
Oracle of Endora for one card. Endora's divination. What is fortune-telling on the cards of Madame Endora

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Love divination on the gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a Beloved” is an easy way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what kind of threat your love exists. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary that some time pass and facts unknown to you are revealed. Think of your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Divination in the name of the future husband is quite common and well-known. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers wrote the names of men on pieces of paper, put the pieces of paper in a container and pulled out one, the name that fell out is the name of the future husband. We offer you an analogue of such fortune-telling - fortune-telling in the name of the future husband according to a table with numbers. Click on any part of the table and the name of your future husband will immediately appear to you. For married people, this fortune-telling can also be done.

Fortune telling on two dice "Gypsy" allows you to get an answer to one of ten questions regarding love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways to know the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before starting fortune-telling, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw fortune-telling dice and immediately receive a transcript.

The layout of the cards on the Simbolon oracle "What's on his mind?" allows you to find out what a person thinks about you, what part of the personality shows you and what hides, what gives you and what can give you in the future, what he receives and what he would like to receive from you in the future. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what you would like to know about a person, but for some reason you cannot ask him or he does not want or cannot tell. Think of the person you are going to guess and your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the Tarot Manara cards “Attitude towards me” will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you, and the attitude of this person is shown in three time periods: present, past and future. Also, this alignment divides the attitude of a person into an external manifestation and true, inner feelings. Think of the person you are interested in and choose six cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our life? A very interesting question for many, especially when it comes to close relationships. The Karmic Union layout on Madame Endora's mystical cards provides answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson should you learn from this relationship, what role do you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete the karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

Each of us constantly creates our own reality, however, the predetermination of events to one degree or another changes our plans, and even desires. Also, this fortune-telling may help to understand the one who is looking for an answer, what is the meaning of his actions, life and why everything develops in a certain way. To find out what is in your power and what is destined by fate, fortune-telling "Predestination" on one of the most mysterious oracles of Madame Endora will help. Think of your question or imagine a situation and choose 12 cards from the deck, paying special attention to the key significator card.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "Progress or stagnation" is used in cases where a person needs to decide on his life, what state his affairs are in at the moment and in which direction to move in order to achieve the best result. This alignment will show you what your achievements are to date, what obstacles exist, where you should direct your forces and what will be the result of your actions or the chosen path.

Divination on the oracle of Endora "Oracle of the World" is similar to the similar divination "Four Winds", however, it gives even more information related to the physical and spiritual spheres. With the help of this alignment, you can find out the full characteristics of a person in three time periods: present, past and future. A fairly universal layout that allows you to track the development of events, find out the reason for a particular act and situation, and also foresee what the situation you are interested in will lead to or how a person will act in the future.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "The Oracle of the Four Seasons" is used in cases where it is necessary to find out the cause of the situation, how it was formed in the recent past, what served as its foundation in the distant past, what development trends it has in the near future and how the matter will end in the distant future . You can also guess events specifically for 4 seasons of the year, in which case four cards will characterize the actions, events and deeds of the corresponding time of the year. focus and ask your question, then choose cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "Fan of the Prophet" is used to predict fate and forecast events in the future. This alignment will show the fate of the conceived person in material, spiritual, love, and also in relation to health. Madame Endora's cards always carry a symbolic meaning, therefore the decoding should not be taken literally, try to deal with the images provided and associate them with events in life.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora "4 winds" is one of the best ways to find out your fate. The mystical, mysterious cards of Madame Endora will help you find out the most exciting secrets of the present and the past, as well as give a forecast of what awaits you in the future. The transcript is quite voluminous and comprehensive, therefore, carefully read the text in it, you will definitely find the answer to your question.

Extremely interesting and exciting online fortune-telling on the cards of Madame Endora. This free online divination reveals to the questioner the secrets of his future. With the help of the amazing mystical fortune-telling of Endora, everyone can find out their fate.

What is fortune-telling on the cards of Madame Endora

Cards never lie, even if they are fabulous cards. They will directly and truthfully answer any question, moreover, the cards can describe any situation in which the questioner is now, and what will happen to him soon. Self online
Fortune telling on the magic cards of the Witch of Endora will open the future for you, and will also pleasantly surprise you with its originality.

This interesting deck of cards is able to characterize people, describe their appearance, talk about upcoming events and their consequences. Free fortune-telling on the cards of Madame Endora leaves no understatement, unanswered questions, the feelings and hidden desires of people are open to the cards.

A witch named Endora received knowledge from the ancient spirits of the planet. In lie the traditions of the world of mythology. The cards are very insightful and, using this divination, you can get the most accurate and frank advice regarding both the general state of affairs and narrow topics - love, health, financial issues.

What gives online divination on the cards of the mysterious Madame Endora

Madame Endora's fate cards will predict your future, help you see the forces that control your personal destiny, and if you heed their advice, you will no doubt move in the right direction and be able to avoid mistakes.

A detailed description of each individual card and its meaning gives the questioner the opportunity to see the very essence of the problem. This is the purpose of Endora's independent divination. Ask the cards about what is bothering you, what you want to know, and about the invisible mystical forces present in your life, as well as about the people around you.

Virtual divination of the Witch of Endora

Take advantage of the free online divination on Madame Endora's cards and find out everything that awaits you. Shuffle the deck, pull out 5 cards and spread them around the cardinal points, and put the fifth card in the center.

  1. Center - you and your current situation
  2. North - aspirations of the soul and dreams
  3. South - carnal desires
  4. The West is your past, what was and gone forever
  5. The East is your future, what awaits you

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora

The Oracle of Madame Endora is one of the modern predictive systems created by Joseph Vargo and his wife Christina Filipak. The structure of Madame Endora's deck is well thought out, but at the same time, concise, which allows you to get simple and understandable answers when divining

If changes occur in your relationship, the nature of which you cannot understand and explain, we suggest you use the fortune-telling “Why does he behave this way?” on the oracle cards of Madame Endora. With the help of this simple layout, consisting of eight cards, you will find out the main reason for changes in the behavior of a loved one, what he wants to achieve with his actions, what this can lead to and how you can influence in this situation.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Illusion. This layout is used to analyze dreams; describes your subconscious desires, your fears, why you had a dream, how this dream reflects the reality in which you strive to achieve something, and also who or what will help you achieve your goal

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Which job to choose? This layout is intended for situations where a person needs to make an important choice between two options for work. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about financial prospects, career opportunities and relationships with colleagues as a result of choosing the first and second options.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Eighth house. In astrology, the eighth house has many meanings: various extreme situations, psychological crises, health, interest in esotericism are associated with the eighth house. This alignment is used for self-knowledge; in the eighth house you will know what your personality is, who you really are, how you feel about yourself

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - The state of man. This fortune-telling will show what thoughts prevail in a person at the moment, what are his relationships with others, what is in his heart, what is in his personal life, how things are going with work, what is happening in the family and in terms of health

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Future husband. This alignment will help you find out what kind of husband you need and what kind of husband your chosen one will be, whether he will value his family, whether he will help, what are his paternal qualities, and also whether it is worth marrying this man

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - The Chosen One. This fortune-telling allows you to get a description of the chosen one, learn about his ability, desire and desire to create a family, have children, about his material, mercantile interest, and also about the prospect of creating a family with this person

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora - His Motives. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what your partner thinks about you, what he feels for you, why he does not show initiative towards you, what kind of relationship he is counting on. This alignment will also show the prospect of developing relations within 3 months.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Mythological portrait. This alignment will show who you are, what kind of hero you are, what is your dark side, your environment. Also, with the help of this divination, you can determine the archetype that has the greatest influence on your personality.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Introspection. This layout will help you understand yourself, find out how others perceive you, what are your strengths and weaknesses, how you perceive yourself, and also in which direction you should develop

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora - Pentagram. This layout will show your plans and goals in the present, what you are ready to give to society, what you are ready to accept in your life, what you are going into the future with, what is left in the past, and also what is your state of mind at the moment

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora - The road of my "I". With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what your role is in this life, how you feel your current place in life, what is the meaning of your stay in this life niche, what is your purpose, tasks, lessons.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Fan. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what hidden forces influence the problem, what is the situation at the moment, where you can seek help and support, what you need to be afraid of and what will be the final outcome of this problem situation.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - The situation. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about the causes of the situation, external and internal factors that affect the situation. This alignment will show what needs to be done and what is not worth it, as well as the likely outcome of events for a given period.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Madame Endora - Month. This alignment - a forecast for a month can be used to predict future events of the month in areas such as love, work, the general atmosphere of the month. You will find out what the unexpected can happen during this period, as well as receive advice for a given period.

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora - Steps. This alignment is used when there are doubts about the chosen type of activity, the direction in which you are moving. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what will happen if you choose a different type of activity, it is worth continuing to develop further in the chosen direction, what will be the benefit, emotional benefit, and also what it will bring in the future

Fortune telling on the cards of Madame Endora - Probability of marriage. This fortune-telling will give you answers, how do you imagine your future husband, where you can meet him, what you need to do to meet him sooner. You will also find out what is the probability of marriage at the time you have chosen (any period of time)

This unique deck offers you very insightful answers to many questions, including the timeless themes of money, love, and health. Drawing on the myths of the ancient world, the bright and detailed illustrations combine Egyptian, Celtic and fantasy motifs in an elegant Art Nouveau style.

“The cards of Madame Endora, a very interesting, informative and unusual oracle, it is calm and practical with a well-thought-out internal structure. Its decoration represents the myths of the Old World in Art Nouveau style. Its authors Joseph Vargo and his wife Christina Filipak, turned to the most popular mystical images. According to one of their interviews, he drew a series of black and white sketches, and she colored and designed them using computer technology.

The structure of Madame Endora is conditionally divided into five parts: the realm of fairy tales, the royal court, the treasury, the elementals and the bestiary.

Kingdom of fairy tales consists of mythological characters that represent external forces that influence you or even put pressure on the situation you are in ( Golem, Green Man, Barrier, Medusa, Satyr, Temptation, Intuition, Sphinx, Spirit).

royal court represents people who have a significant impact on your life ( King, Queen, Magician, Seer, Knight, Virgo, Minstrel, Harlequin).

Treasury is an internal resource that will allow you to achieve your goal ( Caduceus, Cup, Dagger, Hand of Fate, Hourglass, Key, Love, Mystic Circle, Oracle, Shield, Talisman).

Bestiary- creatures from myths and legends that teach and discover the truth ( Black Cat, Chimera, Dragon, Griffin, Raven, Snake, Spider, Unicorn, Wolf, Wyvern).

Elements show the way ( Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Stars and Winds of Change).»

"Madame Endora" is very interesting for its predictions, although, at first glance, it seems that this deck will not be able to describe the inner mood, it will not be able to describe a specific situation and problem.

Deck without box and MBC. Packed in a film or organza bag. The pouch is subject to availability at the time of order dispatch.