
The magical calendar will take on every month. Magic accurate calendar. Days of Power are days of increased energy

On certain days, love magic is strong or protection rites are especially effective.
There are days in every month when the magical effect is especially strong. You can perform a ritual to improve health, use recipes for love magic, cleanse the house of negative energies and plan new things.

On January 1, they guess the future, fumigate the house with juniper. The smoke of this magical plant removes misfortune and illness, brings good luck and prosperity.
December 21 - January 5 - Christmas time. During this period, it is good to guess, be treated, plan important things, meditate, develop abilities. You can get advice and help from your ancestors. To do this, they go to the forest, kindle a fire, invite their ancestors to it and ask exciting questions. In two or three days, the answer will come in some form, you just need to carefully follow the signs. If the forest is far away, then the ritual can be performed at home with a lit candle.
January 18 - on Epiphany Christmas Eve they practice protection magic. They put crosses with chalk on the walls, doors, windows. On January 19, after midnight, they take Epiphany water from wells, springs and sprinkle the whole house, property and family members.
On January 29, magicians advise to change something drastically in your life. Prayers and any other magic work well on this day.
February 15 - Candlemas, the first meeting of winter with spring. On this day, you need to go around the house from the front door with a candle, sprinkle the rooms with spring water, wipe the floors and mirrors with this water. Fumigate the house with juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, pine resin - expel winter negative energy from the house. Sretenskaya water is considered a healing remedy for the evil eye. She is sprinkled with diseases of both humans and animals.
February 24 - they carry a twig from the place of power into the house, and also read conspiracies to increase wealth, good luck in trade. On this day, any rituals of money magic are effective.

On March 1, you need to clean the house with a candle and spring water. Fumigate the dwelling with juniper, wormwood or St. John's wort. This day is favorable for practicing tribal magic. They conduct magical rituals to solve various problems, call on the help of ancestors. The first day of spring is one of the most powerful magical days.
On March 2, 24, rituals are performed to attract money.
March 21-25 - Krasnaya Gorka. You can guess, ask - higher powers are ready to answer your questions. This period is a great start for any business and magical manipulations.
Palm Week and Palm Sunday (the week before Easter) falls in the spring. During the flowering of the willow, approach it, ask for health. It is believed that by eating the buds of this tree, a woman will be able to get rid of infertility. Willow branches can be boiled and take a bath in this broth.
April 7 - Annunciation. On this day, salt is burned in a frying pan with a prayer, then this salt is added to food from various diseases. You can light a fire and jump over it (to cleanse the energy). In spring water, it is good to wash jewelry, talismans, runes.
April 22-23 - perform the rites of love magic.
May 1 is a special magical day. The night of May 1 is called Walpurgis Night and rampant evil spirits. Herbalists collect medicinal plants that have a special healing power on this night, and healers go for dew before sunrise. During the day they bathe in rivers, lakes, thereby purifying themselves with cold water from negative energy and diseases. On this day, they don’t give anything to anyone - no money, no matches, etc., so as not to invite trouble into the house.
On May 6, it is useful to wash yourself with rainwater during a thunderstorm (to wash off the pathology). In the morning, before sunrise, they bathe in ponds. Morning water is carried home and gold and silver are thrown into it so that there is prosperity in the house. On this day in the evening it is good to sit by the fire, gain strength from the energy of fire. It's good to eat by the fire. They wash themselves with morning dew - it is useful from the evil eye and various ailments for both people and animals.
May 8 is a strong magical day. At night, you can make a prophetic dream and get an answer to a question that requires a quick solution.
On May 14, nothing is loaned to anyone; trade is also undesirable. At night they burn all the rubbish accumulated over the winter.
But May 15 is a successful trading day. Merchants try to sell something profitably in order to work profitably all year round, and they also talk about a trading place.

June 19-24 - Green Christmas time. These days they tell fortunes and tell fortunes. In magical rituals, they turn to the forces of nature.
June 21-24 are very strong magical days, when the connection with the other world is strengthened. At this time, you can adjust your destiny for the better. The herbs harvested during this period are the strongest, so herbalists will never miss this time. Amulets and amulets are made from herbs.
July 6 - Agrafena-bathing. Brooms are harvested on Agrafena from different trees (birch, viburnum, linden, currant, mountain ash, aspen, etc.). On this day, it is useful to wash and bathe in a bath with herbal decoctions and fresh herbal brooms. Herbs can be spoken for health, luck, profit, marriage, etc.
July 12 - the feast of Yaril (the day of Saints Peter and Paul). The herbs of this day activate the sexual energies. Dial a bouquet of herbs and hang over the bed. Speak it to the love of a spouse (wife) or to get rid of loneliness. You can prepare a decoction of herbs and take a bath in it. While taking a bath, simulate the desired situation. On this day, love magic is actively practiced. In addition, they bathe in dew for health and beauty.
On July 20, it is advisable to sit under an oak tree, gain strength and health. From this day on, you can harvest oak brooms. On this day, you need to raise the energy of a warrior, a winner, a master of the situation.
August 14 - Honey Spas. From this day and for another three weeks, honey is eaten daily.

On September 14, they meditate on fire, take stock and plan new things.
October 14 - on the Intercession of the Virgin, they wash, clean, put things in order in the house, and the girls ask for suitors.
November 21 - Michaelmas Day. On this day, you can see prophetic dreams, you may come to an understanding of a situation that needs to be resolved.
December 7, 13 - on the days of St. Catherine and Andrew the First-Called - they are guessing at love.

According to Astrolog.zp.ua

24 twenty-fourth lunar day.
25 twenty-fifth lunar day.
26 twenty-sixth lunar day.
27 twenty-seventh lunar day.
28 twenty-eighth lunar day.
29 twenty-ninth lunar day.
30th thirtieth lunar day.

Author's work by Prakik ODA (website) Niman. From the author: Looking at the generalized calendar, I realized that there was nothing for a dark practitioner to catch there, and potmou collected his observations and notes. The result is THIS. I partly did it for myself, because such a calendar is not always at hand. I think other sorcerers will also benefit from my observations and notes.
There is something to add - comments are open.

SYMBOL- A lamp, Lampada, light, “the third eye, the altar of Hecate, Pallas Athena, emerging in full armor from the head of Zeus.

For the dark sorcerer, this is the day dedicated to the world of the dead according to European mythology, this is Hekate for the Slavs Marra for the Sumerian Ereshkigal. Because the day is not so bright. When doing nasty things to your neighbor, you cannot doubt their correctness and necessity, otherwise you can get hit on the ears.

To do this.
Challenges, appeals, conspiracies of treatment and hatred, Creation of pantacles and talismans, formation of practical mental images (mental plan).
The day of the creation of amulets, pantacles, the lapel of an evil person, the removal of spells, curses. Day of the Element of Fire: work with a candle, fire. Working with images and thought forms. Purification of the etheric body. Work with Svadhisthana, meditation on Muladhara. Rites with elements of the earth - metals, salts, stones (for a glass of water, a handful of earth or grass), as well as animals (for a bird's feather, wool) and a person.

What is best NOT to do. Group practices, haircuts, new beginnings.

SYMBOL- Mouth, mouth, cornucopia, grasping mouth

The day, by and large, is not fish, not meat, basically imprisoned for work with financial enrichment. You can ruin someone who behaved badly, or you can make someone a dough for good behavior Considering that the day doesn’t particularly shine for me in terms of wickedness or virtue. you can also grow a Horn in someone’s forehead ;-) everything grows well just on the growing moon, and no one forbade doing nasty things today.
For the first time I hear “Manifestation of witchcraft energy” for some reason.

To do this.
Spells of hatred / malice, treasure hunting, pantacles of wealth and trade
The day of magical initiations, the time of rampant "black" magicians and the manifestation of demonic forces in cemeteries, failures, in places where demons live. The manifestation of witchcraft energy: male - until 2 am, female - until 5 am. Closing the "black" energy of the former cemeteries. Use of planar concentrations, mandalas, yantras. Rites for getting rid of illness, damage, evil eye. Getting started with information channels.

What is better NOT to do.
Don't be greedy. Grow a horn like this at two meters. Give dough so as not to carry everything in full ...
Full description of the second 2 lunar day

SYMBOL- Tree of knowledge of good and evil (equilibrium day)

The day is quite interesting. Remember how they drew the tree of knowledge (normal)? black and white image of a tree. White and black are the same from above and below as a mirror image of the negative. The tree goes to the ground as well as to the sky. This is the day of self-understanding. Acceptance of both the dark side and the light side. Yes, I did not make a reservation, the dark sorcerer must know his bright side, so to speak, be familiar with it in person. If you do not have a light or dark side, then you are a mutant :-) It is worth mentioning that this is the day of connection with the clan (ancestors) both already deceased and possibly with future heirs. This connection can be directed to something good, or you can ask the dead to break off someone's head.

To do this.
Conspiracies, practices of malice and hatred, as well as treatment.

SYMBOL- Unicorn.

The unicorn is a mythical beast attacking in the forehead with its mega horn. Well, on this magical day, the dark sorcerer does not have to be the same sheep trying to demolish the gate with his forehead. The gate can be generally drawn on a stone wall - open your eyes. But when I looked around. It is necessary to beat according to the full program, so to speak, from a running start with all the mass. It is also a day of heroic courage up to self-sacrifice, regardless of your suit. But despite all his predisposition to something grandiose, it is better to manifest it on the physical level, and not in magic.

To do this.
Spell and work on travel and roads. Practices to the detriment or in favor of friendship. The day promotes the development of talents. Collection of herbs. Give anyone in the face.

SYMBOL- Clouds, crane, Sacred bird Ivik.

A cloud in your pants, no one knows if it's there or not. Most say on this day - sit silent, do not grumble and do not be indignant. And I say, do not be indignant, sit in a corner and sharpen your knife in silence. What to prank? in the evening, through a knife, we will make an appeal to the “axe of war” so that we can cut the heads. But there is no need to grumble, we do everything silently, following the folk wisdom "Be afraid of the dog that bites, and not the one that barks."

To do this
Spell and pantacles for war and hostilities. Harvest damage. Divination, Searches.

SYMBOL- Wand, rooster, wind rose

Interesting day. The rooster is a fighting bird and the truth brought on this day can push it with another rooster while they figure it out - we eat popcorn and cast luck on the team whose win is more profitable for us. On this day of intrigue in which you should not lie and you need to think with your head. By the way, you can provoke people who do not know - to lie, most likely then you can use it. We ourselves do not lie, and we do not yell. We speak slowly thoughtfully and not loudly. Words carry good weight today and can change fate.

To do this

Seeking patronage and mercy of the great. Make enmity. Give or take away luck. Travel practices.

What is better NOT to do.
Raise your voice (both in life and in practice). Lie (even in small things it is better to remain silent, or change the subject.).

SYMBOL-Phoenix, Treasure chest, fire, Peacocks bringing misfortune, the color of the day is red-black (of a fading flame)

A dangerous day, you can burn like a phoenix on it and not rise again, first of all, this concerns the inner world of the practitioner and his self-understanding. It’s good to delve into oneself in order to shed the excess and be reborn like a mystical bird from the agony of one’s own Self.
I see in the general calendar they call for repentance. This is a path for the weak in spirit, one must be PROUD of one's sins and deeds. Even if you made a mistake, it must be corrected, BUT do not repent.
The day is also associated with prisoners, not only those behind bars, but also prisoners of spirit or conscience. You can practice both to help such people, and to turn into such prisoners.

To do this.
Treatment is gastrointestinal tract cleansing. Brew potions (Alchemy) Make pantacles of love, friendship and hatred. Practices associated with prisoners - imprisonment / release of someone.


As in all black / satanic days, all sorts of nasty things are allowed, how rich your fantasy is. Curses, spoilage, whispers, ripeness, dope, and so on, so on, so on... The first satanic day of the lunar calendar is characterized by Challenges and any form of contact with the forces of the so-called Evil Today, it willingly makes contact. The bat is the messenger of the Dark Forces; its wings cover the night sky this night.

To do this.
Challenges. Contacts with evil. Any work for harm, damage, dope, slavery and curses. On this day, in addition to the imposition of generic curses, their removal is also possible. And another nuance today, the cleaning of the House will go well.

SYMBOL - Water source fountain associated with human energy

Having messed up the previous day, it's time to clean yourself, you can help others. Giving help to someone on this day will turn into goodies for you in the future. The symbol of the day is the fountain as a source and as a cleansing water. Water tends to change and wash away, therefore, on this day, if you wish, you can “wash away” unwanted people from your path. This day can bring useful information or warn against something, be attentive to what is happening around (signs).

To do this.
See signs. Compilation of pantacles for love. Removal of family curses. Strengthening structures. Magic for the well-being of someone. And a little dark practice to eliminate enemies from your path (magic of situations).

SYMBOL- Fiery sword, crown, spine.
The inner symbol is the Labyrinth where a person must defeat the minotaur in himself.


you need to understand that the fight with the minotaur is a showdown with yourself and the fact that you are pulled back, prevents you from developing. The labyrinth is our cockroaches and other brain ailments. The day is about modifications of your self. Just smoke on the meanings of the day and apply them to yourself. With regards to practice, I would not dare to particularly blacken today; it is better to play in time with the surrounding energy, therefore it is better to enhance the natural probabilities of events. Masha loves Pasha, well, we’ll finish it so that Pasha can’t be saved from her day or night, and love was to the point of madness. It will be good to have an attentive day energetically strong, because consider that your practices are especially strong today, and if you screw up, you will rake accordingly.

To do this.
Conspiracy. For the escape of prisoners. Compilation of pantacles for trade. Siege of fortifications. Energy cleansing. Kundalini energy.

SYMBOL-Bowl. Heart. Holy Grail

Today is the day when the surrounding reality seems to be listening to this world, because prayers and spells on this day go especially well if they fall in time. Tact today is not good for a black magician, treatment and all good. But there is a way out on a cosmic or planetary scale. Here you can cheat, for example, if the day of the week is Saturday, which is patronized by Saturn ;-) well, you understand me ...
By the way - the best day for marriage (the highest love).

To do this.
Working with the energies of the cosmos. Charm of the Harvest. Wealth practices. Treatment.

SYMBOL-Wheel with swastika inside. Sun symbol.

Frankly, despite the fact that the thirteenth day is another no day. Teamwork shown. ceremonial magic. “Stand up, children, stand in a circle!” A day associated with cyclicity and repetitive moments, today they play on this. Although nothing of the kind has been shown today for action, no one has yet interfered with spitting through a ring in the back, mono spoiling but on trifles, preferably using circles or some kind of cyclicity.

To do this.
Pentacles and magic for successful trading, and good yields. Magical help in the release of prisoners. Obtaining the patronage of higher-ranking persons.


Ancestral Day. Practices related to the dead and the Family, you can also delve into yourself. It is not recommended to get into the voiced topics. Chat with your ancestors, go visit the graves of your grandfathers. You can hit hard today, gather the restless in the churchyard in the evening and send them to those who are bored with life. In short, you can do anything but keeping within the framework of the Sort or necromancy.

To do this.
Practitioner of the Sort and the dead. Watch the signs and the underworld. Work with the graveyard. Calls of the dead or Ancestral Spirit. Fortune telling on remains or bones.

SYMBOL- Serpent

Corruption and perversion. The day when people easily fall into fornication, betrayal and other vulgarities and squabbles on sexual grounds. Nature rages on the eve of the full moon, and all their inner snakes crawl out of people, in the form of hidden desires. It’s a sin not to use it and not to suggest what they need to do, you can use words, or you can magically bring it to the desired condition or idea.

To do this.
All dark witchcraft, as in all black days (damage, curses, contacts with the dark side). Especially the day is good for causing lust, rabies of the uterus, corruption and seduction both physically and spiritually.
Getting rid of enemies in favor of your friends.

SYMBOL- Psyche (girl with butterfly wings), dove. The day is balanced.

Psyche is not an unambiguous character, like day. The full moon has a strong influence on everything around and many people walk on thin ice over the failure into the abyss of anger and hatred. Many things are easy to set in motion with just a little push or provocation. On the balance day, which is the 16th day from the light side of the purification of the spiritual and physical, and from the dark side it is a transition as a change in one's life towards work on the forces of destruction (evil). Our job in this area is to successfully provoke or toss an idea. In extreme cases, you can push by adding irritability and malice to a person at least for this day, sometimes this is enough to change his life forever. Full moon you know such a thing. . Due to the full influence of the moon, practices with necro themes also work well.

To do this.
Unbreakable practices, calling and working with the dead, practices in churchyards and cemeteries, divination on remains and bones, and others related to the world of the dead.
Everything related to fidelity in marriage, friendship, service in terms of improvement. group rituals. Conspiracies of hate. Cleaning items. Consecration of the witch's mirror.

What is better NOT to do.
Practices to destroy fidelity, intimacy, or friendship are not recommended.

SYMBOL-Bell. Nabat. Bunch of grapes.

day in general is a good day of fertility and interaction of one with another, this also applies to relationships with people. The dark sorcerer will not be able to roam that day, but it’s not good to sit idle either. Engage in the compilation of curses or prayers, the day is full of creative energy. Well, if you are too lazy to sit behind papers, then taking into account the special love mood of the day, take care of love spells, bewitch your neighbor to his dog ... platonically ... it will be in laughter) For whom does the bell toll? if you have something in mind, then think GLOBALLY. And one more thing - do not relax the rolls, this is not a good day for the dark
Good day for marriage.

To do this.
Strengthening structures.
Creating pantacles for good luck and happiness, for friendship and good luck in travel. Fertility and love.

SYMBOL- Mirror. Ice. Monkey.

We keep the icy calm by wearing a clown mask, today it’s good to play and fool around. And as a result, fool others. It is good to set traps for gullible little people provoking them to stupidity. It is possible to whisper in your ear or start spinning some kind of adventure. Thanks to the illusory nature of the day, even small problems can seem simply gigantic, so arranging quarrels in and causing discord in families is also not a bad option. What he gave to the mirror was what he received, in this regard it is convenient to set the appropriate types of protection.

To do this.
Day of protection from enemies. Make and send illusions. Send strife and quarrels.

What is better NOT to do.

You can't work with a mirror.

SYMBOL- Spider

Poisonous satanic dope day. We check our networks, which we should have started to weave yesterday, today whoever gets caught in those networks should become a victim. The world of illusions today is turning into a world of intoxicating dope. Those who were fooled yesterday will become an obedient cow today. It is convenient to work with smoke sending dope. It is good to send confusion today. The day is successful for influencing other people's opinions, both in the usual ways and through witchcraft.
Aggressive protection is well hung on the house today

To do this.
All crap. Build bases and traps. Good house cleaning. Prepare poisons.

What is best NOT to do
It is impossible to work with the dead, churchyards and the world of the dead in general. The ghouls today have some kind of their own mover, therefore they are not very happy with the guests, and in general they are not in the mood to communicate, they can be extremely aggressive.

SYMBOL- Vulture eagle.

I read the general lunnik. The eagle is a symbol of the ascension of a feat, etc. The eagle is yes, but nothing like a Vulture eagle, which is like a scavenger ;-) Although it is worth noting that there are not so many birds in the moon. "that easy day that can be done easily, so to speak, with a light hand to give sciatica or internal decay ... On this day, you can heal, you can spoil, it's good to try out new practices. In this lunnik, you should look at yourself and the situation from the outside, as if looking back on the back what has been done what needs to be done and how are your affairs and plans at the moment.

To do this.
To call and send hatred and destruction. Treatment of diseases is better by withdrawal.

SYMBOL- Horse. Herd. Chariot.

An unstoppable herd of horses can demolish all obstacles and pass through the gap thanks to the unstoppable power contained in it. You need to understand that managing such flows is fraught, therefore you need to get hooked on the wave in time. There is no need to waste your strength, there are forces of the day which, it should be noted, are rather blind. You don't have to control, you just need to direct, so to speak, push the stone to cause a collapse. With a small spoilage of a well-chosen one, you can knock down even a major enemy for many years. This day must be felt...

To do this.
Exit to other worlds. Seeking patronage to achieve goals. Change the lives of mortals (people).

SYMBOL- Scroll. Book. Golden Key.

Have a quiet day, take care of paperwork, make a new defacement, redo the jet, analyze the work done, etc. Who has a crystal ball, you can smoke and poke into it) who doesn’t, grab the cards or whatever, guess today is a good day. Today, it is best to do practices of a ritual nature, not interacting directly with the victim.

To do this.
Make enmity. Divination. Watch receive signs. Treat.

SYMBOL- Macarra crocodile. Cerberus. Chimera.

Specifications. Have you seen a crocodile? you look at what is alive, what is at the picture and you understand that the brain is not provided for in this design. Well, the day is not much different. This is a power aggressive day. Works for breaking through defenses, for destruction and violence.

To do this.
Muck, as always, to arrange heat for the little people on the waning moon. BUT you can heal the sick or strengthen friendships.


As on other days, we look at the symbol and ponder what it means. Do you know that a bear sometimes hunts hunters, bypassing them from behind along the trajectory of the eight? Well, today is the time to kick those who tried to annoy us this month. In addition, the bear has always been considered the master of the forest and was revered not only in Russia. The day is suitable not only for nasty things, but also for raising one's witchcraft status, practices for self-development.

To do this.
Revenge of insults. Changing your life. Spells of hate. Pentacles for troops and military. Practices for creating love or hate.

SYMBOL- Urn. Turtle. Sink. Two vessels with living and dead water.

A calm, unhurried day. Suitable for necromancy and any graveyard related magic favored by the urn symbol. A day of good communication with the other worlds, therefore you can order and watch prophetic dreams. On this day, you can work both for good and for evil, but do not trifle.

To do this.
Calling the dead and practicing with the dead. Order prophetic dreams. Magic for successful trading and travel.

SYMBOL- Toad, Swamp.

For those who are not in the know. The toad is a Predator, and can attack prey almost its own size. Eats alive almost without chewing, practically swallows alive. An evil sorcerer may act in a similar way on this day, building traps for complete destruction and getting into deadly situations. You can work on large opponents. 0pay attention to the second symbol of the swamp. This tells us that it is possible to build traps and long-playing practices that will act and catch in their traps day after day. This can be the creation of evil masks, you can curse or conjure the area so that those passing by leave part of their forces there, and so on ... as always, turn on your fantasy.

To do this.

We curse and pull into the abyss of madness and routine. Well, as always, we do all sorts of nasty things.
Particularly well are practices associated with soft punching blows, the strength of which is in monotonous pressure or repetition.

SYMBOL- Trident. Wand.

Wizard Day! Whoever did not conjure that day - that sucker)) I'm joking) today you can conjure everything) well, that's all! if you want to treat, if you want to spoil) you can do everything and a lot .. BUT the more the quality usually suffers. It is better to pick up something YOURS and check.

To do this.

Any kind of magic.

SYMBOL- Hydra. Octopus

The similarity of Hydra and Octopus in terms of this lunar day is that they have many tentacles. The day is the culmination of the black lunar month. Today, the number of evil practices increases their quality, start with nasty wishes, continue in whispers, and by the evening you will get to curses. By the way, by the way! today you can meditate on your own I AM what a terrible and terrible you are! how wonderfully you conjured this lunar month!

To do this.
As always - all sorts of nasty things. Removal of curses and corruption. To instill fear and confusion in people.

SYMBOL- Golden swan. The day is balanced.

Some calendars skip this lunar day, often the day is very short. If you have time to take care of housing, preparing it for the new lunar month, so to speak, clean up the territory for a new cycle. A balance day, you can do everything but a little bit. In general, I didn’t count much on this day. plan so perishing on the first lunar.

To do this.
House cleaning. Heart treatment.

  • Next >

Essential for every mage. The use of the lunar calendar is an ancient tradition. It is used not only in magic, but also in many religious systems. With its help, you can choose the right tactics of behavior and types of magical work, coordinate internal rhythms with the dictates of the moon. The first lunar day is counted from the new moon.

Symbols: “third eye, lamp.

Stones: quartz, rock crystal, diamond.

Part of the body: frontal part of the head.

Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.

This is a day of work with mental energies and mental images. As a rule, no business can be started on this day: they can only be planned. It is possible to create thought forms and thought images, which will subsequently be embodied. On the first lunar day, you can’t think about the bad: the bad will be embodied as fully as the good. A very clean day. It is not recommended to communicate a lot, work as part of a group.

Second lunar day.

Symbols: mouth, cornucopia.

Stones: agate, chalcedony.

Part of the body: temporal part of the head.

Symbolically associated with the following degrees of Aries.

Take this day to take care of your own health. It is favorable for cleansing the physical body. The beginning of the cycle of combustion of the solid, that is, its renewal. Overloads - both intellectual and emotional - are contraindicated on the second lunar day. This day is associated with the complete separation of the astral body from the physical body, especially in children. Try to see yourself from the outside. Perhaps you will feel some physical effect on your astral body. It is possible for the astral body to thicken, it can acquire not only a shape, but also a color. Aggression, anger are categorically contraindicated.

Symbols: leopard, leopard

Stones: aventurine, ruby

Part of the body: occipital part of the head

Day of transition from Aries to Taurus.

Day of the astral warrior-mage. Associated with the manifestation of aggression, struggle, the instinct of self-preservation. On this day, you should concentrate the energy of the astral for self-defense. The most favorable day for practicing martial arts. On such a day, astral warriors and magicians are born. Take care of your own safety and security. It is possible that on the third lunar day you will feel defenseless, vulnerable. Don't trust this feeling.

Symbol: tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Stones: sardonyx, jade, agate

Body part: larynx, pharynx

Associated with the sign of Taurus.

On this day, it is recommended to focus on subtle vibrations and work with them. The best practice on this day is to chant or recite mantras, especially the AUM mantra. It is recommended to maintain blood relations, study traditions, and accumulate information from the field of history and culture. The fourth lunar day is dual, it has both positive and negative features. Contacts, acquaintances, work in a group are contraindicated. Any physical activity on this day may seem exorbitant. Chronically ill patients may feel especially ill. On this day, the magician is able to comprehend the secret of the separation of cosmic good and evil, which every person carries within himself. Do not forget that another symbol of the fourth lunar day is the Adam's apple - the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, stuck in the throat of the first man.

Symbol: lamp oil

Stones: chalcedony, amber, turquoise

Body part: esophagus

Associated with the transition from Taurus to Gemini.

Symbolizes the beginning of the assimilation and transformation of food. On this day, you can not refuse food: your physical body will be able to harmoniously use it. The only day when food is assimilated in its entirety, without residue, and completely converted into the energy of the astral body. No wonder the symbol of the day has become oil for the lamp: on this day, you need to make energy reserves for the whole lunar month, and especially to compensate for the lack of trace elements that affect the astral body. It is recommended to eat "live food". Fasting on this day is prohibited. On the fifth lunar day, the magician can learn to transform physical food into astral energy.

Symbol: crane

Stones: citrine

Part of the body: trachea, bronchi

Associated with Pisces.

One of the most dangerous lunar days, the Day of Satan, the day of the incarnation of Lucifer. This is the day when darkness gathers over people. Astral fog and dreams will be deceptive and false. On this day, the magician should not do anything except ordinary everyday and household chores. You should observe fasting, adhere to the rule of abstinence in everything. On the sixth lunar day, the process of transformation of cosmic energy takes place. Humility and repentance are essential in the highest degree.

Symbols: scepter, wand

Stones: heliotrope, sapphire

Parts of the body: pineal gland (an organ located in the brain)

Associated with Gemini and Pisces. It doesn't happen every moon.

This is the day of summing up. Day of verbal magic and prayers? making sacrifices. On this day, you need to get rid of debts and discard everything unnecessary. You need to learn to speak, freeing yourself from tongue-tied tongue. Often on this day the magician manages to comprehend; that there is an equal amount of good and evil. You can test new spells. Day of transition to the next, more perfect circle of knowledge.

Symbol: Phoenix bird

Stones: chrysolite, olivine

Body part: stomach

Associated with the transition from Gemini to Cancer.

This is the day of transmutations - the transformation of ordinary metals into noble ones. If we understand this allegorically, then the eighth lunar day is able to transform ordinary everyday feelings and emotions into the most complex thought forms and Thought forms. People born on this day have already gone through the whole circle of incarnations. On this day, the magician at his work will directly feel the influence of the astral. Practice with a magic mirror will be effective.

Symbol: bat

Stones: alexandrite, black pearl

Body part: chest

Associated with Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions.

On this day, poisoning with seemingly completely harmless products is possible. The magician should work on the secrets of dreams, because on the ninth lunar day, wakefulness will not bring him tangible benefits. "Controlled dream", "dream reality" today will no longer be just words. Attention should be paid to the visions that can visit the magician in a state of pre-sleep.

Symbol: crossroads

Stones: beryl

Body part: rectum, anus

Associated with Aquarius. Day of the unsteady moon, one of the Days of Satan.

Alcohol is not allowed on this day. Animal food should be completely excluded from the magician's diet - on the tenth lunar day it has all the properties of carrion. Magical actions performed on this day can bring unexpected, and sometimes directly opposite to the desired result. The moon on the tenth lunar day will demonstrate all its possibilities, creating very believable illusions, especially after midnight.

Daily horoscope by zodiac sign

Day calculation. General characteristics and advice. Daily horoscope by zodiac sign.

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January 12— a day of divination on Lenormand cards and runes, drawing up individual horoscopes for a year.

13th of January- one of the best days to carry out love spells, love spells and rituals for creating a family.

January 14- Old New Year, the day of the growing moon, the day to attract the betrothed into your life and rituals for love magic. I propose such a ritual to attract love.

January 15-16- the days of making "hide and seek" for love, searching for a betrothed, attracting a man and finding happiness. "Pryatanki" are sacred gizmos that speak in a certain way for each person in their own way. "Pryatanki" are very powerful, if you speak correctly and at a certain time. Don't waste your time - call me to change your destiny with the help of a hide-and-seek specially for you!

January 17-18- the most accurate tarot and playing cards divination. Guessing for the future, for the betrothed and for the family.

January 19- Baptism or Water Blessing, one of the most powerful days of the year. Today and in the next 3 days, rituals are being performed to remove the "centuries", the "seal of loneliness", the evil eye, the removal of damage and birth curses. But people can't do anything on their own! Only order work from the masters. Otherwise, you can seal the negative on yourself and on your kind!

On Baptism, it is imperative to draw water in the hole and wash it at home with the words of the prayer “Our Father”.

The 25th of January - Tatyana's Day, the day of rituals for achieving success and acquiring wealth, is also the day of the Mother of God "Mamming", when they pray for children, for the long-awaited conception and safe birth.

January 30—31 — Magically powerful days, days for inducing and removing damage, the evil eye and enhancing female attractiveness and energy.


February is a good month when there are no retrograde planets! All undertakings in business and love are good and favorable!

February 3rd - a strong magical day, you can’t work on your own. A day of powerful love spells, removing negativity. As well as divination on wax and work with red candles. The best day of the month for energy cleansing and removal of karmic working off and removal of generic curses.

February 6- the day of Xenia of Petersburg, the best day for exhibiting energy protection, prayers for recovery, work to remove the evil eye with wax.

11 February- Veles day, the day of rampant powerful earthly energy, when you can perform rituals for wealth, attracting money and achieving goals, eliminating ill-wishers, rituals for strengthening the family, destroying love troubles from a mistress perfectly fit. The best day to enhance female energy and reveal sexuality.

The 14th of February- Valentine's Day, a day for love magic and rituals to strengthen the family, search for an ideal partner, return of feelings and faded love.

February, 15- Meeting of the Lord, it is also called a "meeting". Meeting everything new in life. You can radically change your life and change your destiny. Divination for love and the future.

February 18-24- Solid week, no church celebrations. A week of work on gray, black magic, this is facilitated by the waning moon and magically strong days. Working with blood, raw meat, all kinds of love magic and business and money magic. Do not miss this time for strong magical work!

25 February- the best day to remove negativity, remove the seal of loneliness and the evil eye. A day when they work with candles and prayers. Any business started on that day will be successful.


Maslenitsa in March is the most fertile time for love rituals!

2nd of March- the day of commemoration of the dead, work on the removal of karmic working off, ancestral curses, the elimination of linings, the removal and induction of damage. But you can't work on your own!

March 4-10- Maslenitsa! Rampant joy and fun. Days of finding happiness, harmony and peace in the family. All rites of love magic, harmony, gaining feminine strength and attractiveness. Days of work with red candles and stones of red and pink color.

10th of March- Forgiveness Sunday. Independent magical work is prohibited! Day of subtle matters and precise rituals of experienced craftsmen. Any inaccurate and offensive word can attract negativity. All types of protection against damage, evil eye, negativity on a person lie very firmly.

March 17- the day of the birth of spring, the first birds arrive. On that day earlier, they baked cookies in the form of birds, made wishes and hung them on trees. It is very good to conduct viewings and fortune-telling for the future, clean your house from the evil eye, perform rituals to find peace in your home, eliminate quarrels and omissions between spouses. If you are on the road or traveling, then be sure to go to a park or forest where there are trees and just stand next to them, fill yourself with the strength and stamina of a tree.

20th of March- the day of the Spring Equinox, the time when Day and Night, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness converge. In the next three days, you can work on all types of magic, mysticism and power are literally in the air! Days of work with fire and candles. The best days for divination on the cards.

March 27- the day of transformation and rethinking, the day of prophecies and horoscopes. Now we need to think and plan, but not to act. You can't borrow or lend.

March 30- a day for light love magic, building up female energy and enhancing sexuality.


A month of strength and knowledge acquisition!

April 2- the day of the power of water and the water element, work to remove negativity and curses. The day is suitable for visiting relatives and friends.

April 6- the day of commemoration of the dead, the day of prayers and humility. Work only for experienced magicians. Card reading.

April 7— Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the day of kindness and forgiveness. They consecrate their house with red candles, reading prayers. One of the best days of the month to work on the magic of love and strengthen marriage.

April 10th- rituals for women only. Divination for the future, drawing up natal charts. Work to gain wealth and a better share.

April 16- rituals for gaining vitality, rejuvenation. Work with dreams and visions.

20 April- days of divination for the betrothed, the discovery of the secrets of the future. It is good to conduct rituals for marriage, love spells. On this day, you can not do household chores, so as not to remove happiness from home.

April 21- Palm Sunday, a bright and joyful day. Magical work is carried out only by experienced masters. Work to put up protection and eliminate competitors and rivals in matters of love and business.

25th of April Great Pure Thursday, the day of purification and enlightenment. Work with your thoughts and visions. It is good to give alms and help those in need.

April 28-Blessed Resurrection of Christ, Easter, a bright day, joy and harmony, a day for making amulets, amulets and talismans. Removal of negative influence from a person. Work only for experienced craftsmen.

May 2019

May 2- Day in honor of John the Old Cave. They ask for help from misfortune and evil spirits. To clean the house, they take Epiphany water and wash the corners of the house, they wash it, but do not wash it, that is, the floors must be clean. They also burn a cross with Easter candles on the jamb of the front door.

May 3- Day in honor of Fyodor Nevodnik. Today, ancestors are honored. It is good to visit cemeteries, give gifts to commemorate the dead, it is also important to set tables so that the souls of the dead rejoice. It is not good to part or get divorced on this day, otherwise it is possible to be single for 3 years.

5 May— New moon. The moon has a beneficial effect on all living things. A good lunar day for transactions and operations, investments and real estate transactions will lead to income. Lucky for those who are diligent and persistent.

Celebration Red hill. A special day that all young girls are waiting for to attract their betrothed. The holiday symbolizes the time of spring, it is considered a good day for weddings, engagements and weddings.

May 7 - Radonitsa. They go to cemeteries and commemorate the dead. The day when the living and the dead rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ. A good lunar day, those who are energetic and quick in making decisions will be lucky. On this day, it is better to do not long-term affairs, the execution of short-term transactions. You can plan a serious conversation with your loved one in order to move to a new level of relationship, you can make new acquaintances.

May 9- good moonlight day. Get to know yourself and make the most of your time. Do not joke with fire, do not lend on this day. Time for carrying out monotonous long-term affairs and enterprises, dating establishments.

May 10- Day of the Seeds of the Ranger. Today it is not recommended to make declarations of love, start serious conversations about marriage, do not get married, do not get married.

May 15- a holiday in honor of Boris and Gleb. Traditionally, on this day, every merchant tried to sell or sell something, at least some little thing, in order to have a profit for the whole next year. At the same time, nothing is given on this day just like that or in loans, otherwise the house will be empty. Conduct rituals for success in trading. A day for business magic.

May 17- Pelageya Friday. Many omens will come true today. A good day for tarot divination, Lenormand, predictions. To determine your path, direction in the profession, feelings and intentions of your loved one.

May 18— Arina Rassadnitsa. Our ancestors believed that this is the best day for planting seedlings. They also conduct rituals to increase wealth and attract money. I will teach you how to land money on this day.

May 19- full moon. On this day, you should not succumb to temptations, you can lose a lot. Also on this day, significant events can occur, on which the future fate will depend. Rituals are held to get rid of ancestral curses, correction of the line of fate.

22nd of May— Nikola Veshny. It is considered a men's holiday. On this day, rituals are performed with male energy, for men who are not popular with women. They also report financial failures to men. There is such a ritual for men. You need to find a horse and touch its tail, but it is better to tighten the pile of the tail on your hand. A man after this ritual will be able to win the heart of any woman, curb her character.

May, 23rd Day of Simon the Zealot. On this day, they celebrate the name day of the Earth, take strength from it and give away everything negative. Collect herbs for use in rituals, they have healing properties. For those who feel the evil eye on themselves, such a ritual can be performed. Take a fresh chicken egg and roll all the negativity on it from the whole body. You need to undress to the naked and start running around yourself with an egg, the whole body. The egg is then buried in the ground. The earth takes away all negativity.

May 31- Day of Fedot Ovsyanik. It is good to do good deeds and do charity work on this day in order to avert or pay off trouble.

June 2019

June 1st— Ivan Long. Auspicious day. Bread and salt on this day are a sacred symbol of well-being, so it is not customary to lend or give it away. With bread and salt, you can do such a ritual to improve the atmosphere and warmth in the family. Put a fresh loaf and salt shaker in the center of the house. Usually this is a table in the living room or in the kitchen, leave for 3 days. Before you put the bread and salt, say these words: “Bread and salt for warmth and all good. From evil forces salvation, for health and healing.

June 3- Alena Lnoseyka. Women's hair on this day acquires a special magical power. It is customary to wear hair loose all day, do not do any hairstyles. Women in this easily succeeded in love spells on men.

June 4- a favorable lunar day. Good luck will accompany active and energetic people.

June 6- Ascension of the Lord (on the 40th day after Easter). You can not guess and perform rituals. Traditionally, women bake rye ladders for their men to make it easier for men to climb the career ladder.

June 8- Fedorin day. The day when they appease the brownie. It is necessary to leave sweets on the table for the night, for example, a cup of honey or jam, so that the brownie is supportive and helps the family. On this day, the floors are not swept, the broom or broom in the house should stand correctly, with the broom up. It is good to carry out rituals to remove the evil eye, bad luck in money.

the 9th of June- Feropontov day. Women are not allowed to meet on this day. With gossip and discussions, they can bring trouble to the whole family.

12 June— Isaac the Serpentine. The snakes are celebrating a snake wedding. To meet a snake on this day is good luck in love affairs. They do rituals to strengthen relationships with loved ones.

June 15- Parental Saturday before the Great Trinity, it is customary to go to the cemetery. Day of Nicephorus Duboder. On this day, it is customary to have fun and invite guests.

June 16- Great Trinity. They do not guess on this day and do not perform any rituals. Pay tribute to the holiday. You can bring a couple of birch branches from the church, this will sanctify the house. It is good for a young couple to acquaint their parents on this day, to get to know each other's parents for a successful relationship in the family.

June 17- Spirits Day is celebrated. (Festival in honor of the Holy Spirit). They go to the temple. Also on this day "Mitrofan - Red Dress". Red clothes are worn for good luck, red candles are lit at home.

June 18- Dorofeev day. Traditionally, weeds were weeded on this day so that they would not grow again. It is good to conduct rituals to eliminate competitors.

June 19— Illarion day. On Illarion, the earth has power, they take a handful of earth and store it for an important occasion. On this day, the wife sprinkles the threshold of the house with this earth so that her husband is always drawn home.

June 21-22 is the holiday of the summer solstice. Ivan Kupala Day. Magical day, blossoming of nature, middle of summer, the longest day. Fortune-telling and rituals for marriage are carried out. To find out if you will get married this year, you need to weave a wreath of fresh flowers and lower it into the water, if it sinks, then there will be no marriage, if it floats, then there is every chance. The wreath can be saved if there is already a man in mind and the relationship is approaching marriage.

June 23- Timothy day. Ghost Day. Spirits are not dangerous for those who do good and live without envy. Otherwise, through envy, you can get the evil eye.

June 24- Day of Barnabas. Men on this day should not eat and drink from women, so as not to be bewitched. Experienced sorcerers know that on this day herbs and potions are poisonous and have intoxicating power. And women on this day do love spells through drinking.

From June 24 to July 7 mermaid divination. Girls guess at the betrothed in various ways. Fortune telling these days costs 1000 rubles.

27th of June- Day of Elisha. On this day, it is customary to clean up and throw away everything old. Troubles go away with old things. The vacated place attracts new joys and events to life.

June 29- Day of Tikhon. On this day, it is customary to invite guests to the house and set rich tables, so you can pay off many troubles.

30 June- Yarilkin day. They do not resolve issues with housing, do not change jobs, do not change their place of residence.

Magic calendar 2018

January 2018

January 7, 2018 - Christmas. A love spell of a loved one “for Christmas sweets”, a charm at home for a Christmas candle. Done once a year!

January 19, 2018 - The baptism of the Lord. Removal of damage to baptismal water, love spell of her husband on water.

January 7-20 - Christmas time. At this time, evil spirits rage. Days of divination and witchcraft. Rites of love spells, prisushek, rituals of good luck. Takes place once a year!

January 31, 16:31:00 - Total lunar eclipse. This is the strongest magical day! Casting spells and troubles, love spells. The power of the moon is a female power, on this day rituals are performed for attractiveness, energy and love energy. Be careful, do not perform rituals on your own, mistakes can be fatal!

February 2018

February 12-18, 2018 - Maslenitsa (Cheese Week), Witch's Week. Time for gatherings and sabbaths. Evil spirits walk the earth, whoever can agree with her, his wish will come true. Days of witchcraft and sorcery, you can perform any rituals!

February 15, 2018 - Meeting of the Lord. A ritual for cleaning the house in order to remove anger, envy and irritability from the house, which accumulates throughout the year and does not give peace to people. From that in the house there are quarrels, misunderstanding and heaviness.

February 15, 23:52:33, Thursday - Solar eclipse. A very strong energy and magical day. A day for inducing and removing damage, changing and breaking destinies. If you want to change something, then the consequences of events and changes will be effective for 18 years. Any magical manipulations carried out this time give the maximum effect. On the days of eclipses, portals of dark forces and energies open, and only an experienced magician is able to cope with this flow and turn it in the right direction. Be careful!

March 2018

March 4th. From this day (until the spring equinox) snow acquires a special healing power. For rituals, snow is collected from the hillocks and drowned on a live fire to remove the "age-old" damage and damage to loneliness (the crown of celibacy).

9th of March. Rituals for attracting useful acquaintances for business and for love and finding a patron.

Before the Spring Equinox, an important annual ritual was held, designed to remove all the rubbish and dirt of the past and prepare for a new period of life - Maundy Thursday (clean). Rites for cleansing, cleansing the astral level and chopping off karmic workings.

March 20, 19:15, Tuesday - Spring Equinox. This is the time of transition from winter to summer, the day of strength and militancy, the struggle of light and darkness. Day equals night. Winter does not want to give up, but power rightfully passes to spring, the spirits of nature, earth and water wake up. This is one of several days of the year celebrated by sorcerers and sorcerers, a day of gatherings in places of power and witch ceremonies.

On this day, magical actions are performed related to the prediction of the future. Fortune telling on cards, coffee and runes. Prediction of the future and rituals for a happy marriage and a rich lover. Conspiracies for wealth and money! At this time, you can carry out any rituals aimed at a speedy outcome of events.

March 21-24. They make the most powerful love spells, rituals to attract men and unite destinies (the energy of these days is powerful and strong, do not miss the moment!).

April 2018

April 1 - Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem). Removal of family curses, damage "by blood", breaking karmic ties.

April 5 - Maundy Thursday. Removal of damage, rituals of cleansing the home, the strongest rite to eliminate a rival. Salt work.

April 7, 2018 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Rituals for the restoration of relations in the family, "women's happiness"

April 8, 2018 - Easter. Work with Easter candles and Easter eggs all Bright Week!

April 16, 2:02 - New Moon. Rites with mirrors, building up energy. Strengthening feelings in a couple.

April 17 - Radunitsa (Easter of the Dead). On Easter week, the souls of deceased relatives temporarily return to earth, and leave their homes on Radunitsa. Committed:
- the rite "Help of the Ancestors" changing the line of fate;
- the ritual of breaking the "Ring of Blood" (interrupting the transmission of negative fateful situations from parents to children: loneliness, widowhood, lack of money, etc.);
- put "ancestral protection", protection "on the blood"

April 30 - May 1 Walpurgis Night. A night of sabbaths, witchcraft rites, magical ceremonies and witch dances. You can perform any rituals, they will be filled with extraordinary power.

April 30, 0:56 - Full moon. Day of the "Fire Moon", a powerful day to strengthen all rites!

May 2018

May 6 - St. George's Day. The turn of the first half of the year. The time of covens and sacrifices, witches and evil spirits! A special time for working with a love potion, herbs and dew, plants absorb the vitality of the earth (love spells, egylet, restore beauty, youth, masculine strength). You can hold any ceremony, the desired will soon come true.

May 17, 2018 - Ascension of the Lord. Rituals for good luck in business, career advancement, the “ladder of luck” ritual.

May 22, 2018 - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Rites for the acquisition of a patron, rituals of protection, a rite "to help in business."

May 27, 2018 - Trinity (Pentecost).
On Trinity, the strongest rituals are performed once a year:
- to change the line of human destiny
- a powerful marriage ceremony for a flower wreath.

May 28, 2018 is Holy Spirit Day. Work with church grass from the Trinity. Love spell on church grass. Love spell "on the whisper of birch leaves." Damage, removal of damage through the church threshold to the Trinity.

May 26-June 2 - Rusal Week. Ceremonies with water spirits. You can ask for help in any matters, especially in love and punishment of offenders.

May 29, 14:18 - Full moon. Rites for gaining female power for men, the search for a rich lover.

June 2018

June 1 - The full moon is gaining strength and power, it is best to do rituals for sexual binding (egilet), gravity and love languor.

June 8. The day was created for love spells and rituals for creating a family, men on this day can enhance their magnetism and sexuality!

June 11. Rites with the use of "dead" water for cooling, strife and lapels, rites are performed only by a dedicated magician.

June 17. Work related to changes in a person's life - gaining a good life, a companion in love, improving business and work.

June 21, 13:07, Thursday - Summer Solstice. Time for witches, covens, gatherings at temples and places of power! Time for strong magicians - the rite of "witch" love spell and sexual love spell on blood. Love spell for blood on the heart of a bull. Protection "witch circle".

July 2018

July 6-7 - Ivan Kupala (night on Ivan Kupala). Rites for love luck, early marriage, cleansing from sins and addictions. Love spell on flowers and a wreath.

July 13, 06:02:16, Friday - Solar eclipse (New Moon). A very strong energy and magical day. A day for inducing and removing damage, changing and breaking destinies. If you want to change something, then the consequences of events and changes will be effective for 18 years. Any magical manipulations carried out at this time give the maximum effect. On the days of eclipses, portals of dark forces and energies open, and only an experienced magician is able to cope with this flow and turn it in the right direction. Be careful!

July 27, 23:22:54, Friday - Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse (Total). The strongest magical day! Casting spells and troubles, love spells. The strongest love spell "Blood Moon". The power of the moon is a female power, on this day rituals are performed for attractiveness, energy and love energy. Be careful, do not perform rituals on your own, mistakes can be fatal!

August 2018

5th of August. The best day of summer for exhibiting energy protection ("Witch's Circle"), the creation of amulets and amulets.

August 11, 12:47:28, Saturday - Solar eclipse (New Moon). A very strong energy and magical day. A day for inducing and removing damage, changing and breaking destinies. If you want to change something, then the consequences of events and changes will be effective for 18 years. Any magical manipulations carried out during this time give the maximum effect. On the days of eclipses, portals of dark forces and energies open, and only an experienced magician is able to cope with this flow and turn it in the right direction. Be careful!

August 28, 2018 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Removing the crown of celibacy, removing the evil eye.

August 29 - Walnut Spas. Rituals to strengthen the family, the love of husband and wife.

September 2018

September 7th. Rites to strengthen marriage (on the "marriage bed"), inciting passion between a man and a woman.

September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist. Rites for exhibiting protection from negativity and enemies.

September 21, 2018 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Ritual for female attractiveness, rite "for the female share" (establishment, restoration, improvement of the love and family spheres of life)

September 23, 04:54 - Autumn Equinox. A very powerful and strong day for predictions, finding love and a ritual for a rich lover!

September 25, 2:53 - Full Moon. Rituals to enhance female energy and attractiveness.

September 27, 2018 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Ritual to achieve the intended. Takes place once a year!

October 2018

October 1st. Rites for destruction and deprivation of will (only for black magic). If you want to get rid of the enemy, today is your day.

October 14, 2018 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. The ceremony "for marriage" - takes place once a year on the Intercession! Rituals for an early marriage, the search for an "ideal partner".

18 October. Rituals for solving family problems, harmonizing relationships in the family, rituals for gaining material well-being.

The 20th of October. Rituals to change the fate and character of a person for the better. Rituals to keep men near you.

October 24, 16:47 - Full moon. Love spells for men and divination for love are the most powerful!

November 2018

November 10, 2018 - Martyrs Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Strong love spells on Paraskeva Friday. Take place once a year.

November 14th. Spirit day. Rituals of ransom, sacrifices. Love spell on a straw doll, marriage ceremony, sexual bindings.

November 22. Rites for improving material well-being, finding a rich lover and patron.

November 25. Dark furious day, carries destructive power, you can both remove and induce damage.

December 2018

December 1. Rituals to find a better life for women. Love will knock on your door today!

December 13th. The best time for lapels, getting rid of rivals and rivals in love and business.

December 22, 01:22, Saturday - Winter Solstice (Full Moon). A powerful day for the release of all rites!

December 24-31. Rites for good luck, love and happiness, for the creation of the plan. Whatever you wish will happen!

1st lunar day.
Rituals that are prescribed to be done on the new moon. Some love spells that are done only on the new moon (there are some). Rites for the opening of roads, both vital and ordinary. Mental modeling of the desired situation: whoever has good visualization has the opportunity to build a phantom of his desire on this day. This phantom then lives an independent life and attracts to you the necessary events that will help your desire to be realized in the physical plane.
On this lunar day, sacrifices cannot be made.

2nd lunar day.
Taking a vow, consecrating a temple or personal ritual space, consecrating the idols of the gods. Other rituals on this lunar day are undesirable.

3rd lunar day.
Day of influence of aggressive energies. Sharpening a ritual knife. Sharpening a knife for sacrifices. Love spells that have the goal of revenge, not love. Making amulets and rituals aimed at protection from enemies. In general, any personal protection. The rite to break the will of the enemy (“I light three candles - I break one will ...) fits well on this day.

4th lunar day.
Rituals with the use of volts from the dough, divination on the test, rituals with an appeal to the spirits of the elements, rituals for obtaining egregorial protection. Personal energy supply from trees on this day is the most effective.

5th lunar day.
From this lunar day, intensive magical work begins. Working with herbs: collecting, infusions, charging, making potions and medicines; love spells and lapels (to incite hatred) through a potion that are fed and soldered to the object, and made on this day, work best.

6th lunar day.
Rites for rejuvenation, verbal love spells, making love potions, love spirits, rituals for gaining material well-being. If on this day the Moon is in Libra, rituals for weight loss are very effective.

7th lunar day.
Day of influence of Light forces.
Any light rituals with an appeal to these forces. The acquisition of bright helpers and white protection. You can do rituals with an appeal to the spirits of the elements, but only in a creative direction and not violent (for example, rituals to attract your other half, etc.)
Those who work for two hands should not eat chicken and eggs on this day, because the symbol of this lunar day is the rooster of Sraoshi, whose calling is to disperse the darkness with its cry. For the renounced warlocks, on the contrary, it is obligatory to eat these products on this day (unless fasting is observed).

8th lunar day.
Making medicines, including complex multi-component ones, alchemical works, consecration of temples, sanctuaries, any work of the growing moon. Very favorable cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. Marriages are not permitted on this day.

9th lunar day.
The first satanic lunar day. Induction and removal of damage, female charms and seduction, hard love spells with suppression of the will, rituals for feeding, cleansing the premises. Marriages are not permitted on this day.

10th lunar day.
Rites of commemoration of ancestors, establishing a connection with ancestors, ceremonies for solving family problems, harmonizing relations in the family, rites for gaining material well-being, any rites of the growing moon.
On this day, it is very favorable to bring offerings to the gods during priestly work, as well as to erect objects of worship.

11th lunar day.
This day has the most powerful energy of the entire lunar cycle. Associated with Kundalini energy. Any love spells are very good on this day, especially with a sexual bias, but on this day it is safe to work only with dedicated practices. It is undesirable for beginners, because, at the slightest mistake in the rite, instead of the result, a powerful rollback may follow, and beginners do not have the protection that the initiates have. Ordinary defenses may not hold back such a blow.
There are also rituals that are done only on this lunar day.

12th lunar day.
Any appeal to patronizing forces, verbal magic, soft love spells, rituals for money, good luck, any creative work that is not forced.

13th lunar day.
Magic day. Any love spells, soft and hard, love spells on female blood, love envoltations are especially strong. Rituals for money and good luck.

14th lunar day.
Full moon rituals, love divination, rituals for money and good luck. The most favorable day to start a new business. Taking a vow.

15th lunar day.
Satanic day. Day of the influence of the Spirit of the flesh Ahriman.
Rough sexual love spells. Envoltation to love with the suppression of the will. For the renounced warlocks, this day is very successful for rituals for gaining wealth.
The rest later.

16th lunar day.
All practices of the full moon, any love spells, rituals for wealth and good luck. The best day for magical initiations.
Very favorable for marriage.

17th lunar day.
Day of influence of female energies. Working with the feminine aspect of the Force. The astrological aspect that characterizes the day is the energy of love. Love spells on this day are done only on men, love spells on women fall weakly or may not lie at all. Love spells are best done with a sexual bias, but not the same as on the 15th lunar day, because on this day sex is perceived as an integral part of sensual love, and not as lust. The best day to get married.
It is also very favorable for rituals for money and good luck.

18th lunar day.
From this day, the work of the waning moon begins. Any damage of a destructive nature, rituals for the destruction of business, zombies, troubles, lapels. Damage with the use of mirrors and ice cold fall perfectly, because the symbols of this day are the Mirror, Ice.

19th lunar day.
Satanic day. Carries the overwhelming energies of Saturn. Rites for closing roads, vital and ordinary, zombies, suppression of will, troubles, any damage where you need to tie knots and tie with threads or ropes. On this day, you can not give and borrow money. You can't get married.

20th lunar day.
Not marked by any special influences, any work of the waning moon.

21st lunar day.
Taking a vow, sacrificing to the gods in priestly practice, any work of the waning moon.

22nd lunar day.
Divination, comprehension of secret knowledge, the manufacture of protective amulets, any work of the waning moon. On this lunar day, it is dangerous to put on amulets and talismans those symbols whose meanings you do not know.

23rd lunar day.
Satanic day. Carries the destructive energies of Mars. Any rites of attack, revenge, damage to take away health, rites to repay a debt, punishment, curses, any rites of destruction and violence. Also on this day, the Goddess of lust Ashma-daiva actively manifests her power, so damage to fornication, both for men and women, falls best on this day.
The most suitable day for feeding on a person (energy vampirism).

24th lunar day.
The main strength of this day is the strength of sexual male energy. Working with the male aspect of the Force. In general, the day of the influence of male energies. Rites for gaining the Spirit-helper work very well on this day, for example, the protection of the "Groom". Experienced practitioners can do some love spells on women on this lunar day, with a sexual bias, despite the waning moon. This is the only day on the waning moon when love spells work properly.

25th lunar day.
Evocation of Spirits, any work of the waning moon, one cannot start a new work on this day, only continue the old one.

26th lunar day.
Lapels, quarrels, colds, rites to increase jealousy, dirty damage, any rites aimed at hostility, scandals and rupture, both in love and in business. Mischief, damage to a decrease in intelligence and insanity, to alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling and other bad habits.

27th lunar day.
On this day, the destructive aspect of the element of water is very strong. Colds with the use of water, spars, lapels in which water is used, damage to dead water.

28th lunar day.
Not marked by special influences, any work of the waning moon.

29th lunar day.
Satanic day, the most difficult and destructive of the entire lunar cycle. Black Day
The Moon, full of revelry of the Forces of Darkness in their most powerful destructive aspect. The energies of Saturn and Mars at the same time. All heavy, "lethal" work: damage to health, to death, revenge on enemies, attacks. Beginners are not recommended to work on this day. For a warlock, this day is expanse.

30th lunar day.
It doesn't happen every lunar month. But if it happens, then it is very favorable on this day to do rituals to protect the house, personal protective amulets, make vows - a spiritual rejection of anything in honor of the Forces that patronize you