
What to do if last year's Thursday salt remains. How to make strong and effective salt conspiracies. Application for livestock and crops

In the rituals of Orthodox culture in Russian cuisine, a product such as black (Thursday, or Thursday) salt is used. For its preparation, many points are important. One of the conditions is the cooking date: it is made on Maundy Thursday before Easter. That is, this salt can be made only once a year, at night or in the morning on this day of Holy Week.

Historical background

It is called black salt due to the fact that after being treated with fire, it changes its color. It is heat treatment that allows the salt to be purified; this is one of the most powerful options for energy cleansing. To enhance the magical properties of the product, special "Sunday" firewood is placed in the oven. To collect them, you need to set aside one birch log on Sundays during Lent.

The healing power of Thursday salt is also strengthened by the fact that it is illuminated together with Easter cakes. This recipe does not apply to the history of the Christian religion, it was used exclusively in the villages of Russian peasants, who passed it on from generation to generation.

The benefits of Thursday salt

The healing properties of black salt attracted the attention of scientists, and they learned its chemical composition. It turned out that the content of heavy metals in it is very small, almost tens of times less than in an ordinary product. In addition, there is practically no chlorine in the prepared Thursday salt, which, in fact, causes thirst after eating salty foods and provokes edema. That is, the cooked black salt contains much less harmful substances that have a bad effect on the human body.

At the same time, the ash that appears during the cooking process enriches the product with many useful microelements, namely calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine and others. That is why black salt is recommended for people with kidney and heart problems. It is also recommended for those who have hypertension, osteochondrosis, obesity and digestive problems. In addition, this salt contains carbon, which helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. It should be noted that Thursday salt is not only healthy, but also extremely aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

Application as medicine

During the Easter holidays, it is customary to paint and consecrate boiled eggs. It is they who need to be salted with black salt. From the mystical side, it is advised to use it if ailments arise or an evil eye is found. In addition, knowledgeable people are advised to rub it on sore spots. Some say that it will be enough just to eat food salted with it. Thursday salt has the widest application in folk medicine.

There are also specific uses for this natural medicine. For example, a person who has stomach problems should pour salt from the tip of a knife onto his tongue every day after breakfast and suck it up. The result of an improvement in the condition manifests itself very quickly, but for a complete recovery, this procedure must be carried out for two months.

Application for livestock and crops

Thursday salt was also used for diseases of livestock. The villagers threw a pinch of the dish into the water and fed the animals with salted bread. And so that the cow did not get sick, at the first pasture in the herd, a bag of this salt was placed in her bosom as a talisman against various ailments.

Black salt was also used to improve the yield. It was added to the grain with ash before sowing, it was believed that this way the stems would germinate better and would be large and healthy. In order for the vegetables to grow well, they were watered with a solution of water and Thursday salt.

Use as a talisman

In the old days, it was believed that the Thursday salt is a strong amulet for travelers and soldiers. Therefore, they sewed it into an amulet and made a pendant out of it. Many itinerant men wore it around their necks next to a cross.


No tricky ingredients are needed to make this unique and versatile dish. Many are interested in how to make quaternary salt. The oldest methods of making it include coarse salt and thick kvass or soaked rye bread crumb. Salt and bread should be put in equal proportions. After mixing all this, they laid it out in a bast shoe or wrapped it in a rag and put it in a preheated oven. Some used coals for its preparation, filling the future dish completely, leaving it for about 3-4 hours, and then taking it out. After the baked mixture had cooled, it was placed in a mortar and pounded, grinding to the maximum. Further, the product had to be carried to the church for consecration. It was believed that only after this does the salt acquire medicinal and magical properties. It used to be that a lot of Thursday salt was cooked so that there would be enough until next Easter. It was decided to keep it for icons.

Recipe with thick kvass or rye bread

You need to take on Maundy Thursday kvass or rye bread with rock salt. The bread is cut into small pieces and soaked in water. Then all this must be mixed, the approximate proportions are a kilogram of salt and five kilograms of bread. Spicy herbs are also added if desired. If salt is needed for treatment, then they are selected depending on their healing qualities. If you plan to use it just for food, then choose spices depending on your preferences.

This is how the quaternary salt is made. How to cook next? Very simple, you need to preheat the oven to the maximum (at least 250 degrees) and, putting the salt on a baking sheet, send it inside. You need to bake it until it turns black. While it is baking, prayers need to be read. The result is a large black cake that looks like a burnt cake. You need to break it into small pieces and crush it in a wooden mortar. At the same time, it is also necessary to read prayers.

Rye flour recipe

You need to cook, most importantly, on Maundy Thursday. You need a cast-iron frying pan, a kilogram of rock salt is poured onto it. Then a glass of flour is added. The mixture must be stirred clockwise, and it is very important to use only a wooden spoon. The mixture must be ignited until the quaternary salt is completely black.

The recipes are, in principle, very similar to each other. Then it is left on the stove until midnight. Only then can it be moved to a cloth bag or jar. During the whole process, it is advisable to read prayers.

Recipe with cabbage leaves

On Maundy Thursday, the top green leaves are removed from the cabbage and chopped into small pieces. After that, the cabbage should be mixed with rock salt. Then the mixture is spread on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to maximum until black, reciting prayers. This is how the quaternary salt is made. How to cook next? After cooling, the resulting baked goods are crushed and pounded in a wooden mortar, also reading prayers.

It should be noted that salt will acquire medicinal and magical properties only after consecration. Therefore, you need to take the Thursday salt and go to the service. It is important to note that you need to be in the church from the beginning of the service until its end, without leaving the shrine.


There are many ways to use quaternary salt, and different beliefs associated with it. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Keeping black salt in the house will save you from thieves, intrusion, evil eye, evil and other negative energy.
  2. You can put salt in a cloth and use it as an amulet, as a talisman.
  3. By sprinkling salt in the corners of the apartment, you can get rid of evil and erase the negative from the energy field of the room.
  4. To build a relationship with your loved one, you need to put a bag of salt under your pillow.
  5. When an ill-wisher or enemy appears in the room, you need to treat him to a dish with this salt. She will not allow him to harm the owners of the apartment. And after he leaves, it is worth sprinkling the traces of the ill-wisher with pinches of black salt to take him away from the house.
  6. To return mutual understanding and good relations to the family, you should put a pinch of salt at the head of the bed of each family member.
  7. In case of diseases, you can dilute a pinch of black salt in a glass of water and drink it: this will strengthen the immune system and help to cope with the disease faster.
  8. You can use it while bathing by adding it to the bath. She is able to prolong youth and give the body beauty and health.
  9. Pouring black salt into a wooden bowl and placing it in the center of the table is believed to attract wealth to the home.

Cleaning the house from negativity

There is one way to cleanse the house of negativity using quaternary salt. This will require two candles, black and red, and the actual salt. Before carrying out the purification ritual, you need to do a general cleaning in the room where it will take place. Light the gas with a very small fire and heat the black salt in a skillet. While it heats up, it will absorb all the negative energy from the apartment. By the way, if it is not possible to independently make the ingredients for the ritual, and the question "where to get Thursday salt" is relevant, it should be borne in mind that you can buy it only on Maundy Thursday near the church. After all, its energetic properties directly depend on the correct preparation and consecration.

Next, you need to light a black candle and walk with it around the perimeter of the entire apartment or house. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the corners and places where there is a large accumulation of various things. In this case, you need to mentally imagine how all the negative is burned out by the flame of this candle. You can recite prayers or mantras in the process. After you have passed the entire area of ​​the room to be cleaned, you need to put a candle in salt and let it burn out to the end. If the quaternary salt (the use of which is mandatory) begins to crack, this is a clear sign of the elimination of negative energy.

The next step is to take a red candle, a frying pan and go outside. With this, you need to reach the ground and bury the contents of the pan in it. After that, you should light a red candle and go into the house with it. This step symbolizes the filling of the room with new clean energy. In this case, you need to mentally imagine how energy enters the room. With this candle, you also need to walk around the perimeter of the entire apartment. After all these steps, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the room.

Basically, this is all the information that explains how to make quaternary salt and use it for a wide variety of purposes. This tool has come down to us since ancient times and was tested by our ancestors. Therefore, there is no point in doubting the effectiveness of using black salt. She helped our ancestors for centuries, will help us now to solve many problems and gain health and beauty.

Previously, not all food was salted, but only special. The one that was presented to the ancient gods and used in ritual meals. And this salt was used for a reason, it was prepared in a certain way in order to reveal its magical properties. Here is what the Book of the Hidden Tree of Life says about such salt:
“You need to take salt, the whitest one, so that it burns like silver in the light, crush it in a wooden mortar. Do this when the moon is old. Keep all days in the house, closer to the hearth. And then wait for the Clean Day and take it to the priest. After the ceremony, return Salt to your house. That salt of All Salts will become Salt, it is protection from any evil.
If there is a patient in the house, give him that Salt with water to drink.
If there is trouble in the house, pour it into every corner.
If there is a quarrel between the spouses, put a bag of Salt under the pillow.
If someone has left and does not return, throw a handful of Salt into the fire.
So that children grow up healthy, kind, beautiful and reasonable - throw a small pinch into the bathing water.
So that there was prosperity in the house - pour it into a wooden salt shaker, and put it in the middle of the table. If an ill-wisher comes into the house, serve him food, flavored with that Salt.
And if the enemy, then after his departure, sprinkle all traces of him with Salt.
To keep the mood in the house - throw a pinch under each bed, under the very headboard. "

How to make Thursday Salt today

First of all, you need to remember that Thursday Salt can be prepared only on one day of the year - on Holy or Maundy Thursday, that is, Thursday, falling on Holy Week, which precedes Easter.

To make it, you will need a pack of the most common rock salt of the coarsest grinding and 12 tablespoons of rye flour. You will also need a heavy-bottomed cast iron skillet, a wooden spoon, and a clean linen bag.

Salt and flour should be poured into a frying pan and put on fire. When you do this, be sure to say out loud (three times):

"Maundy Thursday, save from worms and every reptile and have mercy for a long time."

Then you have to roast the salt along with the flour until the flour is completely blackened. In this case, it is necessary to stir the flour with salt with a wooden spoon, be sure to clockwise.
The prepared salt should be left on the stove until midnight, and then only poured into a bag, which should be tied tightly.
Why cast iron frying pan? Because energy will not leak through cast iron, it has such a property. So if you don't have a cast-iron frying pan at home, take it from any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Just don't take aluminum dishes. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means that everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of Thursday Salt will not linger in such a dish, it will drain.
Instead of a linen bag, you can take any kitchen towel, only a new, unused one. And a wooden spoon ... or break off a twig from a young Christmas tree, clean the bark and mix with this fragrant stick.

How to get Thursday Salt into Power

The most important thing for any Object of Power is to make it so that it, this Thing, reveals that very Power in itself:
Not every seed becomes a tree, and not every trickle can lead to the ocean. It is necessary that the force that lives in them comes out, unfolds completely, and then they will become what they should be. So it happens with things, the power in them is great, but this is still half the battle. It is necessary to help this force to unfold, to manifest itself fully. And then a seemingly ordinary thing will turn into a powerful one. And each of the Things needs a special approach.
In order for the Thursday Salt to truly “settle” in the house, its power must be revealed, and then, even if it is simply stored in the house, it will already “work” in a certain way, help people living in that house. But Thursday Salt, like other Power Items, should be handled with respect.
After the Salt is made, literally immediately, the next morning, you need to get up at dawn, at a time when the sun is still rising, go to the front door with a bag of Thursday Salt (I remind you that the bag itself should be linen, and it is better bandage everything tightly), stand over the threshold, and then, stepping over it with your right foot, begin a complete walk around the dwelling. This should be done counterclockwise. But before you step through the threshold, you need to pronounce the following words, you can whisper:

"All Salts Salt, from Holy Thursday,
We are all dear
How did you come to the house
So the bitter trouble was gone.
Protect and help
Save the house from dashing. "

And when the whole apartment is bypassed - I repeat once again: you need to enter every room that has a door - again stand in front of the threshold, facing the exit, and say:

"All evil go away,
And happiness come.
I lock the word
I seal it with salt. "

It is imperative to store Quarter Salt in the kitchen, closer to the stove. But so that her prying eye could not see, and in no case tell strangers about it. Such salt is a kind of panacea, it helps with many diseases, both physical and mental, "heals" and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Here are some things you shouldn't mix with Quarter Salt:
garbage, litter, dust, dirty water;
rusty nails or any other iron items touched by rust;
food waste, spoiled food.

But if you look at it, then all of the above is unlikely to be in the house of good owners who take care of their home. So, if you keep order, then the positive effect of the Salt of All Salts will not be limited by anything.

Salt of All Salts can be offered to the Brownie. And it is not only possible to do this, but also necessary, he will be grateful to you for this. For such an offering, a little Salt should be poured into a wooden or ceramic bowl or into an ordinary saucer and placed in a secluded corner, preferably under the cabinet, with the words:

"What is good for a man,
That and the Domovoi - for the good,
Take, friend of the Brownie, Thursday Salt,
For joy and health. "

After a few days, when you feel that your Brownie gift has been accepted and appreciated, the Salt should be removed. But do not throw it into the garbage chute or rinse it off in the sink under running water. Power Items cannot be disrespectfully treated, much less Thursday Salt. It should be sent back to the world through the window or from the balcony into the world, so that it all scattered in the wind, and at the same time say the following words:

"As from the good world came,
So she went to a kind world,
Fluttering in the wind
Sowing into the good land. "

Than the Thursday Salt can be replaced

There are situations when there is no Thursday Salt in the house, whether it was all over or it was not possible to make it. In such cases, this is what you need to do - take the most ordinary, natural, no additives salt, and give it strength for a while with the help of a special conspiracy. And you can use it in the same way as the Fourth Salt, but remember that the Power of such salt does not last long, no more than a month. And if you have to perform any ritual with the use of Strong Salt, then prepare the salt the day before so that the Power does not have time to get lost in it.

Strong Salt Making Ritual

The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, preferably just before the full moon. For this you need 1 glass of table salt. To perform the ritual, you should stand in front of the window and take a glass of salt in your left hand, then take a pinch of salt from this glass with your right hand and, holding it in your hand, say:

"From the sky and from the earth
Gather strength to yourself,
Become, Salt, strong
Needed for any business. "

Then you should put the charmed salt back into the glass to the rest of the salt. But this must be done in a special way. Conspirated salt should be, as it were, "salt" on top, circling clockwise with your hand. Then you need to leave the salt on the window for a day, and then pour it into a linen bag. Such Strong Salt can be used in all conspiracies and rituals instead of Thursday, but at the same time, of course, we must not forget that the strength of such salt is much weaker, and such salt cannot be used in the house as the Main Item of Power.

Information about Thursday salt will not be complete, if you do not mention more about the methods of its preparation.

Thursday salt, spoken by prayer

On Thursday, choosing a time between sunrise and sunset, take table salt (preferably finely ground), and pour it into a new, never used wooden or glass bowl, in which the consecration will take place. Place your hands over the salt house and say the prayer:
“God, Our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Jeremiah in Jerekhon, and so, by means of salt, made harmful water healthy! Bless this salt yourself and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and to You we send glory, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".
After that, put the salt in the bowl on the windowsill for three days so that the sun and moonlight fall on it, endowing our charmed salt with its subtle energies. After this time, the salt is ready for use.

Thursday salt consecrated with gold and silver

It should be clarified that the term "consecrated" in magic means a thing, an object made using a certain rite and having additional characteristics compared to the original sample. Thus, the consecrated salt has more powerful cleansing properties than the one spoken through prayer.
To create this salt, you will need regular table salt and gold and silver jewelry. It can be a bracelet, chain, ring - but without stones, made of cast metal. The ideal jewelry for the ceremony is a massive gold wedding ring and a cast silver wrist bracelet, or thick chains of gold and silver - thin silver and gold chains are too lightweight and do not have strong energy. The ceremony is held for three consecutive days in the morning.

First day: heat the salt in a frying pan over an open fire for 30 minutes, then, without letting it cool, pour it into a glass jar in which it will be stored, put a piece of pure gold jewelry in it and close the lid tightly. Leave the jar in a dark place for a day.

Second day: remove the gold item, heat the salt over an open fire for 20 minutes and put it back into the jar. Put a silver jewelry in it and close the lid for a day.

Third day: remove the silver item, ignite the salt a third time over the fire for 10 minutes, then place the pan on the table in front of you and while the salt cools, place your hands over the salt to feel the heat that comes from it. Breathing slowly and steadily, hold your hands over the salt for about 10 minutes, charging it with its own energy. Then pour into the jar and close the lid tightly: the salt is ready.

Methods for preparing Thursday Salt for illuminating it in the temple:

On Maundy Thursday, mix the leavened thick (after fermentation of the wort) with coarse rock salt. Instead of kvass grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt 5 kg of bread), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 gr. C and cook until the bread turns black. Grind the resulting mixture and filter through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of ordinary salt.

Chop the green top leaves from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn in the oven or oven.

Mix spicy herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (leavened milk) and burn in the oven or oven. This delicious and healing salt is still being prepared in Kostroma and is called Kostroma black salt.

On Maundy Thursday, take some salt with you to church, with which you need to defend the service.

Table of nutrients found in salt:


1. Buy 3 packs of coarse (rock) salt in advance. Can be shallow without

Yoda, but the effect will be worse.

2. Buy grain rye in advance. If rye is difficult to find, you can buy

Oat grains. As a last resort, oatmeal is suitable. One handful is enough to make salt.

3. Buy 3 church candles in advance.

Bless, Lord, and help me, Thy sinful servant (my name), to complete the work I have begun for Thy glory, O Lord!

7. Turn on the stove, light a church candle and put it in the candlestick on

Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth; Give us our daily bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

9. On a clean baking sheet, pour all the salt, rye seeds, stir and

Draw a cross on the salt.

To the Creator and Bearer of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation: Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (salt), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, who wants to use it, it will help to bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

11. Put the salt in the oven (medium temperature). According to the rules of salt

Must be calcined in the oven for 8 hours. But this is difficult to do in urban conditions. Therefore, the minimum amount of time is the burning time of three small church candles.

Things". If there is holy water, then sprinkle the salt with holy water crosswise. When the salt has cooled down, pour it into a canvas bag (you can put it in an old, washed pillowcase). Salt retains its properties throughout the year.

Easter eggs are eaten with Thursday salt. This salt can be added to ordinary salt shakers, eaten during periods of ailments and illness, and also given a pinch to pets.


Since you made the salt only today, you can only do such cleaning of the apartment next year. But you can buy last year's Thursday salt in an Orthodox monastery shop in advance and cleanse your home.


Thursday salt.

A pack of regular salt.

Thursday candle.

An ordinary church candle.


Additionally: incense with charcoal, holy water, brush (or sprinkler).

1. On Monday or Tuesday of Holy Week (in 2013 it is April 30 or 31), mix a handful of Thursday salt with a pack of ordinary salt and sprinkle it in the corners of the apartment, going clockwise. Draw a cross with salt in the center of the apartment and under each bed. At the end, it is good to wake up the entrance threshold of the house.

2. On a clean Thursday early in the morning or on the eve of Wednesday evening, sweep all the salt, put it in a bag and throw it out into the trash or under a vampire tree (spruce, aspen, poplar). If salt remains somewhere, it's not scary.

3. Additionally, you can walk around the apartment (clockwise) with burning incense (for this, put a circle of church coal in a spoon, put a piece of incense on the coal and light them with matches). Then walk through the house with a lit church candle and at the end spray all corners crosswise with holy water.

Thursday salt for home protection.


Thursday salt is made on Maundy Thursday.
This salt is considered healing from physical ailments, from quarrels and damage, serves as a talisman.

You can do this:
Each family member grabs a handful of salt in his fist - how much will fit and put in a separate bag. The rest of the family put salt in the same bag - the Thursday salt is ready.

A selection of how our ancestors made the Thursday salt in different weights.

1. Based on kvass grounds
On Maundy Thursday, mix the leavened thick (after fermentation of the wort) with coarse rock salt. Instead of kvass grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt 5 kg of bread), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 gr. C and cook until the bread turns black. Grind the resulting mixture and filter through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of ordinary salt.

2.With cabbage leaves
Chop the green top leaves from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn in the oven or oven.

3.With spicy herbs
Mix spicy herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (leavened milk) and burn in the oven or oven. This delicious and healing salt is still being prepared in Kostroma and is called Kostroma black salt.

4. Salt from service
On Maundy Thursday, take some salt with you to church, with which you need to defend the service.

5. More options
In some places it was burned in a furnace, in others it was consecrated in a church, left overnight on a table, or taken out into the street under the stars.

6. Salt, from three houses
On Maundy Thursday, salt is taken from three houses.

You can use any of the above rituals.

It is worth remembering that SALT itself is a good neutralizer of the negative.

Cleaning and protection with salt.
This ritual is performed on Thursdays because Thursday is considered a clean day. Take care of cleaning with a magical component.
Pour the unwashed water into a basin. Take a handful of salt in your left hand, and slowly pour it into the basin, while pronouncing the conspiracy words three times:
"The salt of Thursday I sprinkle the devil on the horns. The horns will fall away, all ailments and troubles will pass away. May it be so. Century after century, from now to century. My word is strong. Amen."
When sweeping the floor with a broom, rinse it periodically in the basics with charmed water. When sweeping, sentence:
"Not rubbish, I will take away a thousand troubles and misfortunes with a broom."
When wet cleaning, the same can be done with a rag.
According to the magic rules, cleaning should start from the threshold in a clockwise direction and end in the center of the room. After cleaning, everything in the house must be sprinkled with slightly clean salt water, and the dirty water must be poured over the threshold. In a city high-rise building, pour it down the toilet and flush it three times.

Protecting your home from harm (with salt).
In a regular mailing envelope, preferably completely white, pour a small handful of salt with your right hand, taken from a new pack. Speak to her three times:
"I pour salt under the threshold, I gain protection from all dark forces. Whoever comes with bad thoughts will take everything back. Amen. Amen. Amen."
Seal the envelope and place it under the rug on the outside of the front door. You need to change the envelope once a month. Take the old one only with a protected hand and burn it on an open fire away from home.

Everyone knows about the truly magical properties of Thursday salt. Thursday salt is used to protect the house from evil, to remove spoilage, to attract customers, to treat illness, to provide wealth in the house. Its possibilities are endless!
Let's first figure out what kind of salt it is and where to get it? It is prepared only one day a year - on Maundy Thursday around midnight. You will need a pack of the most common salt (preferably coarsely ground), 12 tablespoons of rye flour.
Pour salt and flour into a cast iron skillet and heat. Say aloud three times:

"Maundy Thursday, from worms and from every reptile, save and have mercy for a long time."

Heat the salt, stirring it with a wooden spoon, until the flour turns black. Place the prepared salt in a bag and store at home.
If you feel that the house is not okay, an evil person came to visit, quarrels and disagreements began more often, the house or family members need magical protection, then use the spoken salt. Thursday salt will protect you from evil and protect your home.
Stand on the doorstep of your house, take salt in your hand, and say the following protective words before stepping outside the door.
So, the words of the conspiracy on Thursday salt to protect the house.

“All Salts Salt, from Holy Thursday,
We are all dear
How did you come to the house, so the bitter trouble went away,
Protect and help, save your house from dashing. "

Walk around the entire apartment counterclockwise, stepping over all the thresholds that are in the apartment with the words of the conspiracy, until you return back to the front door.
Then say:

“All evil go away,
And happiness come
Locking my words
I seal it with salt. "

Do not forget to perform such a rite of cleansing the house from evil, and you and your home will be protected from the intrigues of enemies.

It is imperative to store Quarter Salt in the kitchen, closer to the stove. But so that her prying eye could not see, and in no case tell strangers about it. Such salt is a kind of panacea, it helps with many diseases, both physical and mental, "heals" and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Black Thursday salt is a special product with many useful properties. It is harvested on Maundy Thursday, consecrated in church, and then used to strengthen health, attract love and prosperity, preserve youth and beauty.

Thursday salt differs from ordinary salt not only in its rich black color. It is special because it has healing and magical properties. Therefore, it is an ingredient in folk healing medicines, an attribute of white ceremonies and rituals.

Salt is harvested on Maundy Thursday, and then consecrated in the church. It is advisable to prepare a large supply so that it will last for a whole year. You can do it yourself, or you can purchase sacred salt at the church shop.

Classic cooking recipe:

  1. Salt is fried in a pan or placed in a Russian oven. Sometimes a little rye flour is added
  2. Then they wait until the mixture acquires a rich black color.
  3. After that, add a little kvass grounds, evaporate the excess liquid (dried in the sun)
  4. Finally, the black lumps are crushed with a wooden mortar.

To make the rite of consecration even more effective, put some salt in a bag and go to church, read a prayer in front of the icons. And then keep this bag at home, in a secluded place.

Watch a video about quaternary salt:

Conspiracies and rituals

There are many plots using Thursday salt. Let's talk about the most common ones.

Another popular ritual is aimed at eliminating negative magical programs - damage or love spell. What do we have to do:

  • Prepare a weak saline solution: 5 g of salt per liter of water. Use only water taken from a natural source or thawed water. Plumbing won't work.
  • Give the prepared mixture to drink to the person who has been bewitched or "spoiled". He should drain the salt water container completely within half an hour.
  • If, after the ritual, a person starts to feel sick, the ritual must be repeated the next day. Unpleasant symptoms are a sign that spoilage is leaving the body.

There is a very simple conspiracy from alcoholism - you have to wait until the alcoholic falls asleep, sprinkle salt on his body and say the magic words: “Vodka is bitter, just as people don’t salt it, so it will not bond you. May it be so".