
Presentation for a literature lesson on the topic “N. Gogol “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”. N.V. Gogol and his “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” (Presentation) - Privezentseva E.N. Born in Ukraine

Gogol lived in Germany for several months. Having arrived from abroad, he again began to engage in literary work and met V.A. Zhukovsky and P.A. Pletnev, who arranged for Gogol to work as a history teacher at the institute. After graduating from high school - St. Petersburg, public service.

Gogol wrote a lot, worked on the collection Evenings.... Moreover, he worked only in his free time from work and other matters, late, when no one was bothering him. Evening uncontrollably flows into night, and this is already the pinnacle of the mysterious and wonderful. Night is the time of the highest philosophical revelations, but at the same time the peak of the irrational, when the ancient chaos itself meets our soul.

So, Gogol worked on Evenings... in the evening, at night, in his free time. Maybe that's why dreams are so inspired in them. Gogol - the poet of the night: The Night Before Christmas, May Night, or the Drowned Woman. The fantastic events of the Sorochinsky Fair fall at night, a murder is committed at night in the Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala, revenge is committed in the Terrible Revenge. At night, devils fool the heroes in the Lost Letter and the Enchanted Place. A.Kuindzhi. Night on the Dnieper.

On May 19 (20), 1831, Gogol met Pushkin. Communication with Pushkin was of great importance for the creative development of young Gogol. Pushkin closely followed Gogol's work, delved into his plans, and was a demanding but sensitive mentor and leader of his young literary friend. In many ways, it was Pushkin who helped Gogol become a great writer.

Collection “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” In 1831, the first book of Evenings was published. I greeted with delight the appearance of A.S.’s collection. Pushkin: Just read Evenings near Dikanka. They amazed me. This is real fun, sincere, relaxed. And in places what poetry! What sensitivity!. A year later (in 1832), the second book of Evenings was published.

These were poetic sketches of Little Russia, sketches full of life and charm. Everything that the nature of beauty can have, everything that an original, typical people can have, all of this shines with rainbow colors in these first poetic dreams of Mr. Gogol. It was youthful, fresh, fragrant, luxurious, intoxicating poetry....In 1835, the great critic V.G. Belinsky gave the following review of Gogol's stories: These were poetic essays of Little Russia, essays full of life and charm. Everything that the nature of beauty can have, everything that an original, typical people can have, all of this shines with rainbow colors in these first poetic dreams of Mr. Gogol. It was poetry young, fresh, fragrant, luxurious, intoxicating... V.G. Belinsky

The meaning of the story's title. The name of the collection of Evenings was suggested by P.A. Pletnev: Stories published by the beekeeper Rudy Panko, who allegedly lived near Dikanka. What do you guys think, was there such a village in reality? How do you understand the name of this village? Why Rudy Panko? So, what was the pasichnik afraid of when publishing his works?

And if you had to draw portraits of heroes, would it be a difficult task? Why? Look at the illustration by Palekh artist A. Kurkin Levko and Gunn. But first, what does Palekh mean? How did the artist Kurkin complement the portraits of the heroes? Where is the portrait more specific: in the story or in the illustration?

The pretty young girl Paraska, at the age of eighteen, goes for the first time with her father Solopy, Cherevik and stepmother Khavronya (Khivrey) to the fair in Sorochintsy. She is so good that all the girls she meets respectfully take off their hats to her gray-haired father. But the stepmother is ridiculed by her angry and even wild red face. She responds to ridicule with sophisticated Ukrainian swearing, for which she receives a lump of dirt in her cap from a tanned young man in a white scroll. And his stepdaughter liked the guy so much... At the fair, he finds a girl and immediately starts talking about marriage. The father doesn’t mind, especially since his new son-in-law immediately takes him to treat himself under the “yatka”, where there is a whole flotilla of bottles. However, the girl’s stepmother makes a scandal for Solopia: with such a lad who “glued” her face with manure, there will be no wedding!

The night before Christmas is special: it is the night before the great Christian holiday of the Birth of Jesus Christ. At the same time, on this night the evil forces, the devil and the witch, behave most actively, boldly, and try to harm good people. The landscape in the story is animated: “the stars looked out”, “the moon rose majestically into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world”, “looked” into the windows of the huts. The witch collects stars in her sleeve; the devil, getting burned, grabs the month, throws it “from one hand to the other.” The night before Christmas is special: it is the night before the great Christian holiday of the Birth of Jesus Christ. At the same time, on this night the evil forces, the devil and the witch, behave most actively, boldly, and try to harm good people. The landscape in the story is animated: “the stars looked out”, “the moon rose majestically into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world”, “looked” into the windows of the huts. The witch collects stars in her sleeve; The devil, getting burned, grabs the month and throws it “from one hand to the other”

Now let's see what the beautiful Oksana is doing. Oksana was not yet 17 years old, and in almost the whole world, both on the other side of Dikanka and on this side of Dikanka, there was nothing but talk about her. The boys proclaimed in droves that there had never been and never would be a better girl in the village. Oksana knew and heard everything that was said about her, and was capricious, like a beauty. She spent a long time dressing up and pretentious in front of a small mirror and could not stop admiring herself: “Oh, how good I am! Miracle! What joy will I bring to the one I will marry!”> ">

Ay! - Oksana screamed, stepping over the threshold and seeing the blacksmith, and stared at him with amazement and joy. - Look what little slippers I brought you! The same ones that the queen wears. - No! No! I don't need booties! I don’t even have booties... She didn’t finish speaking further and blushed.

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“May Night or the Drowned Woman” - Find Gogol’s epithets in the story. The house where Gogol was born. Bolshie Sorochintsi in Ukraine. The author especially valued Pushkin’s review. Critics praised Gogol's first book. The family loved ancient legends, folk songs, and fairy tales. What do you think Ganna and Levko were like? N.V. Gogol "May Night, or the Drowned Woman".

“The Works of Gogol” - Which Russian classic had two noses? Soul Tryapichkin, to whom Khlestakov wrote a letter. Strawberries. What was the writer so afraid of? What kind of bird, according to N.V. Gogol, will it fly to the middle of the Dnieper? Who wrote the dramatic work “Theatrical excursion after the presentation of a new comedy”? In which work of Gogol is “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” included?

“Gogol’s Comedy The Inspector General” - Few true connoisseurs - educated and honest people - were delighted. There were other similar stories told by Gogol's contemporaries. Mayor. Make a program for the performance. The collapse of Gorodnichy. Scene of lies. Homework. Denouement is an event that ends an action. Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin.

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N.V.Gogol. “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.” 185 years old. Mineeva O.S. School No. 24, Dzerzhinsk. Goals: 1. Expanding knowledge about Gogol and his works. 2. Drawing attention to the book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” 3. Cultivating a love for Russian and Ukrainian culture and folk traditions. Gogol developed an interest in folklore and folk art very early. He spent his childhood in Ukraine, on his father’s estate Vasilyevka, not far from Mirgorod. Pictures of Ukrainian nature, acquaintance with Ukrainian songs, “thoughts,” and legends were imprinted in the consciousness of the future writer. He listened to the songs of blind kobza men, attended peasant weddings, and watched puppet shows in Ukrainian dens. Over the years, children's love for folk tales, legends and songs has grown into a serious hobby. A passionate collector and connoisseur of folk songs, Gogol called them “resonant, living chronicles”; folk songs were for the writer the most valuable source of knowledge of the living soul of the people. Everyone rejoiced at this lively description of the singing and dancing tribe, these fresh pictures of Little Russian nature, this gaiety, simple-minded and at the same time crafty. How amazed we were at the Russian book, which made us laugh, we who had not laughed since the time of Fonvizin! We were so grateful to the young author that we willingly forgave him for the unevenness and irregularity of his style, the incoherence and implausibility of some of A.S. Pushkin’s stories. The book consists of 2 parts, including a cycle of stories. When creating this work, Gogol used numerous literary and folklore sources. The stories depict fairy tales, legends, beliefs, and customs of the Ukrainian people. In letters to his mother, he asked to send him the necessary information about everyday life, provide various ethnographic details, etc. “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” is united not only by the main themes of the stories and the manner of narration, but also by the unity of the place and time of the story, and the images of the storytellers. The action of the stories takes place near Dikanka, which seems to the author not only as a small provincial town, but as a kind of center of the universe... Everyone was delighted with this lively description of the singing and dancing tribe, these fresh pictures of Little Russian nature, this gaiety, simple-minded and at the same time crafty. How amazed we were at the Russian book, which made us laugh, we who had not laughed since the time of Fonvizin! We were so grateful to the young author that we willingly forgave him for the unevenness and irregularity of his style, the incoherence and implausibility of some of his stories. S. Pushkin. “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala” “May Night, or the Drowned Woman” “The Missing Letter” “The Night Before Christmas” “Terrible Revenge” “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt” “Enchanted Place” “Sorochinskaya Fair Contents Do you know the Ukrainian night? Oh, you don’t know Ukrainian night! Take a closer look at it. The moon is looking down from the middle of the sky. The vast vault of heaven opened up and spread even more vastly. It burns and breathes. The earth is all in a silver light; and the wonderful air is cool and sultry, and full of bliss, and moves with an ocean of fragrances. Divine night! A charming night! May night, or a drowned woman... The last day before Christmas has passed. A clear winter night has arrived. The stars looked out. The month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and praising Christ 1. It was freezing more than in the morning; but it was so quiet that the crunch of frost under a boot could be heard half a mile away. Not a single crowd of boys had ever appeared under the windows of the huts; for a month he only glanced at them furtively, as if calling the girls who were dressing up to run out quickly into the crunchy snow. Then smoke fell in clouds through the chimney of one hut and spread like a cloud across the sky, and along with the smoke a witch rose riding on a broom. But at the very time when the blacksmith was preparing to be decisive, some evil spirit carried before him the laughing image of Oksana, who said mockingly: “Get, blacksmith, the Tsarina’s booties, I will marry you!” Everything in him was worried, and he thought only about Oksana. On the very day when the evil one hid Petrus to himself, Basavryuk appeared again; just run away from him. They found out what kind of bird it was: none other than Satan, who took on human form in order to tear off treasures; and just as treasures are not given to unclean hands, so he attracts young people to himself. That same year, everyone abandoned their dugouts and moved to the village; but even there, however, there was no peace from the damned Basavryuk. The late grandfather’s aunt said that he was most angry with her for leaving the old bus on the Oposhnyanskaya road, and he tried with all his might to take it all out on her. The evening before Ivan Kupala. Captain Gorobets once celebrated his son’s wedding in Kyiv, which was attended by many people, including the captain’s brother Danilo Burulbash with his young wife, the beautiful Katerina, and his one-year-old son. Only Katerina’s old father, who had recently returned after a twenty-year absence, did not come with them. Everything was dancing when Yesaul brought out two wonderful icons to bless the young people. Then the sorcerer appeared in the crowd and disappeared, frightened by the images. Well, there’s nothing to say, he danced like that, even with the hetman’s wife. We stepped aside, and he started to wiggle his feet all over the smooth place that was near the cucumber bed. However, I had only just reached the halfway mark and wanted to take a walk and throw something of my own into the whirlwind with my feet - my legs wouldn’t rise, and that’s all! What an abyss! I accelerated again, reached the middle - it doesn’t take off! whatever you do: it doesn’t take it, and it doesn’t take it! legs like wooden steel! “Look, this is a devilish place! look, satanic obsession! Herod, the enemy of the human race, will get involved!” He began to squint his eyes - the place, it seemed, was not entirely unfamiliar: there was a forest to the side, some kind of pole was sticking out from behind the forest and could be seen far away in the sky. What an abyss! Yes, this is a dovecote in the priest’s garden! On the other side, something is also turning grey; I looked closely: the threshing floor of the volost clerk. This is where the evil spirits dragged me! After driving around, he came across a path. There was no month; a white spot flashed through the cloud instead. “There will be a big wind tomorrow!” - thought the grandfather. Lo and behold, a candle flared up on a grave to the side of the path. - See! - the grandfather stood and propped himself up on his sides with his hands, and looked: the candle had gone out; in the distance and a little further away another one caught fire. - Treasure! - the grandfather shouted. - I bet God knows what, if not treasure! - and he was about to spit in his hands to dig, but he realized that he had neither a spade nor a shovel with him. - Oh, it's a pity! Well, who knows, maybe all you have to do is lift the turf, and it will lie there, my dear! There is nothing to do, at least designate a place so as not to forget it later! Enchanted place One day, the noble hetman decided to send a letter to the Tsarina for something. The then regimental clerk, it’s not easy to take him, and I don’t remember his nickname... Viskryak is not Viskryak, Motuzochka is not Motuzochka, Goloputsek is not Goloputsek... I only know that somehow a strange nickname begins, - he called his grandfather to him and told him that, here , the hetman himself dresses him up as a messenger with a letter to the queen. Grandfather did not like to get ready for a long time: he sewed the letter into his hat; brought out the horse; kissed his wife and his two, as he called them, piglets, one of which was the father of at least our brother; and raised such dust behind him, as if fifteen lads were planning to play porridge in the middle of the street. The next day, before the rooster crowed for the fourth time, the grandfather was already in Konotop. At that time there was a fair there: so many people poured through the streets that it was blurry in the eyes. But since it was early, everything was still dozing, stretched out on the ground Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt “A story happened with this story”: told by Stepan Ivanovich Kurochka from Gadyach, it was copied into a notebook, the notebook was put in a small table and partly dragged from there Pasichnikova Zhinka for pies. So there is no end to it. If you wish, however, you can always ask Stepan Ivanovich himself, and for convenience, a detailed description of it is attached...” “I just read “Evenings near Dikanka”. They amazed me. This is real gaiety, sincere, relaxed, without affectation, without stiffness. And what poetry in places! What sensitivity! All this is so unusual in our current literature that I have not yet come to my senses. I congratulate the audience on a truly funny book, and I sincerely wish the author further success. V. G. Belinsky: “Gogol, who so sweetly pretended to be Pasichnik.” , belongs to the number of extraordinary talents. Who doesn’t know his Evenings on a farm near Dikanka? How much wit, gaiety, poetry and nationality they contain!