
The layout on the tarot cards of tarot readers. Tarot layouts for different occasions. The analysis of relationships tarot cards

To create a layout.

Solar or zodiac circle

This layout is compiled on the basis of 12 houses of the horoscope or zodiac signs and gives an idea of ​​all aspects of our life at the moment and for a certain period of time (usually a year, month, six months). It is often used for the new year (to see how the next year will turn out), or on a birthday (for the same purpose).

Compilation algorithm:

Place the candle in the center of the tablecloth. We lay out the cards in a circle counterclockwise.
1. Divide the deck into major and minor arcana and shuffle each stack separately.
2. First, the client chooses the "card of the year" and we put it in the center. This is the Major Arcana. From the pile where the Major Arcana is, he pulls out one card and puts it face down.
3. From the pile, where the minor arcana, the client pulls out 2 cards of the minor arcana - these cards indicate the background situations of the year.
4. These three cards are placed in the center of the circle and represent the client's main theme of the year and its background situations.
5. Next, in a circle, counterclockwise, he lays out 12 cards of the Major Arcana, starting from the 1st house, (1st house is traditionally placed on the left horizontally, or begins with the zodiac sign under which the person was born, for example, if this sign is "twins", then the 1st house begins where the 3rd house is located on the circle, symbolizing the 3rd sign of the zodiac from Aries (1st house), that is, the twins).
6. Further, also in a circle we put on each senior lasso - a minor lasso, also in a circle counterclockwise, this card shows how the events that symbolize the Senior Arkan will manifest.

The meaning of the Solyar houses:

1 . Aries. Individuality. The personality of the client. I myself. Personal opportunities, initiatives, sensations, joys, suffering, sorrow. The physical body, the state of our body, outwardly how we look and how we present ourselves to the world.
2. Taurus. Property, material and spiritual resources. Money, income. Material world. Energy.
3. Twins. Communication and communication. Everyday life. Education, contacts, near trips, environment. Brothers, sisters, neighbors, relatives, friends, acquaintances. Paper. Acquaintance. Signing papers.
4 . Cancer. Home and mother. House. What you can rely on is a family nest. Real estate, apartment. Clan. Family tradition. The husband is in the house. Relationship with the father.
5 . Leo Creativity and children. Hobbies, pleasure, love, hobbies. Creation. Resorts, joy, excitement, adventure. All that is why our ego grows and gets stronger. Novels, sex, games. Children walk through this house.
6. Virgo. Service and health. Health. Routine. Service and subordinate work. Care. Co-workers.
7. Libra. Partnership. Life partners. Marriage partner. Business partner. Conclusion of large contracts. What do “others” think of us, which side they turn to us.
eight . Scorpion. Transmutation. Critical situations, passions, sexuality. Occult powers. Birth and death. And also - other people's money, the ability to attract other people's money. Loans, business with banks.
nine . Sagittarius. Worldview. Long trips, abroad. Worldview, spiritual commitment, higher education, beliefs. Religious activities. Relations with foreigners.
ten . Capricorn. The purpose of life. Career, social activities. Social status. Marriage with a partner. Craftsmanship, professionalism. Self-realization. And also - relationship with mom.
eleven . Aquarius. Public consciousness. Large communities and groups. Hangouts, friends, wide world. Internet, social institutions, schools, teams (football). There are also social cataclysms and changes here. Retirement. State service.
12 . Fishes. Connecting with God. Hidden. Psyche. Subconscious. Deep karmic memory. Privacy. Insulation. Prison. Hospital. Monastery. Mysticism, creativity. Peace of mind. Artists and communication with the subtle worlds.

The ratio of solarium houses. Crosses.

Cardinal cross
1 - 7 Axis "I-Thou", relationships with partners. Complementarity.
4 - 10 Axis "from where" and "where" Correlation of kind, baggage, environment and society, external goal. Action, enterprise, challenge, aspiration, impulsiveness, initiative, change, leadership.

Fixed cross
2 - 8 Axis "ours" - "aliens" Stabilization and destabilization.
5 - 11 Axis "my love" - ​​"someone else's love"

Mutable cross
3 - 9 Axis of Religion, Learning and Philosophy
6 - 12 Axis of Service and Faith


Trigon of fire.
1 - 5 - 9 Creativity, vitality,
inuition, optimism, transmutation, intellect, heart,
fruits and seeds. Temperament and self-realization.

Trigon of the earth.
2 - 6 - 10 Form, productivity,
practicality, fertility, sensuality, basic
needs, safety, body, caution. Job. Money.

Air trigon.
3 - 9 - 11 Mind, movement, communication, ideas, understanding, technology, concepts, insights, innovation, planning.

Water trigon.
4 - 8 - 12 Feelings, variability, cycles, passivity, sensuality, compassion, reflection, imagination, intuition, illusion, depth.

Sephiroth tree

This alignment is based on the cabalistic idea of ​​the Sephiroth Tree.
According to Kabbalistic teaching, the Tree of Life (the universe), also known as Sephiroth, is the result of the emanation of 10 Sefirot from the Unknown (Ein Sof) and 22 paths (letters of the Hebrew alphabet). From the first to the tenth Sefirot, the process of densification takes place, and in the latter the material world is formed. Sometimes compared to 10 dimensions.
And they saw [the standing place] of the God of Israel; and under His feet is something like a work of pure sapphire and, like the sky itself, clear. "(Ex. 24, 10). Another version claims that the Sefirot is from the word Sipur (Heb. סיפור.), That is, a story through which the essence of God is explained. (Psalms 18.2). The Sefirot is also compared with the channels connecting our world with God. The Sefirot originated from the Greek word “sphere,” and did not find confirmation and no etymological connection was found between the words.

Each Sephirah has its own name and meaning:
The three upper Sephiroth are called the "Sephiroth of the Mind" ((השכל ספירות
Keter (כתר) - crown, crown
Hochma (חוכמה) - wisdom
Binah (בינה) - understanding
The seven lower Sefirot are called the Sefirot of Feeling ((הרגש ספירות
Chesed (חסד) - mercy, mercy
Gevura (גבורה) - valor, heroism, power
Tipheret (תפארת) - splendor
Netzach (נצח) - eternity
Hod (הוד) - glory, greatness
Yesod (יסוד) - the basis
Malchut (מלכות) - kingdom

1 Keter. Unity. Neptune - Divine spark, monad, spiritual sun, or spiritual seed, the potential of what the question is about. Essence of the question.
2 - 4 - 7 Paternal line, masculine energy
2 Chokmah. Wisdom - What have I come with? My experience, basis, foundation. Skills, source of strength, something to rely on. The main motive for action.
3 - 5 - 8 - Mother line, female energy.
3 Binah. Understanding. Saturn. - Matter, the feminine principle. This is what I came to learn, what sets the shape, what it was created for.
4 Chesed. Mercy. Jupiter - Positive basis of a person, "help" to a person, family, how much a person values ​​life. Life-love.
5 Geburah. Obstacles to Understanding. Mars. - Mistakes from the past, which I have not learned. The blows of fate, the "rake" on which we step. Before which we need to accept.
6 Tiphareth. The beauty. Sun. - Help in the world. I am in the world as I manifest.
7 Netzach. Desire, feeling. Venus. - Harmony. Love. Reward. What achievements can I count on. This is the realm of success and beauty. How we store energy
8 move. Intelligence. Mercury - Wisdom, communication, intelligence, the way wisdom is taught.
9 Yesod. Subconscious. Moon. - Subconsciousness, foresight, motherhood. Fears, mental illness.
10 Malkuth. Result. Earth.- Conclusions, reality as a result.
1-6-9-10- The path of the mystic
1-2-3 -Divine level. Higher self. Monad.
4-5-6 - The Subtle World, the world of Angels and Archangels. Higher desires, exalted prayers.
7-8-9 - Event and physical level. Lower mental and astral, the world of desires.
10 = Physical reality.

Celtic cross

This is the most famous alignment that has come down to us since pagan times. This is a layout for all occasions, the most suitable for determining the direction of development, highlighting the background of a particular problem, researching the causes of what is happening. It can be used for prediction. If you are unsure which alignment is best for your question, stop at the Celtic Cross.

1 - The essence of the problem.
2 - What helps or hinders the solution of the problem. Additional factor.
3 - What is realized. Goals and desires.
4 - What is felt. Latent, subconscious influence. The root of the problem.
5 - The past. What led to the problem.
6 - Future, then - how it will continue.
7 - Position of the questioner.
8 - Position of other people. How others see a person.
9 - Fears and hopes.
10 - Bottom line.

The Secret of the Priestess

With the help of this alignment, the course of events and its hidden causes are determined. It was created on the basis of the "Priestess" card, her visual image. With its help, you can answer the question - "why did this happen to me?", "Why does everything happen that way?"

1 + 2- The topic of the question in the form of two main conflicting forces that reinforce or weaken each other.
3 - Full moon - symbolizes the present, a factor influencing the situation now.
4 - The growing moon - forces gaining influence.
5 - The waning moon - symbolizes that which loses its influence on the situation.
6 - What is hidden in the darkness, what is unconscious. You can feel it and be afraid of it.
7 - What is in the light. What is obvious.
8 - Direction of the path, opening opportunities.
9 - The Book of Secret Knowledge in the lap of the Priestess.
It is opened for reading only after reading the entire alignment. If this is a card of the Great Major Arcana, then the High Priestess has revealed her secret. In that
In this case, the card is opened and interpreted. If this is a minor arcana card, then it is left closed and not interpreted.

The order of interpretation.
1-2 - Two aspirations and impulses.
5-3-4 - Chronology of events.
7 - Conscious striving.
6 - Unconscious motive.
8 - opportunities.
8-4 is how it will develop in the future.
6-4 - something that is unconscious, but can come to light.

Career and profession

Playing the Fool. Hayo Banzhaf's layout.
This alignment shows the current state of affairs in the process of long-term development and prospects. Shows - at what stage of career development (self-realization, spiritual quest or other path) the client is. It reflects the chronological course of events, what a person has already experienced and what he is going to experience. This layout is suitable for the study of long-term processes. Since each position in the layout does not have a separate meaning, but follows from the values ​​of the previous cards, the layout is difficult to interpret.

Layout algorithm.
1. Place the Jester from the deck.

The value of the cards.

The cards on the left are the past
The cards on the right are the future

Inspiration and purpose.
Sarah Bartlett's Layout for

1 - Current situation
2 - Talents and skill
3 - Traps
4 - Support
5 - What should be done?
6 - Inner strength
7 - Help

9 - Result

Perspectives and purpose.
The Twilight Layout.

Devil's machinations

The layout is universal - they can watch both male and female infidelity. If the fact of treason is not confirmed by the alignment, then in any case, the alignment will be useful, it will indicate the problems and ways to solve them. The layout diagram is based on the image of CA Devil of the classic Tarot Waite deck - for ease of memorizing positions and their meanings. We use a full deck, the deck can be classic or any other erotic deck.

1. Head of the Devil - circumstances of treason or what led to suspicions of treason
2. The insatiable belly of the Devil - was there really treason (was the Devil fed)
3. The chain is a general characteristic of the relationship in a couple, which also keeps this couple together
4. The woman's head - the woman's intentions (Is she going to maintain a relationship with a partner or wants to leave, is she ready to forgive the betrayal, if she was. If there was no betrayal, but there are problems in the relationship, is she ready to overcome them.)
5. The man's head - the man's intentions (Is he going to maintain a relationship with a partner or wants to break up. If there was no betrayal, but there are problems in the relationship, is he ready to overcome them.)
6. Tail of a woman - mistakes that she makes in a relationship with a partner, leading to problems or infidelity.
7. A man's tail - mistakes that he makes in a relationship with a partner, leading to problems or infidelity.
8. At the heart of a woman - feelings for a partner
9. A man has feelings for his partner in his heart
10. Woman's legs - where to move, what to do, advice
11. Legs of a man - where to move, what to do, advice
12. The bottom line (you can lay out up to 3 cards) - will you manage to keep the pair or have to part.

If the alignment denies the fact of treason, then the 13th card is not laid out.
If the alignment implies the presence of a lover (or mistress), then an additional 13th card is laid out:
13. The right hand of the Devil - what actions the mistress (or lover) will take, what influence he (she) can have on the relationship in a couple, on the total of 12 cards.


1, 4 and 5 characterize the situation, case or question asked;
1 and 6 - the level of consciousness, mind, spirit;

2 and 4 - external, material, physical level;
3 and 5 - the level of the soul, intuition, instinct.
2, 3 and 6 characterize the questioner himself and his attitude towards them.

Celtic cross

Card 1 - This position reveals the base, the core of the problem.
Card 2 - The card in this position indicates the force making active changes. Its horizontal position symbolically emphasizes that it "intersects" the question and gives it alternative knowledge and development.
Card 3 - Thoughts, plans, hopes. What does the person think on this issue. Negative cards in this position can indicate serious concerns, fears, and the lack of clear plans. Also, the highest that the questioner can achieve.
Card 4 - Feelings. The card in this position makes it possible to study the sensations, the emotional state of the questioner. With favorable cards - what you can rely on, path, credo, tradition. With unfavorable ones - negative attitudes, stereotypes, complexes.
Card 5 - Shows the motivation for action and previous events. Background of the issue, recent events.
Card 6 - Near future. On this map, you can make a conclusion about the very near development of the issue under study. Events that should happen in the near future are revealed here.
Card 7 - Here you can study the style of the questioner's behavior, his sense of self in the course of the development of this question. The card in this position reveals what the development of the situation will bring directly for the questioner himself. Also, this card can tell about the questioner’s attitude to fortune telling.
Map 8 - Environment. The immediate space, the environment where the problem is solved. The state of partners and persons involved in the issue.
Card 9 - Unexpected Influences. The map in this position provides an opportunity to study the forces that can interfere in the course of the development of the case in unexpected ways. Depending on the meaning of the cards, these forces can support or interfere, create obstacles. Also, this card symbolizes hope.
Card 10 - Outcome, Outcome, Final Outcome, Finale. A distant perspective of the development of an issue or problem. Future. When interpreting this card, everything that was learned from the previous cards is brought together.

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Description 1 - ascendant: personality, its manifestations, appearance, current state, mood, constitution. 2 - Sun: essence, self-esteem, consciousness, spirit, will, direction of life. 3 - Mercury: the ability to navigate a situation, thought, reason, intelligence, eloquence, resourcefulness, curiosity ... 4 - Moon: mood, psyche, feeling, instincts, inner need, personal unconscious, impressionability, desires. 5 - Jupiter: the search for meaning, ideals, morality, beliefs, attitudes, values, trust, success 6 virtues, generosity, a sense of justice. 6 - Saturn: conscience, limitations, discipline, reliability, distrust, need for protection, support, structure, failure, poverty, complexes, forced behavior. 7 - Mars: persistence, conflict, energy, self-affirmation, aggressiveness, will, determination, anger, sexuality, courage ... 8 - Uranus: individuality, originality, independence, exclusivity, insanity, eccentricity, distance, ingenuity. 9 - Venus: love, desire for love, ability to love, adaptability, need for harmony, a sense of beauty, love for art, delicate taste. 10 - Neptune: mediumistic abilities, premonitions, a tendency to mysticism, dependence, delusion, merging with nature ... 11 - Pluto: ancient forces, the ability to influence others, the desire for power, the collective unconscious, depth psychology, transformation, healing and destruction ...

Who am I? and What should I do? 2

1. Who am I at the moment? 2. What do I don’t know about myself? 3. What should I get rid of? 4. What should I develop? 5. What do I want to become? 6. What am I looking for? 7. What should I do?

Who am I? what am I supposed to do?

The layout is intended for self-knowledge and reflection on one's development and plans for the future. It allows us to understand our line of life at the moment - where we are going and where we are from, what we are starting from ... what is the primary task on our way, and prompts us to think about our hidden desires and about our next steps and actions. Tarot embodies in this scenario the role of an advisor-mentor.

1. Who am I at the moment?
2. What I don’t know about myself?
3. What should I get rid of?
4. What should I develop?
5. What do I want to become?
6. What am I looking for?
7. What should I do?


Mainly good for describing a person according to the system adopted in astrology: ten planets plus an ascendant. Thus, it is suitable for self-identification, and for finding out the nature of another person with whom you are somehow connected. Eleven cards are laid out in the form of a pentagram, which, as you know, is considered a symbol of a person. Traditionally, the following meanings are attributed to these five rays: upper ray, vertical - knowledge, knowledge, upper left ray - animus, aspirations, upper right ray - anima, experiences, lower left ray - fate, experience, lower right ray - liberation, hope.

1 - ascendant: personality, its manifestations, appearance, current state, mood, constitution.
2 - Sun: essence, self-centeredness, consciousness, spirit, will, direction of life.
3 - Mercury: the ability to navigate a situation, thought, reason, intelligence, eloquence, resourcefulness, curiosity ...
4 - Moon: mood, psyche, feeling, instincts, inner need, personal unconscious, impressionability, desires.
5 - Jupiter: the search for meaning, ideals, morality, beliefs, attitudes, values, trust, success 6 virtues, generosity, a sense of justice.
6 - Saturn: conscience, limitations, discipline, reliability, distrust, need for protection, support, structure, failure, poverty, complexes, forced behavior.
7 - Mars: persistence, conflict, energy, self-affirmation, aggressiveness, will, determination, anger, sexuality, courage ...
8 - Uranus: individuality, originality, independence, exclusivity, madness, eccentricity, distance, ingenuity.
9 - Venus: love, desire for love, ability to love, adaptability, need for harmony, a sense of beauty, love for art, delicate taste.
10 - Neptune: mediumistic abilities, premonitions, a tendency to mysticism, dependence, delusions, merging with nature ...
11 - Pluto: ancient forces, the ability to influence others, the desire for power, the collective unconscious, depth psychology, transformation, healing and destruction ...

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Full bowl

If you have money problems, then this alignment will show their cause and tell you what needs to be done in order to change the situation for the better.

Card 1: The main reason for material difficulties in the present?
Card 2: Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation?
Card 3: What personal qualities or actions are needed to increase your material wealth?
Card 4: What needs to be done to improve welfare?

Contributions and benefits

A very simple alignment that allows you to assess the current situation in terms of acquisitions and sacrifices. What are the prospects (for example, to make money on some project) and is the game worth the candle?

1 - Benefit, acquisition. Bonuses, advantages that can be obtained (the dropped card will show how good they are in themselves, and sometimes its very nature is already the answer). This is the pros that is in this situation. Is it worth the effort, investment and cost? If yes, then....
2 - Contributions, sacrifices, price. What to do, what to go for, what to accept or what qualities to show for the emergence of that "pros".

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A simple layout suitable for a wide variety of situations. But still, due to its simplicity, it is more suitable for simple life "troubles" - when communicating with people, in an ordinary setting, in situations of misunderstanding or problems in everyday affairs.

1 - The root of the problem (you need to think about the card, usually it symbolically shows the reason for the conflict or the source of obstacles, sometimes it also refers to your own behavior!)
2 - What needs to be done to resolve it, advice, the right action, the best thing that can be done in this situation
3 - Exodus (it must be borne in mind that it is not always favorable even with the correct action taken, there are "rotten" situations in which a solar outcome is not to be achieved, alas)

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The power of the family (the author of the layout of A. Solodilov - Preobrazhenskaya

We use a full deck. The wording of the question: what is the influence of my ancestors on the situation in my life?

S - the significator of the questioner
1. - the influence of the father
2.-mother's influence
3. - the influence of someone or something on the paternal line of the genus
4. -the influence of someone or something on the maternal line of the genus
5. - what do I pass on to my descendants in this situation
6.- advice or lesson: what is worth working with

Home sales

1.The situation of the sale at the time of the fortune-telling
2.This position describes an obstacle, is there such
3 hopes and chances
4.Customer concerns
5 the reason for selling a home
6. How does the reason for the sale affect the client?
7. How the situation will develop if the client does not make efforts to sell the home
8. What you need to do to influence the outcome of the situation
9. Result of the sale

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In the case when the questioner is worried about older children, that is, those who have already passed the period of maturation or even have reached the age of majority, we use the "Children" layout. We carry out all preliminary actions as usual, choose a significator, in this case it is also better for this function to be performed card symbolizing the zodiac sign of the person we ask Tarot about. Then we draw nine cards and place them in this order:

S - Signifier.
1 - the direction of spiritual development;
2 - intellectual abilities;
3 - the optimal direction of education;
4 - relations with the immediate environment;
5 - friendly contacts;
6 - questions of feelings;
7,8,9 - further future.

Small children

Motherhood is the most beautiful side of a woman's life, but at the same time it is a state that brings many worries and worries. Often, mothers are more worried about their children than about their problems, and want to know something about their children and the future that awaits them. In the case when the questioner has small children and he wants to lay out cards on them, you can use this layout. It is best to choose a card that means the child's zodiac sign as a significator of this alignment. If the questioner has more than one child, we repeat the alignment, laying out the cards for each child separately.

S - Signifier.
1 - the state of health of the child;
2,3 - character traits;
4,5,6 - talents and abilities;
7,8,9 - the relationship of the child with the immediate environment - with parents, relatives and friends.


This layout is used when a woman is interested in whether she will become pregnant and whether the planned child will be born. Additionally, with its help, you can find out how the pregnancy will proceed, whether it will cause health problems for the mother, and determine the general physical condition of the conceived child. The "Conception" layout is for women only.

S - Signifier.
1 - the general state of health of the questioner;
2 - conception;
3 - possible problems with conceiving and maintaining pregnancy;
4.5 - during pregnancy;
4 - the state of health of the mother during pregnancy;
5 - the state of health of the fetus;
6 - childbirth;
7 - the health of the newborn.

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Seven energy centers or Chakra alignment

The layout helps to see how all the chakras function, and at the same time - the body systems and internal rgans, what problems affect and under what energies a person conducts his body. What tasks does his body solve? The question to which the alignment answers is - what should I pay attention to in my health?

1. Root chakra. Muladhara. Tonus, immunity, bones, spine, joints. How rooted and connected we are with life, with the earth and with reality.
2. Svadhisthana or sex chakra. Excretory system, genitourinary system, reproductive system. Relationships, sexuality.
3. Manipura or solar plexus chakra. Responsible for the vital energy of a person, his will, energy force and the entire material sphere: money, property, relationships with people in the sphere of strength and material values. Organs - gastrointestinal tract, liver.
4. Anahata. With heart, blood, hands, breath. What are we giving away? Responsible for sensitivity and cordial relations with people6 for our generosity, for what we do for others and for balance in this area.
5. Vishuddha. Throat, larynx, voice, hormones. Responsible for information, for the abilities and skills of a person, for his self-expression, the ability to express his thoughts and needs. This chakra is also in charge of creativity.
6. Ajna. Responsible for the vision. Head, brain, face, pressure. Responsible for the point of view, visions of one's own and someone else's - situations and opinions. What and how and in what light we see. Future.
7. Sahasrara. State of the psyche. Human connection with the cosmos, with higher energies.

Health status

The layout provides an analysis of physical and spiritual health, contributes to the acquisition of harmony

1 - the general state of health at the moment (we look at how energetically the card is energetically saturated and favorable, harmonious in itself)
2 - what promotes health
3 - what kills health (in itself is not useful for a person now)
4 - what else can be harmful to health
5 - what a person does for the benefit of health
6 - general forecast for the future
7, 8 - features of the state of health that will manifest themselves in the future

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A very information-rich layout, showing the relationship in perspective, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the characteristics of partners and the hidden state of affairs

S1 -Card that personifies the questioner or the female side in the relationship
S2 - A card that represents a partner or a male side in a relationship
1 - Feelings S1
2 - Thoughts S1
3 - Feelings S2
4 - Thoughts S2
6 - The bridge between partners, personifies events
7 and how they will develop (you can make a bridge up to 7 cards).
8 - What the partner likes about the questioner
9 - What the partner doesn't like about the questioner
10 - The partner's intentions about the questioner
11 - Actions and actions of the partner regarding the questioner
12 - Outcome or outcome, the result of the relationship on
13 - A karmic lesson in this relationship for the questioner
14 - A karmic lesson in this relationship for a partner

The purpose of love

"The goal of love." Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment can be used in any situation - at the beginning of a novel, at the peak of its development, or even in the absence of a love relationship. It makes it possible to understand the meaning of love for you, and also shows what is needed for the success of a relationship and in which direction to move on to find your ideal.

1 - My goal is in love.
2 - What can I suggest?
3 - What I don't have.
4 - What do I want to see in a partner?
5 - What can I expect from a partner?
6 - The essence of the problem.
7 - What I need to do to be successful in love.

How do we see each other?

"How do we see each other?" Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment can be performed alone or with a partner to reveal the true relationship to each other and your love.

1 - How A sees B
2 - How B sees A
3 = What does A want from love?
4 - What does B want from love?
5 - How does A think the relationship is developing?
6 - How does B think the relationship is developing?

Where are we going?

Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment can be done in place or alone. It will help you see the current situation in love and the direction of development of the relationship.

1 - Current situation
2 - What are our problems
3 - What we forgot
4 - What needs to be said
5 - Our capabilities
6 - Where do we go next

Sexual Alchemy

Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment is interesting to do both alone and with a partner. If you decide to do it together, immediately decide which of you will be “me” and who will be “you”. For this alignment
only major arcana, aces and curly cards are used.

1 - My style in sex
2 - Your style in sex
3 - What is your passion for me?
4 - What am I causing your passion?
5 - You make me feel ...
6 - I make you feel ...
7 - Our sexual alchemy.


The alignment of compatibility and difference of partners, well shows the coincidence / non-coincidence at the level of consciousness and subconsciousness and how the couple fits into

S1 - signifier for the first partner
S2 - significator for the second partner
1 and 5 - How we act together as a couple, in what we coincide in views.
2 and 6 - Where our souls, hearts coincide
8 and 4 - What we are different in, what separates us
7 and 3 - Subconscious aspirations. How we will behave in a pair, whether we like it or not. (This is exactly what makes us part ways.)


James Ricklef's layout, based on Arthur Waite's "Lovers" card.

1 - What relationship is your spiritual goal guiding you to?
Divine Will in Your Relationship
2 - Which partner is best for you?
3 - How can you prepare for your relationship?
4 - How can you find peace and quiet while you are looking for love?
5 - Feeling playful and helping
6 - What You Need To Know About Passion In Your Relationship
7 - What to clarify?
8 - How to bring the divine into your relationship?
9 - What joy does your relationship give you?

You and me

Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment can be done alone or together. Its distinctive feature is that 7 cards are not chosen at random, like the first six. This card - Major Arcana -
calculated by the sum of six cards. In other words, it represents the combined energy of your couple. To find its number, add the numerical values
previous maps.

1 - My feelings
2 - My desires
3 - My regrets
4 - your feelings
5 - Your desires
6 - your regrets
7 - Our future

Wounded heart

Sarah Bartlett's Layout

This alignment is for one person and is called "wound", as it indicates unpleasant moments in the relationship. The main point is to delve deeper into the wounds that you are inflicting on each other at the moment.

1 - How do I love you?
2 - How do I hurt you?
3 - How do I defend myself?
4 - How do you love me?
5 - How are you hurting me?
6 - How do you defend yourself?
7 - I'm at the moment
8 - you are at the moment
9 - Developing relationships

Oracle of Love

Hayo Banzhaf's layout.

For matters of the heart. Typical questions that this raklad answers - How does it relate to me? What happens in the relationship? What needs to be done for a relationship?

1 - State of affairs
2 - What does the heart worry about?
3 - How are you treated?
4 - What does the Oracle tell you? Or Tarot advice.

Relationship in a pair

A traditional and often used alignment, about what6 unites partners and how they interact at the level of actions6 feelings, thoughts.

1 - What 1 partner is thinking
2 - What is the 2nd partner thinking
3 - What does 1 partner feel or experience
4 - What does 2 partner feel or experience
5 - Actions and actions of 1 partner
6 - actions or actions of 2 partners
7 - What is between partners, what unites or separates them


Sarah Bartlett's Layout.

This is an exposing alignment, which presupposes an honest attitude to oneself and to each other, sincerity and maximum objectivity. It can be done together and alone.

1 - What do I think of myself?
2 - What do you think of yourself?
3 - my feelings
4 - your feelings
5 - What do I think about your feelings
6 - What do you think about my feelings
7 - My desire
8 - Your desire
9 - What needs to be done

Thought - word - deed

Teresa Michelson's layout.

To find out - how to normalize relationships, make peace after a long quarrel, breathe new life into old relationships, or improve relationships with colleagues?

1- A point of view that will be useful for analyzing this problem, or - What do we have?
2 - The best way to talk to others about our problem.
3 - The most helpful action I can take to resolve this situation.


It involves the consideration of the existing chosen one or the chosen one, as well as the consideration of any person for possible family relationships.

1 - Characteristics of the chosen one
2 - Ability, desire and desire to create a family
3 - Ability, desire and desire for the birth and education of children
4 - Material interest, commercialism
5 - Career, business, personal freedom.
6 - The prospect of a family with this person.


Twilight's layout taken from her website.

The alignment implies a divorce, if the marriage is official, or a break.

P1 - you
P2 - Partner
3 - What's happening now
4 - What do you want?
5 - What does he / she want?
6,7,8 - Upcoming events, what will happen next?
9 - What will you do?
10 -What will he / she do?
11 - The likelihood of divorce or separation?
12 - "for" divorce
13 - "against" divorce.

Equation with three unknowns

Twilight's layout taken from her website.

It is used when the behavior of a person (friend, colleague, relative, acquaintance, loved one) suddenly begins to surprise. Suspicions, bewilderment appear, and
a natural question arises - What is happening? What does a person want? How sincere to you?

1 - Openly declared goals
2 - True goals
3 - Openly Displayed Feelings
4 - True feelings
5 - What a person will do openly
6 - What will the person do behind your back
7 - The result of the relationship.
1,3,5 - Known to us, explicit and open - what is shown to us
2,4,6 - Hidden and unknown.

Starry sky

I have been using this layout for a long time, initially I laid it out on simple maps. When I started to deal with tarot cards, I tried to spread this alignment on them. Everything is quite simple and clear, where there is the past, the present and the future. I use it on relationships. When fortune-telling, you need to choose a zero card, it will mean the person on whom or to whom the alignment is made. It can be interpreted as some kind of quality in the character, or you can not touch it at all, here at will. We turn over the 1,2,3,4 card only at the end, when the entire layout has been interpreted.

0- card. querent card. To draw this card, the fortuneteller draws the deck and the first card is laid out. (Shirt down)
1-card. what's in my heart. Drawn arbitrarily from the deck and put under 0 card
2,3,4, map. What is in the heart And they fall on the 0 card
5,6,7 card. This past falls to the left of the 0 card
8, 9, 10 card. This future lies to the right of the 0 card
11, 12,13 card. This past falls below 0 card
14,15, 16 card. It means real, human thoughts, plans ... Lies on top of 0 cards
17, 19 card, lies between the past and the thoughts of a person. They are in addition to this
18.20 card. Lies between the future and the thoughts of a person and is also an addition

Weekly alignment for relationships

With the help of this alignment, you can find out how the relationship with your partner will develop over the next week. This alignment can be done both on TAROT cards and on Lenormand.

1,2,3-Development of relations during the week
4-your feelings and thoughts towards your partner
5-Thoughts and feelings of a partner towards you
6-Your steps, actions in a week
7-Steps, partner actions in a week
8-Prohibition: What should not or should not be done
9-Advice on how to behave during the week
10-Week summary


The layout is good for getting information about the connection between two people. By and large, the alignment is suitable not only for love relationships, but also for business and friendship (or hostile).

1 - the past, establishing a connection between people, karmic background
2 - the current state of affairs, the current state of the problem
3 - opportunity or obstacle presented by this link
4 - advice on how to deal with this obstacle or opportunity
5 - the role of the questioner in these relationships, his (her) contribution
6 - the role of the second party, what does she bring to this relationship
7 - the essence of the unity of these two people
8 - what the questioner really wants to get from this connection
9 - what does the other half want from this connection
10 - the outcome, the result, "on what the heart will rest"


The layout helps to clarify the attitude and ulterior motives of the other person.

1 - his goal in this relationship
2, 3, 4, 5 - his feelings for the questioner
6, 7, 8 - his actions in relation to the questioner, what can be expected in the future
9, 10, 11 - what is going to be done in the near future
12 - what is hiding
13 - what makes it hide, the reason


The layout is suitable for single people interested in prospects in their personal life. At the same time, he is suitable at the early stage of acquaintance, when there is a desire to "probe" the possible quality of future relationships.

1 - who the questioner is destined to meet (or what is a new acquaintance / acquaintance)
2 - how much this person will love and care for the questioner
3 - what kind of problems may arise in further communication
4 - what is this person as a professional, socially
5 - the nature of sexual relations in the future
6 - the nature of emotional relationships or the degree of their seriousness
7 - possible worldview differences
8 - potential financial position
9 - what should be done to conquer this person if the previous cards promise good


A complex, but very informative layout from the author of ALONA, beloved by the Forum participants. The name speaks for itself!

1 - the basis on which the relationship is built
2, 3, 4 - Her feelings in this union today (the left side of the alignment is traditionally considered "female", but it can be just the side of the questioner, and the right side is the side of the "other")
5, 6, 7 - His feelings in this union today
8,9,10 - What will happen next, what development of events can be expected
11,12,13 - how She will feel in this relationship in perspective
14,15,16 - How He will feel in these relationships in perspective
17 - The result for her ("on what the heart will rest")
18 - Bottom line for him
19 - The outcome of the relationship (where it will stop, what form the relationship will eventually take)


A good layout for clarifying relationships, where each card is an important answer. The layout perfectly shows itself for those questioning who are experiencing difficulties in their personal life, as it helps to realize fears and obstacles to creating relationships, gives some advice on how to get into these "Gates", and a forecast for the future.

1 - The questioner standing in front of the Gate - what is he like in a relationship. It can be seen what strengths or, conversely, weaknesses a person shows in a relationship.
2 - Hope, left wing of the Gate - what the questioner expects from this relationship, positive and negative expectations
3 - Fears, the right wing of the Gate - what the questioner is afraid of in this relationship. A positive card can also describe fear. As Bert Hellinger says, it takes a lot of courage to be happy.
4 - ARKA over the gate - the responsibility that the questioner must take upon himself if he wants to go into the Gate. What follows from all this for him.
5 - The castle to which the gates are closed - which hinders love or complicates the relationship. Sometimes this is how the partner is seen!
6 - KEY - the correct model of behavior with a partner and, in general, advice of cards regarding overcoming difficulties.
7 - What awaits behind the gates. Forecast for the quality of relationships.

New acquaintance

1 - His (her) characteristic - Who is he (she)?
2 - His (her) intentions towards the questioner?
3 - What can an acquaintance lead to?
4 - Good advice
5 - Probable outcome

Station for two

1 - what does the querent think about the partner and their relationship
2 - what does the partner think about the relationship with the querent
3 - querent feelings
4 - partner's feelings for the querent
5 - possible actions of the querent in relation to the partner
6 - possible actions of the partner in relation to the querent
7 - what unites or separates them

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The cards in this scenario help to reveal the factors that influence the decision-making and which we are not aware of. Perhaps after this alignment, resources and dark spots in the situation, human actions that lead to effective or ineffective results will be clearer. And also the role in the situation, hidden assistants and pitfalls.

1. Card of the questioner
2. What you need to pay attention to
3. What to avoid
4. What to do
5. Unexpected help
6. Result

Layout "Problem and its solution"

This alignment will help you find a solution to a practical problem, tell you how to act in a specific situation.

1 "topic" - "we are talking about this", the essence of the problem, a description of the situation.
2 "circumstances" - external circumstances that contribute to or hinder the solution of the problem, as well as the influence of other people on the solution of the problem - their help (if the card turns out to be positive) or their opposition (if the card is negative).
3 "plus" - what to do, what will help to solve the problem.
4 "minus" - what not to do, what prevents the solution of the problem.
5 "result" - the result, the result, how everything will end.


"Runic" alignment, which is good for analyzing difficult situations in any area of ​​life. It can be successfully used in layouts for health, financial situation, personal relationships!

1 - the personality of the questioner in this situation
2 - the state of affairs at the moment or the meaning of the situation
3 - the cause of the situation, its roots
4 - factors that influenced its development, concomitant conditions
5 - direction of development of the situation
6 - possible obstacles
7 - a lesson to be learned
8 - the result, the outcome, "where the heart will rest"

Next step

A simple layout based on the good old Small Cross. Suitable for a variety of situations, works well in tense moments when the questioner is scared and does not know what to do. Allows you to assess the situation at the moment, gives a new impetus, advice on how to behave, and a forecast for the further development of events.

1 - Initial situation at the moment. Shows "from which stove we are dancing", what is generally referred to. Sometimes this card brings real insight.
2 - What is not important now. Something worth neither hope nor fear. Something that needs to be thrown out of my head as an illusion or cause for concern. The card says - it is not worth spending energy in this direction, neither physical, not moral. One should not be afraid of it, or hope for it, or strive for it. "Not the way."
3 - What matters. This should be done, this is the optimal strategy. This is the most important card, it indicates what to look for, which helps to move forward.
The main thing is to figure out what is the difference between these Arakans, this is the answer!
4 - The next step will lead here. The map shows what the nearest (not final) development of events will be or what all this is for. she usually hints when the cards should be laid out the next time, after receiving what experience.


1 - present
2 - result with an alternative solution
3 - recent events influencing the problem
4 - distant past / occurrence of a situation
5 - planned result
6 - alternative result
7 - recent events influencing the problem
8 - a delicate past / cause of the situation
9 - planned result
10 - result with an alternative solution
11 - recent events influencing the problem
12 - distant past / cause of the situation
13 - planned result

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This alignment can be used with great success if the questioner is waiting for an exam that should summarize the knowledge he has achieved or the degree of mastery of this subject, regardless of whether it is a school exam, a state exam or some other.

S - significator
1.Is my knowledge sufficient
2. Will the examiner be negative?
3. Do I still need to expand my knowledge
4.Can I count on cheat sheets?
5.Can I count on the help of friends?
6. Will I pass the exam?
7. What mark will I get on the exam?
8. What will it bring to me in the future?

Choosing a school

The problem is not easy. Moreover, teachers will never officially say anything bad about their school, schools' websites are simply glowing with optimism. And the students' opinion is not always objective.

1 - contingent of students. General social level, prevailing mentality. Possible drug or drinking problems.
2 - the professionalism of teachers, the quality of the knowledge given.
3 - emotional background, general energy, feng shui and all that.
4 - the school's prospects for the future. Will it keep its brand or will go down in a couple of years.

5 - emotional comfort. Will he join the team, will he make real friends, in general, will he be happy.
6 - the influence of the company, friends.
7 - the quality of the knowledge gained.
8 - the child's prospects for the future after leaving school.
9 is the final tip.


Alignment for identifying the sources of problems in teaching (teaching the arts, transfer of skill from student to teacher). It is needed when it has already been determined that it makes sense to continue classes.

1 - what is already there, the existing state
2 - how the situation will develop under current conditions
3 - what the master gives
4 - what the student brings
5 - what comes with experience
6 - physical condition
7- emotional state


The layout helps to reflect on the cards that have fallen out and helps to voice thoughts for yourself about the direction, resources and helps to assess the connection between education and a person's future career and spiritual inclinations. It is done on a full tarot deck.

1. Is the direction of study chosen correctly?
2. Is the educational institution chosen correctly?
3. How tough is the competitive selection in this educational institution?
4. Does the querent have sufficient knowledge to enter?
5. Do we still need preparatory courses, tutors, more dense preparation
6. Exams (how will it go ...)
7. Financial side - how much will it cost to study in this institution in general?
8. Will this education affect your future work career?
9. Will the querent subsequently study somewhere else in this direction?

Tourist trip

Not all trips involve radical change and serious business. Sometimes we leave just for pleasure, in order to see interesting places or visit exotic countries. In order not to go blindly, but to know in advance how such a trip will go and whether it is worth going on it, you can expand this alignment.

S - Signifier.
1 - will the trip take place?
2 - how will it go?
3 - will she please me?
4 - what kind of troubles can there be?
5 - what impressions will I get from the trip?
6 - will I meet interesting people?
7 - what will the comeback be like?
8 - the bottom line: what will I get from this trip?

Decision to travel

The layout is used when there are doubts and it is necessary to make a decision on the expediency of the trip.

Cards 1,2,3. They talk about what will happen if you don't go anywhere. Card 1 reveals the physical plane, card 2 - emotional, card 3 - spiritual.
Maps 4.5.6. talk about what will happen if you go on this trip and what it will bring you. Also on three planes.
Map 7. Possible obstacles and problems.
Map 8. Help, support, favorable circumstances.
Map 9. Advice.

Layout: © Anna Kotelnikova
The layout is taken from the book by A. Klyuev, E. Kolesov and A. Kotelnikova "Layouts and Experience of Tarot Interpretation"

Trip abroad

Nowadays, long trips abroad are not uncommon, someone wants to go abroad forever. When the questioner is interested in questions of this kind, you can use the "Travel abroad" layout.

S - Signifier.
1 - will the trip happen at all?
2 - what obstacles still have to be overcome?
3 - how the trip will go;
4 - what awaits me immediately upon arrival?
5 - what living conditions will I have in my new country?
6 - will I have a job?
7 - what obstacles will need to be overcome abroad?
8 - what will my material situation look like?
9 - how long will i be abroad?
10 - will I stay there permanently?

Layout: © Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice
1. Place the Jester from the deck.
2. Then shuffle the cards and fan out the 77 cards in front of you.
3. The client chooses 12 cards and connects them with the Jester.
4. Then the client decides from which card - bottom or top - we begin to lay out the cards.
5. The cards are laid out in a line - one after the other.

The value of the cards.
The jester is where the client is at the moment.
The cards on the left are the past
The cards on the right are the future

Inspiration and purpose

Inspiration and purpose.
Sarah Bartlett's Layout for
choosing the right direction in your actions.

1 - Current situation
2 - Talents and skill
3 - Traps
4 - Support
5 - What should be done?
6 - Inner strength
7 - Help
8 - the power that will be with you
9 - Result

Perspective and goal

Perspectives and purpose.
The Twilight Layout.
The layout is used when the client wants to know about the prospect of his work.

1 - 2- 3- How will working conditions change for the client
4 - 5 - 6 - How the client's salary will change
7 - 8 - 9 - How will the relationship in the team change
10 - 11 - 12 - Promotion of the client up the career ladder
Vertical row 1 - near future
Vertical row 2 - for a later future
Vertical row 3 - For the longest periods

Achievement of the goal, or the Chariot

This layout was created in order to reflect on what our goals are, our roles and the masks that we use to achieve them, as well as in order to analyze the steps towards these goals, obstacles and help. You can diversify the alignment by laying out your positions in addition to the voiced ones, continuing the dialogue with tarot.

1- Charioteer, or the position of the questioner in relation to the goal. And also the mask or the main protection of the questioner.
2- Unknown, but desired .... a card that personifies the very goal.
3,4,5 - The path or steps that will be taken to achieve the goal.
6 - white sphinx - a force that favors the questioner (or that meu is easily given, which helps)
7 - black sphync - the force that opposes the questioner (or - what should be feared or what to be attentive to)
8 - canopy - maternal tarot advice, as if mom gave it.

The hierophant

A full deck is used. Formulation of the question - What is my purpose in life, what is my realization or mission?

1. Purpose in life, belonging to one's tradition.
2. The path of the heart (what the senses say)
3. The path of the mind (what the mind says)
4. Keys (the closest actions leading to the disclosure of their destiny. Advice on how you can realize yourself)
5. Realization of a person in society
6.7. What surrounds a person, the world around him, or the conditions in which he has to be realized.

Reaching the goal

The layout is placed in the "X house" category, which is responsible for achieving life goals, but in general it can be used for any area - health, money, relationships, spiritual growth. TWO cards from the deck are deliberately chosen before the start of fortune-telling, symbolizing the current state of the questioner and his desired goal, like point A and point B.

1 - Real, what is. The card is chosen deliberately and describes the current state of the questioner as a one-to-one picture. Point A.
2, 3, 4 (but there may be more than three cards, by intuition) - these are intermediate steps to achieving the goal, the answer and advice from TAROT
5 - Desired. The card is deliberately chosen from the deck before the start of fortune-telling, symbolizing the desired goal of the questioner, point B, where he wants to go. 3. Are there positive emotional connections in this team? (with whom? or with what?)
4.Latent or negative influences that are present for me in this team?
5. The authority of this team. My relationship with him or her.
6. Influences from the past.
7. Relationships with those for whom I am an authority in the team.
8. Braking factors that prevent you from reaching your goal.
9. General team spirit
10. Achievements.
11. Team shadow or random factors that can interfere or destabilize.

Teresa Michelson's "Novel on the Internet" layout

A popular topic now is acquaintance on the Internet, especially in that key - is it worth dating a person with whom an Internet relationship has already begun. This solution can be used for such cases.

1. The impression the interlocutor has of you after communicating on the Internet.
2. Your impression of the interlocutor.
3. The dynamics of your online relationship.
4. What does he or she don’t know about you? The meaning of the myth reproduced in this scenario is this: on her way into the dark depths, Inanna must leave, discard much of what she previously thought was important and valuable. To meet her shadow, she must come to her completely naked (unprotected) and humble. And this meeting will mean her death. She must free herself from her former self. After that, she, with the help of her faithful ally, will return to life and re-enter the world of light as a new Inanna. Liberation from previous ideas about oneself, from one's shadow means renewal, integrity and healing. But for this she still has to make a (grateful) sacrifice in the upper world, parting (at least for a while) with something important.

Against this background, the cards are interpreted as follows:
1 - Inanna, Queen of Heaven. The light (or presumably light) side of the personality, which can only be released or restored by meeting your dark side (X) and accepting it.
2 - Neti, Chief Guard. How will you be greeted at the gates of the Underworld.
3-9 - Seven gates of the Underworld, at which Inanna leaves seven of her ornaments or outfits. A list of them in the myth is also given (what do we need to say goodbye to in our Ego in order to allow the integration of the suppressed side of the psyche?)
Shugurra, or royal crown.
Turquoise ruler and rope.
Azure necklace.
An adornment (as they would say today, a necklace) made of Numuz stone on the chest.
Gold wrists.
A plate (brooch) with the inscription: "To me, man, to me."
Queen's mantle.
Values, patterns of behavior, habits, desires, perceptions, etc., that need to be abandoned.
X - Ereshkigal, queen of the underworld. The shadow side to work on, the dark sister, the black gold to be brought to the surface.
II - Ninshubur, vizier of Inanna. Help, your ally in the Underworld.
XII - Live food. The first resurrection power.
XIII - Living water. Second resurrection power.
XIV - New Personality.
15 - Sacrifice. Something that a person must give up for now. Dumuzi is the deity of spring, the god of the calendar year, sacrificed every fall and reborn every spring.
Interpretation of the meaning of the cards
Cards I, X, and XIV are the keys to understanding this really tricky alignment. Reflect on these cards until you understand what is the contradiction between the light side of card I and the dark side of card X, and how these opposites merge in card XIV. Only after that you can proceed to the interpretation of the maps of the path leading down (2-9). At the same time, keep in mind that all that the cards in positions 3 to 9 are talking about are things that you should refuse, regardless of whether they are good or problem cards. If, for example, the Ten of Swords turns out to be here, it means that you should not interrupt something yourself, you should go your way to the end, not succumbing to the temptation to stop everything at once. The Nine of Swords advises not to repent, and the Five of Cups advises not to despair and again continue on your way. Kings and Queens mean that the questioner must free himself from the influence of some persons or from fixation on his problems, if these cards point to himself. Then analyze cards 11-14, meaning ascent, and finally try to determine which sacrifice card 15 is talking about, that is, which bindings or actions the questioner should give up for some time. Moreover, this sacrifice does not have to be painful. It happens that the questioner even feels relief, having ceased to think about something and gaining spiritual peace

spread 7 BOD

The system of esoteric knowledge contains information about the structure of the human being. It is generally accepted that a person has not only a physical body, one that can be seen with the eyes and felt with the senses. I think at the present moment in the world there is already circumstantial evidence in favor of this theory. Perhaps, certain research is being carried out in this direction in the scientific world. Working with Tarot, one can see the structure of a person in its entirety. Indeed, sometimes situations occur in life that cannot be explained scientifically, very often medicine, for example, can only shrug its shoulders in its powerlessness to help a person cope with this or that problem. So, below are described all seven human bodies, which are of particular importance for a tarologist in understanding the processes of occurrence of certain life situations.

1 VERTICAL 1, 1A, 1C. Dense physical body; The card at this position indicates the state of health.
2 VERTICAL 2.2A, 2C. Etheric body; Aura. The energy that the physical body gives off. Personally, it seems to me that the etheric body is directly dependent on the physical, i.e. if the physical body is tired and weakened, it will release less energy. The card that will lie in the position of the "etheric body" will talk about how much energy a person has at the moment and what quality it is.
3 VERTICAL - 3.3A, 3C. ... Astral or emotional body; Emotions live here. Accordingly, the card in this position will indicate which emotions are dominant at this stage in the life of the person who is being guessed at.
4 VERTICAL - 4.4A, 4C. The mental body. The card in this position will say what occupies a person's thoughts, what he is thinking about most of all.
5 VERTICAL - 5.5A, 5C. Causal body. The card that lies in this position is interpreted as the future. Based on my judgment, it can be interpreted as a way that can be used for the best way out of the client's situation. What he needs to become, or what qualities of his character he needs to use.
6 VERTICAL 6.6A, 6C. - Buddhic (or Buddhic). It contains our life values, principles, and knowledge of the ideal of ourselves. Buddhic values ​​can be imposed by parents, teachers and educators in the process of life. To find out what is your ideal behavior, remember who you wanted to be as a child. What qualities did you endow this profession with? This is how you want to be. The card that lies in this position tells about what energies, principles the client is using now to achieve his ideal, or to fulfill his mission. Depending on the card, these values ​​may be correct (to achieve the ideal) or not correct.
7 VERTICAL - 7, 7A, 7C. Atmic (or Atmanic). This is a body that does not depend on the person himself, his psyche or body, but on God. Or the Cosmos, as it is more convenient to whom. Here lies the Mission, the destiny of man on earth. File with text with plans for the client from the side of the heavenly office.
The card in this position can mean directly the ray, the client's mission, or talk about which (alien) mission he was brought into. If the alignment for the mission has already been done, then the card will most likely speak about the influence of which arcana the client's life is now.

Blind spot

This alignment serves for self-knowledge. It has a psychological connotation and resembles the famous Yohari-Fenster diagram showing the four aspects of personality. The question to which the answer is given by this alignment "Who am I?" or "What am I?" You need to start with the 1st position card, then compare it with the "great unknown" position. Awareness of this position is the most valuable part of the alignment. The other two positions are also really valuable - position 3 reflects your assessment of yourself, and position 4 - how others perceive you. If these messages are very different from each other, or your assessment is the opposite of how others see you, then this should be considered a serious warning.

1. A clear characteristic of personality. The way you perceive yourself and how others see you.
2. Blind spot. What others see in you is either unknown to you at all, or existing only at the level of vague guesses.
3. Shadow hidden. Aspects of your inner being, known to you, but for certain reasons hidden from prying eyes.
4. Great unknown.

"Understanding yourself" layout

The layout is done on a full deck. It will help when you lose your bearings in life and do not understand what is happening to you.

1-What is the meaning of my life?
2-What am I wrong?
3-Where did I go wrong?
4-What needs to be fixed?
5-How do I live?
6-What is my calling?
7-Where can I find myself?
8-Where are my beliefs false?
9-What am I addicted to, where I cannot control myself?
10-What do you need to pull yourself together?
11-What is inappropriate for me?
12-What do I have to lose because of my stupidity?
13-What kind of life should you lead next?

Why doesn't he want to date me?

1 - The general impression made by the Querent on the prospective partner.
2 - What does the partner think about when he sees the Querent.
3 - What feelings the partner experiences in the presence of the Querent.
4 - Desires of a partner arising at the sight of the Querent.
5 - The main reason, external circumstances (who, what) hinder the relationship between the Querent and the partner. (Figure cards in this position may indicate that the prospective partner or Querent already has a soul mate.)
6 - What, for a partner, is repulsive in the Querent's demeanor?
7 - What is repulsive in the appearance of the Querent for a partner?
8 - The reaction of the prospective partner to the Querent's decisive actions in order to initiate the relationship.
9 - What are the prospects for this acquaintance for a period of 3 months.

Below I have outlined the schemes of my favorite and tested by me personally in practice, layouts of Tarot cards, and for some of them you can watch a short Video with a clear example of this how this or that layout looks in practice with the interpretation of the values ​​of the cards in the layout itself.

To simplify the assimilation and memorization of materials (layouts, arcana and the way of interpreting their meanings), the layouts of my collection will be published as they naturally become more complex.

I remind you that these and other Tarot layouts can also be viewed in the heading

The first 4 layouts will become a kind of "introduction" to the boundless world of the most incredible and interesting layouts (solitaire games) of the Tarot, which most likely will not have enough time to list. Our task with you, following from simple to complex, is to learn to feel and understand the meanings of the cards in the layout, their interconnection and to hear their barely noticeable voice. So let's get started.

Simple Tarot layouts.

1. Layout one card at a time.

This simple alignment can also be called "How to be?", "+/-", "yes / no", "To be or not to be." To increase the size, click on the picture.

The essence of the alignment is simple and complex at the same time. For example: the querent asks “to do or not to do, - to be or not to be, what to do?”.

1 card (significator) is taken out of the deck. If the senior lasso falls on the significator, then we look at all the pros and cons with respect to the senior lasso. If the minor numerical lasso falls out, we put the card down in the field in position 1 (this card means) if the numerical lasso falls again, we put the card down in the second position (this card does not mean) and so on until the major lasso falls out, which should “start” the alignment and set his character and take the position of the significator.

The significator card will indicate the essence of the question “yes-no” or “to be not to be”, and the cards below in the positions “means” - “does not mean” will talk about the situation and give a more detailed picture of the alignment.

Cards in positions below the significator in this layout can be laid out until they end or the essence of the request becomes clear.

Below you can see a video analysis of the alignment of one card. An example of the meaning and interpretation of Tarot cards in the layout of just 1 card.

have a desire to clarify the situation? - press the button - online tarot reader services.

2. Tarot layout for 3 cards.

Tarot for 3 cards is another simple and easy to remember in its essence and concept Tarot layout. It is versatile and multifunctional. For example, it can be used as a layout for introspection and as a predictive layout. Also, this alignment can serve as a layout for clarifying the relationship (for love) between two persons. Only 3 cards - they can easily say what is hidden at first glance from the understanding of the questioner.

The layout is simple. In one row, 3 cards are laid out in positions 1-2-3 Where the past is on the left (1), in the center is the present (2) or the essence of the question, on the right (3) is the future. By the location of the lasso and its essence, you can build an interpretation of the meaning of the alignment as a whole.

Below is a simple Tarot layout for 3 cards. I remind you that to enlarge the layout you need to click on the picture.

I think that the layout for 3 cards is simple in nature and easy to use.memorization. And here is an illustrative example of a predictive alignment of only three cards for events. The querent's request is as follows:"Will I go to work in Italy?"As it says and works in practice, this layout on a deck of Tarot cards of 78 doors will tell my video review.To view the alignment, turn on the video.

If you liked this alignment, then below I give another interesting one. Tarot layout for 3 cards, which I dared to use on 6 different decks. This alignment concerned the “clarification” of the conflict situation. I have already published it in my note in the heading and it can be found in the heading catalog at number 7. However, in the context of the collection of layouts, it is appropriate to repeat this video in order to emphasize the versatility of the practical application of this Tarot layout. What came out of this, see the video below:

You also can try to make your own layout of 3 cards on your own and share with me in the comments here or under the real videos on my copyright You Tube channel

If you have a desire to try this or another alignment for your specific situation, I suggest you order a Tarot consultation by clicking the button below:

3. Tarot layout 2 x 3 cards. "Choice of path" or "Direction of action".

This is a modification of the basic version of the previous layout for 3 cards, which we are with you in step 2 of our collection of Tarot layouts. I would even say that this alignment is a kind of symbiosis of the first and second alignments, because it contains a significator and 2 rows of cards of 3 each, which indicate the options for the development of events.

The scheme of this Tarot layout is still simple:

To hear how the real alignment speaks in my author's performance on the magic deck of Tarot Thoth by Aleister Crowley, I recommend including the video that you see below.

As you can see, using various magical tools (in this case, Tarot Tota), we can turn 7 Tarot cards into a talking mosaic, after reading which we can make our conscious choice.

To test this or another Tarot layout applicable to your question, you can order the services of a tarot reader online by clicking on the button below:

4. Tarot layout for 3 cards with clarification. "Combined"

In essence, this is a combination of the layouts described in and. Initially, a layout of three cards is laid out previously considered by us A.2. After that, incomprehensible positions of the alignment are clarified with the method described in Clause 1.

How it might look in practice, see my video below. This video Tarot review not only shows an example of a combined Tarot layout, but is also a living rare visual example of the psychological Tarot layout for introspection. This variant of the layout allows you to use the minimum number of cards for maximum concentration and simplify the analysis of the situation according to the principle: the fewer cards (factors), the clearer the situation. To view, include the video:

And here's another good example of a 3-card tarot combination:

The combined tarot spread “closes” a series of simple layouts from 1 to 3 cards. Of course, the layouts given above by me are far from all schemes and ways to lay out and interpret Tarot cards, but our task is learning Tarot from simple to complex, and these first 4 examples did a great job. Now you and I can move on to more complex layouts from a larger number of cards, the first of which will be one of the most popular layouts, called the "Celtic Cross".

You can clarify similar complex issues with the help of a tarot reader by placing an order for the services of a tarot reader online by clicking on the button below:

Tarot spreads of medium difficulty.

5. The "Celtic Cross" layout.

A relatively simple alignment to clarify almost "any" situation that has developed can be used both in predictive (prognostic) layouts and when working in psychological counseling when using Tarot cards in the work of a psychologist.

The layout of the Celtic Cross is relatively simple, although it has 10 cards.

As you may have guessed, the main intrigue lies in the pairs of cards 1-2 and 6-10. It is on these pairs of the alignment that you should pay close attention. The rest of the layout cards serve as "background" or "decorations" that help to compose a complete picture of the events taking place and to reveal the subtleties and nuances of the question.

Below is an example of a video that uses a wonderful deck of Deviant Moon cards (the Deviant Moon deck), which can work great as a deck for fortune telling and in psychological practices, for example, to identify psychological trauma or work with shadows. To view an example of the alignment, include the video below:

Summary of this alignment: a simple, understandable and accessible tarot layout, used quite often in everyday practice by tarot readers of all stripes. It is also interesting because it is “simple” with a large (10) number of cards in the solitaire.

6. Layout "Bridges" (Station on two).

Another simple and rather popular Tarot alignment, when asked to guess on a relationship, especially if this relationship has not yet been formalized or when there is a desire to guess on a man or woman, or rather “to guess for love”. In general - a love alignment.

This layout, most likely, got its name "Bridges" not so much for the intuitive connecting component of one coast with the other, but because of the horizontal and diagonal "levels" of points of view that are possible when interpreting the meaning of the cards in the layout. After all, you can consider both opposite cards of two columns, and lying on a cross, from which there are even more variations, and a simple at first glance layout can speak for 45 minutes.

Layout scheme

A feature of the layout is the presence of only one significator (sometimes there may be 2), as well as a relatively small number of cards in the layout.

One more feature: in the Tarot layout “Bridges” takes into account 2 points of view at once - the querent and the object of interest of the querent.

This layout is very simple to understand and to interpret the meaning of the cards in the layout.

And here is an illustrative video example taken from my practice, which I posted in my own rich collection of Tarot layouts. Please turn on the video to watch it.

Below you can watch the Tarot layout online - a similar "bridge" but with two signifier cards. Play video.

As you can see from the video, using a psychological approach to the Tarot layout, we can offer several quite possible (and in practice realizable) options for getting out of a “difficult” situation at first glance. In this case, simply communicate more and revitalize sexual relations with your husband. Alternatively, consult a sexologist.

As you can see, a simple Tarot Bridges layout can prompt and answer a variety of questions in our life with you.

And here is an example from my personal practice, when I took and slightly modified the layout of the "station for two" and applied it as a layout not for relationships or love, but for the result of an event. By the way, the forecast came true, for both queens! So you can safely apply it in practice. We look at the layout and interpretation of the cards in the layout in the video below:

If you have a desire to use the services of a tarot reader and make an alignment with my help, press the button below and I will help you read fortunes online or to your email address ...

Another 1 alignment for the relationship between a man and a woman is a married couple of 40 years old, about 20 years of marriage. relationship crisis. A typical example of the alignment of the psychological Tarot, when a man (woman) was in a crisis of personal relationships. Usually this crisis is associated with a “midlife crisis” with all the “consequences”. how it might look will tell us the following tarot layout online:

If you are not tired of watching online Tarot layouts on love and relationships between a man and a woman on the request “What does he think about me, what does he feel to me, how it looks and what is happening?” - then another example of a real alignment for love and relationship will benefit you

7.Chariot layout.

In the same way as for fortune telling for love and relationships, there are corresponding layouts of cards for money, profit and business. There is nothing surprising here, because the Tarot covers all aspects of our life with you and it is quite possible to try to understand financial issues with the help of cards. One of these layouts "for money", or rather on the "prospects for the implementation of a business plan" is "Chariot".

The alignment got its name, thanks to the scheme of the senior lasso of the same name No. 7, which patronizes the "new undertaking", business, implementation. It is the chariot that drives ambitions forward and materializes them in the form of formed intentions.

The layout is somewhat similar to a love "bridge", but it already has an excellent layout scheme, with the same total number of cards (in both cases, 7 cards).

I give the layout diagram of the Chariot below. To enlarge, click on the layout.

In fact, performing the Chariot alignment - an interesting "pentacle" or monetary history always "drops out", which, at times, takes much longer than 20 minutes of this video Tarot lesson online according to the layouts in the blog of a practicing Tarot reader. For fortune-telling for success, money and business, the golden deck of Nefertari Tarot cards is very suitable. It is her that I often use in my practice for such layouts. So, let's see:

The chariot provides answers not only to financial inquiries, but also to the success of the enterprise, plans and intentions. It is relatively easy to lay out the "chariot", so if there is a necessary case, be sure to try to practice this Tarot layout and tell fortunes.

8. Tarot "Love Triangle"

This alignment may be somewhat reminiscent of the alignment "Station for two", but only with the peculiarity that the station is just "for three". This alignment is performed when there are some controversial relationships of 3 people. As a rule, this alignment is performed on a woman-man-woman or man-woman-man relationship, but it can be successfully decomposed into a business, in the case when it comes to the interests of 3 different parties, for example, partners or business competitors. As in the "Celtic Cross" layout, 10 cards are used here according to the scheme, which can be seen below.

Layout scheme "Love triangle".

I also propose to watch the video Tarot layout "Love Triangle" with a clear example of the interpretation of cards in the layout at the request of my querent.

As you can see from this video, you can optionally add a clarifying layout to any layout to clarify the situation. In the video above, a simple “Cross” layout determined the further algorithm and vector of the querent’s actions in the “Love Triangle”.

Confused in your Love Triangle? - order an online Tarologist consultation.

And here is another example of the same scenario, but with a different request. “Will the husband come back”? I want to note right away that the result of the alignment itself depends on the request itself or "desire" before the alignment itself. We watch the video and analyze the cards.

The attitude of the querent “I don’t know” before the immediate alignment gives a clear picture of the inverted positions of the querent and the “peace agreement” in the form of 3 bowls inside this “love” triangle.

And here is another version of the same triangle, but already quite conflicting - “Love spell on blood”, a similar request, but the accent of the request sounds a little different. CAN I RETURN HUSBAND (with the original intention to return)

We watch the video, analyze the cards in the layout:

It is possible to continue a series of similar layouts on the relationship between a man and a woman or the “third excess” in various versions and combinations. It is important to note that the outcome of the alignment largely depends on the mood of the querent and the clarity of the wording of the request for the cards.

9. The "Third parallel" layout.

The "Third Parallel" or "Third Dimension" alignment is my author's modification of the above alignment on "in P.3 of this section, devoted to divination by Tarot cards.

As far as you have noticed, your humble servant does not provide a layout scheme, since it is identical to the layout in the layout with only one difference, which is important to note: first, 2 options are laid out (and if necessary, 3 or more options) and a choice is made of them, but the third the line is laid out when a choice is made between the options. This is how the “purity” of the final answer to the request is achieved - what the choice will lead to. It is better if the choice is made from as few options as possible, no more than 3, and better than 2, - THIS WAY THE LAYOUT REDUCES TO THE TITLE “ OR OR"And" where will the final decision lead to. "

10. Tarot layout "Leonardo"

Leonardo's layout completes the top ten of my collection of layouts for the most varied needs of my clients. You can choose the present Tarot layout when you need an analysis of the current situation, or you need to get advice or a short-term forecast for the future. This alignment is taken from Hayo Banzhaf's book “Tarot Key Concepts”. On my own behalf, I want to add that this alignment is also great for those cases when “the Querent does not know what he wants” or “cannot clearly formulate his request” for the tarot reader.

The scheme of this layout is relatively simple, although the layout refers to the 4th level of complexity according to the 5-point system, which was introduced by H. Banzhaf for his layouts. I would say that this is a "moderate" alignment and quite "speaking" for me.

I will not specially draw a diagram of this alignment, but I will simply post you a photo, which can be enlarged by clicking on the picture. The photo contains all the necessary “decoding” of the position and interpretation of the Tarot cards.

Below is an example of using the layout in my own practice of the tarot reader, where you can see the restoration of the Tarot layout to one of my clients. A young lady who is on the verge of choosing between studying and looking for a partner. "What's happening"? in her case, the real video will tell.

If you want to tell fortunes for the future, to divine on love or relationships, together with a lot, fill out an application for the Tarot online by clicking on the button below.

Lovers layout.

I used this layout from the book of A. Solodilova Tarot in the work of a psychologist, and from there the diagram for the layout with the meaning of the cards in the layout was taken.

Below is a detailed example of the “Lovers” layout, which I conducted at the request of my querent. This is a rather detailed and relatively “complex” alignment, which in detail can show the situation and the perspective of partner relations.

The next layout is being prepared for publication.

The tarot divination technique is based on obtaining symbolic answers by choosing one or more cards at random. It should be borne in mind that according to this fortune telling technique, it is impossible to get a specific informational answer, be it a set of specific numbers or a calendar date.

But many fortunetellers see the fundamental essence in predicting the course of events, explaining the motives of the behavior of a person or people, predicting future events. T

Ordinary fortune-telling is asking a question and simultaneously drawing one card (random) from the deck, followed by interpretation. But tarologists consider such fortune-telling to be meager and inaccurate, since the interpretation of one card is considered to be ambiguous.

To obtain detailed answers to questions, groups of randomly selected cards are used, which are laid out according to a certain pattern. This method of fortune telling is called "alignment".

Each layout has its own characteristics and a group of questions to which it is designed to answer. In this case, each card is assigned a more detailed and specialized meaning.

Ways of "layouts" for love and relationships

Tarot card layouts that provide information about relationships at the moment, for the coming year and a cumulative analysis of such relationships

The analysis of relationships tarot cards

This method is used when asking questions emanating from only one of the lovers. This is a hint for the interested person regarding the correction of the situation in the present and the vision of the future. What to fear and how to act so as not to destroy your personal happiness .

_____________7 5_______________

"Feelings for the Year" tarot cards layout

This method of laying out the cards is used when analyzing the present situation and forecast for the next month, six months and a year.

___________2_ 7_____________
__________ 3_ 8______________
________ 1 6 _______
_________ 4_9______________
_________ 5_10_____________

  1. Relationships at the moment
    2. What does a loved one think of you
    3. How your loved one feels about you
    4. How will a man behave with you
    5. Expectations of a man from your relationship
    6. Correction of your behavior
    7. Relationships in the coming month
    8. Relationship in 3 months
    9. Relationship after 6 months
    10. Relationships in a year

Let's consider one of the most popular dealings for the "Ace of spades" relationship.
This method is applicable to a couple who often have interpersonal relationship problems. ________________1______________________

1. How are things going between lovers at the present time?
2. How do others perceive you?
3. What qualities do others not see in you?
4. Why do people around you ignore you?
5. The attitude of the first partner to the situation
6. The attitude of the second partner to the situation
7. Traits of behavior inherent in the first partner
8. Traits of behavior inherent in the second partner
9. The path of developing love and personal relationships
10. Expectations and plans for the future of the first partner
11. Expectations and visions of the second partner
12. Outcome

A layout that reveals the true reasons for a possible divorce

The layout of the tarot cards for the relationship "Stiletto (or in other words, the possibility of divorce).

This method is used in a situation where a married couple (love union) is going through hard times. Accompanying information is required about the reasons for the impending divorce and the ability to prevent it, in other words, to avoid separation.
________ 10________
________ 15________

1. Brief characteristics and features of relations between spouses in a marriage union
2. How does the first spouse see the marriage union?
3. How does the second spouse (husband) see the marriage union?
- Relationship of a married couple to divorce:
4. Attitude towards a possible divorce of the first spouse
5. Attitude to the separation of the second spouse
- Reasons for a probable divorce (for the first spouse):
6. Strengthens divorce decision-making
7. Reduces the decision to divorce
- Reasons for a probable divorce (for the second spouse):
8. Strengthens the decision to divorce
9.Reduces the decision to divorce
10. The influence of the "third force" in the decision to divorce.
- Factors favoring the decision to divorce:
11. With regard to the first spouse
12. Concerning the second spouse
- Factors opposing the decision to divorce:
13. Concerning the first spouse
14. With regard to the second spouse
15. Summary

Horseshoe card layout

This view is used to interpret this state of affairs. With the help of it, you can navigate in the circumstances of real affairs, what is happening at the present time and predict impending difficulties so that you have an opportunity to avoid them altogether or at least partially cope with them.

___1_____________7_ ­­­
______2 ____6 __ _
______ 3 4 5_ _____

Harmony tarot cards layout

This alignment is suitable for those who are characterized by hard work, the desire to live in a varied and harmonious way.

_________6________ ­­­
______5 ___4 __ _

________ 3________ ­­­
______2 ___1 __ _

  1. What should be the ideal relationship in your opinion.
  2. Cons of a relationship and fixing current flaws
  3. The near future through the eyes of your partner
  4. Changing the situation - achieving harmony
  5. How to change your behavior for the better and adjust to build easy relationships and mutual understanding with your partner.

Swing cards layout

This method is used when the questioner is not sure of his own feelings and the feelings of a partner, and wants to get an answer to the question "is it worth it for loving hearts to be together." And also how to act to improve the relationship - with a positive "alignment" of the cards - and how to avoid negativity and frequent quarrels.

Tarot layouts will help you better understand which method of fortune telling to choose for each specific case. Formulate the question that worries you the most, choose the appropriate alignment and start fortune telling.

This alignment will help you find out how your move or long trip will end (for example, a long business trip to another country).

The cards in the layout must be arranged in this way:

The values ​​of the cards at each position:

  1. What stage of solving a problem or achieving a goal are you currently at.
  2. Factors that hinder or help to get what you want.
  3. Actions required to move. They need to be completed as soon as possible.
  4. The likelihood that the trip or trip will take place.
  5. How rewarding the trip will be.
  6. What will you think about when you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment.
  7. How will you feel when you change the environment and environment.
  8. What will you do when the journey begins and you arrive at your destination.
  9. What will be the living conditions.
  10. Your financial condition and general - if you move as a family, for example.
  11. Probable problems to face.
  12. How quickly you can adapt to unusual situations and unfamiliar surroundings.
  13. What will you achieve in a year.

If the fourth card gave a negative answer, it is not necessary to look at the meanings of the remaining arcana.

The "Sign of Fate" layout

This alignment will help you figure out what signs and signals the Universe is sending you. And understand what exactly she is trying to convey.

It is enough to formulate your question and lay out five cards in one even row. The meanings of the arcana in this case will be as follows:

  1. What does your dream mean or a sign that you saw in the surrounding reality.
  2. The meaning of the sign sent - what is the lesson in it.
  3. Your attitude to what happened. How to properly respond to a signal of fate?
  4. What is the reason for what the universe is warning about? What should you pay attention to?
  5. What should be done to solve the riddle of the sign completely?

It is advisable to formulate your question as concretely as possible before the alignment in order to get an accurate answer.

Layout "Prescription"

If you strive to find yourself, but have not yet found, if you want to do what you love and be useful, and not fade away at tedious and unpleasant work, try using the help of Tarot.

The cards in the layout must be laid out as follows:

  1. What is your destiny, where to look for a calling.
  2. Are you moving in the right direction in life, are you busy with your own business.
  3. What qualities are hidden in you that are necessary for realizing success in life. They need to be "pulled" out of the nooks and crannies of their own soul and developed.
  4. And what qualities, on the contrary, prevent you from achieving what you want? Important: all that is useful and necessary is in a person from birth. Each has its own character traits. And all that is superfluous, interfering, harmful, as a rule, is acquired in the course of life. You need to get rid of it in order to become successful and happy.
  5. Indicate a person, patron and mentor who is able to help guide you on the right path and find a calling.
  6. What will you get if you take up your mission, what material and spiritual benefits will appear in life.
  7. How far you are on your path in life from your true purpose and occupation in life.

Before this alignment, it is advisable not only to clearly formulate the question, but also to connect emotions. Imagine that you have found your life's work. How do you feel about it? How happy are you? Are you satisfied? Visualize emotions.


Let's say a certain situation has arisen in your life, in a favorable outcome of which you are extremely interested. Tarot cards will help you to understand the matter to the smallest nuances.

The meanings of the lasso by location:

  1. The situation itself, its vision from the point of view of the laws of the Universe.
  2. Your own influence on this situation, its development and outcome.
  3. Tarot advice on how you should behave in order for the situation to develop in a favorable way.
  4. And advice on how to act categorically should not. Otherwise, you run the risk of aggravating the matter and making adverse changes irreversible.
  5. The end result: how the exciting situation will be resolved, what consequences it will lead to.
  6. The time frame in which the case will be resolved. If a favorable card fell in the previous position, then we estimate the value of the seventh. If it is unfavorable, we ignore the interpretation of the seventh card and do not decipher it.

What if you can't find the correct scheme for fortune telling? Watch a video about the universal layout, with which you can get answers to all questions:

Ankh layout

This layout is quite versatile. With its help, you can get answers to almost any questions, understand the essence of problems and situations, understand yourself and know the truth.

Lay out the cards in this way:

The meaning of the arcana at each position:

  1. Personalization of your personality and attitude to an exciting issue. The map will briefly describe your character in terms of perceiving problems and finding solutions.
  2. Description of your environment, all people who influence you and your worldview.
  3. Health status. The map will show what you need to pay special attention to, mark potential weaknesses in the body.
  4. Everything related to personal and family life. An overview of your love affairs from a tarot point of view.
  5. Finance. This is all about work and career matters. The level of material well-being, opportunities for enrichment, etc.
  6. A card that represents your past. This is all that has already happened and that affects your present and future.
  7. Complements the characteristics of the sixth card.
  8. Your unconscious. What happens in your soul without the intervention of the mind. That which is impossible to control.
  9. Your consciousness. Thoughts, dreams, goals, plans, emotions, feelings. Everything that happens in the skull.
  10. The root of the problem, the essence of the exciting situation, the reasons for the troubles. Understanding the truth will help you find the right decision, choose the right strategy of behavior.

In the layout, always evaluate not only the interpretation of one particular arcana, but also look at the cards surrounding it.

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card layouts. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose. If you find it difficult to decide which alignment is best for answering your question, use the "Celtic Cross" - and you can't go wrong.


Alignment analysis to help resolve the situation.


The layout describes the likelihood of unexpected events in the life of the Questioner, their nature, and also gives wise advice on how to proceed in this situation.


This alignment is good for considering a particular problem. With it, you can get an exact answer to your question.


Comprehensive analysis of the situation.

A collection of thematic layouts for the analysis of specific everyday situations - interpersonal relationships, legal issues, the search for missing things and those who "helped" these things to the abyss, deep consideration of the periods of a person's life and much more ...



The layout is designed to analyze the condition of your apartment, as well as cases that may be related to your real estate.


The layout is used in order to understand what to expect from the upcoming visit of friends or relatives to your home.


If something was stolen in the house, the alignment will help to find the thief.


The layout is convenient in cases where the Questioner is not able to independently determine the problem. The layout makes it clear in which life sphere the problem will arise and how everything will happen.


It happens that bosom friends can forget about their friendship, turning one against one. The layout is designed so that you can figure out a similar situation if it suddenly arises in your life. This alignment will help you understand where the kernel of your conflict with a friend / girlfriend lies, what each of the parties to the conflict experiences, and also what can be done to return the relationship to its former course.


When the Questioner cannot concentrate on his problem, the "Key" layout is suitable, which will help to understand the current situation, which will make it possible to move on.


This layout is used to analyze the state of your apartment or house at the moment. The layout will help you get an objective picture of the condition of your property, as well as help you understand whether it is worth making any changes and what their implementation will give.


This layout is used to create a big picture and to get an answer to a specific question.


The questioner feels the bad attitude of the partner and wants to know the reasons for this. In some cases, this alignment can also be used to analyze other relationships (boss - subordinate, parent - child, relations between neighbors).


This alignment is performed to highlight a specific problem, taking into account the lessons that the Questioner needs to learn from the current situation. But the main thing is to help the Questioner find the right solution to this problem.


We often lose things. Sometimes we just can't remember where we put this or that item. And sometimes someone takes them without our permission and knowledge. With the help of this alignment, you can find a lost thing or find out where it is.


This alignment will help to identify a negative source on the life of the Questioner. The layout is performed using a full deck of Tarot cards, but if the result of the prediction is not entirely clear, then an additional card is taken from the deck of cards, which will clarify the situation. If it turns out to be a figured card, then this question should not be asked any more - this card will describe the situation finally, once and for all.


Analysis of the conflict situation between the Questioner and the person of interest.


Karmic alignment, which makes it possible to establish whether we are acting according to or against the will of the Questioner.


What does the Questioner want and what interferes with the fulfillment of his desire.






When the questioner comes with a request to help make a decision, then this alignment will help with this. In this scenario, not the Significator is chosen first, but a card symbolizing a problem or a situation in which a decision must be made.


Daily complex Tarot layout.


This alignment provides a lot of information that allows you to analyze the problem and establish the cause of its occurrence and see the ways out of the current situation.


This alignment shows the general picture of the life of a person who is being guessed at, his past, present and future.


Large 42-card layout.



This alignment will allow you to look at the personality of the person who is destined to bring love into your life: what qualities he or she will possess, in what area his / her professional interests will be focused, what impression this person will make on you when you first meet him and much more.


Analysis of relationships that are "on the brink".


Search for your soul mate.


This alignment is good in cases where the question asked by the questioner relates to the sphere of personal life or relationships with another person.


This alignment is suitable both for analyzing relationships and for identifying and disclosing internal contradictions between partners. If the Questioner is interested in his relationship with a partner, then the right circle stands for the Questioner, and the left circle stands for the partner. If the questioner is worried about internal contradictions, then the right circle symbolizes consciousness, and the left one is subconscious.


When a person appears in the life of the Questioner who claims to take the place of your current partner and the Questioner does not know which of them to stay with and meet in the future, then the "Love Choice" alignment will come to the rescue.


We are looking for a new lover.


This alignment is used to find out if a single person will find a suitable partner in the near future (in the next six months). With the help of the alignment, you can get advice on how to act for the Questioner to make this happen and how to behave so that this union develops successfully.


The layout is convenient in cases where the Questioner is worried about something in the partnership, when he is afraid for his future or feels that the partner does not treat him well enough. The layout will present an overall picture of the relationship currently prevailing between partners.


This alignment is perfect for analyzing a situation when the Questioner is not sure about the feelings of his partner or is worried about his behavior.


What kind of partner am I looking for?


Will I ever get married (will I get married)?


The alignment is associated with a very specific problem: whether to stay in this union or to part with this partner. The layout allows you to take a broader look at the situation that has developed in the analyzed union at the moment.



This alignment is intended to help you better understand the task that your boss has assigned you, what pitfalls it hides and how it will affect your career. For the bosses, the alignment will help to understand whether the employee has enough skills and abilities to solve the task assigned to him or whether the business should be entrusted to someone else.


This chart is designed to help you figure out if you should hope for a promotion anytime soon and how it will affect your life.


The layout is designed so that you can objectively assess the current state of affairs in your career.


This alignment will be useful for people with work experience looking for a new job, as well as for people who are just taking their first steps in becoming in their professional field.


The layout is designed so that you can assess the prospects for your career in your position. With its help, you will be able to understand which areas of professional activity you should focus on, what you should give up and what will bring you current activity.


Making important decisions in work matters.


Can I start my own business?


How am I doing with money?


Is my chosen career really what I want?


What worries me about my job?


This layout is used most often in cases where the Questioner wants and must make a decision regarding a change of job. It allows you to examine in detail the pros and cons of the current job, and also shows the opportunities and challenges that may arise in the new job. With its help, you can get specific advice and instructions on how to proceed in order to avoid mistakes and failures.


This alignment is for those considering retirement. It will help you analyze your current situation and understand how such a decision will affect your life.



The layout is used when you already have health problems and want to understand the causes of its occurrence and track how it will develop.


A layout that allows you to find out where the ailment came from and how to deal with it.


The layout can be used both for analyzing an already onset illness, and in order to check whether you are threatening to go to bed in the near future. If the first two cards do not cause you concern, then you can not lay the cards to the end.


The layout concerning the state of health, when a health problem has already arisen and the question is what to do to avoid problems.


This alignment concerns only one side of the Questioner's life - his health.


Is there a reason to worry about health?



The layout is intended for women who are in a happy
waiting for the birth of a child. It is designed to help
the expectant mother to understand herself and understand what qualities of her character
can help her raise a child.


The layout allows the Questioner to find out about the future of his child, about his abilities and worldview, and his fate. The signifier is chosen according to the zodiac sign under which the child of the Questioner was born.


This layout is designed specifically for women who intend to conceive a child and want to know what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth.


The main goal of this alignment is to understand how your child is growing. What talents does he have, who he wants to become, what will interest him most of all, whether he will be whiny and painful, or whether he will be happy with his surroundings and grow up to be a strong and healthy child, as well as obedient.


This layout is for mothers who want to know how their young children are doing. The layout will help you better understand how your children are doing, what talents and abilities are best developed in them, as well as find out how he builds relationships with the world around him, so that if necessary, help him with advice or deed. This alignment is performed for each child separately.


Am I ready to have a baby?


This alignment is designed to help future parents look into the future and try to understand who their future son / daughter will become.


This layout is intended for mothers who want to understand how things are with adult children. With its help, you can understand how best to develop your child further, as well as find out how he is doing in various areas of his life.





How do I deal with my physical and material problems?



This alignment will help the Questioner when he is in a difficult situation that depresses him and negatively affects his psyche. And also when the Questioner would like to know what led him to such a state and how to get out of this crisis.



This alignment allows you to find out what the previous incarnations were, who the Questioner was in a past life. There is also an opportunity to look into subsequent incarnations.


What am I afraid of?


Thanks to the "Path" layout, the Questioner will be able to learn about a more fundamental direction in which he has to move and at the same time better understand where it will lead him. The cards will tell about the behavior of the Questioner and his attitude to this issue up to the present moment and give recommendations for the future.


This alignment is usually carried out to read the general state of the Questioner at the moment, as well as to clarify the prospects and changes in a particular area of ​​his life in the near future.

With the help of this layout, you can get an idea of ​​what awaits you in the next month.


The layout allows you to look at the day ahead of you from a more precise perspective and understand what changes it brings to you in the emotional, professional and financial spheres, as well as what surprises may lie in wait for you.


New Year is one of the brightest holidays. An atmosphere of magic and peace is in the air, filling their hearts with light and love, and also very many people want to know what the coming year has in store for them. This alignment offers you the opportunity to lift the curtain of uncertainty and try to find out what the year will be for you.


The layout will allow you to look at the events that await you this week.


The layout will allow you to analyze the coming week and will allow you to understand what you should expect from each of the days.


This alignment is very simple, it can be used in order to understand in general terms what the coming day will be like for you. The alignment can be performed both in the morning of the same day on which the alignment is performed, and in the evening of the previous one, however, in the latter case, you need to concentrate on what you want to receive in response about the future day.


Undoubtedly, birthday is the most important holiday for a person. It was on this day that you entered this wonderful world and began your life-long journey. On this momentous day, you will surely be interested in taking a look at your life and getting some tips on how you can best fulfill your potential.