
For men get confidence runes. Sex bets are strong runes of love. Simple formulas for a man's love

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The power of runes is a gift from the gods to people. They were an ancient alphabet and oracle, speaking the language of the gods of ancient Scandinavia. Today, interest in runes is very great, because this art allows you to guess, conjure, create amazing runic talismans. Many centuries ago, such talismans were used in Scandinavia, Iceland, England and Ireland. Knowledge about the power of runes and their influence on a person has spread throughout the world.

These signs carry the power of Heaven if you activate them correctly.

There are mascots for men and women, for home and work. Choose what you need. A correctly composed runic phrase has tremendous power influencing your life. Change the world around you for the better with a good talisman.

The power of runic signs

According to the legends, the Scandinavian god Odin chained himself to the roots of the World Ash Tree and hung there for 7 days. The roots were found in the gloomy world of Hel - the abode of spirits and the dead. There he learned the mystical power of the runes. For this knowledge had to give the left eye. One brought this knowledge to other gods, and they told the oracles, sorcerers, seers. Each rune is a letter and a symbol. They made up the alphabet. All signs are geometric, because they were carved on stone or wood. They have two meanings - part of the language and a special mystical meaning. Each of them has its own power. Runes can destroy, create, protect, curse, give a person what they want. Great Knowledge helps to communicate with the gods, ask them for support. Each rune is a vessel for powerful energy. From them, amulets are created with a variety of properties. In ancient times, the Scandinavians could not imagine life without the support of the gods. In their religion, the gods are the same people, but they have secret knowledge.

Make or buy?

Anyone could tell how he met Odin, the mighty Thor, the treacherous Loki, the beautiful Freya in his travels. Very often they received as a gift a magical item with runes. You can create such a talisman yourself. It is easiest to carve signs on a piece of wood, but is sometimes used:

  • animal skin;
  • bird feather;
  • a rock;
  • a precious metal;
  • clay;
  • bone;
  • embroidery on clothes.

It is best to do it yourself. So you put special powers into an object, it becomes a part of you. If you decide to buy, then look for runes inscribed on natural media. Gold, silver, wood, leather, bone. Plastic amulets do not carry those necessary natural forces.

Male mascots

For men, the most important qualities were strength, courage, ingenuity. Warriors were looking for divine protection, asked to direct their ax in battle. Today, the talismans have slightly changed their purpose. There was a business magic aimed at success, career, profit. Runes can help. And the rest - for real men, there were and remain traditional symbols and runic staves.

Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz, Inguz

Becoming Gebo-Uruz-Dagaz-Inguz

This is a very positive runic amulet for men of any age. Gebo makes it possible to establish personal relationships, fill them with trust, sexual energy. Inguz helps to follow the right path through life, gives inspiration. Dagaz reveals to a person his hidden powers, potential. Runa Uruz is very courageous. It is she who will give the owner of the talisman all the necessary masculine qualities. Can be cut on a wooden plate, always carry with you.

Runes of Male Health

This amulet is recommended to be worn after 40 years. It will help a man to remain strong, sexually active, attract the interest of women. The combination of three runes Teyvaz - Pertro-Inguz creates this effect. Teyvaz will give male strength and good potency, this is the rune of real warriors. Pertro and Inguz give wisdom, charm. The runic formula helps to be in good physical shape and improves mood. It works best when carved on a piece of bone.

Runes for the most charming and attractive

Teyvaz, Inguz, Soulo, Vunyo, Kenaz, Berkana

This becoming makes its owner a charismatic, interesting, desirable man. Women pay attention and literally fight for your favor. Teivaz-Inguz-Soulu-Vunyo-Kenaz-Berkano is a long formula. Kenaz helps to make you sexually attractive, Soulu gives a powerful charge of positive solar energy, and Teyvaz and Inguz will give you all the necessary masculine qualities: strength, stamina, courage. Materials: wood, stone, leather.

Single runes-talismans

Even one correct rune can greatly help a person.

Teyvaz - career assistance, focus on results. The rune of a warrior will make a man brave, decisive, but careful.

Ansuz - will help in his personal life. She treats infertility, for this she is embroidered three times on her underwear with red threads. She will improve her personal life, give confidence in her abilities.

Uruz - in order to make a man strong, physically active. This is the rune of athletes.

Mannaz is a symbol of man. This sign reveals your hidden abilities, gives support in all endeavors. It has exceptional masculine energy.

Most often, these talismans are carved on a piece of wood: oak, ash, cedar.

Women's talismans

These talismans call on Freya and Frigga for energy support. Many women use rune magic to maintain youth, beauty, love spells, protection during pregnancy. Like many centuries ago, symbols can be applied to a wooden comb, a jar of cream or shampoo. There are even runes for burning excess fat.

Formula of female attractiveness

The Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulu formula makes a woman desirable and attractive. Such an amulet can be carried with you all the time if you are actively looking for a partner. Runa Berkano personifies femininity. Soul and Gebo will give the joy of relationships. This is a kind of love spell. He will help you find your love. For those who are already married - put it at home under the bed, but discreetly.

Becoming a happy woman

The Berkan-Pertro-Nautiz formula will help fulfill your desires. Pertro - the rune of dreams, dreams. When you really want something, then draw these signs on a piece of genuine leather, carry it with you. This way you can find a good job, go on an amazing journey or realize your dreams.

Talisman of the perfect figure

The long modern formula Evaz-Mannaz-Ansuz-Soulu-Ansuz-Nautiz-Yera-Laguz-Soulu-Raido will help you achieve the perfect figure. There are several options for how to use it:

  • Apply to a bottle of body milk, use it every evening.
  • Draw on the food you are eating.
  • Apply to a wooden plate, carry with you in your trouser pocket.

The powerful energy of Soulu burns fat, Raido does not let you go astray, and the rest of the runes in combination help to achieve ideal proportions.

Becoming for quick conception

If you are unable to conceive a child, do not despair. The formula Berkano - Inguz-Algiz - Yera - Fehu will help you. It must be drawn on some wooden element of your marriage bed. Berkano and Inguz will help a woman to conceive sooner - the whole body is activated, tuned in to pregnancy. Algiz will protect mother and baby during childbirth.

Berkana, Inguz, Algiz, Yera, Fehu

Talismans for home and family

Odin and Bragi protect family comfort. So that there is no damage from the eye on your house, the children do not get sick, and there is always peace between husband and wife - create a home runic amulet.

Protecting your property

This talisman must be carved from wood and kept at home. Inguz-Algiz is a powerful combination of two protective runes. They protect property from thieves and fires.

Prosperity of the house and its inhabitants

Three runes of Fehu - Inguz-Algiz will help to make the house a full bowl. It is a pleasure to come back here, your home is cozy, satisfying and always in a good mood. Embroidered on white natural fabric, which will need to be placed at the front door.

Protection from spoilage and evil eye

Turisaz-Teivaz-Turisaz will protect from all negative influences. Turisaz is the hammer of Thor, which will punish, punish the one who wishes harm to your family. Runes of powerful protection against magic. They need to be cut or written on the jamb of the front door and window frames. So negative energy will not pass to you.

Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz

Runic amulets and talismans with special properties

Special runic amulets were very desirable in the days of the ancient Scandinavians. They had truly magical properties:

  • could make invisible;
  • gave the ability to speak with animals or birds;
  • had a powerful love spell effect on all virgins.

Only the gods themselves knew how to make such a talisman. They gave these amazing things to the heroes of legends and fairy tales. By combining runes, experimenting with their meaning, you can create amazing things. Why not, you can create a combination that will become unique and give you some new abilities. To do this, you need to devote your life to working with runes, studying them. Your author's formula deserves special attention. Having compiled it, be sure to diagnose by fortune-telling. You will need a set of runes for divination. You can also make them yourself. They will give a prediction of your new formula. Only after that start wearing the talisman. Everything is in your hands - magic removes any horizons.

Talisman Activation Rite

To activate the talisman, you need to perform a small ceremony. Choose which of the gods to turn to for help:





ritual sacrifice



Monday Friday

Evening night

Flowers, honey





Dark beer



Tuesday Wednesday


Dark beer, fire

Be sure to make a ritual sacrifice after the ritual - this will please the gods. The sacrifice is made under a tree, ash is best, but any old strong tree will do. Thank your helpers, give them a sacrifice. All sacrifices are made at night.

Everything you need

You will need:

  • Wax candle (Fire element);
  • Salt (Earth element);
  • Raw water (Water element);
  • Incense stick (air element);
  • Your talisman.

All this is arranged clockwise on your altar. The talisman is placed in the middle. Now the ritual must begin.


This is a shortened version of the ritual, but it must be taken very seriously.

  • Stand in front of your altar, light a candle and an incense stick. You need to light with matches, but not with a lighter.
  • Invoke each element with the words:

Fire, I invite you to take part in the activation of this talisman. Give him some of your power.

  • Get down on your knees, take the object with the runes in your hand. Tell:

"I conjure, in the name of Odin, by the power of the Runes, by the words of the High One."

    • Now name the properties that the talisman will have. This must be stated very clearly, because the result depends only on you. Be sure to prepare what you say ahead of time. The gods listen to your speech and look at you - they will appreciate your confidence in their words.
    • Hold the object for a while over each element of the element, and then lower it into the middle of the altar. There he must remain until the candle burns out.
    • Thank the elements, the gods for participating in the ritual.

You now have an activated magic item. Wear it more often so your energies will connect.

Using the knowledge of the secret meaning of the runes, you can create amazing items. Runic talismans are best made with your own hands, and not bought. Your connection to the subject will be much stronger this way. They protect, give people special traits of character, protect the house and family. You can create your happiness, well-being - use the Scandinavian runes and the correct rite of activation.


Runes help us in all spheres of life - it is not without reason that master runologists come up with more and more new patterns from these magical symbols. And especially often they are used by the fair sex, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Today we will just talk about the “female” topic and consider the runic standing on the love of a man, and also find out if such formulas are love spells.

How do runic stakes work on a man's love?

Everything is pretty simple here. The principle of operation of such ties is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to be attracted to the operator, think about him, pay attention, etc. The main difference between runic staves for a man’s love and ritual love spells is only that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the force of their influence begins to subside. That is why it is recommended, after activating the formula, not to sit back, but to participate in the situation. The runes give the object of sympathy a small push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting on his own.

So, for example, a girl activates a certain becoming, which arouses interest in her chosen one (for example, a work colleague). Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now he catches himself thinking that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, does not strike up a conversation with him, does not ask for his phone number, then after a couple of months the effect of the formula will come to naught. Although much here depends on the nature of the object. If the person you are bewitching with runes has a strong-willed, strong character, then under the influence of the stave, he himself can invite you on a date, but if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can simply silently dream about you, without making attempts to get closer. Therefore, it is important, using the situation created by the runes, to model the development of relations on your own.

Rules for applying, slandering and activating love stakes

All love formulas are usually applied to a photograph of the object of sympathy, or in some cases to a joint photo (if it is agreed separately). in any conventional way. The most important question is how to make a reservation for rune stakes on love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw a ligature, you must have an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this or that rune will act, or the entire formula, and be sure to say it. For example, you know that a bunch of Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to enter into partnerships with you - then say exactly this: “Nautiz and Gebo will force a man (it’s better to give a name) to start an equal love relationship with me that will bring joy to both of us. If you stipulate becoming a whole, you must definitely pronounce all, all, all the actions and changes that this formula will produce.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Before we move on to specific staves, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to bewitch a married man with runes? There is no consensus on this matter: some runologists warn that being runic on a photo of a married man for love may not work, while others allow you to try. Someone does not recommend taking a person out of the family in principle, while someone, on the contrary, assures that runes can do anything. The main thing is to understand that the love spell of a person who was not destined for you by fate can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a married man clearly has sympathy for you, and you are sure that he is “the one and only, unique”, then, of course, you can take a chance and try the love spell in action. But remember - only you are responsible for this.

Simple formulas for a man's love

If you don't want to mess around with very complicated formulas, try using simple ones in which the runes are simply written in a line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a photograph of a person to achieve a specific goal.

  • Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - - Vunyo - Yera will force the man with whom you are in a relationship to make you a marriage proposal
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
  • Gebo - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vunyo - Yera - a simple runic becoming, so that a man proposes to be together
  • Ansuz - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best light
  • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return your loved one who left you

Runic formula "Spider Web of Love" by Djess

The author, runologist Djess, created this proven runic love of a man when she fell deeply in love with a man, and he turned out to be married. The purpose of the formula was not the departure of a man from the family, but the preservation of relationships at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex binding that does not allow a man to leave you.

Runes that work

  • Stunginn Iss hides magical effect (subject doesn't feel bewitched)
  • A bunch of Gebo - Vunyo - Kenaz - creates a bright love relationship that will delight both partners
  • Nautiz - forces a man to the agreed actions
  • Uruz - creates a strong sexual attraction
  • Ansuz in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that a person is not only interested in sex, but also it would be nice to talk with a partner)

Runic becoming "Fire of love" from Sanea

This runic standing on the love of a man will not cause a strong, painful attachment to the object of sympathy - it will rather act very gently and delicately, awakening in a person the desire to communicate with you, keep in touch.

Working symbols

  • Teyvaz - the man we influence
  • - female operator (you can circle the rune with your own saliva or blood for binding)
  • Mirror Ansuz - a love spell that works through words
  • Nautiz in the background - forcing a person
  • A bunch of Ansuz - Nautiz - give rise to thoughts about this woman in the head of a man
  • Jera - makes the action of the formula permanent
  • Kenaz with Laguz awaken the flow of passion
  • Vunyo - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when the object communicates with the operator

The formula "Hook of love and marriage" from the runologist Angel

This runic standing on a man's crazy love was personally tested by an author named Angel. In her case, the object of sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their relationship lasted two years behind her back without any serious promises from the young man. Under the influence of the stav, the man left his constant girlfriend, moved to live with the operator, stopped hiding his new relationship from those around him and began to behave more attentively, gently.

Runes that work

  • Nautiz forces a person to behave accordingly
  • Vunyo - gives joy from communication with the operator
  • Mirror Vunyo makes him sad and in a bad mood away from the operator
  • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and gentle attitude of a man to a woman, for the revival of the strength of his love
  • forces him to conquer the object of his sympathy
  • Reverse Uruz breaks the resistance of a man to the work of stav
  • responsible for the result
  • Eyvaz forces family ties, living together
  • In the background: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the connection between people, direct and mirror Turisaz clear the way for a man to a woman

Runic becoming "According to my desire ..." from Bezdna

This proven runic love of a man works without hard coercion and side effects. It can be called rather a mess, and not a breaking of the will.

Since ancient times, runes have been used as occult symbols that can protect, increase well-being, endow a person with certain qualities, and also help attract love into life.

Runes possess powerful impact, you can not treat them without due respect. But if you address them correctly, believing in their strength and showing respect, you can radically change your life and make it the way you want.

The main thing is to carefully study the meaning of each rune and use only those symbols that are suitable for your situation.

Runes for love

There are combinations of signs, rune staves that can solve problems in your personal life, help you meet your soul mate or get married with an interested partner.

But before moving on to them, you should get acquainted directly with the runes that are most suitable for love questions. Knowing them, you will be able to come up with staves yourself, although if you have recently become acquainted with runes, it is better not to risk it and choose proven combinations.

So, basic runes associated with relationships:

  • Gebo. It means "gift" and symbolizes equality, partnership, where reciprocity reigns. She won't help create a family, but will bring to life relationships full of sincerity, spiritual intimacy and mutual assistance. It alone can be used to gain mutual understanding and common interests. To enhance the effect and create a family, you need to supplement it with other symbols.
  • Laguz. A female rune meaning "lake". It gives femininity, makes it more tender, gives attractiveness, reveals intuition. With its help, you can find a romantic relationship.
  • Evaz. She symbolizes marriage, an alliance built on mutual support. It helps to overcome stagnation, to give development to a situation that does not move from its place. Suitable for those who want spiritual kinship.
  • Otal. This is a home, family values. Suitable for those who dream of strong family in the classical sense. It will also help keep the family together.
  • Inguz. Fertility, male attractiveness, the fruits of hard work. Can make a revolution in relationships, clarify the situation, push everyone to manifest true feelings.


If you want to attract a man into your life with whom you plan to start a family or just enjoy a period of romance, use rune formulas or staves. Here we have collected some of the most effective ones.

If you want to start a family with a reliable person, use this formula - Gebo - Otal. you will meet practical companion who you can rely on. If you already have a loved one, but your relationship is not deep enough, you do not have enough affection, you will be helped runogram from several Laguz runes going in a row - two or three will be enough.

The combination of Berkan - Inguz - Uruz will increase the man's attraction to you and help to establish a sexual life. In addition, it can be helpful if you want to get pregnant.

Becoming on love, you can do this. Take the rune Inguz for its center, combine Laguz and Gebo, add Soul. Let all the runes intertwine with each other in a ligature. This becoming is dedicated to Makoshi, the female goddess, and he will help find love.

You can make it a little different, then he will keep the family. Remove Laguz, add Ansuz and Vunyo to Gebo. Vunyo will symbolize comfort and contentment, easy communication, and Soul will give development, new strength for love.


Many men want to meet a woman with whom they will feel good and comfortable. To do this, you can use the following formulas: Pertr - Mannaz - Gebo, Kenaz - Yera - Otil or Inguz - Gebo - Otil. All of them are aimed at attracting women.

If you need not just a girl for a while, but spouse with whom you want to go hand in hand all your life, use this runescript: Mannaz - Perth - Gebo - Berkana. He will give you courage and help you meet someone who will accept you for who you are.

When writing a formula, you should only think about what you expect from it, because it can work in different ways. It is advisable to say a reservation.

The combination of Teyvaz - Gebo - Vunyo will help to receive joy and ease in communicating with the female sex, if you write it, aiming precisely at this. Dagaz - Kenaz - Gebo - formula, which will help return love, restore relations with a girl.

You can make a becoming that will make a certain woman feel attracted, excited by the mere thought of who made it. Becoming looks like this: Teivaz - Ansuz - Naud + Laguz + Kano 8 times - Yera.

a certain person

For women who want to quickly find a family and become the wife of a particular person, it will come in handy runic becoming from a combination of the symbols of Inguz and Berkan.

They give good physical health for motherhood, help to look ready to become a wife in the eyes of a lover, direct his thoughts to marriage. It is best to put these symbols on a joint photo, but you can also wear them as a talisman.

If you are tired of the fact that the relationship does not get off the ground and nothing happens, use the following runic stave. At its center Freya's seal is drawn- the runes of Berkan and Inguz with horns, and then they are enclosed in the rune of Perto.

The formula will help to achieve some kind of result, some recommend using it for bewitching, but it happens that people break up because of it if nothing holds them together except habit. If you are ready for this, apply it with a red marker on a joint photo.

Everything will either improve quickly or break, but the situation will come out of stagnation. Berkana here symbolizes a woman, Inguz - her partner, and Perto - destiny. If a couple is destined to be created, it will happen.


Sometimes it is not the love of the opposite sex that is required, but the love of people around, and then this formula will help: Soulo - Dagaz - Vunyo. It helps to resolve conflicts, attract people and please them. It is better to apply it on the solar plexus.

It will also help becoming, consisting of Rune Vunyo, Teyvaz, Soul, Dagaz, Noit, Raido and Laguz, Gabe, Berkana, Tursy, Feho.

Although it seems complicated, it works perfectly: people will begin to reach out to you, you will be able to charm anyone, business partners will begin to trust, everyone, even those who previously disliked you, will suddenly be imbued with an arrangement. People will experience joy when they encounter you, they will enjoy communication.

With reservation

slander- these are words that are pronounced when applying runes to the body or to any medium. With him, the action of the stave becomes much stronger. Need pro every rune, based on its action and purpose, say the words that express your expectations. Here is one of the most powerful formulas with a reservation that will help you meet your husband.

Evaz - Mannaz - Gebo - Vunye - Fehu - Yera. This runogram will help you meet and start a relationship with a real prince on a white horse. With him, you will have a connection that can lead to marriage. Be sure to do caveat to the formula, say what you expect from each rune.

The Evaz rune means attraction, the entry of something new into your life, let it come, on the Mannaz rune, describe the qualities and character traits that the betrothed should have. Gebo means partnership, say that you should become close spiritually or decide everything together.

Vunje - family, say you want a family and a romantic connection. Fehu is wealth, if this is not important to you, you can not include the rune in the formula, but if it matters, talk here about the material wealth of the prince. All this is closed rune Hyera, it is the receipt of the necessary result, the fruits that you achieve.

Why do wishes made on New Year's Eve work so strongly, accurately and quickly? Why do good, bright wishes uttered on New Year's holidays, even the most incredible ones, come true?
I present my version of the theory of New Year's energy.So I'm not going to argue about this with anyone. If you want - take note, if you don't want - deduce your patterns.
In addition to our witching holidays, there is another period in the year when energy is scrapped, well, or excitement, as you wish. This is just the period from the onset of the New Year to January 14 - the old new year. All this time, crazy waves of energy are not initiated by natural forces, but purelythe human factor, that ishuman emotions. And the quality of this energy is very specific.
In the New Year, the vast majority of people are tuned in to a joyful, kind, unusual fairy tale.. And this inner expectation of a miraclecauses an unambiguous and very benevolent psycho-emotional mood. E The energy of our world simply rings from the power of human emotions that sound on the same wavelength, merge into a powerful stream and enter into resonance, which is further amplified.
Therefore, it is precisely in the period from January 1 to 14 that you can and need work with the magic of desire th . Moreover, this power flow has its maximum from 12 am to 1 am on January 1. Until January 7, inclusive, the flow weakens, although it has a rather high level, on the evening of 6, on Christmas Eve, and on January 7, Christmas, there is a new surge of Force. When people celebrate the birthday of Christ and congratulate each other. The energy of good wishes and joy is in the air. And to 14 gradually subsides. 14 another small surge, and then the energy background enters its usual course.

Meditation Change

Target: Remove restrictions that prevent you from influencing the world around you. Convince your Consciousness that making changes is a natural ability given from birth.
Technics:We change the focus of any daily action.
Example 1: We move the cup from one end of the table to the other, while saying to ourselves that we are making a change - we are moving the object in space.
Example 2: Washing the dishes and washing each plate, we say that we are making a change - we are changing the quality of the object, cleaning and harmonizing it.
Example 3: We disassemble the sofa bed and say that we are making changes - we are changing the shape of the object.
After several days of such meditation, you will be able to convince your Consciousness that you can, in principle, make a change in the world around you, and you will only have to improve the methods by which you do it (that is, learn to make a change not with your hands, but with willpower).
If you are sure that you cannot do this in principle, then the study of mystical methods of changing the surrounding world will initially be meaningless.
Original (almost verbatim) presentationMeditation Change
« Who can and does not know - he cannot. Who can not, but knows - he learns. Who can and knows, he does.
Open the starting point, a small circle (consciousness), because without doing this you will not use others. Where they do not believe in the wind, the leaves of the trees move with the power of the stem.
Take a stone and move it. And tell yourself that you have changed the world, because so it is. And the small circle will agree, and will open the initial point, that the other points will give strength and open the flow of both circles encircling

Our world consists of matter, which is a thinking energy. This is how the magical picture of the world looks like. If some energy is missing, it can be attracted with the help of magical runic formulas. Betting on sex, just designed to make up for the lack of energy of love in your life. How to apply magic formulas, from which runes should they be composed?

What runes are used to make love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) A formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

e) Magical love binding:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To fasten the rune love tie, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photo;
  • in the photograph of a man;
  • on your joint photo;
  • on a sheet with the name and surname of a man.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at the result. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on the body or on your photo. If you need to influence a man, draw runes on his photo. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photo, we put the ligature on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate connection?

In order for the rune formula to start working to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. The activation of the tie (stave) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write becoming, all the time thinking about a man;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (sing:);
  • before the start of the ritual, we light a red candle;
  • once again we say the names of the runes aloud, then we make a spell (slander).

What is a stipulation? This is the task for the stave, which he must solve. The reservation can be made in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love binding - Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor / Dima). Let the rune of Isa stop his self-will, so that he obeys my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor / Dima) so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our connection. May it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After that, you should blow on becoming three times: breathing enlivens the action of the runes. Some active girls circle the signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not go. When the target succeeds, erase the written signs. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with a runic stave. In this case, the runes should be thanked from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it on the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the stav, after which its action ceases.

What if becoming created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath, circle the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update? Approximately every two months. Having become a long-term use, it is better to burn on a tree or stone, but not necessarily.