
neoclima pump manual pressure adjustment. Self-installation and adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump. The principle of the station

You may encounter a situation where the settings are lost or the pressure switch is out of order. This is easy to see: either the pressure in the water supply has decreased, or the pumping station does not turn on at a given lower pressure limit.

Mechanical relay pressure automates the work pumping station, controlling the on-off of the pump to maintain a stable water pressure in the pipeline. Standard settings are set at the factory: cut-off pressure 2.5 - 3.0 atm., turn-on pressure - 1.5 - 1.8 atmospheres (depending on the manufacturer). If there are problems with the water pressure in the house, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to setting the pressure switch, since there is a direct relationship between the setting of the relay, the volume of the accumulator and the pressure.

Setting the pressure switch begins with checking the compressed air pressure in the accumulator. In this case, the pumping station should be disconnected from the network and the accumulator tank should be empty. To do this, unscrew the side cover on the tank (see figure - red arrow) and using the usual car pump check the pressure with a pressure gauge. It should be about 1.5 atm. If the measured value is less, the pressure must be raised by the pump to the required level. It should be noted that the air in the tank must always be under pressure, and during the operation of the pumping station it must be checked from time to time and pumped up if necessary, which will increase the life of the accumulator membrane.

If, after adjusting the pressure in the accumulator, the pumping station does not work in normal mode, it is necessary to start setting up the pressure switch itself. When doing this, remember that the pump cut-off pressure (upper setting) must not exceed the pressure that the pump is capable of developing!

Setting the pressure switch RDM-5 pumping station

The RDM-5 pressure switch is adjusted in a working system under pressure. To do this, we turn on the pumping station in the network and let the pump raise the pressure in the system, after which the relay will work and the engine will turn off.

  1. Remove the relay cover and completely loosen the clamping nut of the smaller spring.
  2. Set the required minimum pressure (turn on the pump). To do this, rotate the clamping nut of the larger spring (clockwise - increase the pressure and vice versa). Then we open the tap and let the water drain, while the pressure in the system decreases. We look when the pump turns on and, if the result is not satisfactory, we adjust further until we achieve the desired result ..
  3. Adjust the pump shutdown pressure (upper limit). By rotating the clamping nut of the smaller spring, we set the required value of the upper pressure. We proceed as follows. We turn on the pump, wait for the relay to operate. If the value of the shutdown pressure does not suit you, drain the water, adjust the spring and repeat the process.

Thus, we set up a pressure switch.

Repair of the pressure switch of the pumping station (video)

What to wish if the relay is not configured? It's probably out of order. There are two ways to solve this problem: buying a new relay or repairing an existing one. In the first case, we advise you to look at modern and inexpensive pressure switches - pointer or digital.

For those who do not yet want, for one reason or another, to change an already obsolete relay, we recommend using the methods.

You will find a detailed repair procedure in this video:

Adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump is one of the most important tasks that must be carried out at regular intervals. This device is a control device with which you can set the required parameters for the operation of pumps.

General description of the machine

The pressure switch is engaged in the automatic control of the pump at the station, regulating the time it is turned on and off. In this case, the device is guided given parameters that are set by the person. It should be noted that there are no clear restrictions on the upper or lower pressure limit. Each owner of a private house himself is engaged in adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump. However, here it is still worth paying attention to the fact that each model of the device is designed for specific indicators prescribed in the technical documentation, which are not recommended to be violated.

Design features

If we talk about what this device is, in terms of design, then this small sizes a device that looks like a compact block with two springs, the adjustment of which is carried out using the appropriate nuts. The springs correspond to the upper and lower limit of the adjustable parameter. Accordingly, one nut for each of the parts. There is also a membrane that is connected to the springs and reacts to pressure changes. If the value of the characteristic decreases to the minimum value, then the element weakens, if, on the contrary, the pressure rises, then the spring will compress more strongly.

It is important to understand here that compressing or loosening this element directly affects the connection or disconnection of contacts. In other words, the springs control turning the water pumps on or off.

Equipment operation

This device works fully automatically, which allows you to constantly maintain a given pressure of water in the water supply. The setting of the upper and lower limits is designed to allow adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump, as well as to maximize the life of this device without its repair. The connection of a water pressure switch of this type is most often carried out in a heated room.

It is worth noting that modern models pumps have in the basic configuration such elements as a fitting for mounting a relay, a built-in filter and a check valve. For this reason, some of the models of these devices can be installed in a direct block with the pump itself.

Another important point- this is that there are water pressure switch circuits for connecting to a moisture-proof system. Such samples can be mounted directly in the well itself, where water is taken.

The principle of operation of the equipment

The essence of the unit is as follows. It registers the fluid pressure in the pipeline using a spring. If there is sufficient pressure corresponding to the lower limit set, the switching contact closes and the device starts up. Once the pressure reaches maximum indicator, the spring acts on the contact, opening it, thereby turning off the device. Thus, the operation of water pumps is controlled using a relay.

In addition to the fact that this device has mechanisms for setting pressure limits, there are also additional elements such as a “dry” forced start button, softer start devices, operation indicators, etc.

Installation of equipment

The best place to install this device the place that is located at the outlet of the accumulator is considered. At this pipeline interval, there is the greatest degree of leveling of such parameters as pressure surges, as well as turbulence in the fluid flow.

It is worth noting that for individual models some manufacturers set a threshold for operation according to the microclimate. In other words, operation is possible only at a temperature of +4 degrees Celsius or more. There is also a limitation on humidity - no more than 70%.

Relay application characteristics

Before proceeding with the selection of the relay model, the accumulator and pumps must already be selected. Also, before purchasing, it is important to determine some of the operating parameters within the system.

  1. The maximum value at which the device will be turned off.
  2. The minimum indicator at which the equipment will be turned on.
  3. Another important parameter- this is the determination of the air pressure in the accumulator chamber.

An important point worth paying attention to is that the minimum pressure in the air chamber of the accumulator should be approximately 0.2 atm higher than the lower pressure parameter of the pump in the pipeline. It is also important to note that there are two different relay models. One of them is considered power and performs switching on / off of contacts on the pumping unit. The second group is the control models, which only give a signal to the control unit.

Design features and parameter settings

The main feature of this equipment lies precisely in the fact that it is very simple to implement. The relay has a fitting for attaching to the piping system. It also includes terminals that are used to connect the device to electrical network. Inside there is spring type mechanism that controls the operation of the entire device. The adjustment of the springs is carried out by turning the threaded element. That's the whole structure of the unit. For this reason, adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump is quite simple.

Most often, the relay is used in everyday life, that is, for installation on local city pipelines. For such models, the manufacturer always sets the factory settings. It is important to note here that the parameters set by the manufacturer are average, that is, those that are suitable for most systems. In numbers, these parameters look like this: the upper limit is 3.0 atm, and the lower limit is 1.5 atm.

Pump repair

It should be noted right away that the equipment that will work the most long term without failure, can only be purchased from a trusted manufacturer. In addition to the fact that the warranty for the device is quite large, when buying such a relay, you will not have to look for components for a long time, since the device is quite common. Besides, find service center repairing the relay will be much easier if it is made by a well-known company. However, repairs of pumps, relays and other things can be done independently. There are four most common problems.

The first problem is when the pump is running, but there is no water in the tap. The most common cause of this problem is check valve. If this element does not close, then the liquid cannot move up, it will all flow down. Another reason may be severe wear on such a part as the impeller. Also, if such a defect occurs, it is recommended to check whether the tank is completely filled with water.

The second problem is when the pump is running, but the water supply is unstable. This means that there is a lack of pressure in the hydraulic tank. There are two reasons for this happening. The first is damage to the tank body, a crack or hole through which moisture leaks. The second problem is the failure of the membrane. To determine the source of the problem, you need to inflate the tank with air to about 1.5-1.6 atm. If the pressure is not maintained, but constantly drops, then there is a crack in the tank. If the set value is maintained without problems, then the membrane must be changed.

The third problem is that the pump does not turn on at all. There can be many reasons for this effect to occur. Oxidized contacts, damaged motor winding, cable problems, worn start capacitor. Worst case is the combustion of the engine that can occur if the unit is run dry. In this case, you need to change the stator winding.

The last problem is if the pump hums but does not work. This can be caused either by low voltage in the mains or by contamination of the impeller. If everything is fine with the voltage, then you need to disassemble the device and clean it.

The price of a water pressure switch ranges from 650 to 2500 rubles.

is the central element in the water pump. It is on its correct functioning that the efficiency of the entire system depends. This important element performs several tasks at once. First of all, it regulates the water supply. The feed parameters are set before use and are changed as necessary during operation. Proper adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump ensures safe and high-quality operation of the entire water supply system. O correct setting and the nuances of choice and installation, we will talk in this review.

Read in the article:

Choosing the right water pressure switch wiring diagram for the pump

To begin with, it is worth understanding what the plumbing system consists of:

  • its first part is the water intake point. She may be water pipe, or well;
  • pressure switch;
  • water purification system. Usually it consists of several containers;
  • faucet, for which provide a comfortable pressure of water.

First of all, it is worth understanding what pressure the residents of the house need. It is also important to know the water pressure at the point of water intake. This item is important because at a pressure below 1.4 atm, water is not taken in due to the disconnected relay. Such problems can also arise in the case of using a city water supply, because in it the water pressure is not always more than 1.0 atm. When taking water from a well, these difficulties will not be, and the pressure of the water supply will depend only on specifications pump.

It can be seen that each relay has its own setting option, it is usually described in detail in the instructions for a specific device model. All types of relays have general purpose and mechanism of action.

Manufacturer's choice

Present on the market a large number of different models appliances. They differ in price, appearance and have slightly different characteristics.

ImageManufacturer and modelSpecificationsCost, rub.

Pressure range 1.0 - 4.5 atm.
Voltage 220 - 230 V, 50 Hz
Maximum rated power NO 2

Pressure switch PM 1 15, GrundfosWorking temperature from 0° to 40°
The pump starts at 1.5 bar and runs as long as there is a flow.
Dry run protection
5 655

Pressure switch RM/5(p)1/4, UNIPUMPMains voltage - 230 V, 50 Hz.
The maximum switched current - 12A.
Working pressure - 5 bar
Power - 1500 W.
Pressure switch RA 5 1-5 bar, WATTSPressures from 1 to 5 bar.
Pressure drop 0.5 – 2.5 bar.
Current strength 16 A.
Maximum temperature
Coolant 90°
Indoor 55°

Installation and connection

Connection of any mechanism begins with preparatory phase. First you have to choose the location of the relay. According to knowledgeable people, the installation of the device should be carried out directly near the pump outlet. In this place, turbulence and pressure difference are remarkably leveled. Before choosing a place, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the operating conditions of the selected device, because some of them can only be used in heated rooms.

next step preparation will be the selection of the necessary pressure thresholds:

  1. Minimum - determines at what pressure the pump starts to work.
  2. Maximum - controls the moment when the pumps stop working.
  3. The difference between these two values ​​is called the pressure range. This indicator is directly proportional to the frequency of switching on the pumps.

Important! It should be noted that the minimum pressure value should be 0.2 atm higher than the pressure of the pump accumulator chamber.

The third moment of preparation is the registration of parameters. On the household appliance this process will not cause difficulties, as it is adjusted using a pair of springs, which in turn are regulated by threaded adjusters. The relay has two springs:

  • a large spring serves to control the upper pressure limit;
  • small - determines the difference in pressure.

During preparation, several more devices are installed: shut-off valve, valves (return and breakdown), and sewage drain. Installation should be carried out by professionals or people who at least have an idea of ​​​​the principle of operation and the rules for installing such devices. Installation (and then the adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump) must be carried out exactly as written in the instructions:

  1. First, a tee is mounted on the selected place on the pipe, to which a drain valve or fitting connected to the water pressure switch is connected.
  2. When installing, use threaded connection, which should be qualitatively sealed with a FUM tape.
  3. There are devices that cannot be installed in the usual way. They are equipped only with a rigidly fixed nut. During installation, the relay is rotated directly.
  4. Electricity is connected with a cable. Its cross section must match the requirements of the device, depending on the power.
  5. The kit sometimes includes a ground terminal. If available, a ground cable must be installed.

Is it worth considering electronic counterparts?

Mechanical devices, of course, are more popular, but electronic models have some undeniable advantages:

  1. The constant adjustment of the pressure switch for the pump by tightening the springs is a thing of the past. Electronic variant It doesn't take long to set up after installation.
  2. Installing it will be very easy. Any person without special education and special skills can cope with this task.
  3. The service life practically does not differ from the usual mechanics.

Prices on electronic relays water pressure for the pump can be from two to four thousand rubles. It depends on the manufacturer, the materials used in the manufacture and on the store involved in the sale. If you spend some time searching desired device- you can buy a quality unit for a fair price. In the case of a purchase for a long service, saving on it is not the best option.

“It would be much more correct to spend on a little more quality model than constantly changing broken cheap appliances.”

How to set up a pumping station pressure switch

The owners of private houses understand that if the relay malfunctions, the entire system may fail. From competent adjustment of the water pressure switch household station for the supply of water depends on the stability of the entire system, and hence the comfort of all residents of the house.

Setting up the relay should begin with checking the factory-set indicators. Usually, the minimum pressure level is 1.5 atm, and the maximum is 2.5 atm. The check is carried out using a manometer. At this point, it is necessary to turn off the pump and ensure that the tank is empty. To measure pressure, a manometer is attached to an empty tank and readings are taken from it.

“This check can be avoided by buying a ready-made unit. But when purchasing all the components separately, it will be necessary to carry out the first adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pumping station.”

Procedure for adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump

Like any other, this device allows you to supply water to your home plumbing with the same pressure. This device works after reaching the pressure indicator provided for by the setting. At the factory, of course, the main indicators are set, but most often they are not enough to provide comfortable pressure, so after the purchase you will have to set your own parameters. Specialists, of course, will do everything efficiently and well, but sometimes it’s better to figure out an important issue on your own.

Adjustment of the RDM-5 pressure switch: brief instructions

To properly adjust the water pressure switch for the pump, follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Fill the tank with water until the required maximum value appears on the pressure gauge.
  2. Disable for a while.
  3. Open the case and get access to the adjustment springs. You will have to carefully rotate the small nut. At some point, the mechanism will work. Turning counterclockwise decreases the pressure level. Clockwise rotation increases.
  4. The lower limit is set by opening the tap and slowly draining the water from the tank.
  5. At the right indicators pressure gauge stop the process.
  6. A large nut is involved in adjusting the lower parameters. When it rotates, you will also have to wait for the contacts to work.

This action should be done once a month, but this is ideal. It is advisable to conduct it at least once a quarter. A small difference between the pressure limits obliges the pumping station to operate with a high frequency of turning the pumps on and off. This mode of operation allows you to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water to the tap and at the same time its pressure always remains approximately at the same level, but this will affect the durability of the work. Large range creates some drops in water pressure, but the pumping station is subjected to less stress due to constant switching on and off and, accordingly, will not require repair or replacement for a long time.

Important! It should be noted that the difference between the minimum and maximum pressure must be greater than one atmosphere.

In a pumping station of any type and size, there is one small but indispensable unit, we are talking about the pressure switch. In addition to installation using the water pressure switch wiring diagram, additional settings must be made. The fact is that this element monitors the state of the hydraulic tank, and also turns on and off the necessary equipment.

In order for the equipment to serve smoothly and for a long time, it is necessary to correctly adjust and install the pressure switch for the pump.

Device Description

The device of almost all types of pressure switches that are equipped with pumping stations is approximately the same. The working elements of the pump are fixed on a metal base:

  • Membrane,
  • Piston,
  • Metal platform.
  • Electrical contacts.

There is also a large and small spring, all housed in a plastic case.

When a water pressure switch is connected, the process proceeds according to the following principle: the pressure exerted causes the membrane to push the piston, which raises the platform. She, in turn, puts pressure on a large spring and compresses it. The resistance of the large spring to the applied pressure limits the movement of the piston.

There is a small distance between the large and small adjusting spring, but it is quite enough to adjust the operation of the instrument cluster. The platform, which is affected by the membrane under pressure, rises to the edge of the small spring.

As a result of increasing pressure on the platform, its position changes. This leads to switching contacts and changing the mode of operation, therefore, it turns off. The contacts are switched using a special hinge with a spring. After the platform passes the level of the hinge location, the position of the electrical contacts changes accordingly and the power supply circuit opens.

Turning off the pump stops the flow of water. With the flow of water from the accumulator, the pressure on the membrane gradually decreases, and the platform begins to lower. Having fallen below the level of the location of the spring hinge of the electrical contacts, it again causes the contacts to rise and, accordingly, close the circuit.

The pump starts to work, pumps water into the hydraulic tank, and the cycle repeats automatically.

The large and small springs in the mechanism have their own function. The large spring sets the pressure at which the pump is required to turn on, and the small spring determines the difference between the allowable and required pressure. This indicator is very important when adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump.

The need to adjust the water pressure switch for the pump

Setting up the relay yourself or with the involvement of qualified specialists is required in any case when assembling a pumping station from separate parts. It is possible that setting the water pressure switch will be required even if the finished pumping station is purchased from a specialized store.

This is explained by the fact that for each plumbing system characterized by the presence individual features and the needs of the residents are also different. The degree of water pressure in a house with a shower, sink and bathtub is significantly different from a spacious one. country house with jacuzzi and hydromassage. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the water pressure in the water supply system and configure the equipment individually for each case.

When deciding how to connect a water pressure switch, it should be remembered that in addition to the initial setup that is performed during the installation of pumping equipment, during operation it is necessary to monitor and adjust the operation of the equipment.

In addition, in the event of a replacement or repair individual element the pumping station also requires additional adjustment of the water pressure regulator switch. It is worth saying that the process of adjusting equipment is similar to the procedure for setting it up.

Terms used when adjusting a pressure switch

In the process of setting the pressure switch and adjusting the water pump, specific type names can be used that are understandable to a qualified person. As for the average consumer, he may encounter some difficulties. For this reason, you should familiarize yourself with certain concepts so that the setup process goes smoothly.

In particular, we are talking about the following terms:

  • Switching pressure. This term is denoted by the index P on, sometimes it can be called upper pressure. Already by the name, it can be determined that it denotes the pressure at which the operation of the pump resumes or begins, and water is supplied to the hydraulic tank. By default, the manufacturer indicates a value of 1.5 bar.
  • Shutdown pressure. For designation, the index P off is used and is called the lower pressure. The relay from the manufacturer indicates a value of about 3 bar.
  • Pressure drop. This term is used to denote the difference between lower and upper value pressure. In standard models with factory settings, the value of this indicator is approximately 1.5 bar.
  • Maximum shut-off pressure. The name of this term already indicates the maximum allowable pressure value in pumping system and plumbing. Deviation to a large side can cause damage to the plumbing system and pumping equipment. By default, the manufacturer indicates a value of not more than 5 bar.

Pressure in the accumulator

Knowledge of the hydraulic accumulator device allows you to avoid serious mistakes at independent decision tasks, how to set up a water pressure switch.

Hydraulic tanks are divided into two types: one is equipped with a pear-shaped rubber insert, the other is equipped with a rubber membrane. In both cases, this element is designed to divide the container into two non-communicating parts. Most often, one part is filled with water, the other compartment is filled with air.

The principle of operation in both cases is the same: the water entering the hydraulic tank exerts pressure on the rubber insert, which ensures the movement of water in the water supply system. For this reason, a certain pressure must always be present in the accumulator. Its value may vary depending on the volume of water and air in the chambers.

The tank body is in most cases equipped with an automotive nipple through which air can be pumped in or bled off in the process of adjusting the working pressure inside the hydraulic tank.

Before connecting the minimum water pressure switch to the pump, the current pressure in the hydraulic tank is measured. The manufacturer sets the value of this indicator to 1.5 bar, however, during use a certain amount of air escapes from the tank, resulting in a decrease in pressure.

To measure the pressure in the hydraulic tank, a conventional automobile pressure gauge is used. In this case, it is recommended to take a device on the scale of which the minimum gradation step is set. In this case, more accurate measurement results can be obtained, up to 0.1 bar. By the way, the pressure gauge that comes with pumping equipment, must also match this parameter.

If the manufacturer has equipped the pump with an inexpensive device, then during installation it is better to replace the pressure gauge with a better and more reliable device.

As for automobile pressure gauges, many consumers are not satisfied with them appearance. Although it is worth noting that they will help to accurately determine the pressure in the tank. If there is a desire to purchase an electronic measuring device, then it is better to opt for a more expensive option from a trusted manufacturer. In this case, a simple plastic model does not guarantee accurate data and may fail at any, even the most inopportune, moment.

It is very important to remember that electronic pressure gauges are powered by the mains, so you should control the situation in this case.

The measurement of pressure in the hydraulic tank is carried out according to a rather simple scheme: a pressure gauge is attached to the nipple on the tank and the readings are measured. If the obtained values ​​​​are in the range from 1 to 1.5, then this pressure can be considered normal.

With more high rates a good pressure in the system is provided, however, the water supply is reduced. The system must not be allowed to operate at too high a pressure, which forces all parts of the equipment to work under load. The result of such actions is the rapid wear of the parts of the unit. For support high pressure the system requires constant replenishment of the water supply in the hydraulic tank, therefore, the load on the pump increases and the consumption of electricity increases.

Another disadvantage of constant high pressure can be called an increase in the number of breakdowns. If the pressure is too high or too low, the first thing to suffer is rubber gasket. Only correct adjustment pressure in the water supply system of a private house will increase the service life of the units and the system as a whole.

Customization Rules

Under the cover on the body of the device there are two springs with a large and small nut. By turning these springs, the following parameters can be set:

  • Adjustment via a large spring allows you to set the lower pressure in the accumulator.
  • Using a small spring, set the difference between the on and off pressure.

Before you start setting up the pressure switch, you need to understand how the pressure switch works, carefully study the attached technical documentation of the device itself and the pumping station, including the hydraulic tank and other elements.

The water pressure switch instruction contains information on the operating and limiting indicators of the equipment used. These data must be taken into account during the adjustment process, since their excess will lead to rapid wear of the device. If, during the adjustment of the pressure switch, individual parameters reach maximum values, then you must manually turn off the pump and complete the adjustment in the usual mode. It should be noted that such situations are rare, since surface pumps have no power that can cause a pressure surge in the system.

The question of how to adjust the water pressure sensor should be decided when the accumulator is empty, otherwise the water and air pressure parameters in the tank will be taken into account at the same time.

The pressure switch is adjusted according to the following scheme:

  • Set the working pressure in the hydraulic tank.
  • Turn on the pump.
  • Water is supplied to the container until the values ​​​​are reached lower pressure.
  • Turn off the pump.
  • Turn the small nut until the pump starts to run.
  • Waiting for the tank to fill with water and turn off the pump.
  • Open the water.
  • Start rotating the large spring to set the cut-in pressure.
  • Turn on the pump.
  • Fill the container with water.
  • Adjust the position of the small adjustment spring.

To correctly determine the direction of rotation of the spring when setting the water pressure regulator, you need to pay attention to the plus and minus signs located next to it. Turn the spring clockwise to increase the cut-in pressure, counter-clockwise to decrease it.

Rotate the adjusting springs to adjust the water pressure switch in the water supply system very carefully, smoothly turning a quarter or half a turn, as these elements are highly sensitive. After reclosing The pressure gauge should indicate lower pressure.

When deciding how to adjust the pressure switch, it is important to consider a few key points:

  • If, when filling the hydraulic tank, the pressure gauge does not change, it means that the pressure has reached the limit parameters. In this case, immediately turn off the pump.
  • The normal value of the difference between the upper and lower pressure should be approximately 1-2 atm.
  • In case of deviation from the normal values ​​up or down, the adjustment should be repeated, taking into account possible errors.
  • The optimal value of the difference between the set lower pressure and the one determined at the beginning in an empty container should not deviate from 0.1-0.3 atm.
  • The air pressure in the tank should not fall below 0.8 atm.

It is possible that the system will automatically turn on and off at other set indicators. However, these parameters allow minimizing equipment wear.

Each owner of a pumping station wants the equipment to function normally for a long time. For this purpose, a study of the principle of operation of the pressure switch and regular monitoring of each element is required. In particular, experts recommend measuring the pressure in the accumulator once every three months. Regular monitoring and adjustment allow you to stabilize the operation of the entire pumping station. In addition, in the process of monitoring, it is possible to identify shortcomings and sudden breakdowns of equipment that require prompt elimination.

Monitoring the state of the system in most cases consists in regularly recording the readings of the water pressure gauge when the pump is turned on and off. The operation of the equipment is considered normal at the values ​​​​that were set during the setting of the pressure switch.

If the measurements show deviations in any direction, it is necessary to measure the pressure in the hydraulic tank and re-adjust the pressure switch. In some situations, it is only necessary to supply additional air to the container, and the indicators are normalized.

When measuring pressure, do not forget about the error in the accuracy of the pressure gauge readings. The fact is that friction can occur between the moving parts of the device, which to some extent affects the performance. To obtain more accurate measurement results, the friction parts of the measuring device can be lubricated before starting the process.

The disadvantage of any mechanism can be called its wear during operation. The pressure switch in this case is no exception. For this reason, when choosing equipment, preference should be given to more durable products. Moreover, it should be understood that fine tuning water pump and pressure switch also allows you to extend the operating period of the equipment. It also needs to be made clear that Full time job at the maximum allowable values ​​of the upper pressure, it negatively affects the durability of the relay.

According to qualified craftsmen, a small margin of pressure left during the tuning process minimizes wear on all parts of the equipment. If it is necessary to set the upper pressure on high level it is recommended to choose a pressure switch with increased allowable operating limits. For example, for a system with an upper pressure of 5 atmospheres, a relay is suitable, which has an extremely allowed values work is 6 atmospheres. Of course, the search for such equipment will become somewhat more complicated, but its acquisition is quite realistic.

Very often, the cause of serious damage to the water pressure regulator for the pump is dirty water that flows through the pipes of the plumbing system. In most cases, this situation occurs with old metal water systems.

Before installing the pumping station, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the water supply. In extreme cases, it may be necessary complete replacement old metal elements systems with more modern plastic structures.

When setting up the relay, you should pay attention to the adjusting springs, which also require careful handling. Strong compression of the springs when adjusting the relay can cause errors in the operation of the device. In addition, the life of the spring in this case is significantly reduced, and damage to the pressure switch after a short time of use is not ruled out.

When checking the operation of the pumping station, it is important to pay attention to the water pressure switch sensor: if the shutdown pressure is constantly increasing, then the device may become clogged. This situation requires immediate replacement.

For this purpose, perform the following steps:

  • Unscrew the mounting bolts on the relay housing.
  • Remove the membrane unit.
  • Rinse the inside and all small holes.

In some situations, disassembly of the device is not required, it is enough to clean the holes by simply removing the pressure switch. If blockages are found, the entire pumping station can also be purged.

If water leaks from the pressure switch housing for the well are noticed, then it can be assumed that contamination has damaged the membrane. Such a device must be completely replaced.

Setting the pressure switch cannot be called a simple event, it requires care and caution. Having studied the device of the pressure switch, the principle of its operation and the features of adjustment, you can independently cope with the task.

The water supply system of a private house is a complex mechanism that functions at the expense of a pumping station. It is she who provides the supply of water from a well or well to the dwelling.

The efficiency, correctness and reliability of the operation of this equipment, in turn, depends on such a component as a water pressure switch. Let's try to figure out what role this structural element in the system and why it is so important to properly mount and configure it.

1 Features and purpose

Rational owners, when operating a deep well, or without fail, equip it with a pressure switch. This wonderful device helps to automatically fill the hydraulic tank and maintains the pressure in the water supply network at an optimal level.

It should be understood that without small device your system simply cannot work autonomously, since neither the pump nor the storage tank is designed for such tasks. The pump simply pumps water for as long as electricity is supplied to it. it accumulates liquid, closes the pipeline and regulates the pressure in the system.

Separately, they are just tools that you would have to constantly control yourself. But you won't be running to the pump every time there's a pipe in your house. the pressure will drop or storage tank empty.

Correct connection additional element system, namely the pressure switch, avoids all these unnecessary hassles associated with the maintenance of the pumping station.

In addition, by correctly adjusting the pressure limits in the network, you will reduce the load on the equipment, thereby allowing it to work with rest, and therefore wear out less. Buying and installing a relay makes it possible to extend the life of the pump. As you can see, the benefits are obvious.

To finally understand the benefits of the device, you need to understand the principle of its operation. It has already been found out that the relay serves to control the level of water pressure. The process occurs due to a special spring group, which is available in the device.

It should be understood that the relay is inextricably linked with the accumulator. It can't work without it.. We now mean just simple push-pull designs, and not complex electronic automation. Those installations can do without at all, however, their cost is appropriate.

The pressure is controlled by a hydraulic accumulator. Inside it is rubber membrane co compressed air. The air in it is constantly and constantly presses on the water inside the tank. With a small amount of it, the pressure decreases. With a large one, its level rises significantly. By itself, the tank can do nothing but support the real level of pressure.

For him, these functions are taken over by the relay itself. It is connected to the device and reacts to changes in the pressure level, thereby affecting the operation of the pump.

When the water pressure in the system drops to the lower level, the relay closes the contacts and turns on the pump. When the upper set threshold is reached, the device, on the contrary, opens the contacts, de-energizing the station. Through such a simple control, relays from all manufacturers operate.

Thus, with its help, it is possible to completely dispense with additional control, since all functions are performed by this small, but very important detail. At the same time, it is very cheap, and its design is distinguished by exceptional simplicity and the use of elementary mechanics.

1.1 Design features of the pressure switch

The specifics of the operation of the device is inextricably linked with the features of its design. Pressure switch mounted on a submersible or borehole pump Grundfos or Kid, in its composition necessarily has a special plate, which acts as a receptive element.

It responds to changes in indicators in the system, which leads to alternate switching of contacts. In addition, the design of the relay includes a special spring block. The first element of the working group is the minimum allowable pressure spring, it is she who holds back the onslaught of water.

Its effect is regulated by a nut. The second element of the block is the pressure differential spring, the principle of its setting is identical. By correctly setting the resistance thresholds of the spring group, you will eliminate the need for manual control and maintenance.

The effective operation of the pressure switch largely depends on the place of its installation. Experts recommend installing the device near the outlet to the accumulator, where pressure drops and turbulence of the water flow are leveled when the station is turned on and operating. In some cases, it is placed directly on storage capacity or surface pump.

equipping additional equipment Grundfos submersible pump or Kid, carefully study those. relay features. Some models require special operating conditions and can only function stably at a certain temperature and humidity. It is possible that such devices will have to be mounted in a heated room.

This is especially true for models that interact with surface pumping units. Such equipment is recommended to be installed only in a caisson, basement or other insulated and protected places. In the cold or in the rain, they will not last long.

2 Setting the pressure switch

Those. characteristics of pressure switches for downhole or submersible pumps Grundfos and Baby depend directly on network performance. That is why when choosing and connecting a device, you need to determine the following indicators:

  • the maximum pressure at which the Grundfos submersible pump or will automatically turn off;
  • the minimum pressure upon reaching which the station will turn on;
  • operating pressure in the accumulator chamber.

After those are clarified. features of the water supply network and the pump, you can begin to adjust the pressure switch. Usually, the springs have already been factory set in the device, but often the set values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not correspond to the user's everyday needs.

To avoid manual control of the system and solve this problem, you will have to remove the relay cover for the pump, under which there are large and small springs with nuts.

By turning the large nut, you can set the lower pressure threshold in the accumulator, while the small nut will allow you to adjust the pressure difference at which the submersible pump or the Kid will operate. The reference point in this case is the position of the lower spring.

Reaching optimal values, you can connect a hydraulic accumulator tank to the system. To make sure that the manipulations performed are correct, observe the readings of the water pressure gauge. The values ​​displayed on the dial must comply with the standards indicated in the documentation of well or submersible Grundfos pumps or Baby.

Once the water pressure gauge has fixed lower limit pressure, the pump must be disconnected from the power supply and proceed as follows:

  • Rotate the small nut before starting the mechanism.
  • Open the water to release the system.
  • Wait for the relay to turn on after reaching lower threshold values.
  • Rotate the large nut to set the lower pressure.
  • Turn on the pump to raise the pressure to the optimum level.
  • Adjust the small nut in accordance with the regulations upper threshold pressure.

Setting up the system automatic control, you must clearly follow the rule: the pressure in the water supply network must be 0.2 atmospheres higher than in the accumulator tank. Otherwise, increased wear cannot be avoided.

By installing a relay, you do not have to constantly turn the pump on and off, all operations will be carried out independently. If you follow all the above rules, the control system will function clearly and without failures.

2.1 Material for regulating the simplest pressure switch (video)