
Ritual for 2 twisted candles. Love spell on two candles who did. Conspiracy “The Spell of Ghana”

If you are unable to establish or return a relationship with your loved one, or you have constant failures in love, then the following conspiracy will help you. A love spell for two church candles is simple, but very effective. He has repeatedly helped people achieve happy and long relationships.

In order to carry out this strong love spell, we need two candles that need to be purchased in the church, for this sacrament they should preferably be red, but if the temple where you want to purchase them does not have the right color, then you can use from yellow wax.

So, let's start performing the sacrament

When it starts to get dark outside, stand in front of the mirror and light both candles, and then say this conspiracy:

“I don’t light a candle, but I light your soul (the name of a loved one). I conjure you with strong love, like molding wax. Amen!"

Then look at yourself in the mirror, and moving your hands over the flame, say these words:

“As this candle burns, so let your heart burn, from love for me (your name). I turn your love to myself, I light it with a church candle. I seal this word with a wax seal, I conjure you with a church candle!

When you are done with two candles, put them out and put them in a safe place. The magical ritual will take effect in seven days, after which you can start a relationship with your loved one. It should be understood that this sacrament is not sinful, this is not a deal with the devil, and since it is church objects that are used, there will be no consequences and negative from it.

Spell with twisted candles

A love spell on twisted candles appeared a very long time ago, our great-grandmothers still used it and one story of white magic is proof of this, but even today it has not lost its effectiveness, and if it is carried out in accordance with all the rules, you can get mutual signs of sympathy from your loved one .

In any temple, you need to purchase two candles, if you gave more money than they are worth, you don’t need to take the change. We twist them together, turn them over, and put them in the central candlestick

"Abara! Abara! Abara! I don’t pray to the Lord, but to you a church demon, and I don’t burn candles, but I strongly knit myself with (the name of my beloved) so that we can live together, give birth to children, and love each other! Not for a day, not for a year, but for the whole century!

After you have finished reading this plot, we do not finish the love spell for two church candles. Next, we need to go back to the temple and collect some holy water, then put it under our bed for 10 days, and after this time, give your chosen one a drink.

This is where the white magic of water comes into play. The love spell itself is very strong, and after your loved one takes a sip of water, he will immediately begin to experience love feelings for you, and you will only have to accept them.

If you prefer Black Magic, then the following magical rite will suit you.

This is a love spell for two black twisted candles. As its name implies, first we need black materials, and a photo of the person you want to bewitch. I will say right away, if you do not know how Black Magic works, then you do not need to resort to its help.

As in the previous influence, we twist them together and light them, after that we set them on the picture, and we read this plot:

“Get up an inextinguishable passion, an insatiable passion, throw yourself at him and strike him, not a girl enchantress will lift him from an illness, she will not take him away from my chest. The word is strong, like a white - combustible stone. Amen!".

Once you've finished reading, put them away and throw them away from your home. This ends the ritual for two black twisted candles, it will begin to act in a few days, it depends on how strong the energy of the one you bewitch. How long the love spell lasts depends on many things and the exact timing cannot be initially named, but on average it is 1-2 years.

The following rite belongs to White magic, it can be performed at any time of the day, and in any place. The main thing is that no one could disturb you and distract you from the event.

In order to perform a white love spell with candles, we need a bible, and three church items made of yellow wax. If you are not sure that you can cast a white love spell on a guy on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

At any time of the day, we light them, and for several minutes we think about your loved one. Then we take the Bible and read aloud the prayer “Our Father”, the main thing is to pronounce it loudly and clearly.

After you have finished reading, do not extinguish them, but let them burn out until about the middle. Then we take them to the church, and throw them into the cinder box. At this time, we ask the Lord for help to help you start a relationship with the person you need. We return home and continue our work. The love spell with candles will take effect soon and you just have to wait.

Ritual for two church candles

A love spell for 2 candles is very simple, and it will require a minimum set of necessary items, namely a couple of candles purchased in the church, and knowledge of any prayer that speaks of love.

For the ceremony, you need to prepare, namely, on the day when you want to carry out this current love spell, give up household chores, meetings with friends, and other things. This day should be completely devoted to rest. When you feel that you are ready to begin, sit down at the table and light them, try to transfer your energy to the person on whom the magical rite is being performed, and then read the prayer.

When you finish reading it, return to rest, and do not be distracted by anything. On this day, you need to avoid stress, and not be nervous. After a few days from the moment you cast a love spell for 2 candles, your loved one will begin to take the first steps and show signs of sympathy that will soon help start a happy relationship.

The most effective love spell on candles

A strong love spell on candles refers to White Magic, and it will not entail any negative consequences. It is carried out quite simply and quickly, but remember that this ceremony cannot be performed just like that, or in order to harm the bewitched person.

To begin with, we need a white candle, it will symbolize the purity of your intentions. After that, you need to wait until the moon goes into a growing phase. Only in this phase, lunar magic will fully manifest itself and reveal the feelings of your chosen one completely.

The sacrament is performed as follows

We cover the table with a red cloth, and put in the center a photograph of the person on whom the love spell is being made, and set a white candle on top of the picture. Then we light it, and pronounce these words:

“Forces of love, I call you! Pour into the heart (name of the beloved) with a stream of Light, may I become sweet and loved by her from now on. May, by the will of the Lord, my Angel and fate, our love merge into one. To the Heavenly Office, to the Angels and the Lord, I send my request, may everything I dream of happen for me (name) and my beloved (name). Amen!".

After you finish reading this plot, take a photo, but do not put out the fire. Write your names on the back of the picture and circle them in a heart. Then we cut off all the corners of the photo, and burn them on a flame. On this, a strong love spell on candles is over, you can throw the candle away, or keep it for yourself. The effect will begin to appear immediately after you have completed the execution.

Reviews of people who did a love spell on church candles are mostly positive. Many people who turned to these rituals now live with their beloved in happiness and joy.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me through the "contact the magician" form, and I will definitely help you.

A love spell on church candles A conspiracy or a love spell on two twisted church candles is a rather simple sacrament to perform, in order to cast a love spell with candles, it is only important to learn the plot by heart.


Candlelight spell to attract a loved one

A candlelight love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in a chosen one with the help of love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

What candles are suitable for the ceremony?

Why is a candlelight spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the rite several times.

It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ceremony:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable
  • Buy candles at the church shop. The best time is Friday afternoon
  • Great if you manage to find red candles - they have the most powerful energy

It is better to buy candles with a margin.

Love spell rules

There are some more rules that must be followed in order for the rite to work accurately:

  1. The spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight
  2. All other light sources in the room must be turned off.
  3. Nobody should interfere with you. Make sure that no household members or pets enter the room during the ritual
  4. The room must be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the "correct" energy from circulating
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubt prevents love magic from manifesting its power
  6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your activities private
  7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours.
  8. Do a love spell on the growing moon or on the new moon. At this time, lunar energy is directed to creation.

Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

When does the spell not work?

A love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases, it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can interfere with the action of love magic:

  • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do a rite of passage. Please note that you must know exactly who put the spell on a man before you.
  • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
  • The bewitched person has a very strong positive energy. She can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate.

In other cases, the love spell should work.

Love spell for two candles

This is the most popular way to bewitch the chosen one. Making a spell is quite simple. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or whatever color you like
  • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for a love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy regular food foil
  • Stands for candles. It is best if they are also new and made of metal.
  • Safety pin. Also new

Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the growing moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Lay the tablecloth on the table and use red crayon to draw a heart in its center.

Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

You do not need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Gather the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it completely hardens and use a pin to scratch out the names: yours and the one you need to bewitch.

After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure no one accidentally discovers the cache. The spell will take effect within three days.

Strong love spell on two twisted candles

About this love spell for two twisted church candles, those who did it leave good reviews. It is believed that this is one of the most powerful rites of love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of a love spell:

After that, the candles need to be lit, wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will take effect.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will bind the chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

The most "white" love spell

If you are afraid of the negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, abandon the traditional methods of love magic.

Ordinary female tricks will help to “bewitch” a man:

  • Always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked, at least
  • Do not get hung up on the chosen one: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies
  • Do not impose, let the man take the initiative
  • He needs to see that other men like you too - surround yourself with fans

If you become a bright, interesting person, with a lot of things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.


A love spell on church candles that will help strengthen relationships

A love spell on church candles is a fairly strong magical effect. When using church rituals in magic, you should be as careful as possible. If a person has no protection and a weak energy field, you can achieve the opposite result, and bring trouble on yourself.

Features of the magic ritual

A love spell on candles is strong, but it does not guarantee a 100% result if the victim of the ritual is strong-willed. It may have no effect on it or its effect will be minimal.

Only strong magicians with the help of a love spell can fall in love with almost any person. This is achieved due to the strong energy field of the sorcerer.

Initially, the love spell was performed exclusively in the church. Until now, many temple sorcerers and witches perform it exclusively in the church.

A beginner will not be able to do this - he will be surrounded by parishioners and clergy, and, suspecting something is wrong, the novice magician will simply be removed from the church.

A simple love spell on church candles that can be done at home is binary, that is, a woman not only bewitches a man to herself, but also herself to him. This love spell is not strong, but it helps to build relationships in a couple.

For it, you need to take two church candles and twist them into a spiral. They put candles in front of the icons, while reading conspiracies and prayers.

There are a large number of rituals using candles. But they all require strong energy and magical knowledge. Church attributes used in magic can cause trouble later in life. It should be understood that no love spell is white, and you will have to pay for its implementation.

The duration of a love spell is from several days to a month. After a specified period, the ritual must be repeated.

Of great importance in love spells, where church attributes are used, is the purity of the thoughts of the person who does the ritual. If you decide to bewitch a person out of revenge or in order to carry out selfish intentions, the love spell may not work or you will get the strongest return.

A simple love spell for a man

You need to buy church candles specifically for the ritual. If you have a couple of candles at home that you purchased for other purposes, they will not work. It's not worth picking up. It is best to purchase the smallest candles.

Performing the ritual, it is necessary to get rid of the presence of strangers. Nothing should distract you.

Candles are carefully twisted with each other, saying:

"As two candles are twisted, so we are forever connected"

After that, the candles are lit, pronouncing a conspiracy:

“As a fire ignites, so my love with (Name) flares up, and hearts and feelings inflame”

No need to wait until the candles are completely burned out. Extinguish them carefully with your fingers and store them in a secret place, making sure that they do not separate from each other.

Strong love spell

This spell can only be performed in a good mood. If you had a bad dream at night or someone provoked a surge of negativity in you, it is best to abandon the ritual for a while. It must be done on Wednesday.

You need to go to church and buy 13 candles, but do not take change. For the ritual, you also need a photo of your loved one and a scarf with embroidery.

When evening comes in the middle, you need to put a photo of the victim on a scarf, place candles around. Candles are lit and the prayer of Our Father, Mother of God is read three times - 7 times. Without interrupting the ritual, you need to read the plot:

"God's help, please,

Take the heart and soul of my beloved (Name).

And put love for the Slave (name) into them.

So that we are with him for centuries,

No trouble can quarrel us. Amen!"

After the candles burn out, you need to take a photo, put it in a handkerchief and hide it.

Love spell in the church

Go to church and buy a candle without taking change. It must be placed opposite the icon and lit from other candles. Until the candle burns out, you need to stand near the icon and pronounce the name of your loved one, imagining how good you are together. You should be driven exclusively by positive emotions.

Make sure that no one extinguishes your candle, which is quite possible. After it burned down, read the prayer to the icon near which you are standing.

This ritual is quite simple and effective if you are guided by positive emotions.

Love spell with candles

The duration of this love spell is 40 days. The first thing to do is go to church and buy 40 candles. Arriving home, take each of them in your hands and read the Our Father. Then all the candles are taken in hand and lit, saying:

“As the flame burns more and more day by day, so the feelings of the slave (Name) for me flare up more and more. Amen!"

After reading the plot, the candles are extinguished. At certain times of the day, you must put a candle on a saucer and wait until it burns out. After 40 days, you will have a large amount of wax, which is collected in a handkerchief and buried in the forest under a strong tree.

How fast does the spell work?

Love spells are fast-acting, but not long-lasting. Usually a man is already bewitched on the third day. However, it is worth knowing that most love spells with candles act not only on a man, but also on you, since you associate yourself with each other.

If the love spell did not work, perhaps mistakes were made or your thoughts were not pure. In the latter case, it is better to abandon love spells, where church attributes are used together with the power of fire. Also, do not perform such love spells often enough - this can harm both the novice magician and his victims.

Simple love spells that are performed at home strengthen relationships or help form new ones, if both parties have feelings. The victim can fall in love with the person who made a love spell on him, and when his effect weakens, he will begin to experience real sincere feelings. In some cases, couples break up because they are not suitable for each other.

Love spells that use church candles cannot be performed by people who do not have protection or their energy is rather weak. You can face negative consequences if the novice magician decided to bewitch the victim with some personal goal, and not feelings.

Higher powers will suspect something was wrong - and will not allow the love spell to come true, or they will punish you. Making any mistakes can also cause the failure of the magical ritual.

Possible consequences:

  • Diseases. They can occur spontaneously and are not treatable.
  • Problems in personal life. The man you bewitched will not pay attention to you, like the rest of the stronger sex, if you are a woman.
  • Financial difficulties. Any area can suffer because of a magical ritual, and often a person is faced with financial problems.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. Meet most often. The person becomes depressed, conflicted and irritable. He is suffering from sleep problems. He may begin to hear the voices of the dead.
  • Appearance. It can deteriorate - acne appears, the skin begins to age rapidly.
  • Lack of interest in everything. Interest in literally everything will be lost - there will be a feeling of irresistible apathy.
  • Bad habits. A person may start using alcohol or drugs.

Negative consequences can appear if a person was guided only by his desires and did not have sincere feelings. Such selfishness will have to be paid for sooner or later.

It can be especially difficult for novice magicians who, with the help of a love spell, are trying to take revenge on a failed lover, and they are overwhelmed with exclusively negative emotions. No matter how bad you feel - a love spell in this case can only aggravate the situation.

Negative consequences can be avoided by women who decide to strengthen relationships and bewitch beloved men who already have feelings for them. This will help harmonize relations or move them to a new level. The most important thing is to wish the man who is being bewitched exceptionally good.

Strong magicians who use church supplies in their rituals have strong protection and are not afraid of the consequences of a love spell or reverse. That is why, if you are far from magic, then it is better to turn to people who will certainly not make mistakes.

Let's consider in detail when the love spell on twisted candles begins to act - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The strongest love spell contains magic for love - this is a rite for church candles twisted together in which you need to read a love plot. This one is called the strongest love spell - “black wedding”, and the ceremony is independently performed on twisted candles bought in the church - this instant binary spell. It is almost impossible to remove such a love spell, only real strong magicians and sorcerers who know secrets of black magic and black love spells, and there are only a few of them. Not recommended make love to oneself a loved one with the help of black magic, if your feelings for him are not so strong and you have at least a little doubt answering yourself the question: “are you ready to live with him all your life.” a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles. Almost all witches and sorcerers are called. On Friday, you need to buy 2 church candles of the same color and size in the church, it is best to take the cheapest and thinnest ones, it is easier to work with them during the love spell. Love spell on church candles can be read on any day of the week and on any phase of the moon. Strong love spell equally effective and full moon and waning or waxing moon. To twist candles together, you need to warm them up a little by holding them in your hands and feeding them with your energy. At the moment when you start twisting the candles together, say spell text :

This is not over. Continues magic ritual for love 3 more days in a row. After reading conspiracy for candles the flame of the candle is extinguished only with the fingers and the next day they are lit again with a repetition of the love spell. After three days, the ceremony is considered completed and the remnants of twisted church candles must be removed at home in a secluded place. The person on whom the love spell was made can begin to show signs of attention to you from the very first day when you started read a love spell, but spell with candles must be completed!

How to make a love spell with candles

A candlelight love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in a chosen one with the help of love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

What candles are suitable for the ceremony?

Why is a candlelight spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the rite several times.

It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ceremony:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable
  • Buy candles at the church shop. The best time is Friday afternoon
  • Great if you manage to find red candles - they have the most powerful energy

It is better to buy candles with a margin.

Love spell rules

There are some more rules that must be followed in order for the rite to work accurately:

  1. The spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight
  2. All other light sources in the room must be turned off.
  3. Nobody should interfere with you. Make sure that no household members or pets enter the room during the ritual
  4. The room must be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the "correct" energy from circulating
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubt prevents love magic from manifesting its power
  6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your activities private
  7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours.
  8. Do a love spell on the growing moon or on the new moon. At this time, lunar energy is directed to creation.

Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

When does the spell not work?

A love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases, it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can interfere with the action of love magic:

  • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do a rite of passage. Please note that you must know exactly who put the spell on a man before you.
  • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
  • The bewitched person has a very strong positive energy. She can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate.

In other cases, the love spell should work.

Love spell for two candles

This is the most popular way to bewitch the chosen one. Making a spell is quite simple. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or whatever color you like
  • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for a love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy regular food foil
  • Stands for candles. It is best if they are also new and made of metal.
  • Safety pin. Also new

Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the growing moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Lay the tablecloth on the table and use red crayon to draw a heart in its center.

Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

You do not need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Gather the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it completely hardens and use a pin to scratch out the names: yours and the one you need to bewitch.

After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure no one accidentally discovers the cache. The spell will take effect within three days.

Strong love spell on two twisted candles

About this love spell for two twisted church candles, those who did it leave good reviews. It is believed that this is one of the most powerful rites of love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of a love spell:

After that, the candles need to be lit, wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will take effect.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will bind the chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

The most "white" love spell

If you are afraid of the negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, abandon the traditional methods of love magic.

Ordinary female tricks will help to “bewitch” a man:

  • Always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked, at least
  • Do not get hung up on the chosen one: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies
  • Do not impose, let the man take the initiative
  • He needs to see that other men like you too - surround yourself with fans

If you become a bright, interesting person, with a lot of things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.

A conspiracy to love the most powerful love spell on church candles - a black wedding

The strongest rite with reading a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles . Powerful binary spell instant action. If needed not a binary spell do love spell on apple. Once you twist 2 two candles together and read them a love spell spell will immediately take effect ! Remove a love spell on twisted candles yourself it is practically impossible and it is done only if you really love a person very much and he does not love you. Many magicians do not casually call love spell on twisted (twisted together) candles - “black wedding” .

How to make a love spell on church candles twisted together

The magic on church candles is very strong and requires precise execution. On Friday, you need to buy 2 candles in the church. Love spell on candles twisted together can be read any day. To twist the candles together, you need to warm them up a little by holding them in your hands and feeding them with your energy. At the moment when you start twisting the candles together, say the text of the spell :

How these candles are twisted together

so you and I (our names) will be retinues.

When the candles are twisted together, light them in front of the icon of Jesus Christ saying love spell text :

I do not light candles, but the soul and heart of a servant of God (name) for me, a servant of God (name), forever. Amen.

On this love spell on twisted church candles not finished. Continues magic ritual for love 9 more days in a row. Calculate that in 9 days the candles burn out the same time and burn out completely by the end. Candles are extinguished only with fingers, and ignite with the words of a conspiracy :

I do not light candles, but the soul and heart of a servant of God (name) for me, a servant of God (name), forever. Amen.

On the ninth day twisted church candles must burn out completely.

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A conspiracy will help to meet a husband or fall in love with a man you like - a prayer for the love of the Most Holy Theotokos, which must be read on any day when the Assumption fast is. This very old belief has already helped many unmarried women and widows to quickly get married and live in a happy marriage with their husband, enjoying every moment spent next to their loved one. This is not a magical rite, but a conspiracy prayer addressed to the Mother of God with a request for help in creating a family. As mentioned earlier, on any day of the Assumption Lent, go to church and read the text of the conspiracy - prayers for

Petrov fast is famous for its magical rites for strong and eternal love, which you can get if you read a love plot over hot tea on your own on one of the days of fasting. In order to fall in love with a person and become the most beautiful, sweet and desirable for him, you need to treat your loved one to this drink, spoken to eternal and true love. A love plot - a love spell read in Peter's post for tea, will strongly and forever bind your beloved boyfriend, husband, or man to you as soon as he drinks a sip of tea on which a love slander is made. Love spell words to whisper over

On the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which comes on April 7, there are many folk traditions and beliefs. Many women and girls read a strong conspiracy prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos on the feast of the Annunciation with only one purpose - to profitably and quickly marry out of mutual love and live with her husband all her life in love, peace and harmony. You can read the text of the appeal to the Mother of God for marriage on the day of the Annunciation at home standing in front of her icon. It is not at all necessary to learn words by heart, you can also read from paper, but this must be done without errors. The Annunciation rite for marriage and strong love is simple enough to perform on your own. As stated earlier

A conspiracy to love yourself read on honey saved will greatly bewitch your loved one and help you fall in love with a guy or a man who you like strongly and forever. The rites and rituals that are held on the day of the honey-savior according to the tradition of the ancestors are very effective and have an instant magical effect. If you have a loved one in mind, or vice versa, there is no suitable man and no one marries, read the conspiracy on Honey Savior and perform a simple but very good ritual rite for love. A conspiracy to fall in love is performed at home. Early in the morning on honey spas, loosen your hair and standing (sitting) in front of a mirror in which the whole head is reflected, apply honey

The most powerful love spell conspiracy of instant action must be read during Lent. Many are interested in whether it is possible to read conspiracies and perform magical rites on major church holidays. The unequivocal answer is yes, you can. If you urgently need to bewitch your loved one once and for all, do a simple marriage ceremony on your own and read a strong love conspiracy during a big strict fast. Conspiracies will not teach you how to make the most powerful conspiracy for eternal love, which will instantly (at the same moment) bewitch your loved one and make him propose marriage and get married quickly. The plot is read on a piece of rye

Mermaid Week is famous for the summer holiday of Ivan Kupala, it is on Kupala Day that the strongest love conspiracy is made. According to tradition, on the evening before Ivan Kupalo, a red-haired girl who wants to get married quickly and profitably must independently perform an old marriage ceremony that takes place on the night of Kupalo. A ceremony performed according to the tradition of ancestors on Kupala with reading a conspiracy for love and early marriage will help to get married. The magic of the bathing night is very strong, which is why this holiday is so often mentioned in epics and stories. How to perform a rite for love and marriage on Ivanov's Day, conspiracies will be told further. For the ceremony, you need any candle that

A simple rite and a strong conspiracy for love and marriage done on your own on the Trinity will help you quickly marry your loved one and forever bewitch a guy or a man to yourself. A conspiracy to love on the Holy Trinity is done once in a lifetime and forever bewitches a person to himself with a feeling of strong love and a desire to start a family and marry quickly. On the Trinity, perform the following rite: take holy water in the church and bring the water home, say a conspiracy to it with the words of a prayer on

In order to get married quickly and successfully, you need to read a conspiracy prayer for love and early marriage on Krasnaya Gorka. Krasnaya Gorka is Fomin's week immediately after Easter Sunday, or the first Sunday after Easter. This is a very old love spell that helps any woman or girl get married quickly and fall in love with the guy or man she likes. To do this, you only need to read the spell and the magic words of the love conspiracy in the church that will speed up your wedding, and in the same year you will be able to successfully and for love marry the one you like

A strong prayer that you read on your own - a conspiracy for love and early marriage on the day of the Ascension of the Lord allows you to quickly and successfully get married. To read a conspiracy for love on a church holiday for the ascension should only be in the church, and a magical rite for love is also performed there. Buy 2 candles in the church for yourself and the person you want to bewitch to you. Putting 2 candles at the crucifix, a love spell is said - a prayer for a happy and mutual

A strong love spell in the name of a person that you can do yourself by reading a conspiracy spell for love these days has not lost popularity. Knowing him, it is very easy to read a love spell by calling the name of the one you love and in this way bewitch a person without his photo. With the help of a conspiracy, you can quickly bewitch any person: a man or a guy, or maybe you need to bewitch a woman or a girl without her photo - knowing this love spell, you can easily do this. All that is required for a love spell is the knowledge of the name of a loved one! Today we will teach you how to make a strong love spell in the name that you need to read on your own and even at home.

At the moment when it rains, it's time to read a love spell that causes strong love in another person. Even in the old days, it was noticed that conspiracies during the rain have tremendous power, and if you read a love spell for a loved one in the rain, he will instantly fall in love with the one who read the love plot for raindrops. If you need to bewitch your beloved boyfriend or man on your own, perform the following rite. In rainy weather, go to the window in your house or apartment and open the window wide open, say the words of a love spell

A love spell plot for the love of a man or a guy can be read on any day of the Holy Week before Easter. This ancient love spell, a prayer with a strong effect, is used only if you need to strongly and forever bewitch the person you love. Before performing a love spell on Holy Week, at least a day of strict fasting is required, and you also need to fast on the day of the love spell. If you are ready to do a love spell on your own with reading a conspiracy of prayer for love, buy a church candle of any size and color and a nominal icon of your patron saint and an icon of a bewitched person (this can be a calendar).

A love spell on church candles that will help strengthen relationships

A love spell on church candles is a fairly strong magical effect. When using church rituals in magic, you should be as careful as possible. If a person has no protection and a weak energy field, you can achieve the opposite result, and bring trouble on yourself.

Features of the magic ritual

A love spell on candles is strong, but it does not guarantee a 100% result if the victim of the ritual is strong-willed. It may have no effect on it or its effect will be minimal.

Only strong magicians with the help of a love spell can fall in love with almost any person. This is achieved through strong energy field sorcerer.

Initially, the love spell was performed exclusively in the church. Until now, many temple sorcerers and witches perform it exclusively in the church.

A beginner will not be able to do this - he will be surrounded by parishioners and clergy, and, suspecting something is wrong, the novice magician will simply be removed from the church.

A simple love spell on church candles that you can do at home is binary, that is, a woman not only bewitches a man to herself, but also herself to him. This love spell is not strong, but it helps build relationships paired with.

For it, you need to take two church candles and twist them into a spiral. They put candles in front of the icons, while reading conspiracies and prayers.

The duration of the love spell - from several days up to a month. After a specified period, the ritual must be repeated.

Of great importance in love spells, where church attributes are used, is purity of thoughts the person doing the ritual. If you decide to bewitch a person out of revenge or in order to carry out selfish intentions, the love spell may not work or you will get the strongest return.

A simple love spell for a man

Need to buy church candles especially for the ritual. If you have a couple of candles at home that you purchased for other purposes, they will not work. It's not worth picking up. It is best to purchase the smallest candles.

Performing the ritual, it is necessary to get rid of the presence of strangers. Nothing should distract you.

Candles are carefully twisted with each other, saying:

"As two candles are twisted, so we are forever connected"

After that, the candles are lit, pronouncing a conspiracy:

“As a fire ignites, so my love with (Name) flares up, and hearts and feelings inflame”

No need to wait until the candles are completely burned out. Extinguish them carefully with your fingers and store them in a secret place, making sure they not separated from each other.

Strong love spell

This spell can only be performed in a good mood. If you had a bad dream at night or someone provoked a surge of negativity in you, it is best to abandon the ritual for a while. It needs to be done on Wednesday.

You need to go to church and buy 13 candles, but do not take change. The ritual also requires Photo beloved and handkerchief with embroidery.

When evening comes in the middle, you need to put a photo of the victim on a scarf, place candles around. Candles are lit and the prayer of Our Father, Mother of God is read three times - 7 times. Without interrupting the ritual, you need to read the plot:

"God's help, please,

Take the heart and soul of my beloved (Name).

And put love for the Slave (name) into them.

So that we are with him for centuries,

No trouble can quarrel us. Amen!"

After the candles burn out, you need to take a photo, put it in a handkerchief and hide.

Love spell in the church

Go to church and buy a candle without taking change. It needs to be placed opposite the icon and light from other candles. Until the candle burns out, you need to stand near the icon and pronounce the name of your loved one, imagining how good you are together. You should be driven exclusively by positive emotions.

See to it that your candle no one turned off, which is quite possible. After it burned down, read the prayer to the icon near which you are standing.

This ritual is quite simple and effective if you are guided by positive emotions.

Love spell with candles

The duration of this love spell is 40 days. The first thing to do is go to church and buy 40 candles. Arriving home, take each of them in your hands and read the Our Father. Then all the candles are taken in hand and lit, saying:

“As the flame burns more and more day by day, so the feelings of the slave (Name) for me flare up more and more. Amen!"

After reading the plot, the candles are extinguished. At certain times of the day, you must put a candle on a saucer and wait until it burns out. After 40 days, you will have a large amount of wax, which is collected in a handkerchief and burrows in the forest under a strong tree.

How fast does the spell work?

Love spells are fast-acting, but not long-lasting. Usually a man is already bewitched on the third day. However, it is worth knowing that most love spells with candles act not only on a man, but also on you, since you associate yourself with each other.

If the love spell did not work, perhaps mistakes were made or your thoughts were not pure. In the latter case, it is better to abandon love spells, where church attributes are used together with the power of fire. Also, do not perform such love spells often enough - this can harm both the novice magician and his victims.


Love spells that use church candles cannot be performed by people who have no protection or their energy is weak enough. You can face negative consequences if the novice magician decided to bewitch the victim with some personal goal, and not feelings.

Higher powers will suspect something was wrong - and will not allow the love spell to come true, or they will punish you. Making any mistakes can also cause the failure of the magical ritual.

  • Diseases. They can occur spontaneously and are not treatable.
  • Problems in personal life. The man you bewitched will not pay attention to you, like the rest of the stronger sex, if you are a woman.
  • Financial difficulties. Any area can suffer because of a magical ritual, and often a person is faced with financial problems.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. Meet most often. The person becomes depressed, conflicted and irritable. He is suffering from sleep problems. He may begin to hear the voices of the dead.
  • Appearance. It can deteriorate - acne appears, the skin begins to age rapidly.
  • Lack of interest in everything. Interest in literally everything will be lost - there will be a feeling of irresistible apathy.
  • Bad habits. A person may start using alcohol or drugs.

Negative consequences can appear if a person was guided only by his desires and did not have sincere feelings. Such selfishness will have to be paid for sooner or later.

It can be especially hard for novice magicians who, with the help of a love spell, try to revenge on a failed lover, and they are overwhelmed with exclusively negative emotions. No matter how bad you feel - a love spell in this case can only aggravate the situation.

Powerful magicians who use ecclesiastical paraphernalia in their rituals have strong protection and they are not afraid of the consequences of a love spell or a return. That is why, if you are far from magic, then it is better to turn to people who will certainly not make mistakes.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell with two intertwined candles - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

In our time, as a long time ago, a love spell on two twisted candles is especially effective and popular. In love magic, such rituals are in demand. Girls who are in search of a soulmate or those who have met love without an answer perform magical rites. They have a strong energy impact and weave the fate of two people.

Church candles are able to weave two destinies together

The method with the help of church candles is practical, because it can be carried out in any conditions. A love spell by candlelight can be performed by any girl, even one who has not previously turned to magic. From an aesthetic point of view, these methods lead to positive emotions and enjoyment, and affect the mind and human soul with a strong effect.

Church candles in rituals. Significance and application

Our ancestors turned to the burning flame of a candle with special trepidation. Melting fire from a wick has a special magical property. That is why all ceremonies and rituals with candles occupy a significant place.

In matters of the heart, a love spell on church candles is gaining immense popularity. Wax is endowed with the ability to change from a solid to a liquid state, which makes it possible to store and transmit energy regardless of time and distance. He is endowed with a charge of positive energy, which is ready to bring a fresh stream into the forces from above and call them to become helpers in matters of the heart.

Church rites of love spells are directly related to white magic, and their results are not as dangerous for those who conduct and who participate in the ritual as the results of black magic.

With the help of prayer, you can make a love spell

  • prayer - church love spell;
  • love spell on two twisted church candles;
  • love spell for 40 candles.

Not everyone is ready to realize what potential they have at the moment when they have a lit candle in the house or just hold it in their hand. And if this is a church candle, then for magicians it is priceless. A love spell, in which a candle is used in terms of its effect on the human biofield, is put on a par with the strongest rituals using blood, on the ground from a cemetery on Voodoo dolls.

Wax church candles are so strong that they are ready to change the fate of a person. Do not forget that handling them must be very careful, because such rituals can lead to "disastrous results." There is no danger of a wax candle, which is used at home. But, as soon as a candle is used in a ritual or ceremony, it instantly gains magical power.

Wax is a natural material that lasts for a long time. He actively absorbs information carrying from magic and can instantly transmit it. If the candle serves an experienced magician, all the necessary information about what is happening is read with its help. With the energy of fire, the power of wax is enhanced. Therefore, sorceresses and fortune-tellers use wax in magic.

Love spells on a candle work without a rollback and for a long period of time. For a love spell, they take any candles, most importantly wax ones and so that there is a wick to kindle it. A church candle bought on the eve of the ritual will work more effectively. If this candle is sprinkled with holy water, then it has more magical power. If it is not possible to purchase a church candle, buy in a store. They are suitable and pink or red with aroma.

They practice using candles prepared on their own from cinders. They accumulate more energy in themselves than those purchased in a store, because the power of fire is present even before the ritual.

When performing a love spell, black candles should not be used.

Desperate lovers are glad and grateful when they are advised to cast the strongest love spell with a fail-safe result, but this does not lead to the connection of two loving hearts.

But the presence in the house of a light-colored wax church candle leads to protection from all dark forces. Her fire will help get rid of negative energy in the house and expel evil forces from the home.

Basic rules and consequences when conducting love spells

When you decide to conduct the ceremony for the first time, or for the umpteenth time, remember the main rules:

  • the rite must be carried out deliberately, it is impossible to conduct a ritual because of interest;
  • before conducting a love spell, read the instructions, find out what negative consequences this can lead to;
  • for a love spell with candles, use the attribute acquired in the church;
  • only a person who believes in God can perform the ceremony;
  • perform the ritual at midnight or late in the evening.

Love spell on two church twisted candles

A love spell for two twisted candles is a rite for the reunion of two hearts. It allows you to quickly draw the attention of the chosen one and refers to white magic.

You can perform the ritual yourself, without the intervention of an experienced sorceress, within the walls of your native home. You make it on the growing moon so that the relationship grows and gains positive momentum. There are several options for a spell. In the church you need to buy two candles:

For the ritual you will need a red candle

  • wax church candle of light color;
  • of red color.

Bring candles into the house on the eve of the ritual. On a burning red candle, say a speech:

"This candle hid the heart of the servant of God (name of the chosen one)."

On an ordinary church candle, which you light at the same time as the red one, say the words:

“This candle held the heart of the servant of God (your name).

After that, you twist the candles together, thus connecting them to make one interlaced candle, and say the following:

“Lord, make our lives and souls one. Let my chosen one pay attention to me and his heart will ignite for me with such strong love as I have for him. May I be alone in his heart every day from morning until midnight. And he, and only he, will always be in mine. Let him in this life have no feelings for another woman, but I will not love another man.

After the conspiracy, say “Amen” three times and wait until the candles are completely burned out. At the moment when the candles burn out after the pronunciation of the conspiracy, in order for the sentence to have even greater power, you can imagine yourself with your loved one together, imagine a day spent together.

The ritual gives the result after two days

Another version of the ritual is slightly different from the first. You buy church candles and twist them into one candle even before you light them. When twisting, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Like these twisted two candles, so let our destinies be linked together forever.”

“Now it’s not a candle burning, but the soul and heart of a servant of God (name of the chosen one), a servant of God (your name), I light forever!”

Candles must be lit nine times. This option has a love spell of a double direction, when not only the guy is attracted with all his heart to the girl, but she is also attracted to him.

The third version of the ritual is no less interesting and powerful in its impact. For the church, buy two candles. Leave them in silence for an hour. Then, in a quiet atmosphere, without observers, twist these candles together. They can break, so warm them up a little, then the wax becomes softer and it is more convenient to work with candles. On the table, place a photo in which you are depicted together with the desired person.

If there is no common photo, you can glue one from two different photos. At the moment when everything is prepared and you are mentally ready for the ritual, light the candles and say:

“Like these intertwined candles, let two destinies intertwine and become one. As one candle - so is the second, where one servant of God (name of the beloved) - there is the second servant of God (your name).

This love spell lasts for nine days - you do this ritual at the same time on the same candles. On the last ninth day they burn out. Do not blow out the cinder, but put it out with your hands. In a maximum of nine days, your beloved will share both joy and sorrow with you.

Rituals have great magical power. You can not only bewitch a person, but also do the opposite, if you do not follow the instructions and recommendations.

  1. Candles that you plan to use or have already used should not be placed before the crucifixion.
  2. Buy candles for the ceremony in church shops. Buy them thin and small, because until they burn out, the ceremony is incomplete.
  3. The conspiracy can be pronounced on your own, the main thing is to talk about the desire to meet a person and stay with him forever. And the words must come from the heart. What you think is what you say.
  4. Light the wicks from other lit candles or matches, do not use a lighter to light it.
  5. Do not tell anyone that the ritual was performed, otherwise it will lose its magical effect.

Love spell on candles

If you suffer from unrequited love, you can always perform a love spell with a candle. Find out which candle should be chosen for this and why it is necessary to give preference to the church one.

How to choose a candle for a love spell

With the help of a love spell on candles, you can bind a person to yourself for life, if you choose the right one. Candles are thick and thin. Most often they can be found in the church. Ordinary scented decorative candles that are sold in stores are not suitable. When choosing a candle, consider its color. Red, white, green - they differ in their purpose.

If you decide to perform a ritual with candles, remember that you are calling for help good spirits and the indomitable element of fire. A burning and radiant flame increases the impact of spoken words several times over.

How to choose the time for a love spell

People say that you need to tell fortunes at night. It is categorically not advised to do a love spell on candles during the day. Well, if you stay alone with yourself. You can call on higher powers for help with the help of the moon. The energy of the lunar phases can have a beneficial effect on the action of the rite. Open a window and free up space so that moonlight enters the room.

If the ritual is performed by a young girl, she will need a pink candle. If an experienced woman wants to instill passion in her chosen one, stock up on red candles.

Love spell for two candles

Invite your four-legged friend to sit on your arms and collect a ball of wool. Then light two candles, one red and the other white. A love spell on a red and white candle is easy to perform.

Write your name and the name of your lover on a piece of paper. Lay the cat's fur on the sheet and roll it up. After that, light the paper with names and wool from the flame of two candles. While it is burning, say the following text:

“As the flame of these candles burns, so let the heart of the beloved (name of the chosen one) burn from love for me (your name). I light the sheet - I turn my thoughts (name of the chosen one) to myself. (Name of the cat) mine at the hour of the night, turn your heart (name of the chosen one) to me alone.

Place the leaf on a saucer and let it burn completely until only ashes remain. When the candles burn out, pour some milk for the cat as a token of gratitude.

Strong love spell on church candles

Before performing the ritual, visit the church and buy two candles there. It has a very great power and implies that your loved one will stay with you for a long time. If you are not confident in yourself, it is better to abandon your intention. An object that has been in a prayed place for a long time has a very strong energy charge.

At midnight, take two thin candles twisted together and place them on the table in front of you. To achieve this, warm the wax a little and they can be easily twisted. Light the fuses and, looking at the flame, read the following:

“As two candles burn together, burn out, so I, the servant of God (your name), with the servant of God (name of the chosen one) will go through life together. Just as no one can separate this wax now, so no one can separate us now. Amen!"

During the ceremony, make sure that the candles are necessarily tightly intertwined and do not separate from each other. So you create additional conditions for the conspiracy to work. As soon as the candles burn out, wrap the cinders in paper and bury them under a young tree. Try to find fruitful.

If you want the spell to work, then every day before going to bed, imagine that you are walking together. Such thoughts increase the energetic attachment between you and your partner. A candle flame will allow feelings to flare up, make a loved one think about you day and night. After the candles are completely burnt out, you will immediately feel the effect on a subconscious level. Trust your inner voice and don't forget to push the buttons and

Love spell on candles will help to get reciprocity

Candle love magic does not require complicated ingredients and almost impossible actions. It is simple and effective. It is best to do any love spell with candles, because electric lighting is not the best conductor for magic, and the natural element has great power. Candles are able to enhance any magical rite precisely because of the power of living fire.

Love spells on candles

Love is associated with passionate manifestations, fire. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most powerful magical rites aimed at suggesting feelings include the use of candles. A love spell on candles works quickly, a tamed fire element inspires really strong feelings. And just finding your love, if there is no one in mind, helps.

To find a worthy young man with the involvement of magical powers (the consequences in this case will only be favorable, because there is no direct influence on the will of a potential partner), you can by making the following love spell on a candle:

  • Take a red candle.
  • From the base of the wick on it, cut out the following phrase with something sharp: "I AM(date of your birth) met a loved one".
  • A long line is drawn from the wick under the inscription.
  • On the reverse side, a clockwise spiral appears.
  • Next, draw a cross at the bottom of the candle, completely covering it.
  • Light a candle while it burns to represent the image of a potential lover.
  • Put out the fire with your fingers.

Such a simple love spell on a candle will work if there really is no one in mind. In other cases, it is better to use directed rituals, having previously clearly understood whether you need it. A love magic rite is fraught with consequences for both people. Violent magic that imposes someone else's will takes a lot of strength, requires a clear study of the details of the rites, as well as a strong directed message from the performer of the ritual. These rituals work equally for both sexes.

Rarely does a love spell do without candles. Elemental magic is the main assistant of any practicing magician, and fire is one of the most accessible, but at the same time difficult to control elements. It is extremely difficult to predict how such magic will behave.

Rite of two candles

To make a love spell for two candles, you will need:

  • Take two red candles, write your name on one, and the object on the second.
  • Light both at once.
  • Repeat the plot nine times, read it with firm confidence.
  • In the process, burn candles against each other with fire, soften the wax. Having finished reading the plot, also extinguish them against each other, and then sharply connect and squeeze, gluing.
  • Store connected candles in a secluded place.

In the event that the love of the chosen one begins to fade, it will be possible to feed it - to get red connected candles from a secret place, again pour over with fire. Such a love spell on candles is long-lasting, designed for a long relationship with the object of the ritual. Long-term relationships, tied to magical powers, must be nourished so that the effect is maintained, and the person does not experience frank discomfort due to suppressed will. The magic of fire is strong, the flame can read information about the performer of the ritual, and thanks to this, strengthen the message.

It is also important not to forget that without a clear message, the ritual will not work, regardless of whether you are doing a love spell without candles or with them. The lack of faith in the magical power of the flame, as well as higher powers in general, is the key to a rite that has been thwarted in advance. You need to read any conspiracies, not relying on specific words, but endowing them with your inner strength and confidence that everything will turn out the way you need.

Using church candles

Thin consecrated church candles have long been used in white magic. It is safest to use them when performing a love ritual, so the return will be less. But it is not recommended to use them without faith in higher powers - either nothing will come of it, or the consequences will be unpleasant. A love spell on candles from the church is done by twisting two pieces into one. Thanks to their shape and flexibility, making twisted candles is not difficult.

Church candles are bought only in churches, where they are already lit. Before performing the ceremony, it is recommended to pray. Not for the sake of appearances, but putting all your desires into getting rid of love problems, with hope in God. Then candles twisted into one are taken, a simple plot is read about how they are intertwined like the fates of two people. The main thing here again is not the words themselves, but the message.

After reading the plot, the twisted church candles are set on fire at the same time. They talk again and stew with their fingers. Then they are removed to a secluded place and stored. After the ceremony, it is worth starting to read the prayer again. It is enough to read “Our Father” several times, always sincerely.

Any love spell on a candle is strong. If nothing happened after the ritual, you can try again, but the likelihood that something will work out is low. Mystical forces may be against the proposed union, nothing can be done here.

Simple candle spell

You can try to make a love spell on candles without conspiracies with additional actions. To do this, you need to take one red candle, carve the name of your beloved on it and light it at midnight. Think about your beloved while the candle is burning, concentrate on him and your likely happy future. The brighter the performance, the higher the probability of success of a love spell on a candle.

When the candle burns out, you need to collect the wax from it and hide it in a secluded place. The rite is tied to an energy message, it does not require anything other than mental images. But its efficiency, thanks to clean energy, is high. Such a love spell on a candle will work only for people who are confident in their abilities.

Possible consequences of candle magic

When making a love spell on a candle, it is important to remember that:

  • Elemental magic is very strong, weak personalities cannot cope with it.
  • You need to understand that rituals with church candles can also have consequences, love spells cannot do without echoes of black magic, even those that are considered white.
  • Suggested feelings are difficult to reverse, if you find someone else after completing the ritual, you will ruin a person's life.
  • For the ritualist himself, the ritual can turn into a karmic series of failures in life. Regardless of whether you cast a love spell without candles or with them.
  • The object may change behavior, especially if by nature he is strong and morally resistant. Personality can just break.

To mitigate the consequences, after the ceremony, it is recommended to go to church, pray and light candles for your lover or beloved. The ritual of a love spell without candles also requires such purification. You also need to remember that where you can do without magic, it is better to do without it, and resort to love spells only in extreme cases.

2 months 17 days

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    One of the varieties of love spell on twisted candles

    love spell BINARY. And strong. Works - dear mother.

    It is necessary to take 2 church wax candles, intertwine with each other. When twisting, you say: "As these candles are entwined together, so we will be entourages with you (the names of those who are bewitched)."

    Then you need to light candles in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and say: "I do not light candles, but the soul and heart of a servant of God (name) for me, a servant of God (name), forever."

    The second part of the rite must be done 9 days in a row. Calculate that in 9 days the candles burn out the same time and burn out completely by the end.

    Do not forget that every time for 8 days the candles should be extinguished only with your fingers!

    The next day, light it again with the words "I don't light candles."

    While the candles are burning, look closely at the flame and imagine how your loved one reaches out to you, lights up with love, and in general you can fantasize about love, imagine what you want to get. In general, how much you invest - so much you get)).

    Cinders (or whatever remains of the candles) - to the crossroads.

    I was warned not to repeat this procedure on the same person. Serious mental problems (he has) can happen, and it will hurt you. So it will have to be faked in a different way.

    Rules for love spells on twisted candles

    A love spell on twisted candles has been used for a long time and is still popular today. Such a magical rite, the easiest to perform, is especially in demand among girls who want to find happiness in unrequited love, but it is also applicable in family relationships between spouses.

    Love spell on two twisted candles

    The power of candles for a love spell

    Church wax candles have strong energy power and, if the magic ritual is correctly performed in a love spell on two twisted candles, they can intertwine two human destinies.

    For a love spell on two twisted candles, no special practical skills and conditions are important, it can be performed by any person who wants to bewitch, including those who have never been close to magic and have not done witchcraft rituals.

    As a result of a love spell on two twisted candles, the object of the love spell experiences positive emotions under the influence of his mind and soul.

    Ritual events with burning candles occupied a significant place among the rituals performed by magicians due to the magical properties of the element of fire. Passing from its solid state to liquid under the influence of heat, wax from a church candle transfers energy force, regardless of distance and time. A candle melting into wax is charged with positive energy, calling on higher powers to help in resolving love issues.

    Conditions for ceremonies with candles

    For love spells on two twisted candles, wax material is used, where there is a wick so that it can be set on fire from a match. The most effective candles - workers for magical love spells are those that are bought immediately before the ritual is performed. Candles sprinkled with holy water lose their power to be used for magical purposes. Many professional magicians make attributes for a love spell on two twisted candles from the remaining cinders that have accumulated the power of fire.

    A lit church candle is capable of influencing the biological body of a person like the mighty power of blood and grave earth.

    Among the basic rules for performing a love spell, where two twisted candles are used:

    • a ban on the use of black and funeral candles containing negative energy,
    • obligatory conduct of a magical ritual not earlier than late in the evening, the most suitable option is at midnight,
    • meaningfulness and intentionality of actions, lack of thoughtlessness,
    • lighting ritual candles is carried out only from a burning match,
    • they don't talk about the ceremony.

    You can perform a magic love spell using two candles both indoors and outdoors.

    Rite for the harmony of relationships

    A love spell for two twisted candles for harmonious relationships refers to home rituals and is easy to perform. Such a ritual works immediately for the love of two objects, that is, it is of a binary nature. It does not have great power to attract an object; rather, we can say that such a rite aims to improve the existing relationship of two partners to each other.

    To perform a love spell to create harmony in a relationship, you will need a pair of wax candles, which should be twisted together, reading the conspiracy words while weaving:

    "Like two candles twined together, and we will be twined together."

    After pronouncing this conspiracy, a single plexus of two candles is set on fire in front of the icon with the words

    “I don’t set fire to a candle, but I set fire to the soul and heart of the servant of God (name) so that it burns for me, the servant of God (name) always.”

    Instead of an icon in a ritual for love, a photo of your chosen one can be used. It will be correct if you take a recent image.

    Magical rites in which two twisted candles are used are a ritual of white magic, therefore their consequences are not so dangerous either for the object of the love spell or for the one who ordered or performed the rite than those in which they turn to black magical powers, whose the consequences are of a special nature for the object and for the customer (executor).

    In this ritual, candles are lit for nine days in a row, without intervals between days. Church candles should burn out to the end, and the next day new material is used. After nine days, the cinders remaining from the used candles are taken to the nearest intersection or thrown into running water.

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    In this video you will learn how to make a sexy spell.

    Ritual for two candles. In our opinion, this ritual shows

    Ritual for the reunion of two hearts

    This magical rite is intended for those who fail to achieve a reciprocal feeling and want the relationship to appear, gain positive momentum and grow to the necessary and desired.

    To perform a love spell on two twisted candles, you need to choose one of white wax as the material, and the other of red. On the lighted red candle brought on the eve of the magical love spell, say a conspiracy:

    "This candle conceals the heart of a servant of God (name)."

    On a white wax candle lit along with the previous one:

    "This candle conceals the heart of God's servant (name)."

    Those who did such a ritual feel the results of its action no later than a week from the date of its implementation.

    After the said conspiracy words, church candles are intertwined together, a single one is made of them, for which there are conspiracy words:

    “Let our souls be one, let our lives be one. May the servant of God (name) look at me and ignite love for me with such power as I for him.

    The end of the ritual is similar to the previous one: the candles must burn out completely, the cinders are thrown away.

  • A candlelight love spell is one of the most popular ways to evoke feelings in a chosen one with the help of love magic. Twisted church candles are most often used. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

    Why is a candlelight spell so powerful? The fact is that the wax from which candles are made is an excellent conductor of energy. And fire is a powerful element that enhances the magical effect of the rite several times.

    It is important to use the “correct” candles for the ceremony:

    • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable.
    • Buy candles at the church shop. The most suitable time is Friday, in the first half of the day.
    • It's great if you manage to find red candles - they have the most powerful energy.

    It is better to buy candles with a margin.

    Love spell rules

    There are some more rules that must be followed in order for the rite to work accurately:

    1. The spell is done at night. The best time is after midnight.
    2. All other light sources in the room must be turned off.
    3. Nobody should interfere with you. Make sure that household members or pets do not enter the room during the ritual.
    4. The room must be perfectly clean. Clutter creates interference, prevents the "correct" energy from circulating.
    5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the love spell will work. Doubt prevents love magic from manifesting its power.
    6. No one should know about your intention to perform the ceremony. Keep your actions private.
    7. Your intentions must be good - do not try to bewitch a person out of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the soul of the chosen one and yours.
    8. Do or on the new moon. At this time, the lunar energy is directed to creation.

    Follow all these rules strictly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

    When does the spell not work?

    A love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases, it does not help to bewitch a loved one. What reasons can interfere with the action of love magic:

    • Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In such cases, you first need to do a rite of passage. Please note that you must know exactly who put the spell on the man before you.
    • The man already has feelings for someone else. If this is real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
    • The bewitched person has a very strong positive energy. It can become a serious barrier through which no love spell can penetrate.

    In other cases, the love spell should work.

    Love spell for two candles

    This is the most popular way to bewitch the chosen one. Making a spell is quite simple. You will need:

    • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or whatever color you like.
    • Pink plain tablecloth. It must be new, purchased specifically for a love spell.
    • Foil. You can buy regular food foil.
    • Stands for candles. It is best if they are also new and made of metal.
    • Safety pin. Also new.

    Prepare everything you need, wait until midnight on the night of the growing moon and get ready to cast a love spell. Lay the tablecloth on the table and use red crayon to draw a heart in its center.

    Place two candles in a stand in the center of the heart and light them.

    Clearly pronounce the words of the love spell:

    You do not need to extinguish the candles - wait until they burn out naturally. Gather the melted wax and carefully place it on the foil while it is still liquid. Wait until it has completely hardened, and use a pin to scratch out the names: yours and the one you need to bewitch.

    After the ceremony, hide all used items in a secluded place. Make sure no one accidentally discovers the cache. The spell will take effect within three days.

    Strong love spell on two twisted candles

    About this love spell for two twisted church candles, those who did it leave good reviews. It is believed that this is love magic.

    You will need two wax church candles purchased from the church. Take each of the candles in turn in your hands and say the words of a love spell:

    After that, the candles need to be lit, wait until the wax softens a little and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles together. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

    For forty days at the same time, you must light twisted candles and mentally imagine the image of the person you are trying to bewitch. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

    After forty days, only cinders will remain from the candles, and the love spell will be considered completed and will take effect.

    Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will bind the chosen one to you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

    Watch a video about a love spell on twisted candles:

    The most "white" love spell

    If you are afraid of the negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen one as a result of a love spell, abandon the traditional methods of love magic.

    Ordinary female tricks will help to “bewitch” a man:

    • You always look good: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes made up, eyebrows plucked at least.
    • Do not get hung up on the chosen one: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies.
    • Do not impose, let the man take the initiative.
    • He needs to see that other men like you too - surround yourself with fans.

    If you become a bright, interesting person, with a lot of things to do and hobbies, then a man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else will appear, and a love spell will not be required.

    A love spell on twisted candles has been used for a long time and is still popular today. Such a magical rite, the easiest to perform, is especially in demand among girls who want to find happiness in unrequited love, but it is also applicable in family relationships between spouses.

    The power of candles for a love spell

    Church wax candles have strong energy power and, if the magic ritual is correctly performed in a love spell on two twisted candles, they can intertwine two human destinies.

    For a love spell on two twisted candles, no special practical skills and conditions are important, it can be performed by any person who wants to bewitch, including those who have never been close to magic and have not done witchcraft rituals.

    As a result of a love spell on two twisted candles, the object of the love spell experiences positive emotions under the influence of his mind and soul.

    Ritual events with burning candles occupied a significant place among the rituals performed by magicians due to the magical properties of the element of fire. Passing from its solid state to liquid under the influence of heat, wax from a church candle transfers energy force, regardless of distance and time. A candle melting into wax is charged with positive energy, calling on higher powers to help in resolving love issues.

    Conditions for ceremonies with candles

    For love spells on two twisted candles, wax material is used, where there is a wick so that it can be set on fire from a match. The most effective candles - workers for magical love spells are those that are bought immediately before the ritual is performed. Candles sprinkled with holy water lose their power to be used for magical purposes. Many professional magicians make attributes for a love spell on two twisted candles from the remaining cinders that have accumulated the power of fire.

    A lit church candle is capable of influencing the biological body of a person like the mighty power of blood and grave earth.

    Among the basic rules for performing a love spell, where two twisted candles are used:

    • a ban on the use of black and funeral candles containing negative energy,
    • obligatory conduct of a magical ritual not earlier than late in the evening, the most suitable option is at midnight,
    • meaningfulness and intentionality of actions, lack of thoughtlessness,
    • lighting ritual candles is carried out only from a burning match,
    • they don't talk about the ceremony.

    You can perform a magic love spell using two candles both indoors and outdoors.

    Rite for the harmony of relationships

    A love spell for two twisted candles for harmonious relationships refers to home rituals and is easy to perform. Such a ritual works immediately for the love of two objects, that is, it is of a binary nature. It does not have great power to attract an object; rather, we can say that such a rite aims to improve the existing relationship of two partners to each other.

    To perform a love spell to create harmony in a relationship, you will need a pair of wax candles, which should be twisted together, reading the conspiracy words while weaving:

    "Like two candles twined together, and we will be twined together."

    After pronouncing this conspiracy, a single plexus of two candles is set on fire in front of the icon with the words

    “I don’t set fire to a candle, but I set fire to the soul and heart of the servant of God (name) so that it burns for me, the servant of God (name) always.”

    Instead of an icon in a ritual for love, a photo of your chosen one can be used. It will be correct if you take a recent image.

    Magical rites in which two twisted candles are used are a ritual of white magic, therefore their consequences are not so dangerous either for the object of the love spell or for the one who ordered or performed the rite than those in which they turn to black magical powers, whose the consequences are of a special nature for the object and for the customer (executor).

    In this ritual, candles are lit for nine days in a row, without intervals between days. Church candles should burn out to the end, and the next day new material is used. After nine days, the cinders remaining from the used candles are taken to the nearest intersection or thrown into running water.

    "This candle conceals the heart of a servant of God (name)."

    On a white wax candle lit along with the previous one:

    "This candle conceals the heart of God's servant (name)."

    Those who did such a ritual feel the results of its action no later than a week from the date of its implementation.

    After the said conspiracy words, church candles are intertwined together, a single one is made of them, for which there are conspiracy words:

    “Let our souls be one, let our lives be one. May the servant of God (name) look at me and ignite love for me with such power as I for him.

    The end of the ritual is similar to the previous one: the candles must burn out completely, the cinders are thrown away.