
How to get enough sleep in a short time at night and during the day? Sleep in a short time - is it possible

Hi people! Today we will touch on the topic of sleep. Oh, this is a sore subject for me personally. At the moment, on weekdays, I can sleep at best 6 hours (sometimes 5.30). It saves only that my work schedule allows me to work only 2 days, and then 2 days to rest, and so on. On the weekends, of course, I sleep.

But sleep is the 3rd extremely important component of successful progress in bodybuilding. This directly affects the growth of our muscles. One of the major reasons for slow muscle growth is lack of sleep. That is, when a person seriously damaged his muscles by training and did not fully recover, had little rest, did not get enough sleep - and again goes to the gym for the next portion of the load, then he drives himself into a deep minus.

Some write to me that they do not understand why their muscles grow so slowly, or not at all, while they day and night in the gym. Some muscles have become even smaller. This situation is faced by those who forget that the next workout should be carried out only after a CORRECT AND FULL RECOVERY. Sleep plays a very important role in this matter. No sleep - no muscles!

Good sleep improves mood and boosts immunity. Thanks to this, it is possible to stabilize the functioning of internal organs. Rest provides an opportunity to cope with weakness and poor health.

But the first question is where to get the time? How to sleep in a short time so that the body gets the maximum benefit? There are some simple and effective tips that will help you fully relax.

Before I forget - there is an article on the blog about a powerful dietary supplement for improving sleep - melatonin.


It is necessary to divide the rest into two separate stages. A person can sleep for 20 minutes during the day to reduce the time it takes to do so at night by a couple of hours. But be sure to set an alarm, as increasing the time of daytime relaxation will lead to poor health.


This technique is suitable for freelancers, as people with tight work schedules will not be able to stick to it. During the day, a person should sleep several times, but not more than 20 minutes. Thanks to this, the time required for a good night's rest will be reduced by 90 minutes. You will enjoy wonderful well-being, as all strength will be restored.


This method is suitable for a person whose willpower is developed. This method can be called tough, but it makes it possible to feel cheerful at any time of the day. You need to lie down to rest for 6 times for 20 minutes. But an equal amount of time should elapse between these stages.

These techniques are widespread among modern people. You can take them into service if you want to get rid of problems associated with well-being and health.

Tips for a perfect rest

There are some important rules to follow. They will give you the opportunity to sleep, recharged with energy.

Silence is the key to good sleep

To fully sleep, before going to bed, you need at least a couple of hours to be in complete silence. If you want to prepare for tomorrow or have a get-together with friends, you need to do this long before the planned vacation.

The bed should be as comfortable as possible. Take your TV to the hall, and select another room for the computer. You should not arrange an office in the bedroom, because you will constantly think only about work. If you play sports, then silence is a must, because during the whole day you are in noise.

Rest every 4 hours

This technology was developed over half a century ago. It has been approved by people who live all over the world. This technique has an interesting name "Da Vinci's Dream". She came from the time of the life of the artist, who is familiar to everyone. The main phases of sleep are rebuilt for the better.

He slept only an hour and a half a day. However, during the day he remained cheerful and energetic. Da Vinci slept better than people who rested for eight hours.

The secret of this technology is very simple. A person should go to bed every four hours. But the total sleep time should not be more than 20 minutes. Of course, not many people can clearly follow this technology. But you can pay attention to it to check the effectiveness of the method in practice.

If you want to learn how to learn how to get enough sleep, remember that you can relax in any conditions: on a minibus, during a lunch break, on the subway, and so on. If you decide to go to bed, eliminate the restless thoughts that interfere with complete relaxation.

Forget about everything until tomorrow

Many people suffer from insomnia due to the fact that they still have questions that they did not have time to solve during the day. They go over the problem in their head, thinking of ways to solve it. But you need to understand that today it will not be possible to deal with the issue. Also, do not consider a new training program, as this will definitely not succeed.

Learn to disconnect from the day that has passed. All important matters are best dealt with in the morning of a new day. At night, such thoughts will prevent you from falling asleep, leading to irritability and absent-mindedness. It is better to think about the warm sea or majestic mountains. Fall asleep to the sounds of nature or to relaxing melodies that make you forget about problems.

Prepare for sleep properly

Is the new day preparing an important event for you? Need to wake up very early but feel fit?

Get ready for bed before you go to bed. Starch your bedding for about three hours. Wear warm and cozy pajamas that smell just the way you like them. You can take a bath with fragrant foam or with healing essential oils.

Make your bed and turn on a night light that will fill the room with subdued light. Set an alarm and lie down to rest on your back. Remember that relaxing on your stomach causes all the muscles to tense up.

Thick curtains on the windows

Every person in the body has an internal alarm clock. It makes it possible to regulate the time during which it is comfortable to stay awake and have a good rest.

The alarm is activated by the fact that a person's closed eyes are exposed to sunlight. It is from this moment that the body fully awakens, regardless of what time the person went to bed.

Thick curtains will allow you to sleep longer. They won't let direct sunlight bother you. In particular, this advice is relevant for people who are used to staying up at night. Also, this method can be used when you need a good night's sleep on a day off.

Stick to the biological rhythm

In nature, there are certain biological laws, according to which a person should not sleep during the day or stay awake at night. The best option can be called a rest, which lasts from 10 pm to 6 am. This is the time that will allow a person to get as much sleep as possible in a short period of time. This regimen must be adhered to regardless of what day of the week it is: Monday or Saturday. When a certain amount of time has passed, you will be able to restore strength not in 8, but in 5 hours.

Drink a glass of warm milk

Milk is a delicious drink that contains a valuable amino acid that helps a person fall asleep faster. That is why it is worth adding milk to your daily diet. Enough 300 milliliters of warm milk with honey before bedtime. You can drink a drink right in bed, or you can sit with him under a blanket, enjoying your favorite literary work.

Milk will begin to act literally half an hour after you finish drinking it. The main thing is that you do not miss the moment, because otherwise a "second wakefulness" may open. When you feel sleepy, get into bed.

Don't eat heavy foods

You should not eat too salty, smoked, exotic dishes if you are going to bed soon. Be aware that such food causes swelling of the limbs. Plus, it won't let you sleep well.

Do you want to have a snack after a hard and fruitful working day? Then it is better to eat a salad of vegetables or fruits, drink a glass of milk or satisfy your hunger with cottage cheese. Be sure to adhere to food hygiene.

Ventilate your room regularly

In order for you to be comfortable indoors during your rest, the temperature in it should vary between 19 and 22 degrees. That is why regularly open windows for airing for half an hour, regardless of weather conditions. If it's warm enough outside, sleep with the window open.

This advice will allow you to get oxygen in the required amount. In the morning you will wake up with a new charge of energy. The main thing is that you do not freeze. In summer, cover yourself with a sheet, and in winter, with a blanket made of warm material. Do not abuse radiators and air conditioners, as such equipment dries the air in the room.

Don't drink alcohol

Some people think that alcohol is an opportunity to cope with depression and fully relax. But this is a big mistake, because alcohol will definitely make itself felt. You may fall asleep immediately, but then you will become extremely uncomfortable.

Ethyl alcohol leaves the body, turning into a powerful catalyst. You will toss and turn and wake up, which will not allow you to sleep and rest. It is especially difficult for people who smoke. Tobacco in combination with alcohol turns into a major factor in insomnia.

It is impossible to ignore the next morning after a fun evening. You will suffer from fatigue and headaches. Irritability will not allow you to spend the day with joy.

Now you know how to get enough sleep and get a boost of energy. Try to follow these tips, it's very easy even if you have a busy schedule!

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Doctors stubbornly repeat that in order to get enough sleep, an adult body needs at least 8 hours of good sleep per day. Of course, it is correct to adhere to this theory. Rest must necessarily take up a significant amount of time in your life, otherwise you will become irritable and lethargic, or, even worse, acquire chronic systemic diseases.

When can REM sleep save you?

But sometimes circumstances make us think about how to sleep for 4-5 hours. For example, after a long journey, when there is very little time left for rest, and in the morning you need to look cheerful and fresh. Or in the case when, against the background of memorizing the material, there is practically no time left for a night's sleep, and very soon an exam awaits you, on which you need to be collected and concentrated.

There are a lot of cases where the REM sleep technique will become relevant. But by no means do we urge you to practice it all the time - rather, it is an emergency measure that should be resorted to in emergency situations. Keep in mind that for normal memory, reaction and perception, the normal duration of sleep is important, and if you begin to “deceive” the body constantly, your brain will quickly declassify all your undertakings and repay you with not the most valuable coin.

But the duration of sleep is not the main aspect for a full and comprehensive rest of our body. Much more important is its quality. Even if you sleep for 10 hours in a row, staying in a noisy room or an uncomfortable position, it is unlikely that you will be able to boast of cheerfulness and clarity of mind after waking up.

In addition, it is important to know the best time to rest - the hours when the body receives vital energy and truly relaxes. People who fall into the “right” phase of sleep, as a rule, get enough sleep much better than those who sleep for a long time, but go to bed at the wrong time of day. So, today we will tell you how to get enough sleep quickly and efficiently.

Quick Rest Technique

How to get enough sleep in 4 hours? In our turbulent age, this question puzzles, alas, many.

The modern pace of life dictates its own rules, and sometimes we are given only a few hours to rest, after which we should feel normal and be able to do everyday things.

The first rule that you must understand is that in this case you can sleep only if you fully spent the last night in the arms of Morpheus.

If the phenomenon of lack of sleep is repeated with "enviable" regularity, it makes sense to rebuild your sleep and wakefulness regimen and start planning time. If you suffer from insomnia or work 20 hours a day, these recommendations are unlikely to be good for you.

For the rest, "emergency" cases, experts have developed a whole system, following which you can stay alert even with a meager night's rest.

So, how to sleep for 4 hours and get enough sleep? First of all, read the key rules of " REM sleep":

By following these simple rules, you will be able to get enough sleep in the shortest possible time. As you can see, quality sleep consists of three basic "components": readiness for it, the organization of the bed, and the conditions for the rest itself. By providing these things at the right level, you will be able to stay alert and efficient, even if you have only a few hours of sleep.

"Polyphasic rest of Leonardo da Vinci"

Do you know such an interesting fact that REM sleep is often associated with the name of the great Renaissance artist? You are probably wondering why this is happening. The fact is that da Vinci was an inventive person, and he was very sorry for his time spent on vacation. He believed that it could be carried out much more productively than lying in bed.

Therefore, the resourceful artist invented the technique of polyphasic sleep. She suggested going to bed for only 15 minutes every 4 hours. Surprisingly, in this mode, da Vinci lived for a long time, in full health and a clear mind. And most importantly, he did not experience excruciating fatigue.

It is known that the most productive time for creativity (and any other activity) falls on the moment after waking up. Thus, the artist created a large-scale energy reserve for himself, which helped him to create and make art all the time. Who knows, perhaps it was a sharp increase in efficiency that made him a real legend, whose masterpieces we tremblingly remember to this day?

And yet, we urge you not to engage in such extreme things. Rather, you should adjust your regimen and make useful changes to it.

Healthy sleep is the key to good mood and good performance. For normal life, doctors recommend sleeping at least eight hours, but, you see, in the modern rhythm of life, when time is money, sleeping enough time is an unaffordable luxury. Here a quite reasonable question arises: "How to get enough sleep and gain strength in a short time." And it is precisely the answer to this question that we will now try to provide you with.

If you want to sleep little and still get enough sleep, then you need to reconsider your views on life, your daily routine and change your lifestyle, but sometimes this is simply impossible. That is why we decided that it would not be superfluous to give a couple of tips that will make the goal - to get enough sleep in a short time - quite achievable and, most importantly, with minimal losses.

Tip #1: Relax before bed

When preparing for bed, we advise you to relax - take a relaxing bath or a warm shower, turn on pleasant music, and lie down in bed, think about pleasant things, imagine some pleasant events, remember joyful moments. Just when you are tuned in to a positive wave, you can fall asleep. Such a dream will be much more effective, since not only the body will rest, but more importantly, the brain.

Tip #2: Sleep in the fresh air

If you want your sleep to be comfortable, waking up in the morning you were in a good mood, cheerful and ready to move mountains, then we advise you to ventilate the room before going to bed. If the season permits, it is better to leave the window open all night. Remember, the most optimal temperature for sleep is 18-20 degrees.

Tip number 3. Bed and pillow should be comfortable

By choosing a comfortable mattress and pillow for sleeping, you can sleep even in a short time. Therefore, here you can be guided by the rule: "The main thing is not quality, but quantity."

Tip #4: Don't Eat Before Bed

A heavy dinner can cause a restless night's sleep. Smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods, tea, coffee, and even more alcohol, are not reflected in a dream in the best way, so try to refuse the above at least three hours before lights out. If an attack of hunger caught you off guard before going to bed, then drink a glass of warm milk, preferably with honey.

Tip #5: Listen to your biological clock, but don't forget traditional time

It is believed that in order to get enough sleep, it is necessary to be guided by the natural clock. In other words, fall asleep at sunset and wake up at dawn. However, you will agree that hardly anyone can afford such a regime. Therefore, choose for yourself the most optimal hours for sleep based on individual characteristics, so if you are an owl, the hours of sleep at dawn will be the most beneficial for you, but it is still advisable for larks to try to go to bed early.

Tip #6: Make up for sleep hours on weekends

Despite the fact that experts recommend following the chosen sleep pattern even on weekends, we still advise you to sleep a little longer on weekends or organize a quiet hour during the daytime. This way you can stock up on the amount of sleep you need for the coming week.

Agree, most of the suggested tips are quite easy to follow, which means you can recharge your energy and the necessary amount of energy in the shortest possible time. Finally, I would like to provide one more valuable information, knowing which you can sleep in a short time. It turns out that daytime sleep is much more beneficial than nighttime sleep, and sometimes a couple of hours of sleep during the day can charge with such energy and vigor that night hours of sleep cannot saturate. Now let's remember!

A person simply needs a healthy sleep of a certain duration - this is an important part of his daily rhythms, directly related to the need for rest of all body systems. However, there are times when you can't get enough sleep. What to do?

There are modern techniques that allow you to restore a person's working capacity in a relatively short time without serious damage to health.

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep?

Our industrial era, with its frantic pace of life, does not always make it possible to sleep comfortably and feel good after waking up. Extraneous noises, a tight schedule with late returns home, extreme physical and mental fatigue - all these factors negatively affect an important stage of rest.

Modern conservative medicine does not set rigid time frames for sleep- its duration depends on the age of the person, the individual characteristics of the body, the environment and other important factors.

How to sleep in a short time?

If you do not have the opportunity to fully sleep for 8-9 hours, then this period can be reduced using the features of the psychomechanics of sleep. Sleep, as a physiological process, is divided into certain phases:

  • 1st phase. A person begins to fall asleep, his muscles gradually relax, his heartbeat slows down. Eyeballs move actively under closed eyelids. This stage is a borderline state between wakefulness and sleep, lasts about 15 minutes;
  • 2nd phase. A fast dream that is always forgotten upon waking up. Muscular and cardiac activity is weak, rotational movements of the eyeballs are present. On average, this stage takes from 20 to 30 minutes;
  • 3rd phase. Deep dream. The activity of the muscles, heart and brain is very weak, it is quite difficult to wake a person in this state;
  • 4th phase. Transition to borderline state 2: deep sleep is still present, but brain activity is increasing. The sleeper sees memorable and clear dreams. After another 15-20 minutes, the cycle enters the 1st phase.

You can read more about the phases of sleep and the time of the best awakening.

On average, the duration of one complete cycle of 4 phases takes about an hour and a half. Accordingly, with a “healthy” full-fledged sleep, a person changes 5-6 such cycles per night - this is 7.5-9 hours.

If you don’t have enough time, then without harm to the body and well-being, you can reduce the number of “approaches” to 3-4, clearly adhering to their boundaries and not waking up in the middle (4.5 or 6 hours).

Interrupting a person’s sleep at other times is fraught with lack of sleep, a broken state, and a number of other negative factors.

How to get enough sleep in 2 or 4 hours and what is it fraught with?

This article is often read:

Some researchers claim that the effectiveness of methods of using only the phase of REM sleep. Most experts are skeptical about such a scheme, but in some extreme cases they are the only possible ones in the current situation.

The development of the basic scheme of ultrashort sleep is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who, according to legend, slept only 1.5 hours a day and worked effectively at the same time. In the modern era, such methods are used by people with an extremely complex work schedule - security guards serving objects on a rotational basis and being on an overtime plan, soldiers, etc.

Its essence is sleep only in fast phase 1. There are 2 options for how to quickly sleep:

  1. Every 4 hours of wakefulness are replaced by 15 minutes of REM sleep with an accurate alarm setting;
  2. 4 phases of REM sleep in sequence. The alarm clock is set for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the person gets up, translates it for another 30 minutes and falls asleep again. Such an event is repeated 4 times, after which the wakefulness phase begins, within 6-7 hours.

It is undesirable to carry out such practices on a regular basis, only in case of an acute one they are needed for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Prolonged lack of sleep is fraught with metabolic disorders in the body, a significant increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke, a significant overall decrease in vitality and performance.

good sleep rules

In order for sleep to be pleasant, long and beneficial, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations, then you will be able to sleep for 8 hours. Thanks to them, you will always get up in the morning with a good mood and full of energy for a long day at work.

  • Food for the night. The statement, as old as the world, that you can’t eat up at night is still relevant today. It's not just about extra calories: the stomach, overloaded with food, begins to actively digest it, temporarily weakening other functions of the body, including the brain, which reluctantly goes into sleep mode. In addition, the digestive system working at night will disrupt the natural cycles of fast and slow phases of dreams. Try not to eat at least 3-4 hours before a night's rest;
  • daytime sleep. 1.5 hours of good daytime sleep compensate for 1-2 full phase cycles of the night. By the end of the day, the person will feel much better. Daytime sleep is not only for children, in Western countries the midday "siesta" is the norm;
  • Fresh air. Before going to bed, it is imperative to ventilate all rooms, and especially the bedroom. At the same time, it is advisable not to take active actions - for example, replacing with a long walk can cheer up a person, and he will fall asleep much more slowly. As an addition, take a warm shower - it will further relax the body;
  • Comfortable bed. The main factor in the effectiveness and usefulness of sleep is the right bed. The bed should be with an orthopedic mattress and appropriate pillows, bed linen should be only natural, fresh and clean. A third of life is spent in bed - give it your maximum attention;
  • Correct circadian rhythms. Try to fall asleep before midnight, optimally by 21-22 hours - it is during this period that sleep has the maximum restorative effect.

We do not always manage to get enough sleep, and there are times when there is very little time left for sleep. But when we sleep, our body completely relaxes, rests and restores the spent forces. Therefore, healthy sleep is very important for strong immunity and resistance to all diseases and viruses.

In the modern rhythm of life, there is very often not enough time for a good sleep, and you have to sleep in the literal "meaning on the go." After all, when you get up every morning at 6-7 in the morning, and in the evening you do some things until late, then during a night's sleep it is not always, it turns out, good enough sleep. Especially if a person suffers from insomnia or he is constantly disturbed by some extraneous thoughts in his head. It is very important to learn how to relax and make the most of your spare hours for sleep.

Main phases of sleep

Sleep is divided into two phases: slow and fast. During REM sleep, our central nervous system, just gets the rest she needs and it lasts only 20 minutes. And the rest of sleep is all a slow phase, which is also very important for our body. At this time, first of all, the whole body physically rests. And our brain is looking for "internal problems" of various organs and tissues, and during sleep, regeneration and restoration of cells of the whole organism is carried out. Antibodies are also produced during sleep, which are very important for maintaining human immunity. Therefore, those people who do not get enough sleep on a regular basis, get sick with the flu and various viral diseases faster than others.

During REM sleep, our brain activity is at its peak. There is an analysis and re-sorting of information received over the last day, its systematization. It is during this period that we dream. And if the past day was filled with impressions and emotions, then we will have vivid and memorable dreams. As a rule, this happens in the morning, when the brain has already rested.

An interesting fact is that the feeling of complete rest and vivacity in a person occurs only if you wake him up precisely during the phase of REM sleep. And if you do it earlier, when a person is still in the phase of slow sleep, then he will feel overwhelmed, tired and not getting enough sleep.

How to deceive nature?

So how can you still determine the optimal moment to start waking up and what to do if there is sorely not enough time for sleep?

There are several methods designed specifically for people with irregular work schedules.

  1. Siesta. As you know, this concept is widely used among Italians and Spaniards. It means a traditional afternoon nap, during a particularly hot time. Thus, the essence of the method also lies in the fact that a person sleeps once during the day, while reducing night sleep by 2 hours. It is important to observe the time period during this sleep, allowing the brain to completely rest and relax. And all it takes is just 20 minutes. Therefore, you need to set an alarm clock and wake up at the appointed time. In this case, the body has time to rest during the REM phase of sleep.
  2. ladder method. Its essence lies in the number of "steps". Each of which is a short daytime sleep of 20 minutes. At the same time, the stage, that is, a short sleep session, reduces night sleep by 1.5 hours. For example, if you sleep during the day 2 times for 20 minutes, then at night you will sleep less by three hours.
  3. Superhuman method. It is especially suitable for people with non-standard daily routines. It lies in the fact that a person sleeps 6 times a day for 20 minutes. Such a dream temporarily replenishes strength and allows you to maintain brain function at the proper level. But you cannot always use this method. It is intended for emergency situations only.

Some secrets for effective sleep

Nature is arranged in such a way that we have a biological clock. They follow day and night rhythms. With the onset of darkness, our body itself feels tired and ready to rest. But with the advent of the Industrial Age and the advent of electricity in our homes, these clocks are gradually slipping. Added to this are irregular work schedules and stress. All this interferes with proper sleep.

In order to quickly get enough sleep in a short time and not disturb the sleep phases, scientists have developed a “smart” wristwatch model. They read the pulse and determine the best moment for a person to fall asleep easily and wake up comfortably. Thanks to them, a person always feels cheerful and well-rested in the morning. But, unfortunately, these models are quite expensive and not available to everyone.

But there are some simple ways for sound, healthy sleep that will allow you to quickly and easily wake up in the morning. To effectively use the precious hours intended for sleep, and do not suffer from insomnia, it is enough to follow a few rules:

  • Take a relaxing and soothing bath before bed with a decoction of motherwort or lavender.
  • Drink tea with mint or lemon balm. It has a sedative effect and can lower blood pressure. It also removes unwanted manifestations of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, tones and eliminates headaches.
  • During daytime sleep, be sure to wear a special blackout eye mask for better melatonin production. This hormone is produced only in the dark, and it is he who is responsible for a healthy full sleep. If it is not enough in the body, then insomnia, rapid aging of the body and impaired immunity begin.
  • Don't overeat at night. Try to have dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, your body will be busy digesting food, not sleeping.
  • Before going to bed, stay in a calm environment: dim the lights, turn off the TV. If you do not want to sit in silence, then it is better to listen to calm, melodic music. In a word, prepare your body for rest. Do not overload it with unnecessary emotions and irritating factors, otherwise it will take more time to fall asleep.
  • Ventilate the room well before going to bed. The influx of oxygen and sleep in a cool room allows you to sleep much better and saturate the body with oxygen. After all, when you sleep in a stuffy room, there is a feeling of headache and fatigue, even if you have slept enough hours.
  • The best time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 23.00. Because an hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours of sleep after midnight. Therefore, even if you get up earlier than the scheduled time, your body will have time to have a good rest.

For more secrets on how to get enough sleep in a short time, see the video

Thus, in order for sleep to always be pleasant, long and beneficial to health, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations, then you will be able to sleep well even in a short time. Thanks to them, you will always get up in the morning with a great mood and new strength for a long day at work.