
Love spell of a guy without consequences: learning to implement. Love plot from a photo Let the servant of God live without his

Touching on the moral side of the issue of a strong love plot based on a photo of a married person, we will inevitably face condemnation from people who are confident that feelings should arise naturally, that any correction is impossible, and even more so not a gross witchcraft interference in the fate of another person. If you ask a thousand people if they know what they need to be happy, everyone will tell you what they know. And they will call approximately the same thing, except perhaps in a different order. But, if each of us knows what he needs for happiness, then why are there so many unhappy people on Earth? I pose the question in this way.

And now a real, working love plot from a photo of a beloved guy

Or any other form of magical correction of fate no longer seems immoral. In addition, conspiracy conspiracy strife. And this also needs to be well understood. There is coercive magic, where love spells are so tough that a person who has experienced the power of this magic becomes a victim in every sense, a slave of his master. These are very serious things, dangerous magic, and I am not in favor of becoming public knowledge. There are also means that help one person to love another, but not force him to love. You'd better take a seminar on the development of love skills, and not climb into magic.

If you decide to still seek help in a love plot for a married man, you should know about the rules for casting spells. Any errors, distortions, in your opinion, insignificant, can significantly affect the course of the implementation of the rite. Conspiracies from a photo for a guy's love are best pronounced in the morning, you can indoors by an open window facing east. If the design of the house does not meet these requirements, then the caster must turn to the east. Love conspiracies from photography, which are pronounced during the day, should be directed towards the sun; read in the evening - look to the west, to the setting sun. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy loudly (if you are in a secluded place) or in a whisper, but always with a penetrating feeling, clearly, without confusing words or stammering.

Before the implementation of the conspiracy, a prayer should be read: “Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil. You can also turn to the angel of the current day in prayer. These rules correspond to all conspiracies, a love plot from a photo is no exception.

A valid love plot based on a photo of a lover

Looking at the photo of the chosen one, three times a day, they read:
“Ahti, the servant of God (name) cannot live without his shadow, he will not overcome longing for me, God's servant (name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing. As the sun goes across the sky, so you go along any road to me, God's servant (name). Amen". &one

We will solve any problem of a love or financial nature. Voodoo. Black magic. Runology. Protection, removal of damage. A powerful voodoo rite "Vivisection" from enemies (when their evil energy or magical effect is redirected against them). Charming for women (to please....
Hello, I want to write to you in a personal, but for some reason I can’t. I really need a love spell with payment on the first manifestation of the result. Ready for any amount....
when haloperidol breaks the Planck barrier, teleportation occurs along the trump card ...
And how to get rid of them? How? Suppress yourself? Force? If we stifle the same anger, then all that will happen is suppression, control. But will the tendency to anger go away, will the source go away? No. Over time, this can break out all the way out. I see these sins as a result (many religions talk about this....
I would recommend meditation as a technique for developing concentration. In addition, we calm the mind, emotions, feelings and immerse ourselves in ourselves. Concentration and attention get sharper and stronger over time....
Good afternoon. How do you meditate on photography? Can you imagine how the flow of energy goes to you? I read a lot about love spells on 3 chakras. And so I understand all 3 flows should go from the object to me. Even when I inspire thoughts about me (the svadhistana of the object is my ajna)? But if I inspire thoughts, then the flow should ....
to reconcile friends and in general a bunch of different conspiracies from resentment can be read here: https://magiya.pro/old/jupiter/category/29/message/385.php ...
It all depends on the faith of the person. we read the Bible, where Jesus says that if the amount of faith is at least the size of a mustard seed, then everything will work out, and mountains can be moved by such faith. Therefore, if you doubt that it will help, then faith is weak. And as for magpies in general, they used to be done differently, but ....
Zdravstvujte.Napishite pozalujsta zagovor,kak pomirit podrug after ssori po foto. ...odna druguju nazvala predatelnicej. ...drugaja obozvala ee vorovkoj. Help pozalujsta!...
(izvinite,russkij shrift ne vstavljaetsa) vremja etogo processa or after? Cho moze....
Yes, I completely agree with you...
  • fresh online consultations of psychics and questions on magic:
  • Alexandra: I want to return my beloved man from my rival, because she quickly turned him around. I am sure that without some kind of intervention, she did not manage. Altyn: Need a spell. Gulnura: husband left for another woman. Love: Love: Hello. I am haunted by diseases that are often difficult to determine. Tell me what to do, how to get rid of this. I think it's some sort of a curse. Ekaterina: I want to do a spell on a guy.
    I'll put a chip under my heel,
    I will go without looking back
    In the tryn-grass, in the stone side.
    Lying there,
    Strictly guarding
    Furious evil, sucking blood,
    Nine-eyed, nine-eyed, nine-eyed.
    Cool the soul of God's servant (name)
    To the servant of God (name).
    At night with a candle, in the morning before dawn,
    At church hour and every time,
    When he looks at her
    Damn my word will remember
    And will not give them both peace,
    No peace, no feast, no love affairs,
    No gentle bodies
    No water, no fire, no honey, no salt,
    And the ill-fated share.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    To take off the ardent love

    From a letter from Lesya from Kiev:

    “Either I was bewitched to him, or I completely lost my mind - I don’t understand, but even without him, Natalya Ivanovna, the world is not dear to me. He treats me rudely, with a dog and then they behave better. Teach me how to get rid of such love?

    Go to the graveyard on a Sabbath day and find a grave in which a person is buried who bore the same name as your beloved. Go around the grave counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then stand at the feet of the deceased and say three times:

    Came to the dead threshold
    I stand at dead feet.
    The deceased lies, his soul sleeps,
    His heart doesn't hurt.
    He has no thoughts and suffering,
    love experiences,
    No ardent love, no ardent anger.
    His dead bones are empty
    Empty in his heart.
    Do not grieve and do not get bored,
    Does not wait and does not see off,
    From ardent love does not sigh.
    So it would be for me, God's servant (name),
    Do not grieve and do not be bored
    Don't wait and don't follow
    From ardent love do not sigh and do not sob.
    How calm is the soul and heart of this man,
    So from now on and until the century I do not grieve,
    Don't shed tears
    Do not sigh from love
    According to the servant of God (name). Amen.

    Wither on the husband

    Before going to bed, take a crust and bread and eat it, while saying:

    How I gnaw and eat bread
    So gnaw and eat longing
    My husband (name) to me,
    Wife (name), now and forever. Amen.

    Love spell on a photo

    Ahti, servant of God (name) live
    Can't live without his shadow, longing for me,
    God's servant (name), will not overcome.
    Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing.
    As the sun crosses the sky
    So you go on every road to me,
    God's servant (name). Amen.

    Love spell on saliva

    They spit, then look at the saliva and say three times:

    The servant of God (name) cannot live without saliva.
    The servant of God (name) dries up saliva.
    So that the servant of God (name)
    I could not live without the servant of God (name),
    Just dry, ate did not seize, did not walk,
    So as not to fall asleep, the servant of God (name)
    Didn't lose my mind.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Then leave without looking back.

    Love words for water

    Looking at the water, cross yourself and say:

    Kingdom of God to the servant of God (name). Amen.

    Then you need to drink this water, taking exactly three sips.

    Love spell while eating

    As the name already implies, this love spell is read when they sit down at the table. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

    How do I eat, drink,
    So eat, longing, my husband (name)
    For me, my wife (name).
    From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

    strong love spell
    They put three candles on a new white tablecloth. The spell is read three times and after each time one candle is extinguished.When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again, so that nothing remains of the candles.Chad, release the smoke through the window, let them leave with a spell.
    O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, Height - immeasurable height, And melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block, So that the slave (name) does not leave me, I did not find another girlfriend for myself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, Help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, Until then, the slave (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen

    Love spell on fish
    They hold tightly alive fish in their hands so that it does not escape. They read until she stops beating, falls asleep.
    At the same time, they read the plot:
    Just like you, fish, you cannot be without water, So the slave (name) cannot live without me. As you, fish, suffocate without water, So the slave (name) will not be able to breathe without me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Cook the fish and feed it to your husband. After that, he will not offend you and cheat on you.

    Love spell on willow
    On Palm Sunday (a holiday that falls on the last Sunday before Easter), they break a willow and say:
    As long as the willow will lie behind the icon, Until then, my husband will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen.
    Put the willow behind the icon. Watch out, don't accidentally throw it away!

    Friday dawn(very strong spell)

    They get up on Paraskeva Friday earlier than others, do not wash, do not comb their hair, do not eat, do not say a word to anyone. On their knees, barefoot, they read three times, after which they again lie down in bed.

    Friday is mine
    I am your maid.
    Plant a bindweed
    So that that loach twisted, wriggled,
    I would climb up the perch,
    And without the perch it would break.
    So is the slave (name)
    Would curl around me
    Creeped before me
    I would have grabbed
    He would not part with me.
    Like your loach, Pyatnitsa Paraskeva,
    Without a perch, without a prop,
    Couldn't be and live
    My words cannot be interrupted by anyone,
    Do not wash with holy water
    In the bath, do not overwhelm with a broom,
    Masters would not whisper.
    My word is strong
    My business is tough.
    Wither would, wither away about me, God's servant (name),
    Slave (name). Amen

    Love spell on the photo

    Ahti, servant of God (name) live
    cannot live without his shadow, longing for me,
    God's servant (name), will not overcome.
    Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing.
    As the sun goes across the sky, so you go on any
    the road to me, God's servant (name). Amen.

    So they say, looking at the photo of her husband, in the morning, afternoon and after sunset.

    Love spells for Christmas

    They put a nominal icon on the table (they are sold in the church), put on something white from clothes, light a white wax candle (there is in the church), sit down at the table, put their hands palms down and read:
    my name angel,
    I sit obediently before you,
    I look through the walls, through the table,
    Through the white ceiling, through the floor.
    I see the sea-ocean lies,
    The island stands on the sea-ocean.
    On that island an earthen house stands,
    There are three black coffins in the house,
    In those coffins, three blood sisters lie.
    One longing is killed, the heart breaks. The second melancholy suffers, He knows neither day nor night. The third longing is killed, In the heart of the slave (name) sticks. Oh you. three sisters, you are three evil longings, you go for (name). Spin him, prick him, Dry him, call him, To me. God's servant (name). Longing he would not have seized, Suffering would not have washed down. Love for me did not fall asleep. I would have missed and suffered, I wouldn’t have eaten a piece without me, I wouldn’t have poured water, I wouldn’t have fluffed my pillow, I didn’t know the white light when I was driving, I didn’t go around the black night. So the slave (name) would love me, As a mother loves her child, A sheep loves her lamb, A mare loves her foal. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    Take the cinders to the church.