
What is a convector: the principle of operation and types of devices. Electric convection heating units. Features of operation and care

Most people who do not have the opportunity to use individual heating use central heating. But we all know perfectly well how timely it is turned on. Everyone is looking for a way out and find it using alternative heat sources. In this article, we will just talk about one of them. Let's see what convectors are and what the principle of operation of devices is.

Some general information about the device

In Europe, many people have been using electric heating for quite a long time. In our country, due to high electricity prices, this is problematic. Nevertheless, you need to warm up somehow, and therefore buying a convector is one of the best solutions. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. The bottom line is the natural convection of air passing through the heating element. This type of heating equipment has a small shape, which allows you to place it where it is convenient. Today there are both floor and wall options. The shape is in most cases rectangular, although there are also square ones, etc. So what are convectors, you ask? This is a device that has many holes in its body. Cold air enters the side and lower ones, then it heats up and exits through the holes on the front side.

About the advantages of electric convectors

It is impossible not to illuminate this aspect, since it is necessary to clearly understand what are the pros and cons of such equipment. The main advantage is that it reaches 95%. This means that the electricity consumed is almost completely converted into heat. Silent operation - here's another one important point. For many, this factor is decisive, for obvious reasons. If you come home from work cold apartment then it needs to be heated up as soon as possible. A convector is the best solution to this problem. The device does not need to spend time heating the media. It is enough to wait just one minute, and the unit will work with the set temperature. It is impossible not to say about the cost of equipment, which is much less than that of gas boilers, etc.

Heating convector, what it is and how it works: a detailed overview

A little has already been said about the principle of operation, now let's look in more detail. Any is based on the principle of movement of air masses in the room. We all know that cold masses sink down, while warm masses are slightly higher. The developers of heaters took advantage of this by placing holes for cold air in lower part devices. air type quickly heats up, which is its main feature. The most important thing is that the heated air is lighter and does not have any harmful inclusions. Warm masses exit through the central and upper openings in the body. This solution allows you to increase the temperature in the room in the shortest possible time. Often, to heat a small room with a convector medium power just a few minutes is enough.

Using the thermostat

We have already figured out a little about what heating convectors are. Electrical options- the most optimal for many reasons, one of them is the presence of a thermostat, although almost all modern heaters and boilers allow you to adjust the temperature in a given range. But in our case, this is especially true. The fact is that here we are talking about heating the air with the help of electricity. In order not to waste electricity, the convector goes into standby mode. This happens if the air entering the lower holes for cold masses is sufficiently heated. Information from the sensor is transmitted to the heating element, which, in turn, turns on or off depending on the situation. There are electronic and electromechanical thermostats. The former are more preferable, since the accuracy of their work is an order of magnitude higher. But such a heater will cost a little more.

If you are going to make a purchase, then use the advice: read the reviews of people who have experience in this matter. For example, for country houses it is recommended to install a whole system of electric heaters combined into one system. The principle of operation is exactly the same, but with the only difference that you can control all devices (or each separately) from the remote control. It is very convenient, and the house will always be warm. Often found helpful tips which also cannot be overlooked. For example, the fact that you can not cover the convector with anything, although few people pay attention to this. The manufacturer "Nuaro" has earned good prestige among buyers. This company produces electric and gas convectors of various sizes. They can be hung on the wall or moved from room to room. Trouble-free operation over a long period of operation is what most users focus on. You already know a little about how an electric convector works, what it is, we also talked.

Gas air heaters

If you want to combine high performance and economy, then look at a gas heater. This device is ideal for heating large rooms for a short time. The only difference from an electric heater is the type of fuel used. If in the first case electricity is required, in the second case natural gas is required. It is known to be one of the cheapest types of fuel. The gas convector has a special two-layer pipe. Fresh air enters the room through the outer layer, and the combustion product exits through the inner layer. As for the heating itself, everything is the same as in the electric convector. Cold air enters the lower openings in the housing, then it contacts the hot heating element and exits through the upper openings. Certainly this good decision, but do not forget that you will need to crash into a gas pipe, which will be the main costs. As for placement, the most popular option is outdoor. So we figured out how a gas convector works, what it is and how it differs from an electric one.

As noted above, there are two ways to install heaters: wall and floor. The first installation option does not provide for further movement of the convector. In the second case, you can move the heater around the apartment or house. There are also liquid and dry convectors. It is safe to say that each of these types has its pros and cons. The liquid heater is ideally suited for full heating of the apartment or the house. Inside the case there is a radiator, most often it is aluminum, and the heating element is immersed directly in the working fluid. Heat transfer is carried out with an efficiency of 98%, which is quite a lot. A dry convector is good for additional heating of the room, and this should not be forgotten. As you can see, an electric heater must be carefully chosen. The most important thing is to clearly understand for what purpose it will be used. If for the main heating, then liquid heating is definitely needed. Here we have figured out what is


As you can see, it is not so difficult to figure out what a convector is. A heater of this type has a number of advantages, which was also mentioned. Currently, there are many models on the market that are equipped with convenient controls and do not require constant human attention. Thanks to the successful implementation of security requirements, you can be completely calm. This is due to the fact that modern sensors are installed that fully control unforeseen processes, this is what an electric convector is good for. The heater will not work without light, but this is understandable. Although this can hardly be called a disadvantage, because even modern gas boilers equipped with sophisticated electronics, so they also turn off when there is a power outage. Efficiency and speed - this is an electric convector. You know what it is and how the device works, so you can safely make a choice in favor of one or another model.

A convector is a heating device in which thermal energy is transferred from a heating element or coolant to a heated room using convection. The essence of natural convection is that, from contact with a coolant or heating element, air rushes up - since it is lighter, heavier masses of cold streams take up the vacated space. Thus, constant air circulation is ensured, which is enhanced by the design of the convector, without additional mechanical devices.

In modern conditions, the length of an average family, a convector is a device that allows you to warm up an apartment in cold weather during the off-season (early autumn and late spring). When the heating season has already ended or has not yet begun, and the temperature has already become too low, an individual heater such as a convector will be an ideal choice. According to customer reviews, the convector is preferable.

This equipment is versatile, but not everyone knows about its incredible efficiency. The convector is equipped with a heating element and an attractive housing, and the area at the bottom of the device is designed to take cool air from the room.

To heat the air in the convector, a heating element is used, and then heated, it goes out through the top of the housing, which looks like blinds.

The heated air soars up to the ceiling, and after a certain period of time it cools and descends downward, where it is again sucked in by the equipment. The phased circulation of air is the basic principle of the operation of each electric convector, regardless of the manufacturer. The gas convector works in the same way.

The principle of operation of the electric convector

Convector and safety issues

The operation of the device is quite simple: after the room has warmed up to the temperature set by the user, the convector is turned off for a certain period - until the surrounding air cools down again. It has a temperature sensor that measures the temperature almost every minute and sends command signals to the thermostat.

As soon as the air warms up to the set level, the thermostat stops the heating element for a while, which reduces energy consumption and saves on electricity bills. A complete cessation of the convector's operation occurs only in a situation where a foreign object enters it, covering the outlet area of ​​heated air.

The convector can be safely left switched on unattended.

The casing of the convector has excellent protection against water penetration, so the device can be installed even in the bathroom, which is extremely convenient in country cottages, or mounted on the wall. During installation, small gaps should be left on both sides of the appliance. The most convenient option for attaching the convector is under the window sill above the baseboard. This will increase the efficiency of his work.

Wall convectors equipped with a thermostat are divided into 2 types:

  • With electronic thermostat. The main advantage is the quiet operation. Disadvantages - high cost, sensitivity to power surges.
  • With electromechanical thermostat. The advantage is immunity to voltage drops, the only drawback is a large error in temperature measurement.

Individual heating with a convector

The presence of a thermostat allows you to create a complete heating system in a country cottage. To do this, the required number of heaters is installed in all rooms and connected to the main device - a convector, which has the only thermostat in such a circuit. Further, if desired, the thermostat is adjusted to a specific mode of heating the house.

To control such a system, you can send SMS from your phone to lower or raise the temperature in the premises before the arrival of residents. And this is not all the possibilities of convectors produced today.

Convector control via app or SMS messages

Factors affecting the noiselessness of the convector

Equipment with built-in fans is designed to quickly warm up the house. They heat up the interior much faster, but their work is accompanied by noise. They are used to warm up the building after a long absence, but at night they are most often turned off. An ordinary convector with a power of 2 kW, located in the middle of the room, is enough to warm up 19–22 m 2.

This is the most practical version of the electric convector, which has a number of advantages:

  • it is impossible to burn yourself about it, so it is safe for children;
  • it can be left on unattended, because at the slightest failure it instantly turns off;
  • can work in the mode of maintaining the temperature level selected by the user;
  • has an attractive appearance, suitable for any interior;
  • some models function completely silently.

The noise level of the heating convector is determined by the specifics of its heating components.

There are the following types of heating elements:

  • Needle - looks like a plate of dielectric material, on which a heating thread is applied, forming loops from each edge of the plate. These loops can instantly warm up and cool down. This is a rather dangerous variety, since the loops are not protected from water. Similar convectors are used in industrial enterprises. They are inexpensive, but break pretty quickly.

  • Tubular - equipped metal tube with a nichrome thread attached inside. The area between the tube and the thread is filled with insulating material. Heat exchange is carried out thanks to aluminum fins attached to the tube. This type of convector is distinguished by noisy operation, accompanied by erratic clicks due to different thermal expansion at the fins and the tube. However, such equipment can be installed in the kitchen or bathroom, as it is equipped with water protection.

  • Monolithic - is installed in electric convectors, which are distinguished by complete noiselessness of operation and, as a result, are very popular with consumers. Such a heating element minimizes heat loss and guarantees maximum heating efficiency.

Varieties of convectors

At domestic use the convector can show itself as a truly versatile piece of equipment. It can be programmed to maintain a certain temperature level and is suitable for remote control. You can also install a filter containing vitamin C for healing.

Today, manufacturers produce a wide range of products that differ in terms of power and dimensions. Also, a gas convector is suitable for installation in a country house.

Small models

Owners of apartments with panoramic windows should install "Elegant Mini", which has small dimensions and a presentable appearance. It is equipped with a copper-aluminum heat exchanger containing copper pipes and aluminum finned plates, which greatly increases the service life. uninterrupted operation equipment.

Such a convector is not subject to rust and can maintain the desired temperature level for a long time. The heated air outlet grill is located at the top, which increases the heating efficiency.

Universal Models

Created on the basis of domestic technologies, Santekhprom has become very popular in Russia. This convector is installed not only in city apartments and country houses, but also in public places. Maximum reliability is achieved through the use of electric-welded pipes, through which water moves at high speed. The specific design of this completely eliminates the risk of clogging or icing. Reviews about the design and heat transfer put the Santekhprom product in the same category with. Heat dissipation is second only to models from.

The main advantages of such heating convectors include:

  • high wear resistance;
  • low body temperature, which allows you to protect yourself from accidental burns;
  • uniform heating of the room;
  • the presence of a regulator that allows you to control the temperature level.

"Atlantic" is another device that is distinguished by its versatility. It is used with equal success for heating industrial buildings, schools, kindergartens, country cottages and summer cottages. A characteristic feature of such equipment is the presence of safety sensors that instantly turn off the device at the slightest disturbance in its operation.

The convector gently warms the air without reducing the level of humidity. With it, the room will always be easy to breathe, given that the temperature of the outer casing never rises above 60°C. Even if dust particles settle on the heating element, due to the low temperature, this will not lead to the appearance of a specific smell.

health care

Electrolux devices are absolutely safe for health. Of all the variety on the market, convectors of this brand invariably fall into the list of leaders. Let's list characteristics her models:

  1. They have a set of filters for air purification. The anti-static filter absorbs the largest dust particles, the carbon one destroys cigarette smoke and other unpleasant odors, and the catechin filter safely destroys microbes contained in the air.
  2. They have a memory function to maintain the set temperature even during a long power outage.
  3. Suitable for both wall mounting and floor placement. There are special limiters in wall mounts, whose use will not allow the convector to fall accidentally.
  4. They have 2 modes of operation: at maximum and medium power.

Electrolux heating equipment is designed not only for warming up the house, but also for sanitary air purification. In the off-season, such a convector will protect against colds and allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Silent convector Ballu with inverter

Sleek and economical, the Ballu features near-silent operation. Its heating element can operate in any of 2 power modes without burning oxygen. Some models of this manufacturer have a monolithic structure. Just a few hours of operation of the convector is enough for a qualitative change in the air and its ionization.

This device is easy to operate and equipped with only the most necessary functions, including:

  • automatic activation of the sensor in case of overheating;
  • remembering user settings;
  • functioning in 2 power modes;
  • key lock to protect against unintentional activation;
  • waterproof housing;
  • automatic shutdown in case of tipping over.

Devices for maximum heat transfer

The fashionable convector Zanussi will be able to short term warm up the room to the correct temperature. When creating it, engineers applied new technologies that made it possible to increase the volume of air taken in by the device. In addition, the convector is characterized by absolutely silent operation due to the presence of a monolithic heating element.

A key feature of such equipment is the ultra-fast heating of the air in the room.

Timberk devices are also of particular interest. They are equipped with a sensor that signals the shutdown of equipment in an emergency, for example, when falling. The one-piece housing contains a high-precision thermostat that protects against overheating.


Today, heaters that dry and electrify the air have become a thing of the past. At the moment, convectors have no analogues in terms of efficiency and speed of heating. You can safely leave them turned on at home and go about your business. Thanks to heating and air disinfection, they protect against colds.

These are indispensable devices for those who care about the health of loved ones. A video review of the TV show “test purchase, with the topic “how to choose a convector for your home”, will help us understand this issue:

1.Aluminum electric radiators
2. How to choose an electric convector
3. Examples of economical ways to heat rooms with electricity

I propose to start considering the issue of choosing a convector with a definition: what is a convector. Let's start from the meaning of the word convection and get the following: a convector is a type of heating device in which thermal energy from a heated coolant or directly from a heating structure (element) is transferred to a heated room. At the same time, the physical property of the heated air to rise up and the filling of the released discharged volume with its cold component is actively exploited.

The natural circulation of air layers in the room is designed to enhance the specific configuration of the convector device. Acceleration of the circulation of air masses gives its placement under the window opening of the room. The cool surface of the glazing repels the upward heat flows and throws them deep into the room, displacing the air with a lower temperature and directing it into the "embrace" of the heater surfaces.

This principle corresponds to panel radiators for water heating, which are installed under window sills at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor so that cold air has a radius of curvature when approaching the convector device. It is preferable if the same distance remains to the window sill or to the upper part of the niche in which the heater is installed. If the distance is shorter, the circulation becomes less efficient, since cold air flows do not slide along the entire surface of the convector, but partially bypass it. Convectors also include devices that use energy from the combustion of natural or liquefied gas, which do not have "shirts" filled with coolant.

The combustion process in closed cell transfers thermal energy to the fins of an all-metal heat exchanger, which exchanges heat with air flows. The gas convector is connected to the street through an opening in the wall for coaxial pipe. Through it, not only combustion products are removed, but also fresh air necessary to sustain combustion. The supply of outdoor cold air further stimulates the convection movement.

When organizing home heating with electric convectors, you should pay attention to the advertising tricks used by manufacturers to increase sales of their products. The consumer market for heating appliances has been flooded with all kinds of electric batteries, exalted in their efficiency to the sky-high heights of the "perpetuum mobile" (PerpetuumMobile). The technical novelty seems to be the pinnacle of engineering and technical thought, which allows, with minimal consumption of electrical energy, to achieve colossal results in electric heating of residential premises.

In particular, from the descriptions of high-tech products it is clear that the core basis of the circuit is a prosaic thermoelectric heating element (PETN). It is of tubular type. Such heating elements are used in the manufacture of electric heated towel rails for bathrooms, hot water boilers and other electrical appliances (read: Heating elements for heating radiators: comfortable heating).

Aluminum electric radiators

Positioning electric radiators as energy-saving devices with high efficiency causes their low power consumption. Products with a network load of only 300-500 watts prevail in the sale. The computer consumes the same amount, but allocates significantly less heat than stated in the description of heating monsters. The cavities of the heating electric radiator are filled with liquid. It can be water or oil.

There is an option with a sealed factory blockage of fluid in the radiator, but often the buyer himself has the opportunity to decide on the choice of coolant and fill it with it at his discretion. Having decided to carry out electric heating of a private house with convectors or other devices of this type, attention can be paid to electric aluminum radiators.

First of all, it looks attractive. classic design heater. If you do not look closely, then we can say that this is an element of a traditional heating circuit. The visiting card of the handsome aluminum is a remote digital thermostat that performs microprocessor control. A device equipped with a liquid crystal display breaks electrical circuit, like a conventional thermostat using the mechanical deformation of a metal plate. There is a lot of presentability, but the result is the same.

Aluminum fins have a large area of ​​contact with air. Intercostal distances and inclined planes in the structure assembled radiator allow to some extent refer them to the class of convectors. But the best heating convectors are electrical devices that have a heating element in their design. closed type, which converts electrical energy into heating the heat transfer circuit.

The heat exchanger is made, as a rule, of copper or its alloys, characterized by a high concentration of the copper component. The convector body has openings at the bottom for the selection of a cool air stream and a lattice plane at the top for the unhindered exit of a warm stream. On the case, digital indication of the parameters set to the device is possible. The model range in terms of power is presented by most manufacturers with convectors with a consumption of 0.5 kW, 1 kW, 1.5 kW, 2 kW.

The last two models have in their circuit two heating elements connected in parallel. There is a misconception that this allows you to use them not to their full potential. By turning off one of the heating elements, but at the same time keeping the temperature setting for space heating unchanged, savings cannot be achieved. By reducing the power of the heating device, we automatically come to the fact that the time period for which the convector will reach the set temperature increases.

How to choose an electric convector

The distribution network presents a wide range of electric heating convectors, how to choose the best option for heating a living space among them, understanding that the main criteria for choosing should be the safety and reliability of the device (in more detail: “Which convector to choose for heating”).

The convector body is traditionally made of thin sheet metal. Expensive models in this regard are represented by light aluminum alloys, cheap models are alloyed or refined steel. Even in appearance, one can get the impression of the quality factor of an electrical device. The conditions of processing and finishing of the surfaces of the product, especially the edges, eloquently speak of the quality laid down by the manufacturer. Do not blindly rely on the brand. Sometimes under a big name a segment of medium and low standard can be hidden. The power cable with plug is also subject to inspection. A convector with a rated power consumption of 1 kW or more cannot be connected to the mains using a plug that does not have a third contact for grounding and on electrical cord with a small section.

The heater must exclude exposed heating elements if it is used in residential areas with constant presence of people. This must be indicated in the accompanying product description. It is necessary to carefully study the technical characteristics and features of the convector device before buying. If in doubt, contact a sales consultant. Open heating elements burn oxygen in the room and cause discomfort and sometimes even a headache. Staying in these rooms for a long time, and even worse - resting at night is harmful to the human body.
Electric heaters are devices with a coefficient of performance (COP) approaching 99%. Therefore, the aggressive publicity of manufacturing companies and retail chains about the "super" productivity of the heater is nothing more than another impact on a potential buyer in order to unreasonably increase demand for this or other products. Deciding to install heating convectors electrical principle whose work was considered above, it must be taken into account that the average consumption of electrical energy by devices per day is calculated according to an empirical formula.

Daily consumption is approximately half of the declared power of the device, multiplied by 24 hours. Following the logic, the monthly consumption is calculated, which is usually operated when calculating the profitability and efficiency comparable to others possible ways heating. We can immediately state that heating with electric convectors is accompanied by significant financial costs. The speed of arrangement and the low cost part of the organization are not able to compensate for the high monthly costs of paying for electricity.

Advantages of an electric convector, detailed video:

Examples of economical ways to heat rooms with electricity

It is much more economical to use other types of heating with electricity (read also: " economical heating electricity: for and against). Among them, all kinds of thermal pump equipment. Spent 1 kW of electricity brings into the house up to 5 kW of thermal energy. Another fact testifies to the record efficiency. The purchase of the simplest thermal installation with a pump, which is actually an inverter air conditioner, will cost as three or four "super" efficient electric heating batteries with ultra-modern control units made of aluminum. In this case, only the cryogenic barrier (-25 degrees Celsius) can act as a negative side. The peak consumption of the unit in the heat injection mode does not exceed 1 kW, the thermal power is higher than 3.5 kW.

Another economical direction of electric space heating is film underfloor heating, which can be laid under a tile or a floor covering based on a fibreboard. high density. Saving Money the owner of the house is achieved at the expense of uniform distribution warm air in the rooms. The zone of increased comfort is created at a level much lower than when heating with convector-type appliances. Room temperature does not fluctuate sharply depending on the measurement height, which is observed even when heating with liquid heat carriers by means of gas. Ascending heat flows take longer to cross the distance from the floor to the ceiling, which inevitably concentrates the most heated air.

With great success, heating of the dacha with electric convectors can be arranged (see also: “Heating in the dacha with electricity is a reliable solution”). Carefully selected according to the volume of rooms, heating devices in a short period of time, using natural convection, will ensure uniform heating of the premises. Automatic mode, due to the presence of thermostats, allows you not to take part in the control of retention comfortable temperature. Considering that staying at the dacha is temporary, the cost of paying for electricity for this type of electric heating is commensurate with the comfortable conditions obtained and the initial investment in the purchase and installation of convectors.

Thus, space heating by electric convectors is effective way heating.

Its advantages include:

  • drawing up a heating scheme and selecting appliances is carried out directly by the owners of the house;
  • low costs for heating system equipment;
  • the ability to perform installation without resorting to the services of specialists;
  • Efficiency of achievement of the set temperature condition;
  • occasional use does not require conservation or additional costs.

Which electric heating convector is better: how to buy a good one so as not to regret later?

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Fan convectors




  • with fan
  • wall convector with fan
  • the convector is designed for mounting on the wall of a room with a window
  • with fan
  • the convector is equipped with a thermoelectric power generator
  • the convector does not require electrical installation
  • wall convector with fan
  • dry room heating
  • wall convector with fan
  • the convector is equipped with a thermostatic head

  • high forced convection performance
  • rapid reaction
  • zero consumption

    electricity power

  • noiseless operation

  • The most powerful free-standing convector with fan
  • It also heats at a low coolant temperature.

  • low power consumption
  • safety voltage 12 V DC
  • simple control

  • double circuit connection
  • simple control

  • high heating and cooling power
  • heating unit with short response time
  • heating also when the fan is off
  • low power consumption
  • safe voltage 12 VDC
  • simple control

  • high heat output of forced convection
  • quick response heating element
  • heating even when the fan is off
  • low power consumption
  • safety voltage 12 V DC
  • simple control

  • high heat output of forced convection
  • quick response heating element
  • heating even when the fan is off
  • low power consumption
  • safety voltage 12 V DC
  • simple control

  • high heat output of forced convection
  • quick response heating element
  • heating even when the fan is off
  • low power consumption
  • safety voltage 12 V DC
  • simple control

Download catalog of MINIB convectors

Design and operation of water convectors
Areas of use
Types of convectors for heating water
Floor convector radiators
On the wall
On the floor
Selection of convectors

Various heating devices can be used to control the heating, each of which works in its own direction. For example, traditional radiators heat up a room due to convection and heat radiation.

An alternative is convection radiators for heating water, which provide heat only by convection, which ensures a constant circulation of air masses. In this article, we will take into account the characteristics and characteristics of water convectors.

Design and operation of water convectors

The transfer of thermal energy to heating devices is carried out using a coolant heated to a certain temperature.

When using conventional heating batteries, most of the heat produced is used for indoor walls and buildings. To increase the efficiency of batteries, fins are formed during production to ensure the movement of convection air. The presence of fins significantly accelerates the heating of rooms.

The main advantage of convection is the level of space heating. The heated air gradually rises, thereby pushing a mass of cold air towards the convectors, where they are heated.

Because of this simple principle, rapid heating is achieved - the room becomes very warm 20-30 minutes after starting.

The convector water heater works in a simple mode.

First, the refrigerant passes through the internal wells of the device, thus receiving heat from the metal fins. The air passing through the fins moves upward and opens up new, still cold air masses.

To improve heating efficiency and heating speed, some convectors are equipped with fans that provide forced circulation air.


The design of water heaters includes:

  • Steel or copper hose required for refrigerant transfer;
  • Oberbrenie, which allows you to heat the air in the room;
  • Connection of nodes connecting the device to the heating circuit.

In addition, the heaters are equipped with a thermostat and a fan - first you need to set the dispersion of the heating system, while the latter allows you to remove air from the heating circuit.

Water heating convectors are very versatile and can be used in various areas. They are actively used for heating private houses and apartments, offices, as well as administrative and industrial buildings.

Areas of use

Most of the use is largely due to the main advantages of water inlets:

  1. Rapid heating.

    It takes much less time to heat a room in which a convector for heating water is installed than traditional radiators.

  2. High efficiency.

    Due to the special design and unique principle of operation, the efficiency of convectors can reach approximately 95% - and this is one of the highest rates in the field of heating equipment.

  3. Compactness.

    Heating convectors are relatively small, so they do not require much space for installation. In addition, compactness allows the use of such devices without compromising interior spaces with heating.

In addition to the advantages already described, it is also necessary to mention the ease of maintenance of convectors, the cleaning of which is reduced to periodic dusting.

When cleaning, a conventional vacuum cleaner with sufficient power is very convenient. However, there is a need for internal cleaning at least twice a month to prevent contamination of the system from the inside - this job can also be easily done.

Types of convectors for heating water

The following types of convectors can be found on the heating market:

  • The floor is installed on the floor;
  • Wall, the most common models attached to walls;
  • Window panels, which are the latest versions and installed under the base;
  • Ground, specially designed for heating, supplied with gas;
  • Basement, which can be installed in the walls, various niches or stairs.

Each species has its own characteristics and therefore must be considered separately.

Floor convector radiators

Floor covering products are usually used in combination with panoramic windows.

In this case, the heating water pipeline is placed directly on the floor, then the connected and connected heating devices (see "What are convectors for heating - this is water from the soil, the type of which is better to choose").

If you can choose models with small dimensions and sufficient power, the result will be an excellent combination of large windows and high quality heating.

Due to their properties, outdoor water heaters are installed mainly in various theaters, exhibition areas and galleries - in places where water can be installed, the convector fan is only on the floor, so that it is not covered big windows that occupy the entire surface of the wall.

On the wall

Models of convectors for wall mounting are very thin and rather modest in size. Type dimensions wall block can vary within certain limits - for example, high convectors are used for installation under the sleepers, and products of the appropriate height are required for low shelves.

Thanks to its properties and heating capabilities, the wall convector is no worse than analogues, and its compactness allows it to be used in confined spaces.

Devices of this type are commonly used in residential areas, offices, indoor marketplaces and warehouses.

In addition to being able to save space, wall convectors are also suitable for interior designers, but in this case they will need decorative coaters.


Water convectors with a base have been developed very recently and are used for the production of gas heating. Such devices are the most compact among all types of convectors. Despite the very small dimensions, when using heating heaters, heating the room is quite effective, and warm air evenly distributed throughout the room.

On the floor

If it is necessary to equip a heating system that will not be visible, it is best to use floor convectors.

As the name implies, this type of convector is located directly on the ground, where the appropriate dimensions and shape of the niche are first prepared. The pipeline is also installed under the floor, which ensures the supply of the heating medium to the heating devices.

Half steel convector for heating water has clear advantage: Hidden mode is set, so the heating system will not affect the interior of the room.

It is important that the concealed installation does not reduce the efficiency of the system, so that the heating of the air in the room will be uniform and complete.

Opportunity hidden installation largely determines the degree of use of floor convectors.

For example, they are very suitable for rooms with panoramic windows - heating located completely under it does not affect the view, unlike outdoor installations, which hide part of the view, although small.

In addition, with hidden installation, the convector radiators do not protrude to heat water, so people can move freely in the places where they are installed.

Very good systems floor coverings suitable for rooms, and most main part- interior. It's about about various exhibition spaces, concert halls, museums and other places where external elements of the heating system would be redundant. And, of course, this type of convector is often used in private homes - not all owners are ready to prepare large radiators that hang on the walls.


Another relatively recent development is potable water convectors. Such devices are similar to the first ones, since they are also hidden - the principles and possible installation points are completely identical. Due to the basement convectors in every room, very reliable and completely unhealthy heating is possible.

Each clearing convector varies depending on the need to connect to the network.

Electric convectors: how to choose the right one

Electricity is used to run fans that provide forced convection. The use of low noise fans uses a convex convector design so you don't have to think about eliminating unnecessary noise.

Selection of convectors

For plumbing convectors that fit completely into the infrastructure of the building, the entire heating system must be taken into account in the entire heating system.

For example, if you use panoramic windows and elevator convectors in your home design, you must provide niches for their installation. However, in private residential construction, the most commonly used plumbing convector is located under windows and along blank walls.

If we choose the power of the device, we need to use a simplified calculation algorithm that requires 100 W of power to heat 1 square meter of space. If you multiply the area of ​​each room by 100, you can get the desired value.

In terms of quality and cost, we can say the following:

  • Products domestic manufacturers according to the considered parameters are the most balanced;
  • Chinese heating appliances are cheap, but their quality can often be challenged;
  • Various foreign convectors may be more expensive, and the quality will be appropriate.

Of course, before choosing a water heat exchanger, you must consider the choice of certain manufacturers and their reputation.


Installation of convectors for heating water has many shades:

  1. To operate the device, you must consider the distance between the ground and the ground - at the bottom of the water convector, the fan ventilation has holes that must be left open.

    It is best to place the convectors at a height of 20-25 cm from the ground, about 10-30 cm from the threshold and about 5 cm from the walls.

  2. Pipes can work on convectors on the side or bottom trajectory. Naturally, if possible, pipes should be placed in the walls or on the floor, so that a wall-to-wall convector with a fan is even more aesthetically pleasing.

    Laying in the floor is slightly more convenient, since in this case it is possible to completely cover the pipeline.

  3. Installation of convectors must be strictly horizontal. For leveling it is necessary to use the level of the building.

    To ensure that devices do not move away from the fasteners due to their own weight in the future, they should be defined qualitatively. When installing, you must handle with the greatest possible care - convectors are not particularly strong and can be damaged.

  4. For basement and floor convectors, you need to make sure that you create niches in advance.

    Their size and shape are considered at the design stage, but once again we note the fact that niches of several centimeters should be more sizes convectors. Floor convectors are covered with a special decorative grille on top, through which heated air enters the room.


Water heating convectors are a modern and efficient replacement for traditional heating radiators.

A wide range of applications, the possibility of hidden installation and the absence of a negative effect on the decoration of the premises are the main advantages that these devices appreciate.

Air heating of a country house in our latitudes is popular less than the traditional, radiator scheme for heating a home. Meanwhile, air heating has a number of clearly underestimated advantages. Therefore, in this article we will consider the design features, the nuances of arrangement and some models of air heating installations (with prices and characteristics).

Air heating at home

The design of the "air" heating system of the home

Air heating of the house is arranged as follows:

  • A heating device - a convector - heats up a "portion" of air in the working chamber.

    Moreover, to heat the air, you can use electricity, gas, solid fuel or the energy of the primary coolant circulating in the convector heat exchanger.

  • The pressure unit - the convector fan - displaces the heated air from the working chamber, simultaneously sucking in a new, still cold portion of the coolant. Moreover, some models can work without a fan: after all, after heating the air, we can count on the natural convection of this environment, driven by the difference in the density of warm and cold flows.
  • The network of air ducts - the distribution of the system - provides an influx of hot air into specific rooms.

    However, if the convector is installed in a heated room, then there is no need for air ducts.

  • A network of temperature sensors monitors the microclimate parameters, controlling the intensity of hot air inflow into specific rooms using air dampers and additional fans.

Such a heating system involves the rejection of the classic layout with mandatory radiators. After all, the air in the room is heated by the “air boiler” itself - an electric, wood-burning, secondary or gas convector.

In this case, ventilation ducts can be used as pressure distribution pipelines.

In this case, return pipelines transporting the cooled coolant to the boiler are not needed - the convector fan draws air from the ventilation supply duct or directly from the room that "sheltered" the heater.

Advantages of the "air" heating system

By equipping air heating in a private house, the consumer can count on the following benefits:

  • Uniform heating of the dwelling - the entire volume of air in the room (apartment, house) will acquire approximately the same temperature.

    Cold corners, misted windows, peeling wallpaper, dried-out furniture and mold colonies will become a thing of the past, after radiators that have not been able to provide uniform heating.

  • High heating speed - hot air will heat the rooms to the desired temperature in a matter of minutes.

    Well, in half an hour you can warm up even a completely cooled room with frozen walls.

  • The ability to heat rooms of any volume - air is ubiquitous - it fills any volume.

    Therefore, with the proper power of pressure equipment and a heat exchanger, you can warm up not only a room in the house, but also a huge storage room.

  • The ability to turn off the heating at any time, even in winter - the air does not need to be "drained" from the batteries, it will not "break" the pipes.

    Therefore, if you do not need to heat a room or warehouse, just turn off the convector and that's it.

  • Minimal intervention in the interior of the home - no radiators, no wiring, no problems. There are only air duct grilles that can be designed as decorative panels.
  • Low cost of arrangement - for heating a house with an area of ​​​​up to 250 square meters by air it is necessary to invest in equipment and work no more than 12.5 thousand US dollars.

    Water heating of a house of the same area will require costs at the level of 17.5 thousand US dollars.

  • The possibility of using any energy carriers - the working chamber of the convector can be heated with gas, electricity, liquid fuel and even firewood.

    That is, air heating is, in principle, “omnivorous”. However, each type of energy carrier needs its own convector.

Types of air heating

On the this moment when arranging air heating, the following system layout schemes are used:

Direct flow option, which involves heating the supply air flow, forcing the heated medium into the room and the subsequent removal of the coolant through the exhaust ventilation ducts.

The cooled coolant leaves the room forever and the convector has to heat up a portion of cold, fresh air. Such a scheme is cheap in arrangement, but is associated with significant energy costs, which increase the cost of operating a once-through system.

Electric convector - which one is better to choose for your home?

Moreover, the first direct-flow convectors - wood-burning hypocausts - were used in ancient Rome.

Direct flow option

Recirculation option, involves heating the supply flow taken directly from the heated room. Removal of the coolant outside the building is, of course, possible, but this process has nothing to do with the heating system.

As a result, the convector heats up the still warm air, saving the owner's energy and money. In this case, the “input” of the coolant into the room is carried out through special channels laid at the ceiling level, and the “selection” of the cooled medium is implemented at the floor level of the room, where cold air accumulates. However, repeated heating of the coolant leads to a gradual “burning out” of oxygen, which affects the air quality.

Therefore, recirculation heating schemes are used mainly in the warehouse business.

Recirculation option

mixed option, assuming the connection of a direct-flow and recirculation circuit.

In this case, both fresh, outdoor air and already used, “room” coolant enter the working chamber of the converter. As a result, it becomes possible to save on heating, without the risk of reducing air quality. Therefore, only mixed layouts of air heating systems are used in everyday life.

mixed option

Arrangement of air heating in a private house - the nuances of the process

When building an air heating system, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • It is better to use as a convector gas version thermal generator.

    Electric heaters are expensive to operate, and solid fuel options are difficult to maintain. In addition, the gas convector demonstrates the highest thermal power, simultaneously providing the maximum heating rate.

  • It is better to build the system wiring on the basis of flexible, heat-insulated pipes - this will help save on fittings and interface elements.

    Moreover, of the two options for mounting fittings - flanged and socket - it is better to choose the latter. After all, installation in a socket is faster than assembly on flanges.

    And the lack of strength of the "bell" connection can be eliminated with the help of aluminum tape applied over the joint.

  • The calculation of the power of the convector and the cross-section of the air ducts should be shifted to the shoulders of professionals.

    After all, the air heating system involves a hidden laying of pressure and return air ducts, which cannot be fixed after the completion of the project.

  • The forced-type converter must be installed in a remote boiler room. The fan of this heater generates very strong noise pollution. In residential premises, it is better to install heating devices designed for the natural circulation of the coolant, prompted by the difference in temperature (and density) of air flows.

Popular models of air heating units

Popular models of air convectors, in our opinion, include:

ELECTROLUX ECH/AG-2000 EF– electric heating device, designed for the natural circulation of the coolant (air).

Convector Electrolux ECH-AG-2000 EF

  • Such a convector does not need air ducts and is mounted indoors.
  • However, despite the consumption of 2 kW, it can heat just one room up to 20 "squares".
  • The convector is equipped with a thermostat and an intelligent control module.

    The cost is 70-75 dollars.

LG S 12 LHQ- air conditioning, which also works for heating the room.

Air conditioner LG S 12 LHQ

  • Moreover, as a heating device, this split system provides 3.6 kW of thermal power, consuming no more than 1.3 kW of electricity.
  • The heating process is controlled by a control unit that allows you to control the temperature to the nearest degree.
  • the noise level from the cylindrical turbine does not exceed 39 dB.
  • The cost is 340-350 US dollars.

Lechma PP-190 Standard- solid fuel fireplace-boiler with a chamber for heating air and the ability to connect to the ventilation system of the house.

Fireplace insert Lechma PP-190 Standard LUX

  • This heater generates at least 14 kW of thermal power, heating a dwelling of about 150 square meters.
  • In addition, Lechma PP-190 Standard looks very aesthetically pleasing - it can also be used as a simple fireplace.
  • The cost is 950-970 euros.

RUUD GPN 04EAUEY SILHOUETTE II– gas convector for houses up to 200 square meters (heating power – 20 kW).

Air heating gas oven RUUD GPN 04EAUEY SILHOUETTE II

  • Such a convector heats about 2000 cubic meters air per hour, consuming only 0.3 kW of energy, which is very profitable.
  • The oven itself is connected to ventilation system or to a network of "heating" air ducts through a recirculation or mixed scheme layout.

AVO-42- a convector with a built-in heat exchanger, through which heated oil, antifreeze, haze or steam heated by traditional boilers can circulate.

Air heating units AVO - 42

  • This air heating unit heats at least 1.4 thousand cubic meters of air per hour, generating 12 kW of thermal power.
  • The area of ​​the room heated by this unit reaches 120 squares.
  • The cost is 500-550 US dollars.

A comfortable indoor climate is perhaps the main condition for housing, and other premises in which people have to be.

But to create such conditions in the presence of only central heating may not always be possible.

If the main system does not cope, you have to install additional equipment.

It can be various devices, including electric heating convectors.

They are able to quickly heat the room to a certain temperature level, which is set manually or automatically.

  1. Instrument design
  2. Principle of operation
  3. Types and features of application
  4. Aspects of equipment selection
  5. Review of the best brands

The device of electric heaters

The basis of such a device is a heating element, the operation of which is controlled by a thermostat.

In turn, the heating element consists of a high-resistance conductor with a ceramic sheath. It is soldered into a steel or aluminum housing that matches the shape of the radiator.

Electric convector design

Such design features of the device made it possible to increase the area of ​​interaction of the heating element with air.

In addition, they helped to avoid the main disadvantage of heaters - the combustion of oxygen.

How does a convector work?

The principle of operation of the device is based on the physical law according to which cold air has a large mass and therefore always goes down.

From here it enters the convector passing through the lower grille of the appliance.

Inside, the air is heated, circulating through the heating element and rising up is discharged into the room.

What is a convector: device, varieties, tips for choosing

This process is repeated constantly during the operation of the convector.

Types and their main advantages

The equipment of this class is subdivided depending on the method of installation. There are two types of devices:

  1. Wall mounted;
  2. Floor.

The first are attached under the windows, performing the functions of a thermal curtain from cold air.

They allow you to maximize the energy used to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Electric floor heating convectors can be installed anywhere. Therefore, equipment of this type is widely used not only in residential premises, but also in offices and shopping centers.

There is another model - plinth electric converters.

Instrument selection criteria

Before choosing an electric convector, you need to determine what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room it should heat. If the room is small and its size does not exceed 10 m², then you can limit yourself to a model with a power of no more than 1000 watts. For large room With high ceilings the calculation is based on 100 watts per square meter.

But such a high power is required for appliances used as the main heat sources.

If energy-saving electric heating converters will be used as additional equipment, then you can choose them with a lower coefficient.

It is important to decide in advance on the type of thermostat.

It can be either mechanical or electronic. The first is manually configured, is not able to instantly respond to a decrease in temperature, but at the same time costs 30% less.

Electronic thermostats are considered more accurate. No human intervention is required to manage their operation. Some of them can be programmed. New generation electric converters, equipped with such thermostats, have flexible settings and are able to change the temperature by the hour, lowering during the day and raising it in the evening.

Paying attention to the design features, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the heating element.

The service life of the convector directly depends on it. The heating element made of stainless steel is considered the best.

Such heating elements are able to withstand the temperature developed by the filament and are distinguished by long service life.

The selected electric convector must have automatic overheating protection, as well as a housing with a moisture protection rating of 21 IP.

Overview of popular models

To determine which brand of convector is the most economical and high-quality, it is worth studying the characteristics of products from several manufacturers.

Among the wall samples, appliances are in the greatest demand.

  • noirot spot;
  • nobo;
  • Timberk.

The convector of the first brand is considered the best choice for heating a small room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 15 m². It has a power of 1 kW and provides rapid heating of the room with minimal air drying. The device is produced in one of the European countries and is equipped with automation that can withstand power surges.

Settings are made electronically and will be restored even after an unexpected power outage.

The cost of such a convector is within $ 100 and this is by no means a small amount for such a device.

The advantages of the equipment include:

  1. High efficiency;
  2. Reliability;
  3. Silent operation;
  4. Various settings options;
  5. Economical energy consumption;
  6. Existence of protection against an overheat.

Nobo brand electric convector is more powerful than the previous model.

It is able to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room up to 27 m². The device works completely silently and is able to enter the operating mode within one minute.

The heating element of the unit has aluminum fins, which prevents it from burning oxygen.

Therefore, it can be installed even in a children's room. The convector is controlled by a mechanical regulator. However, the settings are so fine that they can save significant amounts of electricity.

This feature somewhat compensates for the high price of around $250.

This equipment has several advantages:

  • The ability to heat large areas;
  • The presence of protection against overheating;
  • Precise temperature control;
  • Convenient design;
  • Long service life.

Characteristics and features of the Timberk model

A worthy competitor to the two previous models is the Timberk brand convector.

It has low power, but high resistance to power surges. The device is equipped with an electronic thermostat, enclosed in a housing with a high level of protection against moisture and has an exclusive design.

The presence of a control panel on the device allows you to configure it remotely. The only drawback is the small heating area.

However, given the low cost of $140, the model is very good.

As advantages it is worth noting:

  • High precision thermostat;
  • Two modes of operation;
  • Modern design;
  • The presence of a control panel.

Features of operation and care

The most suitable place for installing heating equipment is the section of the wall under the window.

However, if necessary, it can be located elsewhere. But since the device is electrical, safety requirements must be observed.

These include in particular the following:

  • The convector must not be covered with cloth or paper, and even more so used for drying clothes;
  • It cannot be installed near an electrical outlet, minimum distance to it is at least 0.8 m;
  • For use in a room with high humidity you need to choose a unit that has an appropriate degree of protection against moisture.

And of course, when purchasing a device, you should give preference to models from well-known manufacturers.

This approach ensures efficient operation of the equipment for a long time.

Household convector: principle of operation and installation

1. The main differences between a traditional radiator and a convector
2. Advantages of household convectors
3. Where should the convector be installed
4. The process of installing a heating convector
5. Special norms for the operation of convectors
6. Comparison of a convector with an electric boiler system

In the process of arranging a dwelling with all amenities, it is very important to think over the entire heating system in advance, since the comfort of living and a favorable microclimate in the interior of the house will largely depend on the quality of its work.

So special attention should be given to such a modern and efficient device as a heating convector powered by electricity, since this mechanism will allow you to reliably and evenly heat the entire residential building.

The main differences between a traditional radiator and a convector

A standard heater is an apparatus that includes a heating element, a thermostat that controls the temperature, and sometimes also a fan. The main function of such a device is to heat the air in the room, while the heat cannot be distributed evenly.

Such an inexpensive and convenient version of the heater will be a good element for heating a small room.

To understand how a convector works, it should be noted that this equipment can be both floor-standing and wall-mounted, and the principle of operation of a heating convector is natural air convection, which is due to the name of this device.

Often such systems are equipped with special clamps, with the help of which the installation of heating convectors can be performed on the floor. The shape of convectors is usually rectangular. Answering the question of how the convector works, it should be noted that one of the key elements of its design is the heating part, through which air passes and, when heated, exits through the top of the device.

Electric heating convectors - which one to choose?

When comparing an oil radiator and a household convector, it is important to note that the heat from the radiator comes out in the form of radiation, and a warm air flow is formed inside the convector, which allows you to quickly and, most importantly, effectively heat the entire room (read: “What to choose a convector or an oil radiator” ).

Advantages of household convectors

TO undeniable merits Convectors used for heating domestic and utility rooms can be attributed to many factors that allow you to reliably and efficiently heat the desired area.

The principle of operation of the convector is based not on the use of the usual tubular electric heaters (TEH), but on the use of special functional parts constructed using a special alloy.

One of the advantages of this method of the device is that the room warms up very quickly, since there is no energy consumption for heating the device itself. In addition, the performance coefficient of these products is very high and is more than 90%. See also: "The principle of operation of the electric convector, the rules for choosing and operating."

The work of convectors takes place with minimal noise, these devices do not dry the air in the room and do not burn oxygen in large quantities, as they do standard radiators, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is created in the room, and environmental conditions are not violated.

Modern models of convectors are distinguished by high rates of reliability and safety, which is very important due to the fact that the equipment operates with the help of electricity.

So, innovative mechanisms usually have the highest protection class, since none of their parts come into contact with the body of the device, and grounding is not necessary to provide for their operation. Such devices can also be operated near water, since they are reliably protected from moisture getting inside them. See also: "What is convector heating - device, principle of operation, installation rules."

You should also not worry if voltage drops periodically occur in the electricity network, since convectors are absolutely insensitive to such changes.

Their natural voltage, at which they can freely function, varies from 150 to 242 V.
Usage innovative technologies production made it possible that the heating of the body of the convector itself does not exceed 55 °, due to which such mechanisms can be placed in absolutely any premises, including children's rooms, without fear of potential fire or overheating of the equipment.

If we talk about the maximum temperature of the heating element during its operation, then this indicator in modern convectors can be different and vary from 60 to 700 °.

Of course, the smaller this parameter, the better. This is due to the fact that high temperatures are a favorable environment for burning oxygen, which is contrary to the basic principles of the convector.

However, household convectors have one, but a very significant drawback: the consumption of electrical energy for the normal functioning of the equipment is very high.

At the same time, many factors affect how much kW / h a standard mechanism consumes (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the presence of insulation, the type of installed windows, etc.).

When performing calculations, it would be useful to resort to the help of specialists who can not only help with connecting equipment, but are also ready to provide various photos of convectors and detailed videos on their correct installation.

Where should the convector be installed?

When determining the optimal place for installing a heating convector, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • installation of the device should be carried out directly in the room that is planned to be heated;
  • it is strictly forbidden to install equipment in rooms with a lot of dust and those rooms in which the fire hazard is increased;
  • thanks to protection class modern appliances of this type, they can be placed in rooms with high humidity and near water, for example, in a bathroom, since the convector is not subject to damage if moisture gets on it;
  • do not mount the convector under an electrical outlet;
  • when installing the equipment, you should try to avoid placing it in place of strong drafts, since temperature control in this case may be violated;
  • special attention should be paid to the distances that must be observed when installing the convector near any surfaces.

The process of installing a heating convector

The rear panel of the unit is equipped with a special mounting frame, which must be removed and screwed to the wall surface using four screws used as fasteners.

Do not forget that the minimum distance from the front of the device to the object closest to it must be at least 5 cm.

It is equally important to note that any calculations must be made taking into account the offset from the body of the apparatus, and not its fixation frame.

This frame is based on several special holes designed for installing plastic brackets, which can greatly facilitate dust removal from the back of the convector body.

Special norms for the operation of convectors

In the process of using this heating equipment, it is important to ensure that it normal work, and this can be achieved not only with the help of the correct installation of the system, but also subject to the following rules for its operation:

  • The upper and lower grilles of the convector must be cleaned of dust at least twice a year, and this can be done both with a brush and with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

    The design of the device allows you to easily reach important functional parts and provide them with proper care;

  • You can wipe the body of the device either with a dry or damp cloth, and you should not use any special detergents at all.

Comparison of a convector with an electric boiler system

The main difference between these two heating options is that the power of the electric type boiler is fixed, while the convectors are equipped with an individual temperature controller, which allows you to change the temperature during their operation depending on the conditions in the room.

An interesting video about the principle of operation of a heating convector:

The difference between the convector system and the electric boiler system also lies in the fact that the first option can be designed and connected with your own hands without any problems, having previously studied the photo and video materials necessary for this.

In addition, such a mechanism practically does not require maintenance, which makes it possible to exclude human intervention in its operation. To get even more power, several convectors can be connected into a single system that can reliably serve for a very long time.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that heating a room by means of a convector is by far the most efficient, safe and convenient.

When choosing a home heating system, it is important to choose the right devices that quickly and efficiently heat the air in the premises. Modern electric heating convectors are devices aimed at maintaining a comfortable temperature in a house or apartment.

They greatly facilitate the work of traditional heating systems, and in certain cases can even completely replace them.

The operation of the device is based on the process of convection associated with the known physical phenomenon: when heated, the density of air decreases, as a result of which it expands and rises.

The name convector comes from the Latin convectio - "transfer". The process consists of a constant movement of air flows: the cold one settles down, and the warm one rises to the ceiling.

The design of all types of electric convectors is extremely elementary. The main parts of the device are the body and the heating unit, located in the lower part of the casing.

Cold air enters the holes, which are located at the bottom of the device. When passing next to the heater, the temperature of the air flow rises, due to which it rushes upwards, where there are outlet holes made at a slight slope.

In addition to the main elements, modern convector models also have many additional elements (overheating sensor, thermostat) that ensure comfortable operation.

Warm gas rises to the ceiling, and then, gradually cooling, is nailed to the floor again, after which the stages of the process are repeated again. The constant movement of the air mass allows you to efficiently and evenly heat the room.

Strengths and weaknesses of electric convectors

The devices have their advantages and disadvantages. The popularity of such devices is due to their numerous advantages:

  • Ease of installation and operation. The devices do not require special preparation for operation or additional assembly operations. It is enough just to release the convector from the box and plug the device into the network.
  • High space heating rate. The device quickly reaches the required power, since it does not have to spend energy to heat the coolant.
  • Durability. Although the warranty period of convectors from well-known companies is on average 5 years, in practice they can work flawlessly for 10-25 years.
  • High efficiency. Electrical appliances have the highest efficiency among heating appliances. For new generation models, this figure can reach up to 98%.
  • Mobility. Devices can be easily carried around the apartment, installing them anywhere where there is access to a power outlet. There are also models on wheels and options that provide the possibility of mounting on the walls.
  • Affordable cost. Prices for electric convectors are quite budgetary. In addition, such devices do not require maintenance (removal of fuel residues, cleaning of parts), which also contributes to cost savings.
  • Safety. Heating devices do not negatively affect the microclimate of the room: they do not need oxygen for their operation, they do not dry the air. The temperature of the outer shell of the devices does not rise above + 40-60 ° C, so when using them, you can not be afraid of burns.
  • Temperature control capability. V modern models often there is a special heating regulator, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the most comfortable temperature in the room, preventing its excessive increase.
  • Various setting modes. Most of the convectors are equipped electronic control, thanks to which you can set a specific heating program.

Apart from a large number advantages, devices have some disadvantages. You should know that a stable supply of electricity is necessary for the operation of convectors. In addition, there should be an outlet within reach, as experts recommend avoiding the use of extension cords.

Such devices consume enough a large number of electric current, which, given the high cost of this resource, can become a problem.

Most models of convectors work completely silently. Only a few devices may make slight crackling or clicking noises during operation.

At the same time, the high cost of electricity consumed is to a certain extent offset by the use of a special economical mode, which is provided in many models, as well as by programming the device to turn off at certain hours.

What to look for when choosing a device

The problem of how to choose the best electric heating convector is quite acute, since dozens of similar models are presented in specialized stores. The following specifications are of particular importance.

Heating element type

Convectors are used different kinds heating devices. The main ones are tubular, needle-shaped and monolithic.

Needle. The heating element of devices of this class is a thin plate made of a dielectric with a chromium-nickel heating wire placed on it. For insulation, a metal thread that forms loops on both sides is varnished on top.

Designs with such a device have a low cost, but are not very reliable, since the chromium-nickel element is characterized by instantaneous rapid heating and cooling. In addition, the intended type of insulation does not guarantee good protection against water splashes, which is why these devices are not recommended for use in bathrooms.

Tubular heating element (TEH). The most common models, which are characterized by the use of a steel tube, where, surrounded by a heat-conducting insulating material, passes nichrome thread. The aluminum fins on the heating element enhance convection for efficient heat transfer.

The tubular heating element can be open or closed. Protected heating elements are stronger and more durable, they are well suited for use in wet areas

Convectors with heating elements have better technical characteristics than needle counterparts: the former are less exposed to heat, due to which they are durable. Many devices have effective moisture protection, which allows them to be used in bathrooms. The disadvantages include cracking, which may occur due to various indicators thermal expansion parts made of metals different types.

Monolithic a heating element. Blocks of a new generation, the action of which is due to the heating of a solid base. Thanks to this detail, the devices are distinguished by silent operation and high efficiency.

Power of electric convectors

The main characteristic on which the amount of heat produced by the convector depends is its power. When choosing a device, it must be borne in mind that 1 kilowatt is designed for heating a room of 10-12 m 2 (with a standard wall height of 2.7 meters), where there are no other sources of heating. If there is centralized heating, this power will be enough to heat twice the area, that is, 20-24 m 2.

The power of convectors to a certain extent depends on their size. As a rule, large models demonstrate the highest rate. At the same time, other characteristics also affect the heat transfer of devices, primarily the type of heating element.

To correctly calculate the power, a number of other factors should also be taken into account. With the same area of ​​​​intensive heating, they will require:

  • rooms with a large number of windows;
  • rooms located in the corners and ends of the building;
  • apartments located above the basement.

When choosing a convector, you should also consider which room the device is intended for. For example, for a kitchen, a device with a lower power rating is enough than is required for a bedroom of the same size.

Instrument size and configuration

In the lines of manufacturers, models are presented that have a variety of dimensions: the height of miniature options starts from 15 cm, while the largest convectors can reach 2-3 meters.

Some models of electric convectors are specially designed for children's rooms. They have an ergonomic design with rounded corners and maximum safety.

Collections include devices different shapes, in addition to the usual rectangular and square models, you can find round, oval and other non-standard options.

Varieties of mounting methods

There are several types of electric convectors according to the way they are used indoors.

Mobile and built-in (stationary). Mobile appliances are easily carried around the room within reach of the cord. For ease of movement, models of this type are often equipped with wheels.

Embedded- these are variants of convectors that are mounted in the walls. A variation of this category are floor built-in options used for laying the "warm floor" system. All work on the installation of such devices must be carried out by qualified specialists.

Wall (suspended) also refer to stationary. They are fixed on the walls with the help of special connecting elements.

Universal - devices that allow both installation on the floor and hanging on vertical surfaces, that is, they are inherently mobile.

Instrument control principle

Electric convectors are often equipped with power regulators that allow you to set the degree of heating of the room, which eliminates unnecessary electricity consumption.

Modern devices may also have special blocks for programming settings for a long period with an increase or decrease in temperature at certain hours. Such models are more expensive, but they reduce energy consumption.

Electric convectors can be equipped with two types of thermostats. Mechanical require manual setting of the required temperature, electronic - allow you to use the automatic mode

There are also devices whose settings can be changed using the remote control. In this case, you can control the operation of the device, which is located, for example, in a children's room, from afar.

Special and additional features

Almost all modern models heating devices have special overheating sensors. When the maximum temperature is reached, the device switches off. Further algorithm of actions different options may be different. Some convectors automatically turn on after cooling, while others can only be turned on manually.

Mobile devices may have rollover sensor. If accidentally dropped, the device will automatically stop functioning. Such a mechanism is especially in demand if there are pets or small children in the house.

Some models have a sensor that provides frost protection for walls. Such a function is especially in demand if the device is planned to be used in countries with a harsh climate and in premises for non-permanent residence.

A useful device might be timer to turn off, thanks to which the device will automatically turn off at the selected hour.

Modern convectors often have display, where the mode and the set air temperature are indicated. Such a device contributes to convenient control over the operation of the device.

Safety rules when using CI

All types of electrical appliances require compliance with certain safety rules. There are some restrictions on the use of convectors.

In good condition electrical wiring heating convectors can be left unattended for some time, especially if the models are equipped with overheating sensors

Safety regulations:

  • Under no circumstances should the appliance be covered or used as a clothes dryer.
  • It is not recommended to place the convector next to an electrical socket: the minimum distance at which the device must be located is 0.8 m.
  • For rooms with a high content of water vapor, device models with the IP 24 marking, indicating a high degree of moisture protection, are suitable.

On the whole modern devices have high level reliability and fire safety.

In addition to objective indicators, when choosing, personal preferences and specific requirements must also be taken into account.

If you have a limited budget, pay attention to convectors equipped with mechanical thermostats. Although they have fewer features than automatic devices, however, their cost is much lower, and besides, you do not have to deal with programming instructions.

Each panel of the convector must be self-powered, while the cable cross-section is determined by the power consumption (up to 1.5 kW, this value is 1.5 sq. mm, over - 2.5 sq. mm)

In the lines of manufacturers, models of various characteristics and price are presented. In order not to overpay, carefully study them and compare them with your requirements. For example, for heating small room Do not buy overly powerful device.

If a model with many settings and high technical specifications is sold at a cheap price, you should find out the reliability of the manufacturer and carefully read the documents so as not to purchase a fake.

Overview of popular brands

Models of electric convectors are produced by manufacturers different countries Europe, Asia, America. To name just a few of them:

  • Arbonia. Swiss-German company producing steel pipes, heating radiators, heated towel rails and convectors. The company's product range is extremely extensive, while almost all products can be purchased in Russia. The offered models of convectors differ great variety: They have different shapes, colors and sizes. The company also accepts orders for non-standard products, such as corner appliances.
  • Buderus. The German brand, now part of the Robert Bosch GmbH concern, originated in the first half of the 18th century. Initially, the company produced cast iron elements for the device of hearths, and since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been engaged in the production of heating appliances, including those operating on electric current. The company manufactures high-quality high-quality convectors that combine high technical characteristics and attractive appearance. In 2012, the company was awarded the Red Dot Award for excellence in design.
  • Kermi. The start of production of this German company dates back to 1960. The company produces various types of products, including shower cabins and heating equipment, but it is the convectors, which are widely represented in Russian stores, that are the hallmark of the company.
  • Purmo. The company, founded in the Finnish town of the same name, since the late 1950s has been engaged in the production of heating appliances that can withstand the cold climate of the northern country. In the early 1970s, after the company became part of the Rettig concern, production was significantly modernized and automated. Now the company's products are known all over the world: they are exported not only to European countries, but also to other continents.
  • Zehnder. The Swiss company, established at the end of the 19th century, specializes in the production of luxury products. Its assortment includes heated towel rails, radiators and convectors of various types (ceiling, floor, wall), which have a truly "cosmic" design. In addition to serial products, the company is engaged in the manufacture of models to order, taking into account the individual requirements of customers.

In addition to the above companies, the convectors of the French company Noirot, Norwegian Nobo, German Stiebel Eltron, Roda and other enterprises are popular.

Rating of electric convectors for heating

Participants of specialized forums made a rating of electrical appliances, taking into account the main parameters and features of operation.

Electrolux ECH/AG-1500EF

A budget mobile model from a Swedish manufacturer that attracts high efficiency and speed of reaching operating temperature.

A quality convector model from Electrolux allows you to reach operating temperature in just 80 seconds, effectively heating an average-sized room

The advantages also include a system of protective screens and the absence of air drying. The disadvantages of the device include a simple design and a small heating area.

Timberk TEC PS1 LE 1500 IN

A convenient high-quality device manufactured by a well-known international holding, whose subdivisions are located in Europe and Asia. An inexpensive mobile model on wheels has two heating modes (one of them is economical), high technical characteristics, as well as many additional functions.

  • large area heating element;
  • high-precision electronic thermostat;
  • on/off timer;
  • the ability to connect accessories;
  • air ionizer.

The shortcomings noticed by consumers are inexpressive, according to some, design and sound effects (clicks) that are heard when the device is turned on and off.

Noirot Spot E-3 1000

The wall-mounted convector made in France has a pleasant design, affordable price, high efficiency, and wide choose settings. The device has protection against overheating, a large amount of memory that allows you to restore the settings in the event of a sudden power outage, as well as a special system that counteracts power surges in the network.

Among the weaknesses were noted tight mode switch and not too long cord.

Nobo C4F 20 XSC

Wall model from the Norwegian manufacturer. It has instant heating, is able to heat large areas, which will please the owners of large rooms. The device, which has a nice design, has an overheating protection sensor, mechanical regulation of parameters with the ability to set the exact temperature, and ergonomic mounts that allow you to tilt the device.

The convector has almost no drawbacks, except for the price, which is quite high.

Scoole SC HT HM1 1000W

Electric portable convector made in Norway has an attractive design. A small model at a budget price is a fairly powerful device that can instantly heat a medium-sized room.

The Scoole mobile model is distinguished not only by its bright color, but also by its good performance. Micathermal heating element guarantees sufficient power and high speed heating, and the mechanical thermostat is characterized by precise adjustment

The disadvantages include significant power consumption, which increases operating costs.

Ballu ENZO BEC/EZMR 2000

Model Russian production with a monolithic heater has a democratic cost, but at the same time it has high technical characteristics. The convector, capable of quickly heating a room of 21-25 square meters, has an electronic thermostat, two modes of heat transfer, one of which saves electric current, protection against overheating and overturning.

There are also two options for fixing (the kit includes fasteners for wall fixing and wheels for floor use), a control unit with backlight and a temperature step of 1 degree. Important pluses are also comfortable uniform convection, the presence of a shutdown timer, the ability to program modes.

Among the weaknesses, users distinguish between a not too long cord and insufficiently strong wheels.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video contains material about the criteria according to which a high-quality electric heating convector is selected, as well as information about the most popular brands.

Modern models of electric convectors allow you to solve the problem of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the rooms. The right device combines fast time heating, high power and Energy Saving Technologies as well as ease of use.

To begin with, let's decide what is the difference between a heater and a convector, because many people consider these concepts to be identical.

Heater - a device equipped with a heating element, a mechanical thermostat and, in some cases, a fan. The task of such a technique is simply to heat the air in the room without distributing heat. It's simple and cheap option home heating appliances.

A convector is, as a rule, a wall-floor heater, which operates on the principle of natural air convection. Often, the design of a wall-mounted device provides for the possibility of attaching special legs for floor installation of the convector. The shape of the convectors is usually flat in the form of a rectangle. Inside such a heater there is a heating element, passing through which the cold air heats up and goes out into the upper slots of the convector.

Benefits of convectors

We all know where the warmest place in the room is next to the radiator. But in the case of convectors, warm air circulates and is distributed throughout the room without creating significant temperature changes. This quality alone makes you look at convector heating systems with interest.

In modern convectors, not ordinary tubular heating elements are used for air heating, but monolithic low-temperature heating elements made of a special alloy. The heating of such a heating element takes less than a minute, and the heat begins to flow into the room almost immediately, since energy is not wasted on preheating the device itself. Such convectors have a very high efficiency - more than 90%.
Besides modern convectors they work silently, they do not burn oxygen and do not overdry the air in the room.
Electric convectors of the world's leading manufacturers in their electrical protection very reliable and safe. The fact is that they were originally created not as household electrical appliances, but as elements of the main heating system. Electric convectors have become widespread in France since the 50s of the last century, they were produced by many factories, and they were actively introduced into the housing stock.

One of the leaders in this area is the French company Noirot ("Noirot"). All convectors of this company meet the second - the highest - class of electrical protection. No current-carrying part comes into contact with the housing. These devices do not even require grounding. Moreover, they are well protected from moisture, and they can be used even in damp areas such as swimming pools.

Convectors are insensitive to voltage drops - a sore point of Russian power networks. They function normally at mains voltage from 150 to 242 V and have a multi-stage protection system.

Due to the use of low-temperature heating elements, invented, by the way, by the engineers of Nuaro, it was possible to achieve a low temperature for heating the case - no more than 55 ° C. These devices can be placed directly on wooden walls, without any additional devices!

Of great importance is the temperature to which the heating element of the heater is heated. In conventional heaters, it can be from 60°С to 600–700°С. And the lower it is, the better, since oxygen is burned at a high heating temperature and thus the main advantage of the convector is lost. French convectors Noirot ("Noirot") can boast of low heating temperatures and high safety of convectors. The low temperature of the heating elements is compensated not only by their increased area, but also by the heater body.

Everything is relative

It is also interesting to compare a convector system of direct electric heating with an indirect one, powered by an electric boiler and using a coolant - water or antifreeze.

An important difference is due to the fact that the electric boiler always operates at the same power. To regulate the temperature in the house, it periodically turns on and off. The convectors are equipped with their own thermostat. They may not turn on at full capacity, in a cold room they will turn on more often than in a warm one. Therefore, the peak load on the power grid is smoothed out. By the way, the electronic thermostats installed on the Noirot convectors allow maintaining the set temperature in the room with an accuracy of 0.1°C.

Another difference is that the convector system can be mounted and connected by anyone with minimal DIY skills. At the same time, the convector system does not need any maintenance at all. Once you have mounted, connected and programmed the system, you can forget about it. And she will serve for a long time. In addition, all convectors can be combined into a single controlled heating system.

By connecting all the convectors with a control cable and leading it to the wall control panel or by adding a special device - a programmer - to one of the convectors, which becomes the leader, we get an automatic heating system with different modes of operation: economical (night), anti-freeze mode (for cottages where people do not live permanently), etc.

Modern radio signal transmission technologies allow you to control an unlimited number of convectors. The radio system does not require laying a control cable, it can be easily upgraded when repairing a house. Also, the control system of the convector heating system can be integrated into the system " smart House».
The direct electric heating system based on convectors is today one of the most efficient, convenient and safe of all electric heating systems.