
Capricorn for a year by months. For Capricorn men

2019 will be a year of massive change for Capricorn. Changes don't have to be major changes, such as a small renovation, furniture rearrangement, or just a new place where you'll spend your holidays. However, Capricorns can (and even need to) plan for more significant events. For example, the year of the Pig is extremely successful in order to either change your place of residence, study or work.

The main thing is to remember that the success of the next twelve years will depend on your decision, because the year of the Pig will complete the zodiac cycle and give each sign what it deserves. Of course, Capricorns, like real couch potatoes and conservatives, are unlikely to decide on a sharp change in their usual way of life. They prefer to follow the beaten path, and are very reluctant to change plans. However, in the year of the Pig, they should learn improvisation and risk in order to improve the quality of their lives and fill it with new colors.

Famous Capricorns

  • Charles Perrault
  • Alexander Griboyedov
  • Sergey Zhigunov
  • Jared Leto
  • Ingeborga Dapkunaite
  • Michel Nostradamus
  • Kate Moss
  • Marina Neelova
In 2019, Capricorn will be able to radically change any area of ​​his life.

Forecast for the zodiac sign Capricorn for 2019

The Pig appreciates discipline, a serious approach to business, punctuality and sober calculation, but she really lacks in Capricorn the ability to at least occasionally indulge in simple and uncomplicated fun. Natural conservatism should not stop you in one place - moving forward, even if you have to go in pitch darkness, is an integral part of our life. Overly cautious Capricorns, who are guided by the saying about a tit in their hands, risk depriving themselves of many achievements and joys.

The year promises to be difficult and eventful, so you need to plan a vacation for the fall - the only time when Capricorns have a gap in an endless series of cases. Choose a trip wisely - it should not just be budget, as Capricorns usually prefer, but also educational. It is highly recommended to broaden your horizons by visiting. Choose non-trivial countries - for example, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ecuador or Tanzania. If you plan your vacation six months in advance, you can buy inexpensive tickets.

In other periods, you will have no time to take a breath. Work problems will be replaced by issues related to family and life. Literally from the first days of winter, think over a strategy for 2019, since there should not be any unfinished business in it. However, this forecast does not mean that Capricorns will turn into beasts of burden and will carry the worries. Family and friends will be happy to help you! Feel free to contact them if you need to move building materials, unload furniture, or babysit.

In the spring, business trips may become more frequent, which will negatively affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfamily relations. Capricorns are not the most empathic sign. They are often focused solely on themselves and do not notice when it is necessary to pay attention to a partner. Remember: a couple of minutes of talking before going to bed will allow you to stay close even at times when you are separated from each other by thousands of kilometers.

  • Forecast for women. Capricorn women need to listen carefully to the voice of intuition so as not to miss a significant meeting. Soon a man will appear on your way who is able to accept you with all the shortcomings! Most likely, we are not talking about love at first sight - relationships can begin with friendly meetings. Hold fast to your destiny and be prepared for major changes, such as moving to another city. You will have to forget about career growth in 2019 - you will not be offered a new position. But the effort will be rewarded with bonus payments.
  • Forecast for men. Astrologers predict a positive year for family Capricorns - you will finally be able to find the right tone and words to nip in the bud the slightest hint of conflict with your spouse. Singles need to become more determined - the year does not promise easy victories, as you choose bright and conspicuous women. If you want to create a pair, get ready to fight other contenders for their hand. The career field will also give you a few chances, especially if your work is related to intellectual work.
  • Children's forecast. Astrologers predict a rather calm time for little Capricorns, which will please their parents. These kids know how to behave with dignity, they are a little shy, but very tactful and smart, so they are the favorites of teachers at school or kindergarten. If it seems to you that the baby should be more active, develop leadership qualities and the ability to work in a team in him. The easiest way is to buy a ticket to a summer camp with an interesting program. There your child will improve his health and learn to make new acquaintances.

Love horoscope for 2019

In the year of the Pig, the Capricorn family boat may stumble upon pitfalls.

The forecast for 2019 does not advise lonely Capricorns to thoughtlessly fall into the abyss of love interests. The pig will do everything for you to find a couple, but only if your goal is clear and specific - and have offspring. Of course, light flirting fills life with pleasant moments, but the frivolous personalities that revolve around you are not able to understand the complex and contradictory nature of Capricorn.

Believe me - new admirers are attracted only by your appearance, presentable appearance and financial well-being, but not by your spiritual qualities! It is possible that your destiny awaits you in another city or even country, so do not refuse to travel to conferences, business meetings and presentations.

In 2019, a crisis may arise in already established couples. Capricorns can hardly be called romantics, and in long-term relationships they relax and begin to believe that the period of courtship has passed, and you should not spend money on trifles. Moderate your desire for endless savings! Your budget can easily support occasional trips to the cinema and cafes, and a walk in the park before bed arm in arm with your loved one is generally free, but gives a huge result.

Health Horoscope for 2019

Lack of sleep can seriously harm your body, especially in 2019

The high dynamics of life in 2019 can seriously affect the health of Capricorn! Lack of sleep is a phenomenon that should be completely excluded from your life if you want to spend the year in a great mood. Astrologers say that if no action is taken in time, one may encounter shattered nerves, loss of strength, lack of appetite and pessimistic thoughts. Be sure to get enough sleep on the weekends and don't overload your brain with negative news. Before going to bed, be sure to break away from your computer and TV to walk and get some fresh air.

The weak point of Capricorns is the digestive system, so forget about snacking on the go, the abuse of fatty, smoked and sweet foods, and also limit your love of burgers and go-dogs. Let your meetings with harmful products be infrequent - at most on the weekends. It is better to saturate the diet of Capricorn with protein foods, fresh vegetables and fresh juices. Find a salad bar near work and snack there to feel the improvement in your physical condition in a couple of months.

Career horoscope for 2019

Build relationships with colleagues to make the most of the year

Capricorns on the path to career growth are almost impossible to knock off the chosen path. This sign is very persistent, purposeful and assertive. At the same time, he is quite cautious and will never take unjustified risks. The pig says that this trait needs to be adjusted in 2019 - be able to take advantage of changing circumstances in order to significantly increase your chances for a new position. Otherwise, you will continue to pull the strap while competitors are in high positions in the rankings.

It is worth paying attention to relationships with colleagues. Even if your work does not involve frequent contacts with specialists from other departments, show at least a little sociability. And do not try to crush employees with authority - let other people have their own opinion. Astrologers predict a successful year for philanthropists - copywriters, developers and designers will be able to get some lucrative orders.

Money horoscope for 2019

Keep a close eye on your competitors so that they do not take away your profits!

In general, Capricorns will not have problems with money. Finally, you can stop shaking for every penny you earn, but you shouldn’t scatter banknotes either. Capricorn knows exactly what needs to be done to get a decent reward, but astrologers warn about earning methods. You are able to go on an adventure if you smell easy money. Do not trust individuals who offer vague financial schemes and guarantee incredible returns so as not to lose your savings.

Real workaholics, for whom career success is the sweetest thing in the world, are Capricorns. Moreover, a career for them is not only at work, they also consider the family as an opportunity to manage and achieve higher goals.

They are always ready to take on an additional social burden, and in addition to help all possible relatives. But Capricorns do a hundred things at once, not out of kindness of heart, but out of necessity: they need a strong position, awareness of leadership and omnipotence (even at the level of everyday life) like air.

2019 will be a fairly active time for you, full of surprises and sometimes even oddities. But in the end, you will only strengthen your position, receive a long-awaited promotion, or recognition from relatives who have so far refused to acknowledge your merits. According to the Chinese calendar, we are entering the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

The sign of Capricorn also belongs to the elements of the earth, so the entire period from January to the end of December will be harmonious and balanced for you. None of the sudden turns will knock you out of the saddle, rather, they will bring variety to periods of calm. Astrologers distinguish several of them: from the beginning of the year until April, all summer until the first days of September - months when you have to get a little bored.

The rest of the time, events will develop rapidly and take you headlong. The spring season is associated with employment at work, as well as the implementation of your grandiose plans for, if any. If not now, then by May they will definitely appear. The beginning and middle of autumn will be associated with family and domestic issues.

Repairs, global purchases, trips to distant relatives - just to have time to solve all the tasks! This is due to the fact that most of the “problems” will be created for you by relatives. November-December will be more than troublesome for you, but you will enjoy it. Plan a large-scale tour, come up with a scenario for the New Year holidays, buy gifts - in general, do pleasant worries, for which you will later receive gratitude from your loved ones.

Horoscope for Capricorn man

Men of this sign love to compete. This is because they usually win and easily maintain the image of an invincible opponent. The coming year will be associated with a sharp spiritual leap for you. For young men, this may be a willingness to settle down, to legitimize their relationship with their soulmate.

For entrepreneurs, businessmen, 2019 may be the beginning of active charitable activities. And for some Capricorns, even cardinal changes may occur, for example, they want to give up everything and go on a year break to a distant exotic country in order to comprehend spiritual practices.

During the first half of the year, you will want to do household chores. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, repair the kitchen, put things in order in the garage or pantry, equip a bathhouse or a playground in the country. To have a good time at the same time, call your friends - they will be happy to help you.

Horoscope for Capricorn woman

These women know how to handle money - and earn, and spend wisely. They are responsible and always ready to take on more than their position or status. In the year of the Yellow Boar, you will lack decisiveness and pressure. You know that you are capable of much, but you do not have the courage to declare it.

Because of this embarrassment, you are likely to miss out on good opportunities - from promotion to starting a family. Complicate life and personal relationships. The circumstances and actions of the partner will lead to the fact that love matters will fall entirely on your shoulders, and, as you know, relationships are a matter of two. You will have to decide whether to continue to carry this load alone, or take harsh measures, up to a break.

You will receive an award for not the easiest year at the end of autumn, or in December. There will be an opportunity to go on a long vacation and forget about everything. Do not worry that at the moment your financial possibilities are diametrically opposed to luxury travel. The money will arrive closer to the time - as a bonus at work, or a gift from a lover.


Mid-spring 2019 will be a career breakthrough for many Capricorns. You will find a real surge of successful deals, signings, lucrative contracts. Successes will inevitably be noticed and thanked by the management. If you are planning to change jobs, do it in the spring to guarantee a higher position than you had before.

There will be several offers, trust your intuition in choosing, and you will not lose. You may have to rush between your dream job and your dream salary - the Yellow Pig loves to put you in front of a dilemma. Make decisions with an eye to the future and long-term plans.

Financial horoscope

In 2019, Capricorns will have a chance to make good money, but spending will also be more than usual. A lot of resources will go to the family and home. There will be a desire to equip a bedroom, buy expensive kitchen appliances, or you will have to urgently repair plumbing - in any case, be prepared for significant financial investments.

Children will become a tangible expense item: you will need to spend money on an expensive gift, a school trip abroad, help adult children with renting an apartment or paying off a loan.

The end of the year may be the most costly. It's not just about New Year's gifts for all relatives. The planets fold up safely for travel, and you won’t be able to significantly save on the trip. Yes, and it’s not worth it - relax without counting in your mind how much yesterday’s cocktails cost you. In addition, expect frequent invitations that will also reflect on your wallet - for a wedding, anniversary or the birth of a child.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2019

The year will turn out just fine for those who already have a family. Relations with a wife or husband will be strengthened, a deep mutual understanding will appear, intimate life will become brighter. Together you will take care of household chores, and it will not be a burden for anyone, even if the Capricorn husband has to choose bedding for the marital bed.

Indicates that friction may arise only after mid-September, but will be caused by external circumstances - pressure from relatives, employment at work. However, with your efforts, it will not be difficult to restore peace with a partner.

If you are still in search, 2019 has every chance of becoming a life-changing one for you. Let's hope for the summer. Do not spray on exciting, but clearly short-term relationships, a real victory awaits you ahead. It is possible that you will have to fight and prove your serious intentions, show yourself as a determined person, ready to go to the end. You have enough positive qualities and strength to win and keep your love.

What will health look like in 2019

If on all fronts Capricorns are accompanied by success and growth, then the category of health will become an Achilles' heel. There will not be enough time and desire to take care of yourself, there will always be things more important or more interesting than going to the doctor. But you will have to look into the medical laboratory and pass at least basic tests in order not to miss serious deterioration.

The stomach and digestive system will be at risk. Too much attention will be paid to work, too little to proper nutrition. Fast food on the run and the lack of full meals during the day will exacerbate chronic diseases. In order not to bring to a hospital bed, do not skip breakfast and lunch, watch your diet.

There is a risk of becoming a victim of frequent migraines, the best cure for which will be outdoor recreation and a course of massage of the cervical-collar zone.

Born in the Year of the Pig

Capricorns born in 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 are sentimental, cheerful, open-hearted people. They have an easy character, sometimes even soft, but you cannot call them compliant. At the right time, they will always show truly "goat" perseverance and intractability, and will stand their ground to the last.

This trait is inherent in those born in the year of the Boar at any age, from infancy. They are reliable and responsible, but rather ambitious. Often they show their strengths precisely for the sake of praise and recognition by others of their success. It is easy to be friends with them, they will always come to the rescue, even in seemingly insoluble situations. True, you need to get used to some earthiness and always cold mind of these Capricorns.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

The horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns is full of surprises and promises grandiose changes. Representatives of this zodiac sign need to prepare for moving to a new apartment, and possibly to another city or even to another country. Capricorns already in January expect useful acquaintances that will help them find a well-paid job.

On the personal front, everything will be quiet, calm and without change. Capricorns who are in a relationship will successfully maintain their status. It will be very difficult for lonely people to find their mate: applicants appear, but there are no significant ones.

Capricorns are advised to monitor their health, you need to notice alarming symptoms in a timely manner and treat the disease. Without this, even an ordinary cut has every chance of developing into gangrene or blood poisoning. But if you treat it with an antiseptic in a timely manner, then nothing terrible will happen.

Particular attention should be paid to your nervous system. Do not worry about trifles, this general rule is relevant in 2019. Set a limit for your feelings. For example, order yourself not to take into your mind the petty dirty tricks of your colleagues, pay attention only to the remarks of your superiors.

Horoscope for Capricorn man

Capricorn men are fighters by nature. They are very active, purposeful, like to measure the length of the horn with their own kind. The Year of the Yellow Pig will pass for you under the banner of powerful spiritual growth. For example, you will give up bad habits, legitimize your relationship with your beloved, and perhaps start going to church.

Throughout 2019, you will have spontaneous desires that you will very much want to bring to life. For example, in the middle of summer you will see a last-minute trip to the sea and immediately light up to go there with your family.

Do not run the house and household, repair the kitchen, bring the hallway back to normal. Take part in social activities: plant trees in the yard, equip a playground, whitewash the ceilings in the entrance. You will earn the respect of others, become an example to children, get a plus in karma.

Horoscope 2019 for Capricorn woman

There is a lot of masculine spirituality in Capricorn women. They can earn money, manage their income wisely, take responsibility for raising children. But do you need all this when a man is next to you? He is a little childish and relaxed, you blame him for that. But a strong and strong-willed man will not tolerate your male character traits.

The Capricorn woman in 2019 will have to choose between command and submission. If you have finally decided what kind of character you need next to you, then you can safely create a family with him.

The beginning of the year will be a difficult period at work. It is quite possible that you will have to work for two or even three employees. You must be strong and endure all these hardships. But if you stand up, but closer to the fall you will get an increase or a solid bonus in the form of several salaries.

love horoscope

The love horoscope for Capricorns for 2019 promises a beautiful and romantic relationship. That's just how long they will be - is unknown. Yellow Earth Pig advises not to rush into the pool of love with your head, especially if you do not know your partner well. Yes, it's very nice to let go of the reins and let your loved one sled you into the unknown. But the path can be laid not only to the Fairy Tale, but also to the dark forest with unknown adventures.

In the middle of the year, it is highly likely that your strong and ongoing relationship for several years will end in a wedding. Matchmakers will knock on your door with a bottle of moonshine, but you do not give an affirmative answer right away. You are a girl, a bride, so you can make a little face. Ask for a bottle of red wine.

Lonely Capricorns in 2019 can dream. Think of a prince on Scarlet Sails, the Yellow Earth Pig loves romantic natures and strives to please them. But only this prince will be passing through your life: he will ride on a luxurious ship, after which he will sail back to his homeland. Local brides will be more to his liking.

Horoscope by year of birth

Horoscope Capricorn-Rat

Good luck awaits you in business, but such success will attract the attention of scammers and dishonest businessmen to your person. Natural restraint and caution will help you in the professional field - the Rat-Capricorn will recognize malicious intent against it in no time.

In the personal life of single Capricorn-Rats, the same stagnation will await. Your suspiciousness will prevent you from opening up to another person who, by nature, can be very simple. Do not think that all you need is your money. Thinking this way, you run the risk of being alone forever with your money.

Horoscope Capricorn-Ox 2019

The stubborn and fair Ox in 2019 will receive his long-awaited career growth. But it's still too early to try on the chief's chair, walk around a bit in deputies. You will work very hard to achieve your desired goal.

Especially your natural obstinacy will help in running your own business. You are not so easy to deceive, and you are able to feel and predict the thoughts and intentions of competitors at a distance.

Horoscope Capricorn-Tiger 2019

In the year of the Pig, you will be able to fully realize your leadership qualities. At work, you will be given a chance to show your ambitions, most likely it will be a business trip.

You will perform so well that you will be offered a promotion and double the salary. But this will not seem enough to you, you will want your own company. It is up to you to decide what to do, it is better to re-read the tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”, especially pay attention to the wish of the old woman to become a pillar noblewoman, and what came of it.

Horoscope Capricorn-Rabbit

You will work hard and be able to earn a lot of money. But even such a busy schedule and financial well-being will not make you a gloomy grumbler, shaking over every penny. You will smile and look forward optimistically, infecting those around you with your radiant smile.

Capricorn, who was lucky to be born in the year of the Rabbit, is a strong and strong-willed personality. But you need to soberly assess your strengths. You still won’t redo all the work, but you can easily undermine your health.

Capricorn Dragon in 2019

The whole of 2019 will pass for you in work and amorous affairs. You will not know what is important to you. There will be many fans, but you should not look only at beauty and wealth. Pay attention to spiritual qualities: seriousness, thoughtfulness, honesty. If you meet a person with a similar set of qualities, then feel free to marry him. Such a union is doomed to eternity.

Horoscope Capricorn-Snake 2019

You will begin to think about working alone, without a team. In such a situation, you should not attack colleagues and blame them for their shortcomings. Just think about your business. But first evaluate your talents and abilities: creativity, initiative, the ability to negotiate with partners, organize your time. There will be no boss here, life will give you an estimate for your work.

Horoscope Capricorn-Horse 2019

Your performance in 2019 can only be envied, you will work like a Horse. But on the other hand, you will get buns that others can only dream of. The steering committee will most likely appoint you as the director, there are no other candidates on the horizon.

Your non-conflict and ability to reconcile people will give you a chance to act as a peacemaker in quarrels. Only use this gift exclusively at work and in your family. Do not get into someone else's scandal, especially family.

Horoscope Capricorn-Goat 2019

You need to tame your impulsiveness and be sure to develop the habit of bringing everything you start to its logical end. Naturally, there will be difficulties. But they need to be perceived not as an obstacle to the goal, but as a new and exciting adventure.

In your personal life, you will be ruled by uncertainty and doubt. You are unlikely to decide on marriage, as you constantly look for flaws in your partner. There are no ideal ones, so you can stay alone forever.

Capricorn Monkey

Your changeability, impulsiveness and inconstancy will bring you both problems and open up new horizons. You will be able to see what others cannot see. This is especially true when starting your own business. Be sure to restrain your active long tongue when communicating with superiors. Save jokes for chatting with friends.

Horoscope Capricorn-Rooster 2019

In 2019, it will simply be indecent for you to be lucky in money, even in a casino. This does not require any extra movement. Just live your standard rhythm of life, money will find you.

In 2019, you have every chance to get a will: an apartment, a car, and maybe a country house.

Horoscope Capricorn-Dog 2019

The year will be very joyful for you. You won’t earn a lot of money and you won’t make a career, but you can enjoy life to the fullest. Your ability to be content with little will be very useful.

Horoscope Capricorn-Pig 2019

The horoscope for Capricorn in the year of the Pig portends a major success in business thanks to support from the hostess of the year. You will finally find your soul mate and be able to settle your personal life. Family Capricorns can safely prepare for the birth of children, Storks will fly to you and give offspring.

As a rule, Capricorns are very stubborn individuals and they have high hopes for 2019. The outgoing year brought them a lot of trouble, and therefore they are waiting for a miracle and hope that this period will not be so deplorable. Below we provide a detailed horoscope of love, finances, health and career by months for 2019.

What awaits Capricorns in 2019?

You should not take time off from work this year, if you start to be lazy, then none of your goals will be achieved. In the first quarter of the year you need to work hard and then you will have a vacation where you can really relax. All Capricorns are excellent manipulators and in the summer they will be able to show their character traits. Due to this, it will be possible to achieve goals not only at work, but also in personal life. But if you want to use it not to the detriment of yourself, remember that everything should be in moderation.

For Capricorn men

Problems that men may have are associated with a demanding nature. Most problems are expected in the professional field of activity. Closer to autumn, you will have to stay in a depressed state. If this happened to you, then it's time to take a vacation and have a good rest in the circle of loved ones. You should not recover abroad - there you will not get the maximum pleasure from your vacation.

2019 is a favorable period to start studying in any field. New business contacts and business trips will bring you many positive moments and learning. But you should not completely rush into work, remember that you also have a family that you need to pay attention to too.

For Capricorn women

Capricorn women in 2019 can start life from scratch, forgetting about previous relationships, resentments and misunderstandings of the opposite sex. This applies to any field of activity: do not be afraid to change jobs, move to another city, start new love relationships, break ties with old friends. Finding your love will be very easy, as Capricorns have been endowed with natural charm, and therefore they will be able to attract the attention of anyone. But in order for the relationship to last for a long time, it is necessary to reconsider your behavior and change your character.

If you choose a soul mate, then be guided only by your feelings, you should not listen to the advice of others, because you choose love for yourself. If you have a broken relationship with your parents or children, then it's time to start to improve them. If you want as many positive emotions as possible at work, you need to seek help from colleagues.

love horoscope

In order to attract the attention of the heart of a representative of this sign, you will have to go through a difficult and thorny path. They are not able to fall in love at first sight, for them it is necessary to study their partner well and get to know him better. As a rule, often Capricorns remain lonely, as they are too demanding of the second half. In the coming year, you should forget about your principles and look for love with your eyes. You need to trust your feelings and enjoy this fleeting romance.

If everything is fine in your relationship, then in the fall you should be wary, as changes are coming that can change your life. Capricorns are stubborn people who will never put their opinion below someone else's. Due to the soft nature of the second half, quarrels and misunderstandings are not ruled out. If you want to avoid this, then before you start to quarrel, you need to think carefully, or at least not insult your opponent. And if you have just begun to build love, then be more patient, learn to obey your soul mate.

Capricorns are used to the fact that the whole world should revolve around them, and therefore they do not make concessions even to close people. And therefore, it is very difficult for those who live with representatives of this sign under the same roof - they are real tyrants. But if there is a wise woman next to Capricorn, then the character will become a little softer over time.

Capricorns are very jealous people and closer to the summer they will begin to suspect their soulmate of infidelity. Due to lengthy proceedings with his wife, representatives of this sign will not notice that many problems have accumulated in relations with relatives. If you have children, they will be very worried about such a relationship with their parents.

Money horoscope

No global problems with money are expected in the coming year. But you should not expect wealth from the year, you definitely will not be in poverty. If you have your own business, you need to constantly develop it and then you can make good money in the coming year. And in order not to be surprised where all the money has gone, you need to keep a diary of income and expenses.

If you want to increase your capital, you need to invest at high interest rates, the proceeds will come in handy. One of the good qualities of Capricorn can be called a good intuition. You will constantly receive dubious offers, but due to a good feel, you can refuse such offers and not say goodbye to your money.

In the year of the pig, you should not take loans and loans - they will only ruin your financial situation and will constantly pull you down. Borrowing money this year is not worth it, even if very close people ask. You will also need money in 2019, and therefore it is better to keep it in your wallet. If you have relatives who could leave you an inheritance, then be prepared that closer to summer you may be faced with the fact that you have to fight for it. Closer to autumn, you will want to go on vacation with your family, and therefore money will come in handy. Also, funds may be required for repairs, which, at least a little, will refresh your relationship.

Career horoscope

If a Capricorn is moving towards one goal, then it will be difficult to lead him astray. Do not be afraid that this representative of the sign will be left without work, Capricorns will not take risks under any circumstances. In communicating with colleagues, you need to show sociability, so you will unite and quickly achieve a common goal. Even if you are in a leading position, try not to brag about them. The most successful year will be for designers, copywriters - they will be able to take on several profitable projects and will be loaded with work for the whole year.

Health Horoscope

The year of the pig, unlike the year of the dog, will not bring health problems. However, in spring and autumn, you need to pay attention to yourself so as not to get sick. Engage in the prevention of disease and eat right - these are the main postulates for the fight against disease. If this is not done, then stomach problems will periodically remind of themselves. With the onset of winter, Capricorn will increase strength and energy - they will be able to spend days at work.

Capricorns this year will succumb to a change of emotions due to the transience of events. The fact that Mars is dominant will allow the representatives of the sign to gain strength at a certain moment. Thus, the horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn says that old dreams will come true, there will be more free time, and maybe self-confidence. Also, the year will be positive, you will be able to find a new job, do something interesting, be inspired for personal growth.

The nature of the mark

Influence Saturn, Mars
Symbols goat, stairs, tower clock
Colors dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark colors
stones ruby, onyx, garnet, lunar, lapis lazuli
Flowers white carnation, black poppies, ivy
Metal lead
Mascot black cat, devil
Favorable numbers 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14
Happy Days Tuesday, Saturday
bad days Monday Thursday

Capricorns belong to the elements of the Earth, their patron is Saturn. This is a bold enough, moreover hardy sign. He has a sober mind and an excellent memory, has patience and stubbornness, prefers to work for the result. If a sign sets a goal for itself, it will definitely achieve it, while it will never resort to spontaneous decisions, as it loves stability in everything.

It is difficult to become close friends with Capricorns, as they usually withdraw into themselves or show arrogance. In fact, we are talking about closed people, extremely sensitive, who do not want to show the vulnerability of the soul. The most optimal areas of activity - economics and politics, can become engineers, administrators, managers.

Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorns will work productively, making every effort, because they don’t just wait for victory. Naturally, everything happens through trial and error, but thanks to zeal and perseverance, it is possible to cope with all the troubles. The main task is not to lose determination, this negatively affects the level of ability to work.

The stars insist that you cannot shift personal work to other people, just worrying about the level of responsibility. It is enough to gather strength and act independently to get the result. You will not only turn old ideas into reality, but also exceed personal expectations. The main thing is not to forget that the implementation of the plan depends only on serious intentions in this regard.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn women

The reward for hard work will be obtained at the end of summer. This refers to a trip abroad, to a paradise island. You should not worry that finances will fail, as a secret admirer can pay for a luxurious trip.

The money will arrive on time, becoming a nice bonus.

Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorn men

As for young people, there is an adventurous spirit in them, they prefer to win easily and naturally, they can periodically change their personal image in order to show their best qualities. The new year will allow you to grow spiritually. For the younger generation, it's time to settle down, tie the knot, be close to the chosen one.

For those who develop business, the year will be the beginning of vigorous activity, maybe even charity. In part, Capricorns will resort to drastic changes, that is, they will give up everything in order to comprehend spiritual practice. In the first half of the period, there will be a desire to be at home more. Do not deny yourself this, do repairs or put things in order, equip a bathhouse, a playground. In order to have a great time - call your close circle.

Love horoscope 2019 for Capricorns

In love relationships, the year will be ideal for those who managed to find a family. Relations with the second half will become stronger, a long-awaited mutual understanding will appear, in an intimate sense, everything will turn out to be brighter. You should be less involved in everyday life, because it is only a burden, it is better to arrange a romantic evening in the dormitory. According to the horoscope, certain frictions may appear by the fall, provoked by external aspects, in particular, pressure from parents or being busy at work. If you make efforts to solve problems, the world will definitely return to the family.

When a person is temporarily in search, there is also a chance to meet his destiny. The main hopes can be placed on the summer period. Both short and long novels are not excluded, the main thing is that the victory is for Capricorns. You will have to fight, proving personal serious intentions, demonstrating that you are a determined person who is able to fight for love despite the circumstances.

Money horoscope for Capricorns

In the new year, Capricorns will have a long-awaited chance - to get rich, but do not forget that the expenses will not be small, even more than usual. A huge part of the resources will go to the family, home improvement. There will be a desire to change something in the bedroom, to purchase expensive kitchen appliances, to fix the bathroom, no matter how, you simply cannot do without investments.

A special expense item will be an expensive present for a loved one, moreover, it can be a car or a trip abroad, as well as paying off a loan. The most expensive will be the end of the year, you will have to purchase New Year's presents.

The planets promise a lot of trips, which will allow you to relax, calculate everything in advance, spend time in a pleasant company. There may be interesting invitations that will delight you with a range of emotions.

Career horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns

In the middle of spring this year, you will be able to make a huge breakthrough in your career, Capricorns will feel that the time has come. Surely they will conclude a deal or sign a contract, success will certainly be on their side, the management will write out a special thanks. If there is a desire to change jobs, it is better not to rush, look for a decent job, so as not to start everything from scratch.

Offers will come from time to time, so listen to your intuition, you will definitely not lose. Maybe you should not rush between your dream job and salary, because such dilemmas will surely arise. Make an informed decision that involves the implementation of long-term plans.

Health Horoscope for 2019 for Capricorns

If growth and success are provided for Capricorns in different areas of life, then in terms of health it will be much more difficult. There is not enough time to take care of yourself, so it’s better not to put off feeling unwell, just consult a doctor. Of course, it will also not be superfluous to take tests, it is better not to allow yourself to get sick. At risk, of course, is the digestive system as a whole.

You spend too much attention sitting at the table, so you eat poorly. You should not snack on sandwiches, as a result you will earn chronic gastritis. In order not to end up in the hospital, be sure to have breakfast, carefully monitoring the diet. It is possible that you will suffer from migraines, the best medicine is to relax where there is fresh air, sign up for a course of massages. You need to learn to let go of some situations so as not to harm yourself, moreover, not to disturb relatives over trifles.

Celebrity Capricorns

Capricorns are ranked among those who work seven days a week, primarily solving work issues. They prefer to be leaders, they build a career in spite of circumstances, they try to achieve the greatest goals in the family. Moreover, they are ready to take on additional responsibility, workload, and support relatives.

They do not like to do several things at once, because you can make a serious mistake.

Among the famous Capricorns:

  • Vanessa Paradis (December 22) is a French singer and actress.
  • Ricky Martin (December 24) is a Puerto Rican pop singer.
  • Dima Bilan (December 24) is a Russian pop singer.
  • Isaac Newton (December 25) is an English physicist.
  • Mikhail Boyarsky (December 26) is a Russian actor and singer.
  • Marlene Dietrich (December 27) is a German actress.
  • Rudyard Kipling (December 30) is an English writer.
  • Isaac Asimov (January 2) is an American science fiction writer.
  • Adriano Celentano (January 6) is an Italian actor and singer.
  • Jeanne d'Arc (January 6) is the national heroine of France.
  • Nicolas Cage (January 7) is an American actor.
  • Elvis Presley (January 8) is an American singer.
  • Galina Ulanova (January 8) - Soviet ballerina.
  • Alexander Griboyedov (January 15) is a Russian playwright.
  • Sofia Kovalevskaya (January 15) is a Russian mathematician.

Watch the video with the characteristics of the Capricorn sign: