
Direct and inverted meaning of the berkan rune. Runa Isa - freeze, ice, stop What does berkan's formula mean ansuz yera teyvaz

The second is interaction with the element of water, which creates a stream for the formation of the necessary events. Graphically rune Laguz looks like a hook, with which you can equally catch fish and engage in artistic knitting, knitting or ... getting married, overcoming a disagreement with a partner and ending separation. The rune of psychologists, magicians, occultists. Laguz- an excellent talisman for revealing superpowers and gaining magical powers for women. In magic, it provides control ...

https: //www.site/magic/15914

Nothing gets in, you need to make an effort, since the Rune is magnetic. In the healing of Rune Hyera used to quickly get rid of the disease. A rune is drawn before starting any important, long-term business ... in business; - successful pregnancy with Perth and Soulu runes; - fixing the result at the end of the runescript. Rune's warning Hyera- only fair interaction will be fruitful and the reward corresponds to the effort invested. The negative aspect of the Rune is overstrain, things that ...

https: //www.site/magic/15944

Birth: child, ideas. Prosperity. A joyful event for the family. If, during fortune-telling in the layout, you get a Rune Berkana, get ready for the best, but don't put your trust in fate. Maximum attention, caution in conclusions, ... foresight will be required. The business that you have begun to implement must be carried out with the utmost care. Berkana especially beneficial for women. It has a rejuvenating effect, promotes hair growth, brings noticeable relief from disorders ...

https: //www.site/magic/15922

And unique. We must be the best. And the runes help with this. It all starts with two female runes - Berkana and Laguz... These two forces (and behind each runic symbol there is a POWER) help a woman to be a "real woman". The one that "... that friendship took place. And then the time for new beginnings will come. It's time for harmonization. This is the formula that unites the runes Laguz, Berkana and Hyères. Hyères is the connecting link between the two facets of the female character. This power helps make the transition from Frigga to Freya ...

https: //www.site/magic/15861

O is the bindruna of the name. The formula for finding love. gebo - kano - soulu - vuno - inguz or turizas - laguz - berkana- vuno - feu To have a union for life. hagalaz - laguz- inguz Formula for harmonizing the situation in the family. berkana- mannaz - gebo - laguz- vuno or ansuz - gebo - otila Several spells for men to find their beloved. uruz ...

https: //www.site/magic/15683

Astrological correspondence of the runes to the elements: Fire - Teivaz, Urus, Soulu, Dagaz, Kano, Nautiz. Earth- Ingus, Evaz, Feu, Odal, Berkana, Hyera... Air - Ansuz, Gebo, Raido, Eyvaz, Vuno, Mannaz. Water - Turisaz, Perth, Hagalas, Isa, Lagus, Algiz. Astrological correspondence ..., Urus. Taurus - Feu, Odal. Gemini - Raido, Eyvaz. Cancer - Turisaz, Perth. Lev-Soulu, Dagaz. Virgo- Berkana, Hyera... Libra - Ansuz, Gebo. Scorpio - Hagalas, Isa. Sagittarius - Kano, Nautiz. Capricorn - Ingus, Evaz. Aquarius - Mannas, Vunyo. Fishes...

https: //www.site/magic/16026

The feminine principle and its manifestation are indicated by runes (signs) Berkana and Laguz. Berkana symbolizes the manifestation of the feminine principle as a woman-mistress or, as a keeper of the hearth. Rune Laguz symbolizes the power of female intuition, seduction and love magnetism. ... a source of charm in yourself. In this case, you can apply the runic formula, which will make a "woman a woman": Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulou. If you translate this formula into "normal civil language", you get something like: "I ...

Runescripts 3

Health, recovery, healing. Invulnerability and competitive advantage. Strength and Energy. Pregnancy and infertility treatment. Sexuality and success with the opposite sex.
Tivaz-Gebo-Berkana - a love formula. Extreme polarization: an increase in male qualities in a man, in a woman - in a woman.

Perth-Inguz-Berkana - tissue regeneration.

Dagaz-Berkana-Inguz - pregnancy

Berkana-Inguz - the so-called Freya's seal

Nautiz-Gebo-Nautiz , or Kano-Gebo-Nautiz - love spells

Tivaz-Uruz-Gebo - male love formula. Victory on the love front. You can add Dagaz

Berkano-Perth-Nautiz - runes of female sexuality and the realization of this sexuality.

Berkano-Perth-Inguz - runes of conception. Conception, fertility treatment.

Algiz-Berkana-Vuno - protection of female qualities. Successful life of a woman.

Algiz-Uruz-Algiz - Protection against physical damage

Algiz-Perth-Algiz - Protecting the fetus, protecting your own life. Protection of the process of incarnation, both of a person and of an idea. It is good to use when there is a danger of miscarriage.

Algiz-Inguz-Algiz - A charm for health. And life.

Raido-Isa- Stopping physical movement.

Evaz-Algiz-Loguz - overcoming the consequences of a magical attack.

Ansuz-Dagaz-Vuno - Here we are talking about a breakthrough in the knowledge and awareness of a person.

Ansuz-Dagaz-Manaz - this is a breakthrough in knowing yourself.

Sovul-Dagaz-Vuno - a good way out of the situation.

Vunyo-Sovul-Hyera - Joyful, successful, harmonious life.

Kano-Gebo-Loguz - a love spell amulet expressing the mystical connection between the male element of Fire and the female element of Water. There is a union of a flaming man and an Amazon woman. Two energies are intertwined in one. Burning passion. Tango.

Kano-Perth-Inguz - Healing (Healing) Runes.

Kano-Uruz-Inguz - runes that give strength and energy.

Cano-Nautiz-Berkano - runes of flirting, platonic passion. It can be used when you do not want (or do not want to) bring the matter to intimacy.

Cano-Perth-Nautiz - the runes of male sexuality and the realization of this sexuality.

Uruz-Nautiz-Berkano - Beer Runes. This is the formation of the Cosmos - Earth flow passing through a person. Finding a person in this stream makes him invulnerable and successful in any competition.

Uruz-Inguz-Berkano - runes of physical (physiological) love. Maintaining a good sexual form, the ability to achieve reciprocity in the subject of passion. The pressure and concreteness of actions in the sexual sphere.

Sovul-Uruz-Inguz However, one must warn - the formula can give an overflow of energy. Perhaps here we can talk about some kind of resuscitation.

Sovul-Dagaz-Vuno - a good way out of the situation.

Isa-Perth-Inguz or Kano-Perth-Inguz - relieves a strong dry cough.

Perth-Inguz-Kano. Establishing a diagnosis.

Dagaz-Fehu-Gebo- Hyera The end of an old, troubled love and the initiation and flowering of a new feeling. With a possible pregnancy.

Eyvaz-Perth- incarnation

Hyera-Eyvaz-Perth - reincarnation

Kano-Gebo-Loguz - Female amulet. Or it is used as a love spell.

Kano-Gebo-Inguz - male love amulet.

Perth-Inguz-Berkana - recovery after surgery.

Using one Perth all the same Kano-Perth-Inguz - you can remove scars and other damage to the skin,

one Perth, or Yero-Perth - You can use the rune to rejuvenate the skin / body,

Loguz-Perth-Berkana or Berkana-Perth-Inguz. - in case of a problem related to conception.

Algiz-Loguz-Perth-Inguz - To restore energy and tissues after severe conditions, for example, after surgery.

Algiz-Loguz-Berkana-Sovul Healing formula. Emphasizes psychological problems.

Amulet meanings

Birch. Birth. A family. The goddess is the keeper and liberator. The rune of the great mother and the main rune of fertility. A wonderful covering and protecting rune. Manages all protective structures: houses, temples. In runescript, Berkana is good to use to create peace and harmony in the house. And also to protect the home, as an archetypal concept. In the runescript, the rune represents a feminine and caring woman. Or a married woman in general. At its core, the Berkan rune itself is a powerful love spell. And if you combine it with such runes as Kenatz or Tyr, you get a set in action similar to an atomic-powered industrial magnet. It is especially necessary to use Berkana s Tyr very carefully. Since this is an interference in the work of the forces of the World, as such. But together with the runes of Hyeres, Berkana can affect, and most likely will affect the occurrence of pregnancy. How much such a result suits you depends only on you. They knew what they were doing.


  • Fertility.
  • Protection of pregnant women and newborns.
  • Family matters.
  • Implementation of new ideas.
  • A certain type of woman in the runescript.

Mantic values

Direct Berkana

Married woman, birch, family, homemaker, fertility rune.

In all layouts on the topic "who did it?" Berkana indicates a married woman or a woman who was once married. It can also indicate a woman after thirty-five to forty years old, even who has never been married.


The project will be successful if it is somehow connected with women or children, or Berkana recommends hiring a married woman, or simply very experienced, at an age, for example, for the position of an accountant or administrator.

Perhaps, oddly enough, you will consult with your wife? Even if you have a low opinion of her intelligence. It's just that women see the world from a slightly different angle and think, accordingly, a little differently than men. Therefore, a woman, without knowing it, can give very useful advice. And with such a twist that you could not even suspect. It is not necessary to act word for word as the wife says, but it is possible and necessary to listen and draw conclusions.


Berkana directly tells us that the woman is currently married. And it doesn't matter what she herself thinks about this. Again, there is an example with a modern bad habit, after the actual expense and termination of communication, not to file an official divorce. This, as practice shows, leads to legal difficulties.


If the rune of Berkan fell out in the scenario for health, then it is better for a woman to take care of the patient. Nowadays, nurses are often found in hospitals, and so, if the Berkan rune has fallen out, it is better to agree that it is the nurse who looks after the patient. Strictly speaking, Berkana advises us to treat a person at home in general. But in our modern conditions this is often impossible or meaningless. It will also be good if relatives often come to such a person in the hospital. Berkana, after all, this is a home, and relatives, in this case, will be the carriers of his energy.

Berkana inverted

Divorced woman, usually newly divorced. Bad hostess. In general, it may indicate a bad or evil woman.


A dropped inverted Berkana may indicate that your household problems are negatively affecting your work, and especially if you are running your own business.

It can also mean an employee of the specified age and marital status, who somehow interferes with your work or is negligent about hers. Moreover, she can "skip" so professionally that you will notice it only after a long time, sometimes even years, or only after the dismissal of this woman. Naturally, her attitude towards work can get you in big trouble.

In general, if you are in trouble at work or in business, and an inverted Berkana falls out, then look for a woman who is a source of trouble.


If you lay out the runes, on some woman, and she falls out with an inverted Berkana, then we can say that she recently divorced or has already been married, despite, perhaps, too young age. In the latter case, it would be nice for you to clarify her biography, you can find out a lot of interesting things. Moreover, the runes do not divide marriages into official and civil ones. Since she lived with a man in his or a common house, it means that she was married, and the rune does not show the stamp in the passport. Well, perhaps in response to a direct question, and if the Ansuz rune falls out next to a berkana, straight or inverted.

The inverted rune of Berkan can also show a woman as a bad mistress of the house. And this, you see, is sometimes important if you are going to marry her, for example.

The element of ice plays an important role in the life of the peoples of the North. An icy wind on a frosty night is no less dangerous for an unwary traveler than a sharpened assassin's dagger or an attack from highway robbers. That is why the Isa rune, the meaning of which is ice, stop and freezing, is very revered by the northerners. This sign of the Elder Futhark has a mystical connection with and alder.

Black magicians, whose rituals include rune damage, use the Isa sign to suspend or destroy a process. For example, the combination Isa - - Isa is designed to destroy the enemy's business, ruin the business, etc. However, in order to use the runes of corruption, you need to have considerable magical abilities. If an unprepared person wishes to write a curse to his enemy in runes, then nothing practical will come of him.

In the Nordic tradition, the Isa rune refers to one of the creative elements, the opposition of which gives rise to our world. This is the so-called "irreversible" rune, the action of which cannot be canceled. The magician, who decided to use the sign of Isa in his runescript, must firmly know what he wants to achieve.

Isa rune in magic

As mentioned above, you can use a combination of runes to harm your enemy. Consider a few basic stavs related to black magic:

  • Mannaz Dagaz Isa - a curse on death (person >> day >> stop);
  • Isa Isa - blocking cash flow;
  • Berkana Isa - to prevent conception, to interrupt the race of your enemy;
  • Turisaz Hagalaz Isa - unleash an avalanche of troubles on the ill-wisher;
  • In combination with - to interfere with the execution of the plans.

However, the Isa rune can be used not only for negative purposes. In the hands of a skilled magician, it turns into an effective tool for stopping unwanted processes. For example, this sign is able to put an end to the conflict and cool the ardor of flushed people. In love lapels, the Isa symbol is combined with the Laguz rune or with the Hagalaz sign.

If the situation is unfortunate, and you would like to slow down the development of events for a while, then try to visualize the Isa rune. You should focus on the image of the sign as well as the ice element. Feel cold and crystal clear, let this sensation enter your consciousness. The brighter the degree of visualization, the more effective the ritual will work.

Isa rune amulet

Such a talisman will be very useful for people who easily lose their temper and wish to cultivate composure in themselves. You need to cut a small square or rectangular block out of alder wood, and then draw the rune sign of Isa on it. The rune can be cut or painted with white paint. Important! The talisman is not varnished, this will make it ineffective!

Many runic amulets can be worn on a chain or on a cord around the neck, but this does not apply to the Isa sign. The talisman should not be in the area of ​​the heart, since the element of the heart anahata chakra is fire, and ice can have a negative effect on it. Wear the Isa amulet as a wristband or just in your pocket.

The meaning in divination

Total value... In general, Isa means the suspension of activities, the termination of any process. If this rune falls out in your layout, then you should wait for some time and not take active action. Now very powerful forces have intervened in the situation, with which you cannot cope. Any haste will only make your situation worse.

Career alignment... A decline in activity awaits you, caused by objective or subjective reasons. This could be the termination of funding for your project, a lingering illness, or simply apathy and fatigue. Prepare for relationships with partners and colleagues to deteriorate. Sometimes the Isa rune warns that the business you are doing is futile. In this case, you should switch your efforts to something else.

Alignment for love and relationships... Chilling feelings and mutual accusations - this is what can destroy even the most lasting union. If the relationship is dear to you, then try to keep the Nordic calm and composure. In this case, you can go through a difficult time without much shock.

Other runes of the Elder Futhark

First att of Freyr and Freyja

Second att of Heimdall

Thura third att

Rune Berkana (Berkana) - the eighteenth character of the ancient Germanic alphabet. It is at the mercy of the elements of the Earth. This is a very feminine, soft rune. Often symbolizes the mother, the source of the birth of all living things. The personification of new, personal and career growth. Helps sort out personal relationships. A symbol of conception, rebirth, growth. Let's talk about the meaning of this rune symbol in detail.

Photo of Berkan's runes:

If you have set yourself a large, almost global goal, break it down into several small ones so that the result becomes real. Don't relax and believe in yourself as much as possible. Then growth and development are just around the corner.

The meaning of the Berkan rune in an inverted position

When a rune falls out in an inverted position, the value is most often negative, but not always:

  • Unpleasant news awaits the fortuneteller, which will cause a lot of negative emotions
  • A period of crisis will begin in the family: conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings cannot be avoided
  • Any business you start will end in failure. It is better to protect yourself from business and be alone, wait for a more favorable moment for active action

Since in fortune telling Berkana most often symbolizes a woman, then in an inverted position it will be a bad woman. She is able to complicate the life of a fortuneteller, to stand in his way to achieve goals.

If you are wondering about a relationship, then Berkana may mean that the person with whom you are close does not suit you - it will not work with him to create families, build love, have children.

Sometimes Berkana (if the fortuneteller is a woman) indicates that there are problems with women's health - it is worth being examined and undergoing treatment with a gynecologist.

Berkana often points out that a business or a conceived business will develop according to an unfavorable scenario for a fortuneteller.

Advice for the fall of the Berkan rune in an inverted position: there is a black streak in your life now, but do not be discouraged and do not look for the causes of all problems in others. Understand yourself and your inner state, eradicate negative qualities and problems, then the outer world will begin to change for the better. Be discreet and discreet. “Measure seven times, cut once” is your motto for the near future.

Application in magic rituals: popular rune formulas

For magical purposes, this rune is used:

  • To give birth to something new: opportunities for personal growth, ideas for work, even a child
  • To provide fertile soil for personal development, career growth, harmonization of personal relationships
  • To get help raising children who are out of hand or are disobedient
  • For the treatment of infertility, assistance in bearing and childbirth
  • To cleanse a person of accumulated negativity, "bad" energy, literally "reset" consciousness
  • To establish contact with the other world - this property is used by "serious" magicians in their rituals

Watch a video about the meaning of the Berkan rune:

Very often Berkana is used to relieve a woman of gynecological problems, to cure infertility and frigidity, to make her more attractive to the opposite sex.