
Plot to remove the thief. How to recognize and remove any stealer (cut off the leak channels). More about the essence of thieves

Is there protection against thieves? First, as it was written above, you can not take anything from strangers. Kradniki good luck, health, wealth, etc. You can pick up any thing to a person by simply giving it away or giving it as a gift. This is especially true when an unfamiliar old weird-looking grandmother tries to give your child candy or something else. It is not recommended to take. Pregnant women should be especially careful (since they are carrying a child and it is his life that can be taken away for the sake of someone's youth), protect babies and children until they reach puberty, as well as virgins (both pilaf). It is no coincidence that all of them have long been most carefully protected by the family.

In order to remove the kradnik, you will need its accurate diagnosis, preferably from a person who knows how to do it. The difficulty here lies in the fact that experienced black magicians do not leave open the channel through which they commit theft, and each time choose a new victim. If the channel remains, then it’s simple - you need to destroy it, then the stolen will return to you, and the hunter for it will get what he deserves. It is also necessary to put protection on the most vulnerable area of ​​your life. To do this, use special staves that protect a person with the help of runes, canceling the negative magical effect.


In the end, I would like to say that any negative energy impact on a person does not at all guarantee a change in the life of a hunter in a positive direction. Along with the theft of something you need, something unnecessary can also come. In addition, each black magic action is a drag into the abyss, where the degradation of one's own soul takes place. Remember this when you want to harm someone!

Kradnik - what is it

Kradnik - an insidious and strong magical effect on a person, capable of depriving him of good luck, happiness, love, money, health, in fact, "steal". There are many legends about witches who stole beauty and youth from girls, wealth from the rich, good luck from merchants. Successful people suddenly began to get sick, lose their acquired property, fail in previously profitable businesses.

If you are going to borrow someone's luck, then making a kradnik yourself will not be difficult. And a person with strong energy will hardly feel that his life force has been taken away from him. But you may not be able to direct someone else's luck for your own good.

Also, you may meet a person with strong protection, which somehow will have to be removed, and this is not always easy and affordable. Or your thief simply won't work.

The right choice of the victim is also important. It can be ill-wishers and envious people who poison your life; successful and rich people from whom it is possible to borrow good luck; young and beautiful, if you suddenly want to turn back the clock and shine again. If you want wealth, make sure the victim is financially well off. You don't even need to know the name.

Kradnik for money and good luck

There are many conspiracies that are easy to reproduce. Here, for example, is how luck and wealth are "lured" from the victim.

Put a nickel in your pocket, follow the person, saying:

Go, go, worthy, but follow the trail of the dog. Yes, along the edge as a wolf, along the field as a reaper. Through life with a cross, but on him as a merchant. Bargaining is fast, but bargaining is black. It is not said in a word, but paid with a dime. Yes, I point at him, yes, I drag everything I want onto myself, I bite with a wolf. I cut it with a knife, I cut it with a scythe. Yes, I tear everything good for myself. We walked one way, but yours was divided. Amen.

It is important that at the same time the object of the conspiracy does not see or hear you. After the last words have been spoken, stop and toss a coin over your shoulder saying, “Paid. Amen".

Turn around after the fallen coin. You should walk silently all the way to the house, without entering into conversations and without looking around.

Kradnik with runes

Another way to take away what you need is runes. You should be smart about the inscription of symbols, because a careless attitude to writing can negatively affect your energy and health.

Runes or staves are ritual signs used by Scandinavian warriors to attract good luck in battle and to avert the eyes of death, which was waiting for valiant warriors at every step.

The meaning of the runic kradnik is that the letters are applied directly to the image of the victim. For these purposes, a regular photograph is suitable. With this use of runes, you should be careful: an incorrect character design can reverse your plot, and instead of the desired result, you yourself will take the place of the victim and become a donor for her.

Kradniks with runes are popular because they do not require magical rites and conspiracies, work efficiency increases, but a mistake in the inscription can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

It is best to “introduce” a photo with a runic kradnik into similar conditions: if monetary well-being is borrowed, carry it in your wallet; pretend to attractiveness and beauty - try to wear closer to the body; if you want to ensure your health and longevity - find a way to bring it as close to your heart as possible.

How to remove the thief

The properties of the thief are such that the victim does not immediately notice its effects. The component on which the conspiracy was made is leaving drop by drop. If you have strong energy, then the effect will be the same as when draining the sea with a bucket. As time passes, the victim begins to notice that her life has deteriorated, luck has turned away, and after it a series of failures has come.

If something in your life has changed upside down, failures and frequent illnesses haunt you, think about it, have you had a magical effect on you?

For those who suspected something was wrong, there are ways to remove the thief at home. Tune in to a positive outcome of events and develop a strategy of behavior.

For the ritual, you should choose the pre-dawn time. Try to keep in mind that the plot should end at sunrise, when it appears in the sky.

Check out one of the proposed rituals to remove corruption, which you can do yourself. Be sure to tune in to an optimistic mood and believe that everything will work out.

You will need the following components:

  • table or its substitute;
  • 4 ordinary candles;
  • juniper or aroma lamp with juniper oil;
  • a glass of vodka.

The altar can be a flat stone or a board the size of 2 male palms. Before starting the ritual, cleanse the room with a burning juniper or light an aromatic lamp. Put a sign of Veles on the altar with chalk, place an offering on top (a glass of vodka can serve as a gift), also put a few drops of vodka on the altar itself and ask to accept your sacrifice. Formulate your request in your own words, eloquently describing the virtues of the deity.

If the ceremony is performed correctly, you will feel warmth and a certain sense of detachment or trance. The plot works quickly enough, and in a few days you will be convinced of the effectiveness of your ritual.

You can also get acquainted with other rituals for removing damage and the evil eye, which will help restore your peace of mind, self-confidence and ward off troubles and misfortunes from you and your loved ones.

Remember that taking someone else's property is always reversible, and no one knows how it will affect your health and well-being. Do not take risks and do not anger fate. Refer to conspiracies for good luck and prosperity. Wish you all the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Black magic is a mysterious, varied and full of temptation world. It has many ways to imperceptibly harm enemies. A black magician or a person who decides to use the means of black magic for this purpose, can only choose whether they will be stealers of money and good luck, or other means from the arsenal that the dark side of magical actions offers.

Black magic is a mysterious, varied and tempting world that offers many ways to deal with enemies.

After using the thief, the victim begins to fade before our eyes, failures become his faithful companion, however, the energy body remains undamaged, which makes the thief such an attractive tool for dark magicians. More about the essence of thieves

There are cases when the diagnosis of a certain energy program that carries a negative charge and destructive influence becomes much more complicated. As a result, only a mystic whose practice is quite long can recognize such a program and then remove it. The conspiracy, called kradnik, refers precisely to such imperceptible techniques of influence.

The essence of a thief is a negative impact on the victim that comes from outside. After the spell is cast on the victim, the energy of this person is redirected to the one who read the conspiracies. As a result, the magician can achieve a complete substitution of the fate of his victim, since the stolen does not return to its original owner.

In the case of using kradnikov as a tool of influence, ordinary cleaning will be completely useless, since there is nothing to clean. And only an experienced healer will be able to recognize that the cause of the impact is in the outer space and then remove it. It is almost impossible to shoot burglars on your own, so do not be shy or afraid to seek help from specialists by changing fate using a burglar.

Kradniks made from the victim's stuff

Kradnik made from the personal belongings of the person chosen by the victim are the most powerful. It is for this reason that practitioners do not recommend giving their things to those people whom you do not know or know little. After all, the likelihood that after this you will have to endure the loss of something from life is quite large. What kind of thieves can be. Which require a personal item of a victim of black magic?

The first place in popularity is occupied by thieves of good luck and money. Its impact lies in the fact that the victim begins to lose money in all possible manifestations of substituting wealth for need, namely:

  • a person's salary was reduced;
  • he lost his wallet;
  • has encountered customers or suppliers who have acted in bad faith;
  • there were unforeseen expenses.

The effect of a money stealer is that the victim often has unforeseen expenses.

At the same time, a person who decides to enrich himself through such a substitution begins to receive money almost out of thin air. This is precisely the essence of the impact that the thief has on money and the fence of luck.

No less popular among people who want to get benefits without working on themselves are beauty and health thieves. After all, each person would like not only to receive wealth, but also to live longer than fate allotted to him, regardless of the possible consequences and the high price.

How Kradnik works

What is the effect exerted by the thief to deprive the victim of beauty and health? The person on whom the spell has been cast begins to change before our eyes - pigment spots may appear on him, his hair may grow dull, his figure may change. But the initiator of the substitution becomes younger and more beautiful, pulling the energy of his victim onto himself.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon can often occur among people related by ties of consanguinity. An older person casts a spell on a younger relative, and at his expense prolongs the duration of his life. By the same principle, you can steal the health of another person.

With the help of a thief made using the victim's personal belongings, one can steal not only health or wealth, but also well-being in family life. While the thief is successfully building his personal and family life, the following changes begin to occur in the victim's family:

  • adultery;
  • frequent quarrels;
  • infertility;
  • a break up.

The action of a thief can lead to infertility in the victim's family

For this reason, happy couples should be careful not only with new acquaintances, but even with old friends. After all, a thief that can destroy a family can also be brought into the house, giving it to the owners.

In fact, through a thief made from the victim's personal belongings, you can steal anything you want. Naturally, there will be a price to pay for this, but magic will not work otherwise. It is better to show the strange things found at home to a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation and not delay the elimination of the problem with extraneous influence.

Runic Kradniks

Another opportunity, with the help of black magic, to change fate, to improve your life by taking something away from another. Runic Kradnik is less effective, but no less dangerous. In order for the rune keeper to begin its work, it is enough for a person to approach the victim and whisper the words of the spell three times.

And there is also a version of the rune kradnik, in which any image is slandered. Then it is necessary to transfer the enchanted thing to the victim. To protect yourself from this, it is important not to take anything from people you do not know, and if you did, then contact a specialist for advice immediately.

Ritual "Traveler"

This conspiracy will help the magician steal from a person who is guilty of something before him, the material wealth of the victim.

When someone who wants to steal wealth saw a rich man walking in front of him, they read the following conspiracy in his back:

“Go, go, worthy, but on the trail of a dog,

Yes, along the edge of the wolf, along the field as a reaper

Through life with a cross, but a merchant on him

Bargaining is fast, yes bargaining is black

The word is not said, but paid with a dime

Yes, I point to him, yes, everything I want

I pull on myself, I bite with a wolf

I cut it with a knife, I cut it with a scythe

Yes, I break everything good for myself

We walked one way, but yours was divided

The spell to activate the kradnik is pronounced three times. As soon as all the necessary words have been spoken, the puller throws a coin of any denomination on the ground with the words “Paid”. At the end of the ritual, you need to leave without looking back.

There is another case in which there is a chance to use this conspiracy. This is done in the case when the sorcerer is eager to teach a lesson to someone who is used to taking from another, and to show what can happen if you do not stop doing it.

However, before using the proposed kradnik, think about whether it is worth punishing someone to whom fate will reward what they deserve anyway. It is not worth the risk if the person is not sure that the game is worth the candle.

Before using a kradnik, you should carefully consider whether it is worth doing it.

How to get rid of and protect yourself from such an impact

You can get rid of the thief only with the help of an experienced healer with many years of experience, who can correctly identify the cause of the negative impact. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of whether there is protection against thieves, how to remove the negative. If we remove the thief, you need to clear your aura from the effects of witchcraft.

After all, properly built protection helps prevent the loss of your well-being. Alena Wormwood is a high-level magician, says that the best defense against thieves is amulets. Eslena offers to cleanse the discovered thieves from her energy.

Practical advice from Alena Polyn

Alena Wormwood warns that cleaning with runes is not always a panacea. First try to prevent a magical blow, so as not to suffer later. First of all, don't take anything from people you don't know.

Particularly strong should be the protection against thieves in women who are carrying a child. This is due to the fact that it is the life of an unborn child that can become the subject of the theft of that scoundrel who wanted to extend his life. And Alena Wormwood also advises that it is worth paying special attention to the protection of infants, individuals who have not reached puberty and have not known carnal pleasures, that is, virgins.

Alena Wormwood tells how to get rid of the thief. First of all, you need to correctly diagnose it. But in the process of diagnosis, you may encounter a certain difficulty, which greatly complicates the task. A black magician who uses thieves always closes the channel through which he works. Also, the black practitioner constantly changes his victims.

But sometimes it happens that the channel of influence remains open. In this case, the healer's task is to destroy the channel. This action will allow you to return everything that was stolen. And the thief will get what he deserves for what he did.

According to the magician practitioner Alena Wormwood, there is another possible defense against thieves - these are staves. They are used in order to protect from the negative impact that area of ​​the victim's life, which is the most vulnerable and accessible to the actions of strangers. In order for the staves to work and provide protection, magical practices use runes that cancel the effect of magic that has been imposed and help strengthen the protective forces of the victim's energy field.


With the help of the influences offered by black magic, the magician can steal everything he wants from a randomly selected victim, whether it be prosperity, happiness in the family or health. The main thing is to correctly read the conspiracy called the thief.

You can speak both personal belongings of the victim, and objects that will then be donated to the victim. That is why it is not recommended to accept gifts or treats from unfamiliar people or strangers at all.

It should be remembered: do not accept gifts from unfamiliar people

And there are also rune thieves, which are not as popular as conspiracies for things, but are no less dangerous for those who are chosen as victims.

Elena Wormwood argues that protection from thieves is a necessity that is relevant for everyone, since there is no guarantee that the victim of a sorcerer who decides to hunt for other people's goods will not fall on you.

You can protect yourself from negativity with the help of a stav, for which runes are used. Pregnant women and mothers of children who have not reached puberty should be especially careful.

Getting rid of thieves is not easy. Simple cleaning will not bring any result. Therefore, in order to save yourself from the destructive effects of a thief, you should contact a healer with many years of experience.

And most importantly, it is worth remembering that any negative impact has its price, and the substitution of events and fate will make you pay a high price. It is worth remembering this when thinking about how to improve your life at the expense of someone else.

I decided to post it here, because I didn't find a suitable topic. I have been collecting thieves for a long time. I'll post it here and see if anyone can comment on it. Do you know them, did they do it for yourself or clients? What results did you get?

Kradnik is a rite for pulling luck, money, health or youth. Each person has his own limit of luck, wealth, moreover, the assessment of the Higher Powers of the correctness of decisions and actions of a person goes just through the channels of money and good luck: noticing total bad luck or lack of money, a person begins to rush about in search of a way out, and sooner or later finds the right solution or an answer. Therefore, depriving a person of his benefits is, as it were, a lever that moves people to act in the right direction. To begin with, I will give several rites of thieves.


If on the way I saw a man walking who is rich and noble, then a conspiracy is read in his back:

“Go, go, good, yes, follow the trail of a dog, Yes, along the edge of a wolf, along the field as a reaper, Through life with a cross, and on him as a merchant Bargaining is fast, but bargaining is black The word is not said, but paid with a dime Yes, I point to him, but I pull everything I want I drag myself, like a wolf I bite With a knife, I cut with a scythe, Yes, I break all the good on myself. We walked one way, but yours was divided. Amen. Say three times. Then they turn around, throw any coin on the ground and say: “Paid. Amen.” Leave without looking back.

The second rite - Peretyag with a stranger, on the street.

You can take almost everything in this way. Beauty, youth, health, wealth, respect-honor. And you can take it from anyone. Do you know this person or not. Bindings and other things are not needed. It was done both out of necessity and for the sake of punishment, and sometimes just like that. To do this, going out into the street, preferably where there are a lot of people, find the person from whom to take you will. If wealth, then a merchant (now it is a businessman or a business woman). If youth and beauty or health, then for a man, of course, a young healthy guy, for a woman - a girl that is suitable in terms of parameters. And follow the object. You need to walk in such a way as to completely copy the gait of the object. That is, step by step, movement by movement. Those. you have to become that person. Look at his back between the shoulder blades.

A woman (or a man) was walking with a bag and an empty pot. The bag is full of good and there is a hole in the bag. Behind her comes the devil, Good falls into the hole, the devil picks it up. , I’m a damn sister) (or brother) (my name) after you, the devil knows your name, I’m going, I’m taking your (what we’re picking up). (our name) (what we take away) a bag, to you, the devil knows your name, an empty pot. To me (your name) (for example: to get prettier and younger; to prosper and grow rich; to be healthy), to you, the devil knows your name, (for example: to wither and wither; go bankrupt and grow poor; get sick). From now on and forevermore. Men was - the devil was a witness to that, but this agreement was fixed. Amen.

Spit in front of you after the person, stamp your left foot. Turn around and go home without talking to anyone or turning around.

The third rite, which I want to lay out in this article, is suitable not only for taking money and good luck, but also for punishing your enemy, whose guilt is obvious. This rite is complex, and is not recommended for beginners. Also, before this ceremony, it is necessary to remove all protection from the person from whom you are “pulling”. To take away good luck for 13 years. You need to get a photo of the victim. Go to church, buy 13 large candles. Take the change, but take it to the crossroads and throw it away with the words:

“I took it for thirteen, but didn’t buy too much. Take the demon, yes, I’ll tell you what to take down. Amen"

At home they lay a white tablecloth, three letters are written on it with charcoal: R.A.Zh. From the bottom of the letters they write the name of the victim, even lower their name, even lower the name of the victim, but vice versa. They take a clean saucer, put a photo on it, put a stone on the photo. This plate is placed on the place where the letters are written. Arrange all 13 candles around on the table, and put them upside down, so that the inscription is the other way around, so that the bare wick is at the bottom and not at the top. Read the plot:

“Thirteen secret forces Thirteen virgin virgins Thirteen tearful icons Thirteen angels of God Thirteen legions of demons Yes thirteen secret forces Yes not of God Yes demonic Yes they are called by me now Yes bargaining is beaten by me Even with bargaining here good luck Yes (name) life is nimble Yes you manage your fate How much days, yes nights How many hours are allowed Yes, all this is said by you So days of tearful count Yes days filled with happiness yes those days full of happiness and at thirteen years old they will capsize and they are named after his luck and money path and even a twinklea escort you traded for me bought thirteen candles all one flame was made in one year, yes, the year of my fate, then thirteen candles with a flame, and according to my strong fate, they will burn, then they will all be pulled upside down. Yes, good luck (name) is turned on me Amen.

All the candles are lit, no matter in what order. Then they take vodka, she needs to pour over the saucer where the photo of the victim and the stone are. Set fire to vodka, wait until it burns out, it will damage, scorch some of the victim's photo. When it's done then say:

“Thirteen flames, yes (name) with fire, yes everything is taken away, but it is thrown to me, but my share is harmonious. Amen"

Then they take the stone that pressed down the photo. When the stone is taken, they say:

“Thirteen candles are blazing, but luck is interrupted on me, so for thirteen years luck has been taken from (name), but it’s been cleaned with this stone, but the stone won’t come back, but luck will turn on me for thirteen years. Amen"


Candles burn out completely, a plate with ashes is carried and thrown under any bush. Take the stone and leave it on the grave with the same name as yours with the words:

“I interrupted myself, but took away at thirteen, and the dead man is now a watchman, and a reliable assistant. Amen"

Leave without looking back.

Kradnik is a rite of passage for taking something in one's favor. The main rule: the victim must be of the same sex and know each other personally.

For carrying out you will need:

Photo of the object

Black natural fabric

Rowan wand

Needle or knife

6 wax candles - can be black, can be natural color, NOT church.

We do it at sunset. Lay a cloth on the floor, draw a pentagram (straight) on it with chalk, place candles in the corners, one in the center. You stand facing west (not north, as many sources indicate, the sun sets in the west), inside the pentagram. Take a photo, set fire to it from the central candle and read as many times as you can:

Your time is gone, your sun is gone - everything has passed to me.

You can add in your own words what you want to drag (“beauty is gone, passed to me / health left / passed to me”, etc.). At this moment, your intention is the key factor on which the result will depend. You must be very clear about how the victim is aging / debilitating.

As the photo burns, add the ashes to a glass of milk, drop a drop of your blood there.

Now, IMPORTANT, we extinguish the candles with a ritual knife or cap - counterclockwise - reading the plot each time (on the final words) The central one last, extinguish it in a goblet or glass. Immediately mix with a rowan stick counterclockwise and drink in one gulp.

Wrap the candles in the black cloth they stood on and bury them under an aspen or poplar tree.

Kradniki - a separate section black magic dedicates to these rituals. Their strength is great. Called thieves select:

  • wealth;
  • good luck
  • well-being;
  • beauty;
  • youth.

The impact on a person of the rituals of black magic is always unavoidable and extremely strong. That is why these rituals are not intended for single use. Black rites must be lived and breathed.

Kradniki - black theft

As already mentioned, stealers are used by black sorcerers to steal everything that the performer wishes. Surprisingly, you can steal from any victim and getting to know her does not play any role. Bindings are not used in these rituals. There are no rollbacks here. However, a one-time occupation threatens severe punishment. There is no point in talking about thieves, because everything is clear in them anyway. That is why from words directly to deeds.

Kradnik universal

This thief is able to take everything you need. To bring it to life, the sorcerer needs to go to a crowded place and find a future victim:

  • businessman;
  • handsome / beautiful;
  • healthy guy/girl;
  • happy person.

After that, the black magician follows his victim. However, it does not just follow, but completely copies his gait, as if merging with it into one whole. Looking at the victim between the shoulder blades, a conspiracy is read to them:

“The woman was walking, the man was walking,

Yes, they went with a bag, but with an empty pot.

the bag of goodness is full, but there is a hole in the bag,

and behind them (him) the devil is coming.

Goodness falls into a hole

and the devil chooses himself.

The bag is full to hell, but the pot is empty for the man / woman.

So I'm a goddamn brother for you,

God knows your name, I'm going.

I take yours (the purpose of theft) for myself.

From the first step I start, from the second I select,

and with the third step I lock everything.

Step by step, pinch by pinch.

I (the name of the sorcerer) (the purpose of theft) is a bag,

You, the devil knows your name, the pot is empty.

From now on, so forever and ever.

And the devil was my witness

he signed this agreement.


Then the black sorcerer spits in front of him, but follows the man and stamps his left foot. Then he turns around and, without looking back, goes home. It is forbidden during this period to start a conversation with anyone or answer someone's question.

This thief, since the work is with demons, requires a ransom from the performer. Therefore, before performing the ritual, deep after midnight, it is necessary to go to the crossroads of four roads and bring to it:

  • money;
  • vodka;
  • meat;
  • anything else you see fit.

“Damn, damn you, I’m calling you for an exchange and for a dashing man. You will be my witness, about what I ask - you will judge everything.

After that, the coins are thrown away, the vodka is spilled. Then, without talking and turning around, the black performer goes home.

A few words about choosing a victim

Kradnik, by its nature, is a kind of ritual and must be carried out in accordance with the rules that are set by black magic. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of the future victim. A prerequisite for the work of a thief is a victim of the same sex as the perpetrator. It is desirable that she be much younger than the black sorcerer and have an attractive appearance. Kradniki are not used for harm, but for the purpose of acquiring personal gain.

Experienced warlocks always choose the enemy carefully and very carefully. Since its existence, black magic has been greatly modernized and therefore today it uses some of the achievements of society. For example, to create a kradnik for beauty, it is advisable to use photographs posted on social networks. They can also be resorted to in case of theft of good luck, wealth, love, success, happiness. A photograph will tell more than the closest friend and neighbor.

Kradniki in a variety of choices

The next kradnik is performed with the participation of a mirror, but no one claims that it is recommended only for the female part of the “black” population. It can also be used by a warlock with great success.

Mirror kradnik

This rite is performed by a black magician during the waning of the moon. You don't have to wait until midnight. The main thing is that the sun should go down, and the world will be enveloped in night. Among the components necessary for the ceremony are:

  • mirror (new);
  • two wax candles;
  • in full growth, a clear photograph of the enemy;
  • black threads;
  • cold spring water (necessarily in a bowl).

Regarding water, there is a strict note: water must be taken from the source in which it moves: a river, a stream, but not a body of stagnant water.

Having installed a mirror, the black magician puts candles on both sides of it. On the right side puts a bowl filled with water. A photograph of the victim is placed in front of the mirror and only in such a way that it is reflected in the mirror itself, as if looking into it. Next, the black performer lights candles and pronounces a conspiracy of this nature nine times:

"The river is black and the smooth surface is mirrored,

she stretched her waters through her souls

youth and beauty took away from people,

washed and took over.

Into your fast waters I give

into the waters of ice slave (name).

How will the slave (name)

beat on your shores

Yes, it is spinning in a black pool

let it be mirror-like

beauty will go away.

Yes, fast water

floats towards me.

All his strength comes to me.

Everything that came down came to me.

I take away beauty and youth

share dashing yes crumpled return

slave (name).

What is said is given

transmitted through the mirror surface by water.

After the spoken words over the bowl, the surface of the mirror is washed off with water from the bowl. The flowing water is collected by a black sorcerer in a container. Such an operation is repeated exactly nine times, and during the flushing, such speeches are spoken:

“Mirror smooth surface and wash away with water

from now on, be a young falcon for me,

from now on, be a peacock-beauty for me.

After the ninth wash, the black sorcerer puts the appropriate fix on the water:

“It was spoken by nine and they also spoke

nine locks and nine keys closed.

Hidden from prying eyes.

My case is stucco, and the word spoken is strong.

Then the black sorcerer washes himself with the resulting water exactly nine times. After that, it is forbidden to wipe your face. The water on it should dry out on its own. The water that remains after the ritual must be poured under a young birch. Next comes the turn of the photo card, which lies on the mirror with an image to its reflective part. All this is rewound with a black thread crosswise and tied with nine knots.

The black magician puts the design thus obtained with a photograph down between two dying candles and gives them the opportunity to completely “melt”. In the morning, all that is left of the ritual must be thrown away in the same place where the water was taken from for the ceremony. After all this, throw out nine copper coins.

The same principle works not only beauty thieves, but also the so-called universal ones. However, there are significant differences between them.

Take away thief

Carrying out this thief will require the black sorcerer to personally get to know his victim, as well as the following components:

  • photo of the victim;
  • black natural fabric;
  • crayon;
  • rowan stick;
  • needle or knife;
  • cup;
  • milk;
  • six candles.

The ceremony is performed by a black performer during sunset. To do this, the warlock spreads a cloth on the floor and draws a straight pentagram on it with chalk. She places candles in its corners. The last candle is placed in the center. Then, the black sorcerer stands facing the west, entering the pentagram. Taking a photograph of the victim in his hands, he sets fire to it from the flame of the central candle and pronounces the following words as many times as this will be possible until the photoprint is completely burned:

“Your time is running out, your sun is setting, and all yours is passing to me.”

In the case of "... all yours ...", you can specify what exactly should go. Desire in this ritual is a key point, since the fulfillment of this rite in a positive way will also depend on its strength.

As soon as the photo card is completely burnt out, the ashes left by it are added to the goblet filled with milk. It is also necessary to add one drop of the blood of the blackest sorcerer to it.

The most important thing is to extinguish the candles. This process should be done with the tip of the ritual knife and counter-clockwise. The candle in the center of the pentagram should be extinguished last. It is stewed in a different way: in a bowl. Its contents are stirred with a rowan stick and then drunk in one gulp. The black sorcerer wraps the remaining candles from the ritual in the cloth on which they stood, and buries them under a poplar or aspen.

In the practice of black sorcerers are widely used money thieves. The rituals in the church are especially good, where you can easily find a really rich person.

Church kradnik money

The black sorcerer goes to the church and looks after a rich man there. Having waited for the moment when he puts a candle for health, the warlock approaches the altar and extinguishes it with his left hand, and with the same hand, on himself, takes it with him. In its place puts down his own, but with the wick down. Without looking back and talking, he goes home.

In a quiet environment, a ball rolls from the candle wax. During his skating, a certain spell is pronounced by a black sorcerer:

“As wax rolls in my hands, so silver-gold from the merchant comes off to me. Yes, it doesn’t just come off, but it folds into my chests and pockets. Be, therefore, for I speak the truth.”

The warlock always carries a ball rolled up in this way.

Runic kradniks

Of such kind rites there are also runic ones. Their action is aimed at achieving a similar end result - the theft of prosperity, good luck and financial stability. However, the beauty of runic thieves lies in the fact that the casting of the spell takes place in absolute secrecy from the victim. As before, runic kradniks use conspiracies, but they are somewhat different than in the old-fashioned version, but they are fully functional.

Usually, good luck thieves or well-being rely more on "talismans" or "amulets" in the form of runes in their strict accordance with respect to a particular situation. Runic thieves are not as common as traditional ones. Their essence lies in the creation of a certain image and the pronunciation of words over it, reminiscent of a spell.

However, during the ritual, this image must be thrown to the victim in such a way that he does not notice it. Another, more difficult condition is the constant presence of a planted object with a victim. Otherwise, witchcraft will simply stop working.

In conclusion about money thieves

Rune spells aren't bad either. However, professional warlocks, to the best of their ability, always use the stealer, magic which is the strongest and most effective. That's just such a kradnik and I want to provide readers at the end of the topic.

With the help of this thief, you can’t take away the victim’s money, but you can make a great profit at her expense. For example, a warlock liked someone's car, and such a model may be his.

Mirror kradnik for a certain desire

To carry out this ritual, you will need a small round mirror, which would have a thick frame and could be closed. The use of a double mirror is not allowed. The ceremony should take place exclusively during the waning moon. All this time, a black performer carries a mirror with him. The black sorcerer catches the thing he likes in the mirror and utters the following spell three times:

“I liked

damn it!

Damn my brother

come out of the mirror

take what I point to

take it with you.

Keep everything you have taken away for me.

Take the devil (specify what exactly)

through the mirror

drag yourself into the pool

Yes, keep it in it, save it.

In one period of the waning moon, the warlock is able to collect only one-dimensional desires:

  • youth;
  • cars;
  • money;
  • beauty;
  • wealth.

The acquisition of the necessary is carried out over three lunar days. Then it is necessary to conduct a secondary ritual for the selection of piled up devils. The ceremony takes place at midnight. The warlock puts two black candles on the altar, and between them sets a mirror so that it is convenient for him to look into it. When everything is ready, the performer reads these words thirteen times:

"Damn, damn, get out of the mirror,

Yes, carry what you managed to collect.

What you managed to collect, give it to me.

To the crumbs of the last.

Let everything pass to me and stick,

only merge with me, grow together

yes forever yes forever

(if wealth, then “to the house”; if beauty, then to the “face”)

let mine be beaten.

Everything that has been said is sealed by the devil himself.

On the same night, the warlock carries to the crossroads of four roads, a ransom prepared in advance. It is given with these words:

"Damn-devil helped me, collected me here and accept a gift for the work."

Meanwhile, the mirror remains on the altar until morning. In the morning everything is removed, and the mirror is placed by the warlock on the side that reflects up for another three days. Then it must be cleaned with salt and running water, after which it can be used again for the same kradnic rituals.

That's the way black magic capable of satisfying her follower, and the reward for devotion will always come from Lucifer himself.

Letter becoming "SHELL" - we remove the thieves, get rid of the "not share", we return our good + protection and punishment of offenders.

Thanks to uv. Aquamarin turned out to be the "Shell" based on the "Gates of Ra" - and as a result of the work of the "Shell" stav, good results are observed in destroying the programs of thieves with the effect of punishing offenders and forcibly returning what was stolen.

In the center is the Bullseye, then 8 pcs People who secondarily move into 4 Lu (horizontal, vertical and 2 diagonally) and then line up 8 Ek.
She asked me to destroy all the channels of thieves, banners, relays, clean everything superficial from me, return what was taken away to me and protect me.

How the position was created:
Uv.Freya Kenaz, I used your work "GATES OF RA" about 3 months ago, I got a very good result, and then I think let me put it again and on the 1st night after sleeping I realized that they were trying to suck again, that I was protected from 2 sides, but not with 2, so I decided to put Ek 4 pieces, outlined Apple, 4 People, 2 Lou turned out and 4 Ek - in a dream people stood behind bars and could not enter my room, I noticed a door diagonally across the room, which was not closed and was worried that they might enter it. At night 3, I made 8 People on Apple, 4 Lou secondary and 8 Ek - in a dream I am in the same room, there are bars everywhere, and I go where I need to, but no one can come up to me. I look out the window, and there men and women are dying huge turtles and they stack them on top of each other to burn, I hear someone say - why are they like this to us, and someone out of resentment threw one dead at me, but the turtle bounced off bars and flew into that person, all this time there was a small turtle next to me, which grew rapidly as people killed their turtles and grew as huge as an elephant. I went to the mirror and I think how beautiful I am, I need to call the MCH and he will call on Skype, but I decided that I’m not ready to call yet, I need to wait a couple more weeks. The turtle means well-being, longevity and health in my dreams - so apparently becoming a cut-off for everyone who tried to feed ... and someone even fucked up, but it didn’t work out! And mine began to return to me very quickly! Appearance as always improves, I look refreshed and rested. Now I came across becoming an SCREEN to call for contact - my 3rd option apparently hinted at this, so after 2-3 weeks I'll apply SCREEN! Huge thanks to you for your work!
I can’t help but add, because the thought doesn’t leave ... The sun clearly tells me that this protection is called “Shell”, hence there are a lot of turtles in a dream, those that were dead I remember only how their heads and necks suddenly became dry, like the ball deflates sharply, and here, and all this was prepared for burning, and my living turtle grew and its shell increased to the size of an elephant .. and I constantly see everyone on the street, but I watch from home ... like from a shell ...

Kradnik is one of the varieties of damage or, in other words, a negative program introduced into your biofield through witchcraft and magical influences. The existence of such a program is difficult to diagnose. Since its action is not aimed at completely blocking one of the energy channels of your biofield, but at stealing the generated energy and redirecting it to the acceptor, therefore it is quite difficult to remove damage of this type on your own.

That is, when installing "Kradnik", the victim of damage is an energy donor. And what kind of energy is taken from it depends entirely on the desire of the recipient. But most often, it is the energy of well-being, well-being, good luck, health and youth.

From the outside, everything looks good. Changes become noticeable only in the case of a sudden and unjustified medical deterioration in health, a sharp decrease in income under normal business conditions (up to ruin), intensive aging, despite the use of various rejuvenating agents.

How to damage "Kradnik"

It is not difficult to plant this type of negative programs on the human field to the point of intimidation, this is easily handled not even by a practitioner, but by a slightly “indulgent” magician and an energetically strong envious person (otherwise you can’t call a person who seeks to profit “for free” from the achievements of another person), who:

  • knows a special conspiracy, it is part of a simple rite;
  • knows how to work with runes;
  • has an idea of ​​what a “lining” is and how to make it;
  • knows how to influence a person through a photo.

The main condition for a non-practicing magician, that is, practicing magic from time to time, is a good acquaintance with a potential victim in order to have access to her home, personal belongings, and photographs.

Therefore, be vigilant when inviting a stranger to your home or making a new acquaintance. And among the environment, you should isolate people who are directly or indirectly envious of you. After all, there is no guarantee that at one fine moment you will not pay for such an acquaintance with your health, wealth, youth or love.

Make it a rule never to share your victories, joys and happiness with anyone. Well, of course, except for those closest to you, whom you trust or want to trust.

How to define "Kradnik"?

If you suddenly began to lose things, your general state of health worsened, causeless fatigue appeared (and this is not the cause of seasonal beriberi), failures fell from all sides, then you should think about the presence of spoilage.

Remember that the acceptor is not interested in immediately squeezing you to zero. A change in position can occur gradually, for a long time and, at first glance, seem like some kind of coincidence. But if this coincidence occurs regularly, and at the same time the mood also worsens, up to a depressive state, you should think about visiting a knowledgeable person or try to remove the damage to Kradnik on your own.

Is it possible to remove the damage "Kradnik" on my own?

An experienced healer does not need to determine the address for. It is enough for him to reveal its presence in order to do everything to neutralize it. Although, on the astral plane, this type of negative program looks like a funnel with a thin thread-harness connecting the victim and the customer, along which the stolen energy is actually redirected.

In order to try to get rid of this problem on your own and alleviate your lot, you will have to take a closer look at your surroundings. And also analyze your relationship with each person and perform a series of operations:

  • do a complete general cleaning in your home, workplace. And not only purely physical with washing the front door, windows, walls (if possible), cleaning ceilings, furniture, and so on. It is also required to carry out energy cleansing of the premises with fumigation with wormwood, incense, incense, wiping surfaces with salt dissolved in it. Well, if you have baptismal water - you can add it to a container of water to clean the room;
  • try to identify a person who, in your opinion, can make such a gesture, how to try to pull over your luck, health, youth, love. Find all the items brought by this person to your house and get rid of them with the help of fire;
  • cleanse your biofield, for which, for ten days at the end of each day, take a contrast shower or bath with the addition of essential oils of wormwood, juniper, and coarse sea salt.

I would like to warn you right away that in this way you can completely or partially remove the damage to Kradnik at home only if someone who wants to profit from your achievements uses a lining. If a negative program was planted in your field with the help of a ritual with a conspiracy, exposure to a photo or runes, you will not be able to remove it yourself, you need the help of a specialist.

Important! You should not expect that when you remove the damage to Kradnik, everything that was stolen from you will return to you. This will not happen, but you will have a great opportunity to earn new achievements. That is, if you, due to induced damage, lost your business, or things went completely unimportant. After restoring your balance, you should not return to the same business. You will have to change the direction of business development, start a new business, meet new love and gain health and youth.

What is a thief.

Hello, my dear readers and students. Have you ever wondered why some people suddenly get golden rain on their heads, a loving person is nearby, and others just as suddenly lose everything - money, health, family?

There is one well-known Black rite-stealer in magic. With its help, you can steal everything you want - health, love, financial well-being and even extra years of life and beauty

I must say right away that the thieves available in the public domain are of course ineffective, the result will be, but weak and short-lived, but with their help people manage to take away what they want.

Below I will give a working rite of passage for cutting off channels of leakage, my students may well do it. Also, at the request of my students, after all a new article has been released with a strong (Black) way to remove a thief for money and good luck completely and amulets-protection from thieves. Be sure to look.

Almost all the famous personalities that we see on TV have achieved everything that we so admire in this way. I myself did similar rituals and therefore I know what I’m talking about. this will not achieve a young gleam in the eyes, grace as in 18 years, money and love of millions ...

The essence of a thief is to replace one of the energy fields surrounding a person with his own projection. If a good Master does this, you won’t be able to remove it yourself.

How to understand that you are a thief.

Everything is simple here. If you suddenly began to get sick and your husband left you, and your neighbor suddenly blossomed and got a fan, and she is also sympathetically interested in what happened to you, most likely they put a thief on you. From my own experience I know what they do most often, well-known people who know all your ins and outs, because you can mistakenly steal a serious illness from a stranger, for example.

How to remove the thief.

In order to cut off the leak channels you will need

  • 40 candles,
  • coin of higher denomination
  • a pack of rock salt purchased on the corresponding gender day. Change cannot be taken.
  • candlesticks
  • ritual hoodie (black) or a new shirt, a long T-shirt without a pattern, preferably black.

This ceremony is done on the first day after the absolute full moon, when the moon is just beginning to wane and it is not visible to the eye, after sunset. Be sure to read how to make conspiracies correctly, otherwise there will be no sense from your efforts. So,

  • Three days before the ceremony, a strict fast is necessary.
  • On the chosen day, wash the floor at home, thoroughly and with your hands. You don’t need to wash the bath and toilet! Take the water from washing outside and pour it on the grass.

When there are three hours left before the ceremony. You can no longer talk, eat and drink at all, until the morning, all this and brush your teeth, wash and pee only the next day. Keep this in mind.

Many have already asked me what to do if you itch to go to the toilet at night, sorry, but I really wanted to answer - piss in bed), of course, you can get up and go silently, you can’t really do this in bed)

  • There should be no animals in the room. Even fish and parrots.

When the sun is almost hidden behind the horizon, put on a hoodie. Get on your knees and with the words, God bless, God help, sprinkle a circle around you with salt and put all the candles in this circle

Light with matches. The salt should be all gone!

Take small candles so that you do not have to read until the morning))) Without fanaticism.

The moon is waning round, the thief does not come,

No belly, no goodness, no beauty,

Neither the love of a young man (maiden) nor a thick braid.

Not Wednesday (Monday)

Not Friday (Tuesday)

Not on Saturday (Thursday)

Not on Sunday.

My business is the key.

In my words, a castle.

Keep the coin all this time in your left hand (if you are left-handed, in your right hand). The words written in brackets are read if you are a man.

In the morning, sweep the salt with the stubs of candles onto paper and, together with a broom, take it out of the house and throw it away.

The coin must be tossed in a crowded place on the same day.

The rite must be repeated for three moons (months) in a row, and completely stop communicating with the one you think you are, otherwise he will automatically connect to you again.

The rite is working and my generic, that is, even the Masters will find it difficult to steal from you again, not to mention those who have read esotericism and who imagine themselves to be sorcerers.
It just needs to be repeated periodically, until the thieves get tired of “connecting” to you and getting sick of it.

How quickly they will leave you behind depends on the "stubbornness" of the thief. 4-5 repetitions completely discourage desire.
Severe fever and nausea usually lasts about two weeks, even a home-grown "mage" will understand what it is from. longer, but I highly doubt it.

I repeat, this rite does not remove the thief, but only cuts off the leakage channels. To remove it, you really need a good Master.

If there are questions about the rite, I will answer in the comments, if you can help diagnose, please write through the feedback.

Health to you and prosperity.

Sincerely yours, Svetlana (Vasilyeva)