
Crisis of three years of negativism. main features of the phenomenon. Causes of high fever without symptoms

Between the ages of 2 and 3, children tend to show signs of stubbornness and inner tension. Your child may have started to become stubborn and dissatisfied when he was still 15 months old, so the situation is not new. But after 2 years, this behavior reaches new heights, taking on other forms. One-year-old girl contradicts her parents. At the age of 2.5 years, she already begins to contradict herself! She has difficulty making a decision, and then she does it differently. She acts like she's being bossed around too much, when in reality no one touches her - on the contrary, she tries to boss everyone around. The girl insists on doing everything her own way and exactly the way she did it before. It infuriates her if someone interferes with her actions or shifts her things.

It seems that it is quite natural for a child between the ages of 2 and 3 to make decisions on his own and resist pressure from adults. Trying to fight on two fronts at once without sufficient life experience puts him in a rather difficult position. For this reason, it is not easy to get along with a child of this age.

The task of parents is to refrain from unnecessary interference and to give the child as much freedom of action as possible. If the baby wants to actively participate in the process of dressing and undressing, the way he does it. Start bathing early to give him time to splash in the water and clean out the tub. At lunch, let your child eat on their own and don't push them. If he does not want to eat, let him leave the table.

When it's time to go to bed, go for a walk or come home, direct his behavior by talking about something pleasant. The result should be achieved without unnecessary disputes. You must stop his attempts to establish tyranny in the house and at the same time not boil over trifles.

Two-year-olds behave best when their parents set fairly rigid, consistent, and reasonable boundaries for them. Your task is to carefully define these boundaries. Confronting a two-year-old child takes a lot of energy, so save it for really important things related to child safety, for example. Getting your baby to sit in a car seat while driving is much more important than getting him to wear mittens in cold weather (after all, you can put these mittens in your pocket and put them on your child when his hands are really cold) .

Outbursts of irritability in children

They happen from time to time in almost every two-year-old child. Even in perfectly healthy children, they happen quite often. Typically, such rage attacks begin at about one year of age and reach their peak at 2-3 years. The reason for them can be disappointment, fatigue, hunger, anger and fear.

Temperamental children, prone to stubbornness and sensitive to change, are more susceptible to them. Sometimes parents notice how a tantrum is born and pre-empt it by diverting the attention of the child. In other cases, the tantrum begins suddenly. The only thing left for parents to do is to wait until the storm subsides.

During a tantrum, it is better to be near the child so that he does not feel his loneliness. At the same time, you should not be angry with him, threaten with punishment, persuade him to calm down, or try hard to correct the situation. Any such reaction could cause such episodes to occur more frequently and last much longer.

When the tantrum has passed, you should switch to some pleasant activity and leave this episode in the past. Approving words said in between times: “You did well, quickly calmed down” - will help increase the child’s self-esteem and teach him to recover faster next time.

Don't forget to praise yourself for staying calm and keeping your composure. This is not so easy to do when a two-year-old has a tantrum.

baby whining

Babies of many mammalian species often whine to get attention and signal that they are hungry (think of puppies, for example). This is a natural phenomenon, although at times it can get on your nerves. In the case of a newborn, you have no choice but to try and guess what the baby's cry means. However, when the baby has already learned to speak a little, it is advisable to insist that he express himself in words. Most often, it is quite firm and without unnecessary emotions to tell him: “Tell me in words, I don’t understand your whining.” Sometimes, however, this has to be repeated for several months, until the child fully understands the meaning of what was said. Remember that if you succumb to whining (and the temptation to do this can be very strong), then in the future it will be much more difficult for you to eradicate this habit.

Child's preference for one of the parents

Sometimes a child at the age of 2.5-3 years old gets along well with each of the parents one by one, but when both appear on the stage at once, he becomes uncontrollable. This may be partly due to jealousy, but at this age, when the child is especially susceptible to any attempts to impose someone else's will on him and is not averse to commanding himself, he feels that he is unable to cope with two people important to him at once.

Most often, at this age, the father is unloved. Sometimes it even seems to him that the child hates him. You should not take such a reaction of the baby too seriously or be offended and turn away from him. It is better if the father will communicate with the child in private, both during play and when performing daily routines such as feeding or bathing. In this way, he can show himself to be a cheerful, loving and interesting person, and not a troublemaker. Even if the child resists at first, when the father takes over, he must benevolently but firmly insist on his own. Just as firm, but benevolent, should be the attitude of the mother when she leaves the child alone with the father.

Such shift work gives each parent the opportunity to communicate with the child in private, and take time for themselves. However, it is equally important when the whole family gets together, even if a two-year-old baby reacts painfully to this. It is very important for a child (especially if it is the first-born) to understand that parents love each other, want to be near each other and are not going to indulge him in everything.

Negativism is a fairly common condition of every person. In this case, the patient rejects, does not accept the world, constantly has a negative attitude towards life. Negativism can be a character trait or a situational reaction. Psychiatrists often associate negativism with schizophrenia. Some believe that a person changes his attitude to life when he experiences an age crisis. It can be observed in adolescence, as well as in children 3 years old. How does negativity ruin your life? What is it caused by? How dangerous is this condition?


Sigmund Freud believed that negativism is a kind of psychological defense. Some associate the concept of negativism and nonconformism, when a person is completely opposed to the world, does not accept it as it is, refuses to recognize established orders, traditions, values, laws. The opposite and not very pleasant state is conformity, when a person adapts to everyone else.

Psychologists associate two types of behavior with childhood. But a mature person is already becoming independent. A person is considered an adult when he begins to use his freedom for very useful purposes - he loves and cares for someone, performs worthy deeds.

Negativism is a peculiar perception of life, it seems gray, scary, all events are tragic, gloomy. This condition must be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will negatively affect the way of life.

Causes of negativism

For each person, this character trait is formed due to various external and internal factors. Most often - these are failures in the hormonal background, heredity. The following may also affect:

  • Physical helplessness.
  • There are no skills, no strength to overcome difficulties.
  • Self-assertion.
  • Revenge and enmity.


It is not difficult to find out about a person’s serious condition, it is immediately visible:

  • The appearance of thoughts that the world is imperfect.
  • Prone to constant anxiety.
  • Dislikes people with positive thinking.
  • Instead of solving the problem, the patient lives it.
  • Only negative information motivates the patient.
  • A person focuses only on the negative.

Psychologists managed to establish the factors due to which negative thinking appeared:

  • The appearance of guilt.
  • , trouble.
  • Fear of losing everything you have.
  • There is no personal life.

When you communicate with a person who has negative thinking, you need to be extremely careful, in no case speak directly about his pathology. Everything can end with an unpredictable reaction. Each person must understand for himself what condition he is in.

Types of negative perception

active form

People do things on purpose. Most of all, negativism worries children 3 years old. Most often, speech negativity is observed. Toddlers refuse to comply with any request. In an adult, pathology occurs during. When the patient is asked to turn around, he deliberately turns away in the other direction. It is important to distinguish between a negative attitude towards life and stubbornness.

passive form

The patient completely ignores requests and demands. This form accompanies catatonic schizophrenia. In this case, when a person wants to turn, he has resistance, muscle tone increases.

Additionally, deep, communicative, behavioral negativism is distinguished. In the case of behavioral negativism, a person does everything in defiance. Superficial, communicative is expressed in the form of non-acceptance of the surrounding world, as well as a specific case. With deep negativism, a person is outwardly positive, smiles, enjoys life, but inside he has a “storm of negative emotions”, which sooner or later can break out.

Features of children's negativism

For the first time, a child encounters negative thinking at the age of 3. During this period, he realizes that independent of his mother, he can do everything himself. It is at this age that children are very capricious, do not accept parental help. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, negativism will also be observed among preschoolers.

For some schoolchildren, negativism is accompanied, in which children refuse to communicate. What to do? Pay attention to how the child develops, exclude serious problems with somatic, mental development. In a three-year crisis, speech negativism is a frequent manifestation. Sometimes this condition is typical for children 7 years old.

Attention! Children's negative thinking can be the first sign of mental pathology, personal trauma. If negativism is delayed in preschool age, it is urgent to contact a specialist. It is at this time that various conflict situations can arise at home, at school.

The teenage form of negativism proceeds more vividly at the age of 16. As the child matures, the symptoms disappear. If a teenager is very rebellious, you need to consult a psychologist.

Modern psychotherapists talk about the age shift in adolescents. There are cases when young people at the age of 22 begin to be pessimistic about life. Sometimes negativism makes itself felt for the first time in old age or in the case of constant failures. Some gain negative thinking with paralysis,.

How to get rid of the problem?

To learn to think positively, you need to eliminate the cause of what torments you from the inside. If it does not work out on your own, you need to consult a psychotherapist. He will clean your thoughts, help you learn to perceive the situation in a completely different way.

Remember, negativity spoils life, it destroys all the good in a person. Do not drive yourself into a corner, solve your problem. Can't manage on your own? Feel free to ask for help. Turn into an optimist, then life will improve, it will become much easier for you. Finally, you will begin to notice bright colors, and not gray everyday life. Learn to be happy!

Negativism - a state of rejection, rejection, a negative attitude towards the world, towards life, towards a specific person, is a typical sign of a destructive position. It can manifest itself as a character trait or a situational reaction. The term is used in psychiatry and psychology. In psychiatry, it is described in connection with the development of catatonic stupor and catatonic excitation. In addition, in combination with other manifestations, it is a sign of schizophrenia, including catatonic.

In psychology, this concept is used as a characteristic of the manifestation of age crises. Most often it is observed in children of three years and adolescents. The opposite of this state are: cooperation, support, understanding. The well-known psychotherapist Z. Freud explained this phenomenon as a variant of a primitive psychological defense.

The concept of non-conformity (disagreement) has some similarity with the concept of negativism, which means an active rejection of generally accepted norms, the established order, values, traditions, laws. The opposite state is conformism, in which a person is guided by the setting "to be like everyone else." In everyday life, usually, non-conformists experience pressure and aggressive behavior from conformists, who represent the "silent majority".

From the point of view of science, both conformity and nonconformism are elements of childish, immature behavior. Mature behavior is characterized by independence. More adult manifestations of behavior are love and care, when a person regards his freedom not as something that you can not do something, but, on the contrary, you can do something worthy.

Negativism can manifest itself in the perception of life, when a person sees a continuous negative in life. Such a mood is called a negative worldview - when a person perceives the world in dark and gloomy colors, he notices only the bad in everything.

Causes of negativism

Negativism, as a character trait, can be formed under the influence of various factors. The most common are the influence of hormonal background and genetic predisposition. At the same time, experts consider it necessary to take into account a number of the following psychological factors:

  • helplessness;
  • lack of strength and skills to overcome life's difficulties;
  • self-affirmation;
  • expression of revenge and hostility;
  • lack of attention.


A person can determine the presence of this condition in himself by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • thoughts about the imperfection of the world;
  • propensity to experience;
  • hostile attitude towards people with a positive worldview;
  • ingratitude;
  • the habit of living the problem, instead of looking for a way to solve it;
  • motivation through negative information;
  • focusing on the negative.

Psychological research has identified several factors on which negative motivation is based, among them:

  • fear of running into trouble;
  • guilt;
  • fear of losing what is available;
  • dissatisfaction with their results;
  • lack of personal life;
  • the desire to prove something to others.
When communicating with a person who has signs of this condition, one should be careful not to openly indicate to him the presence of this pathology, since they may have a defense reaction, which will further strengthen their negative perception.

At the same time, each person is able to independently analyze his condition and prevent himself from “falling into negativism”.

Types of negativism

Negative perception can manifest itself both in an active form and in a passive one. Active negativism is characterized by open rejection of requests, such people do the opposite, no matter what they are asked for. It is typical for children of three years. Speech negativism is quite common at this time.

Little stubborn people refuse to comply with any requests from adults and do the opposite. In adults, this type of pathology manifests itself in schizophrenia, so patients are asked to turn their faces, they turn away in the opposite direction.

At the same time, negativism must be distinguished from stubbornness, since stubbornness has some reasons, and negativism is unmotivated resistance.

Passive negativism is characterized by a complete disregard for demands and requests. It is usually present in catatonic schizophrenia. When trying to change the position of the patient's body, he encounters strong resistance, which occurs as a result of increased muscle tone.

In addition, behavioral, communicative and deep negativism are distinguished. Behavioral is characterized by a refusal to comply with requests or by acting in defiance. Communicative or superficial is manifested in the outward manifestation of rejection of someone's position, however, with regard to a specific case, such people are quite constructive, sociable and positive.

Deep negativism - internal rejection of requirements without external manifestations, which is characterized by the fact that no matter how a person behaves externally, he has a negative prejudice inside

Negativism and age

Children's negativism first manifests itself in children of three years. It was during this period that one of the age crises falls, which was called "I myself." Three-year-old children for the first time begin to fight for their independence, they strive to prove their maturity. The age of three is characterized by such signs as whims, active rejection of parental help. Children often object to any proposal. In children of three years, a manifestation of negativism is the desire to take revenge. Gradually, with the correct reaction of adults, children's negativism in a preschooler disappears.

A frequent manifestation of such a condition in a preschooler is mutism - speech negativism, which is characterized by a rejection of verbal communication. In this case, attention should be paid to the development of the child in order to exclude the presence of serious health problems, both mental and somatic. Speech negativism is a frequent manifestation of the crisis of three years. Rarely, but the manifestation of such a condition at the age of 7 is possible.

Children's negativism may indicate the presence of mental pathology or personality problems. Protracted negativism in a preschooler requires correction and special attention from adults. Reactions of protest behavior are characteristic of adolescence. It was at this time that negativism in children becomes the cause of frequent conflicts at school and at home. Teenage negativism has a brighter color and manifests itself at the age of 15-16 years. Gradually, as they grow older, these manifestations disappear with the competent approach of parents. In some cases, behavior modification is required. To this end, the parents of a rebellious child can seek the help of a psychologist.

Currently, experts note a shift in the boundaries of age-related crises among the younger generations. In this regard, the phenomena of negativism become typical for young people aged 20-22, which undoubtedly leaves an imprint on their socialization. Negativism can also manifest itself at a more mature age, and in older people during an exacerbation of personal failures. In addition, it is found in dementia and progressive paralysis.

The concept of "negativism" refers to a specific form of human behavior when, for no apparent reason, he demonstrates resistance in response to any external factors of influence. In psychology, such a term is used as a designation of the inconsistency of the subject, acting contrary to the expectations of others, even contrary to personal gain.

In a broad sense of the word, negativism refers to a person's negative perception of his environment as a whole. What it is, and in what cases this designation is used, we will describe in more detail below.

Specific behavior and the main reasons for its manifestation

Negativism as a form of human behavior can be a character trait or a situational quality. It can manifest itself in the form of defiantly expressed dissatisfaction, in a tendency to negative thinking and statements, in seeing only their shortcomings in others, in an unfriendly mood.

If we assume that a person is a programmable being, then it becomes clear what is the factor that provokes negativism. From the moment of birth and throughout childhood, the individual receives many different installations from the outside. Thus, his consciousness is formed and certain reactions are developed.

It is worth noting that in all such a “set of attitudes” there are always negative prerequisites that are developed in a child when he is told something with which he does not agree. It is this disagreement that is laid in a distant "box" of the subconscious and can manifest itself over time in the form of such complexes or specific character traits as:

  • Timidity.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Feelings of guilt or loneliness.
  • Inability to be independent.
  • Too much suspicion.
  • Stealth and many others.

Examples of phrases that predispose to the development of negativism that a child may hear in childhood may be: “don’t twist”, “don’t climb”, “don’t shout”, “don’t do this”, “don’t trust anyone”, etc. It would seem that the harmless words that parents operate in order to protect and protect their child from mistakes are assimilated by him on an unconscious level and in the future simply begin to poison his life.

The most dangerous thing is that having arisen once, a negative attitude does not disappear. It begins to manifest itself in almost everything through emotions, feelings or behavior.

Forms of behavioral activity

The term "negativism" is often used in pedagogy. It is used in relation to children who are characterized by an oppositional manner of activity in relations with older people and those who should be authority for them (parents, grandparents, educators, teachers, teachers).

V In psychology, in connection with the concept of negativism, two main forms of the subject's behavioral activity are considered:

1. Active negativism - a form of behavior of the individual, in which he sharply and rather zealously expresses his resistance in response to any attempts of external influence on him. Subtypes of this form of negativism are physiological (a person's protest is expressed in refusal to eat, unwillingness to do or say anything) and paradoxical (intentional desire to do something the other way around) manifestations.

2. Passive negativism - a form of behavior, expressed in the absolute disregard of requests or demands by the individual. In a child in everyday life, this form manifests itself in the form of a refusal to do what was asked, even if the denial is contrary to his own desires. For example, when a child is offered to eat, but he stubbornly refuses.

The negativism observed in children deserves special attention. This is due to the fact that the child often uses this form of resistance, opposing it to an imaginary or really existing negative attitude towards him on the part of adults. In such situations, negative attitudes acquire a permanent character and manifest themselves in the form of whims, aggression, isolation, rudeness, etc.

The reasons for the negativism manifested in children include, first of all, the dissatisfaction of certain of their needs and desires. Expressing his need for approval or communication and not receiving a response, the child is immersed in his experiences. As a result, psychological irritation begins to develop, against the background of which negativism manifests itself.

As the child grows older, he will become aware of the nature of his experiences, and this, in turn, will allow negative emotions to manifest much more often. Prolonged blocking and ignoring the needs of the child by adults and parents can lead to the fact that denial becomes a permanent feature of his character.

Cause and effect

Such situations in psychology are considered as difficult, but not critical. Timely professional techniques will help to identify, eliminate and prevent negative trends in the behavior of the subject.

At the same time, one should not think that negativism is a trait characteristic only of children. Negativism often manifests itself in adolescents, adults and even the elderly. The reasons for the manifestation of negative attitudes in response to external stimuli can be changes in the social life of the individual, psychological trauma, stressful situations and periods of crisis. However, in any of the cases, the main reason for the expressed negativism is the defects of upbringing and the attitude to life that was formed under certain conditions.

To determine the formed negative attitudes and prevent their development in the future, it is necessary to conduct a psychological diagnosis of a potential patient. Further work is to be done to eliminate or mitigate negative manifestations in the subject. First, the initial problem that provoked the development of a negative attitude is eradicated.

In addition, pressure on the individual is excluded so that he can “unblock” and assess the real situation. Adults will be helped by self-knowledge, when, in the course of working with a psychologist, a person plunges into his own memories and can find the cause of his dissatisfaction in order to eliminate the consequences.

Although negativism is a fairly common phenomenon for a modern person, it can be easily corrected. With a timely appeal to a specialist for help, a person will be able to get rid of denial and stop seeing only negative in the environment. Author: Elena Suvorova

Negativism is understood as a negative attitude towards the world around, manifested in a negative assessment of people and their actions. This symptom is observed in age-related crises, depression, mental disorders, drug and alcohol addiction.

The basis for the appearance of a negative attitude towards others can be improper family upbringing, character accentuations, psycho-emotional experiences and age characteristics. Negativism often develops in envious, quick-tempered, emotionally stingy individuals.

The concept of negativism and its relationship with age

Negative attitude to the surrounding reality is manifested in three main features:

  • stubbornness;
  • isolation;
  • coarseness.

There are also three types of negative manifestations:

  • passive;
  • active.

The passive view is characterized by ignoring, non-participation, inactivity, in other words, a person simply does not respond to the requests and comments of other people.

Active negativism is manifested in verbal and physical aggression, defiant actions, demonstrative behavior, antisocial actions and deviant behavior. This type of negative reaction is often observed in adolescence.

Children's negativism is a kind of rebellion, a protest against parents, peers, teachers. This phenomenon is often observed during age-related crises, and, as you know, childhood is rich in them like no other stage. In general, from birth to adolescence, there are 5 ages in which the crisis manifests itself:

  • newborn period;
  • one year old;
  • 3 years of age - the crisis "I myself";
  • 7 years of age;
  • adolescence (from 11-15 years).

Under the age crisis is understood the transition from one age to another, which is characterized by a change in the cognitive sphere, a sharp change in mood, aggressiveness, a tendency to conflict, a decrease in working capacity and a decline in intellectual activity. Negativism is not present in all age periods of child development, more often it is observed at the age of three years and in adolescents. Thus, 2 phases of children's negativism can be distinguished:

  • 1 phase - a period of 3 years;
  • Phase 2 - adolescence.

With prolonged dissatisfaction with vital needs, frustration develops, which causes psychological discomfort of the individual. To compensate for this condition, a person resorts to a negative emotional manifestation, physical and verbal aggression, especially in adolescence.

The very first age period in which a negative attitude towards others arises is the age of 3 years, the younger preschool age. The crisis of this age has another name - "I myself", which implies the desire of the child to act independently and choose what he wants. At the age of three, a new cognitive process begins to form - the will. The child wants to perform independent actions, without the participation of adults, but most often the desires do not coincide with the real possibilities, which leads to the appearance of negativism in children. The kid resists, rebels, flatly refuses to fulfill the requests, and even more so the orders of adults. At this age, it is strictly forbidden to oppose autonomy, adults must be given the opportunity to be alone with their thoughts and try to act independently, taking into account common sense. If parents often oppose the independent steps of their child, this threatens that the baby will no longer strive to do anything on his own. The manifestation of a negative attitude towards adults is by no means a mandatory phenomenon in early childhood, and in most cases depends on the characteristics of family upbringing and on the competence of parents in this matter.

At the age of 7 years, such a phenomenon as negativism can also manifest itself, however, the likelihood of its occurrence is much less than at 3 years of age and adolescence.

Adolescence itself is a very sensitive period in the life of every child; Negativism in adolescents largely depends on the environment in which the child lives, on the style of family education and on the behavior of parents, which children imitate. If a child is brought up in a family with constant conflicts, bad habits, aggression and disrespect, then a negative attitude towards the surrounding reality will show itself sooner or later.

The crisis of adolescence is manifested in a decrease in intellectual activity, poor concentration of attention, reduced ability to work, a sharp change in mood, increased anxiety and aggressiveness. The phase of negativism in girls may develop earlier than in boys, however, it is shorter in duration. According to the studies of the famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky, negativism in adolescent girls is more often manifested in the premenstrual period, and is more often passive in nature with possible manifestations of verbal aggression. Boys, on the other hand, are inherently more aggressive, and the nature of this behavior is often physical in nature, manifested in fights. The teenager is changeable in everything: both in behavior and in emotional manifestation, some time ago he behaved defiantly and was in high spirits, and after five minutes his mood dropped and the desire to communicate with anyone disappeared. Such children do not do well at school, are rude to teachers and parents, ignore comments and requests. Negativism in adolescents lasts from several months to a year or does not appear at all, the duration depends on individual personality characteristics.

It should be noted that adolescence changes the child not only psychologically, but also physiologically. Internal processes are actively transformed, the skeleton and muscles grow, the genitals are modified. Physiological transformations in the body of a teenager occur unevenly, due to which frequent dizziness, increased pressure and fatigue are possible. The nervous system does not have time to process all the changes that occur in a growing organism, which largely justifies nervousness, increased arousal and irritability. This age period is very difficult in a person's life, therefore it is not surprising that a teenager becomes aggressive, quick-tempered and shows negativism, thus he defends himself.

Psychological correction of children's negativism

The most effective in the psychotherapy of children's negativism is the game, since this type of activity is the main one at this age. In adolescence, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used, as it is rich in a variety of trainings and, in addition to eliminating negativism itself, as a phenomenon, explains the reasons for its occurrence.

For young children and preschoolers, the following types of psychotherapy are quite effective: fairy tale therapy, art therapy, sand therapy, game therapy.

Psychologists have identified several techniques that parents can carry out. Consider the basic rules for correcting negativism in children:

  • condemn not the child himself, but his bad behavior, explain why this should not be done;
  • offer the child to stand in the place of another person;
  • tell how the child needs to act in a conflict or unpleasant situation, what to say and how to behave;
  • teach your child to ask for forgiveness in front of those whom he offended.

Video - "Psychology of transitional age"