
Restless soul. What is the human soul in Orthodoxy and from a scientific point of view? What is the soul scientifically

The human body has been studied up and down, and yet there remains an unexplored area about which one can only speculate and speculate. For many centuries, people have been asking the question: what is the soul? If it cannot be seen, does it mean that it does not exist at all?

What is the soul and where is it located?

From the filing of religion, the concept is understood as “something” that is in a person, which moves into the body at the beginning of life and leaves with the onset of death. What is the human soul in the general sense? This is human consciousness, thoughts, images and visions, character traits. But the place where the invisible essence is located is defined differently by different peoples:

  1. In Babylon, a place was reserved for her in the ears.
  2. The ancient Jews reasoned that the carrier was blood.
  3. The Eskimos believe that the soul is located in the cervical vertebra, as the most vital organ.
  4. But the most common opinion is that it lives in the parts of the body involved in breathing. This is the chest, stomach, head.

What is the soul from a scientific point of view?

It is still unknown what the soul consists of, how much it weighs and in what part of the body it is located. However, attempts were repeatedly made to get to the bottom of the truth. In 1915, the American physician Mac Dougall measured the weight of a person before and immediately after death. The fluctuations amounted to only 22 grams - such a weight was assigned to the "soul". Similar experiments were carried out by other doctors, but the data were not confirmed. One thing is for sure: at the moment of departure to another world, and even during sleep, the human body becomes lighter. Near-death researchers have recorded anomalous movements and vague bursts of energy.

What is the soul in psychology?

The term "psychology" can be translated as "the science of the soul." Although this concept is abstract, has neither form nor proof, for psychology it plays a crucial role and is the main subject of study. For several centuries, theologians and philosophers have been trying to answer the question "What is the human soul?". One of the founders of psychology, Aristotle, denied the idea of ​​it as a substance, but saw it in a break from matter. He called the realization of the biological existence of the organism the main function of the essence. Another famous philosopher, Plato, distinguishes three principles of the soul:

  • lower, unreasonable - makes man related to animals and plants;
  • reasonable - opposing the aspirations of the first, dominating him;
  • "fierce spirit" - that for which a person fights with the whole world, his aspirations.

What is the human soul in Orthodoxy?

Only the church does not raise the question: . Holy Scripture calls it one of the two components of every person along with the body. What is the soul in Orthodoxy? This is the basis of life, an incorporeal essence, an immortal unshakable beginning created by the Lord. The body can be killed, but the soul cannot. She is invisible by nature, but endowed with reason, and the mind belongs to her.

Restless soul - what does it mean?

People go their way in this world, measured to them from above. Believers believe that such a thing as the soul after death leaves the body and goes on a further journey to another world. But sometimes the essence does not find peace if the affairs of a person on earth are not completed. What does restless soul mean? She is attached to a place, people, events, she cannot let go of the body and the world of the living. According to beliefs, suicides, those who died tragically or those who are “not released” by their relatives cannot find peace. They seem to hang between the worlds and sometimes are alive in the form of ghosts.

Spirit vs Soul - What's the difference?

The step from consciousness in reality is the soul, helping to adapt in the world. The human "I" is determined in this world by the spirit, the personality. From the point of view of philosophy, these concepts are inseparable from each other, and both are in the body, but still differ. And the question remains open: what is spirit and soul?

  1. Soul- the intangible essence of personality, the engine of life for a person. Together with her, every life path begins from the very conception. She is subject to the realm of feelings and desires.
  2. Spirit- the highest degree of any essence, which leads to God. Thanks to the spirit, people stand out from the animal world, become one step higher. The spirit is self-knowledge, the area of ​​will and knowledge, and is formed in childhood.

Soul hurts - what to do?

It may not be possible to see the inner spiritual world, but you can feel it, especially feel it. This occurs when a person experiences strong negative emotions, such as suffering from the death of a close or difficult separation. People did not come to a consensus on what to do if the soul hurts from love or grief. There are no medicines to relieve suffering (as opposed to physical pain). Only time is the most reliable healer. The support of loved ones can help you cope with the pain. They will help at the right moment, give advice, distract from sad thoughts.

Proof that there is a soul

Skeptics do not give an unambiguous answer to the question: what is the soul, because it cannot be seen, measured and touched. However, there is evidence that the soul exists, and more than one. They all belong to different areas of life.

  1. Historical and religious proof is that the idea of ​​the spiritual principle is embedded in all world religions.
  2. Physiologically, the soul exists because it can be weighed. This is what many scientists from all over the world have tried to do.
  3. As bioenergy, the human soul also manifests itself and its picture is an invisible aura, which is determined by special devices.
  4. Bekhterov's proof is in the idea of ​​the materiality of thoughts and their transformation into energy. When a person dies, the bearer of the thought remains alive.

What does the soul do after death?

There is no consensus on the journey of a spiritual entity after death. All knowledge about this is dictated by the Bible. When life processes stop and the brain stops working, the thought leaves the body. But this cannot be measured and can only be taken on faith. According to the Bible, the soul goes through several stages of purification after death:

  • on the third day the etheric body dies;
  • on the ninth, the astral perishes;
  • the mental and causal bodies leave a person on the fortieth day, and the soul is purified.

According to the ancient scriptures, the spiritual entity is reborn and finds a new body. But the Bible says that after death a person (that is, the soul) goes to heaven or hell. Proof of this is the testimony of people who have experienced clinical death. They all talked about the strange place they were in. For some, it was bright and light (paradise), for others it was gloomy, scary, filled with unpleasant images (hell). While continues to be one of the main mysteries of mankind.

There are even more interesting stories about the exit of the soul from the body - during sleep and not only. Even special practices are used, with the help of which the astral beginning can be separated from the physical and go on a journey through fragile matter. It is likely that all people, without exception, are capable of supernatural things, but have not yet fully studied the science of life and death.

Today I saw my soul. More precisely, I felt and saw with my inner vision, which many call clairvoyance. I raise my hands above the keyboard and lower them, because I don't know how to describe it, there is not even a close meaning for this in human language.

I saw her in meditation, and I was interrupted to write about it right there, while the memories and feelings are still fresh, and so that the heart writes and not the mind.

Soul... It is not like anything, it cannot be called...

Soul and false ego

Let's talk about the soul, false and true ego, as well as false concepts that bring suffering, depression and illness to a person. Let's also talk about self-knowledge and spiritual liberation.

What is false ego

This is the identification of the soul (consciousness) with the material body. The soul is an immaterial substance that has consciousness; she is aware, including the material body.

Through false ego, the soul is connected with the body, and a knot is formed between matter ...

A person is surrounded by a multi-layered aura that radiates energy, the absolute power of which can vary depending on the state of health, emotional state, and spiritual development. The aura and its radiation bear the imprint of the personality of the individual, a certain information load. Everything that a person does in this life, has done and will do in his other incarnations, is deposited in the aura (in the form of certain rhythms of vibration, field density, color shades). So there is an aura...

Imagine that a golden, radiant ball is hovering above Your head, symbolizing the inexhaustible source of divine energy, the beginning of the universe, the healing power of Existence, i.e. Reiki.

Imagine how a wide golden beam flows out of this ball and flows through Your crown into Your head, then flows down the spine to the coccyx, here it splits, flows down Your legs into the ground.

Souls that wander on the border between Heaven, Hell and our World.

These souls wander the earth in an eternal search for a way out. Their torment is equal to infinity, multiplied by pain and eternal life, without the possibility of correction or rebirth.

Their existence is their torment. Their punishment is their memory. Memory, Pain and endless roads.

It is no coincidence that I touched on this topic - wandering souls. For about this, practically nothing is known and no one writes about it. You can see for yourself that there is no...

“Why” and most importantly “How” do the Souls of those who died from violence manifest themselves? Can they harm a living person? Why do they come into our lives? And how to expel them? And is it possible to invoke the Soul of a person who died in agony?

These and some other questions are often asked by many people interested in the paranormal. The same questions are asked by those people who, one way or another, are faced with this phenomenon. And this is understandable. For some, the answers to these questions, the opportunity to learn more about the world of Spirits, for...

SOUL, the divine basis of a person, his life principle, the receptacle of spiritual potency and the ability for spiritual and moral improvement, according to the teachings of the New Testament. The soul is immortal and does not die with the body. The soul is the man himself, his personality, but this personality can be immortal only if the soul is saved.

Concern for the salvation of the soul is the main thing in a person's life. From how a person lived his life, the soul is either saved or doomed to eternal death and, accordingly, goes either to ...

Why do some people have magical powers and others don't? Why does the most worthless, as it would seem, person have unusual abilities, while the other, the most intelligent, worthy, who has a bunch of diplomas and diplomas, does not?

How to get to the truth? Despite all the apparent complexity of this issue, in fact there is no particular secret in this. The whole essence lies in the personality itself. In awareness. Self-awareness is what you need to strive for.

The soul is pure...

1. Restless souls are souls that for some reason did not pass into the kingdom of souls after the death of a person, thus remaining on the earthly plane.

2. Why I decided to write this article - because at this moment in time there are a lot of such souls on the earthly plane, and they have a significant impact on people.

3. When writing this article, I will rely on the information transmitted to me by my soul and angels-mentors, and not on the material already published on this topic. Thus, the reader can perceive what is written below as a kind of fiction, intuitively recognizing the truth of what is written.

4. I know little about the details of the transition process, since, fortunately, my soul and guide angels told me that my time had not yet come, and they do not consider it appropriate to transmit information on this topic to me at this point in time. I will only say that, as far as I know, this process is very complicated, each religion has its own rite of farewell to a person, and in America, the New Age movement creates special transition teams that help souls make the transition and, as far as possible, facilitate this process.

Speaking of restless souls, it is important not to confuse them with numerous spirits, elementals, entities that inhabit the world of minerals, the world of plants, the world of animals. These worlds are vibrationally different from the human world, respectively, and their "population" is different from human souls. You need to be subtle sensitive to distinguish the inhabitants of these worlds from restless souls. To be honest, I'm not that sensitive. I will give just a few examples of the habitats of such souls.

Ghosts that people see in all parts of the globe. As a rule, this happens at night, when neither light nor sound distracts the perception of a person and, for a short time, a person becomes able to perceive the inhabitants of the subtle worlds. Of course, not in all cases these are just restless souls, but in some of such cases, no doubt.

I observed a large number of restless souls in the astral (see my story "Reflections on the positive hero and the astral through the keyhole"). However, it is not entirely correct to indicate such a location, since our souls are multidimensional and, being in the astral plane, can at the same time, for example, rattle chains in some ancient castle.

Places of violent death, cemeteries. Flooded villages and towns. Here I would like to dwell in more detail, since this personally touches me a lot, since my dacha is located next to just such a place. In Soviet times, it was very "fashionable" to create reservoirs. Rybinsk, Chernigov, etc. To create reservoirs, dams, dams, hydroelectric power stations were created and entire villages and towns went under water. Sometimes, together with the inhabitants of these villages and towns, who do not want to leave their homes. A case is known that occurred near the city of Kalyazin, when the inhabitants of one of the villages chained themselves to prevent the authorities from taking them out of the flooded village. So, together with their native village, they drowned ... I brought this digression, so to speak, so that the reader would learn about the atrocities that took place under now nostalgic socialism, and what a huge number of souls became at the same time restless, and what a huge amount of anger and hatred is now in such places, causing a wide variety of diseases in people living nearby, ranging from energy diseases to oncology. But more on that later.

I gave by no means a complete list of habitats for restless souls, and I did not pretend to be. I just wanted to show the reader that, in fact, restless souls can be found everywhere, only somewhere there are fewer of them, and somewhere more.

Now I want to list the main, from my point of view, causes of the emergence of restless souls. I will pass them in the order in which they come to my mind:

For some reason, the transition process is disrupted. I understand little about this process, the main thing here is that the soul wants, but cannot find the way to the kingdom of souls. To help her, as I said, church rites or specially trained transition groups are needed;

We all go through numerous cycles of incarnations on this earth, our souls go through lessons, grow up, gain experience and spirituality. Often young, immature souls are so carried away by astral wars during the life of a person that after his death they prefer to continue to fight, instead of returning to the realm of souls. In this case, the soul, as a rule, knows how to return, but does not want to;

The desire to take revenge on people who caused the death of a person. Both in the case of single killings, and in the case of mass murders (for example, the aforementioned reservoirs). In this case, the soul, on the one hand, longs for revenge and does not want to return, on the other hand, even having taken revenge, wanting to return, the soul cannot do this, since the vibrations of hatred, aggression are incompatible with the kingdom of souls. Somehow, over time, such a soul is cleared of negative vibrations and returns, but I don’t know how exactly this happens and how much time it takes. My soul tells me that one way is to incarnate in the mineral, vegetable or animal kingdom. But how this can be done without returning and how one can incarnate in another vibrational realm remains a mystery to me;

Strong attachment of loved ones to the deceased person. Sometimes the love for a dead person is so strong that the soul literally cannot free itself from the "fetters" of such love and, as a result, cannot make the transition. In such situations, it is appropriate for a living person who passionately loves the deceased to overcome himself and, turning to the deceased, let him go. It's not difficult at all, you just have to do it sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. And the soul of the deceased will definitely hear, because the vibrations of love firmly bind it to a loving person;

There are cases, however, as far as I understand, very rare, when the soul of a dead person does not realize that the person has died. She considers a person alive and tries to live a full-blooded life. However, such states, for the most part, do not last long, illusions are dispelled and the soul returns;

There are times when the soul yearns to complete some important work on this plane. I want to emphasize right away that in this case we are not talking about murder or revenge. As a rule, these are highly spiritual matters related to karmic contracts or with the help of embodied souls. Realizing that a person has died, the soul, nevertheless, considers it necessary to complete something important, resorting to the help of friendly embodied souls, as well as using other means available to it to accomplish its plan. As a rule, after the accomplishment of the plan, such souls return to the kingdom of souls without any problems;

And finally, love for a living person. It can be so tied to the form that it takes a soul some time for the material world of forms to weaken its influence on it, love at least for the most part is focused on the level of the soul of a living person. After that, the soul, as a rule, passes without problems to the realm of souls.

Now I want to say a few words about the influence of restless souls on people. This influence, with full right, can be divided into positive and negative.

Let's start with the negative. If a restless soul yearns for revenge, then it:

Firstly, it can use for this all the methods available for this, namely, for example, full or partial mastery of the body of an incarnated person. The mechanisms of this mastery are not the subject of this article, it is enough to mention people in a state of strong alcohol or drug intoxication. It is no coincidence that people, having come to their senses after such states, are often horrified by what they have done, not understanding and not imagining how they could have done such a thing;

Secondly, in places of mass congestion of restless souls, thirsting for revenge, the energy is so polluted that, as mentioned above, people living nearby are exposed to a wide variety of ailments: from energy to pathological, including near such places the percentage of oncological diseases increases sharply.

If the restless soul loves the incarnate person strongly, while the soul is not yet mature, and love, as a result, is possessive, selfish in nature, then the person will be haunted by obsessive visions of the deceased, especially at night, a constant feeling of the presence of the deceased and other accompanying visions. Such a person, with a high degree of probability, will be unsuccessful in trying to build a new personal life. It’s not worth talking about the consequences, I think the reader understands everything anyway.

Now for the positive. If a restless soul loves an embodied person and at the same time it is a mature and wise soul, then its influence on a person will be very similar to the influence of angels-mentors: gentle affectionate guardianship, help, warmth. Again, the rattling of chains and howling at night add adrenaline to both those who heard and saw it, and those who were told about it. Which, in general, is also quite positive.

It is possible to enumerate the types of impact of restless souls on a person, but my personal opinion is that a restless soul is, after all, if I may say so, "an exception to the rule." Of course, the Almighty in his wisdom foresaw everything, including exceptions, but, again, from my point of view, it would be better if there were fewer such exceptions. The place of the embodied soul is on earth, the disembodied soul is in the kingdom of souls. A disembodied soul is in an unusual for her, "stressful" situation. Each person has his own soul, his angels-mentors who guide him through life, doing everything possible for his highest good. And it is not the business of disembodied souls to interfere in human affairs, except perhaps with deep, sincere, unconditional love and only in agreement with the human soul.

This is my point of view, with which the reader has every right to disagree.