and the evil eye, but they can also easily call good luck to a person or speak a bad tooth;
  • crayfish have a well-developed intuition;
  • the lion will perfectly cope with any love magic, whether it is a love spell or just fortune telling;
  • the maiden has a predisposition to divination on the map or on the hand;
  • scales are able to influence the elements;
  • all varieties of magic are easily amenable to a scorpion, but best of all he has a fight against corruption and evil eye;
  • archers can easily achieve their goals, articulate them clearly and precisely;
  • Capricorns will not be equal in the areas of magic related to analytics and logic;
  • Aquarians often have prophetic dreams;
  • fish have a well-developed intuition and the ability to guess.

But remember that in addition to knowing about your predispositions to certain types of magic, you need to know how to develop magical abilities in yourself. Otherwise, there will be no sense from such knowledge.

Online service for determining supernatural abilities

For the comprehensive development of magical, extrasensory and other supernatural abilities, the following service was invented:

It was compiled by the finalists of the Battle of Psychics and is designed to discover in people talents for clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and magic. After passing a simple test, you will find out if you have such abilities that will change your life, or is it better to find another occupation for yourself.

Almost every person has heard and himself encountered magicians, psychics and sorcerers.

It is considered that it is impossible to engage in a magical craft without a gift.

But how can a simple layman know for sure does he have magical powers.

There are several reliable ways to help pass the test for magical power. and find out if a person has the makings of a magician or a sorcerer.

The first thing a person needs to do is to know his pedigree more accurately.. It has long been known that if there were magicians or psychics in the family, then their abilities could be inherited. If there were any, then the person most likely has a hereditary predisposition to magic.

Also diagnostics of magical abilities necessarily includes an unusual test: you need to take a closer look at the behavior of the people around you. Real magicians have a very strong biofield that can influence the state and behavior of other people. If the one who reveals the gift in himself noticed that in his presence others become silent or try to leave quickly, then the person has a very strong biofield that suppresses others.

Another way to check if there are magical abilities. A person needs to carefully analyze his actions, in which he abruptly changed his mind and refused to do anything or go anywhere. It is possible that the cancellation of decisions played an important role, the one who has the gift foresaw terrible or dangerous events in advance and secured himself from them. Most often, this uncontrolled feeling is called intuition, but it is this ability that is very well developed among real psychics and magicians.

Many people are interested in: "How do I pass a simple test for the magic in me?"

There is another way that allows you to find out the presence of even the smallest gift.. To do this, you will need assistants who will select several photographs for the person being tested, which will contain images of living and dead people. It is desirable that these be ordinary people, and not celebrities who can be easily recognized. Further, the one who has supernatural abilities must accurately determine which of the people in the photo is dead and which is alive. The seal of death for a real magician is very easily determined. The one who guessed everything correctly is endowed with psychic abilities and can further develop his gift.

Magic ability test can be passed with the help of animals. Most often, pets behave unusually in the presence of people with a gift. An aggressive and almost wild cat can reach out for affection to a real magician, or, conversely, those animals that are quite sociable in nature hide from fear at the sight of such a person. It has also been noticed that those who have very powerful energy cannot calmly pass in the private sector, where there are a lot of dogs. Animals at the sight of such a person literally go crazy, bark loudly and rush to the fence.

Checking with money can also reveal information about the presence of a gift. To do this, you need to take several thick envelopes and put a paper bill in one of them. Money, like photographs, has a very powerful energy and it will be easy for someone who has unusual abilities to determine which envelope the bill is in.

You can also check magical abilities by date of birth. On the Internet you can find special sites that will help a person reveal the secret of his gift and name the strengths of his abilities. To find out if a person can become a magician or psychic, just enter the date of birth in special columns.

Many people do not even know about the gift that they are endowed with from birth. And everything that they manage to predict or warn is considered by chance, but not by their unusual abilities.

Esoteric literature is now available to absolutely everyone: books can be bought in a store or on the market, and the Internet is full of various information, often having nothing to do with truthfulness. Therefore, for people who do not feel magical abilities in themselves, it is better not to poke their nose into this system so as not to do something irreparable for themselves or others. Although it has long been believed that all people from birth have the ability to magic, only some succeed the first or second time, while others try and try, but to no avail. Do you feel any inexplicable forces in yourself? If yes, then you need to test yourself with a quiz.

Pass the magic test

Passing this test is not at all difficult, but you don’t need to try to outwit it, it still won’t work. If there are no abilities, they will not appear, even if you get a good confirmation result. After passing the test and giving only honest answers, you will understand whether you own magic, whether you have any abilities.

Take the test and find out what your magic is

Having learned that magic is in your hands, you need to understand what power you own. This knowledge will help in the future, because you have such abilities that make it possible to interfere in other people's destinies, bringing both benefit and harm. To find out exactly how serious everything is, take the test and find out the definition of your magical abilities.

Does the desire awaken in you to become a sorcerer or witch, to be able to make amulets and wield powerful spells. With the help of this test, you will understand if you have magical abilities, if you have the potential to practice mysticism.

If you are sure that you own magic, then it would not hurt to find out what magical power you have in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat to do with it next. The test will make it possible to realize what extrasensory abilities are hidden in you and in what direction they need to be directed.