
Night pain in the stomach during pregnancy. Stomach hurts during pregnancy, what to do: tips that are safe for mother and baby. Stomach pain in early pregnancy

Stomach pain during pregnancy is a problem that worries many women, even those who have never encountered this before. It is difficult to say which trimester is more prone to such trouble. Whether it is the beginning of pregnancy or late stages, the symptoms are equally unpleasant.

Causes and symptoms of discomfort

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy? Why is discomfort felt in the stomach area? Let's try to explain. Pregnancy is a special condition of the body in which there can be several causes of colic and stomach pain. Each of them has a different level of danger and is accompanied by different difficulties. The main factor influencing stomach pain during pregnancy is the uterus, which is constantly increasing in size.

The uterus, which grows every week, puts pressure on and displaces the location of the internal organs, including the stomach. During pregnancy, it is forced to take a new place and take on a different form, and is unable to work normally. Displacement and compression of the organ by the uterus makes it difficult for food to pass through, which can cause backflow of the contents into the esophagus. Secondary, but no less important, causes of stomach pain during pregnancy include:

  • stressful situations;
  • large amount of food;
  • Irregular eating, causing hunger pains;
  • disruption of gastric juice production;
  • bowel disorder (constipation, diarrhea);
  • poisoning;
  • toxicosis in the early stages.

The body of a woman in an interesting position is under stress during the first month. Due to the changes occurring in it, it is weakened and sensitive to any viruses and infections. The health and illnesses of the expectant mother, who were in a chronic condition, worsen. Therefore, a common cause of severe stomach pain during pregnancy can be chronic gastritis, ulcers, acidity disorders, complications of the liver and gall bladder.

Each pregnant woman experiences pain differently. As a rule, the pain is acute, begins suddenly (sometimes at night) and passes quickly. Fills an unpleasant sensation in the navel and upper left hypochondrium. Do not confuse the symptoms with gas and pain in the intestines. A sign of intestinal pain is discomfort and gases below the navel, for the stomach - above. The pain does not cause the expectant mother unbearable torment, but the feeling of discomfort remains. Neglect of nutrition can worsen colic in the stomach. It is necessary to establish a connection between pain and food intake. For example, eating plums in large quantities causes colic; apples increase gases in the intestines.

Pain that does not go away for a long time indicates full-blown gastritis. A sharp, sudden painful sensation, which resembles contractions in nature, indicates a possible ulcer. With gastritis, pain occurs almost immediately after eating. If the mother has an ulcer, the pain will begin within 1 hour, but no later than 1.5 hours after eating.

Severe cramping does not usually accompany physical changes in the body during pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are a characteristic feature of the presence of viruses and infections that cause poisoning. These additional signs of poisoning persist for 24 to 72 hours. The situation of body poisoning is alarming and requires specialist intervention.

It is important to remember the symptoms of pain and be able to describe them. This will help the doctor find the cause, diagnose the complication in time and correct the situation.

Stomach pain in early pregnancy

In early pregnancy, pain may be caused by hormonal changes in a woman's body.

In the initial period of three months, the woman is irritated, her body experiences stress and hormonal changes. All these signs are the impetus for a response - abdominal pain. A woman is pregnant, which means she is suspicious, listens to every change in her body, reacts to the slightest inexplicable sensation. If your stomach hurts early (at 1-4 weeks) and the pain is felt above the navel, there is no particular reason to worry. You need to get checked by a specialist, but pain has nothing to do with the threat of termination of pregnancy or its improper course.

In the initial weeks of fetal development, the pregnant woman feels nausea and vomiting, so she refuses to eat, nutrition becomes irregular, which has a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and old abdominal problems worsen. A “forced hunger strike” cannot be allowed. The foods that the expectant mother refuses contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be constantly monitored by a gynecologist and medical specialist from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Experience shows that half of pregnant women experience remission of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The production of large amounts of progesterone promotes the formation of mucus. It covers the walls of the stomach and reduces the risk of colic and other painful sensations.

Late abdominal pain

Painful sensations in the final weeks of pregnancy have several causes:

  • Your stomach hurts and you are 27 weeks. Don’t worry, the uterus is greatly stretched, the physiological displacement of the internal organs does not pass without a trace. The stomach and lungs suffer the most, and the expectant mother feels discomfort in the form of heartburn, colic and heavy breathing. During the final weeks, carefully monitor the amount of food you eat; overeating (as a result of which the stomach stops) can be the cause of pain.
  • In recent weeks, I have experienced severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea - most likely this is poisoning. Contact your doctor immediately, he will prescribe individual treatment and will not leave such a situation unattended.
  • The period of 39-40 weeks requires special attention. The third trimester is the home stretch for mother and baby. If pain symptoms appear at week 39, this is a signal to consult a doctor. The fact is that at the final stage the fetal head goes down and the uterus does not put so much pressure on the stomach. Nausea and heartburn are rare symptoms in the third trimester, so pain may indicate an infection or the beginning of the labor process, so you can’t do without a doctor.

What to do?

“Gastrofarm” will help soften the inflammatory process of the stomach walls.

The pain in the stomach is becoming more and more frequent; the question of treatment has become urgent? Remember where to start and what to do. First you need to find out the cause of the unpleasant situation. Check what causes colic: fruit acid, eating at night, long intervals between meals. Reliable information will help establish a diagnosis and choose a safe treatment method. Treating the stomach during pregnancy is a complex, lengthy process that requires special attention. The main task is to establish a balanced, proper diet. The expectant mother's diet should not include salty, spicy, or fatty foods. In the first months, try to eat a piece of bread or banana without getting out of bed:

  • “Gastrofarm” will help soften the inflammatory process of the stomach walls. The drug is safe for both mother and baby. Widely used during toxicosis and during breastfeeding.
  • “No-Shpa” will help relieve spasms. The results of the study proved the safety of the drug. Spasms are dangerous for the baby, so No-Shpy tablets should always be at hand for the expectant mother.
  • “Cerucal” helps a woman’s body cope with toxins, harmful substances that are formed during fetal development. It is safe, improves stomach function, and removes formed toxins.

But problems can be much more serious. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to perform operations or take medications, since maintaining the baby’s health is one of the main tasks of the “pregnant-bellied” period. Decisive measures in the treatment of the disease are postponed until after childbirth, but in the meantime, it is not chemical medicine that will help eliminate colic, but herbal preparations. They should be taken as prescribed by a doctor and in small dosages.

The spasm that occurs in the epigastric region cannot always be attributed to physiological changes associated with the pressure of the growing uterus. At such an important time for every woman, chronic processes affecting the gastrointestinal tract often worsen. The body experiencing hormonal upheavals malfunctions, as evidenced by obsessive nagging or acute pain.

Uncomfortable sensations during the period of bearing a child can occur in the expectant mother both in the early and late stages. The localization of spasms depends on the cause of the disorder. The “painful” list includes various organs and systems, including the digestive tract. To understand where a spasm occurs, you need to pay attention to a set of signs.

How to determine if your stomach hurts

Unpleasant cramping sensations during pregnancy appear in the intestines, upper abdomen and epigastric region. Damage to the gastric zone is indicated by discomfort on the left under the ribs or directly above the navel.

The condition becomes alarming if the pain is severe, cutting and persists for a long time. Other causes for concern are vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal consistency and color of stool (dark or streaked with blood), malaise, and increased body temperature.

Causes of stomach pain

Factors that provoke discomfort along with a growing uterus are the following:

  • Stress and troubles.
  • Regular overeating due to increased appetite.
  • Non-compliance with diet. If the breaks are too long, hunger pains occur.
  • Lack of acid in the stomach to digest incoming foods. This condition is called hypoacid syndrome.
  • Tension of the abdominal muscles accompanying toxicosis or poisoning.
  • Intestinal dysfunction.

Another important and dangerous reason for stomach pain in an expectant mother is the development of a fungal or microbial infection. It can enter the body regardless of the trimester, negatively affecting the growing fetus and woman. It is the pathogenic flora that often triggers the mechanism of diseases that occur with a violation of the integrity of the mucous structures. If such changes were present in the anamnesis before conception, the risk of relapses increases during pregnancy.

Exacerbation of gastritis

In most situations, the onset of an attack is indicated by cramps in the epigastric region. Intense pain is explained by the formation of sensitive areas on the walls - erosions, the irritation of which leads to severe spasm. Often, pancreatitis and colitis develop simultaneously with gastritis, involving the pancreas and intestines, respectively.

Along with stings, dull aching pains that persist over a long period of time can be diagnosed. In the chronic course of the disease, spasm and bloating occur immediately after eating, if there are fatty or sour dishes on the menu. It is unpleasant even to touch the stomach in the projection of the stomach.

Peptic ulcer

When superficial processes give way to deep ones, doctors note the formation of structures prone to bleeding that can scar. With this pathology, a woman begins to feel pain immediately after finishing a meal or a maximum of an hour and a half after it. There are complaints of regularly recurring paroxysmal spasms. In case of acute stabbing sensations, it is necessary to exclude a life-threatening perforation.

In addition to pathogenic flora, the provoking factor of the ulcerative process is physical or nervous overload. If an abnormal structure has formed not only in the stomach, but also in the duodenum, discomfort occurs an hour and a half after breakfast, lunch or dinner. An increase in this interval is possible when eating food with a high acidity level. Doctors include boiled meat and dairy products as such.

Sometimes the pain syndrome makes itself felt even before eating. To improve this situation, many women need late-night snacks. The optimal dishes for this category of expectant mothers are carefully crushed purees and liquid porridge with milk.

Other reasons

In addition to gastritis and ulcers, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the following factors:

  • If the stomach hurts, a woman feels nauseous, there are vomiting spasms and upset stools, the negative condition cannot be attributed only to toxicosis. It is necessary to exclude food poisoning, viral infection, pneumonia, sore throat.
  • When spasm in the epigastrium is accompanied by noticeable discomfort in the lower abdomen and constant tension of the peritoneum, appendicitis, which requires surgical intervention, cannot be ruled out. Only a surgeon can make the correct diagnosis.
  • Sometimes discomfort in the stomach becomes a consequence of the development of a pathological process in other digestive organs. The condition of the liver, gall bladder and even the urinary system is questionable.
  • Lactose intolerance, which is found in dairy products. Characteristic cramps can also occur with other types of food allergies. Discomfort is felt both during and after eating.

Stomach pain during early pregnancy

Characteristic epigastric cramps in the first trimester are signs of an ectopic pregnancy or possible miscarriage. In such conditions, negative sensations are localized below the navel.

There are several reasons that explain stomach pain in the early stages:

  • The nervous system's response to stress. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by maximum mood swings, a sharp transition from joy to irritability and sadness. The mucous membrane lining the digestive tract reacts sharply to such jumps. A serious hormonal imbalance complements and aggravates the picture.
  • Toxicosis due to the restructuring of the female body. Due to constant nausea, vomiting, and a negative reaction to smells, expectant mothers avoid eating food. The result is a deterioration in the condition of the gastrointestinal tract due to vitamin and mineral deficiency.

It is in the first trimester that chronic processes can worsen. Therefore, women with a history of gastrointestinal pathologies should carefully monitor their diet, regimen, and plan a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Stomach pain during late pregnancy

The main cause of discomfort in the last trimester is compression of the gastrointestinal tract by the growing uterus. It is the digestive organ and lungs that suffer from the changes that occur to the maximum extent. In addition, at this time the sphincter, which is responsible for moving food, weakens. If the mechanism is disrupted, the contents begin to flow back with belching and heartburn.

In order not to aggravate the condition, a pregnant woman’s stomach should not be overloaded. Overeating is fraught with indigestion and spasms throughout the entire tract. The upper abdomen can also become sore due to a serious infection. If additional symptoms include weakness and upset bowel movements, then this is food poisoning, which should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

It is worth paying close attention to stomach pain, diagnosed at 39–40 weeks. If the spasm is accompanied by discomfort in the lower back, an examination by a gynecologist is required for timely detection of labor. Uterine pressure at the end of pregnancy is not the main provoking factor, since the baby is already descending into the pelvic area.

Accurate diagnosis

Drawing conclusions about the condition of a pregnant woman can only be done after a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • External examination and palpation of the abdomen.
  • Listening to the heart rhythm and lungs to exclude serious internal pathologies.
  • Donation of blood, urine, feces for laboratory tests.
  • Study of gastric juice.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

If there are doubts about the diagnosis and intense pain persists, the doctor may prescribe a CT scan, MRI, or gastroscopy to make a decision. Another diagnostic procedure is laparoscopy, which allows, with minimal intervention, to visually assess the condition of the hollow structures of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of stomach pain in pregnant women

It is unacceptable for an expectant mother to independently choose medications at home to eliminate spasms in the epigastric area. Most pills for restoring the health of the digestive tract are dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the growing baby. Therefore, priority is given to gentle methods, folk recipes, and herbal remedies.

The following treatment regimens may be considered:

  • For severe pain, the use of homeopathy is indicated. Iberogast can be prescribed in small doses. A two-time dose of no more than 20 drops is allowed.
  • To improve the condition, herbal decoctions with a sedative effect are prepared. These are valerian, lemon balm, motherwort.
  • For normal and high acidity, use a mixture of chamomile, yarrow, and St. John's wort. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, the medicine is ready for use. You need to drink it in three doses before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • If low acidity is detected, cumin, wormwood, fennel, thyme, and oregano are indicated. The herbs are combined in equal proportions and brewed according to the instructions on the package.
  • During pregnancy, in the absence of allergies, you can treat stomach pain with honey. Both the pure product and its mixture with aloe juice are useful.

Another effective remedy is mineral water. By agreement with the doctor, it is allowed to add Essentuki and Borjomi to the daily diet. The main thing is not to overdo it with the medicine, since excessive consumption of liquids in general and salty drinks in particular can lead to undesirable edema for a pregnant woman.

A complement to the main therapy is bed rest, maximum rest, following a strict diet with a ban on fatty, spicy foods. It is advisable that food enters the stomach with short breaks every 6-7 hours. Portions should be small.

How to prevent pain syndrome

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely eliminate discomfort and spasms in the epigastric region during pregnancy. But negative feelings can be minimal if the following conditions are met:

  • Late evening and night snacks and overeating are excluded.
  • Smoked foods, pickles, marinades, seasoned and fatty foods become taboo while pregnant.
  • An undesirable addition to the diet is foods containing coarse fiber, due to its difficult digestion.
  • Long breaks in nutrition are unacceptable.
  • If you are concerned about morning sickness, immediately after waking up you need to fill your stomach with neutral food. It could be a banana or biscuits, crackers.
  • You should not go to bed immediately after eating. It is advisable to maintain an interval of at least 20 minutes.

According to statistics, more than 70% of pregnant women complain of symptomatic sharp or dull pain in the stomach. Most often it worries the expectant mother in the first or last trimester. This is due to the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on neighboring organs, causing discomfort. What causes stomach pain specifically during pregnancy, and what are the ways to eliminate the problem that are safe for the baby and mother?

Causes of stomach pain

During this difficult period for the body, a whole complex of changes occurs in its work, which may be accompanied by malaise. And as mentioned above, discomfort in the stomach is most often caused by the fact that the growing fetus indirectly puts pressure on it, provoking pathological processes. For example, stagnation of gastric juice, which can lead to heartburn and reflux.

In order for a woman to clearly understand the pain in which organ is bothering her, she needs to know where the stomach is located. It is located in the left hypochondrium under the diaphragm. This is the so-called epigastric region, subject to strong pressure from the uterus that has changed in size. But stomach pain can also provoke banal overeating, which many pregnant women are guilty of. In this case, the food simply does not have time to be digested, stagnating in the stomach. The best way out is to reduce the amount of food you eat or use digestive enzymes that improve the process. Their choice must be agreed with a gastroenterologist.

Gastralgia (pain localized in the stomach) very often occurs when a woman forgets to eat on time. These are hunger pains, which are most often the result of advanced inflammation in the digestive tract. They can manifest themselves in the form of spastic contractions caused by ulcers or erosion, as well as increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, which leads to increased acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, pregnant women need to strictly adhere to the diet, eating food in fractions, but after an equal period of time.

If gastralgia is accompanied by nausea and manifests itself in the first months of pregnancy, then most often it is a manifestation of toxicosis. In this case, you can get rid of the problem using the same methods that women use to combat intoxication. This could be the systematic consumption of clean water with a small addition of lemon, herbal teas or sour fruits. If drinking liquid provokes swelling, you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

The root cause of pain in the stomach that is not directly related to it can be diseases of “neighboring” organs: the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Discomfort can be caused by bacterial damage to the urinary system: kidneys, bladder and ureter.

In very rare cases, if stomach pain is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it may be associated with inflammation of appendicitis. In this case, a prompt consultation with a surgeon will be required.

One should not ignore allergic reactions, which often appear during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in general immunity. If you consume a lot of dairy products, then see if pain appears immediately after drinking milk or kefir. Sometimes pregnancy provokes lactose intolerance.

When to sound the alarm

Most often, pain occurs spontaneously and disappears just as spontaneously. In this case, this is not a cause for alarm. But there are a number of additional symptoms that may accompany stomach pain that require seeking advice:

  • strong prolonged spasms, similar to contractions;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drops of blood in stool;
  • deterioration in general health – headache, severe fatigue, drowsiness.

The combination of these symptoms may indicate either an exacerbation of a chronic disease (for example, gastritis or ulcers) or poisoning. Since a woman’s body is susceptible to any infections during pregnancy, viral or bacteriological infection is considered the most common cause of gastralga. Symptoms of the process include general intoxication (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) associated with stomach pain.

Young mothers need to understand that any treatment during pregnancy should be under the guidance of a doctor. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and select medications that are safe for the woman and child. This is especially true for exacerbations of chronic diseases, which can pose a potential threat to a woman’s health.

Since surgery and standard drug therapy are prohibited during this period, some doctors recommend homeopathic remedies for pregnant women. For example, the well-known German company Heel, specializing in the production of homeopathy, has the drug “Gastrikumel”. It combines plant and mineral components, allowing the drug to have an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic effect on the stomach. Its safety has been clinically proven specifically for pregnant women.

Determination of the disease by the nature of the pain

If your stomach hurts quite severely and gets worse when you cough, then you can assume that it is:

  1. Exacerbation of gastritis. In this case, the greatest pain will be felt in the area “under the stomach” and is very often accompanied by heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth.
  2. Ulcer. If the ulcer worsens, nausea may also occur. But its main difference is a very acute pain that cannot be relieved with improvised means.
  3. Cholecystitis. The pain is felt under the right hypochondrium and is accompanied by specific symptoms: increased body temperature, yellowing of the skin and bitterness in the mouth.

Treatment of stomach pain: folk remedies

If it is not possible to consult with a specialist, then gastralgia can be eliminated using folk remedies.

When pain in the gastrointestinal tract is caused by increased or decreased acidity, the best solution is to use a herbal mixture that includes St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow. 1 tbsp is enough. each component. The collection should be poured into a deep bowl and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leaving to steep for 2-3 hours. The resulting infusion should be drunk 1-2 tbsp. before meals (morning and evening).

One of the safest recipes for relieving stomach pain is using regular chamomile. It has not only analgesic, but also regenerating properties, protecting the mucous membrane from damage. For infusion you will need 1 tbsp. chamomile and 200 ml of just boiled water. Pour boiling water over chamomile and leave for 30 minutes. Cool and take a few tablespoons 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

To relieve pain and relieve irritation from the gastric mucosa, you can use sea buckthorn oil. 1 teaspoon is enough, taken 2-3 times a day before meals, to get rid of pain. The optimal duration of treatment is at least a week. If necessary, you can continue treatment for another week. Sea buckthorn oil is also a source of vitamins E, A, K, and has a general strengthening and antioxidant effect.

If heaviness and pain in the stomach occur immediately after eating, then 4 tablespoons of white cabbage juice can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. 3 times a day for three weeks.

Honey is especially effective for gastritis. Try to replace sugar with it, but only put it in warm water, since when exposed to high temperatures it loses its healing properties.

If a pregnant woman suffers from gastritis with low acidity, then a herbal collection based on wormwood, oregano and thyme is suitable for her. Each herb must be brewed according to the instructions on the box, mixing them in equal quantities.

An easy and affordable way to eliminate pain not only in the stomach, but throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract is to use an infusion of aloe leaves. To do this, chop 1 tbsp on a regular grater. pulp of the plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, placing it all in a thermos. Leave the product to infuse for 40 minutes. The resulting infusion is taken warm, ¼ cup 20 minutes before meals. Aloe not only soothes the mucous membranes, but also has bactericidal properties, suppressing pathogenic microflora.

Try to accompany your stomach treatment with a diet, avoiding eating spicy and sour foods.

It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid pain for the entire nine months, but it is quite possible to reduce discomfort. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Minimize stress as much as possible. Very often, chronic illnesses worsen after experiencing stressful situations. Plus, nervous tension has an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the woman and child.
  2. Do not lie down to rest for half an hour after eating. Otherwise, digestion may be disrupted.
  3. Avoid eating sour and spicy foods. They irritate the gastric mucosa and can lead to erosion and gastritis.
  4. Eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. This diet reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract, since it needs to digest very little food. The advantage of such a system is that it will help a woman not gain extra pounds.
  5. If you don't have edema, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. And if you add a spoonful of honey to your morning glass of water, you will get a very effective remedy for constipation.

To minimize the possible manifestation of gastralgia, it is very important to choose the right diet that will provide a maximum of vitamins and minerals without causing pain:

  1. You need to consume kefir or pure yogurt daily. Ideally, it will be made at home using a yogurt maker. Sourdough can be bought at any pharmacy.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs, boiled fish, and heat-treated vegetables are the fastest to digest. They must be included in the diet, since eggs contain almost the entire periodic table, and red raba is a source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
  3. It is better not to season salads with oil, as it slows down digestion.
  4. Do not wash down your food with water, as it dilutes the gastric juice, which can also cause congestion as a result.

Stomach pain during pregnancy is common. It can be purely physiological, caused by the expansion of the uterus. Or it may be a consequence of exacerbation of chronic diseases. The most reasonable way out of this situation is to consult a doctor. Only a competent examination will accurately determine the cause of the disease.

Video: stomach upset in pregnant women

If your stomach hurts during pregnancy, this can be both a relatively harmless symptom and a sign of the presence of a disease.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Causes of stomach pain in pregnant women

The main cause of stomach pain that occurs during pregnancy is the constantly growing uterus. As it increases, it puts pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. This can affect the passage of food into the esophagus, which leads to discomfort. There are other possible causes of stomach pain. Sometimes the problem occurs due to:

  • constipation and other problems with stool;
  • stress;
  • indigestion or excessive secretion of gastric juice;
  • toxicosis;
  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • overeating;
  • too much time between meals.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences stress. Developing and maintaining the life of a child weakens him. During this period, the body of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable. During pregnancy, infectious diseases often begin to appear. Chronic problems that did not bother you before also come to the surface. So, while expecting a baby, many mothers may encounter problems such as:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • liver problems;
  • problems with the pancreas.

Some mothers may develop allergies to a number of foods, even if the girl has not previously encountered such a problem. To be able to distinguish stomach pain caused by physiological factors, experts advise paying special attention to accompanying symptoms. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach may be accompanied by:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • spasms.

Such symptoms may be characteristic of diseases caused by viral or bacterial infections. The presence of the problem can persist from one day to 72 hours. Almost similar symptoms are present with food poisoning. Stomach pain can also cause or.

During pregnancy, a girl may experience a feeling of constant abdominal tension or pain in the lower part. Such signs may indicate the presence. In this situation, you should immediately contact a surgeon and find out his opinion.

If a girl feels discomfort in the stomach area, this does not always mean that this particular organ hurts. Sometimes the pain can be radiating. This means that there is a problem with another organ, and the unpleasant sensations are transferred to the stomach. Pain in this area may indicate problems with:

  • liver;
  • organs of the urinary system;
  • gallbladder;
  • pancreas.

Stomach pain can also occur due to individual lactose intolerance. Discomfort in this situation usually appears after consuming dairy products.

If a girl is bothered by stomach discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy, she should immediately visit a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of pain and prescribe proper treatment. There is no point in trying to fix the problem on your own. Taking medications during pregnancy can lead to developmental problems in the child.

Early stomach pain

Faced with stomach pain, the expectant mother begins to look for information about the problem. During the search process, a girl may discover many myths that can significantly increase her anxiety or even frighten her. Thus, a number of sources indicate that discomfort in the stomach area may indicate a possible threat of miscarriage or. Experts say that you should only worry about these reasons if the pain is present below the level of the navel. In another situation, discomfort arises for other reasons.

Stomach pain in the early stages of pregnancy usually occurs as a result of the body's response to stress. It is during this period that the girl becomes
most irritable. This also affects the gastric mucosa. In addition, the expectant mother’s body is subject to hormonal surges and strong physiological changes.

When starting to bear a child, a girl may experience toxicosis. The problem often leads to food refusal. This can also cause stomach pain. Experts strongly advise against eating poorly during pregnancy. A lack of vitamins and minerals not only manifests itself in the form of stomach pain, but can also affect the child.

At the beginning of pregnancy, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often worsen. Gastritis and ulcers are especially common. Experts advise undergoing a thorough examination not only by a gynecologist, but also by a gastroenterologist.

Discomfort after eating

If a girl is expecting a child, she should switch to proper nutrition. Continuing to eat unhealthy foods, the expectant mother may experience stomach cramps. Eating such food will lead to metabolic disorders.

It is worth limiting the consumption of sour and spicy foods. It has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. You don't need to eat a lot of sweets either. Such products provoke:

  • the appearance of dysbacteriosis;
  • fermentation process;
  • bloating.

Without following the rules, a girl may experience pain after eating. It is not recommended to drink liquid immediately after eating. This will lead to constipation and a number of other health problems.

You should not take long breaks between meals and then eat large amounts of food. This will also cause pain.

A girl can independently adjust the menu during pregnancy. However, experts advise visiting a specialist and creating a diet with him. The doctor will help you choose products that will not irritate the stomach and fully satisfy the needs of the expectant mother and baby.

The daily menu of a pregnant woman is not very different from the diet followed by people in their normal state. The girl will only have to eliminate unhealthy foods and add vitamins. To minimize the likelihood of pain, consider the following tips:

Diet and treatment of stomach pain during pregnancy

The condition of the stomach directly depends on how the girl eats. Having learned about pregnancy, the expectant mother must adjust her daily routine taking into account her changed condition and develop a menu. It is worth taking into account the advice of professionals. To prevent stomach pain, you must:

  • eat at least 5-6 times, eating small portions and not overeating;
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean, still water per day;
  • exclude heavy and unhealthy foods from the diet;
  • give up fried, salty, smoked and spicy foods;
  • do not eat before bedtime;
  • Do not go to rest immediately after eating.

If there is pain caused by chronic diseases, doctors prescribe special treatment. An abdominal ultrasound and gastroscopy may be required.

During pregnancy, any surgical or medical interventions are strictly prohibited. The fight against the problem will be based on following a special diet. The daily menu should include:

  • berries;
  • dairy products;
  • decoctions from natural herbs;
  • pure honey;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • healthy foods.

Nutrition should be balanced. A growing fetus needs a whole list of useful substances. When developing a daily diet, you need to take this fact into account. A girl can create a menu on her own, guided by personal preferences, or seek help from a specialist. A nutritionist will help you develop a competent nutrition plan, taking into account individual characteristics.

The use of folk recipes

To get rid of stomach pain in the initial stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother can resort to folk recipes. Only natural ingredients are used to prepare such medicines. They are harmless and have virtually no effect on the unborn child. However, experts advise that you still consult with a specialist first. Each case is individual, and the reaction of a pregnant girl’s body can be unpredictable.

The list of folk recipes is extensive. The choice of a suitable preparation regimen for a natural medicine depends on the individual preferences of the expectant mother or the availability of nearby ingredients included in its composition.

Herbal decoctions effectively combat the problem. To prepare the drug you will need:

  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • parsnip;
  • calamus root;
  • yarrow;
  • flax seeds.

The method of preparing the medicine is not complicated. To get rid of stomach pain, you should:

  1. Purchase or assemble all the ingredients yourself. You should use the last option only if the girl is well versed in plants. You can buy medicinal herbs at the pharmacy. The ingredients can only be used in dried form.
  2. Take 10 g of each herb.
  3. Grind the ingredients and then pour one glass of boiling water over them.
  4. The resulting mass must be infused for half an hour.
  5. Then boiled water is added to the drug. Its quantity should be one-half of the resulting mass.

The medicine must be taken before meals. To get rid of stomach pain, you should consume 3 tablespoons of the decoction.

If for some reason a girl cannot resort to the previous recipe, she has the opportunity to use the following scheme:

  1. To prepare the medicine, you will need to purchase lemon balm, chaga mushroom, honey, and valerian.
  2. To get rid of stomach pain in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to take dry chaga mushroom. The finished ingredient must be immersed in warm water. Leave to infuse for 5 hours.
  3. While the flu is getting ready, you need to take lemon balm and valerian and pour boiling water over them. The resulting solution must be infused for one and a half hours.
  4. When the deadline is completed, the softened mushroom must be removed from the liquid, crushed, and then put back into warm water. To get rid of stomach pain, the drink should be left in a cool place and allowed to brew for 2 days.

The solution is ready. The herbal tincture should be consumed before meals. The medicine prepared on the basis of the chaga mushroom is drunk 100 g in the morning and evening, washed down with honey.

According to statistics, approximately half of all women during pregnancy face a problem such as stomach pain. And this can happen even to those who have never experienced a similar pain syndrome before. What causes this symptom? And does this pose any threat to the unborn baby? In this article we will tell you why your stomach may hurt during pregnancy.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy?

It’s worth mentioning right away that during pregnancy every woman faces such a problem as stomach pain; and this happens due to a natural process occurring in the body, namely, due to the constantly increasing size of the uterus, which in turn thereby “displaces” nearby organs. In addition, an enlarged uterus can affect the normal passage of food into the esophagus, which also leads to pain in the stomach.

However, in addition to this, there are a number of factors that can also cause stomach pain during pregnancy. For example, one of the most common causes of this pain syndrome during pregnancy is the most common overeating, which is characteristic of almost every pregnant woman. As a rule, an increased appetite “accompanies” a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child, which is why stomach pain can occur both at the very beginning of pregnancy and at a later stage.

In addition, frequent overeating can also cause heartburn, which also affects the appearance of stomach pain. Constipation and other problems with stool - all this is also a consequence of overeating and “indiscriminate” eating.

It is also worth considering that during pregnancy the female body is most vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of viruses and infections, as a result of which diseases such as gastritis, duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers begin to develop or worsen, which in turn also leads to various intensity of stomach pain. By the way, as for peptic ulcers, in about half of the cases during pregnancy this disease reappears; and this happens due to the increased level of progesterone in the female body. That is why those who have encountered this disease in the past while carrying a child should be very careful about their diet.

Also, due to poor nutrition during pregnancy, women often encounter problems with the gallbladder and pancreas, which also leads to stomach pain. That is why, in order to avoid all of the above problems, it is necessary to carefully adjust your diet, which should include fresh fruits and vegetables every day, as well as foods rich in all essential microelements.

Also, during pregnancy, many women develop allergies to various foods, which also leads to stomach pain. In this situation, in order to understand whether a food allergy is the cause of pain, you should “listen” to your body, because, as a rule, pain occurs immediately after directly consuming the allergen. For example, the most common allergic reaction during pregnancy occurs after consuming dairy products (lactose intolerance). Various seafood are also on the list of the most common allergens.

Nature of stomach pain during pregnancy

As we have already said, stomach pain during pregnancy can be caused by natural causes - for example, overeating or stretching of the uterus, however, in some cases, such an emerging syndrome may indicate the presence of some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract or nearby organs . Of course, it is not possible to independently “calculate” any specific disease, however, with each individual disease, a woman feels pain of a different nature, which in turn indicates the presence of a specific health problem.

So, for example, if you feel heaviness in your stomach and a feeling of fullness, then these symptoms indicate the presence of a disease such as gastritis, which occurs in a chronic form. As a rule, with chronic gastritis, such painful sensations appear immediately after eating. If, in addition to the above symptom, a dull, aching pain is also felt, then in this situation we are talking about gastritis, which occurs along with diseases such as colitis or pancreatitis.

If you feel quite sharp and paroxysmal pain, then this syndrome indicates the presence of diseases such as a duodenal ulcer or gastric ulcer. As a rule, with the above diseases, painful sensations occur along with a feeling of hunger; after eating, the pain subsides, however, an hour or two after eating, all the painful sensations return again.

Prevention of stomach pain during pregnancy

As we have already said, it is not possible to avoid stomach pain during pregnancy, because an ever-enlarging uterus and increased appetite are completely natural factors that directly affect the “condition” of the gastrointestinal tract, however, by resorting to simple rules and advice, you can make these painful sensations less intense.

    Drink as much fluid as possible daily. It is best to give preference to freshly squeezed juices and mineral water. It is best to avoid strong tea and coffee;

    You need to regulate your eating schedule. It is best to eat fractionally, taking food in small portions approximately 6-8 times a day. It is also strongly recommended to avoid overeating and under no circumstances eat heavily at night;

    Watch your diet carefully. Fatty, spicy, fried and smoked foods should be completely avoided. The best option is to consume as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, various low-fat broths, cereals, and lean boiled meat;

    Under no circumstances take long breaks between meals;

    Try to avoid various stressful situations as much as possible;

    Immediately after eating, it is recommended to take a walk for 15-20 minutes.

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy

Of course, it is not possible to independently determine the cause of stomach pain during pregnancy, and therefore, to identify a specific disease, it is imperative to contact a gastroenterologist, who, after taking tests and undergoing an ultrasound examination, will prescribe adequate treatment. Remember that you should never prescribe or take any medications yourself; Since drug treatment is contraindicated during pregnancy, as a rule, a specialist prescribes homeopathic medications.

If you experience stomach pain during pregnancy, you can resort to using various folk remedies that will help relieve the pain and, most importantly, will not harm the health of the unborn baby. Next, we will talk about how traditional medicine can help with stomach pain:

    in case of regular stomach pain, as well as as a preventive measure, it is recommended to drink one or two liters of mineral water daily (for example, Borjomi, Essentuki, etc.). It is recommended to purchase mineral water in pharmacies;

    for gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to take decoctions based on the following herbs: thyme, oregano, wormwood, fennel, cumin. All of the above herbs must be purchased only in pharmacies; to prepare decoctions, you must follow the instructions;

    for gastritis with normal or high acidity, you can take decoctions based on St. John's wort, chamomile, and yarrow. To prepare any decoction, you need to pour one tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiling water, then let it brew for two hours, after which the decoction should be strained and consumed one tablespoon immediately before meals;

    We all know that most diseases develop against the background of various experiences and stress; During pregnancy, such experiences can also cause stomach pain. In order to get rid of this cause of this disease, you can take decoctions based on various sedative herbs, for example, motherwort, valerian or lemon balm.