
Urological ultrasound for men and women: what does the urologist check for ultrasound. Urological ultrasound for women Doing an ultrasound urologist

Appointment with a urologist in the clinic and calling a urologist at home

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Doctor Plus LLC License No. LO-77-01-004801

Urological ultrasound is an informative diagnostic technique used to detect diseases of the genitourinary system. A few years ago, such ailments were found mainly in older people, today such diseases are much “rejuvenated”. This category of diseases belongs to the intimate ones, most of them are asymptomatic at first.

Diagnosis of the disease at the initial stage of its development increases the likelihood of a cure, reduces the time required for recovery. Given this fact, it should be done as a preventive measure. You should not save on preventive examinations, because the treatment of a neglected disease will cost many times more.

What organs are used for urological ultrasound examination?

On the informativeness and reliability of the data urological ultrasound the qualifications and experience of the specialist who will carry out the procedure. Examination using an ultrasound device does not cause pain and does not harm health.

In urological departments, the most modern equipment for ultrasound diagnostics is used, using which it is possible to assess the condition of the following organs:

  • prostate;
  • penis and testicles;
  • urethra;
  • Bladder;
  • kidneys and adrenals.

Urological ultrasound examination is often used to determine the size and location of the kidneys and allows you to diagnose malfunctions in the work of these organs, pathologies in their structure.

How is the procedure?

During the study, a special sensor device emits wave ultrasonic treatment. With changes in the structure of the organ under study, the signal strength changes, the data is transmitted to the screen of the equipment. Focusing on the resulting picture, the specialist identifies pathologies or makes sure that they are absent. If the doctor is qualified, he will definitely notice deviations.

Urological ultrasound has long been one of the most common types of diagnostics of the body, all this is due to the high information content, simplicity of the procedure and low price. With the help of ultrasound, you can visualize and study almost all body systems, including identifying problems. Based on the results of an ultrasound examination, a urologist can evaluate the structure and function of the upper urinary tract (including the kidneys and ureters).


Ultrasound examination is performed in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of erection, pain in the groin area;
  • signs of pain when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent trips to the toilet in a small way;
  • blood traces in the urine;
  • pain in the kidney area;
  • bad analyzes;
  • impossibility of conception.

Do not ignore these signs and make an appointment with your doctor right away, otherwise the disease can become chronic and lead to complications that are difficult to treat, including infertility.

The study conducted by ultrasound equipment makes it possible to diagnose a number of diseases: inflammation, neoplasms, birth defects, malfunctions of the organs of the genitourinary system caused by injuries.

The examination is performed through the peritoneum or by inserting a probe into the anus. The second option (it is called transrectal) is preferable, since the sensor approaches the organ as close as possible and makes it possible to obtain a clearer picture on the monitor. A well-timed ultrasound examination saves you from the high costs of treatment.

Urological ultrasound- a method of research using ultrasound, used to diagnose disorders of the functioning of the male genitourinary system and the urinary system of women. This method has gained popularity due to its availability, safety and effectiveness. ultrasound makes it possible to study the work and visualize almost all body systems.

Possibilities of urological ultrasound

Via urological ultrasound you can check the status:

- prostate;


Urethra and bladder;

Kidneys, visualize their location and size;

Parenchyma (renal tissue), its thickness and structure;

Ureters (their diameter and patency);

Organs of the scrotum;

Renal calyces and pelvis (structure and size);

Allows you to explore the blood flow in the kidneys.

Urological ultrasound widely used in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system, with its help you can:

- detect tumors of the urinary system;

Examine the consequences of injuries of the urinary system and detect its congenital anomalies;

Determine the factors that caused the violation of the process of urination;

Establish neurogenic causes of urinary problems;

Determine the cause of erectile dysfunction and infertility and so on.

Ultrasound of the kidneys

One of the most commonly used urological ultrasound is a kidney study. This procedure is carried out with the following indications:

- suspicion of kidney injury;

The need for research for the presence of neoplasms (cysts, tumors);

Chronic or acute kidney disease;

As a way to dynamically monitor the course of treatment of kidney diseases;

When draining and performing kidney punctures;

If there are symptoms of kidney damage, confirmed by test results.

bladder ultrasound

This kind ultrasound allows you to determine the volume, as well as other characteristics of the bubble. ultrasound allows you to determine the volume of residual urine and its retention.

This is true for people with the following diseases:

- infection of the genital tract;

Damage to the spinal cord;

mental disorders;

Enlargement of the prostate;

Urinary incontinence;

Urethral stricture and other causes that reduce the sensitivity of the bladder and develop violations of its emptying.

Ultrasound of the scrotum and testicles

Such a study is necessary when:

- the appearance of seals and irregularities in the scrotum;

Enlargement of the scrotum and pain in it.

Via Ultrasound of the testicles and scrotum you can find out the cause of infertility and erectile dysfunction, detect testicular torsion, tumors and cysts.

Urological ultrasound in Moscow

In our clinic urological ultrasound (price of all types of research is indicated on the website) is carried out by the most experienced specialists who accurately interpret the result of the study and provide an accurate and comprehensive conclusion. All malformations, neoplasms that have appeared and dysfunctions of the genitourinary system are accurately diagnosed, and if necessary, recommendations are given for additional diagnostic procedures. If you have found symptoms that indicate disorders in the functioning of the genitourinary system, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a diagnostician, because cost of urological ultrasound significantly lower than the treatment of advanced disease.

Ultrasound diagnostic methods help not only to identify, but also prevent the occurrence of pathological disorders in the urinary system. Their safety and non-invasiveness exclude infection of the patient during the procedure, while the doctor performing urological ultrasound in Moscow has the opportunity to get an idea of ​​the state of the tissues of internal organs.

General representations

At the Unimed-S medical center, you can sign up for an urological ultrasound scan on Vernadsky Avenue, which includes examination of the kidneys, bladder and scrotum organs. The data that the specialist receives during its implementation serve to make an accurate diagnosis without the implementation of other procedures, which are quite often expensive and painful.

The ultrasound technique is based on the ability of waves of a certain frequency to penetrate into the cavities of the human body and, reflected from the internal organs, return back. At the same time, a graphic image of the structural elements that are being studied is displayed on the monitor screen of the device. By studying them, the diagnostician gets the opportunity to determine the size of organs, the presence of structural changes in them, assess the thickness of their walls, identify the presence of foreign bodies inside the kidneys or bladder, and more.

In the medical center "Unimed-S" on the South-West urological ultrasound is usually performed as the initial stage of diagnostic measures, which are carried out in case of suspicion of the development of pathological disorders in the pelvic organs of the patient.
Urological ultrasound on Leninsky Prospekt in our clinic can be performed using various types of sensors. Depending on this characteristic, the study may be:

  1. Transabdominal - an external sensor is used, the study is carried out through the wall of the abdominal cavity.
  2. Tranrectal - the sensor is inserted into the rectum.

When can a doctor prescribe this test?

Urological ultrasound is prescribed in the case when the patient goes to the doctor with certain complaints:

  • violation of the processes of urination;
  • the occurrence of pain when emptying the bladder;
  • the appearance of false urges at night;
  • detection in the urine of foreign impurities of a different nature (pus, blood);
  • feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • various injuries in the urinary system.

Ultrasound in urology at the Unimed-S Center (South-West Administrative District) is additionally used in the diagnostic and treatment process aimed at eliminating erectile and fertile abilities in men. Timely detected pathologies of the scrotum and penis organs help in solving the problems of male infertility. In addition, the need to sign up for a urological ultrasound in the South Administrative District also arises if there is a suspicion of the formation of neoplasms in the urinary system, which are both benign and malignant.

When not to conduct research

The safety of the ultrasound technique limits the list of conditions under which it cannot be used. With regard to ultrasound in urology, contraindications are:

  • in the presence of damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes with which the ultrasonic sensor must come into contact (dermatological lesions, burns, inflammatory processes);
  • after surgical interventions, both on the intestines and on the pelvic organs;
  • transabdominal examination will be uninformative if the patient is obese;
  • transrectal ultrasound cannot be performed with a pronounced lesion of the intestinal walls (hemorrhoids, non-healing cracks in the anus, fistulas, and others);
  • the increased gas formation in the patient (flatulence) can complicate the diagnostic process.

Research methodology

When performing a transabdominal ultrasound, the patient must fill the bladder in advance (drink at least two glasses of water a couple of hours before the procedure). To obtain an image of the internal organs, a small amount of gel-conductor is first applied to the sensor and, gradually changing its position on the patient's abdominal wall, the organ is examined in various projections.
Before using the transrectal sensor, a condom is put on it and a small amount of gel is also applied. This eliminates the occurrence of any discomfort in the patient during the examination, including pain. You can get detailed information on how to prepare for the examination by signing up for a consultation with a urologist (SWAO).

Where to do a urological examination in Moscow

In the Unimed-S medical center in Yasenevo, almost anyone can do a urological ultrasound, since an affordable price is provided for the procedure. We guarantee a highly qualified individual approach to each patient and obtaining the most accurate examination results in the shortest possible time, subject to complete confidentiality.

Cost of procedures

The cost of urological ultrasound in the medical institutions of our network in Moscow depends on the area in need of examination.

Our specialists

Services list Prices
Application anesthesia before catheterization 200 rub.
Taking swabs from the urethra 300 rub.
Diagnostic massage of the prostate gland with secretion for research 1000 rub.
Cystostomy replacement 1500 rub.
Replacement of a cystostomy at home 3500 rub.
Instillation of drugs into the bladder 650 rub.
Bladder catheterization of a woman 700 rub.
Male bladder catheterization 1200 rub.
Primary urologist's consultation 1500 rub.
Urologist repeated consultation 1300 rub.
Laser therapy apparatus Matrix 1000 rub.
Therapeutic prostate massage 850 rub.
Surgical treatment of hydrocele 18000 rub.
Surgical treatment of narrowing of the foreskin of the penis 15900 rub.
Plastic frenulum of the penis 4900 rub.
Surgical treatment of varicocele (Marmar operation) 30000 rub.
Removal of atheroma of the scrotum up to 2 pcs 6000 rub.
Removal of atheroma of the scrotum 3-5 pcs 9000 rub.
Removal of atheroma of the scrotum, multiple from 5 pcs 12000 rub.
Removal of a foreign body from the urethra 1500 rub.
Removal of a urethral polyp 7800 rub.
Electrolaser therapy, AELT apparatus (urology) 1000 rub.

Urology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of diseases associated with the genitourinary system, the male reproductive system, and the adrenal glands. In order to timely identify diseases of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to conduct research, in medicine this procedure is called urological ultrasound. It is believed that ultrasound in andrology is one of the most effective research methods.


Many urologists prefer ultrasound, believing that this is the best way to diagnose diseases at an early stage of development. The data that can be obtained during the examination is always sufficient to establish an accurate diagnosis. This is undoubtedly a plus, since you can avoid other costly and unpleasant procedures.

The main ultrasound technique is the use of ultrasound. The monitor screen displays a flat or three-dimensional image.

Indications for the procedure

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is a comprehensive examination. At the time of examination of the bladder, it is necessary to check how much urine remains in the bladder after emptying. During the examination of the prostate, the structure of the lymph nodes and tissues is studied. In seminal vesicles, it is necessary to check whether spermatozoa have viability.

The main indications for ultrasound are as follows:

  • The process of urination is disturbed.
  • When emptying the bladder, a man feels severe pain. It may not always occur. Many people think that maybe it's a cold, and soon everything will pass. However, the longer no measures are taken, the more often and more the pain will bother.
  • At night, the patient wakes up with a desire to go to the toilet, however, this is just a false signal.
  • Together with urine, pus and blood are excreted. This is a rather alarming symptom, which in no case should be ignored.
  • Erection does not occur. Increasingly, a man begins to face the fact that during intimacy he does not have an erection, or it is rather weak.
  • Neoplasms were found in the pelvic organs.
  • The genitourinary system of the man was injured. This can happen during training, or accidentally at home.
  • Diagnosed with infertility. For a long time, a man cannot conceive a child, and all attempts end in disappointment.

Before the operation takes place, the man must undergo an ultrasound examination. After the operation, a study can also be carried out in order to evaluate the result of the operation, as well as to prevent possible complications in advance.

Since the study is safe, experts do not single out absolutely any contraindications. Only a few limitations can be identified, for example, if the skin on the area under study is injured.

What pathologies can be detected in the study

In fact, quite dangerous diseases and pathologies can develop in the pelvic organs in men. They do not always make themselves felt by some symptoms, they can only be detected with the help of ultrasound. During the study, the following pathologies and diseases can be detected:

  • The presence of inflammatory or infectious processes.
  • What is the problem with conceiving a child.
  • Neoplasms.
  • What causes kidney stones.

The main purpose of the study is to identify the causes of disruption of the pelvic organs. After the examination, the specialist will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Conducting and preparing for transabdominal ultrasound

The ultrasound procedure is carried out with a special sensor that passes along the wall of the abdominal cavity. Thanks to ultrasonic waves, all data on the state of internal organs will be displayed on the monitor screen.

The study reveals the following problems:

  • whether there are violations in the prostate, its size, shape and structure;
  • the presence of pathologies of the bladder;
  • whether there are formations in the genitourinary system.

The most important indicator is the volume of urine. In order to install it, you need to drink a lot of fluid, after the bladder is filled, it is checked by ultrasound. After that, the patient is asked to defecate, then the study is repeated.

Before performing urological ultrasound, it is necessary to prepare the patient. As mentioned above, the bladder must first be filled.

Important: you need to drink one to two liters of gas-free water!

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to eliminate the existing symptoms of gas formation. 2-4 days before the start of the examination, you need to change your diet, eliminating from the diet all foods that can cause gas formation. If necessary, you can take medications that will help get rid of excess gases.

At the time of the procedure, the patient should take a comfortable position on the couch, in a position with his back down. A gel is applied to the skin of the abdominal cavity, allowing ultrasound to penetrate into the tissues of the organs. After that, the specialist drives the sensor over the place where the gel was applied, slightly pressing.

The procedure is completely painless, it takes no more than 20 minutes to complete. After its completion, the identified indicators are entered into the research protocol, noting the norm or deviations. The document is given to the patient, after which the doctor who sent him for examination will decipher all the indicators. An ultrasound specialist urologist andrologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

What are the features of ultrasound with a rectal sensor

An ultrasound examination through the rectum is called transrectal. Recently, it has been used to examine the pelvic organs in men if there is no other examination available. So, for example, if a small formation cannot be detected, transrectal ultrasound is used during an abdominal examination.

If patients are not sure about the correctness of their diagnosis, they come back to the medical facility for this examination. In addition, it allows you to identify such pathologies as prostate adenoma or a violation in the functioning of the genital organs.

In order for a rectal examination to be performed correctly, the patient must be prepared. First of all, this refers to the release of the rectum from the contents in it. For this, the patient is given a special cleansing enema.

The procedure is mandatory, as fecal masses accumulated in the intestines can interfere with the examination.

A rectal urologic ultrasound may cause some discomfort and pain. The patient is in a supine position, on his side, his legs are bent at the knees. Before starting the study, the specialist examines the rectum by palpation. Then the sensor is lubricated with a special substance and inserted into the rectum.

Not a single disease should be left unattended, even if some symptoms seem harmless to you and do not cause any concern, you still need to visit a medical facility. The earlier this or that disease is detected, the less negative consequences will be in the end. In the direction of an andrologist, ultrasound can be done both in a regular clinic and in a private clinic.

Appointment with a urologist in the clinic and calling a urologist at home

Admission is strictly by appointment!

Doctor Plus LLC License No. LO-77-01-004801

Urological ultrasound for women allows you to timely identify the main causes leading to the development of diseases and prescribe a modern and complete treatment. Using this technique, you can easily and quickly determine the most common diseases of the urological sphere in women.

Very often, when urological problems appear, women mistakenly turn to a gynecologist for an appointment. To understand the causes and determine the exact diagnosis, you need to contact a urologist. It is fashionable to undergo an examination and get a consultation with a urologist by contacting our clinic.

When is a Urologic Ultrasound Necessary?

Urological ultrasound for women in our clinic in Moscow, it is performed when a woman has the following clinical signs:

  • Complaints of intense pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lumbar region with irradiation to the thigh or groin.
  • Cramping increasing nature of pain, accompanied by signs of general intoxication.
  • Severe pain during intercourse.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, as well as cutting and burning during urination.
  • A change in the color of urine and vaginal discharge in a woman is the appearance of an admixture of blood and pus.
  • Increase in general body temperature with headache and signs of general malaise.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. It is possible to undergo an examination for a fee with the most qualified specialists of our clinic using the most modern equipment.

How is an ultrasound urological examination performed?

In order to conduct the most high-quality examination and receive effective and high-quality treatment, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the procedure. A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the intestines for this, all foods that increase gas formation must be excluded from the diet. These products include cabbage, buckwheat, legumes, black bread, carbonated drinks.

It is possible to take enzymatic preparations and preparations that help reduce the formation of gases in the intestine before the examination. For constipation, you can take activated charcoal and laxatives or decoctions of plants. In some cases, the examination is carried out using a rectal probe. Before such an examination, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema. Ultrasound examination is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before it starts.

Major urological diseases in women

When conducting an ultrasound examination, the following diseases of the urological profile can be detected in women.

  • Inflammatory processes in the bladder and adjacent fatty tissue - pericystitis and cystitis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the renal pelvic system - pyelonephritis.
  • Inflammation in the ureters or urethra is called urethritis.
  • Tumors in the bladder of a different nature.
  • Urolithiasis disease. This disease is severe and requires especially careful attention.

In addition to these diseases, you can find a number of purely female health problems. These include salpingitis and cysts in the ovaries, as well as neoplasms in the uterus and its appendages. Only timely seeking help from specialists can avoid the development of serious complications.