
Wood ceiling cladding. Internal finishing board-lining. The device and the choice of material for vapor barrier

wooden houses on suburban areas are very popular today. The arrangement of such buildings includes many stages. One of the most important is the finishing of the ceiling, which significantly extends its service life and emphasizes the interior of the room.

In this article, we will consider the most common options for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house.

Materials and their features

First of all, finishing materials for the ceiling in a wooden house should be in harmony with the environment inside the building, including wooden walls.


Today there are many special mixtures, which will help to make the ceiling even, smooth and light.

But if their rather high price does not suit you, then you can turn to the method that our ancestors used many times:

  • We knock down a relief grid from three-millimeter rails.
  • We fix it with nails to the ceiling surface.

Tip: instead of rails, you can use a ready-made nylon frame network.
This will greatly reduce the volume and facilitate the necessary work.

  • Dilute asbestos plaster with water percentage marked on the package.
  • We apply two layers of the solution, allowing the previous one to dry.


The fact is that it is very malleable when wet, like clay, and when it hardens, it takes on a solid, durable form. Which is ideal for creating various unusual designs.

Drywall also has the following qualities:

  • Long service life. Compliance right technology installation guarantees more than ten years of service.
  • Ease of maintenance. It is enough to tint fading places.


The decoration of the ceilings in a wooden house with clapboard is in perfect harmony with the walls of the building.

In addition, it also has a solid list of advantages:

  • Affordable cost. You can always choose less expensive tree species if you are on a budget.
  • Ecological cleanliness due to natural origin.
  • Low thermal conductivity, allowing you to keep warm inside the house.

Tip: the installation of the lining allows additional laying of insulating material under its surface.
So you can further increase the heat-saving properties of the building.

  • High level of sound insulation. Helps block out the sound of rain.
  • Long service life.

Tip: using kleimers to fix products will completely hide the fasteners.

Veneered panels

This is very interesting materials for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house. The manufacturing technology of such panels is that a thin layer from 0.5 mm to 3 mm is glued onto a board made of cheap wood using a special technology. expensive tree. So we get the same lining with all its inherent advantages, only looking much richer.


This is what veneer is trying to imitate. Real expensive tree species. But copying the appearance, the veneered panel will never be able to match the quality of the array.

The instructions for its installation are similar to lining, but the characteristics, of course, differ:

  • Very high strength.
  • Long service life, calculated in decades.
  • Solid aesthetic appearance.
  • High price.


Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house with plywood is more economical and simple option than using tongue and groove boards. The laminated board is made from high quality veneer, which allows it to blend well with the wood environment and still be cheap.

Installation work with it is faster thanks to large sizes and light weight, but require the presence of an assistant.

Stretch ceiling

This striking innovation is great for a house made of any material, but in the case of a log house there is an additional nuance. The suspended ceiling, due to its elasticity, is not afraid of the inevitable shrinkage of the building. Therefore, it can be installed immediately after the construction of the building.


  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Wide range of colors.

  • Unique moisture resistance. If suddenly the roof of your house leaks, it will stretch, having accumulated all the water, and will wait service personnel for pumping liquid.

  • High level of sound insulation.


  • High price.
  • The complexity of the installation work.


If your budget is significantly limited, even using plywood is expensive, then turn to plastic. It is much cheaper and is able to have almost any color that imitates more expensive materials.

Quite a practical option, which, of course, will not replace the reliability and warmth of wood, but it can create its appearance.


To decorate and protect the ceiling in a wooden house, there are many finishing materials.

They are all different:

  • the complexity of the installation;
  • appearance;
  • cost;
  • and many other features.

You can easily choose the option that meets the size of the budget allocated for decoration and your preferences.

The video in this article will give you more information. Good luck with your choice!

The growing popularity of wooden houses, associated with their highest environmental friendliness, causes more and more frequent questions from developers: “What materials should be used for sheathing a wooden ceiling?” It can be said with confidence that at present this issue is completely justified and this is due to the wide variety of finishing materials that can be used for cladding a wooden ceiling. In the conditions of the modern variety of finishing materials, there will be no difficulties when finishing the ceiling in log houses. Although log cabins can be left in their natural state, with log or timber walls, modern homeowners prefer to resort to finishing them with modern materials. And if the walls can still be preserved in their original form, floors and ceilings, according to experts, should be finished using materials that are closest to your taste preferences. Due to the relevance of this topic, in this article we will answer the question: “How to sheathe a wooden ceiling?”

Wooden ceilings: advantages and current design options

Tree recognized classic material used in interior design, and ceiling decoration in this case is no exception. In interiors, and especially in old ones, one can often find a desire to use natural materials, whether it be natural parquet, solid wood furniture, wooden wall panels and interior doors, skirting boards and much more. The final touches in the design of eco-interiors are often wooden ceilings, giving an atmosphere of warmth, nobility and stability. The widespread use of wood is due to its undeniable advantages:

  • The ability to scatter light and create an atmosphere of shading in the room;
  • Wooden ceilings have high soundproofing properties.

The design style of a wooden ceiling depends on functional purpose designed premises. In the office, during the installation of a wooden ceiling, you can create an atmosphere of rigor and restraint, while in the bedroom, the use of natural materials will make it warm and homely. Depending on the purpose of the room, the methods of its design and decoration also differ, which will be discussed further.

The choice of design method for ceiling structures: important nuances

From the point of view of design features, the ceilings in a wooden house are lightweight structures consisting of beam ceilings. Due to the fact that they create a minimum load on the residential structure, they ensure the durability and reliability of the structure. For ceiling structures of this type, the presence of space between exterior trim and beams, which is filled with a layer of heat-insulating materials. For sheathing the ceiling structure can be used a large number of finishing materials, and today we will help you choose the most suitable option among a huge range.

Before you decide on the choice of finishing materials, you need to know the fundamental points associated with the construction of wooden residential buildings. First of all, this is the natural shrinkage of the log house, leading to subsequent deformation of the ceiling. Knowing this feature, an experienced specialist will prefer not every finishing method. Preference in this case is given to natural materials, such as wood, providing optimal humidity air and required level ventilation. It is impossible not to note the creation of a special atmosphere, in perfect harmony with the general style of such buildings.

Slatted wooden ceilings: features of choice

If you plan to finish the ceiling using rack structures, you can purchase ready-made rails for these purposes, or make them to order. The choice of material for manufacturing wooden slats is currently quite diverse and is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. The width of the lath can also be different and vary from the width of the lining (12-12.5 cm) to the dimensions of the sheathing board.

Important! When choosing wood for slats, designers advise giving preference to traditional species: poplar, elm, aspen, which will significantly save on purchasing material. You will get an equally attractive result by betting on a combination of different types of wood.

Before proceeding with the installation of slatted ceilings, it is important to make sure that the wood has been treated with stain and fire retardants, and also, in case inadequate quality slats, carry out its advance grinding. The rails are fastened to the crate by means of nails and screws, or by installing guide bars in the grooves. Installed rack ceiling treated with water-soluble paint or varnish.

Alfray finish - transformation of your ceiling

Despite the fact that the painting of wooden ceilings, or the so-called alfrey finish, is practically not used today, designers do not recommend neglecting this method of decorating the ceiling. Using this method of finishing, you can drastically change the look of your home at minimal cost. And at the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to apply painting on the entire ceiling surface - it is enough to apply a drawing without even small areas to transform the room. The plywood ceiling in a wooden house can also be decorated with alfreine trim.

Wooden ceiling photo

Modern methods of finishing wooden ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceiling: what the developer needs to know?

The last decade is associated with the enormous popularity of stretch ceilings, and therefore, it is now difficult to imagine a modern renovation without such a finish. Significant Benefits false ceiling in a wooden house fully justify all the funds spent on its installation.

Advantages of a false ceiling:

  • Compared with a slatted or plastered surface, a false ceiling is characterized by a perfectly even texture;
  • The use of a suspended ceiling allows you to realize the most daring design ideas, for example, to recreate multi-level ceiling structures or to carry out zoning of a room;
  • Recreating different textures is also possible with suspended ceilings. in wooden houses ideal option will be a recreation hanging canvas with imitation of wooden texture;
  • Withstands shrinkage of the log house, and therefore, it is resistant to deformation;

False ceiling disadvantages:

  • Installation of a false ceiling can only be carried out two years after the end of construction works, which is also associated with shrinkage of the log house;
  • It is not always able to fit perfectly into the overall style of the room (perfectly combined with modern interiors).

Wooden lining

Many developers, in order to maintain the ideal appearance of the building, prefer ceiling decoration. wooden clapboard. Among its advantages, the following characteristics can be noted:

  • It has high sound and heat insulation properties;
  • Pairs perfectly with overall stylistic concept premises;
  • Allows you to hide the defects that arose during the construction of the building;
  • If you have chosen a wooden lining, the ceiling structure does not need any preliminary preparation, and there is also no need for grinding and leveling the surface;
  • If you plan to increase the life of the lining, treat it with modern wood impregnations;

Disadvantages of wooden lining:

  • Increased fire hazard, which can be reduced by treating the surface with fire retardant impregnations;
  • Needs complex treatment to prevent its damage by fungi and insects;
  • Low resistance to temperature and humidity changes, which contributes to the occurrence of deformations.

In addition, the design characteristics of the ceiling depend on the method of lining the ceiling with wooden clapboard. Experts in this field believe that a surface sheathed with clapboard in one direction will seem rather boring and monotonous, and therefore, one has to recall the ceiling beams that divide the ceiling into zones. You can finish them to match the main surface or play with contrasts, which will make the ceiling no less noble.

If, due to the design features of the ceiling, beams cannot be used in the design of the ceiling, but you still plan to sheathe the ceiling with wooden clapboard, bet on applying decorative hand-painted to the ceiling surface. It will look even more aesthetically pleasing if the tree is artificially aged. With the right choice of painting, decorative ceiling lights and additional accessories, you can create perfect interior in gothic style.

However, if you want to decorate the room in a classic style, lining will not be entirely appropriate. In this case, it is better to prefer wooden panels for the ceiling, with which you can decorate not only the ceiling, but also the walls. Solid wood panels can be used to finish the ceiling in the living room, and in this case, to achieve an even greater decorative effect, to wooden panels stained glass windows can be added internal illumination which can be matte or colored.

Plasterboard ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, the installation of drywall on a wooden ceiling has been very popular. By choosing this method of finishing the ceiling, you will be able to realize your most daring projects: from the most simple to complex multi-level structures. The main advantages of drywall are as follows:

  • Drywall has excellent air permeability, which allows you not to worry about the formation of condensate and ensure the optimum level of humidity in the room;
  • Using drywall, you can hide all the existing flaws and deformations of the ceiling;
  • Under drywall sheets, you can hide unsightly engineering communications.

The disadvantages of drywall include the inability to install directly on a wooden ceiling; before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to install a metal frame;

  • Needs additional finishing, for example, putty;
  • Plasterboard structures are prone to deformation.

Ceiling decoration: preparatory measures

Regardless of which method of finishing the ceiling in a wooden house is chosen, the preparatory measures are universal and, first of all, involve antiseptic surface treatment. If the basis of your future design is the roof elements that have been processed during the roofing process, you can proceed to the next step. preparatory work- thermal insulation works.

The method of roof insulation directly depends on its design. If the roof structure does not provide for the presence of an attic, it is necessary to insulate the roof along the plane of the slopes, even though this has already been done from the outside. The sequence of installation of thermal insulation layers is as follows: waterproofing - thermal insulation - vapor barrier. The modern construction market offers materials that imitate a ready-made "roofing cake" and need only to be installed in the cells of the crate.

Selection thermal insulation material must be carried out based on the conditions in which the roof will be during operation. If you need to insulate roof slopes characterized by a small distance between the rafters, the width of the insulation should be somewhat wider than this distance, which will allow you to easily lay the insulation between the rafters.

If the installation of the rafters was carried out with a large step, before direct insulation, it is necessary to install a wooden crate from the beams. First of all, a rolled membrane is glued onto the base surface, and after the installation of the crate, insulation is placed in the resulting cells.

Finishing a wooden ceiling with your own hands: step by step instructions

Since often in the process of finishing the ceiling with your own hands, it becomes necessary to reduce the time spent on installation activities and the possibility of erecting complex multi-level structures. In these cases, it is necessary to resort to the installation of drywall on a wooden ceiling.

It may often seem that the installation of drywall is not difficult, but this is far from the case, and the installation of drywall requires a serious approach to work. This is due to the fact that wooden floors are characterized by mobility associated with shrinkage of wood and a change in the configuration of the structure.

Drywall fixing methods:

Construction practice is familiar with several ways of attaching drywall to a wooden ceiling, and each of them is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • The first method involves attaching drywall directly to a wooden wall;
  • Drywall can be mounted on a pre-installed wooden frame;
  • Also fastening drywall can be carried out on a metal frame.

Method number 1: advantages and disadvantages

  • The advantages of this method lies in low material costs;
  • Small time costs;
  • Keeping the original height of the ceilings.


  • It is quite rare to find quality wooden base- aligned on the base and plane, which is necessary for the installation of drywall;
  • Not every type of wood is able to securely hold hardware;
  • Due to the shrinkage of the wood, the drywall is deformed.

Method number 2: advantages and disadvantages

  • The advantages include environmental friendliness and strength of the frame;
  • Possibility of use during the installation of insulation


  • The risk of lath deformations;
  • The need to use additional tools and materials;
  • Sufficiently long installation and the need for antiseptic treatment.

Method number 3: advantages and disadvantages

  • Mounting drywall on a metal frame is one of the most reliable ways;
  • The advantages also include the possibility of using insulation and structural strength;
  • Ability to create multi-level ceiling structures.

The negative aspects of using this method are so insignificant that we do not consider it appropriate to mention them.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a plasterboard ceiling

Despite the fact that there is an opinion among amateurs that the installation of the frame is carried out on a draft ceiling, this is true only for inhabited houses. This is due to the fact that in a new house it is not rational to carry out installation draft ceiling, since the installation of a metal frame requires only the preliminary installation of the crate.

Due to the large distance between the wooden beams, it is difficult to install a metal frame on them, which necessitates the installation of a crate, for the manufacture of which a wooden beam with a section of 40x30 mm is used. The beam is fastened in a perpendicular direction relative to the beams, while the step is 30-40 cm.

Before direct installation of the battens, they produce insulation bearing beams ceilings, steam and heat insulation are reinforced to the beams with the help of construction stapler. If the floor beams are localized between floors, or separate the first floor and the heated attic, the installation of a vapor barrier is not a mandatory component of the work.

To ensure the reliability of the plasterboard ceiling, despite the deformation processes inherent in the wooden structure, it must be firmly fixed regardless of the walls. This indicates that the end profile does not need to be attached to the walls, but only to the main profile. The gap between the wall and the frame is at the same time not less than 10 mm, which causes compensation for possible deformation processes of the ceiling. To get rid of the unaesthetic appearance of the resulting gaps, they are covered with decorative baguettes and skirting boards.

In the process of attaching drywall to ceiling beams you need to do the following:

  • Stock up on suspensions and the number of self-tapping screws necessary for work;
  • Purchase a ceiling and guide profile in accordance with the estimated quantity;
  • Purchase drywall sheets and crab-type fasteners;
  • Make the installation of a metal frame;
  • Carry out fastening drywall sheets on a metal frame.

Often, amateurs are faced with the question: “Is it possible to cover a wooden ceiling with plasterboard if it serves as a floor for the second floor or attic room?” The emergence of this issue is associated with the fears of inexperienced craftsmen that an insufficiently fixed structure may undergo deformation under the weight of people. Experienced specialists are sure that these fears are completely unjustified, since the laying of floor beams and their cross section eliminates excessive deflection of the structure. In turn, a slight deflection of the structure can be compensated by puttying the seams and joints of drywall sheets.

Wooden houses today are becoming one of the main elements of a private housing construction. Due to the availability of materials and the rapid pace of construction of the object, the consumer is increasingly paying attention to housing built of wood. Moreover, the tree is very convenient and practical material, allowing you to create in kind capital and original residential buildings.

The mass construction of wooden housing causes an increased demand for existing technologies for interior decoration of wooden structures. If in terms of installation of the main structural elements there are no special questions about the building, everything is done according to a well-tested, tested scheme, then the installation of a ceiling in a wooden house is enough difficult task. In the process of finishing the ceiling part, several issues have to be addressed at once. It's about about creating a durable and reliable ceiling, at the same time giving the ceilings the necessary aesthetic qualities. What to do in this case, and which ceiling should be used in wooden houses, we will understand in more detail.

The specifics and nuances of ceilings in a wooden residential building

A wooden house today is no longer a temporary building, used seasonally as a shelter or as a shelter. Most of the projects are capital structure, characterized by durability and reliability. You can already live in such houses all year round, and in terms of comfort, such housing is not inferior to stone buildings. Thanks to the features of construction wood, you can create the most fantastic projects of residential buildings, summer cottages and country houses, including the use of a variety of interior finishes.

If used standard project, there are no special difficulties with the installation of the ceiling structure. However, in some cases, the construction of housing is carried out on our own and we have to mount the ceiling in our wooden house on our own, with our own hands. Here it is important to choose the right type of ceiling and use those finishing materials that are best suited in this case. The chosen technology and the sequence of work determine what the ceiling will be in the house.

On a note: wooden buildings do not always allow the use of traditional finishing materials to work with the ceiling. To achieve the desired result, it is important to rely on the project documentation, without neglecting the calculated data. In the process of finishing the ceiling, to the detriment of the strength and reliability of the structure, you should not rely on beauty and aesthetics.

To avoid negative points in the future, it is necessary to have an idea about the design of ceilings designed for installation in wooden houses. To be precise, the ceiling part is a layered cake in which each layer plays a role. During installation, you have to perform the work step by step:

  • floor equipment;
  • arrangement of steam and waterproofing;
  • installation of a thermal insulation layer;
  • gasket required engineering communications(lighting, ventilation and communications);
  • interior decoration of the ceiling structure.

What are the finishing options?

The use of wood as the main structural material of a residential building imposes certain restrictions on the use of certain technologies. The main condition that should be followed in the process of work is that the ceiling in a wooden house must be lightweight design, which does not create additional load on the floors. Accordingly, certain finishing materials are taken for work.

The most appropriate in this case are the following options ceiling finishes:

  1. stretch ceilings, using a film;
  2. overhead plastic panels;
  3. MDF panels;
  4. timber cladding.

In each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific interior spaces and general level isolation of the internal space of the entire building. Each option is better or worse for a particular situation.

For instance: for residential premises it is not always correct to use stretch ceilings made of synthetic film. The lack of natural air exchange can cause the formation of stale and stale air inside the rooms. This option is suitable for the bathroom or kitchen.

Plastic panels in the tone of natural wood are perfect for finishing the ceiling part living rooms. This option is usually used when it is necessary to observe all the subtleties and nuances of the interior style. The ceiling in a wooden house using MDF panels is the simplest and most convenient way finishes. The only negative is that such a ceiling is very afraid of water. When working with MDF, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of waterproofing ceilings. For the installation of ceilings in a new building or during the reconstruction of old buildings, it is very convenient to use the finishing of the ceiling part natural wood. Often, wood-based finishing materials are used. It can be veneered panels, lining or laminate.

Important! You should not use such a favorite material as drywall for mounting ceilings in wooden buildings. Wooden buildings always shrink over time, which can naturally affect the quality of the ceiling, sewn up with plasterboard slabs.

Plastic panels should not be massively used for finishing ceilings throughout the house. The appearance of the interior in this case leaves much to be desired. In addition, plastic is combustible and is capable of releasing toxic components into the internal atmosphere when heated. It is not recommended to use artificial synthetic materials in wooden residential buildings. The main advantage of a wooden house is environmental friendliness, so everything in the house must meet this criterion.

Varieties of ceilings for wooden houses

Usually in practice, a variety of options are used for finishing ceilings. In most cases, consumers are trying to achieve maximum effect with minimal investment. The interior is the determining factor that must be taken into account when choosing one or another option for finishing the ceiling in a residential building.

Suspended and tension structures

If you are interested in how to make a ceiling in a wooden house, use the most common method. These are well-known to us, suspended or tension structures. We are all used to the fact that due to suspended ceilings or a stretched film, you can quickly decorate the ceiling inside the room. To create a frame, wood or another is usually used. lightweight material. Elements of the future coating are mounted on the already assembled structure, eventually creating a solid canvas. Fast, beautiful and convenient!

The only difference in both cases is the difference in the suspension part. For a suspended ceiling, you must first install a strong and reliable frame on the basis. Can be used beam structures or make an additional new, aluminum frame.

In the case of a stretch ceiling surface, a frame is used that is mounted only around the perimeter of the room. This option is very convenient for country houses, buildings that do not differ in the special strength of interfloor and attic floors.

For false ceilings, you can use natural wood, panels that imitate wooden details and elements. Here attention is drawn to the cost of materials.

On a note: natural wood (lining) is an order of magnitude more expensive than plastic panels finished in wood. Wood can be used in small spaces. Otherwise, the interior decoration of the house natural wood, including the ceiling, will be a costly undertaking.

From an environmental point of view, a tree looks preferable, but the cost ultimately plays a key role. The ceiling mainly plays an aesthetic role, so it is not advisable to invest heavily in its equipment.

Thanks to the installation of false ceilings, you can easily solve the problem of organizing lighting in the house. Electrical wiring and other communications perfectly fit into the free space, allowing the use of a wide variety of artificial lighting options. The stretched fabric or film provides a large closure area. Besides tension surface You can choose any color scheme, perfectly complementing the interior of the living space.

Important! Provided that the new wooden house usually shrinks, it is best to use stretch ceilings. The absence of a rigid frame will allow you to achieve maximum fabric tension. Suspended ceilings are perfect for old wooden houses, which can be reconstructed and repaired.

Due to suspended and tension structures, troublesome work on fine-tuning the main surface can be avoided. A false ceiling is able to hide all technological defects and unsightly places on the ceiling.

False ceilings and plastic panels

If it is not technologically possible to build a frame for suspended structures, you have to be content with little. Usually in summer cottages, in guest houses, where the strength of interfloor floors is limited, they are used.

In a small area, plastic panels or MDF boards look great. However, in this case it will be necessary preliminary work with main surface. In this situation, you can use two options for finishing the ceiling:

  • having closed beam ceilings sheets of plywood or MDF;
  • using interbeam space as an element of interior design.

The first option is convenient because it allows you to solve problems by equipping lighting zones in any configuration. The technical possibility of such ceilings for laying communication systems will not be superfluous. TV or telephone cable, the internet is perfectly hidden in free space. The second option significantly limits the possible solutions in such situations.

Usually used for summer cottages false ceiling. Using ready-made plastic panels, plywood or MDF sheets, you can quickly and reliably sew up the ceiling part. Almost any color options are possible here. Plastic panels can have a certain pattern, designed in the style of the entire room.

A significant disadvantage of this design is non-observance of geometric shapes. Wall irregularities in wooden buildings of this type, weak ceilings become an obstacle to the rapid implementation of the plan.


The finishing materials and technologies that exist today make it enough to make a choice of what it should be. Much depends on the type of building itself, how the technological parameters of the building meet the requirements and tasks. It is very convenient to use stretch ceilings for large buildings. The desired effect is achieved. Easy installation and great looks. Wooden suspended structures are considered a capital option. It is appropriate to talk about finishing wood ceilings in large, massive buildings, when the strength of the structure and financial costs are not worried.

In most cases, they are used combined options ceilings in wooden residential buildings. In large rooms it is better to use frame dropped ceilings or pay attention to hemmed version finishes. For small rooms, stretch ceilings and wood trim are actively used. When choosing materials and options for finishing the ceiling, one should not forget about environmental friendliness. It is important to achieve not only a beautiful aesthetic perception and strength of the ceiling structure, but also to obtain a functional ceiling that provides a good indoor climate.

After completion of outdoor work during construction country house, you need to start difficult, but necessary process- interior decoration. Typically, interior design begins with the question of how to finish the ceiling in a private house. The proposed article will help determine the choice of finishing material.

Finish options

There are many decent materials for finishing the ceiling in a private house. This is both traditional and modern materials to suit the most demanding taste.

The main options for finishing the ceiling in a private house:

  • whitewash;
  • staining;
  • gypsum skirting boards with stucco;
  • decorative plaster with skirting boards;
  • suspended structures;
  • lining made of wood;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • plasterboard constructions;
  • wallpaper.

Important role when choosing the type of ceilings in a private house, the need to level the rough coating plays a role. So, if you mount a suspended structure, then align rough surface not necessary. Communications and wiring will be closed by a suspended structure.

Any of the options for finishing the ceiling of a private house has its advantages and disadvantages. Which decoration method to choose depends on the height of the ceilings, interior style, budget, taste and preferences.

Let us consider in more detail some of the materials from which ceilings are made in a private house.


One of the easiest ways to decorate the ceiling space. Classic option the surface will turn white. But, this design is hardly suitable for a bedroom or living room.

Consider the color of the paint. So, dark tones visually reduce the height of the room. But painting with light paint, on the contrary, will make the room spacious.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use dark tones, then it is recommended to combine them with pastel colors on the walls. Can be used decorative coloring compositions with various effects.

Plaster, plaster or styrofoam

Easily mounted on the surface of the slab of expanded polystyrene, or gypsum panels and skirting boards with stucco. This coating is usually white, but after installation, the panel can be painted in any shade.

A good solution would be the design of the ceilings of a country house decorative plaster, which can be smooth, textured, with imitation of marble or patterned panels. But, finishing with decorative plaster requires special skills.

Suspended structures and stretch fabrics

Due to the peculiar design of the ceilings of a private house, you have to think about how to close the wiring, ventilation and various elements communications. For this purpose, a hanging drywall construction. Light fixtures can be mounted to the surface. This led strip or spotlights.

A correctly chosen suspended structure makes it possible to visually increase the space, use various design solutions.

You can combine suspended structures with stretch fabrics.


On the surface, you can stick decorative wallpaper in the form of stripes. You can stick wallpaper of the same color in the bedroom over your head. And for the rest of the ceiling, choose a material of a different color scheme.

To paste over the surface with wallpaper, pre-level the work surface. The coverage must be even. Photo wallpapers are suitable for a nursery.

You can add wallpaper decorative stickers, imitating a luminous starry sky, or beautiful plants.

Nuances in the design of the ceilings of a country house

When choosing what to make a ceiling in a private house from, you need to take into account the features of the rough surface of suburban buildings.

To sheathe the ceiling in a private house from the inside, you must perform the following additional work for rough coating:

  1. install thermal insulation;
  2. lay hydro and vapor barrier layers;
  3. you need to take care of the insulation, and find quality material. Used for insulation mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust and other materials.

After installing the necessary layers on the floors, proceed to the interior decoration.

What are the best ceilings?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide and decide which ceilings are best done in a private house. After all, a well-designed ceiling space should be not only beautiful, but warm and practical, with a long service life.

Problem ceiling finish exists where rooms are not heated in winter. If in such a private house the ceilings are finished with wood or drywall, then in a damp and unheated room the coating will soon become unusable and begin to collapse. Therefore, if the house is used only in summer, then it is best to close the ceiling in a private house with a suspended structure. Plastic and PVC panels, beam suspended structures are also suitable.

It is necessary to select a facing coating that can withstand temperature changes. You can sew up the ceiling of a private house with a stretch vinyl film. This coating does not deform sub-zero temperatures and withstand heat.

If Vacation home heated in the cold, and they live there all year round, then the best finish for will become a tree. Wooden ceiling covering, at proper care behind the surface, will last a long time. In addition, this finish is safe, environmentally friendly and durable.

You can sheathe the ceiling of a private house with drywall. This coating allows you to hide almost any defects. base surface. After installing drywall sheets, you can perform additional finishing. The surface can be painted, wallpapered, or decorated with plaster.

Low ceiling trim

Not always the ceilings of a country house are different great height. In many private buildings, the height of the ceilings is low. To visually increase the height, you need to seriously approach the question of how to finish a low ceiling in a private house.

  • when decorating the ceiling surface, choose only light colors;
  • you can use a glossy finish if a stretch fabric is mounted;
  • when mounting lamps in the coating, it is better to abandon bulky lighting fixtures with hanging mount. Such lamps visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and take away the already low height of the ceilings;
  • in the bedroom, to visually increase the height of the room, you can make a coating that differs in color from the entire ceiling.

Furniture is of great importance for rooms with low ceilings. So, if the ceiling decoration is done correctly, but the furniture is high and massive, then there will be no effect that increases the height.

How to finish a wooden ceiling?

To decide on the choice of finishing materials for the ceiling of a private house made of wood, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling device:

  • the floors of a wooden house are lightweight, and are made with the help of beams;
  • between the beams there is a space that is filled with insulating material. The warmed space is closed by finishing;
  • a wooden house shrinks, which affects the ceiling covering.

Finishing a wooden ceiling in a private house is best done with wood materials. Natural material is combined with any style of a country house, will maintain an optimal level of temperature and humidity.

Important: when choosing a tree for finishing ceilings, it is necessary to periodically process the coating by special means protecting from moisture.

If you mount a wooden ceiling for the bathroom and kitchen, then there is a possibility of mold. In rooms with high humidity, it is better to refuse to decorate the ceilings with wood. For the bathrooms of a wooden house, a stretch coating is suitable.

wood flooring

Lining made of wood is considered the most common type of cladding, due to the following properties:

  1. good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  2. the ability to close defects in the ceiling;
  3. no surface preparation required;
  4. long service life, if you properly care for the ceiling. It is necessary to periodically impregnate the material with a special composition;
  5. fast installation;
  6. suitable for any design solutions interior.

The disadvantages of lining include the possibility of deformation during sudden temperature changes and flammability.

Usually, lining made of pine, linden and oak, larch is used for ceilings.

Plasterboard finish

Finishing plasterboard for the ceiling of a wooden house has such advantages as:

  1. well passes air, excluding the appearance of condensate on the surface;
  2. the ability to hide defects, and close the wiring with communications.

By cons drywall coating refers to the impossibility of fastening directly to a wooden ceiling. You need to pre-assemble the frame. After installation, additional work will be required. The surface is puttied and painted. You can cover the surface with wallpaper.


When choosing the material and method of fixing the ceiling for a private house, you need to take into account the height of the room, the presence of irregularities and surface defects. Lighting plays an important role, which also affects visual magnification or decrease the height of the room.

When choosing a ceiling finish, you need to adhere to moderation in color solution. Top part the premises should be combined with the general style of a country house. Ceilings should become a real interior decoration of a private house.

New trends in the design of ceilings in a private house

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