
Dwarf pomegranate from seeds. What kind of care does a indoor grenade need at home? Required lighting and temperature

Pomegranate has several names: pomegranate, pomegranate... It belongs to the Derbennikovye family. Gives recognizable fruits, which, due to their characteristics, are classified as a special type of pomegranate.

Pomegranates grow along the Mediterranean coast - in southern Europe and North Africa, and in Asia they are distributed mainly in the western regions up to the Himalayan mountains. So it is tropical plant, which is found in a wide range from 40 o south to 45 o north latitude.


The Latin name of the pomegranate punicus is translated as Punic or Carthaginian, since this tree grows in North Africa, where the state of Carthage was located in ancient times.

About the beneficial properties of pomegranate

A lot is known and said about the benefits of pomegranate. It contains a variety of vitamins, organic substances and trace elements that good effect on different systems organs and the body as a whole:

  • vitamin C improves immunity;
  • vitamin P helps to strengthen the tissues of the walls of blood vessels;
  • group vitamins provide metabolic processes, improve hematopoiesis;
  • tannins have a bactericidal effect.

The main benefit of pomegranate is to optimize blood flow, strengthen blood vessels, thereby improving heart rate and stabilizing blood pressure.

Description of dwarf decorative varieties of pomegranate

In nature, the pomegranate tree grows up to 5-6 meters. However, at home, special decorative varieties, which, due to their size, are called dwarf. Basically, they grow in the range of 80-120 cm. The leaves are small, oval in shape with a pleasant gloss. They have a bright light green color.

An interesting detail - foliage almost constantly changes its color. When the growth period begins in the spring, they are more saturated with bronze tones, and over the summer they have time to acquire juicy green tones. By autumn they turn yellow, like most of the trees we are used to.

How to grow indoor pomegranate (video)

The flowers are bright red, larger than foliage, so they look good against their background. They are elongated, conical in shape and live only a few days. However, new buds are constantly forming over the season, due to which the pomegranate bush almost constantly decorates the room. Fruits are formed only in 4-5 flowers out of a hundred. Moreover, if the fruit has begun to form, then the flowers continue to appear on the bush, which creates a very beautiful, elegant look.

Currently, quite a few varieties have been bred dwarf pomegranate. The most famous are the following:

  • Nana(nana) grows up to 100-110 cm, has graceful, proportional forms;
  • Baby(baby) - very graceful plant, grows to a size of no more than half a meter;
  • Ruby slightly larger than baby, its flowers have a classic bright red color;
  • Uzbekistan- a real giant, as it can grow up to 2 meters in height. Forms fruits with a sweet and sour taste.

Cold tolerant garden pomegranate varieties

The pomegranate bush can be grown not only at home, but also in the garden. For this you need to choose special winter-hardy varieties:

  1. Gulusha pink and red grow up to 2-2.5 meters in height, have a spreading crown, due to which they are used in garden landscaping. Resistant to frost down to -15 o C.
  2. Ak Dona Crimean also stable in Russian climatic conditions... The variety forms a small tree that needs to be pruned in time to achieve beautiful shape bush. To obtain fruits, it is cultivated in Central Asia, where it was bred.

Winter-hardy pomegranate varieties take root well in the climatic conditions of Central Russia, but most often they do not bloom. To cultivate them, they will need mandatory protection for the period of winter cold weather, since they may not withstand frosts below -15 ° C.

How pomegranate reproduces

Pomegranate can be propagated in several ways, the simplest of which is with cuttings.

Growing pomegranate from seeds

To propagate pomegranate seeds, you need to choose the ripe fruits ( ornamental bush or ordinary wood), extract the berries from them, crush them and plant them shallowly (by 1 cm) into the soil, the composition of which is described in the corresponding section.

Have experience successful cultivation pomegranate from seeds and in ordinary land suitable for indoor flowers. Important just provide them with enough warm conditions(not lower than 22 ° C) and water well. The first leaves appear in 1.5-2 months. As soon as there are 3-4 of them, you can transplant them into a separate small pot (take about 400 g of earth). It is important to understand that pomegranate grown from seed may lose some varietal characteristics.

Plant propagation by cuttings

The technology of propagation by cuttings is not only the simplest, but also very effective. All work is carried out in the fall:

  1. It is better to take the youngest shoots (one or two years old).
  2. All leaves, twigs, thorns and dryish parts are removed.
  3. Then they are tied into a bundle and the bundle is laid on the bottom of a pre-dug hole (depth about half a meter).
  4. Cover the top with a large layer of straw (30 cm) and sprinkle with a little earth.
  5. The next year, when the soil has completely thawed, you need to take out the shoots, remove those that have dried up, and cut several cuttings of 15-20 cm from the rest.
  6. Cuttings should be planted only in warm soil, and 12 hours before planting, they should be kept in water.

Indoor varieties of pomegranates are even easier to cut off - in February, a non-lignified shoot is cut off and processed with a root, after which it should be germinated in a wet mixture of peat and sand. When 4 leaves begin to appear, you can plant them in a regular pot.

Pomegranate cuttings (video)

Reproduction by grafting

There are several types of vaccinations:

  • under the bark;
  • splitting the cutting (the so-called splitting);
  • budding - i.e. sleeping eye vaccination.

All methods, except for the last one, are applied in early spring, and budding in September. The stalk should be taken from a young shoot, 15-20 cm in size. It is better to insert it from the north side - direct sunlight should not penetrate the grafting site during the entire time of fusion.

How to grow indoor pomegranate from a stone at home

Grow from seed homemade pomegranate quite real, you just need to take into account a few features of this breeding method.

Selection and preparation of pomegranate seeds for planting

First of all, you need to correctly approach the choice of the pomegranate fruit. You can take decorative fruits, you can ordinary ones, which are purchased in the store. The technique is as follows:

  1. You need to take a very ripe or overripe fruit.
  2. Pull out a few berries, crush the pulp with your fingers.
  3. Feel how hard the seeds are - only the hardest will do.
  4. Before planting, all the pulp must be washed off with plenty of water, otherwise they will rot, and with them the sprouts will disappear.
  5. The planting must be done shallow - a maximum of 1 cm.


Contrary to popular belief, the germination rate of pomegranate seeds reaches 90-95%, however, it can take a long time before the sprout appears - sometimes up to a year.

Soil and flower pot for growing pomegranates on the windowsill

The composition of the soil includes equal amounts the following types land:

  • sheet;
  • peat;
  • sod;
  • humus.

It is permissible to take universal soil for indoor plants or special soil for citrus trees... The main thing is that the earth has a neutral reaction.

Important! The bottom must be drained - you can put coarse sand and small stones.

Initially, the seed can be planted in shallow dishes, and then transplanted into a regular flower pot. For decorative purposes of growing, you need to choose small containers, because when the roots become cramped, the bush will give many flowers. There are no fundamental requirements for the material.

Pinching and transplanting pomegranate sprouts into a flower pot

Up to 4-5 years of age, a developing bush should be transplanted annually. Then it can be replanted every three years. In all cases, it is better to do the procedure. in early spring... Each subsequent pot in diameter should be 4-5 cm larger than the previous one.

It is necessary to take care of the formation of a beautiful crown in the early stages of development, since a young pomegranate gives many shoots at the beginning of life. You need to pinch the riding shoots so that the crown turns out to be quite spreading. You should also limit the growth of those branches that grow too vigorously.

Caring for a pomegranate at home

The pomegranate bush is pretty unpretentious plant, caring for it will not take much time:

  1. It is optimal to choose windows in the west or east so that the sun's rays do not directly hit the foliage for a long time.
  2. During spring period should contribute monthly nitrogen fertilizer- it is especially important to do this for young bushes that grow quickly.
  3. Watering in summer is plentiful, daily, in winter - 1-2 times a week. Also, during the warm period, it is better to constantly spray the leaves - the pomegranate loves moisture.
  4. For wintering, pomegranates should not be disturbed with fertilizers. It needs to be moved to a cooler place (16-18 o C is acceptable).
  5. For the summer, a young bush can be transplanted into your garden, but it is better not to disturb adult plants with transplants.

Growing a pomegranate tree outdoors

In the conditions of our latitudes, the cultivation of pomegranate in open ground has a number of features associated with the preparation of the plant for wintering.

Where and how to properly plant pomegranate seedlings in the garden

Since the pomegranate loves light, it is unacceptable to place it in the shade - then it will gradually fade. However, intense, scorching heat should also be avoided. That's why the best place is next to garden trees (apple, bird cherry), which give good partial shade and at the same time leave a lot of space for the rays to pass.

A hole is dug by the size of the root, rotted manure and old foliage mixed with sand (layer 20 cm) are poured into it. The roots of the seedling must be well spread and planted, sprinkled with earth. Water immediately abundantly. When the bush takes root, it is imperative to create mulch from manure around it.

Important! If possible, it is better to plant a bush on a small hill, since the pomegranate does not like an excessively moist environment - in this case, the roots can rot.

Watering and feeding the plant

Watering weekly- if the bush is large, then a standard bucket of water (10 l). It must be defended to room temperature. If summers are dry, water more often or more. Important to remember, that the pomegranate is harmed not only by the lack, but also by the excess of moisture. If the leaves begin to crumble, most likely the bush has little moisture.

Top dressing should be done at the very end of spring, adding mineral fertilizer... If during the season regularly (1-2 times a month) make organic fertilizers(humus, mullein, chicken droppings), the bush will grow much faster.

Pruning pomegranate

To form a beautiful crown, you need to leave 4-5 trunks. You can do this in the spring or fall. All dried shoots must be harvested throughout the season. It is also necessary to remove root suckers - they take up a lot of moisture and nutrients.

How to care for a pomegranate tree during flowering and fruit formation

If the care of the plant is good (first of all, this is due to watering and fertilization), then it can bloom in the first 2 years. During flowering and ovary formation, cooler water (18 ° C) should be used for irrigation. Important also slightly reduce the usual volumes (by a quarter) of moisture. Before the formation of the ovary, superphosphate fertilizer must be applied to the soil.

Preparing a pomegranate for winter

All work is carried out in October, before the onset of the first frost:
  1. The branches are bent to the ground in 1 row and pinned with staples.
  2. Polyethylene is placed on top of them and is also fixed.
  3. Next comes a layer of earth (20-30 cm).

Important! The stems of the bush must be treated with a 3% solution bordeaux liquid or another fungicide so that they are not attacked by microscopic fungi.

Problems when growing pomegranate

If you do not follow the conditions for care, the pomegranate will almost immediately respond with external signs of deviation from the norm.

Falling and yellowing of leaves

If the leaves begin to fall off and turn yellow, this may be the result of 3 reasons at once:

  • insufficient watering and the level of humidity in the air;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • the location of the bush in a highly shaded place.

Important! Pomegranate is a deciduous plant, so yellowing and falling off of flowers in autumn is normal.

Why pomegranate does not bloom

This is one of the most common problems. WITH amaya probable cause- absence enough fertilizers... They need to be brought in at least 2 times a month during the warm season.

Also, the reasons may be associated with a lack of light - in this case, it is important to analyze the state of the foliage. If it is sluggish and turns yellow, it means that the plant receives less sun rays.

Diseases of the pomegranate tree and their treatment

Pomegranate diseases are associated with yellowing and loss of leaves, lack of flowers or ovaries. There is also a specific disease. associated with the fact that the branches of the plant begin to peel off and die off. It's called branch cancer and is manifested by cracked bark, the appearance of extraneous formations; in addition, the branches begin to dry out in large quantities. All diseased shoots should be removed immediately.

Pomegranate pests and fight against them

There are several insects dangerous for this bush:

  1. The pomegranate moth harms the fruit by laying its eggs in them. Such fruits must be immediately removed and destroyed, and any insecticides are suitable to fight the butterfly.
  2. Pomegranate aphid - especially loves to feed on young, non-lignified branches. To combat it, the tree is sprayed with tobacco infusion with soap (ratio 10: 1).
  3. Mealybug.
  4. The spider mite leaves whitish cobwebs on the branches and leaves. They also fight these insects with the help of universal insecticidal agents.

Blooming pomegranate (video)

Thus, you can grow a pomegranate and wait for flowers and fruits from it both at home and in the open field. At proper care the bush grows beautiful, spreading, with bright flowers, thanks to which it fits well into the design of any flower garden.

Florists who are fond of exotic plants grow lemons, tangerines and even pomegranates at home. Lemon and tangerine bushes are often sold in flower shops, so it will not be difficult to acquire them. Pomegranate is rarely found on sale. But if desired, it can be grown from a bone. An ordinary pomegranate will turn into a miniature tree and will bloom and bear fruit. Of course, there will be few fruits on the plant, but beautiful pink flowers and their unique scent. Taking care of a pomegranate is not difficult at all, but you need to study the rules for planting and growing.

Homemade pomegranate tree - description, photo

Home grown plant reaches a height of only 90-100 cm... The exotic pet blooms profusely and constantly. The tree is just strewn bright colors, which bloom both in inflorescences and singly.

The pomegranate grown from the seed will bloom and will bear fruit no earlier than three years after planting.

For a pomegranate tree, you need to choose a bright place. The plant loves bright, but diffused light. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. Therefore, the tree grown on the southern windowsill needs to be shaded from the midday sun.

If you are thinking of growing a pomegranate from a seed, then first of all you need take care of the planting material:

While the seeds are soaking you can prepare the ground... You can use an all-purpose earthy mix available from flower shops. If possible, the soil can be prepared independently from fertile soil, peat and sand.

In containers filled with earth for seedlings, pomegranate seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.Then they are sprinkled with earth, sprayed warm water and covered with polyethylene. You will get a kind of greenhouse in which the seeds will hatch quickly. The temperature for pomegranate germination should be at least 25-30C.

Seeds planted in November or early spring should emerge in a couple of weeks. If they are planted at other times of the year, they can hatch within a few months.

Care of young sprouts

As soon as the first seedlings appear, the container with the seedlings must be placed in a bright place. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. It's better to water it by spraying from a spray bottle.

Seedlings with two or three true leaves are transplanted into separate pots. Young plants are planted in the ground, for the preparation of which you need to mix:

  • leaf humus - 1 part;
  • turf - 2 parts;
  • sand - 0.5 parts;
  • peat - 0.5 parts.

The pomegranate has a shallow root system, so the tree can grow in small containers. The main thing is good drainage.

Care for young plants consists in abundant and regular watering, which is carried out as the earthen mixture dries. The soil in the pots should always be slightly damp. From the pallet excess water need to be poured out.

Plants planted in autumn during the winter season will need to provide additional lighting ... Otherwise, with a lack of light, the seedlings will elongate or will not grow at all.

Taking care of a pomegranate grown from a bone is not difficult at all. The plant is unpretentious, but requires compliance with some rules for care:

Crown formation

To from young plant the result is a beautiful and fluffy bush, a pomegranate annually you need to do a haircut.

Pruning should be carried out before the plant begins to actively grow, that is, in February. As it ages, one of the tree trunks is replaced by a young, strong shoot. Therefore, a haircut stimulates branching. Pruning young shoots should be done on the outward looking bud. As a result, two to five pairs of leaves should remain on the branch. The shoots remaining from pruning can be put on cuttings.

The crown of the tree can be made in the shape that you like best. The bush can be shaped like a ball, or made into an oval tree.

If you want to try yourself in the art of bonsai, then the pomegranate is perfect for this. The desired shape can be given to the bush by repeatedly pinching and pruning it, bending old branches to the ground, and bending young branches with the help of wire. You can form a garnet in almost any style.

During the haircut don't be afraid to cut off excess... In the spring, the tree will gain strength, and new branches and leaves will quickly grow back. Do not forget to regularly remove dried flowers and leaves from the bush.

Pomegranate pests and diseases

The first flowering of a pomegranate tree at good care can be expected already 10-12 months after the appearance of the Sents... A home-grown plant will bloom several times a year, and please, albeit few, but delicious fruits.

Growing pomegranate at home

Amateur flower growers have long learned to grow at home many exotic plants that grow in nature only in certain climatic zones... You can often find pineapple, lemon, figs and even peaches on the windowsills. was no exception.

It is a dwarf variety bred by selection. Anything worthwhile can bring a holiday atmosphere into the house just appearance... Indeed, in such a plant as pomegranate, flowers of purple shades decorate the crown for a very long time, and even when the fruits are tied in their place and ripen, the beauty of the tree will not fade.

Pomegranate is a favorite of flower growers

But it is popular not only because of its exoticism and almost year-round flowering, which bring zest to any interior, but also because of the very delicious fruits and invaluable benefit the health that both bark and leaves provide.

Crown formation rules

A home-grown tree lends itself very well to molding, therefore it gives a very large scope for the embodiment of the fantasies of all bonsai art lovers. To do this, home pomegranate must be cut from the very first year of life.

Regular "haircut" will make it possible to form a fairly lush crown, which has a large number of skeletal branches. This should be done in early February, then in early spring young shoots will appear, which will bloom and bear fruit. When forming, it should be borne in mind that weak shoots must be completely removed, and the rest must be shortened by half.

The nuances of caring for a dwarf pomegranate

A pomegranate grown in this way will release flowers for 2-3 years of life, but you should still pay attention to caring for the plant. Although it is quite simple, it has its own subtleties:

  • Choose a narrow pot for a pomegranate tree. This contributes to more abundant fruiting.
  • Since in nature it grows on stony slopes, then at home it is completely undemanding to soil fertility. It is enough to mix leaf humus in equal parts, river sand, peat and sod land.
  • Abundant watering is necessary for this plant, but it should be borne in mind that the pomegranate does not tolerate waterlogged soils. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plant well only when upper layer the earth is dry enough. And in spring and summer, combine it with liquid top dressing.
  • Annual transplants are needed only for a young tree, and it will be enough to transplant an adult only once every four years.
  • Since the pomegranate belongs to a deciduous culture, after the leaves have fallen for the entire dormant period, it should be rearranged in a cool room. The latter can serve as a loggia, veranda or cellar.

In such a completely undemanding plant as a pomegranate, care involves "walks". With the onset of constant heat, it can be taken out into the garden or placed on the balcony.

What diseases can this tree have

Although dwarf pomegranate is unpretentious, growing at home can contribute to the development of some diseases. The most common is the appearance spider mite... You can get rid of it by periodically sprinkling the plant with an oil emulsion or tincture of garlic. But when carrying out this procedure, you should carefully cover the ground with a film to avoid getting funds on it. The temperature of the solutions should be no higher than 30 degrees.

Severe yellowing and leaf fall may also begin before the growing season is over. The most common cause of this disease is the whitefly, which feeds on the sap of the plant. In the fight against it, only Derris can help, treatment with which must be carried out several times.

Abundant flowering is the key to good fruiting

Properly grown at home, pomegranate flowers have 2 types - male, of which the majority, and female, often collected in inflorescences. They are slightly different in shape, which makes the plant even more exotic, because at this time the whole tree is simply strewn with bright purple flowers with a large number of stamens. Simplicity in caring for it is also created by the undemandingness of additional pollination.

Those who want to have more fruits need to know a little subtlety used in the growing process. It lies in the fact that the plant needs cool water, and during flowering, the room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. The pot, so that the pomegranate does not fatten, growing a large amount of tops, and does not release many male flowers, you need to take a narrow and small size.

Many growers use another trick - they reduce watering. But with this you should be careful and not overdo it. It is better to have not so many ovaries than to allow the plant to die from thirst.

The uniqueness of the properties of a room grenade

It is not for nothing that many flower growers strive to grow pomegranates at home. The plant is not only very beautiful and decorative, but also has medicinal properties. In ancient times, it was considered a medicine capable of curing 100 diseases. It helps with many ailments.

The membranes are used to relieve blood pressure and also as a sedative. applies and how excellent remedy from anemia, and is also recommended for people living in areas with an increased background radiation. For any inflammatory or colds pomegranate will help relieve pain and quickly bring down the temperature.

V folk cosmetology Widely used is a paste of rubbed leaves. It helps to get rid of pigmentation, reduces the oiliness of the skin and strengthens the hair. And in cooking, they use not only the juice and grains of this plant, but also flowers.

Growing secrets

When pomegranate flowers are tied in a large number, and the formation of fruits is minimal, you should pay attention to the capacity in which it grows. Need, as already mentioned, narrow and small in size. Also, for the wintering period, it is required to transfer the tree to a fairly cool room. His branches, which are quite thin, can break under the weight of ripening fruits. To avoid this, you need to use props.

And if the leaves are covered with brown specks and begin to fall off, it means that the soil near the tree is dry. Accordingly, you should change the watering mode. But during the period when the fruits ripen, water should be sparingly to prevent cracking of the peel. The crown should be formed only before the beginning of the growing season, so as not to interfere with flowering.

In the case when the plant is grown not by cuttings, but from seeds, only grains with pulp should be taken. Dried seeds lose their ability to germinate well. Many experienced florists, who have long been engaged in the cultivation of dwarf pomegranates, recommend soaking the seeds overnight in a solution of stimulants or warm milk before planting. it exotic plant can only bring joy to the house, so you should not be afraid of those small difficulties that may arise.

Basil is wonderful universal seasoning to meat, fish, soups and fresh salads - well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine... However, upon closer inspection, basil greens are surprisingly versatile. For several seasons, our family has been drinking aromatic basil tea with pleasure. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spicy plant also found a worthy place.

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Ginger cream cauliflower soup with crispy smoked bacon is a delicious, tender and creamy soup that will appeal to both adults and children. If you are preparing a meal for the whole family, including babies, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children do not mind spicy flavors at all. Bacon for serving can be cooked in different ways - fry in a pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for someone it is a heavy need, and someone is thinking about whether it is easier to buy ready-made seedlings in the market or with friends? Anyway, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. Seedlings remain seedlings, no matter what you sow.

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Pumpkin and ginger marmalade is a warming sweet that can be made almost all year round. Pumpkin has a long shelf life - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available these days. Lemon can be substituted with lime or orange for different flavors - variety in sweets is always a pleasure. Ready marmalade is laid out in dry jars, it can be stored at room temperature but it's always healthier to cook fresh food.

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Our family loves sweet peppers, so we plant them every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season, I cultivate them constantly. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper is a thermophilic plant and quite whimsical. About varietal and hybrid varieties tasty and fruitful sweet pepper, which grows well with me, and will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce - great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in a pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to keep it bright green color, which, with long boiling, either fades, or the cabbage becomes brown.

Home floriculture - not only fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. And what to do for those who have no experience, but want to have at home houseplants- not elongated stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy, not causing a feeling of guilt by their extinction? For beginners and florists who are not burdened with a lot of experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush pancakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture is another recipe for everyone's favorite dish. So that the cheesecakes do not fall off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder and soda, and thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can mold it from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour, only good cottage cheese will turn out, but here again see the point "first".

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies migrated to summer cottages... Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived almost with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic, which is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. In plant growing, potassium permanganate solution is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article, we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden and vegetable garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe with champignons, but if there is an opportunity to use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook like this, it will be even tastier. You don't need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, pickled.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also outdoors. Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to late summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. This is why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from your garden in early summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.