
Self-instruction manual for oriental dances. How to learn to dance at home oriental dances? From the history of belly dancing

The Belly Dance heading contains free video lessons on this oriental dance. Belly dance (bellydance) is an Arab national dance. The originality of oriental belly dance lies in its plasticity. One of the differences from other dances is the large number of movements of the hips and abdomen. This is how the myth appeared that belly dancing is only belly dancing. In fact, during belly dancing, almost all muscle groups are involved. The flexibility of the body, coordination of movements develops, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which is a good prevention of many female diseases, and the emotional state of a woman also improves. Teaching oriental belly dancing by video lessons online will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video tutorials from the Belly Dancing category for free at any convenient time. Some of the video tutorials on oriental belly dancing are accompanied by additional training materials that can be downloaded. Good luck to you!

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Belly dance for beginners. Burning fat

This online tutorial will show you how to lose weight with simple belly dancing exercises for beginners. Keeping yourself in good shape is very hard work. Belly dancing is a pleasant and effective way to keep fit. The rhythm and tempo of the belly dance performance gives the necessary load to burn excess fat. You have no idea how quickly you can lose those extra pounds without putting a lot of stress on your heart ...

Slow belly dance. Part 1

This video focuses on the question of how to do belly dance correctly. Here we will tackle the technique and style of slow belly dancing and taksim rhythms. In this lesson, you will learn the basic movements of belly dancing, various options for hand movements. We will also work with movements including postures, different body positions that are performed when the dancer tells her story in a dance and which are taken from pantomimes. We will work with various looks to help you be organic and ...

Belly dance for beginners. Arms and abdominal muscles

This video tutorial will show you how to do arm and abdominal exercises for learning belly dancing for beginners. In belly dancing classes, you can train your arms and abdominal muscles well. This allows you to have good posture and correct development of the abdominal and back muscles. And the ability to move your hands beautifully emphasizes the feminine beauty. Normal exercises for the abdominal muscles require a fairly large physical exertion. In contrast, this program consists of simple and pleasant ...

Belly dance for beginners. Basic movements

Online lesson “Belly dance for beginners. Basic Movements ”is devoted to the question of how to dance this wonderful oriental dance. Belly dancing helps to maintain a sporty lifestyle, as well as to feel free and relaxed. This video tutorial teaches the basic movements of belly dancing as a form of fitness. The program is designed to give your body a full range of exercises from head to toe. The program does not involve much effort, tensions alternate ...

Belly dance for beginners. Thighs and buttocks

Video “Belly dance for beginners. Hips and buttocks "is devoted to the question of how to train the hips and buttocks in belly dance classes for beginners. You can keep your figure in good shape with some kind of exercise, but it is quite difficult to find such a fitness that would bring so much pleasure. These exercises are based on the movements of the hips and legs that are used in classical belly dancing, but in a rather funny way. All movements are very simple and easy ...

Thanks to stars like Shakira, belly dancing has become an international hit. Why not? This is a great workout, and it is an art that everyone can do and with time and effort to achieve perfection. If you want to learn how to start dancing on your own, just follow these instructions.


Starting position

    Stretch out. Warming up before exercising will protect you from muscle sprains and other injuries. Just bend forward to touch your toes, roll your neck and shoulders, and stretch your wrists to feel good and free. If you can, create a bridge to stretch your abdominal muscles.

    • When you are going to belly dance, pull up your hair and put on a tank top so that your belly is visible.
    • Practice dancing in front of a mirror so that you can follow your movements.
  1. Play suitable music. Any melody with a repeating theme will help you tune in the right mood. Try using music with Middle Eastern influences and get an understanding of the rhythms. There are many Arabic compositions specially designed for belly dancing, and they have musical cues to help you know when to move fast and when to move gracefully. Learning to dance to Middle Eastern music will help you appreciate belly dancing even more.

    Take the starting position. Straighten your upper torso. Do not arch your back or slouch. Pull in your butt so that it forms an almost straight line with your back. Bend your knees slightly and never, under any circumstances, close them. Your feet should be parallel, about 30 cm apart. Your chin should be raised and your shoulders should be pulled back slightly.

    Raise your arms and bend your stomach slightly. Use your abdominal muscles to 'pull' or guide your hips; there should be no large deflection in the lower back. Some schools insist on pulling in the belly from the very beginning to train it. Raise your arms so that they are slightly above the parallel position to the floor and slightly lift your wrists.

    Improving technology

    1. Work your hips from side to side and back and forth. To move your hips from side to side, simply lower your left hip to raise your right, then lower your right to raise your left. Start slowly until you have worked this movement, then increase the pace until you start shaking your hips. For a back and forth motion, simply move your hips back and forth using the center of your pelvis to create a graceful movement.

      • Keep your arm raised at a right angle and move your fingers to maintain balance and add grace to the dance.
      • To move from side to side, start lifting your right leg, starting at the heel, until only the tips of your toes touch the floor, then let your leg drop half as much as usual. Repeat this movement with your left leg and hip, then change again until you can shake.
      • Use your knees to create momentum.
      • To practice hip movements, mentally divide your torso into two halves vertically. This will help you learn to move one hip up and down without affecting the position of the other hip.
    2. Perform small circular movements with your hips. Try 'drawing' small circles in the air with one hip. When you get it right, try eights, arcs, and spirals. Don't forget the opposite side. One side will always be stronger, and it will always be easier for you to do elements with one side than the other, depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed. Keep your arms raised, smile a little, and move your fingers as you practice different movements.

      Combine your movements. Do not dance belly dance, constantly repeating the same thing. Once you've mastered a few moves, you can combine them to diversify your repertoire. Make a circle with your left hip, grip with your right hip, two circles with your right hip, then two with your left, or move your hips back and forth, and then move from side to side. Remember to use your belly to push your hips in different directions.

    • The head should remain level when you move.
    • Hand movements are more graceful when the fingers are slightly extended. Spiral movements look especially good.
    • Start with bare feet or sneakers. No heels.
    • Try getting a hip shawl with bells or coins. The extra sound will help you get a better feel for the dance. There are many accessories with bells, such as chain belts. You can use them if you can't get a hip shawl with coins.
    • Expose your belly so you can see the movement.
    • Wear anklets and wristbands to add ping and distract viewers from imperfect movements.
    • To begin with, use music that is familiar to you, or even better something that you are already dancing to (for example, it can be Shakira). In fact, if you are really interested in Shakira's style, just watch one of her clips and try to follow the movements behind her. Although she dances quickly, do the movements slowly to learn everything. Use YouTube to stop and restart videos if necessary
    • Do not be shy. Be confident and have fun. Feel sexy!
    • Move on full feet and keep your feet hip-width apart to maintain balance.
    • Sign up for a studio. Please note that there are several styles of belly dancing, from traditional Egyptian to modern tribal. Your instructor will tell you exactly what he is teaching.


    • Start at a slow pace, don't move your hips too fast.
    • Always warm up before dancing and give yourself time to cool down after training.
    • Be careful not to hurt yourself.
    • Don't block your knees.
    • Dance instructors differ in both technique and style; if possible, sort it out before going to someone's class.
    • Don't step on your heels.

Picvario / Russianlook.ru

Do not even think about going into the hall or standing at home in front of the mirror, immediately start shaking, waves, blows, abrupt belly dance movements - first you have to work out the starting position. It usually takes at least one and a half months for this body position to become natural. At first, the body may resist, but exercising regularly, you will quickly get used to new sensations.

Learning the starting position of belly dancing

So, let's begin. Stand in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself in full growth. A mirror on the side will also do the trick. Consider the correct body position from bottom to top:

1. The distance between your feet is equal to the length of your foot. This distributes body weight evenly across both legs. The feet are parallel to each other, the toes are forward so that the knee joint does not twist and the patella (knee caps) do not move. We touch the floor with all toes: this makes it easier to maintain balance.

2. Knees are soft but not bent. This will protect yourself from damage to the menisci and dislocation of the patella.

3. The hips are relaxed.

4. The gluteal muscles are relaxed. Do not stick out your ass, otherwise increase the load on the lower back, and it looks vulgar. The deflection in the lower back, of course, looks impressive, but this position disrupts the natural flow of blood and oxygen to the abdominal organs.

5. The pubis does not protrude forward.

6. The pelvic bones are in line.

7. Don't suck in your belly to look slimmer. Let men walk fit - everything should be relaxed with us, without unnecessary pressure on the abdominal organs.

8. The ribcage is pulled slightly forward, and the solar plexus zone is pulled back. Body weight is concentrated more on the toes than on the heels. In this position, you will reduce the load on the lower back.

10. The shoulder blades are brought together and seem to hold a small pencil. In this position, the muscles of the shoulder region stretch and keep tone.

11. The shoulders are at the same level, lowered.

12. The arms are extended to the sides at level. This is the optimal height for strengthening, over time, a beautiful relief will appear on them. The elbows are soft, pointing backward, not downward. The hands are an extension of the hands, do not "break" the wrists. Imagine holding a huge bouquet of flowers in front of you. The fingers are together, but not clenched, there is a distance between them. The middle finger is slightly inward. The palms are open to the viewer.

13. The neck is completely relaxed. Do not lower or raise your chin, keep it parallel to the floor: this is how all the cervical vertebrae form a regular line.

14. Stretching the crown of your head up, like a flower reaching for the sun, will help maintain balance.

Having mastered this starting position, dance to your health!

Want to learn belly dancing at home?

Our video tutorials will help you with this! Watch videos online and practice belly dancing at home!

Oriental dance (Arabic dance, belly dance) - feminine, charming. Belly dancing also helps to lose weight, improves posture, reduces cellulite, and has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. The number of people who want to learn to dance oriental belly dance is increasing. For beginners, we suggest watching a video belly dance lesson. Simple but effective basic dance movements, a good instructor in just a few minutes you can learn belly dancing.

This is a video lesson on teaching belly dancing for beginners from the largest dance and vocal center "Shtab Kvartira". This is one of the best belly dance training videos for beginners! Everything is simple, clear and accessible.

In addition to online belly dancing lessons, of course, dance schools are also taught. Now there are such schools in every city, and in Almaty, Astana, in fact, in every quarter. Prices are different, depending on the popularity of the dance school, the prominence of the instructor, location (city center), class of the room. Cost from about 1,000 tenge per lesson, a month of classes from 5-6,000 tenge and above. Belly dancing training is more expensive in Almaty and Astana.

Belly dance is usually called Belly dance. This name is accepted all over the world and translated from English “belly” means belly, and “dance” means to dance. And so it turns out in Russian: belly dance. In Arab countries, this dance is usually called Raks Sharki, which literally can be translated as the dance of the East. In these countries, Belly dance was traditionally performed at weddings, in honor of the birth of children, at holidays dedicated to the New Year, sowing and harvesting.

Contraindications to belly dancing:

  • strong flat feet;
  • spine diseases: hernia, etc.;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • cholecystitis,
  • ovarian diseases, tumor, cyst, myoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • you need a consultation with a doctor if you have heart disease, varicose veins.

Why is belly dancing useful?

Belly dancing is good for women for example, oriental belly dancing increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is an excellent prevention of adhesions and other inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. If you already have diseases of the small pelvis, you first need to cure them, or first consult with your doctor if you can practice belly dancing.

Belly dance is a wonderful way to lose weight, shape your figure, reduce cellulite, make the figure more feminine - highlight the waist, remove folds on the sides and fat on the hips. Of course, you will not be able to get rid of unwanted pounds very quickly, but this is only beneficial for the body.

Video. Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Arabat stars.

At first, rapid weight loss visually adds age: the skin becomes flabby, the chest becomes saggy, wrinkles on the face are more noticeable.

Secondly, excessive physical activity leads to an increase in the level of the stress hormone - cortisol, which "conserves reserves" and does not allow getting rid of body fat.

In the dance, the load is moderate, alternating with relaxation. It is not only the stomach that works, almost all muscles are involved in it, due to which the figure looks slender and embossed, and not "dried out". In addition, dancing is a pleasure, and therefore the body is easier to part with the excess.

Another positive side of belly dancing is the gentle effect on the spine. and the muscles that support it. By exercising regularly, you can solve problems with posture, which in itself will improve the figure, since often a sagging or bulging belly is a consequence of back problems.

It is better to start dancing under the guidance of a coach, then the classes will be more effective. He will show you how to carry out the basic elements correctly, correct mistakes in their implementation. Perhaps the coach will select a program of independent home workouts, explain what you need to pay attention to for faster weight loss. Usually, after the first few sessions, problem areas are felt that require increased loads. The coach must be friendly and pleasant to you, otherwise, exercising through strength, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Clothes for beginners to practice belly dancing should be tight enough to fit the legs so that the movements of the knees and hips are visible, but not slip or squeeze. For control by the trainer or self-control with the help of a mirror, it is desirable that the abdomen is open. If you have large breasts, choosing a comfortable bra is very important. It is better to work out on the carpet in socks, on the floor - in light, non-slip shoes. A belt with beads or coins is a nice little thing, not a necessity.

When doing belly dancing for weight loss, you should not resort to too strict low-calorie diets. With regular exercise, a fairly large amount of energy is consumed, only it happens imperceptibly. Severe restriction in nutrition can lead to a deterioration in well-being, as a result of which classes will have to be interrupted.

Do not overeat before training.- a full stomach will interfere, reminding of itself with nausea and heartburn. You can have a light snack so that after a workout there is no intolerable feeling of hunger. Since most beginners are just learning to breathe properly while dancing, a dry throat is possible, so it is best to have a bottle of water with you.

Dancing for pleasure, you can provide yourself with health and a slim figure for many years.

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It is generally accepted that only Eastern women can perform ideally the belly dance. In fact, any woman can do it, regardless of age. The main thing is to learn the basics and dance with all your heart. The trainer's tips, which you will find in our article, will help you learn how to dance like real masters.

From the history of belly dancing

Belly dance (or bellydance) is a very ancient sacrament. Previously, it was performed by priestesses in the temples of India and Egypt in order to connect with the Mother Goddess and convey a sexual mood to a man.

In addition, the "dance of life" was an obligatory attribute of an oriental wedding, however, it was danced for women in the female half.

For Bedouins, belly dancing is accompanied by the birth of a child, so that the baby is born healthy and grows up happy.

Today bellydance is not only a passionate dance in a shiny outfit, but also a kind of fitness. You can learn oriental skills on your own. This does not require superpowers, the main thing is desire and patience. Having mastered the basic movements, you can create your own unique dance and present it to your beloved man, and regular classes will reveal your femininity and give you strong health and an ideal figure.

The benefits of the dance of life

It is not for nothing that this magical dance is called the "dance of life", because it is difficult to count all the benefits that it gives to a woman.

Let's start with the fact that bellydance is a truly feminine dance, because circular movements and dynamic shaking of the hips are not only beautiful, but also useful for internal organs, including reproductive organs. During the dance, an internal massage of the abdomen and pelvis takes place, which provides excellent preparation for future childbirth, and also helps to regain shape in the postpartum period. This is confirmed by the fact that Eastern women give birth very easily.

Oriental dances help to find the perfect figure much more effectively than training in the gym, and the pleasure that you will experience during the lesson cannot be compared with anything. Smooth movements help to regain body flexibility and joint mobility, eliminating salt deposits. By dancing regularly, you will notice how your posture will improve and your gait will become graceful, and there will be no trace of cellulite.

During the performance of the belly dance, all the muscles relax, in contrast to Western dances, where some part of the body is still tense. Movement to oriental rhythms is a kind of meditation that helps to relieve tension and reveal inner potential. Headaches and insomnia will disappear forever, and a great mood will become a constant companion. You will be surprised at how relaxed and free you will become, expressing your feelings with the help of looks and gestures, like the women of the East.

Where to start belly dancing

For those who cannot imagine their life without movement, we have prepared tips for beginners on how to start belly dancing.

To learn the basics of bellydance, you don't have to go to a dance club - there are many video tutorials and master classes on the Internet. There are some simple but very effective basic movements:

  • circular rotations (draw horizontal and vertical "eights" with your hips and knees);
  • shaking hips, knees and shoulders;
  • undulating movements of the arms and body;
  • "Dome" (pull in and inflate your belly to the beat of the music).

Having mastered all this, you can prepare the dance yourself, choosing the appropriate music and adding attributes - a scarf, candles, and even a knife. Improvise to the rhythmic sounds of Turkish drums, completely surrendering to the dance.

Do not rush to buy a beautiful dance outfit - after all, soon after intense classes you can lose weight and the costume will turn out to be great. Wear a short top and leggings or breeches for training, and tie a scarf with tinkling coins on your hips. As for shoes, it is quite possible to do without them here, because belly dancing is usually performed barefoot. If this option does not suit you, you can put on gym shoes or socks.

Ekaterina Plotnikova, dance center trainer and winner of the 2012 World Cup in Oriental Dance, shared some tips with us about bellydance classes:

“Belly dancing is a considerable physical activity, therefore there are contraindications: severe flat feet, diseases of the spine and female internal organs, stomach ulcers. With varicose veins and heart failure, heavy loads should be avoided.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women. In this position, you can endanger health - both your own and the unborn child. It is possible and even necessary to dance bellydance before and after childbirth, but during pregnancy it is better to do special gymnastics or breathing practice. "

We wish you to successfully master the oriental art and turn your life into a dance!