
What does the rune algiz look like. Rune Algiz - the meaning of a magical protective sign in divination and magic. Meaning in love


Her color is golden

The deity is Heimdall.

Heimdall is a guardian god. Protects such qualities as clairvoyance and vigilance.

Faithful guardian of the rainbow bridge. He sees both day and night at a distance of a hundred miles and hears the grass growing in the field and the wool on the sheep. His sleep is a bit like that of birds. A golden horn hangs from his belt, the sounds of which are heard in all countries of the world.

So the rune Algiz is the rune of attentiveness and caution. It is symbolized by sedge grass, which reacts to the slightest breath of the breeze. This is a rune of protection, it will not let anyone take you by surprise. Protects not only from harmful actions, but also from harmful thoughts. It protects the body, mind and soul. The power of Algiz serves as a shield against any attack, at all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Algiz symbolizes the survival instinct, protects our vulnerabilities. Awakens our hidden powers when faced with any challenge. Helps to maintain balance during stress, find strength in oneself, cope with any situation.

Algiz is a connecting bridge between gods and people, it helps to get into the collective unconscious. An energy channel through which an exchange of energies takes place between the gods and man.

If you are afraid of something, draw Algiz, and she will not let anyone take you by surprise.

Algiz - one of the strongest defensive runes. pictured Algiz on the amulet and properly activated, it will become a serious invisible obstacle from the adverse effects of the outside world.
Going back to the source, Algiz can be interpreted like this:
Elk sedge usually lives in the swamp,
Grows in water. Hurts badly
Lets blood to every person,
Who will take her.
The rune symbolizes the powerful animal kingdom of the horned and bold.
In this rune, its location matters.
"Horns" pointing upwards is life. Down is a symbol of death.
Algiz is an amazing rune. Along with seeming simplicity, it is very deep and serious.
To some, it does not resemble the horns of an elk, but an open palm and is associated with Tyr's hand, which he was forced to sacrifice so that the evil and dark essence of Fenrir was isolated.
Undoubtedly, Algizruna of magicians and healers, since she is associated with Heimdall (Guardian of the Gods), who protects all life from the invasion of EVIL. It significantly increases the power of the magician and does not allow him to cross dangerous boundaries. Wearing the rune Agiz can always count on help from above. The owner of the talisman with the image of this rune intensifies intuition, the instinct of self-preservation and the gift of foresight. Think of the reeds, which will inevitably make a noise when the enemy approaches...

An elm of four runes Algiz, a powerful protective symbol! Galdrastaf of 4 runes - greatly enhances the properties of this rune!

ALGIS or Care.

The night passed quietly. The young people slept soundly, feeling safe in the valley, cut off from the rest of the world and protected by nature on all sides. In the morning, quickly packing up their belongings and removing the traces of their stay, they set off on the return journey. We had breakfast on the go.

The only thing they spent some time doing was asking the runes a question.

This time, Wulf took out the rune himself, and in his hand was a circle with the Algis rune.
When they had overcome the thickets of thorns guarding the exit from the ravine, Orsana asked:

What does this rune mean? Tell me a little about her.

Precisely because this rune has fallen, we need to hurry. She will provide us with care and protection, so it is better for us to cover as much of the path as possible while we are under her protection. This is a water rune. It fits our situation very well, as it speaks of the art of wise retreat, which is what we are doing now. But I'm a little afraid that no one will notice us next to the valley ....

Because someone himself can take it before I arrivedet here our tribe? Orsana guessed.

- Exactly. But I hope that the spirits of Nature, who patronize this rune, will protect not only us, but also access to this valley. We must gather all our strength to spend less time on the way back than on the way here.

Then they walked in silence, moving quickly and with concentration. The road was familiar. They didn't even stop for lunch. Suminced meat was eaten on the go. The sun was quite high when they passed the hut over the lake where they spent the night.

The girl was very tired, but tried not to show it. She knew well that they needed to hurry. There was also no time to stop and ask the runes for advice. It was dusk when they reached the clearing above the river where they had once stopped for lunch.

We’ll spend the night here,” Wolfe decided.

Where? Orsana looked around in confusion. Maybe we can buildsome kind of hut?

I think we can do without it. Absolute will come soondarkness, and here in the forest there may be predatory animals. Besides, we it is not worth wasting energy, because tomorrow we will set off at dawn, and we should have a good rest. In addition, it is important to remember that the Algis rune is protecting us.

But I'm afraid to sleep on bare ground, - Orsana got worried.

And who told you that we will sleep on bare ground?

Where is it?

On the tree.

I do not understand!

Look, here grows a powerful oak tree. In its crown we will find a safe haven. Not a single predator will climb there, and the birds do not threaten us. Let's climb on it, make ourselves comfortable, and in order not to fall at night, we will tie our belts to thick branches. So we will be completely safe and have a good rest.

Orsana at first listened to Wulf with disbelief, but when he described everything in detail, she became interested. She only asked:

Are there birds of prey here?

There are no people who could threaten us.

Okay, let's do that," she agreed.

Wulf hooked the rope on a thick oak branch, climbed up it and helped the girl climb up. Thick branches made the next task easier. For an overnight stay, travelers chose a fork in two thick branches. Placed there quite comfortably and tied to them with a rope. The travelers were so exhausted that, as soon as they closed their eyelids, they immediately fell into a dream.


algis, algiz, algiz, elkh


moose, moose antlers


Harmonizes, balances the psyche. Improves mood, calms emotions, gives inner balance. Acts as an antidepressant.

Rune potential:

Uniting and strengthening force, anchor, guardianship.

Basic properties:

Natural protection, the ability to make decisions, cleansing the aura.

Rune Message:

Be mindful of your vulnerability and harmful influences that may push you astray from your chosen path.

Predictive value:

Protection, the art of wise retreat and defense, nobility, healing abilities. Welfare, new perspectives, intellectual work, the ability to fix (“anchor”) something in reality, openness to the new. Recovery, successful restoration of strength, strengthening of mental strength.

Magic use:

The rune draws energy from the Cosmic Source and facilitates its practical use. Protects from injuries, stimulates intellectual abilities. Protects property, protects from hostile forces of all kinds. Favors success, strengthens well-being, adds vitality, calms emotions, balances the psyche.

Runa Algis can help you:

- develop resourcefulness;

— to cope with the challenges of Fate;

- get rid of negative influences;

- fix (“anchor”) your plans and aspirations in real life.

Runa Algis should be meditated, when you would like answers to the following questions:

What is wealth for me?

When do I feel insecure?

— can I use the energy of the Universe?

How do I restore my psychic powers?

- what hurts me?

Can I be open to new things?

— Can I get in touch with my Spiritual patrons?

The main meaning of the Algiz rune is divine power and protection. With this symbol, a person is under the auspices of the Gods. Higher powers help him. At the same time, everything is in the hands of the person himself - the main thing is to direct all the forces to achieve the goal. And the Gods give not only protection, but also the gift of foreboding, which will help to follow the chosen path correctly.

The essence of the symbol

Images hidden in the rune:

  • wagons following the train;
  • meeting old friends
  • deja vu;
  • trees covering crops;
  • animals that sense danger;
  • a mirror reflecting a person;
  • an umbrella that does not get wet;
  • a praying pilgrim;
  • thread following the needle;
  • echo of a shot;
  • a passenger who is late for a plane that will crash;
  • migratory bees flying after the queen;
  • tributaries of the river flowing into it;
  • a drunkard reaching for a glass;
  • a blind man following a guide;
  • students learning from a teacher;
  • a shaman who calls for rain;

Algiz is the 15th rune of the Elder Futhark. Her patron is the Scandinavian God Heimdall, who guards the rainbow bridge. Protects the World of the Gods from outside invasion.

The shape is a prototype of the horns of an elk or a person with raised hands. How it looks is shown in the photo.

Names :
  • ALGIZ, EOLH - basic;
  • Algis, Algiz or Elhaz - Old Germanic;
  • Algs (Algis) - Gothic (reed);
  • Eileadh - ancient Celtic;
  • Elch - German (moose);
  • Elgr - old Icelandic;
  • Eolh or Olh - Anglo-Saxon;
  • Eolhs - British;
  • Ihwar - old Norwegian;
  • Ir (Yr) - an ancient Scandinavian name;
  • З (Z) - phonetic correspondence.

Pronounced as Al'giz (stress on the first syllable).

Direct interpretation

In the upright position, the Algiz rune indicates the appearance of a patron, thanks to which it will be possible to overcome all obstacles. Change is coming and you can handle it.

Ancient warriors believed that if you put a direct sign on the weapon, it will save them from injury and help them win.

In a direct position, it symbolizes the strengthening of health, the establishment of friendly contacts, the development of intuition.

The combination of Algiz with other characters:

  • - luck in folk medicine.
  • Berkana is a deception around, and you have to deal with the consequences.
  • Wird - mental problems, internal imbalance.
  • - your life is subject to emotions, listen to common sense.
  • Dagaz - the loss of things.
  • Yera - property litigation.
  • - an addition to the family.
  • Isa - trouble from two-faced people.
  • Cano - paying bills.
  • Laguz - you should go about your business.
  • Mannaz - a special purpose awaits you.
  • Nautiz - prophetic dreams can be dreamed.
  • - possible death from drugs.
  • Perth - getting new knowledge.
  • – new ways of development of relations.
  • Soulou - it is possible to get venereal diseases.
  • - be careful! Possible fatal accident.
  • Turisaz - the ephemeral nature of what is happening.
  • - you will reach the pinnacle of success in creativity, especially in the art of photography.
  • - people are being manipulated.
  • Hagalaz - you will be caught hot.
  • Evaz - a decline in relationships, possibly a betrayal of a partner.
  • - insurmountable obstacles.

Reversed Position

Rune Algiz in an inverted position has the meaning of warning and danger. You should stop and analyze the situation well, take a closer look. Don't trust everyone, but listen to many. There may be unforeseen dangerous situations ahead.

What the inverted Algiz can indicate in the layout is:

  • the likelihood of an accident;
  • the influence of bad people;
  • danger;
  • everything good is only an appearance;
  • all steps should be considered;
  • the fortuneteller is surrounded by lies;
  • the fortuneteller is manipulated and controlled;
  • any mistake can lead to a crash;
  • maximum caution is needed;
  • no need to take on more than you can bear;
  • do not work for others;
  • no rash decisions;
  • poor health;
  • defeat in all matters;
  • loss of balance;
  • self-flagellation;
  • self-sacrifice;
  • one should be careful not to fall into a trap;
  • you should gather all your strength and only then go forward;
  • going out of your way;
  • vulnerability.

Examples of interpretations for divination

For finance and career

Direct Algiz. Values:

  • forward to the goal without stopping;
  • success time;
  • all undertakings will be successful;
  • starting a new project;
  • sharpening of intuition;
  • training;
  • obtaining new knowledge;
  • assistance of partners and achievement of success in business;
  • advancing a stalled case;
  • manifestation of hidden talents;
  • good time to climb the career ladder.

Combination with other runes:

  • With Kenaz - a promising idea for the project.
  • With Laguz - academic success.
  • With Fehu - success in business.
  • With Evaz - a successful business trip or work in another city.

Inverted. Values:

  • there is a high probability that you will be set up;
  • do not trust anyone unconditionally;
  • it is necessary to delay the achievement of goals;
  • review your principles;
  • you should be careful;
  • lower your requirements
  • deterioration of relations with the team.

If an inverted Algiz fell out, and you have important negotiations planned, it is better to postpone them, as there is a high probability of deception.

Combination with other characters:

  • With an inverted Vunyo - postpone everything important until the situation is clear.
  • With Raido - a betrayal of an old partner is possible.

To health


  • you are in good shape;
  • you will avoid infection;
  • everything is in order with health;
  • strengthen your immunity.


  • quit bad habits;
  • possible loss of strength and deterioration of health;
  • examination is necessary.

For relationships


  • mutual understanding between partners;
  • return of old feelings;
  • trusting relationship;
  • birth of a child;
  • that new acquaintance;
  • establishing friendly relations with the second half, reconciliation;
  • happiness and joy in the family.

Combinations with other characters:

  • With Inguz - engagement, wedding.
  • With Eyvaz - victory over rivals.


  • if you are single, it is better not to get close to anyone yet;
  • avoid new acquaintances, as expectations can be deceived;
  • try to listen to your soul mate, you should try to understand your partner;
  • quarrels and quarrels.


With Uruz - your soulmate will impose his point of view.

With Ansuz - you completely dissolved into a relationship, losing yourself.

On the situation

Direct position:

  • trust your intuition;
  • you will be rewarded for the journey you have made;
  • undertakings will end in success;
  • listen to your inner voice.


  • be more collected - you are too careless;
  • do not wait - act;
  • prepare an escape route.

magical use

Being a rune of protection, Algiz gives the one who wears the amulet with her a sense of security. It is believed that the user of the amulet always has many opportunities to avoid trouble.

Amulets with this symbol are used for:

  • protection from trouble;
  • protection of property;
  • maintaining relationships;
  • creating inner comfort;
  • development of communication skills;
  • identifying bad environments;
  • strengthening the gift of clairvoyance;
  • gaining determination and courage;
  • attract good luck.

Work rules

  1. The image of the Algiz rune should be applied to an object made of natural material - metal, stone or wood. If you purchase an amulet, be sure to make sure that it is not made of plastic.
  2. It is necessary to draw a rune in a straight position.
  3. If you want to protect the house, then the symbol can be painted on the floor or walls. The main thing is that he was not in a conspicuous place.
  4. The best accessory for drawing a symbol is a pendant.
  5. Can be applied directly to the body. That is, to make a tattoo Algiz. Preferably at the base of the throat.

Runic formulas to achieve certain goals:

  1. With Fehu. Protection of business from crisis and competitors.
  2. With Raido. Protects on the road.
  3. From Berkano. It is used by pregnant women that the baby was born healthy.
  4. With Gebo. Used to end dangerous relationships under duress.
  5. With Eyvaz. Protects from mental influences, damage and the evil eye.
  6. From Laguz. For the speedy recovery of the wounded.
  7. With Kenaz. It is used to get rid of depression and stress.
  • analyze the situation in order to understand which of what surrounds is real and which is false;
  • do not feel sorry for yourself, but to act - everything is in our hands;
  • increase self-control, especially over feelings, not be led by emotions;
  • deal with your environment, remove from it all the "toxic" people that cause harm.
  • believe in your success.

If you follow the advice of the Algiz rune and try to live with your own mind, then the protection and help of the Gods will be provided to you. In life situations, you will receive tips, following which you will succeed in any endeavor.


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Rune Algiz (Algiz) personifies the thread that connects the spirit of an individual with other people. It belongs to the elements of the Earth, symbolizing the mind, body and spirit of man. What does the rune Algiz look like? What is its meaning and practical application? You will learn about this from our article.

Brief description and history of the Algiz rune

What the rune Algiz looks like can be seen in the photo. It resembles a tree whose branches connect our world with the cosmic world. But the inverted rune Algiz, on the contrary, rushes down. The branches of the tree turn into powerful roots, penetrating into the world of the otherworldly and the unconscious.

Sometimes this rune is also compared with a swan in free flight. Among the Norman peoples, this bird has always been associated with wisdom. Moreover, with divine wisdom.

The inverted rune Algiz was carved on tombstones near the date of death

In dark medieval times, church ministers, in order to discredit, represented the rune as a symbol of the female vagina (upside down - the male penis). In fact, the Algiz rune has nothing to do with sexual energy. It was often carved on tombstones and graves of warriors. Moreover, before the date of birth of a person, a direct rune was applied, and near the date of death - an inverted one. This symbolized, respectively, the birth of a person and his death (primarily violent and sudden).

The meaning of the rune Algiz

Algiz helps to know your spiritual essence

Protection and connection are the main tasks of the Algiz rune. It is about reconnecting with your inner self, with your spiritual substance. Only in this case, a person will be able to confidently stand on his feet in the real world. If there is a roll in any direction, then the desired balance will be violated. The spirituality of a person should be manifested in his everyday, everyday life, otherwise the price of such spirituality will be extremely low.

In addition, the Algiz rune is designed to constantly remind a person of his weakness and vulnerability. There are a huge number of false temptations and influences in the world, striving to push a person off the right path.

The inverted Algiz symbol in the raklad calls to be careful

The rune Algiz in an inverted position has a slightly different meaning. Her appearance in the fortune-telling scenario should remind a person of his vulnerability, that he should be more attentive to his own health. The rune can indicate other points. For example, the fact that you need to take a good look at your immediate environment: perhaps they are plotting something against you? The inverted rune Algiz can also warn of a break in some ties (official or friendly), or of any kind of refusal. This, in turn, should tell the person that they should behave more carefully, showing flexibility in their actions and statements.

Practical application of the Algiz rune

Runa Algiz - an excellent protective talisman

Runa Algiz is an excellent assistant in the process of extracting energy from a spiritual reservoir and applying it in practice, in any business. The rune is also an excellent and reliable protector that protects a person from any negativity. She will be able to support you in difficult times, instilling a sense of strength and self-confidence.

The main enemies of the Algiz rune are pride and selfishness. She actively struggles with these vices on a spiritual level. Most often, it appears to a person in the form of absolute and unexpected knowledge, the so-called insight, based not only on reason, but also on creative thought.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

RUNE - Algiz (Algiz) Inverted (reverse) position when it appears in the runic layout, it broadcasts like this - you are not protected, which means you are vulnerable. You can be hurt both near and far. You may expect a problematic situation in business, intrigues of friends or betrayal in intimate relationships. Be attentive to the offers that come to you - they can be obviously losing for you. Please note that you can deceive yourself if you base your actions on greed, greed, an insatiable desire to rake everything for yourself. These qualities can destroy you.
The inverted rune Algiz (Algiz) is not a fully meaningful meaning of the rune Algiz (Algiz) in the upright position, if the rune Algiz came to you in the reverse (inverted) position - therefore you could not accept and use the rune in its main position.
Your vulnerability directly follows from the lack of self-sacrifice. If you do not understand the situation, then you pay for other people's mistakes and sins.
The meaning of the rune Algiz (Algiz) in an inverted (reverse) position can be interpreted in this way - the people around you are trying to puzzle you with their worries, to shift their responsibilities onto you. One of the fundamental meanings of the interpretation of the inverted (reverse) rune Algiz (Algiz) is the ability to avoid unnecessary. If you fail to find a balance between "own" and "alien", between "necessary" and "too much", then you will not only not get rid of your own problems, but you may also have to take on the problems of other people. The size of the task is more important than its positivity or negativity. RUNE Algiz (Algiz) in an inverted, reverse position is always associated with nuances, but at the same time it always correlates with very large programs. When the rune Algiz (Algiz) appears in the layout, a person should see all the colossal heaps of problems in his life. The situation in which during divination the rune Algiz (Algiz) fell out in an inverted (reverse) position can often be only part of a larger problem. That is why success in your actions depends on how unbiased you are to realize what is happening, namely what it is connected with, what to be in interaction with. Remember that no matter what you ask the rune Algiz (Algiz), the answer you receive can almost always be more complete than the question you asked.
Rune Algiz (Algiz) in an inverted (reverse) position encourages you not to be limited to private interpretations of the situation, but to determine the true extent of the problem as a whole. And they almost always carry a large-scale character. The question on which the reverse, inverted Algiz (Algiz) falls should be perceived by you as a fragment of a general problem, as a reflection in a mirror fragment of a greater difficulty. Under the reverse (inverted) rune Algiz (Algiz), all problems have deep causal relationships.

The constant balance of dark and light forces is maintained thanks to the god Heimdall (the German-Scandinavian protector of the World, the son of Odin). He sees and hears everything and always warns people of danger.

Algiz is the rune of life

Standing in the mighty heavenly mountains, he stretches his arms to the sides, covering the whole World from evil. The symbol of the rune Algiz fully reflects this mythical picture. The person to whom she fell to be under the care of the Gods. But if the Algiz rune is inverted, the person is in the dark.

Gift of the Gods

Runes are a set of tablets that, according to ancient Scandinavian mythology, God Odin gave to all people.

For many centuries, these mysterious symbols have been used by magicians and sorcerers for prediction, as well as rites to change it. Runes also have a warlike beginning.

On their spears, bows, shields and arrows, the Scandinavians applied these symbols as a talisman against injury and death. Warriors believed that the runes would help give them strength in battle, recover faster from injuries, and also protect their wives and children from misfortune.

Features of the Life Rune Algikh

Algiz is the rune of life. Many warriors stuffed it in order to become invincible, protected from enemies. So one of the options for her image indicates this. The drawing depicts the silhouette of a man who raised his hands to heaven to ask for help from the Gods. The pagan meaning over the long history of the existence of the rune has undergone changes.

Its use in divination for love, wealth, career and other important life issues caused a change in the interpretation of the symbol. But one thing remains unchanged. The person who has such a rune is under the tutelage of higher powers, and this makes him stronger and wiser.

The person to whom the Algiz rune fell is under the tutelage of higher powers, and this makes him stronger and wiser

What does the image say

The divine protection of the Algiz rune has a close connection with the person himself, because the bestowed amulet requires constant energy replenishment. Therefore, those who have this rune should not “give up” in the struggle for the desired future, especially in love.

Algiz only protects, not helps. And the image itself indicates this. Many magicians and sorcerers have their own interpretation of such a talisman. The interpretation of the symbol indicates the same meaning, but everyone sees it differently.

The most common pictures that the rune describes are:

  1. A man with his hands up. With this action, he asks the Gods to help him.
  2. Man with an umbrella. He hides under it from the rain and allows you to stay dry, despite the bad weather.
  3. A tree that shields crops from the scorching sun with its mighty branches.
  4. A joyful meeting with an old friend. The symbol represents hugs.
  5. Saved from death, a man who rejoices in his luck.

Divine protection and patronage can be associated with any spheres of life of a person and his loved ones. The main thing is to learn how to read it, depending on which runes in divination fell next. We must not forget that the Algiz rune can also have a negative meaning, especially if it falls upside down.

Rune Algiz can take on a negative value if it is rolled upside down.

Interpretation of the rune Algiz in divination

Runic symbols have a powerful energy that has accumulated thanks to the faith of millions of people - warriors and rulers. They also helped ordinary people who always wanted to be healthy and rich. Those who had the Rune Algiz were granted powerful energy protection, which helped people in all their affairs and undertakings. And even after thousands of years, this relationship between man and the rune has not changed.

Algiz is a sign showing the favor of the Gods. The interpretation of the rune can also indicate the importance of some life situations. In some fortune-telling, Algiz indicates strong friendship, mutual assistance and reliability. In such a situation, the relationship of friends is God's gift. Such people will always be successful and happy as long as an energy connection is established between them.

But we must not forget that any rune that falls next to Algiz can change the interpretation. So, if Berkana fell nearby, he will meet his “soul mate”, and if Turisaz, he will receive a gift from fate. Algiz can also refer to:

  • meeting a loved one;
  • the ability to use one's own intuition in difficult life situations;
  • favor in a career;
  • all undertakings will be successful;
  • the tendency to self-develop both spiritually and physically;
  • victory in any business, competition and fight against enemies.

The description of the rune is associated only with positive moments for a person's life. But there are exceptions that appear if Algiz fell out in an inverted position.

What does the inverted rune Algiz say?

The characteristics that Algiz possesses can also acquire the opposite character. In divination for the future, the rune predicts failure. Due to the fact that there is a close connection with the energy of a person, most often all everyday problems are not a sign of the evil intent of the Gods in relation to this or that person, but wrong to his own life. Man decides his own destiny, and the Gods only watch him. An inverted rune is most often ignorance, "deafness" and "blindness" in life situations, as well as problems of a different nature.

The rune Algiz, the protection of the Gods, which is expressed in various manifestations, in an inverted position becomes a problem that a person can solve on his own if he "works on the mistakes."

An inverted image may refer to:

  1. Health problems. If an inverted rune falls out to a person who is already sick, then he should urgently seek medical help.
  2. Difficulties at work or in business. They may relate to personal relationships with colleagues, superiors, as well as the progress of certain work tasks, plans, etc. And also the rune can indicate abuse of authority or the help of colleagues.
  3. Quarrels with friends and relatives through the fault of the person to whom the inverted Algiz fell.

The inverted image of the Algiz rune may portend a conflict with friends

Such a rune can denote the excessive straightforwardness of a person in dealing with people. This quality can lead to problems that will be difficult to solve in the future. Magicians are advised to control their behavior and "think ten times" before accusing their interlocutor of something. Most often, such actions will help preserve peace and friendship with others.

Formulas and their meaning

The combination of runes, called formulas, can save a person from any problems and hardships. This is a charm that can be used for success in work, maintaining health, as well as peace in relationships with a loved one.

There are many options for such combinations. Here are a few of them:

  1. Algiz + Kenaz - treatment of psychological diseases, getting rid of internal, mental problems.
  2. Algiz + Laguz is an assistant in restoring health after serious illnesses.
  3. Algiz + Eyvaz - energy protector (from conspiracies, evil eye, etc.).
  4. Algiz + Fehu - protection in work and business from competition and financial problems.

Protection in love matters

One of the most common rune divinations is the "eternal theme" of love. If Algiz falls out, this is a good sign. Single people will soon find their “soul mate”. And those who have already found it will soon feel pleasant emotions from marriage, the birth of a child, and also the usual close family pastime.

Algiz most often means the complete unity of two lovers in all areas of their joint endeavors. Two people who love each other gain confidence in the future, they are suitable for each other sexually, psychologically and in everyday life.

But if the rune is turned upside down, this can mean problems in communication, quarrels and misunderstandings. Algiz rarely talks about betrayal, loss of feelings and other problems. Most often, one of the partners has bad intentions, guided by their own goals. Everything can be adjusted if you listen to the opinion of your loved one and draw the right conclusions.