
How to process plastic windows. Hardware care. Unpleasant consequences of improper care

With the advent of spring, people begin to open windows, which means that they need to be cleaned and washed properly. Most people have plastic windows, it is quite practical and convenient. They do not need to be painted with an enviable frequency and insulated for the duration of the winter. And this cancels the cleaning of old paint and adhering insulating material.

The main difference between plastic windows and traditional wooden ones is their tightness. But because of this, condensation is possible, this will help to avoid periodically opening the window and ventilating both the frame itself and the room as a whole. This is good for health, and will not allow high humidity in the room. Knowing how to care for plastic windows, you can enjoy their convenience and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Caring for plastic windows and window sills is not only glass washing. Plastic profile, fittings, drainage holes and sealant also require periodic attention. The window will serve for many years if you take a few minutes to care for it, no more than once a month.

plastic profile

The plastic from which the window is made has a great advantage - it is very easy to clean. For him, it is not necessary to use any special means. The main thing when washing a plastic profile:

  • Do not use bleach or powder.
  • Do not use chemical and alcohol-containing solutions.
  • Do not use rags with a scratchy surface.
  • Be careful not to let water get into the seal and fasteners.

If it turned out that the pollution is too strong and the soap solution does not help, you can use a specialized plastic window care product for cleaning. Such substances are sold in any household store or window manufacturer.

window seal

Seals for plastic windows are made of high quality rubber or rubber with the addition of silicone and are painted in gray or black. The condition of the window seal depends on whether the room will be warm and quiet. Therefore, it is worth lubricating the seal with glycerin, silicone grease or rubber care products a couple of times a year. Once a month, when the entire window is washed, the seal is cleaned of dirt and wiped with a damp cloth.

It is also important to monitor the condition of the hardware that presses the sash to the frame. It often happens that through a strongly pressed window during the winter period, the seal can be completely crushed and it will have to be changed. The process is simple and not even expensive, but why do it when it is enough just to adjust the hold-down bolts from time to time.

window fittings

Whether the window will function well or jam depends on how well its fittings work. In order for its moving elements to work without jamming, it also needs periodic maintenance and preventive measures for the operation of the window. For instance:

  • You can not hang anything on the window sashes.
  • It is impossible to allow falling of different objects and things between the frame and the window sash.
  • You can not sharply and strongly pull the sash when opening.
  • Do not hang on window handles and sashes.

Important ! Under no circumstances should nigrol be used to lubricate fittings, since its dense structure and the presence of an abrasive in the composition can damage some parts.

Accessories are usually lubricated with machine oil, grease, petroleum jelly or special grease, having previously cleaned them of small debris and dust.

Special grease, in fact, is a tube of refined oil, but the inscriptions say that this is a unique and unrepeatable product. It's all a publicity stunt, and really any oil and grease will do. The only difficulty may arise with technical solid oil, since it is able to freeze or thicken in winter, which will have a bad effect on the operation of the mechanisms.

Advice ! When choosing a lubricant for plastic window fittings, make sure that it does not contain strong substances that can damage the mechanism. It is best to consult with experts when buying.

Window drainage holes

At the bottom of the window there are special holes that serve as drainage channels. Through them, the condensate that accumulates on the window comes out, which helps the glass not to fog up. Caring for plastic windows does not exclude cleaning all openings.

Periodically, the drainage holes must be checked, due to the accumulation of dirt in them, moisture will not be able to leave, which means that the window will sweat. If the drain holes become dirty, they can be easily cleaned with a simple solution of warm water and soap or detergent without aggressive substances.

To do this, simply open the plastic caps and clean the holes as far as possible. By the way, many modern windows equipped with a multi-chamber profile do not need to clean the drainage holes at all, and the system of complex labyrinths inside the window frame completely removes condensate, while preventing dirt and dust from accumulating inside.

In addition, multi-profile windows have improved ventilation, which means that you will have to ventilate the room much less often.

Double-glazed windows

The glass of plastic windows can be of different degrees of transparency, it depends on the individual order. Transparent glasses, just like tinted ones, are washed with ordinary warm or room temperature water with a glass or dish detergent diluted in it.

The main thing is not to use powders and sharp objects when washing glasses. If the contamination cannot be washed off with water, you need to buy a special detergent in household chemical stores.

Important ! Glass with a reflective effect, a decorative coating, must be washed with care using different means. To begin with, it is worth checking the product on a small part of the glass.

Inside the double-glazed window is not washed, as it is closed hermetically, due to which dirt and dust do not get inside.


Often, a plastic window sill is simply wiped with a damp, soft cloth. For more severe contamination, you can use a soap or powder solution with warm water or a special care product for plastic products.

The texture of the plastic from which the window sill is made can be different. It can be a ribbed surface or rough, smooth or glossy. Different cleaning agents are chosen for different textures.

A yellowed, for some reason, window sill can be rubbed with a napkin moistened with alcohol or mushy powder so that its granules do not scratch the surface. You can also apply window cleaner to the plane by spraying it and waiting a bit, then rub and rinse with water.

By the way, it is often the yellowing of plastic that causes headaches for housewives. If detergents and cleaners do not remove yellowness, it’s sad, but most likely you have become a victim of low-quality material. Plastic simply fades in the sun, and yellow spots are not the result of pollution, but simply fading, and no means can remove it.

Here are some tips from seasoned hostesses:

  • For quick wet cleaning, Mr. Proper is well suited.
  • If the plastic has turned yellow, Domestos will help to return the whiteness to it.
  • Small stains, such as coffee stains, will quickly be removed with office equipment wipes.
  • Rusty spots are best dealt with by Sillit.
  • If children have painted the window sill with crayons or pencils, a melamine sponge will help.

Advice ! With regular wet cleaning of the window sill, special tools are not needed.


Caring for plastic windows in winter and summer will ensure their long service life. Cleaning and checking the window once a month does not take much time, but it will help to notice and correct problems in time.

At home, you can use improvised means to care for plastic windows. But in order not to think about how to wash and clean a window or glass, you can buy a special kit for the care of plastic windows. It already has:

  • Glass cleaning solution.
  • Liquid for cleaning plastic surfaces.
  • Grease for window mechanisms.
  • Gel lubricant for seals.

Such kits can be purchased both from window manufacturers and at any store that sells household chemicals.

Of course, ready-made kits are practical and convenient, but they also cost decent money, so if you don’t want to spend money, then all the components of the kit can be bought separately and it will come out much cheaper. Since the inscriptions on the packages of special products are nothing more than an advertising ploy, but the contents are ordinary cleaning, washing and lubricating agents.

Windows and doors made from VEKA profile systems do not require special care. Nevertheless, like any product, even the highest quality metal-plastic window needs maintenance. It is not necessary to call specialists. You can easily take care of plastic windows with your own hands.

Useful advice: if you are making repairs and you already have metal-plastic windows installed, open them to a minimum, and after the repair (if there was a lot of building dust), be sure to call specialists to completely clean (with removal) and lubricate the fittings.

The first is plastic care: never use abrasive and aggressive chemical cleaners (containing chlorine, alcohol and other additives designed to actively fight dirt) to care for plastic windows. Even if at first it seems to you that nothing is happening with the plastic, after a while you may be unpleasantly surprised by the changed color of your once-white window. To care for the surface of plastic windows, you can use degreasing detergents, or a simple warm soapy solution. We also recommend using soft sponges.

The second is the care of double-glazed windows: a double-glazed window in a metal-plastic window does not differ from ordinary glass and you need to take care of it in the same way. Just a reminder: avoid getting detergents on plastic parts, and, very importantly, do not allow alcohol-containing products to get on the rubber seal.

The third is the care of accessories: VEKA strongly recommends lubricating all moving hardware components once a year. Please note that many hardware manufacturers put “oiler” or “droplet” icons in the appropriate places. Use an oil free of resins and acids. Ordinary machine oil or sewing machine oil will do.

Fourth - care for the plastic window seal: At least once every six months (at least in spring and autumn), we recommend cleaning the seal. This element of the window is primarily responsible for keeping the heat in your home, the absence of drafts, protection from street dust and noise. Wash the seal with a mild soapy solution and a soft sponge or cloth, wipe dry and lubricate with silicone grease. Silicone grease for automotive seals is also suitable for this purpose.

Fifth - drainage holes. If you open the sash, then there should be holes in the lower part of the frame - drainage channels. As it becomes clear from their name, these are drain holes, they serve to remove moisture, water outside the frame. Make sure they don't get clogged.

If you do not have the time and opportunity to take care of plastic windows with your own hands, you can invite specialists who will quickly and professionally carry out all the work for a moderate fee.

In addition, you can purchase sets of special care products for plastic windows either in specialized window sales stores or in building supermarkets.

Take advantage of our advice on the care of plastic windows, and they will serve you for many years!

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Caring for plastic windows: a few simple ways to do it yourself

Greetings. In this article I will tell you about the proper care of plastic windows with your own hands in winter and summer using simple and affordable means. The topic is of considerable interest, since over 60% of the domestic housing stock is equipped with double-glazed windows in PVC profile.

Most compatriots build their relationship with glazing on the principle of "set it and forget it." This approach results in a limited resource for the operation of windows and, as a result, unforeseen expenses for repairs or for the installation of a new double-glazed window.

Features of care for double-glazed windows in PVC profile

How to care for plastic windows so that they last a long time without breaking? To answer that question, you need to understand that modern glazing is a complex structure consisting of several elements, the condition of which determines the performance of the entire window.

Thus, you will have to take care of such components as:

  • accessories- the category of parts responsible for opening and closing the valves;
  • sealant- is responsible for the density of the porch of the doors and ensures the energy efficiency of the structure as a whole;
  • double glazing- the degree of light transmission of the window depends on its condition;
  • Profile- needs care, as it gets dirty during operation;
  • mosquito net- prevents the penetration of insects into the room.

The maximum effectiveness of preventive maintenance of glazing in plastic frames is achieved as a result of comprehensive maintenance of the listed components.

Consider the features of the maintenance of double-glazed windows in PVC profiles using the example of caring for the listed components.

Double-glazed window washing

Frequency of execution 1 time in 2 weeks. The transparency of glass, and hence the light transmission of the window, depends on how regularly and how correctly you wash them.

Do you think it's easy to clean glass without streaks? These instructions will make this task very easy.

To implement this method, we need:

  • Container with warm water;
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Scraper for glass cleaning;
  • Kitchen sponge with an abrasive layer;
  • Two clean, lint-free rags (one to be used as wet, the other as dry).

Washing instructions are as follows:

  • Pour detergent at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water and mix;

  • We moisten one rag with the finished solution and moisten the glass;

Do not try to wipe off the stains right away, as at this stage you need to moisten the stains so that they soften and can be easily removed later. By the way, be prepared for dirty water to flow under the window, so I recommend immediately laying something on the floor or on it.

  • We remove strong dirt with an abrasive layer of a sponge after they get wet;

  • We remove the remains of the washing solution with a scraper, which we lead in one direction, for example, only from the bottom up;

  • After each passage with a scraper, remove excess moisture from it with a dry cloth;
  • The washing procedure is carried out both on one and on the other side of the double-glazed window.

In order not to do the same work several times, I recommend immediately wiping the area where the profile adjoins the glass.

To perform the following method, you will need a spray gun, a scraper and vodka.

Did you know that most quality window cleaners are based on alcohol. The question is, why pay extra for dubious fragrances and dye in detergent, when an inexpensive alcohol solution can be bought in most stores?

Any vodka for washing glasses is suitable, the main thing is that the price of the product is as low as possible.

Pour the vodka from the bottle into a spray bottle - a garden spray bottle or a spray bottle from the previous detergent will do. Apply alcohol spray liberally to the glass, starting from the top towards the bottom.

Then wait a minute and remove the liquid along with the dirt with a scraper. The procedure must be repeated until the contamination is completely gone. The characteristic alcohol smell disappears in a few minutes.

By the way, vodka can be used to remove dirt from the screen of LCD monitors and TVs. The advantage is that the product, in principle, does not leave streaks and marks after drying. Only instead of a scraper when cleaning the screen, use paper tissues or toilet paper.

Mosquito net washing

The frequency of execution is 1 time per month. A mosquito net is a guarantee of comfort in a residential area, since most of the insects from the outside get through the window. But, dust and dirt are deposited on the grid during operation, and therefore proper and timely cleaning will be required.

How to properly wash the mesh so that it stays clean for as long as possible?

To properly clean the mesh from any dirt, you will need a regular dish detergent, a clothes brush with a soft long bristle, an old towel and a bath.

The mesh washing instructions are as follows:

  • We spread a towel along the bottom of the bath, on which we put the grid;

The mesh must be stable, for this it must be leaned against the wall. The towel on the bottom of the bathtub is not accidental, because if this is not done, the plastic frame can leave scratches on the acrylic surface.

  • We collect warm water in a basin and dissolve a small amount of detergent in it, stirring until foam forms;

  • We dip the brush in the foam and clean the mesh with a little pressure;

The window mesh is quite fragile, and therefore we press it carefully.

  • Leave the moistened mesh for 15 minutes, during which the detergent should act;

  • After the product has worked, we take a brush and wash off the softened dirt on both sides of the mesh with running water;
  • Lightly knock out the mesh so that the remaining water flies off it;
  • Now the grid is ready for further operation.

When cleaning the mesh, we do not use sponges and fleecy rags, as they can clog the cells and it will be very difficult to pick out these contaminants.

Cleaning the seals

The frequency of implementation is 1 time in six months. Thanks to high-quality seals fixed around the perimeter of the swing sashes, the tightness of the glazing is ensured. Therefore, the care of plastic windows involves regular cleaning and degreasing of the seal.

Window seals are made of polyurethane or rubber-containing polymeric materials. For preventive washing of the rubber cord, you can use a soap solution or a solution of any dish detergent.

There are two ways to wash the seal:

  • Without removing from the frame - the best option for frequent preventive wiping;
  • Removing from the frame - the method is recommended to be performed no more than once every six months.

The instructions for caring for seals are simple:

  • We prepare a solution of detergent and warm water;
  • Wet a non-thorny rag in the solution;
  • Wash the seal with a rag along with the frame;
  • Do not allow to dry, wipe the moisture with a dry cloth.

The instructions for cleaning the seal with dismantling from the frame are as follows:

  • We examine the seal and find the area where its cut is located (usually in one of the upper corners of the opening);
  • We hook the end of the seal and pull it completely out of the groove;

Remove the seal from the groove as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage it. If the seal is damaged, a similar cord can be purchased from the market or from the organization that installed the windows.

  • We wash the dismantled sealant in a washing solution and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth;
  • With a stick for the ears, we clean the groove from which the seal was removed;
  • After the rubber cord has completely dried up, we press it into the groove in the same way as it was dismantled, but in the reverse order.

If the sealing cord has not been cleaned for many years, I recommend degreasing the part with which it comes into contact with the profile when the sash is closed. For these purposes, you can use a lint-free cloth and an alcohol solution.

PVC profile cleaning

Frequency of implementation 1 time in six months. A story about how to properly care for PVC windows would be incomplete without tips on cleaning the plastic profile.

The profile from which the frames and sashes are made, especially if it is white, quickly gets dirty. For example, outside it turns yellow from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and from dust. The gaps between the profile parts blacken over time, as dirt gets clogged in them.

All these contaminants can be washed off using special or improvised means. Dirt from the gaps in the profile is cleaned with an old toothbrush with hard bristles. Ordinary toothpaste can be used as a cleaning agent. After the dirt is cleaned from the gap, the profile must be washed with clean water.

By the way, the entire profile can be cleaned in the same way, but why, if there are more effective tools that can be bought at hardware stores.

COSMOFEN 10 is a white plastic cleaner used by professionals

If you decide to buy COSMOFEN, buy product number 10. Modifications number 5, 10, 15 and 20 are on sale.

Number 20 and 15 are too weak, and number 5, on the contrary, is too strong, as it dissolves plastic. Number 10 just doesn't damage the plastic, but removes most of the contaminants.

A new window in a PVC profile is pasted over with a protective film, which the manufacturer recommends removing no earlier than after finishing the slopes. But it often happens that the film on the outside of the glazing is not removed for a long time.

As a result, under the rays of the scorching sun and in the winter cold, the protective film partially cracks and peels off in pieces, and what remains is very difficult to remove. Familiar situation?

I offer an easier way to remove stickers without heating the profile.

  • We apply an aqueous solution of dish detergent to the remains of the film;
  • Leave the surface for a few minutes;

  • We wipe the surface of the profile with a rag, removing the rest of the solution;

  • We glue a wide stationery tape over the old film;
  • Carefully smooth the surface of the glued adhesive tape;

  • After a few minutes, tear off the adhesive tape with the remnants of the film.

It is possible that the glued adhesive tape will not completely remove the remnants of the protective film the first time. In this case, the procedure should be repeated several times, until the surface is completely cleaned.

Hardware setup

The frequency of execution as the narthex deteriorates and as the sashes sag. Now you know how to keep plastic windows clean with your own hands, it remains to figure out how to maintain their optimal technical condition.

During operation, the window sashes sag, jam and close every other time. You can solve the problem by simply adjusting the fittings, due to which the sash can be adjusted in almost all planes.

To adjust, we need a 5 mm hexagon and a slotted screwdriver. The adjustment instruction is as follows:

  • With a screwdriver, pry off and remove the casing of the lower hinge;
  • We install the hexagon in the upper adjusting screw and move the sash vertically;
  • We install the hexagon in the lower hole and move the sash in a horizontal plane;

  • At the top of the sash we find a loop with similar settings;

The hinge settings in most windows allow you to move the sash in different directions by an average of 2 mm. This is enough to compensate for the sagging of the sash due to long-term operation. If adjusting the fittings does not help solve the problem, the fittings need to be replaced, and for this you need to call specialists.

  • From the end of the sash we find a clamping eccentric, which we adjust in summer or winter mode.


Agree that caring for plastic windows is not as difficult as it might seem at first. I hope that the proposed instructions will be useful to you and you will be able to extend the life of double-glazed windows in your house or apartment.

If any questions appear in the plastic window care processor, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them. By the way, you may find answers to your questions by watching the video in this article.

October 9, 2016

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Plastic windows have already become familiar in our apartments. Many are so accustomed to them that they never paid attention to their content after installation. Meanwhile, with a negligent attitude to such windows, problems may arise associated with their deformation, loss of an attractive appearance and premature wear. Timely and competent care of plastic windows, which we will discuss below, will help to avoid all these problems.

Interesting moments of operation

It is important not only to create the necessary conditions in the room, but also to respond correctly to situations that arise. Consider the basic subtleties of using plastic windows so that you can figure out what is good and what is undesirable.

The normal humidity level in an apartment is usually 40-50%. It is this level that must be adhered to in the process of living in your home.

The apartment must be provided with ventilation. Usually there are ventilation outlets in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. It is necessary to periodically check the hood for serviceability and, if problems are found, immediately begin to solve it.

It is easy to check the quality of the exhaust duct - just attach a paper sheet to the ventilation inlet - a well-functioning hood will hold the sheet in place.

High-quality plastic windows perfectly isolate the room from environmental influences on the street. At the same time, excess moisture may form in the room with such tightness. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to ventilate the room a couple of times a day for 10-15 minutes. This is done at any time of the year.

To avoid condensation on the surface of the plastic window, ventilate the room regularly

Too wide a window sill that prevents the warm air from the battery from rising up is an undesirable element in the room. Its width should not interfere with the normal circular circulation of air.

Now about the plastic windows themselves. They should be protected from contamination by washing off dust and dirt with warm water or soapy water. The rubber seals are treated with a silicone-based lubricant and the fittings are lubricated twice a year.

If you follow all the above rules, then the windows will always be dry. In extreme cases, on the bottom of the glass you can sometimes find a strip of moisture a couple of centimeters wide.

When winter cold weather approaches, the strikers of the clamping locks are placed in the “winter” position - this allows for tightness in the place where the frame adjoins the sash.

Photo gallery of window cleaners

window cleaner
window cleaner Complex set

Room ventilation

Since windows made of PVC profiles perfectly isolate the room from the effects of weather conditions from the street, excess moisture can accumulate in the room, which we then observe on the building envelope in the coldest places. This is especially true in the kitchen. And if in the warm season it is just condensate, then in winter it turns into ice. To avoid such a nuisance, you need to regularly ventilate the room. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to do this, ensure that the desired microclimate is maintained in the room by installing a reliable ventilation system or air conditioning. It is also important to ensure the circulation of warm air from the radiators to the glass.

The humidity index in any room of the apartment should not exceed 55%.

PVC frame

PVC itself does not like to interact with acidic compounds. Therefore, if you are going to wash windows, treat the outside with soapy water. Instead, you can also use a special detergent, but with one condition - it should not contain abrasive, acetone or solvent. The composition is applied to the surface with a linen cloth and left to dry. Then the frame will need to be rubbed with a dry or damp cloth. Since PVC does not tolerate rough handling, try not to hit or scratch the outside surfaces of the profile.

It is better to clean windows with the help of special tools and a soft cloth.

Rubber seals

Despite the fact that seals in plastic windows are made of high quality elastic material, they are also subject to aging. To avoid this, clean them of dust and dirt at least once or twice a year. In this case, they will be able to properly perform their function for many years - to protect the room from moisture and drafts.

Window handle and drain

It happens that the window handle can become loose. This problem is solved by tightening the screws on the decorative plate, which has previously been moved from a vertical to a horizontal position.

On a loose window handle, it is enough to tighten the screws

Inside any plastic window, more precisely in its lower part, there is a drainage channel that accumulates moisture in itself. It is easy to find by simply opening the sash. Since it plays an important role, do not deprive it of attention and periodically clean it of dirt.

Hardware care

Accessories, like everything else, must also be in perfect working order. It is necessary to periodically check its condition and quality of work. This is done according to the following criteria:

  • How easy is the sash to open?
  • Quality of fastening of fittings;
  • The degree of wear of fittings;
  • The presence of damage on them.

Hardware needs to be lubricated once or twice a year for best performance.

Let's consider these criteria in more detail.

The ease of movement of the sash is easy to check by simply opening and closing it. In which case, you can always adjust or lubricate the fittings. In plastic windows, fittings are adjusted along three axes.

Fastening hardware parts is what determines both the operation of the window and the safety of its operation. Screws in plastic should be periodically checked for secure fastening and fit. In case of loosening of the fastening of the screw, it is tightened.

As for the wear of fittings, everything is simple here - periodic lubrication of important parts like scissors and hinges helps to extend their life.

Any damaged part needs to be replaced, it is especially important to remember this in relation to critical parts.

Such moments as the replacement of parts, their adjustment, as well as the removal of the window sash or its installation should be carried out by craftsmen, since independent activity often leads to window failure.

Golden rules of fittings

Accessories must be protected from dirt and various factors that arise during repair and construction work, be it paint, plaster, etc.

Cleaners and detergents that contain an acidic or other aggressive compound should be excluded from the list of window care products.

It is necessary to lubricate moving parts and tilt-and-turn fittings in places of constipation. Lubricants or machine oil are applied with a brush.

Choose your window cleaner carefully. They should not adversely affect the anti-corrosion coating of windows.

Precautionary measures

The window sash, which is in a vertical position, should not be additionally loaded.

The window sash and slope must interact smoothly and gently - their impact collision or strong pressure is unacceptable.

There must be no foreign objects between the frame and the sash.

In strong winds, do not leave the window open, it is better to use a comb.

In order not to worry about the position of the window sash in strong winds, use a comb

Operation of windows (video)

Plastic windows are able to please with their work for many years, but for this you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Rubber seals are lubricated with a silicone-based lubricant, and the fittings are lubricated twice a year;
  • The sashes are washed with a soapy solution and special acid-free products, otherwise the shade of the paintwork will change;
  • To avoid condensation, ventilate the room and keep the humidity at 50-60%%;
  • Eliminate mechanical and shock loads on the window structure;
  • Self-repair of aluminum structures under warranty service is not allowed.

Dealing with fogging windows

The double-glazed window must not fog up between the panes. If this happens, then there is a marriage in it. In case of detection of such a malfunction, contact the manufacturer - he is obliged to replace the double-glazed window with a serviceable one free of charge in the event of a valid warranty period.

Fogging of the glass from the side of the room indicates increased humidity in the room and a lower temperature of the inner glass of the double-glazed window. Since the reason for this phenomenon is poor ventilation of the room, it is necessary to ventilate it, adjust the ventilation system. To increase the temperature of the inner glass of a double-glazed window, it is necessary to allow the flow of warm air to flow freely from the radiator to the window, while eliminating all possible obstacles (the radiator screen can be removed and the blinds moved apart).

Water vapor, lightened on the glass, is removed with a cloth soaked in a solution of purified glycerin and ordinary / denatured alcohol in a ratio of parts 1:20. This method is considered one of the most effective. Every two weeks, the windows are wiped with a dry cloth and a new layer of mortar is applied to them.

Plastic windows are initially created with a large margin of safety, which ensures long-term stable and high-quality work. However, you should not rely only on the manufacturer. If at first the windows will work properly without your attention, then they will need regular maintenance, which will not require much time and effort, but at the same time will allow you to work out the period laid down during manufacture.

Plastic windows are distinguished by tightness, aesthetics, accessibility and easy installation. However, in the absence of proper care, problems such as yellowed plastic, loose fittings and cracked rubber seals can occur. But twenty minutes of cleaning every month will keep the quality and presentable appearance of window structures.

With proper care, plastic windows will easily last for several decades. It is important not only to regularly wash and clean products, but also to protect structures from mechanical damage, exposure to hot objects and high temperatures. In this article we will look at how to care for plastic windows with your own hands.

When caring for plastic surfaces and double-glazed windows, it is important to pay special attention to the selection of cleaning products and detergents. In this case, do not use abrasive and caustic compounds, concentrated solvents and lubricants containing resins, hard hard sponges.

They can scratch products, change the shade of windows and provoke the appearance of yellow streaks.

Periodically open the windows and ventilate the room. Due to the negative influence of the temperature difference, the glass fogs up, and condensation appears inside the room. Regular ventilation will protect the structure, provide a comfortable microclimate in the room and increase the operational life of the windows.

The operation of plastic windows should be careful and accurate. Do not put heavy and hot objects on the windowsill, protect glass and frames from scratches and bumps. Clean the outer parts of windows in calm, warm and dry weather.

Plastic quickly attracts dust, so wipe the frame and window sill regularly. How to effectively wipe the dust so that it does not sit longer, read.

How to properly clean plastic windows

General cleaning and washing of window structures from the outside is done in the warm season, in spring or summer. Winter care for plastic windows and window sills is carried out by washing from the inside.

It is necessary to clean not only window sills and frames, but also fittings, and a rubber seal located around the perimeter of sashes and frames. In addition, drainage or drainage channels, which are located at the bottom of the window structure, are cleaned of dirt.

For regular washing, ordinary water and a soft cloth will do. A dusty but not dirty surface is wiped with a damp and wrung out microfiber or wool cloth. To get rid of dust for a long time, you can drop two or three drops of rose or lavender essential oil on a cloth.

To remove dirt and stains, dilute coarsely grated liquid soap, bar soap, or standard laundry detergent in warm water. In addition, you can use specialized products for cleaning plastic windows and glass.

Care of seals, accessories and other elements is carried out using a soapy solution and a soft sponge or cloth. Twice a year, moving parts and rubber seals must be treated with special grease or oil. The procedure is performed after washing the windows.

Caring for different window elements

  • Plastic frames, window sills and profiles are regularly cleaned of dirt, dust and other contaminants with a soft cloth and gentle detergents or plain warm water;
  • Double-glazed windows are washed with special cleaners for glasses and mirrors using a soft cloth. If you use cleaners containing alcohol, do not allow the product to get on the rubber seal!;
  • When caring for fittings, it is important to ensure that the elements are securely fastened. If the parts are loose and begin to dangle, you need to immediately tighten the elements. To do this, carefully lift the decorative panel under the handle and turn it into a horizontal position. Then tighten the fasteners and screws that secure the handle to the frame;
  • After cleaning, the seal is lubricated with specialized compounds;
  • Every six months, lubricate fittings and moving objects using specialized lubricants without acid and resins. By the way, sewing machine oil or machine oil is suitable;
  • Caring for rubber seals involves cleaning every six months using cleaning products that contain glycerin;
  • The mosquito net is used in the warm season, and in winter it is stored in a room with good ventilation. After you have removed the mesh, wash the product with warm soapy water, dry and store. Before placing, wipe the mesh with a dry soft cloth or clean with a brush.

What to do if plastic windows turn yellow

Over time, the plastic turns yellow due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures. To avoid this problem, you need to regularly wipe the surface of the window frame with a damp sponge, cloth and napkin. But if the plastic has already turned yellow, there are several easy methods to remove the yellowness at home.

First, the surface of plastic products must be prepared for the procedure. To do this, remove parts and accessories, which are soaked separately in a special cleaning solution. Window frames are cleaned of dirt with soapy water or a specialized cleaner for cleaning plastic surfaces.

A light coating of yellowness is removed with a soapy solution or kitchen detergents. Vinegar, 30% hydrogen peroxide and alcohol or acetone cope with yellow stains. In the first case, 70-80% vinegar essence is used.

You can also take special spray cleaners for plastic surfaces. When using alcohol or acetone, make sure that the solution does not get on the rubber seal!