
Flowing gas water heaters work on liquefied gas. Geyser for heating a house from a cylinder

There is no way without a soul in the country. Having examined all the surrounding construction markets, we came to the conclusion that we did not like any of the finished buildings and decided to build a shower ourselves.
To begin with, we decided on the size. Since most lumber sold is a multiple of 2 meters, in order to optimize waste, the size was chosen as 2x2 meters.

The second point that had to be decided was the method of heating water. Initially, the following options were considered:
1. Instantaneous electric water heater.
2. Accumulative electric water heater.
3. Wood-fired column with electric heater.
The first option is bad because in order to heat cold water to an acceptable temperature, you need a device of at least 7 kW. In addition, you need reliable grounding and powerful wiring.
The second option also has a very significant drawback: it takes a long time to bring it into working condition. That is, having arrived at the dacha on Friday evening, it will be possible to wash not earlier than an hour and a half - two. And in general, the water heater must always be kept on to maintain the temperature.
Both of these options require the mandatory availability of electricity and consume a lot of it.
A wood-burning column is also not a very good option, although with the help of firewood it heats up faster than an electric one and is independent of the presence of power.

In short, the choice was difficult.
Fortunately, I accidentally found references to bottled gas columns on the net. The advantages of such a solution are obvious:
- instant water heating
- high power from 12 to 25 kW
- gas consumption is quite modest - as stated (I have not checked it myself yet) one or two 50-liter cylinders per season
- relative compactness and ease of installation.

The choice was made and construction began. Almost everything, except lumber, was bought at the Leroy-Merlin store.
The foundation was made columnar: a pit to the depth of a spade bayonet, filled with concrete, and foundation blocks on top.

Further, I laid a 100x100 beam on the foundation, made a frame of furniture panels in it for installing a 90x90 shower tray, and laid the floor from a grooved floorboard.
I covered everything with Pinotex, which I had left from previous works. Fastening - "yellow" screws of different sizes.
The next stage is the frame of the structure itself. Material - the same beam 100x100. Fastening - metal mounting corners 60x60x80 and screws. Using a screwdriver, everything is assembled quickly and easily.

I had a door and a window ready - they remained after the replacement in the house. Also, a frame for installing the sink was immediately made.
The roof is shed, made of galvanized corrugated sheet measuring 2.5x1.17 m.
Sheathing outside - eurolining. He spat on all the advice to fasten the lining with special nails or fasteners and screwed it on with yellow-coated screws. Fast and convenient. If something is wrong, it is easy to unscrew and screw on again. Coating - the same Pinotex.

Next - interior decoration and interior equipment.
The wall on which you want to hang the geyser must be non-combustible. First, they sheathed it with asbestos-cement slabs, and laid tiles on top. (Different colors and sizes, because it was also already available).
Pipeline system from metal-plastic pipes. This solution is the easiest to install and requires a minimum of special tools and skills.
The gas column exhaust pipe is asbestos. The temperature of the outgoing gas is no more than 200 degrees, so no expensive heat-insulating sandwiches are needed here. I designed the exit through the roof with the help of the so-called. "Mother-Flash passer".
The interior decoration of the remaining walls and ceiling is made of white plastic panels. They are inexpensive and easy to install. Underneath is thermal insulation.
Installed a shower enclosure on the tray.
He hung hooks and shelves on the walls. I installed spotlights in the ceiling, above the sink - a mirror with a shelf.

Water is supplied from a water pipe laid along the plots. I plan to dig my own well and make an autonomous water supply using a pumping station.
The input of water is done with a hose. In the future, I plan to lay plastic pipes along the site.
Behind the shower attached an outdoor sink for washing dishes in the summer. For the winter, it is easy to unscrew it and put it into the house. The shower and sink drain into a pit that I plan to fill with sand and gravel to pre-filter the water.
What is the result? It turned out to be a fully functional warm shower with a shower cabin and a sink for washing. Hot water comes out immediately after switching on. All the pleasure cost about 40,000 rubles and three weeks of work. I almost always worked alone. Only a relative helped me to cover the roof. With more hands, everything can be done much faster.

Often, water heaters are purchased for use in summer cottages, for work "in the field." Accordingly, there may be no centralized gas supply in dacha cooperatives and settlements. There is a way out - install an electric water heater or choose a geyser with the ability to connect to a cylinder. Can a gas column work from a gas cylinder? Yes, if the manufacturer has provided such an option. How to connect it and what fuel to use - you will find answers to these questions below.

You can also reconfigure an existing column. To do this, carefully read the instructions in the final part of the article.

The substances used to heat water are called propane and butane. These are derivatives released during the processing of "black gold" - oil (gasoline, gas). Both pure technical butane and a mixture of butane with propane in their winter or summer version are used.

When compressed, gases become liquid and occupy a smaller volume. That is why this type of fuel is often called "liquefied".

When the pressure is reduced, the gas changes into a vapor state. Since the gas tends to expand at high temperatures, the cylinder is usually filled to 85% of its full volume. If you think that you are "not topped up" with fuel, this is for your own safety.

Fact! Above the liquid gas there will always be a layer of gas in the vapor state.

Gas cylinder - 100% country option

Often, an instantaneous water heater powered by bottled gas is the only way to heat water for a summer residence. Of course, no one canceled the "summer shower" with natural heating from the sun, but what to do in winter? Exit - boiler or geyser.

As for the electric water heater, it is not always possible to make a choice in its favor for a simple reason: not all holiday villages have an ideal electrical network that would work without failures and would not annoy with power surges. Partly to blame for this are those who use electric motors for irrigation, electric saws, air conditioners and other powerful appliances. A boiler or an electric instantaneous heater is not always a profitable solution.

It is not a problem to get a cylinder with a gas mixture. Moreover, most domestic manufacturers (and not only) produce gas equipment that works regardless of what gas is used - ordinary or liquefied.

Connecting equipment to the cylinder

Before you start connecting the equipment yourself, make sure that the model really fits.

Other brands of acceptable equipment:, (almost all the latest models). The instructions for the Bosch speakers indicate that a 50-liter cylinder is enough for 10 hours of stable operation at a power of 25 kW. A conversion kit for Bosch speakers is available from an authorized service center.

If it is necessary to carry out work on the readjustment of equipment, the replacement of collector nozzles and the assessment of the tightness of the joints, they must be done strictly according to the rules. Nozzles should be smaller in diameter: as in gas stoves, the pressure given out by liquefied gas reducers is 2-3 times higher than when natural gas is supplied through pipes. At the same time, the calorific value of liquid fuel is 1.5 times stronger than that of natural gas.

On the equipment, you need to put the date of the alteration - day, month and year. The type of gas suitable for use is also indicated.

The scheme for connecting the cylinder to the GC requires it to have a reducer with pressure stabilization of 300 mm of water. Art. and a minimum vapor phase capacity of one cubic meter per hour.

Parameters of the hose connecting the gas equipment with the fuel tank:

  • 250 cm - minimum length;
  • 1.2 cm is the least acceptable internal diameter of the tube.

Important! When mounting the hose tube, do not bend or twist it in any way. Even if a bend is required, use adapters and keep an eye on the radius - it cannot be less than 9 cm on the outer arc. And also do not bend the hose earlier than 5 cm from the end of its tips.

Please note that the forums on the network contain information of the following nature: if you reconfigure the column correctly and carry out the work without flaws, problems with water pressure may occur and the column will not start. Then you will need an additional installation of a pressure pump.

When installing a shut-off valve, remember that it must be easily accessible so that the user can quickly close it in the event of an emergency.

After completing the installation work, check the tightness of the connections and conduct a test run of the equipment.

Instruction. Transfer of the gas column Neva 4511 to liquefied gas

Jets with a diameter of 1.28 mm are installed in the gas column. This set of nozzles is installed in the burner rail for natural gas operation with a pressure of 130 mm. water. Art. (130 mbar). The ramp at the gas column Neva 4511 is ten-section, i.e. The ramp includes 10 nozzles.

Our LPG nozzle kit contains 10 nozzles with a diameter of 0.75 mm.

This kit is only suitable for this model, because, for example, the Neva 4510 gas column has a ramp of a different design. Moreover, this model of the Neva 4511 is quite well studied by us. It is easy to install, repair and maintain. When converted to liquefied gas, the column consumes about a kilogram of gas per hour of operation. You will now see for yourself that altering the ramp will not take much time. To translate the column, we need a Phillips screwdriver and an adjustable wrench (38 mm). The column itself does not need to be dismantled at all.


First you need to separate the ramp. An ignition electrode (candle) and a flame presence (ionization) sensor are fixed on the ramp. Separate them by unscrewing two screws.

They are numbered 1 in the photo. After separating the sensor and the candle from the ramp, it is necessary to unscrew the four screws (No. 2), which secure the burner ramp.

After separating them, we take an adjustable wrench and unscrew the ramp nut from the column gas unit.

The ramp is in our hands. After the ramp is in our hands, it is best to turn the jets with a head (7 mm) so as not to damage the slots when tightening new nozzles with pliers or an open-end wrench (a key, like a 7 mm head). As you can see, almost nothing is required from your brain to replace the nozzles.

Hot water is necessary for everyone, in any weather and at any time. Such a phenomenon, necessary for our daily comfort, can be provided by gas water heaters (columns), with the help of which, regardless of the central water supplier, we will use hot water.

A geyser without a chimney is a device that will be the best option if it is necessary to provide hot water in an apartment, a multi-storey building - where the presence of a chimney is either impossible or was not provided by the developer.

In addition, this type of geysers, which is also called a turbocharged geyser without a chimney, can be the best solution if you need to save space as much as possible in a house, cottage or industrial premises.

A column without a chimney is a unique engineering design, which, by introducing a new type of combustion chamber, and a fundamental change in the exhaust gas exhaust system, has created a new type of geysers, a universal type.

1 The device and principle of operation of a geyser without a chimney

Before you buy a geyser without a chimney, you should understand the principle of its operation, and the removal of exhaust gas, as well as understand the principle of operation of such devices.

For example, a geyser vector without a chimney consists of the following parts:

  1. The body of the device is made of metal alloy. It also has a control panel and a display with information about the water temperature;
  2. The device of the primary heat exchanger, together with a thermal module;
  3. Recirculation pump, through which water is supplied to the heat exchanger;
  4. Sealed combustion chamber . A geyser without a closed chimney has a unique design of the combustion chamber, characteristic only for this type of device;
  5. Burner, usually with piezo ignition, or with electric;
  6. The fan is the mechanism by which the system functions without natural draft to remove the exhaust gas;
  7. Plate (secondary) heat exchanger;
  8. Condenser and thermostat;
  9. Expansion tank (for primary water storage);
  10. Hydraulic module;
  11. Cold water inlet line, gas supply valve, relief valve;
  12. Outlet hot water line;
  13. Coaxial chimney.

You should consider the principle of operation of a gas column without a chimney:

First of all, when the hot water tap is turned on, the burner is ignited. Simultaneously with this process, gas and cold water are fed into the system using individual valves and a pump.

Further, in the combustion chamber, the gas is converted (under the influence of temperature) into thermal energy, which passes into the heat exchanger. The latter is equipped with special pipes through which water circulates, which turns into warm water in a few moments. It is she who lends herself further to the water supply system, after which we can use it for domestic purposes.

As you can see, in general, the principle of operation of a gas column system without a chimney does not differ fundamentally from conventional columns. But it should be noted about the features of the exhaust gas exhaust system: Firstly, the coaxial chimney is an exhaust system that does not require additional installation work.

For its functioning, it is necessary to provide a special cutout (compartment) in the wall, in which this system will be installed. In this device, on the one hand, gas is removed, and on the other, clean air is supplied, which is necessary for the combustion chamber. Secondly, the presence of a fan and a closed-type combustion chamber eliminates the need for natural draft (and, of course, the installation of a chimney).

2 Types of columns without a chimney and their differences, prices

  • First of all, geysers without a chimney vary by manufacturer. There are enough models on the market both from representatives of foreign brands (geyser power without a chimney) and domestic brands (geyser Vector 11n without a chimney). The main difference between the representatives of these two groups is the cost and quality of products. According to generally accepted stereotypes, imported models are of higher quality than ours. Sometimes this is so, but not always. Moreover, if we take into account the prices for gas water heaters without a closed chimney of foreign manufacturers, and compare them with Russian models, the difference can reach 30%. If you pay attention to reviews of a gas water heater without a national-made chimney, you can trace the trend according to which people are increasingly supporting just such models, due to the improvement in the quality of the latter, against the backdrop of rapidly growing competition.
  • The next criterion that differentiates gas water heaters without a chimney is the location of key mechanisms. This classification affects the ease of use and installation of the device. Geysers without a chimney can have a horizontal arrangement, as well as a vertical one.
  • Next, you should decide on the type of gas column: storage or flow. Storage water heaters without a chimney are less common, as they are more expensive, usually take up a lot of space and are less versatile. Whereas flow-through gas water heaters without a chimney (Neva gas water heaters without a chimney) are the leaders in the segment, and they heat water immediately after the latter passes through the system.
  • Most gas water heaters are designed to function when assisted with natural gas. At the same time, sometimes it is advisable to use a liquefied gas water heater without a chimney. Such a device can use as fuel not only gas from the system, but also liquefied gas from special cylinders, which is very convenient and relevant for regions and districts where, for certain reasons, there is no access to a gas pipeline (dacha, in a remote area, etc.) .

The price of a geyser without a chimney is approximately on the same level as water heaters that have an open combustion chamber. Speaking specifically, medium-power models have a cost of 8 thousand rubles (domestic manufacturer) and 10 thousand for imported models.

The price of more powerful units, with which you can provide hot water to several points of water intake in a large house, starts at 25 thousand, and models for industry reach prices of 50-70 thousand rubles, and sometimes more.

2.1 Tips for choosing columns without a chimney, their pros and cons

In order to buy a gas water heater without a chimney, you should know some features of choosing the right model:

  • First of all, you should decide on the budget, calculating not only the cost of the device, but also all associated costs (transportation, installation);
  • Selection of a place in your premises;
  • Measuring the size of free space (using this, you can choose a model based on the maximum allowable dimensions, specifically at your premises);
  • Be sure to find a reliable supplier (seller) who can provide you with a product warranty;
  • Make sure the kit is complete: factory box, fasteners, instructions, and related documentation (technical data sheet);
  • Calculate the required power of the device, taking into account the declared gas consumption.

The main advantages of choosing a geyser without a chimney should be named, including:

  1. No need to install a chimney device;
  2. Significant money savings due to the affordable price of the device itself, and savings on installation work to install an expensive chimney;

The ability to install a gas water heater without a chimney in almost any room;

  1. Availability of a wide range on the market, both by manufacturers and by design, power and other indicators;
  2. Improved efficiency for turbocharged geysers.

At the same time, based on the practical experience of using chimneyless gas water heaters, the following disadvantages should be noted: device repairs are more expensive, since the design is closed (tight), and the production of high-power gas water heaters without a chimney is practically impossible, therefore they are used in production rarely.

2.2 We connect the geyser - video

Gas water heaters on liquefied gas of this model have a chimneyless, turbocharged evaporation system. The burnt gas leaves through a coaxial pipe.
A big advantage is that the device can operate on both flowing and liquefied gas. Hardware is not included and must be purchased separately. Reconfiguration is easy, and the quality of work from changing fuel does not fall.
The geyser is equipped with technical innovations and functions: draft sensor and flame extinction, overheating and gas supply fuses. An electronic control board is installed here, which is incredibly sensitive to power fluctuations. The cost of equipment is quite high, and any power surge can make it unusable.

Advice! To protect yourself from possible damage to the column due to a power surge, you should get a stabilizer.


Nominal gas pressure

Combustion chamber type


Ignition type

Electric ignition

Thermal power

Gas consumption

Natural 3 m 3 /hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour


Score (0-5)

Demrad SC 275 SEI LCD

Demrad SC 275 SEI LCD

The model is equipped with an LCD LSD display that displays all the necessary information. The column is used in domestic conditions to meet everyday needs. It perfectly copes with its main task - heating water to a predetermined temperature and supplying it to the user. The automatic ignition works even at the minimum pressure. The column does not know how to adapt to the thickness of the jet, it heats with the same power all the time.

The Demrad SC 275 SEI LCD works quite quietly and imperceptibly. If you set the gas supply too weak, it will often go out, you have to set the average or maximum power.

The manufacturer took care of the user's safety by setting 6 levels of protection: draft sensor, water control, flame, overheating, main and protective gas valves.


Nominal gas pressure

Combustion chamber type


Ignition type

Electric ignition

Thermal power

Gas consumption

Natural 2.3 m 3 /hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour


Maximum heating temperature

Score (0-5)


Bosch WTD 27 AME

Bosch WTD 27 AME

Bosch WTD 27 AME is a powerful equipment for providing constant water heating. The device with compact dimensions and attractive design will find application both in everyday use and in the enterprise. The range of use is quite wide, this is a good opportunity to install an economical, reliable and durable water heating system. The column belongs to the premium-class equipment, has a corresponding cost. It heats the water as quickly as possible to the set temperature. All sensors work with a minimum error. The electronics generates error codes and information needed during operation. Of the additional functions, there is gas control, heating temperature limitation, overheating protection, flame control. The high cost is fully justified by the high power and reliability.

Bosch WTD 18AM E

Bosch WTD 18AM E

The closed combustion chamber will completely relieve the user of the smell of burnt gas. It will not spoil the air in the room, will not reduce the amount of oxygen. A special electronic modulation ensures that the outlet temperature is always the same. Bosch WTD 18 AM E - instantaneous liquefied gas water heaters, an excellent solution for both private apartments, cottages, and commercial facilities. The user receives the highest comfort by setting the desired desired mode. The selected outlet temperature is quickly reached and maintained for a long time. The heat exchanger is made of high-quality copper, which will eliminate oxidation, the possibility of harmful substances entering the water. The system of error codes displayed on the LCD screen simplifies the use and maintenance of the geyser.

Bosch WTD 15 AM E

Bosch WTD 15 AM E

Thrift, ignition from the mains, several levels of protection, guaranteed safety - the qualities that the column from Bosch possesses. Its main purpose is the preparation of hot water for domestic purposes. Outlet water temperature control with a maximum error of 1С. The user sets the required temperature, and automatic sensors adjust the indicators so that the outlet always has the same warm water, regardless of the pressure. Bosch WTD 15 AM E shows high energy efficiency, excellent efficiency, maximum power delivery with low fuel consumption. There is protection against the loss of thrust and flame, which acts as an additional protection. The ability to work on flowing and liquefied gas is a separate plus in the direction of the product from Bosch. In terms of cost, the column is on the verge between the middle and premium class. For this price there are other quality analogues. It is this column that has established itself as a durable, high-quality product that does not require frequent repairs and maintenance. Parts are available commercially and are fairly easy to find. For its price tag - 5 out of 5.


Nominal gas pressure

Combustion chamber type


Ignition type

Electric ignition

Thermal power

Gas consumption

Natural 2.9 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour


Maximum heating temperature

Score (0-5)

This is a double-circuit gas boiler, which is used for heating water and space heating. A definite plus is the possibility of changing the operating mode: on liquefied gas or natural. Antifreeze protection, several degrees of protection and safety.
The heater is quite noisy when turned on and in use. Sometimes turns on and off for no reason, accompanied by a loud pop. During use, it does not produce the declared characteristics. The maximum 85 С cannot be reached, the output temperature is 60-65 С.
The boiler is unreliable: the sensors quickly fail or do not work, sometimes the pressure drops for no reason.
It is expensive, but the money paid does not appear in practice. The manufacturer puts a certain high amount based on the declared functions and characteristics. In use, these functions are not used, or quickly fail.

A thermosensor is installed in the hot water circuit, which controls the degrees of the outgoing water. Nova Florida Delfis CTFS 24 AF is one of the representatives of the well-known line of compact heaters. It is designed to work in domestic conditions, but not in the enterprise.

For the convenience of users, management is simplified here and emphasis is placed on reducing fuel and electricity consumption. Here the body is lightened, new technologies are used to make the equipment as compact and inconspicuous as possible in a residential area.

The cost is high, because the heater is double-circuit, it is used simultaneously for heating and for heating water. However, the high price is not justified by the high quality. The purchased product will be used for its intended purpose, and will show good results. But small parts break down very quickly. The boiler needs constant maintenance, replacement of individual elements.


Nominal gas pressure

Combustion chamber type


Ignition type

Electric ignition

Thermal power

Gas consumption

Natural 2.7 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.98 kg/hour


Maximum heating temperature

Score (0-5)

The most expensive model presented by the manufacturer. Small dimensions, simple installation and versatility make the purchase of this boiler a profitable offer. Carefully thought out design, all elements.
This device is strikingly different from the previous ones, because here the company tried to make a truly premium device for customers. Its power is enough to heat a private house or a country mansion. Hot water is produced constantly, in unlimited quantities. There is a function for calculating and limiting water consumption.
Here the buyer pays money for reliability, comfort and convenience. The ability to work on natural and liquefied gas gives the equipment the widest possible scope for use. The electronic board is working properly, but is afraid of voltage drops. The high efficiency ensures you a constant supply of hot water with minimal fuel consumption. If you can’t decide which gas water heater to buy for liquefied gas, you should pay attention to this model.


This LPG instantaneous gas water heater has a small capacity, as for its power. Because of this, a high temperature can only be in one tap. If you turn on several at the same time, both will get an unsatisfactory result.
This model is the cheapest of the entire model range of the company. The main disadvantage is the lack of outlet temperature control. The column is quite noisy during arson and in operation. Even with a small trickle, it works, but a loud bang is heard.
Of the advantages - low price, ease of management and further maintenance, the ability to work on natural and liquefied gas.
There are more successful examples in the company's assortment. They have a slightly higher cost, but the ease of use is much better.

Demrad SC 275 SEI LCD

Bosch WTD 27 AME

Bosch WTD 18AM E

Bosch WTD 15 AM E










Nominal gas pressure

Combustion chamber type










Ignition type

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Electric ignition

Thermal power

Gas consumption

Natural 3 m 3 /hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour

Natural 2.3 m 3 /hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour

Natural 5.09 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 3.8 kg/hour

Natural 2.9 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour

Natural 2.9 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.7 kg/hour

Natural 2.59 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.93 kg/hour

Natural 2.7 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.98 kg/hour

Natural 3.5 m 3 /hour

Liquefied 2.6 kg/hour

Natural 2.2 m 3 / hour

Liquefied 1.66 kg/hour


Maximum heating temperature

Score (0-5)