
How to get to the astral world before bedtime. Astral projection is a journey to the subtle worlds. How the astral works

People who are interested in knowing themselves and the worlds around us, studying human capabilities, often reasonably ask the question: how to enter the astral plane for a beginner the first time and is it possible?

We all know that absolutely everything is possible and going to the astral plane is no exception, including for a beginner. The question here is only in the level of development of the person himself, his potential and the quality of training in the topic of interest to him, on which the desired result will directly depend.

In our time of the Internet, the first thing we do in search of an answer is to drive our question into the search line, for example, how to enter the astral plane for a beginner the first time? As a result, a huge amount of various information with all sorts of advice, instructions and techniques is immediately "poured out" on us, which describes a long preparation period, special meals, preliminary bathing with candles, reading special mantras, etc. moments.

How to understand all this for a person who is a beginner in such a delicate matter with a minimal baggage of knowledge, and therefore does not have the ability, except for intuition, to recognize the quality of the materials offered so as not to make mistakes in his first conscious time to enter the astral plane?

A practicing parapsychologist answers all questions today:

On the Internet, people who are interested in esotericism often ask the question: "how to enter the astral plane for a beginner the first time?" - Is it realistic for a beginner, after reading articles on the Internet, to go to the astral plane? Are there any dangers when going to the astral plane?

The teacher of the School of Parapsychology Elena Nikolaevna Kuzmina answers (0:12:38):

This question is rather deep and complex in order to give a complete picture of the answer within the framework of one explanation. Nevertheless, we will try to disassemble it.

What is astral?

Astral is everything unmanifest, immaterial, everything that cannot be touched by hands. At its core, it is information. As the Universe is infinite, the astral is also infinite, familiar to many under such names as the astral world, the astral plane or the subtle world.

How does the astral work?

Astral works similarly to infinity in the form of a figure eight. Above is the upper astral world, with its inherent very high and subtle energy, in which the Creator and all the higher creatures are located. Below is a dark world.

In order to go to the astral plane the first time, there is no need to use practices in which there is prolonged fasting for 40-50 days, as some people do, to switch only to vegetarian food, juices, etc. Each person and his subconsciousness has this quality initially, it is inherent and given to him at birth in the same way as.

Therefore, no one knows when a beginner had the first time he entered the astral plane, when he had that very first attempt, because, having mastered this ability from birth, a person uses it regularly. If you look at society and the people in it, you will notice that they are in the astral world for a very large amount of time.

Astral types:

  • Uncontrollable, unconscious astral. What is sleep? This is the astral. When a person is in a sleeping state, his physical body is at rest, and he himself sees dreams. At this very time, his astral double is in the subtle world, in which it is often impossible to distinguish dreams from reality. All events taking place in them take place as in the present moment, in which a certain piece of life is lived, as well as all emotions and corresponding situations.
  • Conscious astral that can be controlled. There are dreams of a different order, in which people receive an answer to change some of their situations or solve them.
  • Astral travel. The most striking example, familiar to all of us from childhood, when we flew in a dream. These flights were vivid and memorable, the impression of which could remain throughout the day.
  • Dependencies. In the manifested world, all addictions sit on the astral plane. Look at the person who is drinking coffee. He is always relaxed and in a state of high, his point of attention wanders and is accompanied by detachment from the world around him. Take situations with such severe addictions as alcoholic, narcotic, various cigarette (we recommend the article "") - this is also an astral. People, being in such a state, most often fall into the astral world unconsciously. This happens consciously among those who want it, strive for it, who are pleased with it.

It should be understood that for the most part such visits are very dangerous, especially if you are consciously trying to go to the astral plane for the first time. Let us recall that there is a higher and lower astral worlds in which there are entities of a high, subtle order, such as God and the entire hierarchical ladder leading upward, and exactly the same hierarchical ladder going downward, where entities of a very low order. This is where a beginner can get. When people find themselves in the world of low vibrations, their soul is greatly tormented, as it goes to hell.

Perhaps some of you are familiar with such a symbol as a snake biting its tail, which means that it is impossible to leave the lower astral plane. If people get into it without any spiritual experience, then it is practically impossible for them to get out of there on their own.

For example, people with severe addictions understand that drinking alcohol is harmful, taking drugs of any kind is prohibited, but, nevertheless, they continue to do so. This is because the space they entered is closed, as in the symbol with the snake. Only people with a very strong will can get out of it. The only thing that can help others is constant strong prayer, followed by a powerful set of energy, thanks to which some people manage to leave the dark world. The vast majority of addicted people, unfortunately, remain there.

It is important to understand that no matter how many people have been in the lower astral plane, especially since there is no time there, a negative projection of hell will be formed in him, which will further result in a negative event in the material world.

As for the upper astral, high subtle worlds, priests who conduct services or monks who practically live there are very often in this state. Reunion of the soul with God or when your soul is in God, when you feel very good, this is all - the highest astral plane.

For the first conscious exit of a beginner to the astral world, it is recommended to resort to the most pleasant method there is, this is dreams, which is an altered state between reality and sleep, on the basis of which a large number of Eastern practices work.

When you go into your dream, you have a positive projection, which will someday descend into the material world. We all know perfectly well that a person has seven subtle bodies. If in the mental layer you are in a state of deep satisfaction from where you went, if this is something pleasant and good, then it will certainly descend to the dense layer.

In addition to all of the above, the astral is the place where a huge amount of information is located, with which psychics and bioenergetics work.

In the astral there is such a volume of energy that thanks to it, you can improve your health, change events in life, etc. This is the same endless world in which there is both positive and negative.

If you went to the astral plane, always follow positive values. Because if you go along negative values, solve some of your questions on the lower astral planes, it is possible for lower entities to settle down, which is very dangerous. Yes, they are only energetic, but by settling in, they begin to create negative events for you in the manifested world, and it can be very difficult to get rid of them without a specialist.

We do not recommend getting too carried away with this topic. Because people who often walk in the astral plane are very much divorced from the material world. It is possible, of course, in the astral world to solve the issues of the material world, but then you need to be a professional in this matter in order to bypass the dangers lurking in it.

How to enter the astral plane, get an unforgettable experience and find out what is inaccessible to other people? There are special techniques that will help you get out of the body and find out how the parallel worlds work.

In the article:

How to enter the astral plane - rules and safety precautions

Before trying to get into the astral plane, you should realize that you can do this almost every night. There are special, astral dreams. It is known that during dreams, the subtle astral component of a person is able to travel across different dimensions. This is possible and unconsciously, however, on what the probability of falling into the astral plane in a dream depends is unknown. But it is known that this can be done consciously.

As in the case with, subconscious exits to the astral plane in a dream can become more frequent after reading the relevant literature. But, if you want to know how to enter the astral plane of your own free will, and not when your subconscious mind wanders, you will have to study the rules and techniques.

The rules of conduct in the astral plane can save you from the dangers of parallel worlds. If you follow them, travel will become safe and interesting. The consequences of non-observance of these rules can be nightmares, the appearance of a poltergeist and sharing of entities as well as serious energy losses.

It is undesirable to engage in astral practices during a thunderstorm or other weather disasters. A storm or thunderstorm seriously affects the astral plane. In addition, lightning can harm not only the physical body, but also the astral one. As a last resort, you should not travel to places that could be struck by lightning.

During illness or feeling unwell, you can read about how to go to the astral plane. But you should not apply what you read in practice. Deal with physiological issues first. During illness, the astral body is weaker than usual. Your natural protection from entities inhabiting other worlds will practically not work. For the same reason, you cannot practice going out of the body into the astral plane if you are tired or under stress. Practice is also undesirable after a conflict or quarrel. A calm, balanced state is much better for this.

It is undesirable to go to the astral plane in a room in which there is someone other than you. Ask your family members not to bother you, turn off your phones and TV. Nothing should distract from trying to detach from the body. Clothing should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

Sometimes it is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet the day before performing the techniques. However, this rule is purely individual. If the lack of meat dishes has a positive effect on the results, then you need a diet. If there is no relationship between diet and practice results, fasting is unlikely to help you.

Separately, it should be said about the position of the body. Of course, you should be comfortable. An awkward posture should not distract you from trying to detach from your body. Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with any magical work, when it comes to the first attempts. The best position is to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. Start with this, perhaps with experience, determine the best body position.

The first stage of astral travel or exiting the body is relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. There are many relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you personally. With regard to stopping the internal dialogue, an individual approach is also needed here. Before starting training, give yourself the installation that after relaxation you will leave the physical body and rush to the astral plane. It is also advisable to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, under the impressions of the new world, you will simply forget about it.

It is not recommended to leave the room or apartment for the first time. Explore the world gradually, everything will come with experience. It is also better to postpone experiments with a magic circle around the physical body, because even a personally created protective energy ball can interfere with an inexperienced astral traveler. But this is not a reason to remain without protection - you can use salt, protective amulets and other things, but remember that sometimes they interfere with the exit from the body.

The main obstacle for beginners is fear and other vivid emotions, for example, surprise. Often, astral travel ends precisely on them, after which the astral body returns back, and quite abruptly. Getting rid of vivid emotions when leaving the body is possible only with experience. The fact is that the part of the astral body that remains in the physical attracts the one traveling back to the astral, because fear considers it a threat. The "rough" astral shell of a person performs a protective function during astral travel.

If you can't get out into the astral plane, don't be discouraged. Few people do it the first time. Someone needs a few days to get an out-of-body experience, while others will spend about a year. If unsuccessful, try again the next day. Sooner or later you will see what the astral world is like and who lives in it. This will most likely happen when you least expect success.

How to get to the astral plane using the astral rope method

A visualized rope will help you to travel to the astral plane, but this is not the same silver cord, which connects the astral component with the physical body. Not everyone sees and feels it. You may not even notice his presence at all. In fact, the connection with the physical body does not depend on it, it is only its mental form embodied in the visual image. No matter how far you get into astral reality, the part of the astral body that never leaves the physical will pull you back.

The essence of the Astral Rope Method is to visualize a rope that starts from the ceiling and goes straight to you. After you have introduced it, grasp the rope with the hands that the astral body also has. The goal is to feel your hands wrap around the rope, feel its texture, and start pulling up. Climbing a visualized rope is perhaps more difficult than climbing a normal rope. You cannot move during the procedure, you must be completely relaxed.

Concentrating on mental movement along an imaginary rope is necessary in order to leave the physical body. You must understand that this subtle astral body carries out movements, or rather, tries to do so. You may feel vibration all over your body. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a sign of success - you are already beginning to understand how to get into the astral world, and you are doing everything right.

Why is this technique good? She suggests concentrating on just one simple action - trying to climb the tightrope out of the physical body. This exercise is great for beginners.

The first trip to the astral plane - leaving the body

If you imagine a rope that stretches from the astral plane and can become your means of transportation from the physical body, you can't, there is one more technique. It is also suitable for beginners. This is an out-of-body meditation - you will need to relax and try to evoke the sensations that occur during separation from the physical body.

So, before entering the astral plane correctly, take a comfortable position in bed or on an armchair. Relax, make yourself comfortable so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you from meditation. Stop self-talk. Concentrate on your breathing. Watch your breaths in and out, try to make them smoother and deeper than usual.

When breath control is achieved, become aware and feel your entire physical body. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the environment around you. Then direct your attention to the inner self. Be calm, but tune in to the expectation of the first exit to the astral plane.

This is just a preparatory stage. After that, move on to trying to leave the physical body. Do not strain your attention, try to go into the astral plane slowly, without sudden movements and thoughts. Your mind should be relaxed but focused on getting out of the body. It is allowed to think about how you want it. You can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye, or ajna chakra is located. It is believed that it is from there that the astral body begins to leave the physical.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and imagine getting out of a chair or bed without moving until you can feel vibration or something like tickling. Make these sensations distinct, rush towards them. They are always accompanied by the exit from the body. Just surrender to them, continuing to mentally get up from the chair, and soon you will realize that you have entered the astral plane.

Feeling of falling down may appear. Many people feel it while falling asleep. Such sensations accompany immersion in astral dreams and, in fact, the astral. Do not resist the illusory fall and you can have an out-of-body experience.

What to do on your first trip to the astral plane

So, you have managed to figure out how to enter the astral plane for a beginner. You are out of body and a new world awaits you. But do not rush to immediately start researching it. Astral is not as safe as you might think. First you have to get used to the new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane if you are there for the first time? Try to navigate in different ways. Perhaps you will pass through walls, but it does not always work out and not for everyone. In order to leave the room or wander through it, you just need to think about it. Increase the distance from your astral travel home gradually, in accordance with your experience, so as not to make problems.

Why change what we see in the astral?
Why manage your dreams?
You can find new information in the astral ...
Astral is also serious scientific research ...
Do ordinary people need astral?
We are all to a man - inhabitants and inhabitants of the astral plane!
What will happen if you learn to go to the astral plane and use it?
With the help of the Astral, I now easily manage ...
Astral exists even if you don't believe it!
More scientific: what is "Astral"
There is our personal astral, and there is a common
Astral differs from physical reality
Feelings inappropriate for body position
Location of astral worlds and spaces in relation to our mind and body
Astral inhabitants and our communication with them

Astral is reality! This is the part of reality that we have devalued, declaring them fantasies, or reduced to interpretation with the help of dream books. But we can not only passively look at the occasionally remembered dreams, but also change the astral reality.
Why change what we see in the astral? Why manage your dreams?
But you buy cars to go wherever you want, you get a summer house, where you build to your taste, buy apartments to fill them with things that are dear to you.
You can change your astral world, and this will affect your life. Events will happen differently, people will treat you differently, incurable diseases will leave, and the "halves" will meet by chance ... You will find that you saw the next day in a dream and were ready for the events, that you saw the contents of the exam ticket ...
You can find new information in the astral plane
Carl Jung created his analytical psychology in the Astral space. Albert Einstein created his theory of relativity while traveling in the Astral. Nikola Tesla, the author of almost all information innovations of our century, was looking for their ideas in the Astral. If he hadn’t pulled them out of there then, you would not have been talking on a mobile phone or using the benefits of the Internet.
Many great people got their inspiration and ideas from the Astral. You may ask why children are not taught at school how to travel in the Astral? Why is the Astral not available to everyone? I will answer you - the people we have listed, they are the Chosen, they could afford to be Other ... Geniuses, they are crazy, what can you take from them? What if you can do it too? ..
Astral is also serious scientific research
  • The Monroe Institute has been preparing people since the 70s. Anyone can come to the Robert Monroe Institute and learn the art of lucid dreaming and Astral practices. Astral travel. Have you heard about this at least once?
  • In Germany, the Stephen LaBerge Institute. Institute of Lucidity Institute.
  • Stanislav Grof has been doing this in general since the 50s. There is a whole science - transpersonal psychology, which studies these phenomena.
    But even these are only a few !!!
    Do ordinary people need astral?
    And it is somehow wrong for ordinary people to be interested in the Astral. Indeed, in fact, these are relics of the past, archaisms, echoes of the howling of shamans and drunken delirium of fortune-tellers. An ordinary person must live “like everyone else”, earn money, huddle in his little room-box, give birth and raise children, and then die with a clear conscience ... Without looking behind the veil of secrecy ... Because it is available only to the Chosen !!! Because you need to go to this secret for years, you need to put your life on in order to reach the limits of the Astral, you need to have ten spans in your forehead! Do you believe this nonsense? Yes? But in vain!
    We are all to a man - inhabitants and inhabitants of the astral plane!
    Each of you has come into contact with the Astral not once or twice. Have you ever dreamed, have you ever dreamed in reality, you have had vivid dreams, have you ever realized that a dream is a dream? Yes? Then you were on the border of the Astral. You were simply not taught how to use it, how to move on, how to penetrate the secrets of the Astral. This is not taught either in schools or in institutes, they do not talk about it in the family, they do not talk about it on TV screens. Only now they started talking, and even then in entertainment programs like "It can't be!" or "Battle of psychics". Because they want to be "like everyone else", "to think like everyone else." For thinking people are dangerous. After all, this is terrible - a crowd that cannot be controlled, people who do not succumb to brainwashing, who are not affected by TV ads, people who “know” ...
    What will happen if you learn to go to the astral plane and use it?
    To become the Chosen One is simple, in fact, the knowledge about the Astral lies on the surface, it's just that no one ever told us how to use it. When you begin to immerse yourself in this knowledge, it becomes even incomprehensible how you could have failed to notice such simple things before. For example, I ...
    With the help of Astral, I now easily manage to:
  • Solve current issues without any effort. Need some creativity - please! And before, I sat at night and solved such problems.
  • It is also possible to communicate with people at a distance. It is more difficult, of course ... But it is possible to reach a person, telepathically ask him to call. I'm not even talking about how much improved mutual understanding in the dialogue. I catch the meaning at a glance, I convey to the person what I want to say - easily. Because I connect with him not only through physical reality.
  • I travel to various beautiful worlds. I had never dreamed of this before. However, we will leave it for sweet - you will see for yourself!
  • And sex in the Astral ... About this - also yourself. And how to invite a partner through the Astral into reality.
  • I fall asleep to about one out of 10 participants in a seminar. How it turns out - I do not know. This is what happens. And it will be so with you too! You will come to sleep with someone.
    Astral exists even if you don't believe it!
    Astral is! And you need to act in it! This is inherent in human nature. How you will use it, how you will live in it is up to you. Your possibilities will expand many times over, but how to apply them is already on your conscience.

    More scientific: what is "Astral"

    Astral is a range of imaginative perception, similar to auditory and kinesthetic. In fact, the Astral is what we see with our eyes closed, without using physical vision. What we "see" is the astral world. If translated from English "astral", then it is "star", in the sense of not belonging to the Earth, earthly. This is a subtle, non-material, non-physical perception. Usually they talk about visual perception.
    Astral is a layer of our perception that exists like a hologram, through which divine light is projected onto matter, forming the physical world and events in it. Therefore, our life and even our momentary state are so sensitive to what is happening in our astral plane.
    We can say that the Astral is information that can flexibly change its state. We can get any information if we learn to manage our perception in the astral plane. Nikola Tesla admitted that he drew all his inventions from the visualized astral plane. He claimed that he simply closed his eyes and the visions clearly appeared before him. And after that he only had to collect what he saw from the details. And everything worked right away! And, thanks to him, we now use alternating current from sockets, electric motors and many other devices invented by him. Nothing prevents us, as Tesla did, from learning to draw new information from the astral plane.
    We cannot be deprived of the astral plane and astral perception, we can only forget about it ourselves or not use the limitless possibilities of the astral plane.
    There is our personal astral, and there is a common
    Astral can be divided into "own" and "external". Our own astral plane is imagination, visualization, internal modeling, visions, in fact everything that we can see "not with our eyes" and everything that we can control by tracking changes visually. This is what we create ourselves. It can be compared to pictures and videos on our own computer. The "outer astral" will be everything visible in the same way, but not subject to our attempts to change. It's like what is happening on a TV screen or in a window behind glass. We will refer to "external" all versions of the astral plane that belongs to other people, and those options for seeing through the astral plane, when we perceive the formed reality of a certain world. As an example - our physical world, which can also be seen through the astral (or astral vision, astral "vision"). A particular example would be our vision of our own internal organs. Another example would be "seeing" what is happening in the next room.
    Astral differs from physical reality
    Astral has a special specificity. Our linear time does not limit what we see in the astral plane. So, without high-quality training, tuning in to some place, we can see both the events of the past and the future, and, accordingly, have difficulties in determining the date.
    Another specificity of astral perception is that at some stage the event is first seen in the astral plane, and only then it occurs in the physical world. This allows you to use the astral plane for practical, earthly purposes.
    In most cases, when you practice one or another method of perceiving the astral plane, you are not limited to visual observation only. Often this is accompanied by sensations, sounds and even smells! .. And, naturally, you think about something when “traveling through the astral plane”, therefore the mental (mental) body is also with you.

    There are many ways to leave the body. It depends on the person, for each of us there is a way, it needs to be invented or selected from the available ones. But absolutely all methods have something in common, we will talk about this.

    How to go to the astral plane?

    To be in the astral, it is necessary to separate the physical and astral bodies. Separating the body is not difficult: you just need to sit comfortably and relax. It is necessary to continue until the tingling begins, after which some parts of the body will become cottony. It is necessary to achieve this state for the whole body. Separating consciousness is a more time consuming task. He needs to be relaxed, just like the body, for this you need to interrupt your internal dialogue. This is the main problem - you need to properly control your mind. It may take hours to go to the astral plane and reach the desired state, which will not give a result in all cases. Turning off consciousness, you need to fall into yourself - this is how the complete separation of the physical and astral bodies occurs.

    In the astral plane, you should not try to control your body in the same way as in the ordinary world. If you try to do this, you will feel that you are moving your physical body. Astral is a completely different world, in it the main engine is the power of thought. By repeating your attempts, sooner or later you will learn to do this. How quickly you master this is entirely up to you. Some people get it right away, some don't. The most important thing is to focus on the sensations, otherwise you risk spending too much energy. If you are trying this for the first time, then you should not practice more than once a day.

    After your first attempts to enter the astral plane, you will feel fear. For everyone, it manifests itself in different ways: someone experiences panic fear, someone is only partially scared, others are not afraid at all. It must be overcome - remember, this is a natural reaction of the body to new sensations. You are faced with a completely new world, previously unknown. One must learn to feel the soul and how to feel the rest of the world with it. Then your fear will pass. You must fully understand and control all processes if you do not want to start going out randomly.

    When you enter the astral plane, you accustom yourself to this, and when you go to sleep, the body will automatically apply this state, and instead of sleeping you will leave the physical world. You must fully comprehend this process, without bringing it to automatism. If you think that you can glean what you need from one article, you are mistaken. If you really want to be successful in your endeavor, you will have to study a huge amount of material.

    Video - What is Astral?

    Dear friend! Entering the astralp about the truth is a unique opportunity given to us by God! Using it, a person will be able to gain access to a huge store of knowledge of his unconscious mind.

    In the astral plane, you will be able to receive incredible sexual pleasures, to have sexual intercourse with all those with whom you could not in earthly incarnation, while the sensations from sexual contact will be many times stronger and more powerful than earthly ones.

    In the astral plane, you can participate in wars, communicate with great teachers, hunt dinosaurs, create great masterpieces.

    Astral is the laboratory and workshop of your creative self.

    The daytime techniques of astral exit are essentially no different from any other techniques. There are several conditions:

    1. You must be tired

    2. You must be sleepy

    3. You should already have at least a microscopic experience of going into the astral plane, even if involuntary.


    The astral exit during meditation is the least energy consuming and is one of the simplest. This conclusion is supported by numerous testimonies of people who had spontaneous astral experience in a state of meditation. Some traditional methods of astral projection involve persistent and prolonged training, while the meditation method does not require additional effort.
    Sit in a comfortable reclining chair, close your eyes, relax and think about the pleasant. Relax all the muscles in succession for several minutes until the whole body becomes "wadded".
    So, physically you are relaxed. Drop all thoughts and achieve that your consciousness merges with absolute emptiness. Sometimes, during mental relaxation, unusual sensations come, for example, a feeling of coolness, as from a breath of a light breeze. From time to time I hear a quiet, pleasant hum in my ears. Various shapes and outlines can appear before the inner gaze. Contemplate them, but do not allow the activation of the thought process.
    With your body and mind completely relaxed, lie down and wait. You may feel like your head has grown in size. Spontaneous movements are also possible. A slight wiggle can turn into a tangible, continuous vibration. It is at this moment that it is important not to think about anything, since the appearance of vibration indicates that you are about to leave the physical shell.
    Think about the itinerary for your upcoming trip. Call on your imagination and create a mental image. At the same time, try not to think about what you see. Try to blend in with the imaginary picture.
    Now you can go anywhere: visit a loved one; into the past, for a conversation with an ancient thinker; where they have been striving to get all their life. It will not be difficult to contemplate yourself in the present, past and future. A conversation with such a triune self can be helpful and instructive.
    Take a close look around. Do not try to analyze what is happening - you will have enough time after the experiment to evaluate the events.
    As you conclude the experience, command yourself to return to your physical body. Lie still for a couple of minutes and, counting to five, open your eyes. Think about what you have experienced. This method raises some doubts and a number of questions. Was the exit astral or mental? Were the visual associations strong enough? How easy was the communication? If your sensations did not differ from the usual, you were in the astral plane.
    If in doubt, repeat the experiment a few more times. As with any business, skills are acquired with practice. Be persistent and persistent, and one day you will go out into the astral plane through meditation.
    It is possible that the exit will be so unexpected that you will immediately return to the original state. Nevertheless, from this moment you will realize the effectiveness of the method.
    There are many ways of meditation. For example, you can chant mantras or focus on a candle; it is important to use meditation effectively as a springboard for astral flight.


    This method is especially enjoyable. Start with progressive (sequential) relaxation. Fully relaxed, imagine yourself on a swing, mentally repeating their movement in an arc from the tip of the nose to the back of the head. Concentrating on these places, imagine that the whole body is involved in movement. As with a conventional swing, increase the swing amplitude each time - until a full rotation around an imaginary axis occurs. Approaching the highest point of the imaginary steep, mentally concentrate and leave the physical body. At the same time, you will experience incomparable sensations: as you swing, you will "take your breath away" and, having entered the astral plane, you will be able to observe the motionless physical body from the side.
    After you try this method a few times, there is no need for progressive relaxation beforehand. For the astral exit, it will be enough for you to sit down, close your eyes and imagine the ever increasing amplitude of the swing.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    The method is simple, but most people need several tries to successfully exit. This is most likely due to the complexity of the simultaneous implementation of conscious and subconscious volitional efforts. Therefore, before adopting this method, it is necessary for some time (a week or so) to constantly think about astral travel. Think tirelessly about the importance of the experiment, and the corresponding attitude will be fixed in your subconscious mind.
    Make sure no one gets in your way. The room should be warm and dark. The experiment is carried out in complete solitude.
    Close your eyes, focus on your breath, then focus on the tips of your toes. Think only of them and nothing else. Imagine how the astral body is separated from the physical at this very place.
    Repeat the process with your other toes in mind. Feel the astral body separate from the legs to the back of the head. At this moment, imagine how the double flows around the physical body.
    Concentrate your will in the forehead and desire to go out into the astral plane. At this point, both conscious and subconscious motivations should work. Wish it with all the fibers of your soul, and you will feel yourself flying up to the ceiling, watching the body left on the bed from above.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    The method itself is subdivided into two stages, the first of which is a special diet. The eating instructions are as follows.

    The neophyte should give up eating meat. Fasting is good for some people, but everyone should cut back on the amount of food they eat.

    One to two hours before the astral exit, you should completely refuse to eat.

    It is advisable to switch to a vegetable and fruit diet; carrots are especially useful.

    Raw eggs also facilitate access to the astral plane.

    Nuts, especially peanuts, should be completely eliminated from the diet.

    All liquids are good if you don't drink too much. Alcohol and coffee on the day of the astral exit are strictly contraindicated.

    You should not smoke or use other drugs.

    At the end of the study, the good news is reported: "After five to six months of spiritual development ... advanced adepts can eat whatever they like."

    The time of adherence to a special diet, which should be Adhered to before the first attempt at astral exit, is not indicated. But it should be at least two weeks.
    When you feel ready to travel, make yourself comfortable in the warm, darkened room. It is recommended to "keep the body straight so as not to disturb circulation, as blood pressure is one of the determining factors" *. Never cross your arms and legs.
    It's a good idea to put a container of water nearby. Alternatively, it was suggested to "put your hands in the water" or use "water vapor" *. It is more convenient and practical to put a glass of water next to it and wash your hands before traveling.
    Then you need to start breathing deeply and relax. "The pulsation of the brain should be synchronized with breathing. In this sense, breathing exercises are very helpful ... To get out of the body, it is useful to hold the breath while inhaling; holding the breath is not beneficial." After breathing and applying the relaxation technique, mentally draw the following picture.

    Imagine yourself inside a huge cone. Climb to its top in your mind. Imagine yourself at the epicenter of a vortex. Mentally identify yourself with the apex point of the cone until the vortex breaks through the shell and carries you out.

    Variants are also possible. Imagine yourself gliding on the crest of a giant wave. As soon as its crest begins to curl, release from the body shell.

    Imagine being tied to a rope bay. He begins to unwind and pulls you after him; at that moment you leave the body.

    Imagine yourself in a barrel that gradually fills up with water. As soon as the water reaches the maximum level, find the side hole and go out into the astral plane.

    Imagine yourself looking in a mirror. As you gaze intently at your own reflection, imagine how consciousness moves to your reflected double.

    Imagine yourself sitting on a blanket, from which steam rises. Identifying yourself with the rising steam, leave your physical body.

    The main task is to distract attention from your own physical body. The above examples of visualization are the best fit for this purpose, since each time it is easier to create new mental images.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    Before undertaking a real astral journey, many people mentally draw a picture of the exit itself. If you have succeeded in this, the proposed methodology is of undoubted interest for you.
    First of all, you should check your visualization abilities. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine scenes from childhood, preferably from a period when you were no more than five years old. Visualize the picture clearly. Pay attention to your surroundings and the people around you. Recall the sounds, smells, and other sensations associated with this scene. Having coped with this task, imagine a blank screen in front of you.
    Mentally draw the front door of your house on the screen. Record this image clearly in your imagination. Memorize every scratch on its surface. Walk your mind's eye over the doorway, keyhole, and other places you can remember. Then imagine a blank screen again.
    Remember the outline of your bedroom. Present it as clearly as you can. Look at the bed, other furniture, draperies, and the door. Reproduce every detail as accurately as possible, down to the smallest detail such as the dusty surface. Take a look at the closet; look where clothes, shoes are; in what order the objects are laid out on the table, bed, chair.
    A blank screen appears again in front of your inner gaze. At the end of the exercise, imagine yourself wandering on the surface of the moon. Take a close look at the surrounding landscape. Concentrate on your senses and completely immerse yourself in contemplation.
    Open your eyes and compare the quality of the scenes you see. Which one was clearer? In principle, there cannot be an unambiguous answer, since sometimes a person reproduces pictures from the distant past or presents hypothetical experiences more clearly than the events that occurred during the day.
    However, try to identify the scene that was most impressive. Pay attention to what has left the clearest mark in your memory. It is possible that the most striking experiences were not the scenes themselves, but smells, sounds or other sensations.
    You may want to take a fresh look at your bedroom and your front door. Don't be surprised if you see things in the wrong places when they were rendered. It is possible that the mental picture reflected yesterday's or the day before yesterday's reality. One of my acquaintances discovered that he had a vision of the door of the house in which he lived in early childhood, while he imagined the entrance to his modern home.
    All people are different. The imagination of some is not inferior to the real reflection of reality, while others cannot mentally reproduce any of the proposed pictures. Most people have average visualization abilities: pictures are mentally reproduced, but with varying degrees of clarity.
    If you are convinced that your imaginative thinking is not stable enough, this method is not for you. Those with a rich imagination will find it the best on the list. When a person is of average ability, he must pass another test.
    You will need a completely white wall, a blank Whatman paper, or a slideshow screen. Place a flower pot or other bright object in front of the screen. Sit one to two meters away from the subject and look at it for four to five minutes. Close your eyes, create a mental image of the object and visualize its outline in as much detail as possible.
    Pay attention to the created image for several minutes. If the image becomes blurry, open your eyes and look at the subject again.
    Having coped with this task, you can proceed to the next stage. Place the glass upside down on the table and sit opposite. Close your eyes and imagine that your consciousness is trapped inside a glass. It's not difficult at all. Concentrate on the upside-down object. Having mastered the previous exercises, you can easily cope with the new task. After a while, you will feel that you are only able to perceive the glass and your consciousness. Over time, the identification of consciousness and the object will occur, and you will achieve your goal.
    Now we must learn to move consciousness from one place to another. You will be convinced that you can look at yourself from the outside, and the thought process will not be interrupted and depend on the location of your "I".
    The skills listed above can hardly be overestimated in terms of the effectiveness of astral activity.
    Sit down, close your eyes and inhale deeply several times. After inhaling, hold your breath, then exhale slowly. The hold should be at least as long as the inhalation.
    Take a mental gaze of your body and imagine how the astral double slowly rises and leaves the physical shell. Having completely freed yourself from the fetters of the body, go flying. After completing the task, imagine how the double comes back, and in the same instant you will regain a physical body.
    Aleister Crowley taught a similar visualization method to his followers. Each student imagined a door or a huge white wall engraved with his personal symbol. The student "watched" the door slowly open and he goes through the opening. Practicing such an exercise, the student very soon went into the astral plane.
    You can criticize this technique for the fact that it does not reflect reality and uses the power of the imagination as the main tool. It is similar to training pilots in flight simulator. Having received the necessary practical skills in a pleasant, safe environment, the pilot goes on a real flight. Studying visualization techniques, it can be difficult to determine the degree of one's own readiness for the astral exit. However, there is no doubt that training develops the ability to build speculative images and, sooner or later, a person will gain an out-of-body experience.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    This method is a logical addition to the previous one (visualization technique 1). Having learned how to clearly reproduce at least two of the scenes suggested above, you can proceed to further improvement.
    Close your eyes and lie on the floor with your back. Place a pillow or roller under your head for convenience. Make sure the room is warm enough and that you are wearing a comfortable, spacious workout suit.
    Imagine a double hovering a meter above your body, whose appearance is no different from your appearance. As you focus on this image, you will find that with each passing second it becomes more solid and real.
    Try to identify your true self, and for a fraction of a second you will feel a sense of uncertainty until you are sure that your true identity is on the floor.
    Doubts will arise again if you ask yourself the question: "Am I a subject floating in the air?"
    With the image in mind, try to empower the double with your consciousness. When this happens, doubts may return to you. At this stage, you need to remain calm and relaxed; otherwise, consciousness will return to the physical body.
    As soon as consciousness feels comfortable in the new shell, look at the body lying under you and go on a journey.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    This method, like the previous one, is not suitable for everyone. As a rule, people cannot change their way of life or quit a bad habit with one willful effort. This happens due to the fact that our emotions prevail over reason and each time win over it. In fact, a person who wants to lose weight, exhausted by the diet and in a certain sense plunged into an emotional shock, cannot resist the sight of an appetizing dish. By consuming food, this person, knowing that they are doing wrong, feels a sense of emotional relief.
    Anyway, the volitional method is not bad, and I [Richard Webster] know many examples of how people have achieved impressive results with its help.
    Sit in a comfortable chair. As usual, the room should be warm, dark, or slightly darkened. The phone should be turned off. Place your hands on your hips, palms up.
    Take a few deep breaths and make sure the breathing is rhythmic. In this case, there is no need to focus your attention on it.
    Think about the need for an astral exit and clearly understand the purpose of the journey. Be absolutely confident in your own strength and ability to exit.
    Now is the time to use willpower. Mentally say: "I will leave my body. I am ready to leave my body. My astral body is ready to go out. I want this to happen for HIS SECOND!"
    Wait a few seconds and try again. The procedure may have to be repeated a dozen times, repeating the setting phrases like a mantra.
    The successful realization of the exit is evidenced by the feeling of vibration and the appearance of a feeling of liberation. Having achieved this, go on a journey. If your exit attempt fails, open your eyes and take a walk in the fresh air.
    While walking, think about the pleasant and drive away the thoughts of the failure that has befallen you, which should be considered as the next step up, to the heights of success. After finishing the exercise, try again. After a walk, your brain is enriched with oxygen, and the chances of going out into the astral plane are significantly increased. If the second time you are not lucky, do not be discouraged and know that the experience was not in vain and you managed to take another step on the path to success. Cheer up and postpone the next try until tomorrow

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    This method is of undoubted interest for people who are used to giving themselves guidelines in certain life situations. I don’t think it will benefit those who don’t believe in the effectiveness of self-hypnosis.
    In this case, self-hypnosis means a phrase that, like a mantra, is repeated over and over again.
    A frequently repeated setting penetrates so deeply into the subconscious that at the right moment a person executes the command automatically. Note that belief in attitude is irrelevant. For example, mentally convincing himself of his own wealth and well-being, a person may be fully aware of the far from brilliant financial situation in which he is at the moment. However, the subconscious mind does not even suspect that a person is barely making ends meet, and will push him towards financial success.
    The settings can be given to anything. For example, you have no intention of cleaning up your tool shed for a long time. Repeat the phrase to yourself 20-30 times daily: "I am cleaning the barn." Note that the setting is always used in the present tense. You should not say I will bring you ... ", since this can happen both tomorrow and in ten years.
    It is likely that it will take some time until you find time for cleaning, but the installation is firmly "stuck" in your head and, sooner or later, the job will be done.
    This technique can be very helpful in a successful astral exit. On the eve of an astral trip, do not get tired of repeating: "I am going on an astral trip. I am going to leave the physical shell." It is good to say these phrases out loud, but it is equally useful to repeat them over and over again to yourself.
    Sit back one evening, close your eyes, and do the progressive relaxation exercise.
    Relaxing completely, repeat the installation twice: "I am ready for astral travel. I am ready to leave my body."
    Repeat the installation over and over.
    By repeating these words, you mobilize your self to be ready for the astral exit and create an atmosphere of anticipation. Do not despair after a few unsuccessful attempts, but persist in your studies, and in the end you will feel the vibration and break the bodily bonds.
    The flight attitude, which is repeated several times during the day, can have a beneficial effect even when you are trying to go to the astral plane using other methods. The subconscious mind will concentrate on the given program, and you will definitely make your dream come true.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    Thanks to this method, people who are not susceptible to any other methods can be sent to the astral plane. This method is good because there is no need to work with the patient's consciousness, but you can directly influence the subconscious.
    There are two approaches to using hypnotic trance. In the first case, a person goes into a trance on his own, and in the second, he resorts to the services of an experienced hypnotist. The second method is preferable and much more effective.
    Nevertheless, you can use the first one, having previously mastered the technique of self-hypnosis;
    Going into a trance on your own, you should pay close attention to the technique of progressive relaxation. Once you feel that you can relax quickly and effortlessly, all you have to do is think about the place of the upcoming journey and imagine the exit from the physical body.
    You will need to attach your multi-speed power drill with hypnodisk to the cabinet. Engage your lowest spin speed, sit comfortably in a reclining chair, and gaze into the spinning disc for progressive relaxation.

    taken from R. Webster's book Astral Travel for Beginners.


    This is perhaps the easiest and most natural method, usually providing simultaneous relaxation of body and mind. Lie in any comfortable position, preferably when you are tired and sleepy. As you relax and start falling asleep, keep your mental attention on something by keeping your eyes closed. When you reach the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, deepen your relaxation by focusing on the darkness behind your eyelids. The trick is to maintain a fine line between being conscious and asleep.


    The method of the gray triangle The triangle is not large (you can draw whatever you want, the main thing so that it can be seen. You can also lay it out with a rope.) So that the person using this method can fit into it, with an angle to the north. On three sides of the triangle, gray candles are lit. The burning of the candle is only important for activating the tregolnik. Their size will regulate the duration of the triangle.
    In the middle of the triangle, the user lies down with his head to the north, closes his eyes and focuses on his astral body. The Astral will come by itself, the user will simply be pulled into it by force. No talismans and protections are recommended except for the lunar ones, they simply will not work, moreover, they will become invalid.
    The method can only be done by advanced or very brave people, but in any case there should be no fear of death, the latter is mandatory in any case. The most ideal option is the use of this method by a necromancer.

    The easiest way to go astral!

    Even if you are inexperienced and have never tried astral travel, this technique will help you learn how to freely and simply separate your astral body from the physical. Having mastered this unique technique, you will learn how to actually fly in the astral body. Amazing journeys and exciting adventures await you:
    If you have already tried various methods of astral exit, and you have not succeeded, do not despair, I will give you the most accessible and effective way of astral travel.
    What does it take to go to the astral plane?

    The first and only condition is to be able to enter a trance state. If you have not learned this skill, then all your attempts are doomed to failure. Exit to the astral plane is carried out in an altered state of consciousness, subject to complete relaxation, relaxation.
    How do you learn to go into a trance?

    You don't need to learn anything! Now you have a new, unique method that is natural in nature. Studies have shown that at the moment of awakening from sleep, the brain waves work in exactly the mode that is necessary for the astral exit and other magical operations.
    How to get out into the astral plane?

    In reality, everything is very simple, I will give you special exercises that will help you in these attempts. By exercising daily, you can easily and effortlessly get out of the body and travel in your own room right in the astral body.
    How to do the exit technique correctly?

    So, as soon as you woke up, don't rush to open your eyes, don't move! Remember, these conditions are very important!
    I woke up - do not move and do not open your eyes!

    * Try to move different limbs without moving them. As if imagining that you are moving. In this way you can develop your astral body and learn how to control it.
    * Try to fly up in your consciousness and go beyond the material body.
    * Try to roll out of the physical body.
    * Try to jump out of your body.
    * Think of a place and try to mentally be there.
    * Try to spin and swing in your imagination.
    * Try to listen to inner sounds and peer into the images that appear.
    You will definitely understand what I am talking about when you find yourself in this state. Start trying the next morning. Practice for 10-15 minutes.
    You need to work daily to activate your astral body. When you are in an altered state, immediately after awakening, such practices succeed much easier and faster than even in a deep trance, not to mention the waking state.
    How to get back into the body?

    A simple order uttered mentally "RETURN!".

    What if nothing happens?

    The word "if" shouldn't be in the magician's vocabulary. If you're not sure, then don't try. Strength lies in confidence and determination to get what you strive for! But if in fact it does not work out, then fall asleep again and on waking up again, and try this every day. Sooner or later, the experience will succeed, I believe in you!
    A warning!

    After the first try, you may not succeed - do not despair and continue the experiment the next day. Daily training will pay off within 16 days. But, as a rule, luck comes after 2-3 days of practice. Start keeping a special diary, where you will describe the experiences you have received, this greatly helps your subconscious mind to concentrate energy and intention.

    Since childhood, my mother told me about the exit of the soul from the body (she is also a practitioner). She said that when we fall asleep, whether we like it or not, we leave the body and travel through the astral world. It is invisible to many of us, but our astral projections like to walk in it. Only all this is done unconsciously, since we do not choose the place to which we want to fly, people, events and situations.

    How to get to the Astral? My unique "techniques" and recommendations

    You must understand that in fact not all of your soul will leave the body. This will help you get rid of your fears. Only the astral body comes out, which is only a component of your huge and all-embracing energy. It immediately comes back when you wish it, or when you lose awareness, when the journey smoothly flows into a normal dream.

    Recommendations and ways to enter the Astral:
    1. I never eat before bed. I can only drink a glass of water.
    Food "weighs down" your physical body, which means that the energy from the astral is also spent (albeit a little) on food processing and other needs of the body.
    2. I listen to relaxing calm music. This helps to calm the nervous system, which means there is lightness in the body. Emotions "fade" into the background.
    3. Before going to bed, I always mentally speak with my Higher Self.
    In fact, this is a conversation with oneself, only with a higher Aspect. I can thank him for some of the signs and responses he received throughout the day.