
Oatcakes in a frying pan. Healthy lifestyle! Oatcakes for breakfast, snacks and as an alternative to store-bought cookies. Scottish oatcakes in the oven

Oatcakes can easily be classified as dietary nutrition. They are filling, healthy and do not burden the body with extra calories. To improve dietary characteristics, part of the oatmeal should be replaced with corn or flaxseed meal. And to prepare a full breakfast or afternoon snack, it is useful to serve them with low-fat cottage cheese, whipped with fruit.

  • 200 g oat flakes
  • 150 ml of yesterday's low-fat kefir
  • 50 g seedless raisins and dried apricots
  • egg - 1 piece
  • salt - to taste
  • 70 g - sugar
  • vegetable oil - a little

Oatcakes recipe:

  1. Mix the cereal with kefir and leave for at least 30 minutes, but better for several hours or overnight, so that the flakes swell well to the consistency of viscous oatmeal porridge.
  1. Wash and steam dried fruits, drain and dry. Finely chop the dried apricots, mix with raisins, pour into the kefir mixture. Together with or instead of dried fruits, you can add finely grated squeezed carrots and nuts to the dough for a beautiful color of the flatbreads and a slight piquancy, but be sure to add a pinch of soda, because carrots have a lot of acid.
  1. Scramble the egg, pour into the remaining ingredients, mix, add salt, pour a spoonful of butter and add sugar. Stir everything.
  1. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Using a spoon, place the dough in small mounds at a distance of a few cm from each other, and use a spatula to shape it into a thick circle. Heat the oven to 200–220 degrees, bake the flatbreads for 15 minutes

Do you follow the Dukan diet? Almost all carbohydrates are prohibited, but do you want a sandwich with cheese, at least low-fat, or a piece of chicken breast? Are you dying to miss tea and pancakes? There is an exit! Dukan's bran oatcakes are your comfort food.

An important point is that the dose of bran per day allowed at one stage or another is quite small, so it will not be possible to prepare a generous amount of cakes. In order to effectively use your strength and kitchen equipment, it will be more rational to increase all the components in the recipes several times and get a diet for several days at once. Simply bag extra portions and freeze.

Oatcakes for every day

Let's get started. First, let's look at the basic recipe, which can then be modified to your liking: sweet, salty, meat, fish, cheese, curd mixture, goji berry jam, etc. Servings: for 2 days


  • Egg – 1 pc. (if you have problems with cholesterol, take 2 proteins);
  • Oat bran – 3 tbsp. for “Attack” or 4 tbsp. for "Cruise";
  • Low-fat thick yogurt – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Baking powder for dough – 2 tsp;
  • Tip: yogurt can be replaced with low-fat paste-like curd.
  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and whisk with a whisk. Let it brew for about 15 minutes. The result should be a slightly thick dough, similar to pancake dough.
  2. We will fry the flatbreads in a ceramic or Teflon frying pan. To do this, heat up the stove, grease the frying pan with a couple of drops of vegetable oil, and heat it up.
  3. Place 1 tbsp of dough on a hot surface. Fry until thick and golden brown. Turn over and fry again.
  4. Using a silicone spatula, place the cakes on a plate and let cool slightly. We put half of the portion in the refrigerator for tomorrow, and eat the rest during the day.

If you adhere not only to the Dukan diet, but also to the principles of proper nutrition, then it is advisable to eat oatcakes in the first half of the day, since they contain carbohydrates. Alternatively, eat half a serving for breakfast and half a serving for a morning snack.

You can put a piece of smoked skinless chicken on top, a gherkin cut into plastic, a couple of tomato slices and low-fat cheese. Heat everything in the microwave for 1.5 minutes to melt the cheese. The hot sandwich is ready.

If you like pancakes with sour cream, then dissolve a couple of sugar substitute tablets in a tablespoon of hot water in a container, add half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, mix everything with a fork until a more or less homogeneous consistency. Dip cakes into the mixture - a great idea for tea.

Oatcakes with cottage cheese

The following recipe will show you how to make thicker oatcakes in the oven. They can also be eaten with anything, as long as the product is on the acceptable list of the Dukan diet. Servings: for 1 day with “Alternation” (for “Attack”, reduce the amount of bran)

We take out from stocks:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • Oat bran – 2 tbsp;
  • Wheat bran – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Baking powder – 2 tsp;
  • Salt substitute - to taste;
  • Powdered skim milk – 1 tbsp.
  1. Beat the eggs in a cup with a fork until lightly foamy. Add the bran and continue to beat well. Leave for 15 minutes to swell.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients into the swollen dough base, beat everything with a mixer, and let stand for another 10 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven at 200°C. Line the baking sheet with a silicone or other non-stick baking mat.
  4. Spoon out portions of dough using a tablespoon and form into flat cakes.
  5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, keeping a watch through the oven door so that the products do not burn.
  6. We take out our cakes, let them cool a little, and in the meantime we run to put the kettle on. Bon appetit.

Crispy Dukan oatcakes

For lovers of light and crispy baked goods, we offer a recipe for protein-based flatbreads. Products are given for the “Cruise” mode; for other stages it is necessary to adjust the volume of oat and wheat bran. Servings: for 2 days


  • Egg whites – 6 pcs.;
  • Oat bran – 4 tbsp;
  • Wheat bran – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt substitute - to taste.
  1. Set the oven to heat at 180°C. Pour the whites into the chopper bowl, add some salt, put on the dough hook and beat until stiff peaks form. You can use a blender, mixer, food processor, or a regular whisk.
  2. Gently add bran 1 tbsp at a time, stirring with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  3. Place the airy dough on a baking sheet with a non-stick mat using a spatula, leveling it and shaping it into flat cakes.
  4. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. We watch through the glass in the door so that the baked goods do not burn.
    Remove when ready and cool. Let's crunch with pleasure!

Yeast oatcakes

Did you know that yeast is allowed on the Dukan Diet? Dry, fresh, instant - any. And what kind of cakes are made with yeast - airy, with bubbles and an amazing aroma. Of course, the limited selection of permitted products will not allow you to fully replicate traditional yeast dough (primarily this concerns the ban on flour), but it will be possible to add variety and ensure excellent taste. Servings: for 2 days

Attention! The recipe is not suitable for Attack because it contains cornstarch. To prepare yeast cakes at the first stage of the diet, you need to adapt the recipe according to the list of permitted products.


  • Corn starch – 1 tbsp;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Oat bran – 4 tbsp;
  • Flavoring - optional;
  • Skim milk – 40 ml;
  • Liquid sugar substitute - optional;
  • Salt substitute - to taste;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • Wheat bran – 2 tbsp;
  • Yeast – 7 g instant or 25 g fresh.
  1. We take both types of bran and grind them in a coffee grinder. Mix with one egg, sweetener, salt substitute and milk. Leave to rise for half an hour.
  2. In a blender, grind cottage cheese, sugar substitute, egg, starch and flavoring.
  3. Add the resulting mixture to the dough and let stand for another 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, set the oven to heat at 180°C.
  5. Line a baking sheet with a non-stick mat. Spread the risen dough 1 tbsp at a time. form into flatbreads and bake for about 20 minutes. We watch through the door so that the products do not burn.

Before you start cooking according to the recipes that we have selected, remember that you can make baking on a diet only from bran (oat and wheat), and not from cereal! By adding even a little oatmeal, you will grossly violate the basic postulates of the system, and you will have to start all over again to achieve a beautiful figure. Have fun getting slim!

Prepare the dough. To do this, take the deepest bowl possible and put ingredients such as oatmeal, soda and butter into it. Then add ¾ cup hot water and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. After this, leave the mixture for a while so that it can brew.

Divide the resulting dough into six equal-sized parts and form oatcakes of the desired size. Then heat the frying pan and add vegetable oil. After this, lightly fry our flatbreads over fairly high heat on both sides.

To prepare a baking sheet for baking oatcakes, you need to line it with high-quality parchment paper. Then sprinkle the parchment with wheat flour and place the formed cakes on a baking sheet. Having distributed the cakes on a baking sheet, carefully sprinkle the top surface of the future baking with flour. The oven should be preheated to approximately one hundred and eighty degrees. In order for the cakes to be tasty and baked, you should bake them in the oven for about forty minutes. Don’t forget that five minutes before the end of baking, you should sprinkle our cakes with prepared oatmeal in order to get the desired result. After cooking, take the cakes out of the oven, let them cool and put them in a beautiful container. Bon appetit!

The flour used is of great importance in preparing this recipe. In order to get truly tasty and soft oatcakes, it is recommended to use homemade flour. We are, of course, talking about oatmeal, which can be prepared quite easily and simply at home. To do this, take regular oatmeal and grind it thoroughly in a coffee grinder. The result should be as finely ground as possible. Such flour, moreover, is also more beneficial for the human body compared to the usual wheat type flour. But to create such flour, you should use high-quality flakes.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss, that’s right, this cereal:

  1. Contains a lot of fiber and keeps you feeling full for a long time.
  2. Perfectly cleanses the body and removes free radicals from it.
  3. Contains B vitamins and minerals.
  4. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels when consumed regularly.

Advice! Be sure to choose unprocessed oatmeal, as it retains all the beneficial properties.

Diet flatbreads in a frying pan


  • Oatmeal - 4 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 yolk and 3 whites.
  • Milk - 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal into flour, mix with eggs and milk. Add some salt.
  2. Fry without oil in a frying pan, turning over.
It turned out very tasty....

I think if you add a sweetener, you can make a sweet version of the scones. Or you can also add some fruit)))

And they say that proper nutrition is tasteless (and I said that before). Not really - it's very tasty and healthy!!!

Bon appetit

Alenchik, once again, bravo, smart girl! Oatmeal pancakes - a great way to diversify your diet menu.

I couldn’t resist and baked it yesterday, it’s just SUPERB! We just ran out of them very quickly, so next time I’ll make a double portion.

Friends and guests of our blog, who want to decrease in size just like Alena, eating delicious food! Write, we will help, tell you, advise!

    0h. 0 min.


    0 h. 10 min.


    332Kcal / 100 g

    Calorie content


Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace of oatmeal cookies. And oatcakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with hot dishes, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten, dipped in a rich sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish fairy tale of the same name, every family loves these scones. But everyone eats them according to their own taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatcakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)

Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace of oatmeal cookies. And oatcakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with hot dishes, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten, dipped in a rich sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish fairy tale of the same name, every family loves these scones. But everyone eats them according to their own taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatcakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)

Rolled oats and oats are very popular ingredients in Scottish dishes. Scotland is even considered the birthplace of oatmeal cookies. And oatcakes are suitable for a meal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can be served instead of bread with hot dishes, used as a base for sandwiches, or simply eaten, dipped in a rich sauce or sweet jam.
In the Scottish fairy tale of the same name, every family loves these scones. But everyone eats them according to their own taste: some with milk, some with porridge, some with fresh butter, some with cheese, and some just like that. But no matter what you prefer to eat oatcakes with, they will always be a welcome guest on your table!)