
What is fish oil for? The benefits of fish oil, indications for use - to whom and how is fish oil useful? Benefits for the body

Fish oil benefits and harms of the product are almost completely studied and time-tested. Its taste is remembered by many from childhood (as well as the consistency and smell ... brrr). And, of course, the eternal conversations of mothers and grandmothers about its benefits for a growing body. Now pharmacology has stepped forward a long time ago and releases fat in a gelatinous shell, practically odorless and tasteless. Why is fish oil in capsules useful? We will answer this question in the article, examining in detail not only the composition, properties, but also the features of taking the supplement.

Any dense animal fat contains a lot of saturated fats, but fish oil is special - liquid, because it contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, as in vegetable fats.

Fish oil, like any other, consists of impurities and fatty acids.

Useful components:

  • Omega 3 - about 300 mg per 1000 mg (1 g)
  • Vitamins A, D, E.
  • Omega 6 - (2% linoleic and arachidin).

The main value is made up of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) - eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). These components can be obtained only from algae and fish, since they are practically absent in vegetable oils.

By the way, marine inhabitants also do not know how to produce Omega3 on their own, but have the ability to accumulate fats when eating algae or other fish (which is why predatory breeds contain large quantities of these useful acids).

Omega 3 and 6 are not produced by synthesis in the body, but they must be supplied daily, without them a person cannot live and be healthy.

But linolenic acid, which is found in flaxseed oil, can be synthesized into eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). The question immediately arises: “Why not eat flaxseed oil, since it’s so, everything is simple. Ate one and got 2 irreplaceable others? What's the catch?"

And the fact is that this ability of the body is, well, very limited. The transformation of one substance into another is low in women, and even lower in men. And why should the body strain almost idle, if in fish oil Omega 3 contains all these acids in natural form, just super!

Omega 6 fats can be easily obtained from other vegetable oils, also sunflower oils, which are within walking distance, but their content is much higher than the prescribed dose. Although for the ideal benefit to the body, Omega 3 to 6 ratio is 50 to 50, in fact, it is far from the norm, somewhere around 1/50 in favor of omega 6. This is where health problems begin.

Omega 3 is fish oil or not

Of course, the instructions of parents and doctors can be trusted, but it is better to approach the question of the composition of a substance from a modern and scientific point of view.

There are 2 variants of fat in preparations - from muscle tissue and liver of marine fish. In the latter, vitamins A and D are present in large quantities, which are not recommended to be consumed for a long time in dosages exceeding the norm due to the risk of hypervitaminosis. Also, the liver in the body plays the role of an antitoxic center, which is fraught with the accumulation of harmful metabolites and toxins.

This means that we do not consider an additive from the liver - this is harm, although the preparations undergo numerous purifications, and its name is fish oil.

We will analyze fish oil made from the muscle tissue of fish in cold waters. In the composition, the concentration of vitamins A and D is not large, which does not negatively affect the body. Also, a cheap product consisting of small fish, sardines and sprat, has a normal concentration of nutrients A and D, but Omega 3 is very low.

Another point in our country only fish oil is certified, so all supplements with Omega 3 only have this name. And the definition of usefulness, according to the content of the required ingredients, which we will talk about below.

Fish oil benefits and harms

The main value of this product is precisely the fatty acids EPA and DHA, which we can take only from thoroughbred fish (salmon, salmon, chum salmon, trout). The higher the quality of the raw materials for production, the more expensive the product is on sale. Nothing can be done here, the law of the market.

The supplement has been used as a medicine for more than 120 years, having proven its effectiveness for more than one generation. There is still research and development on the effects of fish oil on the body. An additional intake is especially relevant for residents of Russia and the United States, in which, according to statistics, the consumption of polyunsaturated acids is significantly lower than the norm.

Informative video about positive qualities

The benefits for humans from Omega-3 have been proven and tested by practice:

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Improves the condition with menopause.
  • Reduces the risk of developing blood clots (thinning the blood).
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Protection of the body from neoplasms.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Weight loss and muscle growth.

In addition, they note a positive effect on metabolism, brain function, although the research is rather contradictory, "experiments" continue. And there are some advantages to improve the condition of the skin and nails.

With cardiovascular disease

The most scientific articles have been written about the effect of omega3. Research has been actively carried out since 1970, and preparations with polyunsaturated fatty acids are included in the standard of therapy.

One of the important properties of EPA and DHA is the ability to integrate into the cell membrane (a kind of membrane of all our cells, which determines its integrity). In this layer, acids replace existing lipids, triggering a variety of metabolic reactions. PUFAs accelerate metabolic processes and also affect anti-inflammatory reactions.

Studies have shown the effectiveness of fish oil in the treatment of arrhythmias, coronary heart disease and heart failure. Regular intake of higher levels of Omega3 also reduces the likelihood of sudden cardiac death.

There has been an extensive study of the relationship with the consumption of fatty acids in the United States, Europe. Japan and Greenland. For the first two participants, the percentage of sudden cardiac death was about 0.2% per 10,000 population, while in Japan it was 0.04% (which is 5 times lower than among Europeans). The Japanese have been using supplements for more than 50 years and have been long-livers in the world, and the USA and Europe for 20 years. Fish oil is able to reduce the conductivity of calcium ions by the myocardial cell membrane, namely, its increased accumulation can cause arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation.

Fact: a large consumption of fish oil is noted among the northern peoples - the Eskimos. They have an extremely low incidence of cardiovascular complications. And mortality from heart disease does not exceed 7% (for example, in the United States, the same indicator is equal to 45%). Impressive?

Reduces bad cholesterol

Omega 3 regulate lipid metabolism, thereby reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Also, polyunsaturated acids have mild hypotensive effects (reduce blood pressure), they are involved in the synthesis of special hormone-like enzymes (prostaglandins) that dilate and tone blood vessels.

PUFAs improve the condition of the blood, reducing the likelihood of developing blood clots, and, therefore, reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Fish oil in capsules acts as anticoagulant drugs, preventing platelets from sticking together, that is, it thins the blood.

It is better to cancel it before the upcoming surgery to avoid bleeding.

Benefits for menopause

It is very important to use fish oil for menopause. During this period, metabolic processes are disrupted, hormonal disruptions provoke an increase in blood viscosity, an increase in body weight and a decrease in vascular tone. The benefits of the intake of fats from fish reduce complications from the cardiovascular system, cancer, especially breast cancer, in addition, they improve the condition of the skin by moisturizing it and serve as additional sources of vitamins A and D (prevention of osteoporosis).

Anti-inflammatory action

EPA and DHA are precursors of special biologically active substances in our body - prostaglandins. They are produced by almost all tissues and have a wide range of metabolic activities. If we do not get important fatty acids from food, then the synthesis of these enzymes is simply not possible.

PUFAs are involved in the creation of anti-inflammatory E3 enzymes, which reduce pain and inflammatory responses (arthritis). This effect has an effect in atherosclerosis - due to the removal of inflammation from the walls of blood vessels.

Protects against neoplasms

There are a number of studies on the benefits of fish oil in preventing aggressive cancers. Japanese scientists have found that with regular consumption of Omega-3, the likelihood of cancer is reduced. This fact is also associated with the activity of prostaglandin E3.

Improving brain function

Almost 2/3 of the human brain is fat. For normal functioning, it needs a sufficient supply of fatty acids, which help to improve the metabolic processes of gray matter.

Fat is recommended to be used not only for the elderly in order to prevent senile dementia, but also during pregnancy - in mothers who included a sufficient amount of omega 3 in their diet, children were less likely to suffer from abnormalities in the mental and mental sphere, and develop better. A fairly large-scale study was carried out, in which more than 12 thousand expectant mothers took part.

Slimming fish oil

If we often hear about the benefits for the cardiovascular system from doctors, then not many people know about the use of a supplement for weight loss. It would seem like a combination of fat and weight loss, because this is what we are trying to get rid of. This is the mistake of many losing weight, who replace fish species rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (salmon, mackerel) with a lean version with white meat (tuna, pollock).

Of course, the calorie content of the diet is thus reduced, but a lot of useful nutrients are simply lost. In a recent study, French scientists showed that taking 3 grams of the supplement can reduce the amount of fat in the waist and abdomen.

The experiment consisted of 2 groups of women with type 2 diabetes. One group included fish oil capsules on a regular diet (without any dietary changes), while the other group received a placebo. The content of fatty acids in the dietary supplement presented for the experiment was - Omega3 - 1.8; EPA 1.1; DHA - 0.7.

Within a month, the study showed that subjects who regularly took the supplement had a weight loss of about 1 kg. The percentage of adipose tissue also decreased - about 2%, especially in the trunk area. The group that did not take dietary supplements remained unchanged.

Interesting fact: In this experiment, the ladies not only lost weight, but also significantly reduced the risk of a heart attack. They additionally identified a special protein in the blood PAI-1, which is a kind of marker (and also the culprit) of heart ischemia. It also dropped significantly over the course of the study, from 18 to 9 IE / ml.

Fat burning mechanism

In our body, there are 3 types of fat mass - white, brown and beige. The first serves precisely to store reserve energy, while the remaining two serve as fat burning to maintain body temperature. Beige and brown cells decrease significantly with age, which explains the tendency to be overweight in mature and old periods.

In 2015 in Japan, during an experiment on mice, it was revealed that with the regular inclusion of fish oil in the diet, the white mass goes to the "burning" side. The rodents were given exclusively high-calorie, fatty foods, but some with fish oil, and others not. As a result, the animals lost a lot of weight (their weight decreased by an average of 10%, and the total amount of fat by 25%), and upon dissection, a transition of white to brown cells was found. That is, part of the adipose tissue was simply "retrained" for burning, which is why the effect of weight loss was noticeable. It's super cool and useful.

How to take fish oil capsules

Now on the pharmacological market there is a large number of omega3 preparations. It's easy to get confused with such a variety. Moreover, many companies “sin” with a large number of useless additives in capsules that serve only as ballast.

  • Liquid or capsule?

The standard of the "Soviet" additive was the liquid form. Now, taking with spoons is not relevant, since the dietary supplement is quickly oxidized, causing only harm in the form of free radicals to the body, losing its beneficial properties. The shell protects the substance from degradation. It is also advisable to choose companies in which the capsule dissolves in the intestine (enteric). So the product is better absorbed (it is the intestines that process fats in our body), and there will be no problems with fish belching and an unpleasant aftertaste.

  • Recommended dosages of omega 3

Consumption rates are given according to the World Health Organization (2003) and the American Heart Association:

  1. Prevention of cardiovascular disorders - 500 mg.
  2. Atherosclerosis, high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood - 2000-4000 mg.
  3. Prevention of complications in coronary artery disease and cardiovascular pathologies - 1000 mg.
  4. Arterial hypertension - 3000 mg.
  5. For weight loss - 3000-4000 mg.
  • Features of reception

It is best to drink fish oil after meals. This will help avoid indigestion and flatulence. Reception should be divided into several receptions - 2-3. Depending on the dosage taken and the content of omega 3 in the capsule.

  • Which drug should you choose?

The main thing to pay attention to is the amount of omega 3 (not fat) in the capsule. A high indicator indicates not only the purity of the product, but also budget-friendly. Calculate the intake precisely from the calculation of "naked" milligrams of active ingredient, and not according to the recommendations on the package.

Example: there are several similar dietary supplements with fish oil - DoppelHertz, NOW and Solgar.

  1. The German company Doppelherz claims 800 mg of fish (and this is fat not from muscle mass, but from the liver), of which we need Omega 3 - 30% (by simple mathematical calculations - 240 mg in a capsule). That is, if you need to consume 1 g, you should eat at least 4 capsules per day.
  2. For the manufacturer NOW, 1 piece of the drug contains as much as 2000 mg of fat, in which 680 mg of the acids we need.
  3. Solgar holds the record for 940 mg omega 3 per capsule, which allows you to drink just one per day for the necessary intake of beneficial PUFAs.

Contraindications and side effects

Why fish oil is useful, we have analyzed in detail in the article, but in everything you should know when to stop, and taking the supplement is no exception. Increased consumption of dietary supplements can cause dyspeptic disorders - nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, exacerbate pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

There may be an increase in the risk of bleeding, but this is possible in case of overdose (patients who took 6g of fat did not show this complication even while taking anticoagulants).

Fish oil is completely contraindicated in hypercalcemia, renal and hepatic failure, and active forms of tuberculosis.

Conclusion in choosing a product

Finally, I finished the first article on the benefits and dangers of fish oil. But much has not yet been said, this is already in the next posts. Red fish was expensive, but now it is very expensive, and is there any omega in it, if it is grown artificially? What are natural algae in it? It is unlikely that there is also grass in nurseries.

Honestly, until recently, I absolutely didn’t care what dietary supplement to drink with omega, I used to drink our Soviet penny 3-4 capsules per dose 3 times a day. Then Doppel herz, 1 capsule a day, but the hair, as it fell, nails, as exfoliated, so everything remained.

When getting a deeper knowledge of the action and composition of the product, I took it seriously and began to look for a company of high-quality production. According to many reviews, I determined what the product of the famous online store of ecological products iHerb provides.

The 180EPA / 120DNA label contains a dosage of 1 capsule.

Why did I choose him? After examining many jars for reviews, I noted for myself that its EPA / DNA content is quite consistent with the norms when using 6 capsules a day, more precisely 2 capsules per intake 3 times after meals. There are 500 pieces in a can, enough for a 3-month course.

Highlighted by the marker EPA -360 mg; DHA -240 mg. Dose in 2 capsules. Don't be confused.

I will drink it and order others, there is a huge selection on the site. I note that I am not a fan of various kinds of supplements, but Omega deserves respect for regular replenishment. In addition, I have goals, and for implementation you need health. Thank you for being with me, we can continue communicating in the comments or by mail. By the way, if you know other sources of an excellent, proven product, please share.

The son is recording his covers, listen to the chic slow-paced music Despite the fact that he found himself in music in a stroller.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Greetings, dear readers! The taste of fish oil has been familiar to many of us since childhood, especially to the older generation, which has seen the heyday of Soviet times. Today, this drug is experiencing a second surge in popularity: interest has returned to it. But if earlier the food supplement was sold in liquid form, now on the shelves of pharmacies you can find fish oil in capsules, the benefits and harms of which are still discussed by doctors.

What is fish oil made of?

Doctors and nutritionists have long noticed that fats can be healthy and bad. The latter are found in meat, butter and include fatty acids that have various effects on the human body.

Healthy fats contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to human health. Among them, the Omega-3 group is distinguished, consisting of 11 acids. It is Omega-3 that is able to restore youth, improve metabolism, and strengthen the immune system.

Many people, seeing dietary supplements called Omega-3 and Fish Oil on the shelves of pharmacies, believe that they are the same thing. However, it is at least incorrect to equate these two concepts. You can find out how Omega-3 differs from fish oil by examining the composition of the latter:

  • a complex of vitamins A, D, E;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • esters of oleic and palmitic acids;
  • bromine;
  • phosphorus;

From the above list, it becomes clear that Omega-3 is only one of the constituents of fish oil, and it can be in a food supplement in different proportions, depending on the method of production. Where does fish oil come from?

  • From cod liver... It was this product that was popular during the Soviet era. He was prescribed to children suffering from hypovitaminosis. This dietary supplement contains a small amount of omegas, but it contains a lot of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Fish oil. Recently, scientists have discovered another type of a well-known product, which they call fish oil. It differs from the previous one in that it is obtained from the fatty deposits of fish adjacent to the muscle mass. This product, on the contrary, has a low content of vitamins, but it contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids. For processing, they take fish from the salmon family. Unlike fish oil, fish oil can be consumed for a long time without negative consequences for the body.
  • Small fish product... A cheaper analogue of fish oil is obtained from the processing of small fish. In such a dietary supplement, the concentration of nutrients is much lower.

If you want to purchase a quality product, be sure to pay attention to the concentration of polyunsaturated acids, which must be indicated on the package. The smallest amount equates to 15%, the maximum available Omega-3 content in the preparation is 65%.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

Today, doctors are questioning the benefits of long-term supplementation. Fish oil is prescribed in short courses if the patient suffers from a lack of vitamins. However, in Soviet times, fish oil was prescribed for many people, especially children. What was the popularity of dietary supplements and why was it prescribed in the USSR?

The first reason was extremely pragmatic. In the Soviet Union, there was no such variety of vitamin complexes that can be found in pharmacies today. Fish oil was a natural and affordable way to replenish essential vitamins in the body.

The second and perhaps the main reason is its invaluable health benefits. Omega-3 prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack, which are typical for people after 50 years. Fish oil improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, slowing down aging. But it is useful not only for the elderly.

Benefits for children

In Soviet times, all children were required to give fish oil. Today, this practice is returning, as doctors are more and more convinced of the benefits of this product for the child's body.

The first and main thing that a food supplement can give a child is the prevention of rickets. The product contains fat-soluble vitamin D, which is well absorbed and has a positive effect on the growth of bones, teeth and hair (without it, as you know, calcium cannot be absorbed in the body).

However, these are not all the benefits of dietary supplements:

  • improves brain activity, increases intelligence, which contributes to better academic results;
  • if the child is hyperactive, fish oil acts as a sedative;
  • relieves anxiety caused by the accelerated pace of life, attending school and kindergarten;
  • increases vigilance due to the presence of vitamin A.

Even these reasons are enough to immediately introduce this supplement into the baby's diet.

Benefits for pregnant women

During pregnancy and after childbirth, fish oil is an indispensable product for a woman:

  • in the early stages, when all the organs and systems of the child are formed, the product ensures the normal functioning of the brain and spinal cord, the nervous system;
  • helps to overcome gestosis, since it regulates blood pressure;
  • the risk of miscarriage is reduced, and therefore dietary supplements are recommended for women with regular miscarriage;
  • improves placental blood supply;
  • prevents anomalies in the development of bones in a child;
  • reduces the risk of transmission of diabetes mellitus from mother to child;
  • after childbirth helps to restore hormonal levels and ovarian function.

The benefits of fish oil for women

Women should also include fish oil in their diet, as it is necessary for the implementation of the functions of the female body:

  • prevents the development of polycystic and other diseases of the female genital area;
  • after childbirth helps fight depression;
  • prevents the development of oncology;
  • improves the condition of nails, hair;
  • promotes weight loss as it accelerates fat burning.

For men, the supplement will help suppress excessive aggression and make their figure irresistible: fish oil has a positive effect on muscle growth.

Thus, the dietary supplement is useful at any age, as it restores youth and beauty to the body.

Benefits for athletes

Fish oil is a popular dietary supplement for athletes. Since this category of people is characterized by increased energy consumption, dietary supplements help them replenish energy reserves, strengthen muscles, and increase endurance. According to the latest research, fish oil can help you burn excess body fat and gain muscle mass.

The secret of the supplement is that it suppresses the production of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the growth of body fat and a decrease in muscle mass. This produces more enzymes involved in the breakdown of fats.

Due to the fact that the fish product is natural, even an increased dosage when consumed will not harm athletes. In addition, the supplement strengthens the cardiovascular system and bone tissue.

Harm of fish oil in capsules

But, despite the positive effect that the product has on the human body, its benefits and harms are still actively discussed by doctors. During the research, it was found that the dietary supplement has contraindications and, with prolonged use, can have a negative effect on the body:

  • During pregnancy, it can cause an excess of vitamins A and D. This condition is very dangerous for the future fetus, as it can cause malformations in development.
  • Long-term use of fat causes negative effects on the thyroid gland and kidneys. People who have problems with the functioning of these organs should refuse to take the product.
  • Allergies are one of the most common side effects of dietary supplements. Since animal fat enters the body in a purified form, it may not be digested.
  • The exacerbation of tuberculosis is another negative effect of the dietary supplement. If a person is sick with tuberculosis, the product is completely contraindicated for him.
  • Fish tends to accumulate heavy metals, which are concentrated in fats. If the product is poorly cleaned, taking it, metal salts, in particular mercury, can be poisoned.
  • It thins the blood, so it is better to stop taking the drug a few weeks before the operation.

Due to the presence of contraindications and side effects, doctors advise taking fat in short courses in strictly limited dosages.

How to use?

If you decide to boost your immune system with fish oil, you need to know exactly how to take it. For each category of the population, there is a dosage and as you already understood, fish oil is different. In one, the content of Omega3 will be more, in the other less. Therefore, calculate the correct dosage according to the instructions for the preparation.

However, here's an average dosage that won't hurt you for sure:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - 3 times a day, 1 capsule with a dosage of 300 mg;
  • adolescents from 7 to 14 years old - 2 capsules with a dosage of 300 mg three times a day;
  • adults - 3 capsules of 300 mg three times a day.

How much product to take for pregnant women is determined by the doctor. To avoid hypervitaminosis, you can take 1 capsule per day on your own.

After intense training, athletes are advised to take 6 grams per day, which can be divided into several doses. One course should last at least a month.

How many times a year to conduct courses of treatment with dietary supplements should be decided individually. On average, you can drink 2-3 courses throughout the year. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated more often, but this requires the permission of the doctor.

Fish oil capsules: which manufacturer is the best?

If earlier the food supplement was given in liquid form, today doctors prefer to prescribe the drug in capsules. This form of reception is really preferable, since the shell protects the Omega-3 from oxidation. In addition, drinking dietary supplements in capsules is much more pleasant in terms of taste.

Which manufacturers make the best product? According to the ratings, there are 4 main suppliers of food additives that have confirmed the high quality of the product:

Cod Liver Oil

The manufacturer produces a food product that is suitable only for general strengthening of the body. Thanks to the natural concentration of nutrients in the product, it is possible to avoid vitamin deficiencies.


This medication is specifically for children. These are fruit-flavored chewable capsules suitable for children 3 years of age and older. Of course, the presence of flavors and dyes deteriorates the quality of the drug, but there is no other way to force the kids to use it.

Fish oil is a prophylactic dietary supplement for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But its use should be extremely careful not to cause an excess of vitamins.

If the article contains information useful to you, share your impressions on social media. networks. Until next time, dear friends!

Probably, every person, having heard about fish oil, remembers how in childhood he tried to evade his parents who tried to give him this useful, but so disgusting liquid.

Who would have thought that an adult, who is also actively involved in bodybuilding, would drink fish oil, and without coercion, although it has not become tastier over the years? Let's try to figure out why this very fish oil is so good and why it is useful to drink it not only for children, but also for those who are engaged in creating their own beautiful muscles.

If earlier fish oil (oil secreted from the adipose tissue of fish of different species) was sold only in pharmacies in liquid form, today it is used to form capsules in a gelatinous shell, which taste not at all disgusting. At the same time, various herbs and vitamins are also added to the composition of the drug. Children's fish oil continues to be sold in pharmacies, but it's still for children.

Why is fish oil useful?

The main substance that fish oil contains and which makes it so valuable is omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which the human body does not produce itself, but which are necessary for it. These acids are also present in vegetable oil, although they are somewhat different. It is interesting that the fish themselves do not produce these substances, but receive them with the plankton they feed on. In cold water bodies, the content of acids in plankton is higher.

In principle, omega-3 fatty acids can also be obtained from conventional foods. There are a lot of them, of course, in seafood and fish, in vegetable oil and nuts, slightly less in legumes and grains, and very little in vegetables and fruits.

For bodybuilders and athletes with their active lifestyle, fish oil is a useful supplement, the use of which has a number of advantages.

How to take fish oil properly

You can buy fish oil in a pharmacy, in the form of capsules, and take in the following dosages:

  • leading an active lifestyle and wishing to maintain health, it is enough to take one and a half to two grams for 2-3 doses. Capsules come in different sizes, so you need to look at their contents;
  • for those who are engaged in bodybuilding - 2 - 2.5 grams per day for 2-3 doses;
  • for those who want to lose weight - 3-4 grams in 2-3 doses.

Better to take with food, put the capsules in a salad or meat. Keep in mind that more than 80 percent of all people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, so fish oil will not be superfluous for anyone.

Questions and answers

Is fish oil safe?
- Completely safe: it is not a medicine, but a food supplement. At normal dosage and consumption in accordance with your physical activity, fish oil will not cause any harm.

Can I take fish oil all the time?
- It is better to take breaks of 1-2 months after each package.

Could Fish Oil Get Fat?
- No, the fat mass will not grow, on the contrary, the excess weight will go away.

Is it safe to take fish oil before bed?
- Even if you take omega-3 acids before bed, your complexion will not increase, but the best time to consume fish oil is with food.

Should I Eat Fish Oil in a Drying Diet?
- Necessarily. At the same time, the ligaments are at risk of injury, energy reserves are lowered, since carbohydrates are reduced. Fish oil will help get rid of possible problems.

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Some varieties of marine fish contain a large amount of fat. Not all fish are suitable for a healthy product. Most often, cod is used for this purpose, somewhat less often - mackerel, herring and other types of fatty fish that are found in cold ocean waters. The main producer of raw materials is Norway.

There are two production options:

  • Factory... Fresh fish is cut. The removed and washed liver is placed in a large container, which is heated with steam to about 50 ° C. The emerging liquid fat is scooped out and quickly cooled. The remaining mass is continued to be heated. However, when reheated, a much poorer quality product is obtained.
  • Independent... The cut fish liver is stored in barrels, which are tightly closed when filled. In this form, the raw materials are stored until returning home. By this time, the fat is released without any processing. However, its quality cannot be compared with that obtained by the factory method.

Depending on the cooking technology, you can get three types of fat:

  • White- used for medical purposes for oral administration;
  • yellow- in rare cases, the use of purified raw materials is allowed;
  • brown- prohibited for domestic consumption, suitable only for technical work, the presence of a repulsive smell and taste is characteristic.

In pharmacies, you can find packages with the inscription "fish" oil. This is not a manufacturer's fault, but two different products. The fact is that fish oil is produced exclusively from fish liver, and fish oil is made from meat. The liver, in addition to nutrients, contains toxins. Therefore, fish oil is considered safer. However, its cost is somewhat higher.

Nutritional value and composition of fish oil

Fish oil is a high-calorie product, its calorie content is 902 kcal per 100 grams. The composition includes:

  • Vitamins: A - 30 mg; D, calciferol - 0.25 mg;
  • Cholesterol: 570 mg;
  • Fatty acid: omega-6 - 1.87 g, omega-3 - 19.736 g.
  • Saturated fatty acids: palmitic - 10.63 g, myristic - 3.568 g, stearic - 2.799 g.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: styoride - 0.935 g, linoleic - 0.935 g, linolenic - 0.935 g, arachidonic - 0.935 g, eicosapentaenoic - 6.898 g, docosapentaenoic - 0.935 g, docosahexaenoic - 10.968 g.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: gadoleic - 10.422 g, palmitoleic - 8.309 g, oleic - 20.653 g, erucic - 7.328 g.

Health Benefits of Fish Oil Capsules

Medical experts definitely confirm the high value of fish oil. In 2006 the magazine American Medical Association (JAMA) posted on its pages an official opinion stating that the beneficial properties of fish oil in capsules are many times greater than the potential risks. And with the use of a high-quality product and strict adherence to the instructions, the likelihood of a negative effect on the body tends to zero.

Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have a very good effect on the work of the heart, and also improve the condition of blood vessels. Thanks to this ingredient, it is possible to achieve several positive effects at the same time:

  • blood circulation is normalized, as a result, the risk of blood clots decreases;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood falls;
  • the ability of the heart muscle to withstand any adverse effects increases, which reduces the likelihood of arrhythmias;
  • decrease in atherosclerotic plaques;
  • the likelihood of a heart attack decreases.

Despite the discovered positive effect of the drug on the cardiovascular system, many important questions still remain unanswered for medical scientists (their relevance is discussed in the journal “ Topical endocrinology"2015, No. 8). For example:

  • Which Omega-3 Source Is Preferred - Supplements or Food?
  • What is the optimal daily dosage to meet the omega-3 requirement?
  • What should be the ideal proportion of omega-3 and omega-6?

In general, the positive effects of fish oil on heart function have been proven in many studies. However, the specifics of its use remain to be elucidated.

Has an antihistamine effect

The main constituents of fish oil (vitamins A and D) are involved in the strengthening and formation of cell membranes, thus reducing their sensitivity to the effects of allergens. For a stable effect, constant maintenance of the level of essential substances is required, otherwise the cell membranes will again thin out and become sensitive.

Thus, periodic intake of fish oil is essential for people who have ever experienced allergic reactions.

Accelerates the process of losing weight

Recently, another pleasant property of fish oil has been identified - it helps to actively reduce body fat. However, despite the proven effectiveness of the remedy in combating such a common problem, you should not count on an easy and quick result. The supplement can only help a losing weight person a little:

  • speed up the process of detoxification of waste and metabolism;
  • to ensure the strengthening and growth of muscle mass;
  • lower sugar levels;
  • burn calories more actively;
  • improve the condition of cells;
  • maintain good health.

When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, fish oil will actually work effectively in helping to improve body contours - on average, you can get rid of 1.5 kg per week. However, taking the drug itself will not affect weight and volume in any way.

Heals joints and strengthens bone tissue

According to World Health Organization (WHO) diseases of the musculoskeletal system in one way or another concern 80% of the population. Moreover, among the older generation, pathology is even more common. Currently, doctors prefer to carry out active prophylaxis, since treatment does not always give the expected result.

Fish oil is excellent for maintaining normal bones and joints. Especially the elderly need it, as well as people who exclude fish from their diet.

Helps maintain the beauty of hair and skin elasticity

For cosmetic purposes, it is equally effective both to drink fish oil in capsules, and to use the product externally - in pure form or as an ingredient in medical masks. Application to the skin of the face prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves tone, maintains firmness and elasticity. The product is useful for all skin types.

Rubbing into hair and scalp stops hair loss, protects against gray hair, eliminates dandruff, nourishes roots, restores moisture, provides shine and softness. For a noticeable result, it is necessary to maintain the composition on the hair for at least half an hour, having previously wrapped it up. After completing the procedure, the fat must be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Promotes Children's Health

Scientific studies carried out in the USA, Great Britain and Germany have proved the high effectiveness of prescribing fish oil to frequently ill children in addition to the main complex of treatment.

According to the results obtained, among the patients participating in the study, the incidence of bronchopulmonary infections has noticeably decreased. If it was necessary to take antibacterial agents, the duration of the therapeutic course was significantly reduced. The number of visits to a medical facility has approximately halved.

In addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that in childhood, periodic supplementation:

  • improves mental development due to the full formation of brain tissue;
  • enhances immunity;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • gives a good result in the presence of hyperactivity, anxiety, absent-mindedness, sleep disturbances;
  • improves vision;
  • eases the condition of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and other diseases.

The harm of fish oil in capsules to human health

Even the largest barrel of honey is not complete without a small fly in the ointment. Fish oil in capsules is useful in many ways, however, it is not an ideal remedy either. They started talking about this a long time ago. After a wave of excitement, the use of fish oil in the Soviet Union was banned until 1997 due to a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation. For the same reason, in England, the drug is not given to children under 5 years of age.

To identify a complete list of the negative effects of the supplement, additional medical research is needed. However, to date, scientists have already managed to find out a lot. For example, Canadian scientists have shown that a high dose of the drug can harm the health of patients, in particular, increase the risk of bleeding ( Canadian Medical Association Journal 14 JAN 2008).

Among men who took a dietary supplement for a long time and in large quantities, prostate cancer was 43% more common. At the same time, the use of the drug in the recommended dosages had a completely opposite effect; in the presence of a disease, its progression slowed down. Such results were obtained National Cancer Institute.

As a result of the analysis of the studies carried out, the conclusion about the benefits or harms of the supplement becomes obvious. Consuming a fresh, high-quality product in the dosages prescribed in the instructions, of course, has a beneficial effect on health. Exceeding the dosage can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Thus, in order to minimize the risk of negative effects on the body, when choosing a drug, it is recommended:

  • Check expiration dates.
  • Store the product correctly, following all the recommendations indicated on the package. For example, fat is highly sensitive to light.
  • Read the composition carefully. Some unscrupulous firms, counting on an inexperienced buyer, reduce the cost of the drug by reducing the amount of EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic) acids in it.

Following the instructions, preliminary agreement of the therapeutic regimen with the doctor and careful attention to the purchased product will protect against the appearance of undesirable effects.

Contraindications and interactions

Like any remedy, fish oil has contraindications:

  • It is strongly not recommended to drink the supplement before meals - the likelihood of intestinal disorders (cramps, diarrhea, etc.) is high.
  • Individual intolerance. It is forbidden to take the product if you are allergic to seafood and fish. The consequences can be the most dire - from indigestion to anaphylactic shock.
  • A high content of vitamin D in the blood, as in this case, hypervitaminosis can be provoked.
  • Low pressure. The drug reduces the tonometer readings, therefore, with hypotension, taking it can lead to weakness and deterioration of the general condition.
  • Elevated calcium levels. Vitamin D in the supplement improves the absorption of calcium, so it can make the situation worse.

In addition, the drug is not prescribed if there is a history of:

  • kidney or gallstones;
  • acute dermatological diseases;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • active form of tuberculosis.

It should also be borne in mind that long-term use of the drug impairs the absorption of vitamin E, which can lead to its lack in the body.

Carefully and only under medical supervision, you can take the supplement for gastric ulcer, heart failure, alcoholism, atherosclerosis.

It is not recommended to use the supplement under the age of 7, as well as after 60 years.

Admission during pregnancy

Ideally, you need to take fish oil even before carrying your baby - at the planning stage. In this case, the body will be saturated with the necessary elements, prepare for future loads. The drug will ensure healthy growth and development of the fetus, contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system and, in general, will have a beneficial effect on future pregnancy.

A woman's need for vitamins while carrying a child increases slightly, since for a growing embryo, the mother's body is the only available source of nutrients. However, oversaturation with vitamins often has even more serious consequences than a lack of them. This applies, first of all, to vitamin A. Scientists still do not have an unambiguous opinion about its exact daily dosage. The main difficulty is the determination of the amount of retinol supplied with food.

Experimental studies conducted in the United States on 22,748 pregnant women have shown that an excess of the dosage of retinol can lead to severe disorders of the formation of the aorta and facial skeleton, and also causes other serious consequences ( Consilium Medicum 2011, T. 5, No. 9, p. 4).

Taking vitamin A in optimal doses is not only safe, but also has an extremely beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and the process of fetal formation. It helps to reduce the likelihood of developing birth defects, participates in the formation of the embryo, and prevents the appearance of pulmonary diseases in newborns.

In addition, the use of the drug in expectant mothers in the optimal dosage reduces the risk of fetal developmental disorders, and is also effective prevention of such common pathologies as placental insufficiency and gestosis ( Bulletin of new medical technologies, 2010, T. 17, No. 4, p. 141).

Thus, in the case of prior agreement with the doctor, a woman in a position can safely take fish oil, but only in the prescribed dosages.

Drug interactions

  • calcium- increases the risk of hypercalcemia;
  • barbiturates and anticonvulsants- reduce the effectiveness of vitamin D;
  • warfarin, aspirin, plavix, and other blood-thinning drugs- increase the strength of their action;
  • glucocorticoids- lose their anti-inflammatory effect when taken simultaneously with vitamin A;
  • estrogen- increases the likelihood of developing hypervitaminosis A;
  • tetracycline (high dose)- sometimes ;
  • isotretinoin- can have a toxic effect.

How to take fish oil capsules

Despite the fact that fish oil is dispensed without a prescription, the rules for taking it should be taken very seriously, since their gross violation can lead to severe disruptions in the body's work. The first thing to do is decide if you need to take the drug at all. The decision can be positive if you have:

  • frequent colds;
  • destruction of teeth and bones;
  • heart ailments;
  • rickets;
  • visual impairment;
  • depressive state.

Then it is necessary to exclude all points of contraindications of the drug. It is best to consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of use and the calculation of the exact dosage. After that, you can start the course. It should be borne in mind:

  • the product is used only during or after a meal, otherwise digestive disruptions are possible;
  • the daily rate is divided into several doses;
  • the duration of use should not exceed a month, then a break is required;
  • the recommended period for admission is from September to May;
  • follow the rules for storing the drug;
  • it is unacceptable to exceed the dosage, in this way it will not be possible to quickly achieve the desired effect, and the harm to the body can be very serious.

How to take fish oil capsules for adults

It is necessary to calculate the dose for an adult taking into account the recommendations World Health Organization, according to which the optimal amount of omega-3 is 1000 mg per day, and the minimum is 250 mg. The maximum that can be consumed without harm to health is 8000 mg.

According to the instructions, for preventive purposes, you should drink 1-2 capsules three times a day. If the drug is used to treat any disease or to build muscle mass, the dosage may be increased, but only within the maximum allowable range.

How to drink fish oil for weight loss

To achieve the desired effect, the correct dosage must be accurately calculated. Calculations are performed as follows:

  • The first step is to determine the ideal weight.
  • Calculate the amount of extra pounds.
  • If the resulting figure is less than 15, then 1-2 g of the drug are taken every other day.
  • If the result is more than 15, then they drink the same amount of funds, but daily.

In this case, you should not abandon training and proper nutrition. Only an integrated approach will allow you to get a noticeable result.

How to take fish oil capsules for children

Under the age of 7, fish oil can only be taken as directed by a doctor. If there really is such a need, then the remedy is taken with strict observance of all the rules. For very young children, 1-3 drops are enough in the morning and evening. Children over a year can already be given 1 tsp. (or 1 capsule if a child can swallow it) during or after breakfast. Schoolchildren are advised to increase the dose to 2 tsp. (respectively, 2 capsules).

When choosing a dosage, in addition to age, one should take into account the weight of the child and the purpose of using the drug. The best option is to consult a local pediatrician.

Fish oil is a proven effective remedy that can help the body in many situations. However, before starting the course, you should definitely clarify a few points: the ratio of the benefits and harms of fish oil in capsules, how to take the drug to improve health, and not get a lot of negative effects, what is the optimal dosage and other important issues. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct admission regimen, therefore, medical advice is very desirable.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The onset of cold weather, increased mental and physical stress make us pay extra attention to the state of our immunity. In this matter, the "old" and "good" remedy - fish oil - turns out to be an indispensable assistant.

Today, together with the website magazine, we will understand the benefits of this wonderful remedy for the body, we will consider in detail fish oil composition, pros and cons for health .

Fish oil composition - what vitamins are in fish oil?

It is believed that the fame of fish oil was brought by the pharmacist from Norway Peter Möller, who popularized fish oil as an additional resource for the recovery of the body.

Fish oil - animal oil, a unique and irreplaceable natural product, contained to a large extent in marine fish of the world's oceans - mackerel, herring and other oily fish... The main benefits of fish oil lie in its unique composition:

  • omega-3
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin D
  • antioxidants

Consider the benefits of each substance separately:

  • Omega-3
    Increases the ability to vasodilatation, reduces the risk of blood clots, which produce prostaglandins necessary to trigger anti-inflammatory effects in the body, accelerates the body's recovery processes, restores muscles, reduces stress cortisone levels, improves skin condition and normalizes blood pressure. In addition to fish oil, flaxseed oil is a source of omega-3 as food.
  • Vitamin A
    It improves metabolism, plays a significant role in immunity, controls skin and mucous membranes, protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and from cancer, and is also necessary to maintain good vision.
  • Vitamin D
    Responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the construction of bone tissue.
  • Antioxidants
    They help protect organs and tissues from the effects of aggressive radicals, they can also prevent the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells of organisms, slowing down the aging process.

The value of fish oil depends mainly on the contained fat; remaining components - iodine, bromine and phosphorus, bile pigments and salts, are contained in small quantities that are not capable of achieving therapeutic effects.

The benefits of fish oil, indications for use - to whom and how is fish oil useful?

For reference:

Athenian scholars conducted observations on a group of subjects aged 18-90 years and concluded that regular consumption of fatty fish will help to avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

Scientists from Boston confirmed the findings of colleagues and commented on the research results, giving priority to fish with dark meat - sardinia and mackerel.

Scientists from the University of Sydney published information that children who regularly eat fish or fish oil are less susceptible to asthma than their peers.

It has been shown that the lack of sufficient amounts of omega-3 in the body leads to memory loss. Fish oil lowers blood cholesterol levels and normalizes the digestive tract, stimulating weight loss ... Thus, fish oil is useful for those people who want to lose weight and maintain stable body weight.

Separately, it should be noted that fish oil increases the content of serotonin in the body is a hormone of happiness.

Recall that fish oil is mainly used for prevention rather than for treatment.

Daily intake of fish oil for adults and children, the main sources of fish oil

Fish oil in its original form is a thick texture of light yellow / reddish hue, characterized by a characteristic fishy smell and taste.

As a child, mothers fed us fish oil from spoons, but now everything has become much easier - it is easy to buy it in capsules at the pharmacy. Such capsules perfectly retain properties and protect fish oil from the effects of oxidation, somewhat reducing its "special" taste and smell.

  • deficiency of vitamins A and D in the body,
  • treatment of eye diseases,
  • dryness of the skin and mucous membranes,
  • to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system,
  • poor condition of hair and nails,
  • with memory impairments and depression,
  • for the treatment of wounds and burns (topical application).

General Tips for Taking Fish Oil for Children and Adults

  • Taking fish oil should be during or after meals .
  • The norm for admission to an adult is in the amount 15 ml or 1000-2000 mg per day , this roughly equals 2-4 capsules of 500 mg ... Reception should be divided 2-3 times a day .
  • For children, pediatricians sometimes prescribe fish oil, starting from the first month of life, the dose should not exceed 3x / 5 drops twice a day ... By one year, the number can be increased up to 0.5 / 1 teaspoon per day , and by two years - up to two teaspoons ... After 3 years of age, children can take 2-3 times a day a dessert spoon of fat , and at 7 years old - 2-3 times a day for a tablespoon .
  • The most expensive, especially valuable and high quality is considered salmon fish oil .
  • You can take fish oil continuously 3-4 weeks then take a break.
  • The ideal time for an appointment is from September to May .
  • Store fish oil only in the refrigerator. .

Fish oil - contraindications, is an overdose of fish oil possible?

Fish tend to accumulate in the body a certain amount of toxic substances - mercury, dioxins and others. Therefore, content is possible a certain amount of toxins in fish oil .

However - the benefits of fish oil are much higher than the harm that it can cause - if, of course, you take it. in accordance with the norms , and use only quality drugs .

Due to the intake of fish oil, decrease in blood clotting and there is an increased content of vitamin A , therefore, fish oil should always be taken at the rate, and before use, it is imperative to consult a doctor, especially if you have any medical condition.

Contraindications to the use of fish oil

  • allergic reactions,
  • high blood calcium,
  • nephrourolithiasis,
  • hypervitaminosis D,
  • the presence of stones in the urinary and biliary tract,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • immobilization,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • chronic renal failure,
  • hypersensitivity.

Fish oil should be taken with caution when

  • organic lesions of the heart,
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • duodenal ulcer,
  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • with hypothyroidism,
  • elderly people.

Before taking fish oil, be sure to consult your doctor!

Now a sufficient amount of fish oil from various manufacturers is presented in the pharmacy market. You don't have to choose the most expensive or the cheapest. Go online and read customer reviews of one manufacturer or another, and make the right choice.

Read carefully the directions on the packaging, follow the instructions - and be healthy!

The site warns: self-medication can harm your health! Use all the presented tips only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!