
Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Guide - Tips and Strategies. Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Tips Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer Gad

Platform: PC, PS4, X-One
Language: Russian text, English voice acting

Operating system:
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 (2GB)
Free space: 55 GB

Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64 bit)
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD FX-8350
RAM: 16 GB
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 1060 3GB, AMD RX 480 (4GB)
Free space: 55 GB

Travelers, convicts, merchants and typical adventurers - people who have not found their place in the Milky Way - set off on a long journey on the majestic arks to find a new home for humanity. But, as always happens, the harsh reality turned out to be against: during a long cryogenic sleep, most of the ships disappeared, the leader of the expedition died tragically, and the participants themselves made real bloody feuds.

Here the main character appears on the stage, proclaimed the new "chosen one" and does not understand anything after sleep - all the problems of a distant human stronghold, including the hostile kett, a new race in the series, appear on his weak shoulders.

Even before its release, it became the object of indignation and endless reproaches from both fans of the series and ordinary players who know only a little about the space romance. The reason was the technical backwardness from the modern canon, which is clearly expressed in general animation, rendering of textures and falling FPS on consoles.

If you do not take into account the technical implementation, it can be noted: the creators have retained all the charm, fully conveying the atmosphere of the first games. All the same, the variability of dialogues, a stable plot basis, which includes moral contradictions, a system of relationships with a detailed crew, stand out. The most important thing is Andromeda there is a spirit of endless suspense and great intrigue that separates the line from other games.

The combat game has undergone partial changes, which is not particularly presentable compared to modern projects due to excessive passivity and cover mechanics. They also impose biotic skills on the player - a development tree divided into three combat classes, informally allocating only one branch to make battles lacking in entertainment.

But the development of other classes may be required in cooperative mode for 4 players, in which, judging by the assurances of the developers, lies all the dynamism and colorfulness of local battles. As in, with friends you will have to fight off waves of bots and complete various mini-tasks. High difficulties can be overcome only after leveling the character and collecting a decent set of weapons.

From the novelties of the network game, it is worth noting the "Strike Squads" mode, which is a series of tasks that you can complete both yourself in a collective game, or simply send APEX squads there in a single player. There are rewards for completing them, which will come in handy in the singleplayer.

The team game is unfolding so far only in 5 locations, in the future it is planned to introduce new maps with their inherent individual characteristics (most likely, as DLC).

Mass Effect: Andromeda does not claim to be the Best, but nevertheless it is a great game and a good reason to have a good time. Especially if you are a biotic.

Information about network modes:



Local Area Network (LAN):
On one screen:
Free play option:

  • Official site

  • In the XXII century, advanced civilizations were under the threat of extermination by a race of intelligent machines - reapers, but even if the mission of Captain Shepard is not crowned with success, humanity will not sink into oblivion. Shortly before the invasion, the Andromeda Initiative was launched to equip an expedition to the galaxy closest to the Milky Way in search of a new home for the five races.

    Thousands of colonists set off on a journey of 0.77 megaparsec and a length of 600 years ... to, like on Earth, reflect the waves of opponents, pump skills and open boxes with random contents. This is a Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer review and believe me, there is a lot to see here.

    “Ah, Bertie Botts, sweets of all tastes. I was terribly unlucky in my youth - I came across with the taste of vomit, since then I stopped liking them. Maybe try this cute candy? .. Alas, earwax ...
    X / f "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (2001)

    Evolution of the Horde

    The news that a collective game will appear in the final part of the trilogy of the popular space saga caused a storm of indignation. Another multiplayer "for show", a senseless waste of resources and time, forcing people to connect to online - such messages preceded the creation of one of the most innovative and breakthrough cooperative modes of recent years.

    Believe it or not, Mass Effect 3 has defined the face of modern multiplayer games. She popularized the idea of ​​containers for loans - later, Battlefield, Call of Duty and some of Blizzard's projects took over the fashion for "materialism". It was here that the role of various active skills in the characters was revealed, which had a positive effect on replayability, and a year ago Overwatch came out, where this topic was developed even more.

    In the Mass Effect universe, you can always look at three things: how the asari dance, how the iridium is mined, and how two krogan duels “head-on”.

    The phenomenon of the game is that it was able to surprise without having an original concept. This is a lightweight version of the Horde mode from Gears of War, where four players fight off the advancing waves of the enemy in compact arenas. No resource management with the construction of fortifications and the selection of trophy weapons - only survival in its purest form, where the rules and calculations are set before the start of the match.

    The very "ease" and played into the hands of the project. Waves are not fifty, but ten, except for the evacuation - the matches are played faster, it is easier to buy time for them. The real highlight were the characters with a unique set of abilities for everyone: from engineers who rely on technical means, to attack aircraft literally flying their foreheads into the enemy, and scouts with disguises.

    The effect of the explosion of an amy-mi-grenade. Joke. In fact, sometimes such devilry happens here that you can't figure out what is happening and why.

    The success of the event seems to have come as a surprise to BioWare themselves. The balance was urgently corrected, the network connection was optimized. Within a year after the release of the game, the developers released five add-ons with new maps, characters, weapons and equipment - a fourth race of collectors and increased difficulty were also added. Special events were held every two weeks over the weekend to obtain unique weapons.

    But a similar venture in Dragon Age: Inquisition failed. The mechanics, sharpened for a peppy third-person action movie, turned out to be unsuitable for a party role-playing game, where pumping and the quality of equipment had more weight, and not skill and knowledge. But only the one who does nothing is not mistaken, therefore negative experience could become the foundation for new discoveries ...

    Three dimensions and one more on top

    An accidental success five years ago doomed Mass Effect multiplayer to its further existence, therefore, although Andromeda was positioned as an undertaking of everything and everything from scratch, fans of the regime were waiting for its development, not alteration. And at first glance, the continuation is too conservative: the same waves, the same cards from the boxes, even the enemy factions are full of obvious analogues of the previous ones.

    But this is a false impression. Firstly, the number of waves was reduced to six, so the matches began to take place one third faster. Secondly, the introduction of a jump pack made it possible to design "multi-storey", more open and large maps: now you can climb somewhere higher and control the entire battlefield, as well as shoot from an enemy that is so far away that it is not even highlighted.

    Despite the presence of jump packs, there are no safe places on the maps. Even heavy units can easily jump onto rooftops.

    The Canadians once again showed their middle finger to the squad of Marcus Phoenix sitting behind cover, adding even more dynamics to the mode. The game did not dispose to a deep defense before (do not remind about the geth on "White" - those were tough times, we earned credits as best we could), but now the architecture of the levels itself pushes for a constant change of positions and improvisation.

    It is irrational to sit on "bronze" and "silver" and wait for the enemy to come to visit, especially since some fighters like snipers like to hang out on the opposite edge of the map and sometimes forget how and why they got here. "Gold", on the other hand, is capable of crushing with "meat" so that there is not enough firepower to quickly shoot the approaching crowd.

    Defending the evacuation zone is still a lost cause. It's easier to drive around the map with the enemy for a couple of minutes and arrive at the point in the last seconds.

    Special tasks are now issued two, not three times - on the third and sixth waves, as a result, you get less money per match (55 thousand on "gold" instead of 70-80), and the bonus depends on the speed of their completion. The conditions have become less: the drone tracking and object transfer have disappeared, but there is a "download" that you will surely hate.

    Unlike the usual "hacking", where it is enough to hold out in the highlighted area for a while, there are as many as three points, and even progress in them does not go when there are enemies nearby, and is reset if you leave the area and do not return to it in time. But there is good news: there are no bosses in "killing targets", and if you are interrupted when the device is turned off, the progress of its deactivation will not immediately roll back to zero.

    Peer-to-peer reigns here, so if the match organizer is using 3G mobile or playing something in the background, there will be no fun for anyone.

    Reformed the character development system. From now on, you do not pump the whole class at once, but each character separately. A controversial decision, because the learning process has slowed down at times, but on the other hand, if a player of the maximum level 20 has entered the group, it means that he has already passed the baptism of fire, understood his strengths and weaknesses and at the crucial moment will not let the team down.

    Worse, some of the skill points in Andromeda are given when you level up your character card. Previously, they only influenced the setting of the appearance, and there were only four gradations, but now there are ten of them, and each even improvement is +5 pumping points. Basic heroes benefit from such an innovation, because all bronze cards can be knocked out in a week without any problems, buying up containers for 5 thousand, but getting and improving very rare persons will require 800 hours, if the algorithm for opening them does not change.

    You can paint a suit in one of thousands of shades, but faces ... faces cannot be changed.

    The system of ranks compensates for these deprivations. Each hero is tied to one of five artiboots, such as accelerating shield regeneration or increasing maximum health, and as the game progresses, he pumps not only himself, but also this indicator. The increase from the rank is trifling, completely filling the scale is like pumping one fighter to the limit, but it applies even to those who are not yet open.

    It is more difficult to find an excuse for the amount of everything and everyone. There are only five maps so far, which is less than at the start of Mass Effect 3, relatively open of them two, and one more (the base "Magma") does not fit into the updated mechanics at all due to its compact size. The state of affairs should be corrected by the upcoming additions (according to good tradition, free), but the timing and frequency of their release is under a veil of uncertainty.

    Hovering while jumping is another new feature. As a rule, the ability to die faster.

    The equipment system has not been without changes. Abolished the submachine gun class, but removed the attachment of the slots to the type of weapon - you can go into battle with two different rifles over your shoulders or rely on a pair of shotguns. There are only two slots for disposable amplifiers left, so a dilemma often arises, take "elemental" ammunition and increase the damage from skills or strengthen shields and speed up pumping.

    Improved the combat combos system. As before, one skill serves as a link marker, and the other initiates an explosion, but now technique and biotics do not conflict with each other, but, on the contrary, are combined: if an allied technician sets fire to the target with “ignition”, you can detonate it with a biotic “throw”. Conveniently, right on the skill bar there are hints about which skills are labeled and which ones activate combos.

    Players will now find themselves far beyond the Milky Way, in the very depths of the Andromeda galaxy. The main character (or heroine) will have to take on the role of the Pathfinder and thus lead the search for a new home not only for humanity, but also for many other races in a new, hostile corner of space. Discover new and still completely unfamiliar secrets of the vast galaxy, eliminate alien threats, create your powerful and combat-ready team, plunging headlong into a deep system of development and settings of skills (abilities).

    The Andromeda Galaxy is a completely new chapter in the history of mankind, so only your choice will determine whether the new founders will be able to survive in it and find a new home for themselves. As you delve into the mysteries and secrets of Andromeda, when the future of many species rests on your shoulders, ask yourself a question ... What are you ready for to survive?

    The new multiplayer experience in Mass Effect: Andromeda is incredibly extensive and has received deep complex changes. In addition, well-coordinated teamwork and the use of special tactics are now required to win battles. This guide will help you better coordinate all your actions with the rest of the players and get out of the water even in the most difficult situation.

    "It's hard to learn - easy to fight!"

    First of all, I want to note that in the multiplayer mode you will find a huge number of very different heroes / characters. Each of the presented "classes" will have their own unique abilities + play a certain role on the battlefield.

    However, in addition to this, the multiplayer maps also differ significantly from each other, therefore they require the use of special strategies. On the other hand, Mass Effect: Andromeda has an incredibly powerful training mission that should help you get comfortable in multiplayer battles. And even if you are one of those players who considers himself a veteran of the series, I still recommend going through the tutorial mission, at least once - it will be very useful.

    "Move and take cover all the time."

    The second thing to know in the game is the incredible importance of cover. To hide behind shelters, you do not have to perform a number of any additional actions - for this you just need to stand near the object and the hero in automatic mode immediately lean against it.

    So, shelters will allow you to avoid many critical damage for a certain amount of time, which will thereby give your character to restore energy shields. After that, it will be possible to re-enter with the enemies in a fierce firefight or melee. However, this is not all, because there is another important component of the gameplay - it is the regular change of its location.

    Therefore, having found suitable shelter, do not stay in it for a long time, because otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission, since the enemies will constantly arrive. So, after serving a certain amount of time behind the wall and killing a couple of enemies, continue on your way again and do not stand still.

    "In a team, two things are important: first - interaction, second - team play"

    Yes, perhaps now it will sound somewhat hackneyed, but again I repeat that without carefully coordinated actions with the rest of the team, you will not be able to get the maximum number of points in the battle. Of course, this does not mean that you need to imitate some professional e-sportsmen - you just need to help your teammates in the most difficult situations and try to think over your next steps at least minimally.

    In the case of good interaction with other team members, it will be possible to effectively cover the flanks and take the enemy into the ring as quickly as possible. In the end, in the case of good interaction, you start to orient yourself much better on the map. In addition, you should remember that you will not be able to go through any cooperative task alone, since your hero will simply be crushed with a number and you will not do anything about it. So I recommend dividing into groups of two fighters, and not scattering in completely different corners, while being completely alone.

    "Use your strengths"

    As I mentioned above, there are many different characters, each of which will have their own unique skills. So, try as often as possible and at the same time use these skills more effectively in order to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

    In addition, there are several skills in the game that can be perfectly combined with other skills. Therefore, I recommend not to get hung up on just one class, but to try and test as many classes as possible on their own "skin". And only after careful examination, choose the most suitable class for your style of play. In the end, do not forget to also combine skills with the rest of the players on the team, which will be very useful too.

    Dear visitors! This article is still under construction, so I recommend you bookmark this page to stay tuned!

    At first glance, it might seem that the experience of the multiplayer component is similar to what happens in a single player game, with the exception of collecting resources, exploring vast locations and other joys of a pioneer. Indeed, the basic combat mechanics are the same in all game formats, but then it becomes clear that the multiplayer mode has its own unique specifics.

    If you are unfamiliar with multiplayer Mass effect 3 and you are trying co-op battles for the first time in Andromeda, then this guide is highly recommended for you!

    Start with learning!

    Even if you are already a little accustomed to the shoes of a pioneer and even "cleaned" a couple of the first planets, it will still be very useful for you to complete a multiplayer training mission.

    In it, you will learn about the highlights of each match, as well as be able to estimate the approximate scale of the maps. Unlike "single", Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer takes place in a rather limited space, so opponents in relation to you will almost always be at a medium distance. Understanding this will allow you to effectively plan your equipment selection, but more on that later.

    After completing the training, it is worth paying attention to the so-called training tests. They are simple to perform, but nevertheless cover almost every major component of multiplayer.

    To pass all the tutorial tests, you need to do the following:

    • Complete the tutorial mission (you will receive a basic set of equipment as a reward);
    • Play one match (win or lose);
    • Equip the character with a new weapon (you can put a weapon in the main slot or add it to the second);
    • Equip a weapon with an upgrade (you can find it in the first basic set);
    • Purchase a set of equipment for credits (at any price);
    • Buy an item in the store (for mission points);
    • Use a booster (equip a temporary character upgrade through the equipment menu);
    • Use a consumable item during a match;
    • Become a game organizer (create a server);
    • Level up two different characters;
    • Spend a skill point (given to a character when a new level is obtained);
    • Complete a mission on any difficulty.
    As a reward for completing all the tutorial tests, you will receive an improved set of equipment, which may contain rare items. Even if they are not there, you will in any case get a good cash payment for buying new sets of equipment.

    Prepare carefully for every fight

    There are quite a few features in Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer, and many of them are related to preparation for combat. It is worth considering this issue very carefully, because in battle it will not work to change weapon upgrades or develop character skills.

    First of all, after the end of each match, check if your character has received new skill points. If the "victorious" experience is enough to increase the level, then you shouldn't hesitate - immediately distribute the received points, increasing the efficiency of the character.

    If you have enough credits to buy a set of equipment that you are interested in, then when opening it, carefully look at what exactly you are opening. Perhaps you received a rare weapon or improved an existing one. In this case, it makes sense to try out a novelty or even reconsider the choice of weapons.

    Each weapon can be equipped with 2 upgrades. They quite strongly affect the course of the game, so if you have available "gadgets", then install immediately, so as not to go on a task with a standard "barrel".

    You can improve not only the weapon, but also the character, and this is not about skills, but about additional amplifiers: special cartridges, a bonus to damage from certain weapons or class abilities. A character can use two upgrades in each match, the only problem is that they are one-time, so it is not worth spending rare gold upgrades on "bronze" battles, as the character will need them later.

    Be mindful of the challenges on every wave

    Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer gameplay is based on a 7-wave system. New opponents appear on each of them, and survival will become the primary task for you and your comrades in arms. However, this is where the problems only begin, because in addition to surviving on waves 3 and 6, the team receives a task that is randomly selected and, unlike normal survival, has a time limit.

    Thus, to make it easier to remember, you can make a list of waves:

    • Wave 1: survival;
    • Wave 2: survival;
    • Wave 3: random task with a time limit (kill special opponents, hold an area, download data from 3 points, disable 4 devices);
    • Wave 4: survival;
    • Wave 5: survival;
    • Wave 6: random task with a time limit (kill special opponents, hold an area, download data from 3 points, disable 4 devices);
    • Wave 7: evacuation (extraction).
    It is on 3 and 6 that problems usually begin, because in order to complete tasks, the team must act together, because the task must be completed as early as possible. You do not need to try to kill more opponents before running to the goal of the task, because others will come instead of them in a few seconds, and time will be lost.

    Ideally, the team should get together and as a single detachment make their way to the desired place, while all members of the group should cover each other, because if someone dies, then another person will have to run to him in order to revive, which means only 2 person.

    All this logistics seems to be not so important, and it is quite possible to do without it at low complexity. But already at the “silver”, the frivolous game of the shooting gallery will most likely ruin the whole business.

    Choose the "right" opponents

    In many ways, the class mechanics are built on the principle of the ancient game "Rock, Scissors, Paper": each character has a pronounced role in battle. Understanding what your character can do and, more importantly, how much damage he can inflict on certain opponents is vital when playing on high difficulty.

    Of course, even a blockhead soldier armed with an assault rifle sooner or later "picks up" the enemy equipped with energy shields or armor. But he will spend valuable time on this, which could have been invested with much greater benefit. The effectiveness of a team is made up of the effectiveness of each of its members. In the end, the success of each match depends to some extent on the damage invested, that is, on how quickly players can destroy opponents.

    To understand what your character is capable of, be sure to read the descriptions of the abilities. For example, a Technician is great at removing shields, and can produce explosive combos that quickly destroy any armor. A soldier perfectly deals with all "meat", knocking him down with his underbarrel grenade.

    Having learned the advantages of a class, try to realize them as much as possible, even if for this you have to simply ignore the "inconvenient" opponents. It is normal for a technician to run through two "ordinary" enemies to deal with shields or blow up armor, although, of course, you should not abuse it, because almost any enemy can inflict significant damage on you, regardless of the character class.

    Remember the location of ammo boxes

    There are two ways to get extra ammo in Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer. The easiest way is to use the appropriate "consumable" (assigned to the number "6" on the keyboard by default). In this case, the character fully restores ammunition and can continue the battle, but this can be done only twice in a match.

    And cartridges will run out much more often if you do not purposefully save them. But saving is not at all about the network game Mass Effect: Andromeda, since every second you need to try to inflict maximum damage so that opponents simply don't overwhelm you with numbers.

    Therefore, for a successful game, you will have to remember the location of the ammunition boxes. Each map has 3-4 places where new ammunition appears after each wave. Their number is limited, but one full box is usually enough to "charge" three players.

    By the way, if your character uses grenades, then they can also be taken from the ammunition box. Each box contains 4 grenades. If you are the only participant in the match using grenades, then you can "register" near one of the boxes and simply throw grenades at your opponents at especially "hot" moments.

    Use combo links

    Most characters in Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer can perform particularly powerful attacks using combo links of two activated skills. In many ways, the success of most tasks depends on these connections, and understanding the mechanics of their execution allows you to destroy elite opponents in a matter of seconds.

    Each combo link has an initiation step and a completion step. At the first step, the character must apply a temporary effect of a certain type, and at the second, use an ability that deals damage of the same type. In this case, it will lead to an explosion.

    Bundles can be biotic, technical, fiery. Each of them inflicts different damage on different types of protection (health, shields, armor), but almost always this damage exceeds damage from firearms.

    The skills involved in the bundle can belong to different characters. For example, a technician uses a fire to set an enemy on fire, and a soldier uses an underbarrel grenade. In this case, a fiery bundle occurs.

    It is not always a good thing to be able to pair with the skill of another player. As a rule, a character who can make links on his own is aimed precisely at their constant "spam".

    That is, the biotic literally knocks out two buttons throughout the game, blowing up one opponent after another. If you fail this streamlined process, then he will have to wait for the cooldown of both abilities of the bundle in order to try to do it again. Essentially it is simple and ineffective.

    Take your time to run into the extraction area

    The last, 7th wave of each match is the evacuation of the group. The players' task is to survive until the shuttle arrives, on which you can leave the map. But this does not mean that it is necessary to keep the defense in the extraction zone throughout the entire time of the wave. There are several reasons for this.

    First, the evacuation zone is almost always located where there are no escape routes. Typically, this is the edge of the map. If opponents "crush" you, then there will be nowhere to run, or the escape will be fraught with too high a risk of getting a "stray" bullet.

    Secondly, the opponents know where you are and are always coming towards you. They appear next to you, so if you are in the extraction zone for the whole wave, then in a minute it will become a breeding ground for enemies.

    Therefore, the most optimal strategy on the 7th wave is to take up defense somewhere in the middle of the map or just in a place convenient for defense. You can even split into two squads. The most mobile members of the group can even go to the opposite part of the map. The task of the team is to smudge opponents all over the map with as thin a layer as possible, so that then, when 30-45 seconds remain before the evacuation, they sharply rush to the shuttle.

    In this case, the opponents simply will not have time to accumulate near the extraction zone, and it will be much easier for you to complete the task.

    Character development

    By gaining levels, the character can develop new skills. Each class has a set of skills, among which there are both active (up to 3) and passive (up to 2). But it is in the multiplayer that has its own feature that will force you to constantly make fateful choices.

    The fact is that the character level in multiplayer is limited to 20, which means that it will not work to improve all skills to the maximum - you have to choose.

    As a rule, each character has one critical skill that needs to be developed to the maximum. In addition to it, there is a line of passive improvements, and you also need to invest as many points as possible in it in order to increase the character's survivability.

    For the rest, you need to look at the situation. If a character knows how to make combo links, then it is worth choosing one more skill, and also improve it so that the combination with it does maximum damage. If a character cannot perform combo links, then it is worth taking a closer look at another passive skill.

    In general, the development of characters is a rather specific matter. Each character has their own optimal upgrade sequence, and this is a topic for a separate guide.

    How the economy works

    So, you've played a few matches and collected a decent amount of credits. How to spend it correctly? What is worth buying at every stage of character development? One rare set or several cheaper ones?

    To get new classes of characters, to open weapons and, in general, all the possibilities for strengthening yourself beloved, you need to buy sets of equipment. They have different rarity and, accordingly, value, but this does not mean that you need to sit and save only for the best ones, because the rarity of a set does not always mean that it will only have rare items.

    The beauty and at the same time the problem of the sets is that their contents are determined randomly, which means that until a certain moment you will not have much choice when choosing equipment: you will have to walk with what you have.

    In the early stages of the game, take only cheap basic kits. They contain almost every basic weapon in the game, as well as the most common classes and upgrades. Nevertheless, this is quite enough to understand the game and save money for something more impressive.

    You should also buy cheap sets for the reason that every item you come across will no longer come across to you in the future. This means that if you upgrade the basic assault rifle "Avenger" to level 10, then you will not see it in any set again, which means you will reduce the chance of getting this "consumer goods" in a rarer set. Here is such an amusing theory of probability!

    Use shock troops

    APEX Missions are the nexus between single player and multiplayer Mass Effect: Andromeda. They can be played in multiplayer, then there will be something like playlists with different tasks, or you can send special shock troops to them.

    Both options are useful in different conditions. If you are interested in developing your network characters, then the APEX missions are best done on your own. As a reward, you will receive credits for purchasing sets of equipment.

    If you need free loot for a single player game (credits and resources), then you can send a squad. If successful, this unit can gain a new level.

    Whether you complete these missions yourself or send an NPC, you will also receive mission finance - a special currency that can be spent on upgrading shock troops under your command.

    By the way, to make it easier to track the progress of APEX missions, you can use a special mobile application that can be downloaded on the official website of the developers.

    Playing with friends is not only more fun, but also easier!

    Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer is strictly team co-op oriented. At the same time, you can play quite comfortably with randomly selected players, but it is much more fun and, more importantly, easier to play with your friends.

    It's all about communication. By default, you can use the built-in voice communication to coordinate with other team members. But Mass Effect: Andromeda is played by thousands of people from different countries, so half the time you will be the only Russian-speaking participant in the match.

    Due to the language barrier and the poor quality of the transmitted sound, it will be more difficult for you to work together with the team. And often death can be the result of the fact that you were not covered by an ally whom you could not call for help.

    Therefore, if you have the opportunity to play with your friends, then use it! It will be especially great to create a conference in Skype or Discord, so you can quickly exchange information about current events, and therefore respond faster to changes in the situation on the battlefield.

    Do not take many weapons if the character is playing through abilities

    In Mass Effect: Andromeda, each weapon has a weight that affects the cooldown of activated skills. In a single player game, a character can carry as many as 4 weapons, while in multiplayer, only 2.

    But that doesn't mean that your character should always carry these 2 weapons. It all depends on what you do most of the damage with. If you kill enemies with abilities, then you do not need 2 weapons, because otherwise you will have extra ammo that you will not spend, and the rollback speed of abilities will suffer.

    Despite the fact that the multiplayer in the game is similar to what was in the multiplayer game Mass Effect 3, there are some differences, and they are related precisely to the weight system. Previously, all biotics only armed themselves with a pistol or small shotgun to increase the recovery rate of skills above 100%.

    In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the cooldown rate cannot exceed 100%, which means that it is not at all necessary to take light weapons. In this regard, a biotic or an engineer may come in handy, for example, a sniper rifle.

    Don't use consumables on the first waves

    There are 4 consumables in Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer that can be used during a match: Ammo Box, First Aid Kit, Respawn Kit, and Cobra Charge. Each of the "consumables" is available in the amount of 2 pieces.

    You will receive consumables by purchasing equipment sets. Their number is limited by your finances, which, in turn, are awarded for completing missions. Thus, to get new "consumables", you need to play, and in the course of the game, "consumables" may be very necessary.

    Always try to use consumable items wisely. In a narrow sense, this means that you do not need to spend them on the first waves, because you cannot know for sure whether the whole team will "fall" in the later stages.

    In addition, some types of "consumables" are very much needed at the end of the match, that is, in the last waves. These are the resurrection kits and the Cobra missiles. In no case do not use earlier than on wave 6, otherwise you simply will not recoup the match.

    If you still spent everything that you had, then it makes sense for some time to spend credits only on the purchase of special weapon sets. They are the cheapest in the store and only contain consumables.

    Remember what you learned in single player

    In this guide, we covered the main points that matter in multiplayer, but this does not mean that the experience you gained through the single player campaign of Mass Effect: Andromeda will be useless. On the contrary, it is the foundation for your multiplayer success!

    So if you haven't read our big guide to single player mechanics yet, be sure to check it out. You will learn how to behave correctly in battle, how to use jumps and leaps correctly, how to select weapons for battle with certain opponents, how to remove shields and pierce armor.

    And, of course, do not forget to practice, because theory without practice is not very effective. Fortunately, Mass Effect: Andromeda has a very wide scope for practice!