
How to separate a son from his mistress forever. The strongest conspiracies and rituals for a quarrel - how to bring discord between people. On a dry aspen branch

A love triangle in a relationship is a very common phenomenon. Often the stumbling block in this triangle is a man, for whose attention two women are fighting.

Often this man is married, and his mistress resorts to various tricks to take him away from his legal wife. Many female lovers, for example, turn to magic to help them achieve their insidious goal. For separation, lapel rites are used, including a split between husband and wife.

Rassin is one of the rituals of love lapel magic. and are somewhat similar, but act in completely different ways. Both rituals are more often done for a waning month, both are used by homeless women mainly with two intentions:

  • to get the love and attention of a loved one, taking him away from his wife;
  • out of hatred, revenge or envy, when someone else's happiness does not allow to live and breathe in peace.

The lapel is much more powerful than the split. If the task of the lapel is to separate two people with a complete rupture of all ties between them, then the split has a slightly different goal. The ritual is performed so that quarrels and scandals regularly arise in the family, making the life of the spouses unbearable.

Features and principles of the ritual

The ceremony only poisons the coexistence of two people, but does not lead to a break. Frequent conflicts lead to rupture and destruction of relations, when spouses, under their influence, get very tired of each other and decide that living separately and parting would be the best solution for both of them in the current situation.

Thus, a quarrel between spouses can potentially lead to divorce proceedings, but this does not always happen. Husband and wife can violently quarrel and swear with each other, and then - just as violently put up. Some spouses live like this all their lives, and such an intensity of passions in the family only strengthens their relationship, does not let them get bored.

Mistresses who decide to use a fight against their beloved and his lawful wife should also know what is a means of black magic. And this means that no one will ever give you a full guarantee that its implementation will not result in a number of negative consequences - first of all, for the performer herself.

It's one thing if a spouse gets under the influence of the ritual, whose relationships in the family have long outlived their usefulness and keep only on habit, in this case there should be a minimum of side effects. It's another matter if, with the help of a ceremony, they are trying to destroy a strong and happy family, with spouses who love each other. The consequences of the ceremony can be the most unpredictable and terrible.

Separation methods for self-use

I will cite several types of the ritual of a quarrel for a husband and wife. In no case should they be regarded as a call to action and interference in the fate of strangers (even if one of them is very dear and loved with all our heart, but loves another woman and is happy with her). The above techniques of quarreling between husband and wife are given for purely informational purposes.

A simple rite of passage for a broom

It occupies a key place here. It can be read every time you sweep the floor with a broom. The words are:

“As I sweep the dirt and rubbish out of the house, so it goes away from God's servant (husband's name) all thoughts and thoughts about God's servant(wife's name) ... They will not live peacefully together, they will not know happiness, they will be offended and swear now. Amen".

Any garbage that remains after sweeping must be collected, immediately removed from the house and thrown away.

At the crossroads

The ritual is performed at dawn, at the crossroads of four roads. It is highly undesirable for someone to see you at this moment, so choose a deserted place. You must also take 4 coins of the same value with you.

Stand exactly in the center of the intersection and read the plot on each of the 4 sides once. The words are as follows:

“As the roads cannot come together, so the servants of God (names of spouses) will never be together. Shout to them and swear, and not put up, but scatter in different directions. My word is law. Amen".

After each uttering a conspiracy, throw a coin in the direction in which the words were read. When finished, leave the intersection without turning around.

On salt

Salt is often used in various negative rituals. With its help, you can and.

To do this, salt is spoken with the help of the text given below and poured under the door for the spouses, in whose relationship it is necessary to cause discord. You can also pour it into your husband's pockets (if there is such an opportunity), put it inside some gift and present it to the future owner. The point is that she must certainly get into the house where the husband and wife live.

Conspiracy text:

“I will go out along the path of a mouse. I will stand, idol, before you. Idol idol, where is your idol? Your idol is there. He does not wait for you, but curses, closes the door to the lock, does not let you to the threshold, does not answer through the window, does not spread the bed and does not cover the table. So would God's servant (husband's name) God's servant(wife's name) didn’t let him in, she didn’t make the bed for him, she didn’t set the table, she didn’t hug her by the neck, didn’t love and didn’t accept. He would have persecuted him both by word and deed, and by my fierce side-chapel. Stick, my words, stick, my deeds, like foliage sticks from a bath broom to a naked body. Amen, Amen, Amen ”.

For another powerful ritual, see the video:

The plot to parting and the plot to break up is not at all the black magic of a love spell. The action is aimed at making the object quarrel or break up with his other half, but does not guarantee that the man or woman will be with you. Much depends on the performer of the ceremony himself - the belief that the conspiracy will work, the desire to separate the partners.

It is important to distinguish between concepts such as a quarrel conspiracy and a quarrel conspiracy, or, as it is also called, a separation conspiracy. The essence of the quarrel is not to separate, but to quarrel. So that the object of your feelings and his partner feel overwhelming irritation or indifference, perhaps even hatred for each other. They will quarrel, but can reconcile later.

A separation conspiracy is a more serious and effective ceremony. He can, without quarrels, make people strangers and disgusting to each other. As a rule, in this situation, partners are forced to part without regrets for both parties. A conspiracy to quarrel can be both purposeful and accidental. It turns out to be accidental if it bears the character of the evil eye. That is, even not thinking about magic and not possessing magical powers, a person can envy a relationship in a couple, and this will act as a quarrel.

Although plots for separation and separation are not comparable to a love spell, they are used only in exceptional cases. When other methods are powerless and a person really needs the help of magic. Using it for revenge, for wanting to experiment on human souls, or simply out of hatred for the enemy is a dangerous business. It will certainly turn against you and your loved ones with suffering and illness. But in some situations, magic may be the only way to help:

  • it is necessary to leave the disgusted partner;
  • the relationship has cooled down and exhausted itself, but due to habit or love for children it is impossible to interrupt them;
  • a homeless woman comes to a happy union of a man and a woman;
  • your soul mate reciprocates you, but is bound by the bonds of law or violence and does not dare to destroy his couple.

When choosing a magic ritual, it is important to focus on the level of relationships. It will be simple to separate a man and a woman who are not in a legal and church marriage, as well as business partners, colleagues, and friends. Their relationship is too fragile and easily susceptible to magical powers. Even the most inexperienced magician can handle it. It will be enough just a conspiracy down the drain. The stronger your desire to separate this couple, the sooner and more fully the magic will work. You need to read the conspiracy on the waning moon. Stand facing a strong wind (field, steppe, desert, lake or pond shore) and whisper:

The mountains are high, the rivers are deep, the forests are dry, the dogs are angry. So it would be high and far away, so would the evil and the evil of the servant of God (the name of the woman) with the servant of God (the name of the man) for ever and ever quarreled, but dogged. They cannot be helped, they cannot be reconciled, they cannot be brought together, they cannot be married: neither today, nor tomorrow, and never! My deed is my word. Neither deliver nor dissuade. Amen.

The conspiracy begins no earlier than after 9 to 12 days.

Let's talk salt

Use a salt ritual to make people quarrel as soon as possible. Spread a small piece of any fabric on a wooden table, sprinkle regular table salt on it and repeat three times:

White salt, bulk salt, Help (name) stop loving (name), Let them not live together in peace and harmony, Let quarrels settle in relationships, Let separation become their companion. Amen!

After 10 hours, salt should be sprinkled at the threshold of the lovemaker, saying:

I do not sprinkle white salt on the threshold of the homeowner, but with strong separation, I help the servant of God (the name of the guy) to the servant of God (the name of the rival) to stop loving. Amen!

Effective separation plot

To destroy a strong marriage of married, and even more so, married in the church, spouses, a more powerful conspiracy for divorce is needed. Before starting the ritual, concentrate all your attention on fulfilling the goal. You will need some water, flour and salt, as well as dog and cat hair. Knead a tough dough and, dividing it into equal parts, sculpt two figures - a man and a woman.

Be sure to give them the names of the people you are breeding, and add some dog hair to the man's doll test, and feline hair to the woman's test. The figurines should be taken to the empty room in your house and placed in opposite corners. Bending over each of the dolls daily, whisper:

(Man's name) and (Woman's name)! You will not be together, you will not live, you will not eat bread together, you will not be pumped together. Amen.

After forty days and nights, the dolls must be buried in the ground near different reservoirs or in different vacant lots. To enhance the magical effect, it is recommended to add broken glass to the fur of animals, earth from graves in a cemetery, or something belonging to those on whom a divorce plot is read. These can be particles of skin, nails, or hair.

Another powerful ritual is performed on the full moon. You need to go to a deserted place at midnight and say the following text:

I will go into a wide courtyard, I will go into a high house, I will write down (name) I will cool the great one. I cool you down, a good fellow (name) and a girl (name). So that he does not come across her eyes either day or night, not in the evening, not in the morning. So that she is in peace, he is out of peace, she is on the street, he is in the house. She will not be dearer to him than a terrible bear, a cunning swamp toad. And no matter what dress she is in, even if she is kept, even in color, he will not be able to take it down, he will be angry, he will hate, they will not see good, they will forget about happiness. No matter how good she is, no matter what good she does to him, he will see everything as passion and evil. Not to be together, not to be, the good of love and affection you do not know. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, it will come true.

The conspiracy must be pronounced loudly and clearly. For it to work, remain silent on the way back, do not eat or drink until the morning.

Simple but effective splitting conspiracy

A very simple and easily feasible conspiracy for stripping is read in the phase of the waning moon through an open window or window. A favorable sign is considered if a strong wind is blowing during the casting of the spell. This symbolizes that he will carry your words to the goal. Magic words need not only be pronounced, but shouted as loudly as possible. While pronouncing the conspiracy, mentally imagine how the roads of those you are separating diverge:

In an old swamp, in a black forest, over the damp, sharp grass-ant, the gray old she-wolf walked, and behind her was an angry dog, and behind her was a sick cat. They all stopped in one place at once, but curled up in a tight ball. I looked at the fight, saw how the wool flew from them. So that you too are a servant of God (name) and a servant of God (name), so curl up in a ball, so tore each other's wool and also fight. You, so that you love each other, like a dog to a she-wolf, and a cat to a dog. Lock. Key. Language. Amen.

The day after the ceremony, go to church and light candles for the health of the separated. Thus, you neutralize the negative that could arise in your life after a conspiracy to quarrel.

When harmony reigns in a relationship, it's great. But fate is not always favorable to us, not always the one who is dear to the heart will reciprocate the feelings. It is at such moments that the powerful power of love magic is called upon to help.

Any violent separation of people using magical means falls into the same category as damage. Separation is carried out with the help of lapels, a kind of rituals that undermine the physical and mental health of people.

In this thread:

The performed lapel can be recognized by several signs. First, a person's attitude towards his family changes dramatically, and not only towards his wife, but also towards his children. Secondly, there is a craving for alcohol. Thirdly, potency is weakened. A separation conspiracy can end not only with problems in your personal life, but also with a worsening situation at work.

Types of effects on love relationships

To determine what kind of exposure your couple was exposed to, you need to analyze the situation. The smallest kind of influence on someone else's love is cold. The emotional connection is destroyed, a person becomes indifferent to his former object of love.

Frustrations have a stronger negative effect. They provoke conflicts between people. This magic works very quickly, giving an instant effect. A real lapel destroys all areas of interaction, forcing a person to simply leave his woman.

Rite of passage

In order to quarrel two people and achieve their parting completely and irrevocably, the following ceremony can be performed. It is suitable for women seeking to cast a spell on a homeless woman, and women who are ready to influence the lawful wife of their beloved and their relationship. First, you need to direct all your thoughts in one direction: the separation of two people. For the ceremony, coal (a small lump), black thread, salt and onions are prepared. An onion that is too large should not be taken, an average size is quite suitable. The results of this ceremony are irreversible, so it is better to weigh everything thoroughly, so that later you do not regret what you have done.

When it's midnight, cut the onion in half. On one side, write the first letter of the man's name, and on the second, the first letter of the woman's name you plan to separate. The inscription is made using charcoal. Then each part is sprinkled with plenty of salt. Next, you need to connect these 2 parts and tie them with a thread so that they do not separate. First, the onion lies on the windowsill all night. Then it is transferred to a damp place, usually in an apartment - this is a bathroom. The main thing in the rite is the rotting of the onion, it is with it that the relations of people exposed to your magic will deteriorate.

Rite of passage

To turn your husband away from a rival, you can plot a broken rod. The text is as follows:

“The rod bends, it breaks. So it is for your vein, servant of God (name), to break in someone else's bed. You will hug your girlfriend, and miss your spouse. My word is as solid as the Alatyr stone. "

This conspiracy is pronounced at the moment when you break the twig. It is necessary to cut it off near the house where the husband's mistress lives. This should be done in the dark when no one sees. This branch must be immediately wrapped with a scarf, which the spouse had in his pocket for several days. It is prepared in advance. The bundle should be buried near the porch of the entrance where your rival lives. If this is not possible, they do it somewhere along the path of the husband to this mistress. The main thing is for the spouse to walk past the place where your "surprise" is buried, after that he will not be able to fully have sex with another woman.

Rite of passage on an aspen branch

Taking advantage of the separation conspiracy read on the aspen branch, you can make the husband forget about his mistress or wife. The result depends on the goal pursued by the person conducting the ceremony. First, a branch of aspen is prepared, which must be completely dried up. With this branch they go to the house where those who need to be separated live, in front of the house they break the branch in two and pronounce a conspiracy:

“Do not be God's servants (names) together, Like an aspen now do not grow together. It’s a road for you to disperse now, but you will never come together! "

Then you need to quickly get out of there and take the branch with you, it should be thrown into the water (preferably into the river).

Rite on the table

To separate two people, you can use a ritual with a table. To conduct it, you need to wait for the waning moon. At midnight, the table is turned over so that the legs stick up. Then with the handle of the knife you need to knock on the legs of the table (hold it by the blade), pronouncing the conspiracy:

“Slaves (names) do not sit together, do not be together, do not look at each other, do not drink, do not eat together, walk enemies and enemies. Amen!"

Repeat the conspiracy three times. Then you can go to sleep, and the table does not need to be turned back, so it should stand all night. He is brought back to his normal position only in the morning, while another conspiracy is pronounced: “Everything that has been said will come true. All helpers will help me! "

The knife should not be shown to anyone, it must lie in a secret place until you get what you strive for. This should happen within 2 - 3 weeks. If a month has passed and nothing has changed, i.e. the man did not stop loving his wife or mistress, you need to use this conspiracy again, and you will need the same knife.

Any rituals and conspiracy leading to the separation of 2 people require a balanced approach. Indeed, on your part, you can count on minimal losses only when your actions will benefit everyone who was involved in this ritual.

To some extent, conspiracies to split people can be attributed to lapel magic. Breakdown causes severe discord in relationships between people and often leads to separation. Rituals for a quarrel are most often used in dark magic, which means they can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is very important to know all the subtleties of working with them, the principle of their operation, before performing them yourself.

Light a candle, direct all your negative emotions, all anger and hatred to the photographs, so that negative energy is transmitted to those depicted in the photographs.

At the same time, read the conspiracy:

“How you, (names of friends), friends and comrades, went everywhere together, shared sorrows and joys among themselves. From now on and forever you will not sit together, not look into each other's eyes, not be near, not eat, not drink, but only walk as enemies. Amen!"

After the conspiracy has been pronounced, the photographs of the comrades must be torn into small pieces and burned in a candle flame. The breakdown will immediately begin to affect the friendships of the victims.

For the separation of girlfriends

The ceremony can be performed at any time of the day for a waning month. Will need pictures of girlfriends and a candle(preferably black). Light a candle from a match, fold the photographs to face each other and light them from the flame of the candle. As soon as they light up, read the conspiracy:

“Ishna-Apa, I will use your strength. As these faces burn, they will hate each other with your help. Let it be so from now on, let hatred be only between them. And you use them as you like - I will not mind. "

The plot is repeated 3 times. The ash from the photographs remaining after the burning must be collected and sent downwind on the street. Dispose of the rest of the spark plug.

On needles

The ritual is performed at sunset, in a deserted place, 3 times in a row - on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. To execute it, prepare 7 new needles and ball of black yarn(the whole set - in triplicate, i.e. 21 needles and 3 balls), as well as wire cutters.

Dig a small hole, bite off the ears from the needles with pliers and throw them into the hole. Stick the needles into the ball and also lower them into the dug hole. Cover the hole with earth and read the plot 3 times:

“When the ears to the needles grow back by this, then only the servant of God (male name) and the servant of God (female name) will be together. Then only they will find peace, forgive each other and love again. Until then, they will not be together, not get along with them and not love, quarrel and fight, not forgive and not calm down. So be it! Amen!"

When uttering the words of the conspiracy, focus as much as possible on your desire to quarrel two people, put all negative emotions into the ceremony. Very soon you will notice its results.

For another way of stripping on onions, see the video:

An effective separation plot can destroy a marriage and help a woman get rid of her disgusted spouse. Spells and quarrels take a husband away from a rival or a wife from a lover.


When is a separation conspiracy required?

The spell will be needed if you need to solve the following problems:

  • break up a family;
  • part with a bored man;
  • separate a guy and a girl;
  • embroil business partners;
  • cause discord in friendship.

What is the difference between a collar and a lapel?

The rituals are distinguished by the power of influence, which contributes to the destruction of energy bonds within the couple.


Separation is used if it is necessary to cause a quarrel between loved ones or temporarily separate them.

Features of the ceremony:

  • does not inflict a blow of crushing force, but only damages relations;
  • can be carried out in combination with a black lapel, then it works more successfully;
  • easy to execute, does not require special knowledge and qualifications.


A lapel is a magic rite, which is a kind of damage to love or aimed at stopping the effect of a love spell.

Its main features:

  • done only during the waning moon;
  • can combine two rituals at once: for food and at the cemetery through the grave;
  • is directly related to black magic;
  • requires special skills, since the impact occurs on the subtle body of a person;
  • possesses great power, completely destroys all ties between two people.

An example of a strong lapel is offered in her video by the witch Elena Stepanova.

How to determine what kind of conspiracy is needed?

The ceremony is chosen depending on the goal:

  • to break the relationship between a guy and a girl, use a lapel;
  • a strong conspiracy helps to separate loving spouses;
  • relieves the rival (s) of the spell to cool;
  • to create a conflict between friends or business partners, just read.

Features of performing the rite

Homemade lapel or split rituals will work if:

  • to carry out the ceremony in "witch time": from midnight to three in the morning;
  • read, the energy of the planet will help in the implementation of the plan;
  • spells to pronounce alone and loudly;
  • mentally visualize what you want with utmost clarity.

In order for the termination ceremony to be effective, you should not tell anyone about it.

Effective separation plots

The most powerful rituals are performed using:

  • church candles;
  • salt;
  • land;
  • photographs of people on whom the plot is directed.

Conspiracies so that the husband or wife is gone forever

Such a ritual helps to quarrel the spouses forever:

  1. Buy 13 red church candles.
  2. Leaving the church, read the incantation: “As a believer goes to church, let fate take me away from (name the person). Amen".
  3. Light candles at home and read the plot.
  4. Throw away the cinders at the intersection.

Conspiracy text:

May my husband (wife) leave forever,

And he never comes to me.

As soon as he sees me, he will grow up,

Witchcraft will induce - it will die.

The mouth will open - it will feel lethargic,

As it approaches - a terrible weakness.

Forever tearing sinister ties

I get rid of dirt forever.

May it be so fulfilled!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Such a ceremony will help spouses to part forever:

  1. Buy a branch of evergreen laurel.
  2. At midnight, in front of the mirror, peel the leaves from it with force and anger.
  3. Speak with magic words.

Spell text:

As the leaves fly off from the wind,

Your thoughts perish for me.

Leave forever without saying goodbye

Get sick, going back.

I will block a reliable formation,

I will carefully hide this conspiracy.

You won't be able to come now

You will turn your legs back.

May it be so fulfilled!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Prayer for divorce will help to part for good, it is read at midnight 13 times:

Heavenly angels

Demons underground!

I will pray to you

To get a divorce sooner.

To quarrel with him (her) and not put up with.

To be separated from him (from her)

And never meet.

My word is strong.

Denis Kostash tells how to get rid of her husband.

Divorce ritual from husband

Get rid of the annoying spouse in this way:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. A cross is drawn on top with a sharp knife with a black wooden handle.
  3. Cast a spell.
  4. Prepare food for the husband in a saucepan and salt it.

Spell text:

Satan runs from the holy cross,

You (called the name) want to run away from me.

I want us to part-disperse,

Never crossed again.

My will is strong, deeds are inviolable.

God's servant (spouse's name) will go away from me (your name),

Will not look back.

Now there is no husband and wife, there are strangers.

Will help to divorce spouses and such a ceremony:

  1. Take a handful of salt.
  2. Cast a spell on her nine times.
  3. Scatter the charmed salt on the doorstep so that the husband constantly steps over it.

Spell text:

Salt salt, salt tasteless,

Help me get rid of, the servant of God (name),

From my husband, the servant of God (name).

Make him leave our house,

He left me and my life alone.

We do not come together, do not live together,

Do not share the bed, do not swing the children.

As I sprinkle salt, he will forget me,

Let go with God, wish you happiness.

White salt will help me drive out thoughts

About me from my husband's heart.

Effective prayers for divorce using a photo and a church red candle:

  1. Take a recent full-length photo of a husband and wife together.
  2. Repeat the incantation three times: “The servants of God (the names of the spouses) in the picture are alive. Anything I say will happen to them! "
  3. Burn the photo over the candle flame.
  4. Say a conspiracy.
  5. Throw the ashes from the photograph on the street at the crossroads.
  6. Roll the cinder from a burned-out candle into a lump and bury it deep in the ground with the words: “As it was said, so it was done. My word is strong, my tongue is strong, Everything will be as planned! "
  7. Wait for the result.

Conspiracy text:

Like a photograph burns and burns

Likewise, the marriage of God's servants (the name of the husband and wife) burns and is destroyed.

Fire from addiction and weakness will help them get rid of.

The powers of heaven will make it so that someone leaves them first,

And the second spent it with God.

Let their hearts remain free and they try their happiness,

Let everything in their life work out.

If the husband drinks and is rowdy, the following ritual will help get rid of him:

  1. At 12 in the morning, light seven temple candles.
  2. With the conviction that the spell will work, and by faith cast the spell 13 times.

Let my husband leave home faster

In the dark, half drunk like a goblin does not wander.

Doesn't bother children, doesn't scare people,

It disappears from my life forever.

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I read a strong conspiracy against my husband,

I banish him from the house forever.

Now he will not be able to swear and be angry,

Apartments will start to avoid fire.

Dares to enter, it becomes stuffy in the chest,

He will not be able to return, saying “I'm sorry”.

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I drive my spouse from life forever,

And I mercilessly create this conspiracy.

I don't scold him for tears and grief,

I do not punish you for abomination and meanness in return.

I just want one thing to leave home,

And he certainly found his happiness.

May it be so.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Spell Against Wife

The following ritual helps to part with the spouse:

  1. Take two sheets of paper - black and white.
  2. On the first one, with a dark ink pen, write the names of the husband and wife.
  3. Read the conspiracy.
  4. Burn the black sheet, scatter the ashes on the street.
  5. On white paper, write wishes for the future with another pen.
  6. Hide the sheet in a secluded place and store until everything is done.

Conspiracy text:

Yesterday's snow doesn't interest me

Dry grass and slanting wife - go away.

Take away, Lord, away from me to God's servant (wife's name).

Women's love has a limit, so let it be (repeat your wife's name)

She herself will want to run away from me.

Turn away from me, lame and stupid woman.

You don't need to sleep with me anymore, it's time for another man to go to bed.

The sun and the moon are diverging, it's time for us to part.

In order for the wife to leave her husband, they advise the method with porcelain saucers and vinegar.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • two tea saucers;
  • general photo of the spouses;
  • a candle from the temple;
  • vinegar essence.
  1. Light a candle at 12 o'clock in the morning.
  2. The photograph of the husband and wife are torn in half.
  3. Set fire to the scraps in a candle fire and put them in different saucers.
  4. Cover with vinegar.
  5. Say the words: “If you (name names) do not live together, then let the outside force separate you in different directions. Amen!"
  6. Remove the saucer with the candle end to a secluded place so that no one can find it.
  7. Repeat the ceremony two days later.
  8. Take the ashes from the photographs and the saucer to the field.
  9. The dishes should be broken, the fragments, together with the ashes, should be buried in the ground.

Conspiracies and ceremonies for the separation of spouses will not work if the wife reads Orthodox prayers from the destruction of the family.

Conspiracies for the husband to leave his mistress

A ritual with three candles will help to discourage a husband from another woman.

To carry out you will need:

  • three red church candles;
  • paper;
  • pencil.

The sequence of the ritual:

  1. In the morning on the waning moon, put three candles on the windowsill.
  2. Write the name of your opponent on a piece of paper and cross it out.
  3. Light all candles and let them burn a little.
  4. Say the words: “Go away, rival, don't bother us. We want to feel paradise on earth! Amen!"
  5. Put out the candles, roll the wax into a ball.
  6. Bury the wax piece deeper in the place where the mistress walks.
  7. Cast the magic spell again and spit on the ground three times.

Another powerful lapel is carried out like this:

  1. At night, put your best photo under your husband's pillow.
  2. In the morning, cook breakfast and salt it.
  3. Whisper the incantation while cooking: “We are the sea-ocean, we are the cloud-fog. We are together forever, to all - no, to us alone - yes! Amen!"
  4. Have the husband eat the whole breakfast.
  1. Take a printout of the victim's image, preferably full-length.
  2. Drip wax from a church candle on it.
  3. In your own words, wish your rival to part with her husband.
  4. Rip up the photo.
  5. Bury it under the threshold so that the husband would step on the scraps.

Will help during the next ceremony:

  1. Put your husband's underwear, which he wore, under your pillow and lie down on it.
  2. Take a bath and wipe the body with a pillowcase, reciting an ancient spell.

Powerful from a rival:

Miu Tiu Rin Rin Shibo Ribo Gin Bilin

Lapel for separating the husband from his mistress. "Magic workshop" of the witch Irma.

Conspiracy for the wife to leave her lover

The wife will leave her lover if you perform a ritual with a photograph:

  1. At midnight, put the picture of your wife in front of you.
  2. Cast a spell.

My God, my Lord, my protection and my faith, on which I put my trust and my hopes, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Holy Pleasure. I raise my prayer to you and ask for help in a bitter moment, return my beloved servant of God (name of my wife). Do not disregard my prayer, hear my prayer. Lord, Mother of God and all the Holy Saints, please show the servant of God (name) the way home to me. Amen

To turn the wife away from her lover and return to the family, prayer helps examples of family fidelity, God's saints:

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I appeal to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Report about me, a sinful slave (your name), prayers to the Lord God himself and the Mother of God the Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of the servant of God (name of the wife): faith, yes to justice, hope, yes to good, unhypocritical love! Help my heart with my beloved, servant of God (name), to be together. Amen!

A conspiracy to separate two people

The following ceremony will help to separate the guy and the girl:

  1. Go out into the field, face the wind.
  2. Whisper a spell.

Are you mountains high, rivers are you deep, forests are you deaf, dogs are you angry. It would be so high, so it would be far away, so it would be evil and evil for a slave (name) with a slave (name) forever and ever, and all holy men cannot be helped and reconciled with them, and not married.

Ritual with a snapshot will help to quarrel with friends or business partners:

  1. Take a recent photo where both people are shot together.
  2. With malice and anger, tear the picture into small pieces and set it on fire.
  3. Say a wish: "This is how your relationship burned out."
  4. Dispel the ashes to the wind while speaking the spell.

As the ashes scattered, so you scattered from each other forever and scattered: May it be so, my word is strong.