
Scandinavian rune pert. Interpretation of the meaning of other runes

Direct position.

The main meaning of the rune is mystery.
Rune Name: Perth
Meaning: stone, bowl

Ancient Germanic name, rune meaning: Pertra (Perthro)
Old Norwegian name, rune meaning: perþu
Anglo-Saxon name, rune meaning: Peordh (Pertra)
Ancient Celtic name, rune meaning: Pailt
Old Icelandic name, rune meaning: Perþ or Plástur

The rune says that what was hidden is still becoming apparent. It can symbolize many things. One of the meanings is - the discovery of hidden knowledge, inner initiations. It is also possible for some secrets to be revealed to a person. Big wins and pleasant surprises are also possible.
Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - a rune that accumulates knowledge, heading towards a specific goal. The main thing here is to learn self-discipline. With the right balance of self-discipline and acquired knowledge, internal transmutation occurs, and a person enters a new level of realization.


RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth), the meaning of the rune. MORE DETAILS

Perth (Perdhro, Perth). Divination interpretation, rune meaning Perth (Perdhro, Perth):

Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - the rune of a knight all the time struggling with his fate. Perth is a supernatural rune of initiation.

Main theses. Search, dedication; a positive omen; the discovery of a secret; unexpected luck; happiness in love; sixth Sense; prediction; big changes in life; right moment; unknown; secret; find; lottery prize; the senses; respect; help from friends; psychic abilities; lot.
When the runes of Perth (Perdhro, Perth) fall out, probably soon something secret will become clear. Probably, you will find a lost and already forgotten item, or an old friend will appear. The drop of the Perth rune means that big changes await you. This is a time of change in your environment and your inner world.

Perth symbolizes the overcoming of your egoism, at this time your inner unconscious essence makes its way to your conscious "I", struggling on its way with obsessive thoughts. Your goal is to find true freedom. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in its meaning when interpreting in the layout indicates that you have the strongest intuition and extraordinary extrasensory abilities hidden in you. This rune can help bring back the lost and indicates that you have a huge positive potential ahead of you. If you predict a love relationship, then the fall of the rune Perth (Perth) will indicate good sexual compatibility with the person you are guessing at.

Rune Council Perth (Perdhro, Perth). The period of change has come. Temporarily become an objective and fair researcher. The main thing is to calm down and let go of the past. Listen to your sixth sense. And do not be surprised by the changes that have opened up in you.

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:
The ways of Perth are mysterious and inscrutable. Deeply hidden inner transforming forces are at work here.
Some integrity is implied, but may be hidden under a disguise, be unrecognizable or be a mystery.
The paths of the runes Perth, Perth (Perdhro, Perth) are inscrutable - the deep-hidden forces of internal transformations have an effect. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically represents the flight of a mountain eagle, a flight to the transcendental skies, a flight abstracted from everything secondary, which raises you above everyday life, to expand the limits of perception. Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) Pertro, its main meaning expresses the intensity of the experienced aspect of initiation.

The rune is directly related to the deep layers of your being, to the foundations of the fundamental principles of your Destiny. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically conveys, in some sense, the experience of death. If it seems necessary, allow everything to go, absolutely everything that, in your opinion, seems to be secondary now, without accepting objections. The old roads are coming to an end - you simply will not be able to repeat the once passed. You must gather together all your inner strengths, concentrating on the experience of your own life. That is, on what is now necessary for one's own improvement. You should recognize a series of obstacles and barriers as a cycle of trials that you are going through at the moment. Each of these obstacles, each humiliation individually becomes a test of your character.

When your inner being is in the process of changing and transforming at a deep level, patience, persistence and perseverance are needed. The power of Perth (Pertro) is a process of steady transformation of the energy potential, which for many centuries has been inherited by you from your ancestors and is deeply hidden at the deepest levels of the subconscious. It is the strength, the strength of the Perdhro,Perth rune meaning, that provides your individuality, ensuring that you are forever destined to remain yourself, no matter how many lives you have to live. The rune is distinguished by a distinctly female character. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) is associated by interpreters with Frigg, the goddess of Fate, knowledge and power, companion and wife of Odin.
It means something hidden, secret or a gate to hidden new dimensions.

Rune interpretation. Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Magic use:

Treatment and health; finding the lost; well-being; development of ideas; gradual change in consciousness.
Application in rune records:

The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To maintain good mental health.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To return lost items.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For a successful investment.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For the development of magical skills.

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Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth), the meaning of the rune. Direct position

And a little more on the topic of Scandinavian runes

Rune Perth (Perth, Perth) - the fourteenth character. It is dominated by the element of Water. It is a symbol of rebirth. It personifies the disclosure of secrets, new opportunities, profit, the beginning of new relationships. Let's talk about the meaning of this runic symbol in detail.

Photo runes Perth:

Advice for running the Perth rune in a straight position: It's time for change in your life. You should be objective about everything that happens and adequately respond to any events. Abstract from past mistakes, listen to intuition. Prepare to accept change and don't be surprised by it.

Rune Perth upside down

If the runic symbol falls out in an inverted position, its meaning is most often negative. Perth in this case portends:

  • An accident will happen in your life that will greatly upset and cause irreparable harm.
  • There is a mystery that you are unable to solve. It interferes with life and even poses a certain threat
  • Serious conflicts are coming with your loved one, your relationship will go through a severe crisis. How it all ends - reconciliation and harmony, or separation and termination of relations, depends only on you
  • Expect serious troubles that will change your life for the worse.

Sometimes the Perth rune falls upside down to indicate that you have secret knowledge and can use it to harm someone. But you should not do this - the evil committed against another person will return to you many times over.

Also, Perth may indicate that your magical experiments will end in complete failure due to a serious mistake that you make. This will happen because you used magic incorrectly, not for good, but for your own selfish purposes. You risk losing what you already have - stop!

Perhaps you are under the pressure of social prejudices and stereotypes. This threatens that your soul will be literally buried under the yoke of universal contempt. Try to be persistent and do not deviate from your own opinion, defend it, no matter what.

Advice when the rune of Perth falls out in an inverted position: now is not the time to look into the future, live one day. There is no need to try to analyze the past - it will not give you anything. Relax and indulge in self-discovery, become the best version of yourself. Then the surrounding world will change for the better, and Fate will provide every chance for this.

Rune Perth in formulas with other symbols

The value of a runic symbol always changes slightly if it is dropped in combination with other runes:

  • Combinations Perth - , Perth - , Perth - indicate that in the near future you will receive a large financial profit
  • Combinations Perth - , Perth - , Perth - , Perth - , Perth - , Perth - indicate that you have perfect sexual compatibility with your current partner, and the relationship is full of harmony
  • The combination of an inverted rune Perth and runes, or indicates that there are problems in your couple - one of the partners has ceased to experience the same feelings. It is better to leave or try to return the old passion to the relationship

magical application

Runes are often used in magical rituals, as well as for the manufacture of amulets, talismans, amulets. Perth for these purposes is used for:

  • Harmonization of the state of mind of a person, elimination of melancholy, depression, emotional experiences
  • In order to gain the wisdom of the ancestors and learn from the experience of previous generations
  • To become a more conscious person, to bring consciousness to a new level of development, to begin to control the unconscious
  • Stop burdensome connections from the past, close the gestalt. To this end, the rune must be used as carefully as possible - inept actions will only harm

Watch a video about the meaning of the Perth rune:

With one-rune divination, the meaning of the rune Perth can be as follows:

  • In the near future, you will have to evaluate your own actions and engage in introspection. Try to be as critical as possible.
  • You are recommended to become an optimist, gain positive and transmit positive emotions to the world around you.
  • There will be some problems that need to be addressed in a non-standard way. If you succeed, you will be a huge success.

The rune of magical initiation as a passage through the state of death for rebirth in a new quality. The symbol of the inner content of this rune is the Phoenix, i.e. fiery rebirth from the ashes. It can also mean something hidden, a secret or a gate to the innermost or to the new. The rune has a distinctly feminine character and is associated with Frigg - the Scandinavian goddess of fate, knowledge and power, the wife of Odin.

Name: PERTHO, PEORD or PEORTH - “Hidden” in the figurative meaning of the female bosom, but also a bowl (cup) for dice (T. Willis). Hidden (Goth.), Womb? (English), — (Norwegian), — (Isl.)

runic formula — ᛈᛖᚱᚦᚱᛟ

Action Perth: transition to a qualitatively different state.


Character: energy.

Essence: reversible rune.

Runes of Perth

  • the fetus becomes a child at birth,
  • the boy is initiated into the man,
  • the student becomes a specialist by receiving a diploma,
  • the bride becomes a wife at her own wedding,
  • a person accepts a different faith,
  • the one who is awake becomes a dreamer by falling asleep,
  • a caterpillar in a chrysalis turns into a butterfly,
  • a flower becomes a fruit after pollination,
  • a piece of dough in the oven becomes bread,
  • the car in the press turns into a cube of scrap metal,
  • a piece of clay becomes a cup in the hands of a potter,
  • the tree becomes moldings at the sawmill,
  • the monarchy turns into a republic during the revolution,
  • the star becomes a black hole

Rune Meaning Perth

"Role". Each "role" "allows" the actor only to certain possibilities, and in order to get "access" to qualitatively different possibilities, the actor must change it.

Over time, it becomes necessary to perform other, qualitatively inaccessible before actions. An own state of unsuitable quality is a stimulus to Pertho's action.

The result of this action is finding the actor in a certain "role", in a certain "status".

Nothing so invigorates the human spirit as a premonition of the approach of one's own death. Meeting with death brings to the soul a strange joy from touching it. someone transcendent mystery, completely different from life. We rarely think about the liberating function of death. Both literally and in the broadest sense, death is pep, awakening, awareness of true values. When a person does not think about it, relying on the mechanics of life, he will never try to fix something. When does he feel that he has remained alive someone a month, a year, then he begins to live seriously.

Death plays strange games with people. It is known that great people begin to seriously influence society after leaving the physical plane. There is a disidentification of the creative principle with the vain body, with its problems and complexities. Man becomes a myth. Death is a heavenly experience, a separation from something familiar and a meeting with something completely incomprehensible, unusual, inexplicable.

Oddly enough, a person begins to live seriously when he remembers his death, that he is a finite being. In any case, in the form in which he knows himself. The greatest horror seizes a person if he begins to feel with all his being that not so much bodily death is terrible as inner death, when our ideas die, when everything that we so carefully cherished, that we believed so brightly, that we hoped. What started out is not what happened at all. A year passes and - I am different, I look at the world through the eyes of another person, because the old one has already died. He didn't just give up. The very structure of the psyche has changed. The complex of ideas about oneself and about the world has changed.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to go back, for example, to early childhood. It is unlikely that you will want to undo this death. That is why all occultism, esotericism is permeated with a persistent reminder of the most important role of death in human life. They become initiated when people understand that death follows them relentlessly, that it is constantly present nearby, not one step behind. Moreover, death has its own rights. It can at any moment take away any idea, any illusion, any person, any event. We have no right to have a dialogue with death, just as a bug cannot argue with a bulldozer. We are not even able to know its laws, because the logic of its behavior is inaccessible to us. It is precisely because of its unknowability and unpredictability that death both pleases and saddens a person. And the more serious and deeper he becomes, the calmer he is about the very possibility of dying. First the individual parts. And then all of myself.

In eternal existence there is some incompleteness, some untruth. We are well aware of the imperfection of what we do, how clumsy, poor, angular, wrong it is. And only when we learn to accept death as a deliverer from imperfections, we gain the opportunity to get rid of them.

The use of the Rune Perth in magic

Magical meaning: the realization of hidden possibilities. Helps to overcome the past, to force out difficult memories. Facilitates the transition to a new level of consciousness, "initiation" (student) to the next degree (master). In practical terms, it can something time to interrupt the usual course of life, turning it into a game in which, however, winning and losing are equally likely. Sometimes it helps a woman to “find herself”, to realize herself as a woman and mother.

As a rune of magical initiation, the rune Perth pushes and facilitates the process of a qualitative change in consciousness (inner initiation) - at any level. In certain situations, it can act like the Hagalaz rune, breaking off the closed chain of thoughts and the events they bring to life. The use of the Perth rune for magical purposes can lead to an act of mental death - a rupture of causal and emotional ties between the past and future of a person. In some situations, this can be beneficial, in others it will lead to the weighting of personal karma, the “tightening” of its knots and the aggravation of the situations caused by it. Therefore, this rune must be used with reasonable care.

Interpretation of the Rune Perth in divination

Mantic meaning: secret, intimate, esoteric; magic. Finding the Lost. Answering a question, clarifying the situation. Honor, profit, help from friends.

In an inverted position - sectarianism, black magic, careless occult experiments. Confusion, loss.


Upright: surprises, accidents, wins and finds. Discovery of secrets. Unconventional behavior or approach to problem solving. The requirement to solve some "riddles", to find out hidden motives. It can embody a game with fortune - for a gambler. In this case, everything is at stake. For a fatalist, this is the arrival of the inevitable, in any form, and very difficult to predict.

Reversed: wrong step leads to collapse. You entered the wrong gate, took the wrong keys and used the wrong money - the consequences will be very painful. The gap between the planes of consciousness, betrayal, misunderstanding of oneself and the situation around, a complete break with the past, events are absolutely not related to the reasons known to you. A closed fate, the lack of opportunities to receive what is intended for you - due to excessive haste and adventurism.

Provided opportunities

Upright: get a win, find out the hidden, get help from luck. For a healer or a patient - the decision of the outcome of healing by the will of Fate. It is common for a married couple to conceive a child. Success in attracting the means of magic, esotericism to business.

Reversed: get rid of the past in all manifestations and respects. Gain the ability to live in the present - without looking back at the past and without hope for the future. This is, in fact, the only state that can bring good luck. For those striving for liberation from Karma, it is a great joy. This is the absence of Karma

Rune's Warning

Upright: Perth is always a game. And winning it depends on personal courage, luck and the ability to fully trust the situation. Any concern, attempt to be clever, to plan what is happening will doom you to failure.

Reversed: the absence of Karma at the moment does not mean freedom forever. Every action you take can create your destiny. Any desire will cause a chain of consequences that will have to be followed in the future. Be careful!

Upright: seize the chance, trust your luck as much as possible!

Reversed: very accurately and responsibly take any step, deed, say words, carry on conversations. You are laying the foundation for far-reaching undertakings.

Problems caused by the Rune

Problems in the straight position:

The ongoing process is mysterious, hidden, difficult to recognize. You need to be patient, to perceive all its subtlety and depth. You cannot participate in this mysterious transformation. You can only be present with her.

The achievement will be very big. But it will by no means be easy. Any regrets about leaving will be burned. The stake in this process is the renewal of the Spirit.

The transition to higher paths of life is accomplished by other forces instead of a person. He just has to be worthy of the gift of ascension.

Problems v inverted position:

Today people like to talk about samadhi, nirvana, the Absolute. Some even manage to convince themselves that they have a vertical channel to the Absolute. However, we cannot even remotely imagine the shock, the catastrophe that will happen if we touch these Forces. Thank God that Heaven does not hear our talk about this. If the Absolute touched the speaker, only a pile of ashes would remain from him.

In the case of reverse Perth, the person nevertheless attracted the attention of the Absolute. On the one hand, of course, a nightmare. On the other side. somehow feel great. Like firewood that was honored to be burned first.

We often suffer with the thought that someone needs our suffering. We do not understand that suffering is associated with pollution. When the sewer is clogged, we do not think about whether someone needs it or not, to clean it or not to clean it. We immediately call the master. But when a sewer plug appeared in the soul, it seems to us that there is some higher meaning in this. We do not want to understand that getting rid of garbage is quite simple - at the cost of some mental work.

Suffering is associated with the resuscitation of the deceased (the same image of a cork).

The advice will come in an unusual form and always from within.

What is happening under the return of Perth must be observed calmly. Moreover, without focusing on the here-and-now, you simply will not notice a deep self-change.

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Removal of protection from the victim.

Nautiz-transl. Algiz-Mannaz-transl. Algiz. Can I have some more Teyvaz add to enhance
Forced destruction of personal protection, impact on a person with the help of any external forces for the purpose of physical harm, up to and including death. Teyvaz all this will strengthen and speed up the execution process.

This is not even damage, but to cheer up. Spoil the holiday (I don’t remember the author):

Eyvaz-transl. Laguz-transl. Uruz-Tours-transl. Tours-Isa

when writing runes, you can put any meaning, "all your good wishes." Initially: get drunk, get drunk, wallow in the mud.
And finally: do "good" with joy: 4 Vunyo in the cross - Eternal joy

Doing harm

1. Stop ("Ice Prison") Nauthiz-Isa-Nauthiz

Stop ("Ice Prison")

2. Curse of Isa-Nauthiz-Thurisaz

Curse. In ancient times, such an amulet was found along with buried valuables, as a curse to robbers.

3. Practicing the sins of Nauthiz-Hagalaz-Nauthiz

By casting the Hagalaz rune, we are invoking a correction of a mistake or a remission of a sin. It is clear that sooner or later this will happen by itself. But, firstly, it can happen at a completely inopportune moment. Secondly, a lot of sins and mistakes can accumulate, and all this can “explode” suddenly and at one moment. There will be a very strong and global destruction. Mages and Warriors often use this rune to cleanse themselves of sins and mistakes, and, accordingly, become impeccable.

Applying the Hagalaz rune not on ourselves, but on another person, we cause him to work out mistakes and sins. It is clear that the process will be painful, and if he has immeasurably many sins, then it will be catastrophic for him. If this person is perfect, then nothing will happen to him. Nothing to fix - it's perfect.

4. Striking runes Thurisaz-Hagalaz-Eihwaz

Damaging runes. Eihwaz brings negative changes here.

5. "Wolf Hook" Nauthiz-Eihwaz-Nauthiz

Eihwaz is negative. Imminent problems, or even imminent death. In principle, in the form of a tie, this is the wolf hook. Destruction.

6. Closure of the Raidho-Hagalaz-Eihwaz road

Eihwaz is negative. Road closure.

Damage from Tina.

Mess up the business:
Nautiz - Fehu-gebo-Nautiz


Complete destruction of relationships
Hagalaz-Gebo - Turisaz

Deprive the magician of power if he is guilty:
Isa - Hagalaz - Ansuz-Perth - Isa

Scattering of attention and concentration, with the subsequent destruction of the desired result:
Nautiz-Hagalaz- Berkano-Nautiz-Raido-Isa

The sign of the word of sorrow (grief).

Scope: upset relationships, settle despondency and other troubles in the style of "fear, noose and pit."
Location: as close as possible to the object - in the house (apartment); to a photograph of a person who lives far away - rather no than yes.

Rune corruption

Knots can be applied to a volt or photo of an enemy, unlike the usual use of a rune, blood is not applied, you can turn to Hel or Khedr, Vidar, Vali, giants, etc. with the request. Also used in combination with runic incantations and songs of Odin. Bringing gifts when using a rune of corruption is required.

1. For exacerbation of chronic diseases the enemy, you can use the formula: Evaz (direction of energy, awakening) + Hagalaz (indication that the name of the disease is awakening) + Isa (freezing such a situation for a certain period, you set the time yourself) + Laguz (to mask your actions). When applied, it is indicated how long the spell lasts, for example, "By the power of the runes, I want this spell to work for a month", you can write and state the purpose of the spell in your own words, this must be done to indicate the effect of the runes, to specify so that there is no dispersion of the action. It can be displayed like this:

can be just around:

2. If you need to take something specific from the enemy: luck, happiness, strength, etc., then they use the following formula: first, let's designate ourselves as a rune - Berkana (for a woman), Tir (for a man), then take the inverted Kano rune to indicate the removal of energy, then Evaz to indicate direction, we will indicate what specifically needs to be pulled from the enemy (so as not to pull some kind of muck), for example, joy and vitality, for this we take Vunyo and finally designate the object itself, from which we are taking away, with the Manaz rune. Here is how this formula might look (if a woman takes it away):

If it is known that the enemy has protection, you can add an inverted Algiz (to destroy shields) or a bunch of Hagalaz + Soulo (destruction of shields + inability to recover quickly, I don’t take a mirror Soulo so that damage does not work out), putting after Vunyo. Next, write in your own words formula, denoting your desire, for example: "I take away luck, vitality from the enemy (name) .. (indicate what you need)", put on the photo, write the formula there, consecrate, you can read the formula out loud and once again (1 once we read the formula when we write it to ourselves), we bring a gift (beer, honey, etc.)

3. Damage to death. First: Evaz + Hagalaz + inverted Laguz \u003d Evaz to direct the spell, Hagalaz - to destroy shields, Laguz lane - to mask their actions, or "stun" - destruction of magic shields, anticipation of enemy countermeasures, the effect of the spell is short.

Hagalaz (let all shields be destroyed) + (Isa + Ansuz) (slowing down the activity and memory of the object) + inverted Algiz + inverted Berkana (indicates that the spell is short-term + the direction of the spell + the inability to quickly recover)

Finished script:

We put on the photo (on any side) or on the volt.

4.Corruption: "Spear of the Morrigan"

Ear + Gar (northumbrian)

can be used with Hagalaz + Turisaz (futhark), curse, implies a fatal outcome for the object of influence.

5. Curse of the area(you can throw a board or paper with runes into the house to the enemy):
Hagalaz + (Isa + Perth) (1 bunch) + (Isa + inverted Inguz) (2 bunch)
Hagalaz-curse, Isa + Perth - "not an achievement", destruction, defeat, disaster, Isa + inverted Inguz - increased disasters, misfortune.

6. Damage from Dmitry Raven: First, we remove the protection - we draw an inverted Algiz above the head in the photo, an inverted Teivaz under it, Hagalaz on the chest, Isa under the feet - symbolizes the road to the kingdom of Hel. Draw with a black marker or pen. You can draw Nautiz on the sides on both sides. Bury under a dry tree. Appeal to Hel, it is better to do on Saturday, the moon is waning.


Failure in everything

everything that a person strives for, everything that should be received from the efforts made, will be destroyed.

Destruction of relationships(from a rival)
Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz

The formula is rigid, destroys stability in relationships. It is better to apply to the general photo of the husband and mistress.

Hagalaz + Vunyo- psychosis and mental disorders in general.
Outbursts of irritation as an effect - this is a minimum.


Call of rage turning into a fight

Wunjo-Gebo-Wunjo. Sheer sweetness.
A novelty suggested by Semargl. Another option to ruin a person's life

Fast-acting spoilage
Hagalaz-Kenaz-Hagalaz-Uruz - the destruction of good luck.

We bring poverty


To turn back from the husband (wife)
Evaz - Hagalaz - Otala - Isa - Teyvaz

Destroy relationships in the family, with friends
Hagalaz - Gebo-Otala

Destruction of relationships.

Using the Runes for Revenge

Take a piece of paper. Bend it in half. On the first inner side, write a formula or spell, slander, etc. On the second internal name of this person. Put in a mental image, fold the paper. It turns out that the formula merges with the person's name (photo). Burn and blow the ashes into the wind.

PS If possible, collect more items related to him: photos, hair, clothes, blood (if they beat his face) ... collect a trace of his feet, they can be dust (if in the house), water (took a shower, walked through puddles), snow (melt and place in a jar). If there are such items, make a small fire, burn these items first, and then the paper.x

the destruction of man, the destruction of material wealth,

Hagalaz + Isa + Nautiz- destruction
Hagalaz + Vunyo- Curse of Possession
Hagalaz + Turisaz- rite of negative influence (applied to the body of the victim)
Hyera + Nautiz- return of trouble, where the yera is cyclical, and nautiz is a return
Isa + Raido- leads to incorrect outputs
Isa + Inguz- infertility
Isa + Isa + Isa + Isa- malicious freeze
Hagalaz + Berkano + Nautiz + Isa + Laguz- damage
Isa + Ansuz + Isa- freezes the thought process


A little bit of bad magic

Nautiz-Vunyo-Nautiz- I think this formula will not bring anything good to a person. (To the topic of wrecking spells with the help of Vunyo).

"A twist of events": Hyera-Hagalaz-Yera Damn it, and no matter how a person flounders, he is still exposed to a blow.

Raido-Yera-Raido- Running in a vicious circle.

Yera-Isa- Imbalance.

Turisaz-Hagalaz-Eyvaz- The harmful effect is aimed at transforming the enemy, Turisaz - we wedge into the camp of the enemy, Hagalaz - we weaken it, Eyvaz - we transform. Or even destroy it.

Eyvaz-Gebo-Eyvaz.- the formula will look for what is described by the Gebo rune and transform it into something opposite

Evaz-Hagalaz- A very dangerous formula. A magical attack with the intent of destruction.

Loguz-Nautiz- imperceptible (subconscious) coercion.

Loguz-Turisaz Something like a sneak attack.

Vunyo-Vunyo-Vunyo-Vunyo- (Here's a curse for you) ...

- Total destruction, everything is swept clean. Here we are not talking about the benefits of destruction. And about specific malicious magic. But it is so strong that it can destroy the destroyer himself.

Isa-Isa-Isa-Isa- If it's just Isa - freezing the external for the sake of the internal, then here the freezing of everything, harmful magic.

Nautiz-Berkano-Gebo-Kano- a love spell for a woman for sexual relations against her will.

Berkano-Bercano-Bercano-Bercano- applied to a man, some kind of damage, the exhaustion of male energy. Breaks a strong character


I stipulate simply to remove all the negativity and all the harmful sorcery. Removes even old damage that you don't even know about.


remove negative thoughts

Energy pumping formula Uruz-Inguz-Berkano,
M.F. Let all positive energy pass to me ... (name) daily, hourly, every second.
Everything is "extinguished" - both in a positive and in a negative aspect: the opponents subside, begin to fawn, the "others" become accommodating ...
Side effect: if the donor drinks (thank Odin, that is not often) or gets sick, then you also feel hangover syndromes or a breakdown in the body. And it happens regardless of how many donors feed you.

To death

per algiz
naut per algiz mannaz per algiz
may not lead to death, but it will lead to this well!

Formula Tours-Hagalaz-Tours- destroy something completely.

formula Tours-Hagal-Tours, can be stipulated for the destruction of a career or loss of a job

Loss of vitality, general weakening of the field and the body:

formula for poverty

to destroy business

change fate to negative
and cleaning the object from money with the help of "Lily of the valley"

Formula for doing quick damage: Turisaz-Teyvaz (trans.) - Hagalaz-Uruz (trans.)

"Closing roads" isa-raido-isa

"Crack"- instant punishment Turisaz-Uruz

Lock up malice and witchcraft at the source of problems

You can talk like this:
"Let all thoughts, words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions such and such (name) remain in herself, not finding a way back; how much she (name) wants to do, think, throw out her evil on me, so deeply her evil remains in her (name) herself and harms her in a triple amount. (the authorship of the plot belongs to SW. Pollux)
Inside the square, becoming from SW. T-Montana, square - four Ises, and with the "Seals of Hel" we block all channels leading to us, loved ones.

Punishment of offenders

nautiz - forced debriefing
turisaz - a request to Thor to protect and punish the offender
jera - the offender receives punishment to the extent that he deserves
It is used when it is necessary to punish the offender, and encourage the other (the payment of damage is carried out by the fehu of the second plan).
Apply to one and the other in one ritual. Contact Thor. Draw not with blood. Blood can be added to gifts.

Formula for impotence:
Isa - Isa - Teyvaz inverted - Isa - Isa

There is also a formula Isa - Turisaz - Isa how to block sex

Erase from memory

Becoming needed in order to erase unnecessary details, questions, information from memory.
Working runes -
- ansuz inverted
- mirror ansuz
- Perth
- laguz

Translation (give away the bad)

Top of formula (pull)
Inguz, inside evaz and tyr - transition to another level, discarding the old, unnecessary
Algiz - return protection
Bottom of formula (on enemy)
inverted raido - what we shift from us goes to the enemy (illness, debts, poverty, ugliness)
gebo - a gift to the enemy in the form of damage
uruz pp and algiz pp - crushes resistance, deprives of strength.

It lays down like a wreck. Drops off instantly.


Destruction by 4 elements

owl - I burn everything with fire
Evaz - I scatter in the wind
laguz - wash off with water
Isa - I freeze with ice
hagalaz - destroy, destroy, destroy
algiz - I close it from everyone so that no one can correct my work.

Visa by lydmila
I burn your love with fire
I scatter mutual bindings in the wind,
I wash away thoughts of each other with water,
I freeze any relationship with ice.
Everything that binds together, I destroy
Joint habits, I destroy,
Trust in each other, destroy.
I close my work from everyone,
I do not allow other people's corrections.

Apply on a photo of a couple or on a piece of paper with names

you can activate the way you like. If it’s important for you to activate exactly 4 elements, then burn the photo, fill the ashes with water, put it in the freezer in a mold, and bury the resulting ice in the ground

With this stave, EVERYTHING can be destroyed.


On a joint photo, apply the formula " Nautiz-Hagalaz-Gebo-Hagalaz- Nautiz" with the intention of a complete cessation of relations between them

destruction of relations Hagalaz-Gebo-Otala-Hagalaz.

They need to be cleaned with different formulas. Her - because she is not a pity for a palindrome from Vinany. For the purpose I have already indicated.
And his Nautiz Sovilo Nautiz with Turses from possible magical influences on her part ...
Different formulas and different tasks.

The first thing to do is to remove all influences from it. Whether they were or not. Whether they are diagnosed or not. This is the first action. Whenever you work with a man in the field of interpersonal relationships.


Removal of protection from the victim.

Meaning: a force (Uruz) entered the life of an object, this force weighs karma four times (4 Perth), destroys protection (Algiz trans.), destroys energy (Teivaz trans.).
The victim will cry, whine and suffer, from defenselessness.


To break the connection based on material interest and financial dependence Isa-Hagalaz-Otala-Fehu-Hagalaz-Isa.


"Cross on Relationship Rails"

The formula for bringing discord between a couple, whether husband and wife, or lover and mistress involved.

Working runes:

As a script: Isa - (ligature Hagalaz + Gebo) - Isa

In the center we have a Hagalaz + Gebo ligature. The second plan is the hidden mirror Hagalaz. Those. all relationships are torn apart - both physical and spiritual.
It would be nice to take out the Gebo lines outside the Hagalaz - so that it would be Gebo, and not two Hagalaz (straight and mirror) with a covered Gebo.

There are two Isa on the sides - this "train" will never go anywhere.

Works strongly and quickly - within a week, a maximum of a month. It already depends on the operator.

Be sure to protect yourself!

"Frying pan"

Hagal destroys (if, for example, you put it in the region of the heart - the heart itself or what you say) In addition, Soulo also adds burning pain, the wolf hook does not allow you to miss the energy that will help in the normal functioning of the organ, but for one it will act as protection against extraneous interference, and the runes of the second plan, if there is any way out, it will not be the same and not there, since the way out of this situation will be distorted and lead to a completely different direction.


Debtor's conscience

Dear creditors! Here is an effective way to get your debtors to pay you off. With him, you will do without your debtor rolling in the trunk of a car, irons and soldering irons: conscience (even if your friend did not have it before) and circumstances will simply force him to come to you and give what he owes. How much you owe, so much will give, but do not expect more.
Consists of runes Thurisaz Nauthiz Fehu(reversed) Gebo

The Gebo rune sets in motion the Law of Equilibrium, violated by the debtor, starting a chain of events, as a result of which a situation is created when the debtor is forced to repay the debt. And it is the resultant in this connection: the Law is fulfilled.

For future "good" deeds

Classic: Hagalaz Mannaz Hagalaz. Destruction of a person, psyche, health. For people who are especially "dear" to the heart, Mannaz can be placed in a cross of 8 Hagalaz. 2 on the left, 2 on the right, 2 above and 2 below

This is already a variant of damage to death.

Also recommended in advance unprotect per person (subject to availability).
The Raven formula works well : high above the head is an inverted Algiz and directly above the head is an inverted Teyvaz.It can be said that the "victim" is open to all the negativity coming from outside. Including your influences.

Yera Hagalaz Yera.Eternal working off of sins. What you sow, you will reap, constantly returning.

There is also a formula Hagalaz Turisaz Hagalaz.
Complete destruction, so to speak, by choice. Hagalaz destroys, Turisazs enhance the action. Of course, it is necessary to specify what exactly is being destroyed.
In general, to enhance the action, you can repeat the Runes several times, for example, in the same formula 4 Hagalaz and 4 Turisaz .. if you don’t feel sorry for the victim, of course.
In general, a formula or palindrome should not include more than 8 Runes.

An example of strengthening the action of the Rune by applying it 4 times: 4 Isa on the head. Complete idiocy or with luck, cerebral circulation arrest.