
Empress tarot is the embodiment of the spiritual and the material. Description, meaning in different decks. Combination of the card with other arcana. Tarot Manara: the meaning of cards and features of the deck

Taro Manara. All colors of love Nevsky Dmitry

III. The Empress

Key words, meanings: inner strength (and weakness in front of it), subordination, beauty and attractiveness, natural strength without any compulsion.

Type Femme Fatale

This type is characteristic of those who, at a certain stage of their life, were disappointed with people in general and with a partner in particular. This is the type of those who understood their nature and how it affects people. The goals and even the task of such people is to manipulate those who are nearby and come into view.

In these manipulations, there is neither a goal, nor any internal background, they just can do it and do it always.

In order not to become a puppet in the hands of such a person, people try to communicate with them as little as possible, creating a vacuum around them and a “strip of alienation”. Loneliness is the lot of this type. Pride is the assessment of your behavior.

Card value in an upright position

These are the hidden forces of Mother Nature that make any woman a goddess. This is the sheer and inner power of female attractiveness, which in itself makes everyone fall at her feet. The card indicates both strong maternal feelings, and a pronounced feminine nature and charm.

Real time event

In real time, we see someone who is completely subordinate to female charms. Beauty, charm, attractiveness, the list can be long, but each of its points leads to the fact that a man bows his head low in front of the power of female beauty. She just needs to look or give a hint, and now he rushes headlong, not noticing anything around.

Description of the situation, plot, setting

You have seen the plot described by the map more than once. A beautiful woman appears and the men lose their minds by doing stupid things. The history of mankind, countries, cities or an individual family is filled with these actions. And behind all of them is one character, Feminine Nature.

The image of a person in work, business

In business, a person is completely subordinate to the occupation that fascinates him. He doesn't just do the job or does what he should and can. He likes it. It gives pleasure, pleasure. And it is doubly pleasant when it is done for someone, which makes it more significant in the eyes of a particular person.

Monetary and financial aspects of the relationship

Money is one of the forms of benefit that a person receives.

Don't believe me? Someone new coat, and someone shaving cream. Someone branded boots, and someone a razor for a men's holiday.

Psychological and behavioral aspect

The reason for this behavior is quite natural and is determined by natural instincts. They are difficult to argue with and even more difficult to control. And if a person is "captured" by such instincts, then he will go to the end. But the end can be different for everyone. For some, this is the destruction of a relationship. For some, unrequited love. For some use. For some, a happy marriage. The Goddess is on the throne and she will decide what to do with her "slave".

Fears and apprehensions

Beauty has one fear, which is dictated by Nature, which gave this beauty. Loss of attractiveness, loss of femininity, or, simply put, old age is a scourge that every minute begins to hit harder, throwing a Woman out of balance.

Relationship position of people

Peace and harmony reign in human relationships. One submits, receiving what is possible, the other (the other) enjoys, giving what he is ready to give. Sometimes he gives a little, sometimes all of himself.

Love is the real underpinning of feelings

Strong natural instincts prevail in love and romantic relationships, in which sex and sexual background play an important role. It may seem that there are not many feelings there, but it all depends on people and on their real moral principles.

Family behavior patterns

In the family, everything is just a Woman-Mistress with all the ensuing powers. And no one argues or tries to challenge her authority. Matriarchy officially legalized by both sides.

Appearance and attractiveness

Natural beauty, strength, femininity, attractiveness are what most men who see or are next to such a woman do not leave indifferent.

Magic signs of influence

One of the elements of a sexual love spell can be displayed with this card. But most often it is a strong sexual attraction, determined by the natural activity of the person himself.

Collaborate, interact, communicate without falling into the captivity of Nature's spell. And if you got to run at breakneck speed, until the intoxication of emotions and passion subsides.

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III. The Empress Key words, meanings: inner strength (and weakness in front of it), subordination, beauty and attractiveness, natural strength without any compulsion.

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Tarot card Manara Empress indicates subjectivity, femininity. She is a storyline, but a woman will always be a woman. Sometimes it symbolizes the mother, and sometimes it directly indicates pregnancy. It can also indicate that a woman has a rival who needs to be taken seriously. Or the Empress card simply symbolizes the complete dominance of a woman in someone's life.

Total value

Straight. Forces of nature, which are responsible for female attractiveness, for beauty and charm, for maternal feelings. The card indicates those aspects that make a woman a woman in all her manifestations.

Inverted. In an inverted position, the Empresses card indicates that a person denies his own nature or simply does not want to recognize it. He may be too shy or too critical of himself, but all this does not allow him to reveal his beauty and other qualities. Hence the problems with the opposite sex, a person is often simply afraid of a relationship, because he is not confident in himself.

Detailed description

State. Beauty, femininity and other positive qualities that relate to a woman. There is an admiration for real femininity. In the case of a man, the card will always indicate the woman in his life who has a great influence on him.

Feelings and relationships... In a relationship there is a pronounced leadership of a woman, she dominates. For a woman, the card promises to reveal sexuality, an awareness of her own strength and attractiveness. For a man, it promises to find the real ideal of a woman.

The physical state. Self-esteem is present. The Empress card does not promise passionate and frequent sex, because the woman will focus more on herself, and the man will be enough that he is worshiped.

Recommendation... A man should see a real goddess in a woman, she can be worthy of worship as an ideal. A woman needs to pay more attention to her beginning, listen to feminine nature and feel like a goddess.

Warning. For a man there is a clear warning: it is not always necessary to put oneself in complete dependence on a woman; a certain amount of independence must be preserved. A woman should not overestimate herself, overestimated self-esteem is a very bad companion in life.

The positive side of the card. The positive aspects of the Empress card include the power and strength that a person has. The people around him admire him, leaving him no reason to doubt. In such positions, it is easy to achieve your goals and find favor with the right people.

The negative side of the card. A sense of power over people can give rise to a sense of permissiveness, and even impunity. Sooner or later, a person may come to the point that he will simply use people, finding it convenient and profitable. But sooner or later, someone will appear who is stronger and who will use the person himself in the same cynical way.

Positive development of the situation. A person used his pluses for his own good, while not using people, treated everyone well and achieved his goals absolutely honestly. This kind of success comes for a long time.

Negative development of the situation. A person will never be able to realize his potential, moreover, he simply may not even realize it. So it will remain, promising, but unfulfilled.

Overall value. Subjectivity. Eternal femininity worthy of worship. The ability to see in each particular woman a manifestation of the Divine Feminine Principle.

Strictly speaking, this card can be called a story card, but the roles never change in it: a woman always remains a Woman, and a man a Warrior. This Arcanum can also symbolize the Mother Woman and, if there are other confirmations, indicate pregnancy and motherhood.

Image. A Woman sits on a high pedestal. Her bosom gave birth to the Universe, her breast fed the whole World. Before the Woman, laying down his arms, the Warrior bowed. We do not see the face of the Empress, and it does not matter to us, for the Warrior worships not a person, but a Woman.

Arkan "Empress" represents the Archetype of the Primordial Woman, a powerful psychic essence, instinctive nature, natural soul. The cold blue-blue colors of the card create a feeling of the cosmic infinity of the Natural beginning, evoke a feeling of inner peace and philosophical concentration.

State. Admiration for divine femininity. Positive feminine qualities, beauty inherent in the feminine principle.

For a man, the card will always indicate the presence of a very significant woman in his life. This is a beloved or loving woman; faithful, virtuous friend, wife or mother; powerful patroness. She is gifted with natural beauty and sensuality. With more subtle psychological work - the Archetype of the Mother.

For a woman - the awareness of her femininity, attractiveness and charm. Taking worship and love for granted. Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury.

Characteristic relationships. Leadership of a woman. The kingdom of matriarchy in relationships.

Physical condition. Deep self-esteem. This card does not speak of intense sexual relations, since the Woman is more focused on herself, and the Warrior has enough enthusiastic worship.

The senses. For a woman - the disclosure of female sexuality, the awareness of her greatness, the feeling of her strength. For a man, it is the acquisition of his Ideal. Ability to see the manifestation of Divine Femininity in every earthly woman. Or the presence of an important female figure in life.

A warning. For a woman: don't you put yourself too high? Inflated self-esteem, inflated self-esteem. This card will warn a man against becoming addicted.

Positive aspect of the card: The positive traits are obvious - these are the strength and power that a person possesses. They make others admire this beauty and grace, leaving not a shadow of doubt in their souls. Such inner strength and outward appearance can leave few people indifferent.

Negative aspect of the card: The emergence of permissiveness, which gives power over people. A person can gradually slide down to the banal use of those who are nearby. But sooner or later, those who use it no less coolly and cynically will appear nearby.

Development of the situation in a positive sense: Before us is a man who has a lot and can afford a lot. No, he didn’t go over the head and didn’t try to use people. He only used his strength, attractiveness and loyalty of those who admired him.

Development of the situation in a negative sense: The negative trend is sad - the blue stocking will remain a blue stocking. And despite the Hollywood tales that sooner or later Cinderella will become a princess, this happens extremely rarely in life. And without the active participation of the person himself, without the consciousness of his inner beauty, this will not happen.

Advice. For a woman: listen to your nature, show your feminine principle. For a man: try to see a Goddess in a woman - she deserves to be worshiped before her.

Astrological conformity. Venus. This planet is a symbol of the feminine principle. In astrology, it symbolizes emotional needs and represents that part of our personality that evaluates a partner and makes a choice. Emotions are based on sensory perception or deep affection.

The erotic deck, named after the artist's last name, was created in 2000 and is still controversial. The meaning of the tarot cards of Manara is interpreted, taking into account the peculiarities of the deck. Drawings based on frivolous comics are ironic and very outspoken. According to the reviews of tarologists, the deck is “sharp on the tongue”. It allows you to analyze the present situation, analyze the past, and successfully predict the future in the sphere of relations.

About the features of tarot Manara

The deck, like the classic one, contains 78 arcana: 22 senior ones, as well as four suits of 14 junior ones. The traditional names are replaced by the designations of the elements:

  • wands - Fire;
  • swords - Air;
  • pentacles - Earth;
  • cups - Water.

The numbers of the major arcana correspond to Crowley's tarot: Jester - 0, Strength - 11, Justice - 8. The Wheel of Fortune has been renamed to Mirror, and the Hanged Man to Punishment. Court cards, except for Kings and Queens, differ in names from traditional ones: Servants correspond to Pages, and Horsemen correspond to Knights.