
Higher Military Engineering and Technical Red Banner School. Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics: reviews, faculties, specialties, address. Military Institute of Radio Electronics

Each graduate must determine his own destiny, and no outsider should influence his plan. This is a very important decision and must be clearly and properly thought through. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons and only then make your final choice in favor of one or another military or other institution. Small details and previously presented information are especially important, especially when deciding to become an officer or military personnel.

Military higher educational institutions of Russia

There are many positive aspects to being an officer. Just look at the chic and beautiful uniforms of the employees. This is also a good way to become an adult and self-sufficient person, for example, who went on a solo voyage and decided to become an important and strong person. How much adventure, excitement and romance is there in your work? This is precisely why so many young people strive to go to study at Suvorov and higher military schools. But, besides such colorful descriptions, there is also a dark side that entails dangers and serious life changes.

The choice is yours

The list of military schools in Russia is quite large, and it is difficult to choose one of them. Which would you prefer? The status of the position is high when you work in the Airborne Forces, Special Forces or Marine Corps. Adventures on water or in the air strongly attract passionate and confident boys and girls. A good one will help you raise your position and stand on your own feet, especially since higher education in our country is free and “painless.”

Good education, discipline, tolerance and collegiality are cultivated from the first theoretical classes. The most basic criterion for all studies is knowledge. Every student, and especially cadets, must study well and acquire knowledge of various disciplines.

Main benefits of military education

In addition to all the above advantages, there are other positive aspects in such education:

  • A fairly high scholarship (the amount is approximately 16 thousand rubles). Not bad money, considering the fact that they teach you, feed you and give you overnight accommodation;
  • High-calorie meals with a complete diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a towel is free for every cadet;
  • In the future, decent wages at the place of destination.

Today there is a fairly large list of military schools in Russia. Among the available offers, you can find the option that will suit the young man perfectly in all respects.

Schools to look out for

There are many military schools in Russia. They are located in big cities. The most prestigious and popular are:

  1. Kazan Suvorov Cadet School (Kazan city).
  2. Nizhny Novgorod School of Military Engineering Command.
  3. Novosibirsk Higher Military Cadet School.
  4. Naval School named after M. V. Frunze
  5. Engineering School of Military Communications named after G.K. Orzhonikidze (Ulyanovsk)
  6. Rocket School named after Hero Major General Lizyukov (Saratov).
  7. Chemical Defense School named after Podvoisky (Tambov).

This is an incomplete list of all institutions where you can acquire certain military knowledge. After graduating from Russian military schools, the list of strong qualities in a person increases noticeably. In addition, there is much more experience and practice. Any situation is not a hindrance if you have knowledge acquired at a military school in your luggage. This is the entire list of military schools in Russia that you need to immediately pay attention to.

Some nuances for admission

To enroll in military service, you must have a great desire to study and achieve the desired result. First, the necessary documents are collected according to a specific list. You need to write down the exam dates, reach them and then wait for the admission result.

It is also necessary to decide on the field of military service. Your fate will directly depend on this. Air forces, marines, communications, special forces - and this is not a complete list of Russian military schools with various areas of specialization and training. Based on their physical and moral preparation, each incoming cadet decides where it is best to go in order to become a man with a capital “M” in the future. It is these people that the Russian Federation can be proud of, and they directly participate in the political life of the country. Do not be afraid to repay your debt to your homeland, and it will reward you.

Where to go?

If you have the desire and opportunity to reach the very top of military training, you can go to military higher educational institutions in Russia. In such universities you will have the best preparation, practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The educational process itself will be unforgettable, as it is filled with adventures and various pleasant situations. The girls will be delighted to see a young cadet in a beautiful and impressive uniform. You can get such privileges and a huge amount of knowledge in special universities, academies, higher military schools and institutes.

Prestigious universities

The most popular and sought-after higher education institutions are:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk).
  • St. Petersburg Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • institute).
  • branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khruleva (St. Petersburg).

Each educational institution has several departments with specialties. Depending on the class of training and opportunities, their number can range from 1 to 10. But absolutely in each you can get the highest level of knowledge and experience that will become indispensable in future work. When working for government agencies such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, you need not only to have a large amount of knowledge, but also to have a desire to learn new things. Because laws are constantly changing, they need to be closely monitored and studied. Many aspects of the job require strong nerves and steely patience. So you need to take these details into account in the future, or even better when applying. Higher military schools - they all produce excellent employees.

The best schools

Our country has a large selection of institutions. Below is a list of military schools in Russia:

  • Moscow Air Force School.
  • St. Petersburg Military Directorate for the Development of Criminal Organizations.
  • Moscow military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Novosibirsk Command School.

Military schools of Russia: list

It also has several higher educational institutions for the education and training of the military. To be precise, their number is thirteen. Military schools of the FSB of Russia, the list of which is given below, are considered one of the best:

  • Academy of the FSB of Russia.
  • Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Ekaterinburg).
  • Institute of Federal Security (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Institute of Information Technologies.
  • Moscow Academy.
  • FSB Institute (Novgorod).
  • FSB Institute (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Border Institute (PI).
  • Golitsynsky PI.
  • Kaliningrad PI.
  • Khabarovsk PI.

The higher military schools of Russia, the list of which is provided above, specialize in a high level of teaching and try to graduate as many worthy candidates as possible.

Flight training

There is a good opportunity to undergo military flight training, a full course at a hospital. There are certain military flight schools in Russia, a list of which can be found in the military press or directly in the universities themselves. In such institutions you can obtain the rank of lieutenant in the Russian military aviation, and, if desired, go further in your career and achieve higher ranks. Military flight schools of Russia, list:

  1. Borisoglebsk Faculty of Attack and Front-line Bomber Aviation.
  2. Chelyabinsk branch of the Moscow Academy.

Suvorov students are a great start to a career

The most competent and successful achievers are graduates of Suvorov military schools. Here is the most thorough education, which makes it possible to achieve the position of general. Tolerant military men with cultural upbringing will do all their work carefully in the future. Suvorov Military Schools of Russia, the list is quite large, but a few should be noted:

  1. Moscow school.
  2. St. Petersburg School.
  3. Tver School.

To military school after 11th grade

There is an opportunity to enter Russian military schools after 11th grade:

  • Academy of Artillery Troops (St. Petersburg)
  • Moscow Military Institute (combined arms).
  • Command and Engineering Military School (Tyumen).
  • Krasnodar Military School.

In fact, there are a lot of such government institutions. Their list is more than one page long.

Wherever you go to study and gain knowledge in the military field, the list of military schools in Russia will help you make the right choice. This profession is in great demand in the country in the future for the defense and protection of its possessions. It's no secret that it is military people who are capable of doing the impossible. Moreover, there is room for improvement. Inaccessible water spaces, a wide air atmosphere, various ground units and much more require constant replenishment of personnel and valuable workers. Higher education schools, institutes with different profiles, as well as academies will help you obtain the necessary knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every accomplished military leader will be proud of his diploma and knowledge acquired in such institutions. The career ladder will not stand still. Thanks to all the skills and theory, any task will not be difficult.

Many young people go to work in various institutions, guided by thoughts of public service and decent earnings. But it is also worth noting that not all applicants have a desire to repay their debt to their homeland. Do not forget that any misconduct on the part of employees is punished much more severely than civilians. Therefore, you should control yourself and not give in to impulses and nervous breakdowns. Many military personnel are subject to constant stress and quickly lose self-confidence. Stability of the nervous system and knowledge of the legislative framework are an integral part of any employee.

In our turbulent times, parents are afraid to send their children to serve or study at military academies. They choose other quieter professions, for example, a mechanic or an accountant. But is it worth it to be so afraid for your children? Perhaps their calling in life is to serve their homeland and devote themselves completely to it. Always consider the wishes of your household members, because they are part of your family. Do not be afraid to send your child to the service, because it is there that he will acquire those qualities that should be inherent in all men.

Military, police and other public service workers are always under pressure and sometimes cannot correctly assess the situation. It is in such cases that a carefully studied charter helps, therefore, when you enter an academy or institute, do not be lazy and study all the information provided. It will help you in a difficult situation, and you will be able to distinguish yourself in the course with your knowledge.

EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS No. 8/2009, pp. 2-4

To the 190th anniversary of its formation

SOUTH. Kotlyarov,

Acting Head of the Institute, Ph.D.

D. G. Rublenko

head of laboratory

Military Institute (engineering troops), formed in 2006 on the basis of the Military Engineering Academy. It is a structural subdivision of the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces and independently trains officers with higher military education for the troops, scientific and teaching personnel of higher military educational institutions and institutions, and carries out planned research work.

The Institute inherited from its predecessors a good scientific school, educational and material base, experience and traditions of higher military engineering education, the history of which begins with the official foundation in St. Petersburg on December 6 (November 24), 1819 of the Main Engineering School, the 190th anniversary of which will be celebrated this year.

The formation and subsequent development of military engineering education in Russia were closely connected both with the general development of military affairs and with turning points in the history of our Motherland. The creation of the Main Engineering School was preceded by more than a century of educational activity of military engineering schools - from the Engineering School, established on January 10, 1701, to other military engineering schools, established at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1855, the officer classes of the Main Engineering School were transformed into the Engineering (Nikolaev) Academy, and the junior classes (conductors, from 1866 - cadets) - into the Nikolaev Engineering School, leaving it subordinate to the academy. Periodic transformations of engineering universities took place in the future. The Nikolaev Engineering Academy existed until 1917. The Military Engineering Academy functioned from 1918 to 1925, from 1932 to 1999, from 2004 to 2006 (from 1999 to 2004 - Military Engineering University with Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Tyumen branches).

The first head of the Main Engineering School was Lieutenant General Count Sivere Yegor Karlovich (1819-1827).

Over its 190-year history, the school of military engineers has acquired global significance. This renowned educational institution has trained more than 23 thousand military engineers, who over the years have made and continue to make a significant contribution to strengthening the defense capability of our Fatherland and to the development of military engineering. Among them: General A.Z. Telyakovsky, founder of Russian fortification science; E.I. Totleben, one of the organizers of the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. and the victorious actions of our troops in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878; F.F. Radetzky - military leader of the 19th century, hero-liberator of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke in 1877-1818; hero of the defense of Port Arthur, Lieutenant General R.I. Kondratenko.

The great Russian writer F.M. was educated at the Main Engineering School and Academy. Dostoevsky, the outstanding physiologist I.M. Sechenov, inventor of the electric light bulb P.N. Yablochkov, a major specialist in the field of military strategy and history G.A. Leer, military specialists in the field of mechanics G.E. Pauker and N.P. Petrov, Russian hydraulic engineer M.N. Gersevanov, academician of painting K.A. Trutovsky and others.

The academy's graduates had high professional training and were always faithful to the traditions of the Russian army. They heroically showed themselves on the battlefields during the liberation of Bulgaria in 1877-1878, in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and in the First World War. Among the most distinguished and famous graduates of the Nikolaev Engineering Academy are: a major fortification engineer of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Lieutenant General K. I. Velichko; famous fortifier, composer and music critic, engineer-general T.A. Cui; the father of Russian cement production and a specialist in the field of explosives, Major General A.R. Shulyachenko; one of the theorists in the field of communications, General S.S. Rekhnevsky; famous specialist in the theory of elasticity, Professor H.S. Golovin; major bridge builder in Russia at the end of the 19th century. A.E. Struve; famous mathematician and specialist in the field of aeronautics, Professor V.F. Naydenova. 48 academy students were awarded the Order of St. George. Among them are cavaliers of 3 degrees: general engineers S.A. Tidebel, E.I. Totleben, Infantry General F.F. Radetsky, Lieutenant General R.I. Kondratenko.

Among the outstanding scientists of the pre-war period, one should note a major specialist in the field of foundation engineering, Professor V.K. Dmokhovsky, one of the creators of the modern theory of elasticity, Professor M.M. Filonenko-Borodich, a prominent concrete specialist, Professor B.G. Skramtaev, famous bridge-building scientist Professor S.A. Ilyasevich, successors of the Russian fortification school of professors V.V. Yakovlev and S.A. Khmelkova and others.

The national military engineering art acquired its greatest scope during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. New forms of building engineering troops were sought that would correspond to the prevailing conditions of the most severe war; Sapper armies, assault engineer brigades, engineer brigades of the RVGK, fronts and armies, pontoon-bridge brigades and regiments were formed and successfully used in battles and operations.

The theory and practice of engineering support for combat and operations developed. The tasks of fortification equipment for strategic, front-line, army and other lines, construction and maintenance of mine-explosive and non-explosive engineering barriers, equipment and maintenance of crossings, including across wide water barriers, etc. were solved at a high level. More than 7 thousand graduates of the academy were awarded orders, and 45 were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The feat of Academy graduate Lieutenant General Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev will never fade. Academy graduate Nikolai Vasilievich Ogarkov became Marshal of the Soviet Union, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces; Mikhail Petrovich Vorobyov and Nikolai Fedorovich Shestopalov - marshals of the engineering troops.

Many students of the Academy have been awarded by their Motherland for their outstanding achievements in science and technology and in solving various peacetime problems. Among them are Heroes of Socialist Labor, State Prize Laureates, and Honored Workers of Science and Technology. This is Professor A.P. Sinitsyn, N.S. Kasperovich, E.A. Olisov, Yu.N. Glazunov, E.S. Kolibernov, T.M. Salamahin, Yu.P. Dorofeev.

Scientists from our Academy played a leading role in the development of the theory of all branches of military engineering. An integral part of the art of military engineering is the theory and practice of the engineering weapons system. The combination and interpenetration of theories and practices in the construction of engineering troops, engineering weapons systems, military engineering disciplines, engineering support for combat and operations has made it possible to successfully carry out tasks and develop engineering troops for many decades.

Academy scientists took an active part in scientific work on the justification and development of the engineering weapons system in the 1960s and 1970s. Scientific justification and military scientific support for the creation of new types of engineering weapons ensured their high technical level and satisfaction of military requirements.

For example, created in the late 1950s. the PMP pontoon-bridge park (one of the authors of the project, Lenin Prize laureate, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu.N. Glazunov) was the best in the world, as evidenced by its copying in a number of armies of industrialized countries (“ribbon bridge” in the USA and Germany) . Further development of pontoon-bridge parks went along the lines of improving the PMP (in Germany IRB, unasPP-2005, etc.). The new technical equipment of pontoon and bridge-building units was successfully used in practice: when equipping crossings to support the operations of the 40th Combined Arms Army in Afghanistan, in numerous exercises and maneuvers of troops, in the interests of supporting civil defense measures.

Adopted in the 1960s. IMR's engineering obstacle clearing vehicles met operational and tactical requirements and showed high capabilities to ensure that troops could overcome obstacles; their analogue - "Grizzly" - in the US Army was created 30 years later. Modern technical equipment of reconnaissance engineering, sapper engineering, road engineering and other units was successfully used in preparation for and during military operations in the Chechen Republic and South Ossetia. The high combat qualities and technical excellence of the BMR-ZM armored mine clearance vehicles, IMR-2M and IMR-3 engineering clearance vehicles, as well as means of searching and neutralizing engineering mines were noted.

A series of unified gasoline and diesel-electric power plants and units solved the main problems of energy supply at control points, in the branches and branches of the Armed Forces.

As part of the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces, the institute is entrusted with basically the same tasks for training military specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel that were solved by the Military Engineering Academy, with the exception of training cadets. In particular, officers with higher military education are being trained for the engineering troops of the Ground Forces, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the military topographic service.

Armored mine clearing vehicle BMR-ZMD.

Heavy mechanized bridge TMM-6.

The main result of the work of one of the oldest universities in recent years was that complex and responsible tasks for training officers for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, other federal law enforcement agencies, as well as foreign countries were successfully completed, ensuring the required quality of theoretical and practical training, and the Military Institute (engineering troops) remains the leading educational and scientific center of the engineering troops.

Today, the institute employs about 35 full members and corresponding members of various Russian academies of sciences, 50 doctors, 55 professors and more than 290 candidates of science, as well as 250 associate professors and senior researchers. Institute scientists conduct fundamental research in the field of construction of engineering troops, engineering support for military operations, combat use and tactics of engineering troops, development of engineering weapons systems, as well as solving various military engineering problems in the interests of non-military purposes. The institute has two scientific doctoral councils, which makes it possible to successfully complete work on training scientific personnel.

Engineering clearing vehicle IMR-ZM.

Remote demining system


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A complete list of operating military schools in Russia is published.

Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a higher military educational institution for the education, training and advanced training of senior and senior officers of the Armed Forces, other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, heads and officials of state and executive authorities, enterprises and institutions of the defense industry. industrial complex, officers of foreign armies. At the same time, the Academy is the leading military educational institution of the Russian Federation in conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the military security of the state, military construction, the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military and public administration.

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great.

Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky (VVIA named after N. E. Zhukovsky).

The Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force (VUNTS VVS) is a higher military educational institution that trains and retrains engineers for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The world's largest and oldest scientific school in the field of aeronautics. All Russian and Soviet cosmonauts are graduates of this university.

Scientific center for the development of problems of aviation technology, its operation and combat use. Formed on November 23, 1920. The Academy trains specialists with higher professional education.

Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Military University is a higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the leading educational, methodological and scientific center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on military issues in the humanitarian, social, legal, philological, financial, economic and conducting areas of officer training. Included in the 10 most prestigious universities in the Russian Federation.

Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a state military educational institution of the highest professional level.

Military Institute (engineering troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military Veterinary Institute.

Moscow Military Conservatory.

Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces - a branch of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky.

Moscow Higher Military Command School.

Moscow Higher Military Command School (MVVKU) is a higher military educational institution of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
The school trains command staff with higher military-special education for motorized rifle troops (infantry), ground forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

Military Technical University.

Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia.

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a higher educational institution for training management personnel of internal affairs bodies. Former Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Academy of the FSB of Russia.

The Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB Academy) is a higher educational institution that trains officers of the Federal Security Service and other Russian intelligence services. The Academy was founded on August 24, 1992 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of the KGB Higher School named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

The FSB Academy includes the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI), the Institute for the Training of Operative Personnel (IPOS), as well as three independent faculties. Since 2007, the head of the academy has been Colonel General V.V. Ostroukhov.

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief" in the form of a military educational institution of higher professional education FSBEI HPE AGZ EMERCOM of Russia ) is the main training center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is a large scientific and methodological center for developments in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and training scientific and pedagogical personnel.

It is entrusted with the tasks of training highly qualified specialists and improving the qualifications of management personnel in the field of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations, and mobilization preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation.

Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after Army General A.V. Khrulev.

Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov.

Military Medical Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (VMedA, VMOLKA, VMA) is the first higher medical institution in Russia for training military personnel of the medical service of the Russian Armed Forces (Russian Armed Forces).

Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov" (formerly Nikolaev Naval Academy) is the highest naval educational institution in Russia.

Military Academy of Communications named after S. M. Budyonny.

Military Academy of Communications named after. S. M. Budyonny is a higher military educational institution in St. Petersburg, founded in 1919.

Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy.

The Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy in St. Petersburg is one of the oldest military educational institutions in Russia.

The Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

The Naval Engineering Institute is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

The university employs 60 doctors of science, 69 professors, 205 candidates of science, 162 associate professors, 28 senior researchers, 46 academicians and corresponding members of branch academies of science, more than 10 honored scientists.

Military Engineering and Technical University (Nikolayevsky).

Military Engineering and Technical University (Nikolayevsky) (VITU) in St. Petersburg is one of the oldest military higher educational institutions in Russia.

Military Transport Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications.

Military Institute of Physical Culture.

Military Space Academy named after. A. F. Mozhaisky.

Federal Military State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky" is a higher military educational institution located in St. Petersburg. Named in honor of Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky in 1955.

Trains officers for the space forces and other parts of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Since 2008, it has been training female military personnel. Since September 2009, the Military Space Academy began retraining military personnel being transferred to the reserve. Between 1941 and 2010, the academy held more than 70 graduations and trained about 46 thousand officers.

The Academy employs 25 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, 34 members of international academies and academies of the Russian Federation, 109 doctors of science, 556 candidates of science, 92 professors, 267 associate professors, 5 honored inventors of the Russian Federation.

Marine Corps of Peter the Great - St. Petersburg Naval Institute - branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

Naval Corps of Peter the Great - St. Petersburg Naval Institute (official name: Naval Corps of Peter the Great - St. Petersburg Naval Institute (branch) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsova") is the oldest currently operating educational institution in Russia. It has existed in its current form since 1998, when VVMU named after V.V. M. V. Frunze and VVMUPP named after. Lenin Komsomol. Since 2001 it has been called the Marine Corps of Peter the Great. The institute trains naval officers at 5 faculties: navigation, hydrographic, mine-sweeping and anti-submarine weapons, cruise and ballistic missile submarines, as well as special weapons.

St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographical Command School named after Army General A. I. Antonov - a branch of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky.

The Military Institute (Engineering Troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a structural unit of the OVA of the Russian Armed Forces. One of the oldest military educational institutions. In Soviet times, it was widely known as the Military Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Currently, it is the main training and methodological center for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

St. Petersburg Higher School of Air Defense Radioelectronics (branch).

According to the military reform, since 2009, enrollment at the university has been reduced and the first intake of girls has been made. Since March 1, 2010 it has been a branch of the VUNTS Air Force.
On September 1, 2011, this university ceases to exist, the personnel and base of the university were transferred to the base of the Yavzru Air Defense.

St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a military educational institution of higher professional education that trains mid-level tactical officers for units and units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Armavir Military Aviation Institute (branch) - the former Armavir Higher Military Aviation Red Banner School of Air Defense Pilots named after Chief Marshal of Aviation P. S. Kutakhov.

Balashov Military Aviation Institute (branch) - the former Balashov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov.

Far Eastern Military Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky - the former Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky.

Blagoveshchensk Higher Tank Command Red Banner School (BVTKKU) named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K. A. Meretskov

Pacific Naval Institute named after S. O. Makarov is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol (branch).

The Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after Army General A.V. Khrulev is a higher military educational institution in Russia located in St. Petersburg.

Military Aviation Engineering University.

Military Aviation Engineering University is a higher military educational institution of the Air Force (Air Force). The university trains officers in command and engineering, engineering and military-humanitarian profiles for aviation of all types, branches of the military and electronic warfare units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
The head of the university is Major General Gennady Vasilievich Zibrov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Military Institute of Radio Electronics.

Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (military institute) named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V. M. Komarov is a branch of the Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center (a branch of the Gagarin and Zhukovsky Air Force Academy).

Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School (EVVAU) named after. twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR V. M. Komarov - a higher military educational institution (military institute), located in the city of Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory. Branch of the VUNTS Air Force.
Founded on July 28, 1915 in Petrograd as an officer school for naval aviation. It is the only Air Force educational institution that trains specialists in air traffic management and organization.

Yekaterinburg Artillery Institute (EkAI).

Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School (military institute) - a higher educational institution located in Yekaterinburg, is the basic educational institution of missile forces and artillery for the armed forces of the Russian Federation, one of the seven military universities in the country.

Irkutsk Military Aviation Engineering Institute.

Kazan Higher Military Command School.

Kazan Higher Military Command School (KVVKU), Kazan Tank University is a higher military educational institution of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Kazan.
The Kazan Tank School was created in 1941 by transforming the Kazan Infantry School using the legacy of the Kazan Kama Tank Center of Germany in the USSR.

The Baltic Naval Institute named after F. F. Ushakov is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

The Baltic Naval Institute named after Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov (until 1998 - Kaliningrad Higher Naval School) is a state university of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the country's Ministry of Defense and located in Kaliningrad.

Kaliningrad Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia.

Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia is a higher military educational institution in the professional education system of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The abbreviated name is KPI FSB of the Russian Federation. Founded on the technical base of the Kaliningrad Higher Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner School of Engineering Troops named after. A.A. Zhdanov (KVIUIV), which in 1995 was transferred to the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. The order to create the institute was signed in 1995, the first enrollment was carried out in 1996. Until 2003, the institute belonged to the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, which was an independent department, and was called the Kaliningrad Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation.

Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense and Engineering Troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko.

The Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense and Engineering Troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko is a state multi-level military educational institution located in the city of Kostroma.
The Academy was established as the Military Chemical Academy of the Red Army on the basis of the military chemical department of the Military Technical Academy of the Red Army and the 2nd Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology in 1932.

Krasnodar Military Institute named after Army General S. M. Shtemenko

Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov

Krasnoyarsk Higher Command School of Air Defense Radioelectronics.

Military Engineering University (branch).

The Military Institute (Engineering Troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a structural unit of the OVA of the Russian Armed Forces. One of the oldest military educational institutions. In Soviet times, it was widely known as the Military Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Currently, it is the main training and methodological center for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Higher School of Air Defense Radioelectronics (branch).

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Order of Lenin, October Revolution, Suvorov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) is a command and polytechnic higher military educational institution of Russia, a large research center in the field of military and technical science. Located in Moscow. The head of the academy since August 2010 is Major General Viktor Fedorov.

Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Institute of the Federal Border Service, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Technical School, formerly Kurgan Higher Military-Political Aviation School.

Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation is a military institute in the city of Kurgan, Kurgan region. Provides training to officers of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Training is conducted in the specialty - jurisprudence with the subsequent assignment of qualification - lawyer.

Nizhny Novgorod Higher Military Engineering Command School (included in the Military Academy of NBC Defense and IW).

The Military Institute (Engineering Troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a structural unit of the OVA of the Russian Armed Forces. One of the oldest military educational institutions. In Soviet times, it was widely known as the Military Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Currently, it is the main training and methodological center for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU).

Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU) is one of the leading military universities in Russia and the former USSR. Founded June 1, 1967. Currently called the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (branch in Novosibirsk).

Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops.

Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops named after. General of the Army I.K. Yakovlev Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - an institute for training officers within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The head of the military institute is Major General Sergei Andreevich Kutsenko.

Omsk Combined Arms Command School named after. M. V. Frunze.

Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full valid name); in English - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation. The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Orenburg Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze (branch).

Penza Artillery Engineering Institute named after Chief Marshal of Artillery Voronov N.N.

The Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

Pushkin Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces named after Air Marshal E. Ya. Savitsky is a branch of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky.

Naval Engineering Institute is a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov."

Naval Engineering Institute (branch) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov" is a St. Petersburg naval technical university located in Pushkin (Kadetsky Boulevard, no. 1). Formed in 1998 as a result of the merger of the VVMIU named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky and VVMIU named after V. I. Lenin.

Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces named after Army General V.F. Margelov

Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces named after Army General V.F. Margelova is a military educational institution (military institute) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Rostov Military Institute of Missile Forces named after Chief Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin

Rostov Military Institute of Missile Forces named after. M.I. Nedelina - military university in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
The institute trained military specialists for the Russian strategic missile forces. As of July 2011, closed due to the general reform of higher education.

Saratov Military Red Banner Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (SVKI VV MIA of the Russian Federation).

Saratov Military Institute for Advanced Training of Mobilization Bodies Specialists.

The Military Institute for Advanced Training of Specialists of the Mobilization Bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (VIPKSMO of the Russian Armed Forces, formerly the 8th Central Officer Courses, Military Unit No. 93226) is a military educational institution for additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, located in Saratov at 410000 st. Moskovskaya, 164.

Saratov Military Institute of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection (included in the Military Academy of NBC Protection and IW).

Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A. I. Lizyukov (branch).

Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering Red Banner Order of the Red Star School of Missile Forces named after Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A.I. Lizyukov (SVVKIU RV) is a military educational institution of the USSR and Russia. Located in the city of Saratov. Disbanded in 2003.

Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces.

Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces. One of the best universities in the country, training personnel for the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), is located in the city of Serpukhov.
The head of the institute is Major General Alexey Dmitrievich Konnov.
The university graduates 500 officers annually.

Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (VA VPVO RF Armed Forces) is a military higher education institution located in Smolensk, st. Kotovsky 2A.

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute).

Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin" in Syzran - a flight school in the city of Syzran, Samara region. Since the mid-20th century, it has been the leading domestic educational institution in the field of training pilots for military aviation helicopters.

Tambov Higher Military Command School of Chemical Defense named after N. I. Podvoisky (branch).

Tambov Higher Military Aviation Engineering School of Radio Electronics.

Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova.

The Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov is a military higher education institution in Tver.

Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (included in the Military Academy of NBC Defense and IW).

The Military Institute (Engineering Troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a structural unit of the OVA of the Russian Armed Forces. One of the oldest military educational institutions. In Soviet times, it was widely known as the Military Engineering Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after V.V. Kuibyshev. Currently, it is the main training and methodological center for the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky (branch).

The Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after Army General A.V. Khrulev is a higher military educational institution in Russia located in St. Petersburg.

Khabarovsk Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia.

Chelyabinsk Higher Military Command School.

Balashov Military Aviation Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol (branch).

Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Institute of Navigators is a military educational institution located in Chelyabinsk.

Cherepovets Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics.

Shadrinsk Military Aviation School of Navigators.

Shadrinsk Military Aviation School of Navigators - a military educational institution, was located in Shadrinsk, Kurgan region.

Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense.

Yaroslavl Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School of Air Defense (Military Institute) (YAVZRU PVO) is a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, located in the city of Yaroslavl; trains officers for anti-aircraft missile forces and radio engineering troops of air defense and air force.