
Read the spell for a wart at home. A conspiracy to treat warts: how to get rid of this problem forever. What is the power of a wart spell?

Traditional medicine often uses prayer. There are many options, you should decide on one. It is necessary to read the sacred lines you have chosen after reading “”. It is important to ask for help sincerely, only then will your prayers be heard by the Higher Powers.

Appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker The prayer for warts and papillomas is read addressed to the Saints. One of them is Nicholas the Wonderworker, who became famous for his good deeds during his lifetime. After death, he did not betray himself, protecting, preserving and healing people who sincerely asked and needed it.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender of the Righteous. Strengthen my faith in the Orthodox relics and cleanse my mortal body from painful thinness. Charge my soul with your glorification and do not burden my body with sinful pain. Let the ulcers and deep wounds heal, let all cruel sorrows be cast aside forever. Heal my weakness, save me from death, and take away my illnesses forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper, help me, sinful and sad, in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, throughout my life. in my deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God of all creation, the Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

It is important to cleanse yourself mentally before starting the prayer service, to free your mind from unnecessary emotions and thoughts. It is worth directing all faith and love to the Higher Powers. You should purchase several candles, light them and sincerely ask for help. Also buy three candles for home.

O all-holy Nicholas! Intercessor and speedy helper of all the sorrowful and sick! Beg our Lord to forgive His servant (your name) for the sins that he committed out of ignorance or thoughtlessness. Ask Him to deliver your body and soul from the machinations of the devil, worldly diseases, from ordeals and eternal torment. Amen!

Wonderworker Nicholas, Savior and Righteous. I turn to you in a painful writhing, remove all cruel damage from me. Forgive me the sins for which I suffer, I sincerely repent from an open heart. Let illnesses recede, health remain, and may the Lord not judge me for everything. Ask him for the adversity to go away, and for my illnesses to go away forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Appeal to Luka Krymsky In the case when modern medicine is unable to help a person, they use prayer for warts. In this case, turning to Luka Krymsky helps to save you from difficult situations and improve your health. The image of the Saint is often found among hospitals and doctors' offices. According to surgical experts, prayers to the Saint will help you heal.

Appeal to the Great Martyr Panteleimon In order to forget about this problem, use a prayer service to the healer Panteleimon. Its effect on a person and his state of health is known. In addition to its healing properties, regular prayer averts illness, in this case, getting rid of warts. The image of the healer should be placed in front of the bed of the person who is sick.

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may he grant me healing from the cruel illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I be healthy in soul and body, and with the help of God’s grace, I can spend the rest of my days in repentance and pleasing God, and be worthy of receiving the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

This prayer text can change a person’s life, protect him from diseases, and help loved ones get rid of warts. Appeal to the Righteous Artemy Verkolsky It is this Wonderworker who helps heal a person from bodily ailments. Regular prayer services, supported by the faith of the one who pronounces the prayer lines, can perform miracles.

Troparion, voice 2: By the command of the Most High, with a cloudy cloud, the sky darkened and the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared with rebuke, you gave up your soul in the hand of the Lord, the wise Artemy, and now you stand before the Throne of the Master of all who come to you by faith and love, giving immediate healing to everyone and praying Christ God will save our souls. Kontakion, tone 8: Vozsia today is the blessed memory of the wise Artemy; God-given grace, like rivers, pours out from the healing relics of his wondrous healing, in which we get rid of many different ailments, I accept with faith and cry out: Rejoice, Artemy the God-wise.

Holy servant of God, righteous Artemy, close guardian of the holy Orthodox faith and close protector of the entire northern region of the Russian country! Look mercifully at the fervent prayer of us sinners, and through your compassionate intercession ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, advancement in faith and piety, and protection from the wiles of the devil. Pray to the Lord, may he keep his faithful people in health and unchangeable well-being, may he give our country peace and quiet, and give us unfeigned obedience; may we all be worthy to receive, after the death of Christians, the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the righteous, together with you, eternally glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy Often they use conspiracies that do not give growths the right to exist. Their use quickly and effectively relieves a person of their presence.

  • You should take one loaf of wheat bread.
  • At midnight, you need to cut it into equal four parts.
  • After this procedure, start reading the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed, bathed, and was not afraid of anything. He sat down at the oak tables, tasted the white bread, stood up and said his word: “As this bread was divided into 4 parts, so the princes would leave the body.” The sliced ​​bread came down and was gone from the servant of God (name) forever. Go, wart-prince, to my loaf, and quickly forget me, the servant of God (name). For now, for eternity, for infinity. Amen.

Video on the topic: How to remove warts

The next ritual is performed during the waning moon.

  • At this time, you should pick off the tall grass when it starts to get dark.
  • Regardless of which variety you choose, you should apply the edge of the grass to the place you need.
  • After this, start chanting the plot:

Just as dry grass will not be reborn, just as a fish will not turn into a bull, just as a rooster will not produce milk, so the hour has come for you, wart, to diminish. Hurry up and fly away for a miserable month, forget me and don’t come back!

Another variation of this ritual is as follows.

  • 2 weeks before the start of action, you should wash the area where the warts are located.
  • The water should be left and no action should be taken with it. Then find a birch branch and water the growths with prepared water.
  • Read these words:

I wash my body, I wash everything off, I wash off all the warts! Get away from me, I can’t live with you! Quickly go into the ground and don’t come back.

After the conspiracy, a short prayer is read. Conclusions Use the power of prayer and sincerely ask for relief from the problem. It is then that the Higher Powers help a person. Come to church, pray at home, do good deeds regularly. All this will not go unnoticed.

Unsightly growths on the skin, such as warts, cause many problems for people. They are easily damaged, they quickly grow and multiply, taking up more and more space on a clean body. You can get rid of them using pharmaceutical products or using traditional healing recipes. Another proven method is a spell for warts on clean skin.

A special spell will help reduce warts

Magical cure for warts

The power of prayers and conspiracies is based on self-hypnosis and faith in the help of the Gods. Unlike the modern population of the planet, the Old Believers knew the secrets of healing with magical texts, how to use them correctly, what attributes to use in rituals. The sounds we make reflect our desires and thoughts. These are energy flows that need to be directed in the right direction so that they help heal from the disease.

Magic can help get rid of there is even a spell for warts that will cure a person of disturbing growths on the skin without any physical influence: anesthesia, surgery, etc. Neoplasms that appear on the arms, palms and fingers, legs, face and any other part of the body, It will be possible to withdraw it a few days after the magical action.

Wart spell for the waning moon

Rules for successful disposal

Both an experienced magician and an ordinary person who has never had contact with magic can use a spell against warts. The main thing is to study the rules for the success of magical effects on the disease and be confident in the success of the action. But even without faith in the help of the Almighty, nothing will work out. It is better to seek help from experienced healers or magical practitioners.

If the patient is going to treat the ailment on his own, he must take into account some of the features of carrying out occult actions, their requirements and nuances. It will be important to study some rules.

  1. It is important to read the conspiracy against papillomas. This is a favorable time for the treatment of any disease.
  2. The room where the ritual will be performed must be energetically clean. Before using the magical action, they clean up and scatter on the threshold
  3. It is important to prepare both mentally and physically. Desires and intentions should be bright, and the body and clothes should be clean. This applies to both an adult and a child who is going to be treated. Women also need to remove all jewelry and unbraid their hair before the magical action.
  4. It is necessary to prepare the necessary paraphernalia for performing a magical act (if required by the ritual instructions).

Our grandmothers, due to their own experience and knowledge of folk traditions, knew how to charm any ills and quickly get rid of them. Today some of this information has been lost. But some centuries-old recipes for recovery still exist, and they are actively used. You need to figure out which of them are the most effective.

Water spell

Water has energy memory. When used correctly, it can help a person in the fight for his health. Treatment for papillomas and other skin ailments is carried out according to a specific plan.

  1. Early in the morning they collect clean water (spring or from a well).
  2. They go to a deserted place, to a forest or an old park.
  3. They are looking for a birch tree.
  4. When you approach the plant, you need to sit with your back to it and wash the papillomas with water.
  5. While washing you should read the words:

“I wash (body part) with water, I wash off the warts! They are leaving me, leaving my body! Into the land with water, where their place is! Amen!".

After such a ceremony, they go home with faith in a successful recovery. In less than 7 days, the papillomas will begin to shrink and disappear.

Slanders on a string

Thread is an accessory that is most often used in the practice of magicians. To achieve a successful result, it is important to use only natural materials. They take knot magic as a basis.

The color of the thread is important. Blue and blue are used to heal diseases. These colors represent something new and pure. For example, blue is the color of pure water, which gray threads are universal. Blacks and browns are banned. They are used by black magicians.

Ritual with silk thread

This ritual is performed on the new month. For it you need to prepare a small section, up to 30 cm. In the evening, you should leave the house or stand by an open window. How to speak to a wart with a thread:

  1. count warts by touching each end of a thread;
  2. as many knots are made on the thread as there are papillomas in a person;
  3. read the words:

“The month is young, take all the growths with you!”

Afterwards you need to bury the thread in a field, far from a person’s home. When what is buried rots, then the disease will go away from the person.

For the ritual you will need a silk thread

Ritual with silk thread and potatoes

The most effective way to treat warts with magic is to use a strong ritual with silk thread and potatoes. In the evening, on the new month, you need to cut off a small piece of thread, draw its end around each growth, saying:

“This thread will not unravel and you will not grow together with me.”

With thick thread

The thick thread plot is also very popular among people. It is simple and accessible to everyone who wants to get rid of papillomas. All you need to do is take a thread and tie it around the warts without tightening the knots. When this is done, say:

“The thread will become a knot, the wart will become a goat. Bend over and fall off. As the thread rots, let the growth go away. Let the hole in the ground be empty and my skin become clean.”

Read the plot 3 times, each time tying one knot at the end of a thick thread. After reading, the thread is carefully removed and the knots are tightened. After the ceremony, it must be buried deep in the ground.

Rituals on food products

Our ancestors used in magical rituals what they always had in their home. Among other magical accessories, combs, threads, needles, etc. were often used. Many healing recipes include the use of food products.

The most popular in the fight against skin growths are spells for cereals (rice, millet, etc.), milk, meat, as well as fruits and vegetables. There will be no problems with performing rituals. All the necessary paraphernalia is available in every kitchen.

Magic on potatoes

Regular potatoes help against warts. It needs to be cut into 2 halves with a thick thread. The problem area is rubbed with them saying:

“I wipe my hand with this potato and remove all the warts. Amen".

Repeat the plot 3 times, and then wrap the potatoes with the same thread. You need to go outside and bury the potatoes far away deep into the ground, saying:

“Just as the potato rots, the wart will go away.”

The growths will completely disappear from the patient’s skin when the potatoes rot in the ground. Healing will come in a few months.

Potatoes for ritual can be found in every home

Spell on millet

Charmed lumps of millet, which are applied to problem areas, will help against problematic growths on the skin. The ritual itself is simple. You need to boil the millet, cool slightly and roll it into small balls. They are applied to warts while reading the plot:

“Wart-knot, I’ll give you a kick in the ass. I'll use millet porridge, get out in the morning. Let it be so. Amen!".

To the apple

An ordinary apple will help. It is cut into 2 halves, with which they rub problem areas of the skin, saying:

“The apple is plump, round and ruddy, help me, take away the wart. As soon as the juicy fruit withers, my skin will become clear.”

Both halves of the apple are placed on the windowsill, where they should rot. Once this happens, the disease will go away.

The apple should be cut into two halves

Conspiracy for meat

The plot for meat is one of the most effective in treating papillomas on the body. This method is effective and simple. The patient needs to buy meat at the market and cut it into small pieces. The ritual is performed on the waning moon and is similar to the ritual performed with potatoes.

  1. You need to pick up a piece of meat.
  2. Rub it on the problem area.
  3. Read the plot:

“When the meat rots, the wart will go away.”

After reading the magic words, you should go outside and bury the meat in the ground. When it rots, then healing will occur.

On a chicken leg

You can also use chicken leg against papillomas. The raw product is used in the ritual. They need to tap the growth on the skin while reading the following words:

“Wart, get off, go to the chicken leg. My leg will become clean, the disease will go away forever. Let it be so!".

When the plot is read, you need to go outside in search of any fruit tree. You need to bury a magical accessory underneath it so that animals don’t get it.

Strong text against papillomas

The waning moon is the best time to remove papillomas on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. The most effective way is to perform the ritual when the moon is still visible in the sky, i.e. at the beginning of a favorable period. After waiting until evening, you need to perform a specific algorithm.

  1. Choose clothes so that all the warts a person has are open.
  2. Go outside and stand under the light of the moon. It should illuminate problematic skin.
  3. Warts are wiped with a finger moistened with saliva.
  4. The patient should spit over his left shoulder.
  5. The following words are read:

“Wart, you sit for a while, and then go along the moonlit path.”

The plot is read 7 times. Then they go home without talking to anyone. The disease will go away in less than 30 days.

Coin treatment

The simplest wart spell is carried out using an ordinary coin. Any money will do. The size and denomination will not affect the quality of the magical performance. The main thing is to count the number of papillomas on the arms, legs and other parts of the body in order to prepare the same amount of coins. They are applied to neoplasms while reading the plot:

“From my womb to another. From an itchy and painful place to a clean and dry one. As soon as the hands change, the sores will dissipate.”

The spoken words will be valid if the number of repetitions of the conspiracy corresponds to the number of new formations. After the ritual, the coins must be thrown onto the ground. It is better to do this where there are a lot of people (on avenues, parks and squares). The disease will go away when someone picks up the coins.

Text of the plot for papillomas

Plantar wart remedy

Chicken butt is the popular name for a plantar wart. It is associated with a growth similar to such a part of the bird’s body. It is flat and yellow in color. In the center of it is a small papilla from which fluid often flows. Medical experts recommend that patients with signs of chicken butt have tumors removed. Due to the fact that such growths interfere with walking, hurt and itch, they cause great discomfort. Without timely treatment, papillomas grow, causing even more pain.

In addition to removal, you can also get rid of such problematic growths using traditional medicine. Particularly popular is the spell for warts on the feet. It is part of the ritual with a reed or straw. On the night of the waning moon, you need to:

  1. take a reed with your hand;
  2. touch the papillomas with its end;
  3. read the plot:

“A dry fish will not produce a young one, a fish will not produce a bull, and a rooster will not produce milk. So you can’t sit on my body, and die on a defective month. In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The wart spell will work when the straw is burned and the remaining ashes are scattered to the wind. In a week, the first signs of healing will be noticeable - new warts will stop appearing, and old ones will dry out and disappear completely.

The ritual with a reed is performed on the waning moon

How to get rid of damage

Small growths on the skin can also be caused by spoilage. If all traditional and non-traditional methods have not brought the desired effect, warts continue to appear on different parts of the body, a strong attack has been sent to the person, and papillomas will begin to disappear only after the necessary, effective, anti-damage method is applied.

Fighting corruption will require effort. So, in the most effective cleansing ritual, you will need to prepare:

  1. 13 frogs (it is important to catch them alive);
  2. glass jar;
  3. yarn.

The toads are caught and placed in a jar. A small piece of yarn is used to tie papillomas on the skin, breaking the thread at each problem area. Each growth is tied with a knot. Their number must be equal to the number of captured creatures. The cut threads are tied to the paws of the toads and sent outside the city, to a river or headquarters, to release them into the wild. When releasing them, they read the plot against warts:

“Go away, toads, to hell. Let every devil choose his own path and not walk close to God. He will take a wart from the servant of God (name). Everyone runs away in different directions, the growths fly away with them forever. Language. Lock and key. Let it be so!".


Warts can be treated using medications, surgery, or folk remedies. Conspiracies have gained the most popularity. If you believe in their power and do not make mistakes when performing magical rituals, the disease will quickly leave the human body and will no longer bother him.

A spell for warts is an effective way to get rid of an unpleasant illness. When choosing between the help of a doctor and a magical ritual, you should be guided by common sense and faith in one or another procedure.


Rules for reading conspiracies to get rid of warts

To get rid of formations in the form of warts on your own, you need to know and clearly follow the basic rules for performing magical rituals:

  1. No doubt about the ritual being performed. Firm confidence that the conspiracy will definitely help is a fundamental factor in achieving a positive result.
  2. Correct lunar phase. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon, otherwise the procedure may have the opposite effect.
  3. Prepared room. It is important to clean the room intended for the ceremony a day before the ceremony, sprinkle salt around the perimeter to cleanse the energy.
  4. Cleanliness of the body. In addition to the cleaned room, appearance also matters. You need to take a bath and put on clean clothes. Hair should not be braided and there should be no jewelry.
  5. Day of the week. Choose a day by gender: for women - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, other days - for men, excluding Sunday.
  6. Privacy. The ritual should be performed in a calm environment and alone.
  7. Good mood. In addition to the body, it is also necessary to put the mental state in order. Get rid of disturbing thoughts and fully concentrate on the plot.
  8. Strict adherence to the text. You must read confidently, without raising your voice, without stuttering, preferably by heart.

Following these simple rules will allow you to get the desired result. If the plot did not work, you should not repeat it several times; after some time, you can perform a similar ritual.

The most effective spells for warts

There are many different magic spells to get rid of annoying warts and papillomas. In most of them, objects are used to help the text.

The most effective spells for warts are:

  • on a thread;
  • for potatoes;
  • with millet;
  • with meat;
  • with apple;
  • for milk;
  • for a coin to get rid of papillomas;
  • from warts on the soles;
  • with celandine;
  • with castor oil;
  • on the waning moon;
  • to the young moon;
  • on Maundy Thursday;
  • on the child's face;
  • on the finger;
  • on a purple onion;
  • from Natalia Stepanova.

Conspiracy on a string

A fairly simple and effective way to charm a wart or papilloma, which has many variations. All of them are united by the presence of the main component - cotton or woolen thread. The color is usually red, but there are rituals on black and gray yarn. The spell is suitable for removing growths on the entire body, including the arms, legs, neck, and face.

The bottom line comes down to this:

  1. There are as many knots tied on the thread as there are tumors on the body. If their number is quite large, then 13 loops are pulled together.
  2. During the waning moon phase, you need to go outside, apply a thread to the growths and then hold it in your hand while reading the ritual. There are variants of conspiracies with tying a thread around the formations.
  3. The text of the conspiracy is read quietly and clearly.
  4. The thread is buried in the ground. There are options where it is thrown at a road intersection.
  5. The thread rots and the growth goes away.

Examples of ritual texts:

  1. “Thread, thread, take all the strength from the wart. Let it dry up and disappear quickly.”
  2. “Nodule to nodule, tubercle to tubercle. I'm going after a month, I'll wear out all the tubercles. I don’t want to see you again - get out into the open field. Leave forever, never come back."

Potato spell

Like other rituals, the method has several varieties. The object on which the conspiracy against warts takes place is potatoes.

Essential points of the ritual:

  1. Potatoes are cut in half or scored.
  2. The growths are rubbed with a root vegetable or tied with thread.
  3. The plot is read.
  4. The potato halves are tied with thread or it is placed inside the cut.
  5. The vegetable is buried.
  6. The potatoes rot and the formations disappear.

The option using wooden sticks is also popular. They stick into potatoes at the intersection of roads while reading the text of the ritual. The root crop is then thrown away. When the potatoes dry out, the warts disappear.

Ritual with millet

Millet is most often used, but it can be another grain. The ritual consists of the influence of millet cereals and the read plot on the papillomavirus.

The ritual can proceed as follows:

  1. Millet is boiled in unsalted water, small lumps are formed from it.
  2. The pulp is applied to the growths.
  3. The plot is read 13 times.
  4. Used millet is wrapped in paper with ritual text.
  5. The paper is flushed down the toilet.
  6. After two weeks the ritual is repeated.

Another effective way:

  1. The cereal is poured into a clay or wooden container.
  2. The scarf is spread out.
  3. Millet is gently rubbed into papillomas.
  4. The text of the ritual is pronounced.
  5. All the grains are collected into a scarf.
  6. The millet is poured out to the birds, the scarf is thrown away.

Examples of spoken words:

  1. “Let the treatment help, the wart will get sick. It will become faded from the millet, the body doesn’t need the nasty stuff.”
  2. “Get away from those grains that grew in the sun, satisfy the hunger of the animals, take away my warts.”

To remove papillomas from fingers, the ritual can go like this:

  1. Millet is poured with cold water.
  2. Rinse your finger in a container with soaked cereal.
  3. Water pours out under a tree.
  4. The millet is given to the birds.

In this case, there is no need to pronounce the conspiracy. Any prayer that the person performing the ritual knows is read.

Ritual with meat

The most common ritual with meat to remove HPV, performed during the waning moon:

  1. Buy pork or beef.
  2. A piece is cut off that can cover the area of ​​the body affected by papillomas.
  3. The meat is applied to the growth.
  4. The words are repeated several times: “As the meat rots, the wart will leave me.”
  5. A piece of meat is taken outside and buried.

The conspiracy is considered one of the most powerful. The meat rots quickly and the warts disappear immediately.

Ritual with an apple

The object that takes on the disease is an apple. One of the most popular rituals.

It happens as follows:

  1. The apple is cut in half.
  2. One half of the apple must be eaten.
  3. The remaining piece is rubbed onto the papillomas and at the same time spoken.
  4. The apple used in the ritual is dried and buried in the ground.

In some rituals, both halves of the apple are used. There are variants of conspiracies involving throwing out fruit rather than burying it in the ground.

Examples of texts spoken during the ritual:

  1. “Some apples get eaten, and some dry up on their own. As soon as this apple dries up, all my warts will die immediately.”
  2. “Help the slave (name) with a pouring apple, remove the warts. The apple will wither, the body will become clean.”

The video talks about ways to remove warts using traditional medicine and spells. Filmed by VIOLETTA channel.

Milk spell

The ceremony takes place with the help of charmed milk. It must be homemade and paired.

The essence of the conspiracy:

  1. Milk is poured into a container.
  2. Looking directly into the container with the liquid, the text of the ritual is pronounced.
  3. The right or left hand (for left-handers) is soaked in milk.
  4. Warts are wiped with each finger of a dampened hand, starting with the little finger.
  5. The liquid on the growths should dry naturally.

Coin spell to get rid of papillomas

The method is quite simple, but you can only use 9 coins in a row. To continue the ritual, you must wait 40 days.

The ritual boils down to the following:

  1. Take a coin of any denomination (or several coins depending on the number of papillomas) and apply it to the sore spot.
  2. The spell is pronounced: “From my womb to another. From an itchy and painful place to a clean and dry place. As the hands change, the illnesses will dissipate.”
  3. The coin is thrown out in a crowded place. As soon as she is picked up, the papillomas should go away.

The money ritual involves shifting the illness to the person who picks up the coin. If the pangs of conscience are higher than achieving results, it is better to choose another ritual option.

Plot for warts on the soles

The following method will help remove unpleasant growths on the foot:

  1. During the waning moon, as in many rituals, it is necessary to find a straw. In some variants, pick a bunch of dry grass with your left hand and take out the longest blade of grass from it.
  2. Touch the wart with a straw while the text of the ritual is read. “A dry fish will not produce a young one, a fish will not produce a bull, and a rooster will not produce milk. So you can’t sit on my body and die on the defective month. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".
  3. Burn the dry stem and scatter the ashes.

Ritual with celandine

For the ceremony, fresh celandine is needed. The juice is squeezed out of the plant and infused for 1 to 10 days.

Conducting the ceremony:

  1. Warts are lubricated with celandine juice.
  2. The growths are enchanted by the text.
  3. After the ceremony, hands are washed thoroughly.

Celandine warts are charmed by the waxing Moon. The ritual must be performed outside and can be repeated several times.

Ritual with castor oil

Castor oil, thanks to the acid that is included in its composition, has the properties of softening and rejection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Despite the pronounced healing effect, in magical science it is believed that without a conspiracy it will not be complete.

The ceremony goes like this:

  1. Each growth is lubricated with castor oil.
  2. A knife is taken and the handle is used to cross the warts.
  3. Words are spoken simultaneously with actions.

Text options:

  1. “The warts will twist, and you will be carried away in a whirlwind. Leave me alone and don’t be disingenuous with other people. Run through the wide fields, drown yourself in the deep pool.”
  2. “The warts turn around, spin like a black whirlwind. Get out quickly, fly to distant lands. Ride through the fields, through the valleys, and perish in the abyss. Amen".

Waning moon spell

Despite the fact that many rituals are carried out precisely on the waning moon, there is a type of conspiracy in which a wart can be removed without additional objects. The main thing, after studying the lunar calendar, is not to make a mistake with the phase. The growth goes away three weeks after the ceremony.

The ritual is performed in the moonlight:

  1. It is necessary to rub the warts with saliva.
  2. Spit over your left shoulder.
  3. Read the text of the conspiracy seven times: “Wart, you sit for a while, and then go along the lunar path.” It is important to continuously look at the Moon.

Conspiracy for the new moon

On the waxing moon, rituals with thread and celandine are performed. The option with a medicinal plant was discussed above.

The thread is usually used in a spell for the waning moon. The essence of the ritual for the new month is similar to the ritual from full moon to new moon, the difference is in the words spoken.

The text of the spell: “The month is young, take the warts with you.” The words are spoken three times. The ritual is carried out 14 days from the moment the new moon appears.

Ritual for warts on Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, Orthodox believers cleanse the body and surrounding area, and also paint eggs before Easter. It is this illuminated food product that is used as a means of performing the ritual.

Each wart is baptized with an egg and at the same time the text of the conspiracy is pronounced. The words may differ slightly, but the essence of the prayer is to appeal to God with a request to take away unnecessary ailments.

The text of the spell for warts on Maundy Thursday can be read on an ordinary day without using an egg. As a rule, this method helps to quickly remove warts.

Plot for warts on a child’s face

To remove warts on a child’s face, a ritual with a lighted egg is suitable. In addition, the spell for apples and potatoes will be safe and effective.

Plot for warts on finger

Almost all spells for warts can be used to remove formations on the finger. Among others, one can highlight the ritual with a gray thread that is tied around the growth. At the same time, the text of the conspiracy is pronounced: “Where you came to me from, go there.” The thread, as in other similar rituals, is buried. When it rots, then the wart will go away.

We will also apply the ritual using birch. The water is infused in the container for 11 days. On the twelfth day, you need to go to the birch tree at dawn, sit down next to it and, pouring water on the growths you brought, talk to them.

Sometimes, a spell for warts on the hands, including on the finger, is accompanied by cutting them off. As a rule, such a procedure is carried out not independently, but by healers.

In addition to spoken words, the ritual uses:

  • alcohol infusion of herbs to disinfect the cut site;
  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • plantain leaf;
  • a piece of clean cotton or linen cloth.

Simultaneously with the spoken text, the growth is treated with alcohol infusion and cut off. Then it is disinfected again, covered with a plantain leaf and fixed with a cloth.

Ritual with purple onion

You can remove a scattering of warts using an onion. You need a purple plant.

Algorithm for the ritual:

  1. The onion is cut in half.
  2. The halves of the plant are rubbed on the areas where warts appear.
  3. Above each growth the text is read three times: “Go into the wart bulb! Into the onion!
  4. The onion is taken to a deserted road intersection and thrown away.

On the way back you cannot turn around and communicate with anyone. The onion will rot and the warts should disappear.

Conspiracy for warts by Natalia Stepanova

The spells of the Siberian healer are popular and are considered very effective. At the same time, they allow you to carry out the ritual yourself, as they are simple.

Many rituals are attributed to the authorship of Natalia Stepanova, including the ritual for meat and Maundy Thursday. The best spell is considered to be for bread. It is recommended to use it if other methods have proven ineffective.

Carrying out the ritual in stages:

  1. On odd days of the week, buy wheat bread or bake it yourself. In the store, you should prepare the amount without change or leave it on the counter.
  2. On a dark, moonless night, exactly in the middle of it, the bread is cut into four parts and laid out in the corners of the room.
  3. Each piece of product is spelled out with special words.
  4. In the morning, all the grain parts are laid out under different trees.

The bread is eaten by animals or pecked by birds. After this, the unpleasant formations disappear.

An ailment such as warts or papillomas can appear at any age and under any circumstances. The reason for their appearance on the body is not known for certain. This can be due to low immunity, and after suffering emotional stress, and as a result of attempts to have a negative magical influence on the body and soul of a person. But one fact remains - warts cause a lot of discomfort. They cause physical discomfort, interfere with dressing normally, getting a massage, and simply feeling confident.

Official medicine does not yet have one specific method for solving this problem. Often, a radical step is proposed - laser removal or local surgery. Or you can go another way: believe in your strength, in the power of your energy and turn to the Higher Powers for help. To do this, you just need to read the plot against warts on a thread or products.

All magical rituals have their own requirements. Their implementation is necessary to achieve the best result. And in order to use the necessary energy in the necessary direction. In other words, by following the rules, you “find yourself in the right place at the right time.” Rituals to get rid of papillomas are no exception.

In order for wart spells to be truly implemented, listen to the following rules:

  • a conspiracy against papillomas is carried out on a waning moon. This requirement is classic in magic: if you want to get it, do it on the waxing Moon, get rid of it - on the waning Moon. The only exceptions are reserved for rituals in which the lunar phase necessary for their performance is directly indicated;
  • repeated repetition of the same whisper in a short period of time leads to its inaction. As a result of frequent repetitions, a lack of faith in the conspiracy arises, which in itself nullifies its power;
  • threads for rituals must be taken only in red or black colors. They are the ones who have the greatest energy potential in magic;
  • unconditional faith in action ensures 100% results. You invest your faith in energy, which in turn nourishes your desire and realizes it in the shortest possible time.

How to get rid of warts, spells on a string

To get rid of warts, you can resort to the most effective rituals - using threads. They are both simple to implement and effective.

On cotton thread

Ritual on threads refers to those cases when the implementation diverges from the classical rules. They should be carried out during the new month. As the Moon grows and fills with vital energy, at the same time the power of the conspiracy will increase. And with the full moon, everything will go away and the skin will cleanse. Therefore, you should wait a little for the result. Whisper words:

“Young month, Filling month, take away the warts, my skin’s wreaths! Amen!"

To cleanse the skin and perform this ritual, take a cotton thread. Cut a piece 20-30 cm long. You will leave in the evening during the first lunar day. And, swinging each papilloma with a thread, whisper. Then bury it in the ground. Maybe not deep. The thread ritual is very effective if you enhance the effect by tying knots on it according to the number of growths on the body.

On a harsh thread

The second option for getting rid of unpleasant growths would be a ritual using a harsh thread. To carry it out, you will need 30 cm of thread, which must be tied with a weak knot around one of the warts. And do this procedure three times, while simultaneously pronouncing the hex:

“As soon as the thread is tied, the wart will fall off. As the thread rots, the growth will go away! Let it be so!"

Then lift the knots and tighten the thread tightly. Then you need to drip this talisman, which is aimed at cleansing the skin. As soon as the thread begins to rot, the papillomas will begin to disappear.

On a yellow thread

This case has two exceptions: the ritual is performed on the new Moon and the thread should be yellow, not red or black. You will also need raw potatoes. The plot goes like this:

“Just as a dog and a cat don’t get along, you and I can’t get along. Leave! Leave! Leave!"

They take a piece of thread and, tying the number of knots according to the number of warts, whisper. Then the thread is buried in the ground. The result will begin to appear after the first signs of decay of the amulet.

More powerful conspiracies

The second half of powerful conspiracies and rituals for papillomas relate to rituals on products. They are simple and easy to do. And there is a guarantee that the necessary item will always be found in the kitchen.

Conspiracy using an apple

The core of an apple when cut has great strength. It’s worth looking closely and seeing a star in it, which in ancient times was used by witches to perform love spells and other rituals.

To remove warts using a spell on an apple, you need to take only the green fruit. Cut it in half and rub the halves over all the growths on the body that you want to get rid of forever. At the same time, say the following words:

“Just as the apple turns red, the warts will disappear. Just as an apple dries out, so will the papillomas fall off! Let it be so!"

After you have wiped all the formations, put the halves of the apple together and put it in the pantry for the time necessary for it to rot. Then just throw it away. There will be no trace left of your papillomas.

Potato spell

The ritual for raw potatoes is carried out in a similar way. Only after the ceremony they do not hide it, but bury it in the ground. Thus, he will take with him all the negative influences on the person, as a result of which the warts appeared. Whispers for the ritual:

“There are warts on potatoes, and welts on my skin. Potatoes, potatoes, take them a little! Leave me skin as clear as a tear"

Half wipe all formations. Then you connect them again and bury them in the ground. The potatoes will rot and your skin will peel!

Spell on a twig

This type of ritual is considered one of the most powerful, since it combines practically 2 rituals: on a thread and on branches or plants. So you should take a black or red thread 20-30 cm long and a twig from a female tree (aspen, birch, etc.). Tie knots in an amount equal to papillomas. And wrap this thread around a tree branch. The branch can be very small, as long as it is enough for the length of the thread. Then you bury the amulet you made in the ground and say the following words:

“Grass to a blade of grass, dew to a dewdrop, and a thread to a tree, and warts to the shore! Amen!"

Conspiracy for meat

To quickly get rid of papillomas, perform a ritual on meat or bones. Only if you can use purchased meat, then you should only take bones found on the street. The essence of this ritual is the same as the previous ones - you need to anoint all the warts on the body with pieces of meat and at the same time read the plot. Then, bury the meat in the ground in a place where people often walk. Whisper:

“I rub meat with meat, I deceive warts. Will take their meat deep into the darkness"

There is one peculiarity of this ritual - it can only be performed on a moonless night. This is that rare night when the Moon is not visible at all, not even the edge. And only then can meat attract your negativity, which is clearly expressed in papillomas and growths on the body. If all the conditions are met, then the power of this ritual will be very great! And your skin will be renewed and shine with beauty and freshness! And you will gain the long-awaited self-confidence!

Moon conspiracy

There are cases when there are a lot of papillomas on the body, they are located everywhere and are very small. In such situations, grating an apple or potato can take a long time. And there is no guarantee that you will be able to do this procedure with all the growths. Then you should ask the Moon to help solve this problem. It is she, the protector and guardian of female beauty, who is able to overcome so many negative influences on beauty. The ritual is very simple and does not require additional elements. Conspiracy words:

“I’ll wash myself with the moon and wash away the warts!” I’ll shed light and sprinkle it on your skin! Let it be so!"

At night you will go out into an open area, preferably there are no cars there. Find direct moonlight. Stand directly in front of him, raise your hands and make similar movements as when washing your face. At the same time, say a curse on beauty. When you feel that you are full of energy, go home. The fastest time to fulfill a hex is the nearest new moon. Just wait a little, and you will again have clear and healthy skin!

A spell for warts is an ancient way to get rid of them. Any new growth on the skin is an inconvenience and a cosmetic defect; moreover, papillomas cells are prone to transform into a malignant form. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of warts in the early stages, before they increase in size and begin to become inflamed.

In the article:

How to get rid of a wart

Modern medicine has come a long way in its development, so removing tumors is a painless and quick process. But to remove third-party growths, they also resort to traditional medicine. There is a statement that you can achieve results with the help of slander and conspiracies. Although this practice is controversial, healers resort to it when treating various ailments.

Conspiracies are verbal magical formulas that carry individual frequency characteristics - waves, energy and information programs that can influence the existing reality, external and internal, changing and adjusting it.

The ancestors knew how to remove a wart with help. The main advantage of folk spells is that you don’t lose anything and don’t pay for anything. If one spell does not help, you can use another. Most often, warts actually disappear. This phenomenon cannot be explained, but it is true.

Types of spells for warts

A distinctive feature of any kind of slander is their variety of interpretations and options. Let's look at the known and effective ones.

Conspiracy with a thread

A popular remedy is the red thread spell. Take a small thread or thick rope twice the width of your wrist. Wrap the growth or at least touch its surface. Then nodules are made according to the number of papillomas.

They pronounce a conspiracy for the growing month:

A month is young, take the wart(s) with you.

Afterwards, you need to bury the rope in the ground so that it rots. According to beliefs, warts will disappear with her.

Conspiracy for celandine

This wild plant helps to get rid of papillomas naturally. The ritual is recommended to be performed when the month is in its young stage. Squeeze out fresh celandine juice and place in a dark place for a day or two. Moisten the growth with the resulting solution and repeat the phrase:

Good young month, take me with you, drive out the warts, and return them to me!

Repeat the spell three times, showing your open palms towards the night luminary.

Potato spell

You can also remove a wart using an ordinary vegetable - potatoes. Take a tuber and a matchbox, find a place where two roads intersect where no one will disturb you. Stand at an intersection and take a potato in your hand. Take out one match at a time and touch it to the growth, then stick it into the vegetable. Do this with each wart.

Then bury it all in the ground and say the following phrase:

Here are two roads, both are open. Go wherever you want. Don’t come back to me, and if you do, get out.

Without looking back, leave the place where the ceremony was performed.

Spell on an apple

You can also speak to the growth using a ripe apple fruit and a red thread. The apple is also chosen to be red. cut it in half and rub the sore area with the juice that appears. Then fold the halves together and tie tightly with that thread.

Go to any intersection and bury it in the ground here. In this case, you can use words from the previous slander. Warts disappear after the apple rots.

Spells for the waning moon

The ceremony is carried out on the waning month. As soon as it gets dark, pick a blade of grass. Apply the tip of the plant to the papillomas and say:

Just as dry grass will not be reborn, just as a fish will not turn into a bull, just as a rooster will not produce milk, so the hour has come for you, wart, to diminish. Hurry up and fly away for a miserable month, forget me and don’t come back!

A conspiracy to get rid of warts on the waning moon is carried out in another format. To do this, 12 days before the ceremony, you need to pour water into a liter jar in which you washed the area with warts, and not touch it all this time. The evening before the event, find a birch tree and pour liquid from a jar over the protruding growths, saying:

“I wash my body, I wash everything off, I wash off all the warts! Get away from me, I can’t live with you! Quickly go into the ground and don’t come back.”

It is advisable to end all conspiracies with a short prayer.

Communication with nature

In the old days, people firmly believed in the miraculous help of nature, and many turned to the spirits living in the crowns of trees. You can save yourself from warts by talking to rowan trees. Take a regular sewing needle. Approach the rowan tree during flowering or fruit ripening and christen each growth three times with a needle with the words:

“Dear rowan tree, you live on Earth helping! Deliver me from my illness and leave me with a clean body!”

Stick the needle into the bark of the tree and leave the ritual site without looking back. After seven days, the growths will begin to dry out and fall off. If not, the procedure can be repeated, but with the addition of settled water.

Prayers to get rid of warts

Many are not inclined to trust folk remedies and prefer to turn to Christian teaching. Some healed people claim that myrrh collected from miraculous icons helps against growths. It is recommended to read akathists to holy martyrs and ascetics who during their lifetime practiced healing or were practicing doctors. Famous among them:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker,
  • Panteleimon the Healer,
  • Luka Krymsky.

Before the main prayer, read the Lord's Prayer. The method is effective if a person has become a victim of the evil eye or slander. The main thing is to sincerely turn to God with a request to get rid of warts.

Prayers that are not included in the official canons and collections are ineffective and have no relation to the traditional Christian faith. Use them as you wish, but for deeply religious people, the format of the texts will seem far from the original source and classical execution. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the accepted rules, including the Canon of Health and short prayers from the prayer book.