
Compression jersey which is better. Compression underwear for varicose veins: which is better and recommendations for choosing. How to choose medical linen

Compression jersey It is widely used to maintain the correct, from the point of view of physiology, pressure in the lower extremities of a person. Such stockings are used in the complex treatment regimen, as well as for the prevention of this disease. In medicine, special underwear for veins is called medical jersey. It is also called compression or anti-varicose underwear, medical jersey.

Tights, socks, as well as compression knee-highs for varicose veins are recommended to be worn by phlebologists. Such underwear must be worn even when lymphedema and for other problems with the blood vessels of the extremities.

What kind of compression underwear is, which is better - compression tights or stockings, the doctor will tell and recommend during the appointment.

The therapeutic effect when using such underwear is manifested due to the fact that stockings, leggings or tights support the vessels, squeeze the dilated vein. This, in turn, evenly redistributes blood flow from dilated vessels to healthy ones.

Such underwear helps to activate blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition.

Choosing the right compression hosiery can help reduce the risk of developing blood clots .

Another important argument in favor of using such underwear is that there are almost no contraindications to the use of medical jersey. It does not cause side effects, but at the same time it is a good method of preventing the progression of varicose veins and helps to maintain the veins in a physiological state.

How does compression garment work for varicose veins?

Previously, when medical knitwear was not produced, varicose veins were used elastic bandages ... However, their use has several significant disadvantages.

  • First of all, elastic bandages have to be applied for a long time, and in order to get the desired effect, this must be done correctly.
  • An important disadvantage is the inability to wear an elastic bandage all the time. Not aesthetic appearance does not allow wearing it daily, whereas, for example, compression underwear Medi and knitwear from other modern manufacturers looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Despite the fact that the bandages have a low price, it will not be possible to save money when wearing them. After all, such a bandage very quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to learn how to choose high-quality knitwear and buy compression underwear for varicose veins.

What is compression underwear for and what is its effect? Compressing the dilated veins, this jersey provides acceleration blood flow through deep veins. As a result, it is eliminated venous congestion , which is a prerequisite for the development of varicose veins. Those who are interested in which compression underwear is better for varicose veins should take into account that it is worth buying high-quality products. After all, branded high-quality knitwear provides a graduated, that is, a gradual decrease in pressure from the wrist to the shoulder or from the lower leg to the thigh.

For example, a good online store of compression underwear for varicose veins offers stockings that provide maximum (100%) pressure in the lower leg and partial (40%) in the thigh area. It is this distribution that is the most correct from a physiological point of view, therefore, provides the greatest therapeutic effect. With this mode of pressure distribution, blood outflow is normalized due to the following effect:

  • The work of the valve apparatus improves and returns to normal.
  • The dilated lumen of the peripheral veins of the thighs and lower legs, especially the subcutaneous ones, decreases.
  • The muscle pump effect is increased. When muscles contract during exercise, blood is pushed upward.

Effectively compression underwear for pregnant women. But when choosing such jersey, you need to be guided by the individual recommendations of a doctor.

How to choose compression hosiery?

Before choosing compression hosiery for varicose veins, you need to clearly understand that such underwear cannot eliminate serious causes of venous insufficiency. Therefore, it is used before radical treatment. Medical jersey mimics the situation as if the veins that have expanded, removed or sealed.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-surgical treatment of leg diseases should always be comprehensive. Only in this case will the effect be maximized. It is very important not only to wear compression underwear, but also to use ointments and creams prescribed by a doctor, to practice folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, and also to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For the effect to be most noticeable, it is important to choose the right medical underwear. In this case, you need to take into account not only the reviews that can be read on the network, and the prices of linen, but also its quality, compression classes.

Compression hosiery is usually divided into three types:

  • hospital - that is, one that is used exclusively in a hospital environment;
  • curative ;
  • prophylactic .

But, regardless of whether jersey is needed for treatment or for prevention, it should be bought exclusively in specialized stores or at outlets that are official dealers of manufacturers of such underwear recognized by doctors. It is important that in such stores consumers must be assisted in choosing the right size for the jersey, since the effectiveness of the treatment depends on this. To find the perfect underwear, the salesperson first measures the leg at four locations. Next, a special size table is used, according to which stockings or tights are selected.

As for different manufacturers, reviews of their products can often be found on the net. Many women write about the quality of the Sigvaris knitwear, which costs between 4000-5000 rubles. But there are many positive reviews about Medi knitwear, the price of which is lower - about 3000 rubles. You can find out more about this underwear and choose Medi compression hosiery on the company's official website. Compression underwear from Venotex and Orto is also of high quality, prices for which are slightly lower - from 2000 rubles.

You can buy underwear in four degrees of compression:

  • First class compression (18-21 mm Hg) - preventive jersey, the wearing of which is indicated in the following cases:
    • during pregnancy ;
    • with a tendency to varicose veins ;
    • in the presence of the initial symptoms of varicose veins: if the veins are visible under the skin, after prolonged standing or sitting, the legs hurt, you can distinguish pronounced spider veins on the legs, and edema appears in the evening;
    • if a person leads a lifestyle in which he is forced to sit or stand a lot - in the office, driving a car, behind a counter, etc.
  • Second class of compression (23-32 mm Hg) - the most popular underwear. Compression hosiery of the 2nd class of compression is used for the purpose of treatment varicose veins , thrombophlebitis ... The hospital also uses compression class 2 hospital hosiery.
  • Third class of compression (34-46 mm Hg) - compression tights of this class are used for patients with trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • Fourth class of compression (from 49 mm Hg) - this class is used very rarely - for men and women with lymphatic edema.

Before you buy stockings or tights for varicose veins, you should decide exactly what kind of underwear is better to buy. Those who buy anti-varicose tights for the first time should not immediately choose the 2nd class of compression. After all, it may well be that this will be too strong compression for the vascular system.

First, it is better to buy inexpensive underwear - the price of 1st class compression tights from some companies will be quite acceptable. After wearing it and gradually getting used to such underwear, you can later buy more expensive orthopedic tights for varicose veins.

For the purpose of prevention, only class 1 underwear is used. If a person already develops varicose veins, then a phlebologist will help you choose tights. You should also ask your doctor about how to choose compression tights for pregnant women so that the expectant mother feels good when wearing such underwear. In this case, it is important to choose the size of anti-varicose tights or stockings so that they do not cause perceptible discomfort.

But no matter how enthusiastic the reviews about this or that underwear are, you need to understand that it will not work to cure varicose veins with its help, since wearing underwear does not eliminate the causes of the disease. Compression hosiery helps to stop the development of the disease and prevent the appearance of new varicose veins.

In hot summer weather, it is impossible to wear such underwear, therefore, during the summer, you need to use medications for varicose veins and use other methods to combat this disease.

In order not to damage the product and get the greatest effect, you need to know how to wear compression tights correctly - this is indicated in the instructions.

Regardless of what the price of such linen is, it can keep compression for about 5-7 months.

Before purchasing such underwear, you need to clearly know how to choose the right compression stockings for varicose veins. Specific quality standards have been defined for compression garments. The most important and strict among them is European RAL-GZ-387 .

Any manufacturer seeking to produce knitwear that matches it must initially go through very strict certification in Switzerland or Germany. Therefore, if elastic orthopedic stockings for varicose veins have such a certificate, this indicates its high quality. Knitwear with such a certificate provides pressure that is distributed over the limb (40-70-100%) and is curative. The standard is evidenced by the packaging of products, as well as the presence of a special label.

To choose a good product, you need to focus not only on how much such knee-highs or stockings cost, but, first of all, on the manufacturer and the proven point of sale of the goods. Indeed, in the domestic market it is very easy to make a mistake and buy fake medical stockings or tights. In addition, in specialized stores, the buyer will certainly be prompted how to determine the size, for both men and women. In trusted stores, you need to buy compression hosiery for pregnant women.

Since medical underwear is worn daily, it is very important to choose a hypoallergenic model. Therefore, you need to focus not on user reviews, but, first of all, on personal feelings. The linen must have the sign of the European eco-safety standard Oeko-Tex Standard 10 - this ensures that the product is made of non-caustic material.

How to put on compression stockings correctly?

When buying medicated jerseys, you need to know how to put on and how to wear such underwear correctly.

Most often, people seeking to prevent the progression of varicose veins wear compression class 2 compression stockings. After all, both the efficiency and the price of compression class 2 compression stockings are often the most acceptable for the patient. Nevertheless, it often happens that products of the 2nd degree of compression are very inconvenient for a person to wear. Moreover, most often the 2nd class of compression for men and women turns out to be inconvenient precisely because a person does not wear such a product correctly. After all, it cannot be worn like tights for a child, gathered in an accordion and pulling the stocking up to the thigh. Both tights and knee-highs or stockings should be put on slowly, gradually spreading them over the leg.

Such underwear will be difficult for obese people to wear. To facilitate this process, you can purchase special tools in the store. How much such devices cost depends on the manufacturer. Compression hosiery should be worn with gloves so as not to damage the linen with nails. In addition, if a person is wearing medical or other gloves, then the linen glides better.

If the underwear of the second compression class is uncomfortable to wear, in some cases you can limit yourself to the first class. Moreover, the price of compression stockings of the 1st compression class for women and men (by Orto and others) is lower. However, the price of stockings for varicose veins on the legs depends on other factors.

A person who wears medical jersey should have smooth feet - without roughness, calluses. Cut your toenails short and file them with a nail file to avoid puffs on your laundry.

It is better to put on such underwear in the morning, on rested and, accordingly, not swollen limbs. In this case, both legs and jerseys must be completely dry.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to sleep in such stockings, you need to understand that there is no need for this, since during sleep the load on the limbs is minimal.

If the phlebologist prescribed the patient to wear class 3 products, it will be more difficult to put them on and, accordingly, more time will have to be spent on this. For this, it is better to use special devices.

If the size chart provided on a particular site seems unclear, it is better to ask a specialist about how to choose the size of compression stockings for surgery or for everyday wear. After all, if the size is chosen incorrectly, both putting on and wearing such underwear will be extremely inconvenient.

It is important to take proper care of such items and know how to wash and dry them.

Compression garment care

When buying orthopedic underwear for women and men, you need to consider that it is most convenient to have at least two pairs of such jersey. After all, you need to wash it daily to get rid of dust, debris and dead skin particles, which can very quickly damage the fibers of the laundry.

Washing is carried out only by hand, using baby soap. Such linen cannot be washed in a typewriter. It is necessary to wash at a temperature of no more than 40 C. It is forbidden to iron and bleach it. Also, do not use conditioners and rinses. After all, they also destroy the structure of the constricting tissue.

Dry the compression hosiery by spreading it out on a horizontal surface. You cannot twist and wring it out, you can easily get wet with a towel. Drying of jersey in the sun, battery in a vertical position is not allowed.

You need to be very careful with the silicone strips, which are important for fixing the laundry. During washing, it is better not to wet them and wipe them with a disinfectant napkin.

What to wear with such products depends on the taste of the woman. But, as a rule, knitwear from modern manufacturers is very beautiful and elegant.

Contraindications for wearing compression underwear

Before choosing compression knee-highs for varicose veins, you need to clearly know if the patient has contraindications to wearing them. Medical jersey has several such contraindications.

Wearing medical jersey is absolutely contraindicated for such diseases:

  • endoarteritis ;
  • orthoarteritis ;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans .

Under such conditions, the vascular lumen , and the systolic is reduced to 80 mm. rt. Art., therefore, it is strictly forbidden to reduce the pressure in the lower extremities.

Compression garments should be worn very carefully for those who have problems with the skin and high sensitivity of the skin.

You should not wear stockings or tights for allergic manifestations and inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as for bedsores, open wounds.

If varicose veins are manifested as a result of a disease diabetes , such underwear cannot be used either. Compression hosiery is not used in case septic phlebitis , cardiopulmonary failure in severe form, if circulatory problems manifest at rest.

You can also find the opinion that jersey can provoke atrophy of the muscle layer of the vein walls ... When a person stops wearing medical underwear, the opposite effect is likely, as a result of which the venous wall will stretch, and varicose veins will progress even more.

Of course, there is no way to check the condition of each vein in a person wearing such underwear. However, most phlebologists consider this theory to be erroneous, citing the following evidence in favor of this:

  • a person cannot wear medical jersey around the clock;
  • if the veins are compressed, then the blood flow in them decreases, but it does not stop;
  • as a rule, atrophy of the muscle wall develops if a person has a genetic disposition, as well as if a local specific inflammatory process develops during venous congestion, and when using knitwear, these phenomena decrease;
  • sometimes, after stopping the use of linen, a person initially feels a little worse, since for a while the tone of the venous wall decreases, but we are not talking about atrophy.

Also, after the end of the period of wearing such underwear, people with varicose veins may feel that it has become more difficult for them to walk. Therefore, many people choose not to give up wearing it.

Thus, compression garments, which have been used for many decades, are a convenient and effective method for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. However, before you start using it, you need to consult with a phlebologist. The doctor will determine what the patient's condition is and will help to choose the most suitable product.

Expansion of veins requires increased attention to yourself. The disease is not so terrible as its complications. Compression garments for varicose veins are widely used as a modern method of therapy. Which is better? The attending phlebologist will help you figure out how to choose it.

Modern therapy of varicose veins is unthinkable without compression underwear for men and women. It is used as a prophylaxis, as well as in combination treatment.

Compression underwear differs from conventional jersey:

  • Creates pressure at the point of contact with the skin. At the same time, physiological pressure is created, which should normally be distributed over the lower extremities. The compression created on the legs is not uniform, but reduced from bottom to top. The maximum pressure is exerted on the lower leg, in the knee area, the compression decreases by 1.5 times, on the thigh - 2 times, in the groin area it is practically absent;
  • Forms a skeleton base, which is able to maintain the elasticity of the veins at an optimal level. Due to the pressure created, the veins are narrowed, the blood flow is in one direction, which reduces swelling and pain in the legs;
  • Provides normalization of the venous system, preventing stagnation of venous blood in the legs.

The use of the best compression hosiery should be started at the first signs of varicose veins after consulting a specialist:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling;
  • painful sensations;
  • spider veins.

If the diagnosis of varicose veins is confirmed, wearing compression underwear is combined with.

Among the indications for the use of compression hosiery are:

  • rehabilitation period after vein surgery;
  • any kind of work that causes blood stagnation;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • air travel and long journeys.

Among all types of the best anti-varicose compression underwear, the most often chosen are:

Classification of medical jersey

The main principle for choosing compression hosiery for varicose veins is the compression class, which indicates the distribution of pressure across the limbs. When buying linen for varicose veins, you must look at the pressure indicated in mm Hg. According to the classes, compression hosiery is divided into 5 groups, among which there are 4 compression classes:

Group 1 - prophylactic... The exerted pressure is 15 - 18 mm Hg. Among the indications for use are:

  • burdened heredity for varicose veins;
  • obesity;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • taking COCs;
  • work related to blood congestion;
  • air travel, long travel.

Group 2 - Compression class 1. The pressure exerted is 18 - 22 mm Hg. Among the indications are:

  • initial signs of varicose veins in the form of a feeling of heaviness in the legs, painful sensations, swelling, spider veins;
  • the period of pregnancy and childbirth at the initial stages of varicose veins;
  • phlebopathies of a functional nature;
  • prevention of the occurrence of varicose veins.

Group 3 - Compression class 2. The exerted pressure is 23 - 32 mm Hg. Compression hosiery of the 2nd class of compression is used for:

  • chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by the expansion of superficial veins;
  • swelling on the legs;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • the rehabilitation period after the removal of veins;
  • prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

Group 4 - Compression class 3. The exerted pressure is 34 - 40 mm Hg. Indications for use are:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • severe swelling of the lower extremities;
  • chronic deep vein thrombophlebitis;
  • insufficiency of the lympho-venous system;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical treatment of varicose veins.

Group 5 - Compression class 4. The exerted pressure is more than 50 mm Hg. It is used when:

  • severe edema;
  • stagnation of lymph.

Prophylactic compression underwear for men and women can be bought freely at the pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is required for a medical one.

How to choose compression hosiery for varicose veins: a review of the best models and their prices

Compression knitwear for varicose veins: how to choose is the first condition for proper therapy. The rules for choosing the best compression underwear for varicose veins are simple:

  • strict compliance with the compression class, which was prescribed by the attending physician;
  • when choosing the type of product, remember localization of the site of the lesion of the veins;
  • seams on knitwear should not be convex;
  • should be given preference certified pharmaceutical companies make purchases in pharmacies or specialized stores;
  • pay special attention when choosing knitwear for pregnant women;
  • the finished medical device must have quality standard RAL-GZ 387;
  • linen should be hypoallergenic and contain the Oeko-Tex Standart 10 mark;
  • the degree of compression is always indicated in mmHg... Any other markings are a sign of forgery.

Of the manufacturers producing compression hosiery, the following have gained the greatest popularity:

Selection of the size of the compression garment

In order to achieve the maximum effect from wearing compression hosiery, it is necessary to choose the right size of the product.

Different manufacturers may have different sizes of products, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the size tables of each seller before buying.

Measurements must be done in the morning after sleep so that the legs are free of swelling. The upper edge of the linen should be 5 - 10 cm above the level of the lesion. You will need a measuring tape to take measurements.

Product Knee socks Stockings Tights
Basic measurements Calf circumference in the lower narrow part
Calf circumference in the upper wide part
Calf circumference under the knee
Length from foot to knee
Shoe size
Additional measurements Thigh circumference 25 cm above the knee joint
Leg length from foot to thigh or groin Waist circumference
Hip circumference

How to dress underwear correctly

To achieve the maximum effect of compression hosiery, it is necessary to wear it correctly. The best selected underwear is difficult to put on, so there are subtleties when putting it on.

  1. The wearing of medical devices should be constant: from morning to night.
  2. Before putting on compression underwear, you should pay attention to the nails and the condition of the feet: they should not cling to the product and tear it. You can use gloves to avoid tearing the jersey.
  3. Do not stretch the product too much and pull it upwards so as not to damage its structure.
  4. It is necessary to put on the product only dry on dry skin. Do this in a horizontal position with your legs up.

In order to put on compression underwear, you must:

  • turn the product inside out to the heel;
  • put it on your foot, level it;
  • with the help of your palms, pull the product up to the knee, turning it inside out and smoothing it;
  • stretch the linen along its entire length, smooth it out.

Knitwear for varicose veins during pregnancy

Compression knitwear during pregnancy is recommended as a means of preventing varicose veins for all pregnant women. For this purpose, 1 group is used: preventive underwear. According to the indications, the doctor prescribes compression hosiery of the required class.

For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, the following compression underwear for pregnant women is used:

Tights have significant differences from products for non-pregnant women:

  • increased air permeability of the material;
  • an elastic bandage that additionally supports the abdomen.

Stockings for pregnant women can be:

  • classic;
  • with silicone rubber;
  • with a belt-corsets with a Velcro fastener;
  • with an open toe.

Compression underwear for men

Varicose veins in men occurs as often as in women. According to statistics, every 8th representative of the stronger sex suffers from this disease. Therefore, underwear prescribed by a doctor for men must be worn.

When used correctly in men, it is observed:

  • improved outflow and decrease in venous blood volume;
  • excessive pressure in blood vessels decreases;
  • toxins are removed from the tissues;
  • the volume decreases due to the withdrawal of water;
  • increases the mobility of joints and tendons.

Men should not be shy about wearing compression hosiery. On clothes he is not noticeable at all. In non-neglected cases, the normalization of the condition occurs after a few days. It is imperative to consult a doctor with the choice of underwear. Only a specialist will help a man choose the correct size and degree of compression of the linen.

In order for compression hosiery to be durable and practical, you must follow the rules for its use and care:

  • compression hosiery must be washed daily by hand, preferably with soap or baby powder without conditioners and rinses in water heated not higher than 40 0 ​​С;
  • Gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs is an auxiliary therapeutic and prophylactic agent. According to statistics, 10% of the population ...

    Compression hosiery is an effective and simple method for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Compression knee-highs for varicose veins and gaiters ...

From this article you will learn: how to choose compression underwear for varicose veins, how this jersey works. Types and classes of compression, how to determine the size. Contraindications, are there any complications and side effects from wearing compression underwear?

Date of publication of the article: 17.07.2017

Date of article update: 02.06.2019

Compression products made of knitwear of special density and different degrees of compression (pressure) are used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

When put on a diseased limb, they create an external frame, which:

The effect of compression hosiery. Click on the photo to enlarge

6 types of compression hosiery are produced:

  1. Tights (cover both limbs at the same time from the foot to the thigh and end at the waist).
  2. Stockings (designed for the lower limb from foot to thigh).
  3. Knee-highs (put on the lower leg from the foot to the knee).
  4. Leggings (reminiscent of knee-highs without a heel and toe).
  5. Socks (worn on the foot to the ankle).
  6. Sleeves (on the arm from wrist to shoulder).

Products have a certain degree of compression (pressure) at the level of the ankles (from here begins a complex section of the reverse movement of venous blood), which is measured in mm Hg. Art. and is calculated based on the severity of the varicose veins. The degree of compression of knitted products can be preventive (with low pressure - 1 class) or therapeutic (with high pressure - 2, 3, 4 classes).

This is not to say that stockings are better than tights or socks - linen and the degree of compression for treatment and prevention are chosen by a phlebologist or angiosurgeon, he draws a conclusion based on the medical history, examination results and individual indications.

How does compression garments work?

With varicose veins, the lower extremities are the first to suffer: blood easily flows from the heart through the arteries downward, but upward, through the veins, rises with certain efforts. Reverse blood flow is provided by several mechanisms:

  • contractions of the heart, which "push" the blood, forcing it to circulate in the vascular system;
  • venous valves, which lock blood in the area of ​​the vessel so that it does not move in the opposite direction;
  • by regular contractions of the muscles of the lower leg and thighs (muscle pump), which form a kind of supporting frame for the vessels, gently squeeze them and help push the blood upward, from the legs to the thighs and into the pelvis. Their weakening is one of the main mechanisms for the formation of varicose veins.
Reverse blood flow mechanism is normal

Compression hosiery is designed to function as a muscle pump and frame. Compressing the leg in a certain place (at the ankle) is stronger, in others it is slightly weaker (lower leg, thigh):

  • provides an optimal degree of impact on all parts of the leg;
  • normalizes blood flow, helping blood move from bottom to top;
  • gently squeezing the muscles, enhances the tone of the vascular walls, prevents them from stretching;
  • narrows the lumen of damaged veins, helping to redistribute some of the blood to healthy vessels;
  • normalizes the operation of the valve apparatus;
  • stimulates the outflow of lymph, eliminating edema and congestion;
  • reduces the load on diseased veins.

By normalizing blood circulation in the lower extremities, a properly selected compression hosiery performs several more functions:

  1. Improves metabolism and tissue nutrition.
  2. Prevents the development of complications (vascular thrombosis, tissue necrosis due to oxygen starvation).
  3. Relieves severe symptoms (pain, itching, swelling after a working day).
  4. Prevents relapse (reappearance) of varicose veins after surgery.
  5. Does not create difficulties for treatment with constant wear (if necessary) - external agents can be applied over the product.

Types of linen

The type of jersey is chosen depending on the localization of the main manifestations, the product should be 15–20 cm above the border of varicose veins:

  • Tights are used for the defeat of both limbs from the lower leg to the thigh and signs of stagnation in the small pelvis (dilated veins and nodes in the groin, hemorrhoids), they are convenient for pregnancy and weightlifting. Tights for pregnant women have a special abdominal bandage that supports but does not squeeze it.
  • Compression underwear for varicose veins in the form of stockings is usually chosen when it comes to recovery after surgery to remove veins (from the lower leg to the thigh) on one leg, they are more convenient to take off and put on (compared to tights).
  • Knee-highs and gaiters are intended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the legs, if the nodes and affected veins have not risen to the knee.
  • Socks are used to improve blood flow to the ankle (ankle) area.
  • Sleeves eliminate pronounced lymphostasis (lymph congestion, edema) after surgery, trauma, infectious polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints).

Taking into account individual indications and contraindications, only the attending physician can determine which type of linen is best to use for varicose veins of different localization.

How to determine the size

They sell underwear in specialized stores, in order to choose the desired option for the first time, it is necessary to make individual measurements of the legs.

Measured in cm:

  • shin circumference above the ankles (this parameter is marked with the letter b in the dimensional grid);
  • lower leg circumference under the knee (d);
  • circumference of the upper third of the thigh (g);
  • waist circumference (for tights);
  • leg length from heel to groin (to point g);
  • foot length.

In accordance with these parameters, the desired size of the compression garment is selected.

Measuring the leg for compression underwear. Click on the photo to enlarge

Compression classes

Knitwear differs from each other not only by the types of products (socks, stockings, tights), but also by the degree of pressure (compression) on the surface of the limb, which determines its medicinal qualities.

Compression in all types of underwear is uneven, the maximum pressure (100%) falls on the limb in the ankle area, high (70%) - acts on the lower leg, the minimum (40%) - on the thigh. Thus, conditions are created for restoring blood flow, close to physiological (normally, the difference in pressure on the lower and upper veins differs by 2.5 times, from below it is stronger, above it is weaker, this ensures a normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities up to the small pelvis).

Compression distribution over the leg
Class, degree of compression (mmHg) When is it recommended
1, 18 to 21 Preventive jersey, it is recommended:

people with a hereditary predisposition at the initial stage of varicose veins, after the first signs appear - spider veins, heaviness, itching, edema;

to prevent the appearance of varicose veins during pregnancy;

people at risk (with constant stress on their legs - hairdressers, pharmacists, teachers, athletes).

2, from 23 to 32 Medicinal, use:

in a complex for the treatment of varicose veins;

3, 34 to 46 Medicinal, use:

with trophic disorders (metabolic disorders, nutrition and gas exchange in tissues);

lymphovenous insufficiency (tissue edema, chronic congestion, tissue blood supply disorders);

for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis (blockage of the lumen of the vessel);

after suffering deep vein thrombosis (post-thrombophlebitic syndrome);

in the recovery period after vein removal operations.

4, from 49 and up Medicinal, apply:

with severe disorders of lymphostasis (lymph outflow);

congenital pathologies of the formation of veins (phlebodysplasia).

Without prior consultation with a specialist, it is not recommended to purchase even preventive knitwear.

Contraindications and complications

Compression underwear has contraindications; it is strongly not recommended to use it for:

  1. Atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels (the formation of cholesterol plaques).
  2. Obliterating endarteritis (inflammation of the inner walls of the peripheral vessels of the lower extremities).
  3. Thromboangiitis (inflammation of the vascular walls with the formation of a blood clot).

All diseases are characterized by narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels (due to cholesterol plaques or inflammation of the vascular wall), increased pressure on the limbs can aggravate metabolic and gas exchange disorders in tissues and cause their necrosis (necrosis).

  • with severe heart failure (additional compression can provoke disturbances in gas exchange and necrosis);
  • diabetes mellitus (damage to fragile vascular walls, the appearance of hemorrhages and blood clots);
  • any acute inflammatory processes affecting the vascular walls, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (the inflammatory process narrows the vessel walls, disrupting the blood supply to tissues, high pressure can provoke oxygen starvation, the appearance of blood clots, ulcers and necrosis);
  • skin diseases, open wounds, purulent tissue infections, allergic sensitivity of the skin to manufacturing materials (fiber, lycra, cotton, silicone).

Some patients with varicose veins consider the atrophy of the smooth muscle of the vascular wall as a complication due to prolonged wearing of jersey. And they are afraid of its consequences - after the cancellation of the linen, the vascular walls under the influence of blood flow can stretch even more.

These are unfounded fears, angiosurgeons and phlebologists argue that the sensation of relaxation of the vascular walls after the removal of linen is a natural process, you need to get used to the lack of "support", at this moment it seems to the patient without reason that varicose veins are progressing with a vengeance.

The wrong choice of the degree of compression, the type of knitwear and the mode of wearing can worsen the condition of the veins and provoke the development of complications (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers).

How to put on your underwear correctly

There are rules to follow when wearing compression hosiery:

  • put on underwear in the morning, after sleep, without getting out of bed;
  • feet should be dry;
  • if there is a need to put on jersey during the day - you need to lie on your back (without a pillow) and raise your legs for 15-10 minutes, placing a roller under your feet (at an angle of 40 ° to the body);
  • stocking or golf with hands is collected in an "accordion" to the heel;
  • the knitted sock remaining free is put on the toes;
  • fix the heel (it is located exactly on the anatomical heel, should not slide, "slide" to the left or right);
  • the linen is evenly distributed over the leg, from the ankle to the thigh;
  • make sure that it does not twist, does not "wrinkle", does not form folds;
  • the upper part of the tights (from the hip to the waist) is put on by raising the pelvis without getting out of bed.

Rules for putting on compression underwear. Click on the photo to enlarge

For knitwear without a toe or heel, special “sliding” socks have been invented, which make the process easier. In order not to make clues and not to deform the canvas, it is recommended to wear underwear with medical gloves.

How to properly care for knitwear

Good medical jersey:

  1. Must be seamless to provide even pressure on the skin surface.
  2. It must be hypoallergenic, this allows it to be used in the hot season.
  3. A special weaving of cotton, lycra and microfiber threads in different percentages regulates gas exchange and skin temperature, allowing it to "breathe" and not overheat.
  4. The shelf life of compression hosiery is from 5 to 7 months, it is not recommended to use it longer, as it loses its properties (stretches).

In order not to throw it away earlier than this period, you need to properly care for it. Do not recommend:

  • pull on the linen, holding on to the silicone strips or elastic bands, so as not to damage;
  • wash in a washing machine and at temperatures above 40 ° (hand wash only);
  • use washing powder and rinses (soap only);
  • squeeze and twist (dried in a straightened form, spreading out in a horizontal plane, having previously blotted with a towel);
  • dry in the sun, a central heating battery or near other heating appliances;
  • wet the silicone fixing strips on the inside of the stockings or golf (it is recommended to wipe them with alcohol).

The compression hosiery can be washed daily.

How long to wear?

The duration of the wearing of compression underwear is determined by individual indications and doctor's recommendations:

  • Prophylactic knitwear is recommended to be worn for the entire duration of pregnancy (taking off at night), and at the initial stages of varicose veins to wear to work (if it is associated with a load on the legs), on camping trips, on an airplane flight and in other situations that can provoke the development of varicose veins.
  • Medicinal products are worn solely according to the indications and prescription of a doctor. After surgical interventions, the continuous period of wearing can be from 2-3 to 30 days. Intermittently - up to 4 months or more.

After long-term wearing, the linen is removed gradually: first at night, then the time is increased, bringing the breaks to several days, and they are removed altogether.

Which lingerie is better

Before using compression underwear for varicose veins, we will decide which is better? Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer many varieties of preventive and therapeutic knitwear, they are distinguished by minor nuances in manufacturing (special knitting of threads, composition options and a difference in percentage, antifungal and other impregnation), service life and price.

Manufacturer's name Product price Specifications
Intex (Russia) The price of class 1 compression stockings is from 1400 to 1600 rubles High-quality domestic knitwear, lasts up to 4-5 months, the toe and heel are quickly wiped
Relaxan (Italy) Prices for products start at 500 rubles, class 1 stockings will cost the buyer 1,122 rubles High-quality underwear, but does not last long - up to 2 months, when wearing it can press in the toe, quickly wipes on the heel
Venotex Therapy (USA) Compression stockings of the 1st class will cost from 2800 to 3600 rubles Manufacturing technology provides the product with durability and long service life - up to 7 months
Medi (Germany) Stockings of the 1st class - 7000 rubles High-quality, durable and durable knitwear, lasts up to 5-6 months
ORTO (Germany) Stockings of the 1st class - 1495 rubles Sufficient quality underwear with a reasonable price, lasts from 4 to 5 months, but wears out quickly on the toe and heel
Sigvaris (Switzerland) The price of products starts from 2000, stockings of the 2nd class of compression will cost the buyer 8500 rubles Elite, high-quality compression hosiery, with increased durability and shelf life (up to 7 months)
  1. The type of product (except for tights) is chosen so that the upper edge of the product (stocking, sock) is 15–20 cm higher than the border of varicose veins.
  2. The class of knitwear is chosen only after consulting a doctor.
  3. Products have absolute and relative contraindications for wearing, and in this case, their use can be harmful.
  4. Correctly chosen lingerie has no side effects.
  5. The service life of compression hosiery can be extended if it is properly cared for (wear with medical gloves, hand wash, dry horizontally).
  6. Compression underwear helps to treat varicose veins only in combination with drugs, otherwise the effect will be temporary and unstable.

To get used to knitwear, learn how to put on and take care of it, at first it is recommended to choose inexpensive products.

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When diagnosing various disorders in the venous system of the lower extremities, for example however, all patients are advised to wear compression underwear... This is an excellent tool that allows you to make additional corrections in the treatment of pathological processes, changing the patient's condition towards improvement.

The essence of the therapeutic effect

Compression therapy for vein diseases has been used at all times. A description of the methods of treating trophic ulcers on the legs with bandages and pressure bandages is in the works of the founders of medical science. The principle of the effect of compression underwear is that it creates pressure of different strengths on different parts of the lower limb. In this case, the maximum compression (100%) falls on the lower leg (above the ankle). This is due to the fact that more effort is required to lift the blood up from this area. As the blood flow moves upward, the load on the veins decreases. 70% of the pressure in the underwear is applied to the upper part of the lower leg, and only 40% to the thigh. The linen compresses the veins, pushing out stagnant blood, forcing it to move.

The patient's leg without the use of compression hosiery (left) and with its use (right)

Thanks to this load distribution, blood flow to the heart is normalized. The inherent compression resembles the load created by the work of the muscles during movement ... For people who use compression underwear, by the end of the working day, their legs get tired less and do not swell. Compression knitwear for varicose veins is knee-highs and sleeves, tights and tights, stockings and bandages. It has practically no contraindications. And you can wear it all the time instead of regular underwear.

The effect of wearing medicated underwear

  1. The underwear puts constant pressure on the surface of the leg.
  2. Protects veins from expansion.
  3. Wearing compression hosiery (pantyhose, stockings or golf) normalizes blood flow in the lower extremities, helping to improve the supply of tissue with nutrients and oxygen.
  4. The use of compression garments is a warning.

Material for making compression garments

Compression knitted underwear is made from elastic cotton and nylon fibers, microfiber and lycra. Therefore, it has the same aesthetic appearance as the usual one. There are no seams in it. This is the most attractive remedy. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, pleasantly caresses the skin and allows air to pass through. Compression properties are created and distributed by special processing of the linen using the latest computer technology. Subject to the rules of care, the healing properties are preserved for 6 months.

Types of underwear for compression

Compression underwear can be prophylactic (the compression it creates is the smallest), medical (for wearing during an exacerbation of vein disease) and hospital (for use in hospitals after surgery).

It is recommended to wear preventive underwear at the first appearance on the legs, in case of pain and swelling in the legs at the end of the working day. Such stockings exert a pressure of no more than 18 mm Hg on the surface of the leg. Art. (2.7x10³ Pa), which is designed to balance the increased blood pressure in the lower parts of the vein. Thanks to this, the elastic stocking does not allow the accumulation of fluid in the ankle area, thereby eliminating the cause of edema. In order to prevent compression underwear can also be worn by healthy people at risk on the occurrence of diseases of the venous vessels of the lower extremities. It is useful for teachers and salespeople, hairdressers and drivers, as well as representatives of other professions whose work is associated with a long stay in one static position (standing or sitting). It can be purchased commercially at pharmacies. No recipe is required for this. Since compression garments are presented in different types, we will consider each of them.

Tights and stockings

Compression tights are the most popular type of medical underwear. In addition, there are special models for pregnant women. Tights, correctly sized, should fit tightly around the legs and end strictly at the waist. If the linen is not enough or, conversely, too large, the distribution of compression is disturbed and the healing effect is lost. According to the majority of patients, tights are the most convenient type of compression hosiery, which is easy to take off, but when putting on, you need to make some effort, since they must be evenly distributed over the leg. But then they will reliably fix on the naga and will not slip while moving, which contributes to the accurate distribution of the compression inherent in them and the achievement of the desired results. Wearing compression underwear can be combined with the use of cosmetics for the legs and medicinal preparations in the form of ointments and creams. But it is better if they are applied before bedtime, after the medicated linen is removed. If the skin requires constant hydration, it is recommended to use light-textured, fast-absorbing creams. This will protect the underwear from destruction of the fiber integrity and loss of its healing properties.

Knee socks

Stockings and tights are more suitable for treating sore veins in women. But in the world and many men suffer from varicose veins. How to be it? Constantly bandaging your legs with elastic bandages? No. Doctors have a solution to the problem for men as well. They can use compression socks, the choice of which is quite wide today. Special knee-highs have been created for travelers and people leading an active lifestyle, preventive and for constant wear for therapeutic purposes. Although why shouldn't men wear tights under their trousers? All the same, you can't see it, but what a luxury to your feet! The wide assortment includes compression socks of various brands, both for men and for women. It is believed that all people can wear them, as they have no side effects. However, there are several contraindications. Knee-highs cannot be worn if a person has blood vessel diseases such as aortoarteritis, as well as in the presence of open wounds or with purulent inflammation, necrosis or eczema.

Elastic bandage

An elastic bandage is still used as an additional remedy for varicose veins. Compared to compression hosiery, it is less effective. In addition, it is inconvenient and long to apply it to sore areas. In this case, the degree of compression is created manually, by tightening the bandages, and is controlled intuitively. But the biggest drawback is that the bandages are constantly slipping. Nevertheless, many people are forced to use them, as it is the cheapest type of knitwear used to prevent venous vascular disease. Therefore, you should know how to properly bandage your legs with varicose veins.

Rules for applying an elastic bandage

It should be remembered that an elastic bandage should be applied in the morning, immediately after waking up, until fluid begins to accumulate in the ankle area, leading to swelling. The procedure is performed in the "lying" position, the leg is lifted up, at an angle of 90 °. Doing it yourself is inconvenient. And it is quite difficult to achieve the desired tension. Therefore, it is better to ask someone from the household to help complete this procedure.

  1. Bandaging the legs begins from the narrowest area (ankles), gradually moving to a wider area (thigh).
  2. When bandaging the ankle, you should make a kind of "lock", applying turns around the heel. This will prevent the bandage from slipping off during movement.
  3. When applying turns, the bandage should be pulled evenly, making sure that no folds form.
  4. A roll of bandage is unwound little by little, closer to the leg, trying not to stretch it. This will avoid excessive compression of the tissue.
  5. During the application of the bandage, it is necessary to ensure that its turns are applied with a slight overlap, without the formation of gaps.
  6. The bandage should be tighter around the ankle. As you move upward, each turn overlaps looser.
  7. The bandage begins at least 20 cm from the affected area. It should also end in an area with healthy vessels, at least 15 cm long.

The correctness of the dressing can be verified by looking at the appearance of the fingers. If done correctly, they look blue at first. But literally in a couple of minutes, their normal color returns. In the area of ​​the knee and elbow joints, the application of the bandage should not be too tight, so as not to disrupt blood circulation in this area. Signs of improper bandaging (too tight) are finger numbness and pain. At the same time, blood pulsation is felt under the bandage. In this case, you need to lie down, release the leg from the bandage, massage it a little, and allow the blood flow to normalize. And then re-bandage.

Therapeutic effect and classification of knitwear

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect in the treatment of varicose veins and a number of other vein diseases, drug therapy alone is not enough. Medical knitwear plays an important role in eliminating edema, relieving pain and other symptoms. Thanks to wearing it, patients have the following beneficial effects:

  • The diameter of the veins decreases, which normalizes the operation of the valve mechanism. The viscosity in the blood decreases, the rate of venous return blood flow increases. Thanks to this, the likelihood of blood clots is significantly reduced.
  • The ability of the venous-muscular pump to push blood increases by squeezing the veins located in the muscle tissue.
  • The ability of capillaries to absorb extracellular fluid increases. And this leads to the elimination of edema.

In all grades, compression is distributed from 100% at the ankle to 40% at the thigh

Unlike prophylactic compression garments, medicated ones cannot be bought on the market. It is sold with a doctor's prescription. And it is recommended to purchase it in specialized salons that sell orthopedic products. According to the degree of pressure generated, medical medical jersey has the following compression classes:

  • Class 1. The generated compression does not exceed 23 mm Hg. Art. (2.7x10³ Pa). Wearing underwear of this class is recommended for patients at the stage of the appearance of spider veins on the legs, enlargement of the saphenous veins, with the appearance of pain in the legs at the end of the working day.
  • Class 2. The distributed pressure is not more than 33 mm Hg. (4.25x10³ Pa). It is used in the treatment of moderate varicose veins.
  • Class 3. Compression is not higher than 45 mm Hg. (6.1x10³ Pa). Tights (and other products) are used in case of severe course, characterized by a violation of trophism.
  • Class 4. Compression exceeds 50 mm Hg (6.5x10³ Pa). It is used to eliminate and eliminate edema caused by this disease.

1st class preventive underwear and jersey can be selected independently. And buying tights or stockings included in compression classes 2 and 3 is allowed only after prior consultation with a phlebologist. He will give recommendations on the mode of wearing; will tell you how to properly use and take care of your laundry.

All types of compression underwear have a different price, but it most often depends on the promotion of the brand, the material from which the socks are made (stockings or tights). The distribution of compression over the areas of tights (stockings or golf), and then the legs, does not affect the price. The pressure is the same in all models.

How to choose medical underwear?

The choice of medical jersey is wide enough. Therefore, many ask the question: what type of knitwear for varicose veins is better? To answer it, let's start with the fact that medical compression hosiery of any kind is designed to stop the development of varicose veins, eliminate blood stasis in the extremities and remove in the ankle area. And tights, stockings and knee-highs perfectly cope with this task. The difference between them is only in their length: the maximum golf length is up to the knee, stockings end at the top of the thigh, and tights end at the waist. The choice of a product on this basis is carried out depending on the localization of the main signs of the disease. If the pattern of dilated veins is limited to the lower leg, then for anti-varicose effects it is enough to purchase knee-highs. If they have spread higher, then you should take care of stockings or tights. Here the choice depends only on your own preferences. Women's medical stockings and tights can be either transparent or with patterns applied to them. Medical underwear for men is made like regular jersey to remain invisible.
In pharmacies and specialized salons, medical compression hosiery from various manufacturers is offered. Compression in underwear of any brand is calculated with maximum accuracy. Therefore, stockings and tights of all companies have the same therapeutic effect. They differ mainly in design, wear duration, and cost.

Relaxsan tights and stockings

Compression underwear from an Italian manufacturer attracts many Russian patients of phlebological clinics with relatively low prices. Their maximum cost does not exceed 1200 rubles. Models are offered in various designs and in all compression classes. Their disadvantages are fragility (compression lasts no more than a month), slight discomfort in wearing and rapid wear.

Lingerie from varicose veins Intex

The Russian company Intex is a worthy competitor to foreign companies, supplying high-quality underwear for varicose veins at a relatively low cost. It creates the necessary compression, has a fairly high wear resistance. For an amount of 800 to 1300 rubles, you can buy tights, stockings or knee-highs made of excellent fabric, with high-quality seams, and at the same time get the necessary therapeutic effect.

Compression underwear ORTO

Tights, stockings and knee-highs from the Spanish company ORTO are medium-priced goods. The minimum amount that will have to be paid for the simplest therapeutic couple varies from 400 to 700 rubles. All products are of good quality. Compression lasts up to 4 months, but they wear out quickly on the toes and feet.

Medical jersey Venotex

VenoteksTherapy compression underwear (USA) is one of the most popular. It is represented by a wide range of models. All products of this brand are certified and comply with Russian State Standards. Stockings, tights and knee-highs have an average degree of wear resistance. All models presented by Venotex have a relatively low cost:

  • from 650 rubles for stockings for prevention;
  • from 1600 rubles and more for the model of the 3rd compression class.

Medi and Bauerfeind anti-varicose jersey

For those who prefer a higher quality knitwear, it is better to purchase goods from one of the German companies Medi or Bauerfeind. The prices for the products of these companies are much higher (from 1300 rubles), but they fully correspond to the quality of the products. All products are comfortable to wear, easy to care for, and have a high degree of wear resistance. Stockings, knee-highs and tights are of great design. The lineup of these companies includes underwear for travel and sports. To put on underwear with compression above class 2, you need to buy a special device from medi.

Sigvaris medical tights, stockings and knee-highs

Elite medical underwear from the Swiss company Sigvaris is the most expensive of all the presented types. It features minimal wear, high quality workmanship and great design. These are the main properties for which Russian customers must pay from their wallet an amount of 2500 to 4500 rubles and more per pair. Since the compression, which is embedded in the underwear, and the therapeutic effect of wearing it, do not differ from the pressure created by knitwear from other manufacturers.

When choosing a compression garment, many make the mistake of not knowing how it is labeled. Especially when buying it from hands, in the markets, etc., trying to save money on the purchase. On the packaging with any type of therapeutic knitwear, the class of the created compression is indicated, indicating the pressure in mm Hg. Art. (or Pa). On ordinary tights, stockings or knee-highs, the density of the fabric in den is shown. Therefore, you should refuse to buy if tights in the n-th number of den are offered as compression underwear. Hoping for the healing effect of wearing them, you can worsen the condition of the veins.

How to choose the size of the compression garment?

After the company and the model of the product have been selected, a recipe has been received indicating the compression class, it is necessary to determine the size of the tights (stockings and golf). For this, the following foot measurements are made at home; For golf:

  1. Lower leg circumference above the ankle (cm);
  2. Calf circumference in the upper (wide) part, under the knee joint (cm).
  3. Length from foot to knee.

For stockings:

  • For the first two golf measurements, add the hip girth at 25 cm from the knee joint (standard figure). For a tall person, the measurement is performed at a distance of 30 cm from the knee.
  • It is also necessary to measure the length of the leg to the point at which the measurement of the thigh circumference (or to the groin) is taken.

For tights, in addition to the measurements listed above, you will also need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips, as well as the length of the leg from the foot to the groin. To select stockings (and other underwear) of the required size, the data obtained are compared with those given in special size tables, which may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer... When buying compression underwear in an orthopedic salon, it is enough to show your measurements to a consultant, and he will select a model of the required size. High-quality compression garments are quite expensive. But sometimes it happens that it causes discomfort while wearing. Even theoretically correctly selected underwear can negatively affect the condition of the veins during use. Therefore, it is recommended to start with buying a cheaper model, get used to the sensations that arise when wearing compression underwear. And only after that you can buy expensive anti-varicose tights or stockings for constant wear.

Compression garment size chart with numbers

Compression underwear for pregnant women

It is recommended to wear compression garments for ALL pregnant women.... In the first trimester, even if there are no obvious signs of varicose veins, it is recommended to use preventive hosiery. At later stages, you should follow the recommendations of the treating specialist doctors. Compression hosiery for pregnant women has significant differences from other types of medical underwear. Firstly, an elastic bandage is made in the upper part of the tights, the main function of which is to support the abdomen without squeezing it. And secondly, fabrics with increased air permeability are used for their manufacture. Many women during pregnancy prefer wearing compression stockings... This is due to the fact that the enlarged belly does not fit into the leggings of the tights (it cannot stretch indefinitely). And in special tights for pregnant women, not every expectant mother feels comfortable. And stockings can be chosen taking into account the physiological characteristics and your own preferences. They are offered in the following types:

  1. Classic model;
  2. Silicone elastic band;
  3. On a special corset belt with Velcro;
  4. Open toe.

Video: how to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy?

When else is it worth wearing compression hosiery?

In creating targeted pressure on the surface of the legs, in order to normalize blood flow, people need not only for diseases of venous vessels, such as varicose veins. It can be used for weight loss to remove excess fluid, smooth out fat deposits in the form of folds. At the same time, thanks to the created compression, muscles and skin are massaged and toned. It is recommended to wear special compression garments in the first month of the postpartum period. It helps to prevent many serious complications such as prolapse of the vaginal walls, prolapse of the uterus, etc. In addition, it supports the abdominal muscles that were weakened during pregnancy. Compression underwear for sports allows you to achieve greater results with less consumption of the body's energy reserves. It increases endurance, a person gets less tired, which means he can perform more strength exercises.

How to wear compression garments?

Unlike conventional tights, there are certain rules for putting on compression tights.

  • Any type of compression underwear (tights, stockings, knee-highs) is put on immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.
  • This is done carefully, without excessive stretching or twisting.
  • First, collect the upper part into an accordion.
  • Putting your palms inside the pantyhose (stocking), carefully put on the foot, taking into account the location of the heel.
  • Gradually straightening, pull on the lower leg.
  • On the hips, tights are also worn lying down, raising the torso when approaching the waist.

Compression stockings for varicose veins are worn in the same way.
To make the procedure of putting on anti-varicose tights and stockings as easy as possible, you can purchase one of the special devices, for example, medi Butler. They are issued for different categories of patients:

  1. For people with large dimensions, the Big series device is intended;
  2. For people with reduced mobility - Longo series;
  3. Collapsible for travel - Travel Butler;
  4. Hospitalbutler - with a sliding mechanism.

This company also offers a device to help you take off medicated linen - medi Butler Off.

If there is no device for putting on anti-varicose tights (stockings), then when performing this procedure, manufacturers recommend using latex gloves so that your nails do not damage the elastic fibers. All toenails should also be trimmed short and sanded down. The surface of corns and dry calluses should be smoothed out.

Video: how to put on a compression stocking correctly?

When a person is prescribed compression therapy for the first time, questions may arise related to the use of medical hosiery. For example, the patient bought knee-highs, and the vein with varicose enlargement was just above the elastic... Doubt arises. Should I wear a purchased item? - In this case, an indirect effect will be exerted on the affected vessel, due to the normalization of blood flow in the lower part of the leg, and therefore the purchased product can be used. But it is highly recommended that you try to get a product of a suitable size. Many questions arise about is it possible to wear stockings against varicose veins on swollen legs. In this case, phlebologists agree that it is not only possible, but also necessary. But this is quite difficult to do, since due to edema, the size of the leg is greatly increased. The question often arises: Why take off stockings (knee-highs) at night? - It is recommended to do this so that the skin of the legs can rest and breathe. When a person is in a horizontal position (with the 1st and 2nd degree of venous insufficiency), the linen does not work, that is, no compression is created. Therefore, leaving it on the body is useless. However, if a person accidentally fell asleep in underwear, there is no great harm. The most common question is whether what kind of underwear to wear on hot summer days. - Compression should continue in the summer. Moreover, higher temperatures are provocateurs of additional vasodilation. On particularly hot days, you can use lighter underwear, class 1 or maintenance. Reducing compression in this case is preferable to no compression at all.

Compression hosiery care

Any type of compression garment requires full care in order to maintain its medicinal properties for a long time.

  • Compression garments are recommended to be washed daily by hand without twisting or wringing.
  • The water should be moderately warm (no higher than 40 °).
  • Use liquid soap or shampoo for washing, as well as any other product for the care of delicate fabrics.
  • It is forbidden to use washing powders and bleaches, dry cleaning, hot drying and hanging in the sun.
  • The silicone elastic on the stockings should be protected from any significant contact with water. Otherwise, she will lose her fixing qualities. Grease from the silicone strip is removed with a cotton pad soaked in any alcohol-containing liquid.

If you listen to the opinion of those who already have experience in using compression underwear, then it is better to purchase two pairs at once (for reliability and ease of caring for them).

Video: phlebologist about compression underwear

The use of compression underwear for the legs with varicose veins is one of the most common and effective control methods with an ailment. This underwear helps to evenly distribute the load on the venous vessels, which significantly reduces the chances of varicose veins progression. Modern jerseys are designed using a special technology, they completely repeat all the curves of the limb. This avoids any discomfort while wearing.

There are many varieties and brands of compression garments. To find the right type and size, you need seek help from a phlebologist.

The following jerseys are most commonly used.

  • Knitted leggings and knee-highs- are used for the development of varicose veins in the ankle and lower third of the lower leg. Such products cover the entire leg in the area below the knee. The difference between golfs and gaiters is that the latter do not have a toe cap, which is most often the first to wear out.
  • Compression stockings- this product covers the area up to the upper third of the thigh, is used in the presence of varicose veins in the knee area, as well as the lower third of the thigh.
  • Compression tights- are used for varicose veins of the lower extremities with spread to the upper thighs. Also, this product is suitable for women during pregnancy. The tights will support the belly and reduce the strain on the back.

To choose the right compression underwear for varicose veins, it is best to seek the help of a specialist. You can choose medical jersey yourself after a careful study of the classification and all the necessary rules and instructions.

Classification of compression garments

Lingerie for varicose veins on the legs is classified by the degree of applied pressure... At different stages of varicose veins of the legs, it is necessary to exert pressure on the limbs with a certain force so as not to disrupt the venous blood flow and further exacerbate the situation.

Determining the Right Compression Ratio

Thus, the following are distinguished compression garment classes:

  • First class - compression underwear of this type is used as a prophylaxis for varicose veins in the presence of predisposing factors (heredity, constant sitting or standing work, significant loads on the lower limbs, pregnancy). In some cases, it is effective in the early stages of the development of varicose veins, when spider veins are clearly visualized. This linen has a pressure of 18-23 mm. rt. Art. It can be worn at work, in training, while jogging.
  • Second class of compression- exerts pressure from 24 to 32 mm. rt. Art. Helps against varicose veins of the first stage. This underwear is recommended for pregnant women with signs of progressive varicose veins of the lower extremities. Also, this type of knitted underwear is prescribed for athletes who are exposed to heavy loads to prevent the development of varicose veins.
  • Third class of compression- underwear of this sample is therapeutic and already exerts significant pressure on the lower extremities. It is not recommended to select jerseys of this class on your own. Only a specialist should appoint and select the type and size. Compression garments of the third class have a pressure in the range of 33-46 mm. rt. Art. Recommended for patients with severe manifestations of varicose veins and lymphatic vessel insufficiency.
  • The fourth class - compression garments with a significant degree of pressure, are prescribed and selected only by a specialist. The exerted pressure of this type of jersey is more than 48 mm. rt. Art. Linen helps with a significant expansion of varicose veins, signs of stagnation in the lymphatic vessels, a pronounced violation of trophism, severe edema.

The table presents main classes of medical linen with varicose veins of the legs, pressure exerted, as well as the main symptoms from which they are repelled when choosing compression underwear.

Compression garment class Pressure applied Symptoms and indications for use
Class I 18-23 mm Hg The presence of telangiectasias (spider veins and meshes), moderate edema at the end of the day, feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities.
Class II 24-32 mm Hg Severe single dilated and curved veins, soreness in the legs, moderate swelling in the evening, fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities.
III class 33-46 mm Hg Progressive varicose veins, signs of trophic disorders (discoloration of the skin, dryness and thinning). Severe edema, significant lymphovenous insufficiency, diagnosed deep vein thrombosis.
IV class more than 48 mm Hg Significant increasing edema of the lower extremities, multiple dilated venous vessels. Constant pain in the lower extremities, severe trophic disorders, discoloration of the skin in large areas of the affected limb, the presence of long-term non-healing wounds.

Rules for choosing compression underwear

A responsible step is right choice compression underwear. Need to know level of venous involvement, deep or only superficial veins are dilated, whether the lymphatic system of the legs is affected. Considering these factors, you can try to independently choose compression underwear for varicose veins. It is best to seek help from a specialist, he will select the right size, degree of compression, type of jersey.

It is best to choose a compression garment yourself in the early stages of varicose veins or even before it appears. Such underwear is prophylactic and, in case of incorrect selection, will not bring any harm.

At the stages when swollen veins are well visualized, edema of the extremities is pronounced, pain syndrome worries, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist.

Knee socks

To choose the right compression hosiery for varicose veins, it is necessary to determine level of vascular lesions... Socks are used in case of varicose veins below the knee. Frequent localization of varicose veins in this case:

  • ankle level;
  • lower third of the lower leg;
  • middle third of the lower leg.

In this case, knee-highs will increase the outflow of blood in the area of ​​the foot and reduce the load on the vessels of the lower leg. Stockings are made for both women and men. The only difference in them is the presence of a pattern. Instead of stockings you can pick up leggings... This product is similar to stockings, but has a toe cutout in the toe area.

The most popular compression golf manufacturers are:

  • Medi - made in Germany, offer knitted knee-highs and leggings.
  • Orto is a Spanish company that produces compression underwear in three compression classes.
  • Lumma Idealista - Russian-made stockings and leggings. Available in black with soft seams, they are almost invisible when worn.


This compression garment for varicose veins has a better effect on the vessels of the limb and is the best choice... Knitted stockings produce compression in problematic lower parts of the limb (ankle, lower leg), and also prevent the occurrence of varicose veins in its upper parts. Compression stockings come in a variety of colors and options that are great for women. There are also standard solid color stockings for men.

Necessary put on correctly this product so that the pressure is evenly distributed, and superficial vessels are not pinched.

The most popular manufacturers of compression stockings are:

  • Medi (Germany);
  • Lumma Idealista (Russia);
  • Relaxsan (Italy);
  • Bauerfeind (Germany).


Compression tights are different from usual increased density... When choosing this product, you need to pay attention to compression ratio, should be units in millimeters of mercury, not den.

Tights have no seams and evenly fit the entire surface of the lower limb. It is advisable to use them in the spread of varicose veins. above the knee, on the thigh. There are special tights for pregnant women, which have a thickening in the waist area, this helps to support the abdomen and distribute the load on the back.

Compression tights manufacturers:

  • Intek (Russia);
  • Venoteks Therapy (USA);
  • Orto (Spain);
  • Relaxsan (Italy);
  • Sigvaris (Switzerland).

You need to buy knitted underwear for varicose veins in specialized institutions with a license to sell such products, as well as the presence of all the necessary certificates from manufacturers. It is recommended to purchase several pairs at once, so that if the product is damaged, it can be quickly replaced with a new one.

When choosing a compression garment, you must pay attention to the following:

  • compliance of the degree of compression with the doctor's instructions;
  • lack of seams, if it is tights, in the case of gaiters or golf, they should not protrude much;
  • all compression products must comply with the RAL-GZ 387 standard;
  • the presence of a mark about the absence of allergens;
  • displays the degree of compression in millimeters of mercury, not den.

How to choose a compression garment size

The key to successful treatment is correct size selection... It is necessary about fraternize with a specialist which will help in this matter. Before going to the doctor, you need to make measurements appropriate for each product at home.

For golf you need to measure:

  1. girth of the lower leg in the area above the ankle;
  2. shin girth in its widest part under the knee;
  3. the length of the lower leg from the foot to the knee joint.

For stockings, measure:

  1. girth of the lower leg above the ankle;
  2. shin girth under the knee (wide part);
  3. thigh circumference 24-25 cm above the knee joint. In tall people, measure the girth 30 centimeters above the knee joint;
  4. the length of the limb from the foot to the place of measuring the circumference of the thigh or groin.
Dimensions (edit)
XS 17-19 cm 26-36 cm 40-50 cm
S 20-22 cm 30-42 cm 48-60 cm
SX 20-22 cm 30-42 cm 56-70 cm
M 23-25 ​​cm 34-46 cm 56-70 cm
MX 23-25 ​​cm 34-46 cm 64-80 cm
L 26-28 cm 38-51 cm 64-80 cm
LX 26-28 cm 38-51 cm 72-90 cm
XL 29-31 cm 42-55 cm 72-90 cm
XLX 29-31 cm 42-55 cm 80-100 cm

Pantyhose are measured as follows:

  1. girth of the lower leg above the ankle;
  2. shin girth in its widest part (under the knee);
  3. measure the circumference of both thighs;
  4. measure the circumference of the waist;
  5. the length of the limb is measured from the foot to the groin.

These indicators must be recorded and with them contact a consultant at the point of sale of compression underwear.

To choose knitted underwear for varicose veins, you need to compare the resulting measurements with special size tables, which each manufacturer has their own.

Effectiveness of compression therapy

The positive effect of compression garments for varicose veins is squeezing superficial vessels lower limbs. It should be borne in mind that the maximum (100%) pressure falls on the area above the ankles, slightly weaker (70%) in the area from the upper third of the lower leg to the lower third of the thigh, and even weaker in the higher areas. This step-by-step effect is due to the fact that the veins of the lower parts of the legs have more blood pressure than the veins of the upper parts.

Elimination of edema

Thanks to such jerseys, you can achieve following effects:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the venous vessels;
  • restoration of the operability of venous valves;
  • a decrease in the volume of circulating venous blood in the lower extremities;
  • increased tissue trophism due to a greater flow of arterial blood;
  • elimination of edema due to the restoration of normal lymph outflow;
  • acceleration of blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • a decrease in blood viscosity, which reduces the risk of thrombosis.

The constant use of compression products will help relieve pain, relieve feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities.

When to use an elastic bandage

If there is not enough money for high-quality compression underwear, or if it is somehow damaged, but they have not yet bought a new one, still need to be treated varicose veins. In such cases, resort to using an elastic bandage... On a day to day basis, his Not recommended wear, as its use may be ineffective or excessively compressing the lower limb.

Using an elastic bandage

The degree of compression of the elastic bandage is determined on an intuitive level and is created manually, while the compression garment compresses the legs correctly and with the necessary force. To improve the effectiveness of the elastic bandage, you must follow the data bandaging rules:

  1. you need to bandage in the morning, after waking up, before getting out of bed;
  2. you need to start from the foot or from the ankle area, gradually climb up;
  3. the leg should be lifted up 85-90 degrees when bandaging. In this position, it is inconvenient to bandage your legs on your own, so you need to ask for help;
  4. you need to evenly apply turns of the bandage and make sure that no folds form;
  5. each subsequent turn of the bandage should slightly overlap the previous one so that there is no gap between the turns.

Elastic bandages do not hold well on the legs and often slip, which minimizes compression therapy. This once again shows the advantage of wearing compression underwear for varicose veins.

How to wear compression garments correctly

Wear jerseys recommended throughout the day, and shoot just before going to bed already in bed. You need to put on compression garments in the morning before getting on your feet for the first time. In the hot season, it is not recommended to use such products.

For athletes and workers who spend the whole day on their feet, it is recommended to use compression products and as prevention of varicose veins.

How to wear compression garments?

You need to be able to properly put on compression stockings, tights or knee-highs so that there is no excessive compression of the limb. To do this, you need to adhere to following rules:

  • you need to put on without unnecessary stretching and twisting of the product itself;
  • first, the laundry is turned inside out. You need to stick your hand inside and, holding the heel, turn the product inside out;
  • first, the product is put on the foot, and then, gradually straightening, they rise up;
  • knitted underwear needs to be pulled slightly on the sock so as not to constrict the thumb.

Can compression garments be worn all the time?

The answer to this question depends on the patient's lifestyle, the degree of development of varicose veins, as well as the time of year. With an active lifestyle, constant being on your feet, visiting the gym, it is best to wear underwear throughout the day. If the patient is constantly is in a sitting position, he also needs to maintain the normal state of blood vessels with the help of medical linen.

The duration of treatment is usually determined by the doctor, without his advice, it is not recommended to start on your own, and also stop wearing underwear. At the initial stages of the disease, you need to wear knitwear for no more than a year, then you need to go through a second consultation with a doctor.

During the hot period wearing compression underwear depends on the degree of activity of the person. If he plans to spend the day lying on the beach or on the couch at home, then these products do not need to be worn. If you plan to have an active rest, the compression garment is worn at intervals of 3 hours, after which it is necessary to take a horizontal position with raised legs for 15-20 minutes. After such a rest, you can put on medical jersey again and go about your business.

Usually, patients with progressive varicose veins have to wear compression products throughout their lives.

Contraindications and possible complications

Before using compression products, you must consult a doctor, he must familiarize himself with the list of all contraindications and possible complications.

Rash on the skin

Wearing compression garments contraindicated in:

  • atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • obliterating endarteritis, thrombosis or inflammatory diseases of arterial vessels, which can lead to narrowing of their lumen;
  • the presence of rashes on the skin or inflammatory processes;
  • not used for trophic ulcers, bedsores or open wounds;
  • any degree of cardiopulmonary failure;
  • signs of a diabetic foot or decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Compression garments should be worn with caution by people with sensitive skin and prone to allergic reactions.

Patient Testimonials

Ivan Grigorievich, Sevastopol, 57 years old

Children gave me stockings for varicose veins. I love to travel and every outing my legs swell all the time. Since wearing stockings, the problems have disappeared, and I have not felt heaviness and fatigue in my legs for a long time.

Oleg Nikolaevich, Moscow, 38 years old

I'm a trucker. During the voyage, my legs were constantly cramped, edema was observed, then veins began to protrude. After I started wearing Orto stockings, the problems disappeared. There was lightness in the legs, edema disappeared. Inexpensive, but high-quality stockings helped me a lot.

Alevtina Stepanovna, Kharkov, 44 years old

I bought Intex compression tights. Russia is doing. They became a real find for me. For 3 years I have been suffering from venous insufficiency, my legs used to swell and hurt. After I started wearing tights, the pain disappeared and there was no swelling. I am very pleased with the purchase.

Olga Sergeevna, Tver, 53 years old

I got stockings from Relaxsan, they are inexpensive and did not please me for long. After a month of use, the legs become swollen and sore again. It is a pity that they are so short-lived.

Irina Vasilievna Kazan, 63 years old

I have Venoteks Therapy tights of the second compression class. They look no different from ordinary ones, but when I started wearing them, I felt the difference. There is no feeling of tiredness in the legs and pain.