
What size should the orthopedic mat be? How to properly carry out medical procedures using a massage orthopedic foot mat for children to strengthen the foot and prevent flat feet. The benefits of specialized rugs

- an unpleasant disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. Make sure that the baby's arch of the foot and ankle are properly formed, preferably from the moment when the baby begins to take its first steps. And in this case, and if the child already has flat feet, modern developments will come to the aid of the parents - orthopedic puzzle mats. Let's talk about them in more detail.

What it is

At first glance, rugs for the prevention and treatment of flat feet are a fairly simple and uncomplicated design. It is a floor covering with a raised "pattern". The flatfoot puzzle mat is a modular design, which consists of squares of the same size, which are assembled together like a puzzle.

If we consider this invention of mankind in more detail, it becomes clear that in terms of the impact, the mat is in no way inferior to expensive massage procedures in an expensive clinic. The protruding relief on the squares pointwise affects the important active points of the foot, which improves the blood supply to the lower extremities, accelerates the lymph flow, massages the muscles and ligaments, and also helps the child learn to step on various parts of the foot, while maintaining the balance of the body in space.

Thus, the rug replaces several expensive wellness procedures at once. The plus is that you don't have to go anywhere, you can practice on the rug at home.

In addition, the child will not be burdened by the need to undergo certain medical procedures, because it is fun to do gymnastics, exercises, and just play on the rug in a playful way.

The rugs are made of colorful bright materials. The texture can be different - "Cones", "Shells", "Pebbles", "Pebbles", "Grass", "Thorns" etc. The modular design makes it possible to combine different coatings in a wide variety of options - "Cones" with "Grass" or "Pebbles" with "Spikes". The number of options will depend on the number of modules - 2,4,6,8,12,16 or more, if there is a desire to create a large treatment surface.

The effectiveness of the impact of such a floor covering has long been appreciated by orthopedic doctors. They see the result in person - before buying a rug and six months after that. Light forms of flat feet can be defeated quickly enough. For more serious forms of the disease, orthopedic puzzles help as part of a comprehensive treatment.


All foot massage mats are divided into two main types:

  • Prevention mats... They are made from softer materials that gently stimulate active points and positively influence the activity of internal organs and the nervous system through acupuncture, improve the blood supply to the baby's legs, and contribute to the correct formation of the feet.
  • Treatment mats... Such puzzles are made from denser and stiffer materials, with more embossed textures, because the main task of the product is to correct the foot and ankle, if something has already gone wrong in their development.

How to choose a rug for a child?

Regardless of what kind of rug is needed - preventive or therapeutic - you should start choosing such a product with a visit to an orthopedic surgeon. If there are no foot pathologies, then the doctor will tell you which mats are optimal for a given age and feet for preventive purposes. If there is flat feet, then the doctor will not only suggest the models of rugs, but also prescribe very specific "patterns" of the relief. One child will benefit only from "Grass" or "Pebbles", while the other - only "Bumps" or "Thorns".

Today, there is a huge assortment of massage foot mats in online stores. Experts recommend purchasing medicinal varieties only in specialized orthopedic salons.

Prophylactic models can be bought in a children's store and ordered via the Internet, but it is advisable to choose products from reputable manufacturers.

Pay attention to the colors, it is important that the rug is not only useful, but also interesting for the baby. You should not choose too rigid textures for a child under 3 years old, walking on which will cause pain to the baby. This will only scare the baby away. You can order several modules with a soft texture - to start classes, and several - with a hard one, in order to gradually introduce these puzzles into the composition of the rug, when the baby's feet get used to walking on the new surface.

Quality material is very important for a child's health. The product must have certificates of quality and conformity. The modules should not emit a strong chemical smell, which may indicate a fake, low-quality material. You should not take too few modules, because the rug should be of such an area that the child can not only stand on it, but also walk, run, sit, jump, do gymnastics. Modules can be purchased gradually, as needed, expanding and supplementing the rug with new elements.

Popular models

The abundance of producers will surprise parents and may plunge them into some confusion. In fact, many companies, both Russian and foreign, present high-quality and inexpensive products. FOSTA and ORTO have proven themselves the most:

  • FOSTA- a large assortment of orthopedic modular rugs of varying degrees of rigidity and a wide variety of textured "patterns". For the treatment and prevention of flat feet, experts most often recommend the F-0810 model. It is sold in a complete set of 8 modules, later you can buy additional elements from the same manufacturer. The average cost of an eight-module kit is about 1,500 rubles.

  • Russian manufacturer "ORTO" offers a large selection of rugs for babies from their first steps and for adolescents who need to correct pathologies of the foot and gait. There are exclusively preventive models - "Kid", "First steps", and there are models for treatment and prevention - "Universal", "Mix". Price category - from 1000 to 2500 rubles, depending on the number of puzzle modules.

You can consider rugs from such manufacturers as Trives, Puzzle 1+, as well as the traditional orthopedic rug Lyapko, developed by reflexologist Nikolai Lyapko.

Usage tips:

  • You should not start practicing on the rug with a child who has not yet reached the age of one. This can be very painful for small feet.
  • Children with wounds and eczema on the legs, as well as with diseases that are expressed by impaired vestibular function, should not be engaged on such a coating for a long time. The kid may fall and get injured.
  • The time for exercising on the rug should be increased gradually - from 3-4 minutes to 20-25 minutes. If the baby becomes painful and uncomfortable, you should interrupt the lesson, let him get off the rug and rest a little.
  • You should use the applicator barefoot.

  • The first few sessions should include simple exercises - walking on the rug, lifting on toes with rolling on the heels. Gradually, the child's task should be made more difficult - to introduce marching, walking in single file, jumping. An individual set of exercises for parents can be suggested by an orthopedist who knows all the features of the child's foot.
  • In no case should a child be forced to practice on an orthopedic massage mat. This will only cause fear and persistent rejection of textured puzzles as such. Joint exercises on the rug are useful. It is important that the process of treatment and prevention brings joy and pleasure to the child.
  • You shouldn't wait for the effect instantly. You should practice on the rug systematically, daily, and then in a few months you can pleasantly surprise both the doctor and yourself.

The rugs do not require special care. It is enough to wipe them with soapy water and wipe dry once a week.

How to do it yourself?

Do-it-yourself massage mat is easy to do. The most difficult thing is to find a large number of objects on which the child will have to walk and run. For this, craftsmen use large buttons, soda lids, large beans (beans, for example), as well as flat stones, which many bring from the sea "as a keepsake", chestnut fruits.

On the main piece of dense fabric, all these "wealth" should be placed in sectors - soft materials should alternate with hard ones, large ones - with small ones. Cereals and beans are sewn into linen bags and sewn onto the desired sector. The buttons are simply sewn onto the main fabric. It is advisable to pre-drill the stones so that they can be easily sewn on. In general, a flight of imagination and a large number of different trinkets - and a unique exclusive rug is ready.

The disadvantages of such self-made structures are non-compliance with safety precautions. One of the small objects can come off, and an inquisitive kid can swallow or inhale it.

In addition, when making up a rug with your own hands, it is difficult to take into account all the recommendations of an orthopedist for correcting gait or foot height. But for a preventive rug, self-sewn trinkets are quite enough.

In the next video, you will find an overview of the orthopedic massage puzzle mat for children.

Acquired or congenital deformity of the foot leads to osteochondrosis, arthrosis, pain in the legs and back, abnormalities in the development of the skeleton. An orthopedic massage mat will help the child get rid of mild congenital physical disabilities, prevent the development of flat feet and all the problems that come after it. You can use it from the time the baby learns to stand independently.

The benefits of an orthopedic mat for children

The structure of the orthopedic mat consists of dissimilar elements, due to which reflex stimulation of the foot areas occurs when walking. The benefits of foot massage are very great: it strengthens health and has a beneficial effect on all organs. The foot can be conditionally divided into several segments, and by acting on each of them, one can somehow influence the work of one or another organ.

Orthopedic and massage mats are distinguished by their structural and external diversity, and by their effects bring a lot of health benefits and also delight the child:

  • The massage mat helps to shape the correct arch of the foot. To prevent the development of flat feet in a child, it is necessary to start classes with him from his very first steps, because the children's musculoskeletal system is flexible and elastic, and therefore it is quite easy to correct. It will be much more difficult to correct the deformity of the foot in a school-age child.
  • The embossed surface of the mat gives the necessary load and tones the skin of the child's feet.
  • The bright and beautiful design of modern rugs will turn foot massage into an entertaining game. Therefore, parents do not have to force their baby to study - he himself will stomp on an interesting rug with great pleasure.
  • An orthopedic mat can stimulate the brain. On each part of the foot there are certain nerve endings that are interconnected with the gray matter of the cerebral cortex. Thanks to their stimulation, the work of the brain also improves, as a result of which the child develops faster.
  • The relief of the rug has a positive effect on children's immunity, and also strengthens bones and joints.
  • With the help of a massage mat, you can speed up the recovery of colds. The mat helps to reduce mucus and swelling in the upper respiratory tract, thereby allowing easy breathing.

A massage mat will prove to be an interesting and useful purchase for any child, not just one with any physical disabilities. Morning classes on it will help kill two birds with one stone: to cheer up the baby with morning exercises and at the same time massage the feet of children's legs.

Choosing an orthopedic mat

The first parameter that is important to pay attention to when choosing a rug is its size. For example, an inexpensive compact rug can be purchased for a one-year-old child. An older child will need a large version, on which he can not only stand, but at least walk in place.

The surface of the mat can be made of different materials. As a rule, on one massage mat there are at least two massage areas that differ in their shape and structure and, accordingly, give a different massage effect. A combo mat can make your workouts more effective.

Most often, rubber-based rugs with hard or soft massage areas are on sale. Strong stimulation of the foot is felt in the elastic areas, pleasant relaxation on the softer protrusions.

Rugs made from natural materials such as rubber are safer and easier to use than synthetic ones. Synthetic versions benefit from their low cost, but the quality of the materials used does not always give the desired effect.

How to interest a child with a rug?

In today's market, there is a wide range of rugs that differ not only in material, but also in shape and color. Especially for children, we produce rugs brightly colored rugs of an original design, for example, in the form of vegetables or fruits.

In order not to bother the kid with special activities, the rug can be put in the play area: the child will be happy to walk on it, sit, crawl during the game, while simultaneously massaging all important points of his body. It will be useful to walk around the "massager" in the morning and before going to bed - it will relieve fatigue and tension, help you relax and invigorate: for this, you can put the rug by the bed itself. Such a daily procedure will quickly develop a healthy habit in the baby, make classes a fun and interesting tradition.

It is a good idea to put a rubber orthopedic mat in the bathroom or even in the tub itself. During bathing, the child will not only be able to stand on the rug, but also sit and lie down, and this is a procedure whose usefulness can hardly be overestimated.

Recently, massage puzzle mats are rapidly gaining popularity. For a child, such a rug is just an interesting toy that can be assembled and used in his "important affairs", while at the same time strengthening his health. With a little effort and spending a little personal time, you can do such a useful thing with your own hands.

With the current availability of the Internet, finding an original idea for making an orthopedic rug with your own hands has become easier than ever. For this, buttons, chestnuts, cereals, stones, ropes, plastic sponges and other suitable "massagers" can be used. The creation of the simplest options from improvised means does not require much effort and time, moreover, it will affect the family budget.

  • You need to take a piece of fabric, divide it into segments of equal size and sew. It is most convenient to fill the segments with massage elements directly while sewing.
  • Another option would be a fabric with many buttons sewn on. The bright and spectacular look of such a rug will surely attract the attention of a child.
  • The third option is a board pasted over with smooth sea stones or any beads.

To benefit from exercising on an orthopedic mat, you just need to stand or walk on it a couple of times a day for a few minutes. However, it is important to note that the best effect is obtained with regular exercise. Training with young children should be started with a couple of minutes, gradually increasing the time of training. Older children can do as much as they like.

The children's massage mat can also be used by adults. Most of all, it is useful for those whose work is connected with constant stay on their feet. Classes on an orthopedic mat will help prevent the development of varicose veins and arthritis.

Classes on a massage mat allow you to save time by combining a useful thing with a pleasant one: when sitting at the dining table, on the sofa in front of the TV or in a computer chair, lay the mat under your feet. So, doing what you love, you can simultaneously strengthen your health and protect yourself in advance from a variety of diseases.

Regardless of which mat you decide to choose and buy, pediatricians recommend purchasing them exclusively in specialized stores. Following their advice, you can purchase a really useful item in everyday life with guaranteed quality and healing effect.

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In recent years, newborns often have unstable development of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, from the first months of a baby's life, parents should think about the normal and healthy development of his feet.

The human foot is a projection of the whole organism. Non-contact massage of organs (through biologically active points) is carried out when moving, walking, jumping, performing physical exercises on natural or artificial pebbles, stones, grass.

An orthopedic mat is exactly the device that, acting on the sensitive zones of the foot, prevents the development of flat feet, and also activates the protective functions of the body.

What is an orthopedic mat and its purpose

This product looks like a large floor puzzle with different surfaces in the form of bumps, small stones, thorns. Moving around is a fun home game that is useful for children as it gives tangible orthopedic results:

  • improves blood flow;
  • makes the muscles of the legs stronger;
  • strengthens joints, bones;
  • distributes the load on the legs correctly.

In addition to the above, foot acupuncture has a positive effect on the brain activity of the baby: it improves memory, attention, speech, increasing the child's ability to learn.

In the period of massive respiratory diseases, this mat will be indispensable, since foot massage increases immunity and relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa.

It is very important to conduct classes as fun. They will give children a great mood, and colorful colors will have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

It should be noted that such products are made of non-toxic materials such as:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • natural rubber;
  • carpet.

The product can be of different colors. It will decorate any room. Most of the models are prefabricated so that they do not take up much space. The surface is easy to clean with water.


Orthopedic massage products for the legs are used for the prevention and treatment of flat feet (you can read about flat feet in children), asymmetric walking and other leg defects. Its constant use creates a physiologically correct arch of the foot, forms strong muscles and a correct gait. Most doctors recommend this device for children over 1 year old.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of this device. However, it is not recommended to practice on this one if the child has:

  • cuts;
  • wounds;
  • irritation of the foot;
  • fungal diseases of the feet.

Before buying, you must come to the doctor for an appointment with the child, since the rest of the restrictions can be identified by the orthopedic surgeon.

How to do

Treatment or prevention of various diseases with the help of this product is an interesting game that will appeal to your baby.

How to interest a baby

You can lower the massage carpet into a bathtub, basin or inflatable pool. Have your little one walk in warm water over bumpy surfaces. This will have a double benefit: hardening of the body and massage of the legs. Show your kid interesting exercises, come up with an interesting game.

Ask your little one if they are comfortable on the mat. The surface of the product should not cause discomfort to the baby.


The main exercises are:

  1. Sliding movements on the carpet back and forth.
  2. Flexion and extension of the toes.
  3. Circular foot movements.
  4. The joint of the soles.

There is also a special set of exercises. It is divided into basic and intensive. The orthopedist, taking into account your child's musculoskeletal system, will advise on which movements are right for him.

Entry-level exercises last 5 minutes. The kid should walk on the rug without stooping. First, on the inside and outside of the foot, then on the heels, then on the toes.

Intense exercise should be started with a warm-up that includes a quiet walk. After that, the child marches in one place, stretches, squats, walks on an uneven surface. It is helpful to stand on one leg, then jump. You can do a light run over the bumps.

Exercising for about 20 minutes a day, the baby will feel the healing power of the embossed surface.

How to choose

Only a specialist will help you choose the best option. Nevertheless, you should remember a few recommendations for choosing this device. Ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of the product. Stop your choice on a product made of harmless materials, which does not contain harmful dyes.

When choosing a product, try to also take into account the age of the child:

  1. For a toddler up to two years old too rigid elements do not fit.
  2. Children under three years old Requires rugs made of flexible material (rubber) that are gentle on the delicate children's feet.
  3. After three years elastic silicone is suitable for children.

Don't overlook the aesthetic aspect. Bright products of mixed colors are suitable for the smallest children, which will attract the attention of the crumbs. For older children, you can choose thematic models: "seabed", "forest path", as well as other interesting options.

Manufacturers of children's foot massage mats offer products in the shape of butterflies, hearts, dolphins, mounds, seashells. Many of them have a rich color palette. Do not buy small rugs that will restrict your child's freedom of movement. Another important condition is that the material of the rug should be easy to wash (especially the grass fibers) and dry quickly.

Product types


The product of this company is made of elastic rubber. It is a set of puzzles, each of which can be purchased separately, gradually assembling your own orthopedic construction. The size of one module is 0.25 x 0.25 m. It simulates different surfaces: grass, pebbles, thorns. It treats well asymmetric walking and flat feet.

"1 plus"

This product consists of a foamed polymer and consists of 8 brightly colored puzzles. They fold easily for easy transport. Includes a brochure with three specific exercises. Designed for babies from 1 year old.

"Sea bottom"

The dark blue round product has a diameter of 39 cm. It consists of environmentally friendly and moisture resistant rubber. Easy to care for. The rug weighs 740 g. It can be put in a bath or a basin. Movement on modules can replace walking on sea stones. Production - Russia.

With pebbles

Production - Ukraine. The contour of the product is stitched with an invisible seam, which keeps the device from creeping. It washes perfectly under running water. Artificial stones firmly soldered into the base allow the baby to jump and run along the structure without the risk of injury. Weight: 1.5 kg. Dimensions: 1 x 0.4 m, 1.5 m x 1 m.


Qualitatively massages the feet. The construction is made of polyethylene foam. Delicate color palette will brighten the children's room. Each section of the square has its own relief: bright modules imitate pebbles, paths from small pebbles, etc. It is easily washed out in a soap solution.

How much is

The price of orthopedic mats is acceptable for the bulk of buyers.

The products of the Orto company have a price that depends on the number of modules: 4 pcs. - 950 rubles, 8 pcs. - 1750 rubles, 16 pcs. - 3650 rubles.

Puzzle "1 plus": approximate price - 1250 rubles.

"Sea bottom": price - 1100 rubles.

With pebbles: cost - 850 rubles.

Fosta: average cost - 1000 rubles.

If your family's budget does not allow you to purchase a factory product at full price, do not forget about the sale of orthopedic equipment, which is carried out by outlets. The main thing is to wait for the discounts. You can also make an orthopedic mat yourself.

DIY foot massage mat

If you make some effort, as well as creative imagination, then you can create an orthopedic product with your own hands. In this case, it will be unique. Such a rug is suitable for a kindergarten, where there is no need to carry an expensive device.

First you need to prepare the foundation. It should be non-slip. To prevent your baby's legs from freezing, make several layers. Then various improvised objects are attached to the dense surface:

  • huge buttons;
  • pieces of thick rope;
  • chestnut fruit;
  • fragments of a sponge.

The selected things should be firmly fixed by checking whether the baby's legs will cling to them. Over time, when the protrusion parts become mobile, they will need to be reinforced again.

So, the massage mat brings real benefits to the legs of babies. It not only corrects the wrong arch of the foot, but also prevents various orthopedic disorders, strengthens the immune system, and promotes the development of thinking.

How to make an orthopedic mat with your own hands?

The mat for the treatment of the foot can be made independently, for this you will need:

  • everything that is safe for the baby: fabric of different textures, pebbles, cereals (buckwheat, rice, peas, lentils), buttons, corks, pencils;
  • the exact size of the product. In this case, you should focus on the child's age and the set of recommended exercises;
  • fantasy, time and desire to do a useful thing.

The simplest DIY version of the product:

  1. Prepare the fabric. It is good if it is rough, fluffy and pleasant to the touch. For example, linen, velvet, corduroy, etc.
  2. If the fabric is not thick enough, you can fold it several times and sew it. If desired, thin foam rubber is inserted between the layers of fabric.
  3. Suitable little things are sewn on top, be it buttons or pencils. Loose products are defined in pouches, which are also fixed on the front side.
  4. D To create the effect of treatment, soft sectors should be alternated with hard ones, large items with small ones. The main thing is that the design is easy to use.

Square massage mat

For manufacturing, you need a fabric or several types of fabric, which will serve as the basis for certain areas of the rug:

  • The size of the section is equal to the length of the baby's stride or slightly more. For example, eight zones are square. For each - its own filler: pencils, buttons, foam rubber, peas, buckwheat, beads, beans.
  • To make one square, the fabric is folded with the right side inward and is sewn on three sides.
  • After that, the fabric square is turned inside out and its corners are straightened. Beads can be sewn on the front side or grain is poured inside.
  • Empty blocks should be filled with foam rubber. All elements are stitched together in a beautiful and useful track.

Square rug

Homemade options are only for prevention.

Where to buy massage mats for children?

It is better to purchase a flatfoot mat for children in specialized orthopedic salons or pharmacies, experienced consultants will help you navigate the variety of models and select an original version for a specific case.

There you can also test and evaluate the convenience of the selected rug; the buyer has the right to demand a certificate of compliance of the orthopedic product with sanitary standards.

A variety of products in this category are presented in large quantities in online stores. It is better to choose rugs on the official portals of manufacturers of orthopedic goods. The disadvantage of purchasing a rug via the Internet is that it cannot be tested in advance, check the availability of a certificate and the quality of the product.

The massage mat is very important. Such a device helps the correct formation of the baby's feet, and also contributes to the development of his brain and the baby's ability to learn. This is not the kind of thing worth saving on.

One should think about the normal development of a child's feet almost from the first days of his life. Most babies are born with healthy legs. There is no need to talk about any flat feet in a newborn. But for all the rosiness of the picture, parents should pay attention to the condition of the baby's legs precisely during the period of his first steps. Usually, in this matter, parents are provided with a significant help by a children's orthopedic rug, which is easy to choose with such a wide range and which can also be made by hand.

The benefits of specialized rugs

An orthopedic mat allows you to achieve the following results:

  • strengthen the ankle joints of the legs;
  • forms the correct feet;
  • activates blood supply;
  • trains muscles;
  • provides a foot massage that children love.

The surface of the orthopedic device provided with a relief, which often imitates a puzzle, tones the skin of the child's feet and correctly redistributes the load on his legs, ensuring the correct formation of the feet. A mix of colors and a bright design solution of orthopedic devices (for example, a puzzle) turn them into a child's favorite toy. Often, parents rarely have difficulties in persuading the baby to stand on the massage mat, especially when the parents put in effort, creative imagination and created it with their own hands.

In addition to preventing flat feet, the orthopedic mat is wonderfully suitable for massage of biologically active zones of the legs. It can help speed up the recovery of a child with acute respiratory infections, and also helps to increase children's immunity and strengthen his bones and joints.

The opinions of experts agree that the massage mat has a positive effect on the functioning of the baby's brain, thereby helping to improve his memory, thinking, attention and speech, and, therefore, increasing the child's ability to learn.

Can you make it yourself?

In circumstances where parents are concerned about the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the materials from which the orthopedic device is made, they can always create a children's massage floor mat with their own hands. . Moreover, such a device will be unique. Do-it-yourself garden rugs are also suitable, where it makes no sense to give a more expensive device.

There are plenty of ideas for creating orthopedic devices with your own hands. However, a mix of natural and improvised materials is often used, sewing shells, buttons, pieces of sponge and rope onto a dense surface. After all, there are plenty of natural massagers in the environment to help you create an orthopedic mat with your own hands.

But do not forget that such a device should not disturb the comfort of the baby and cause him painful sensations. However, if parents are far from handicrafts, and a budget version of an orthopedic device is still necessary, then it is important not to forget that any self-respecting manufacturer of orthopedic equipment will sooner or later hold sales. A mix puzzle can always be purchased at a suitable price, the main thing is just to wait for the moment when there will be a sale.

How to choose the right rug?

Choosing an orthopedic mat , unless the parents have come to the decision that it is quite possible to create it with their own hands, it is important to be guided by just one rule: the baby should not have pain when he steps on it. Children under 3 years old usually buy rubber rugs, the distinctive features of which are softness and flexibility, as a result of which injury to the delicate children's skin is excluded.

Older children are delighted with orthopedic devices based on silicone, and this material, due to its elasticity, makes it possible to work out the feet more deeply. It is also important not to miss out on aesthetic moments. For tiny children, the ideal option is a bright rug, the mix of colors of which captures the baby's attention, if he imitates a puzzle, this will only help the development of the crumbs. For older kids, orthopedic devices resembling a beach or the seabed will be more appropriate, although the mix of colors is still relevant. It is important to pay attention to such characteristics as ease of washing and short drying time.

So, a children's massage mat should be:

  • environmentally friendly, flexible and non-traumatic;
  • it is desirable that it be colorful and captivating (ideally an orthopedic device that resembles a puzzle);
  • rugs should be easy to clean.

Which manufacturer is better

Undoubtedly, with such a rich assortment of orthopedic products, it is not so easy to choose an orthopedic mat suitable for a baby. It should be noted that there are a number of manufacturers who still managed to earn a well-deserved positive reputation. One of them is the ORTO company.

The massage mat from this manufacturer is convenient because it is a mix of puzzles, and each such ORTO puzzle can be bought separately, thus assembling your own ideal orthopedic mat.

In addition, the coating of orthopedic devices is environmentally friendly and of extremely high quality, which excludes the possibility of injury to children's feet. ORTO massage mats are made of modules of different hardness (“stones” are soft and hard, “grass” and “thorns”), which guarantees a good orthopedic result. Another definite plus of this manufacturer is the wide range of colors. Parents can choose a mix of ORTO puzzles in bright colors or replace them with softer tones.

The next noteworthy option is the K - 810 mat. The puzzle, which is this orthopedic device, consists of 8 modules of different colors. The massage mat K - 810 is intended for children aged 6 months and older and its purpose is to correct existing leg defects, such as flat feet, clubfoot and other pathologies.

Puzzle K - 810 has a lumpy surface and these tubercles, which have different sizes and heights, have a rather intense effect on the leg area, thereby helping to gradually get rid of the defect. Such a covering of the K - 810 orthopedic device also helps the development of fine motor skills in children, which is important.

A few words should be said about the Lyapko rug. Such a device is a rug or an applicator, which is made of special rubber and needles are implanted into it, which are made of various metals. The Lyapko rug is a medical device that is also designed to solve certain health problems.

For children, therapy with the Lyapko rug is also practiced for a number of diseases, such as poor sleep, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, respiration, endocrine system and other ailments. The use of the Lyapko rug allows you to reduce the use of drugs, and also speeds up the healing process. Although such a device is not cheap, however, as already mentioned, a sale can always help out. After all, a persistent desire to help their own child opens up thousands of opportunities for parents.