
The miracle of the Slavic Easter egg. - What do the signs on the Easter eggs mean?

On the eve of Easter, Lesya Turukina, an Easter egg painting master, told FACTS about the secrets of her craft

- Pysanka long ago became one of the symbols of Easter, but the tradition of painting eggs originated among the peoples of Europe back in pagan times,- is talking master of painting Easter eggs from the city of Vasilkov, Kiev region Lesya Turukina. - In ancient times, Easter eggs were created all year round - for various holidays, but most of all - in the spring. Prayers were recorded on them using sacred symbols: crosses, rhombuses, dots, triangles, swargs. By the spring, the stocks of food prepared in summer and autumn began to dry up, so people were eagerly awaiting the warmth in order to sow the fields and get the harvest. It was a matter of survival, therefore, in the spring, grain growers with particular insistence turned to the higher powers with prayers, including those displayed on Easter eggs.

* Lesya Turukina. Photo by Sergey Tushinsky, "FACTS"

- Why were the prayers recorded on eggs?

- For our distant ancestors, the chicken egg was one of the symbols of life. People perceived it as a miracle that a living creature was hatching from it.

Not only prayers were recorded on the eggs - people gave each other Easter eggs, in which wishes were encrypted in the language of ancient magic signs. So, boys and girls who wanted to find a good match were presented with eggs with signs of the sun and stars. For large families with large households, Easter eggs with 40 wedges-triangles were intended (each symbolized the fulfillment of some desire). Women who did not manage to get pregnant for a long time painted the eggs with flowers and distributed them to the children. In prehistoric times, they believed: when a child is born, the soul moves into it from a flower.

The old Easter eggs reflect the basic desires of people: to be healthy, to create a friendly happy family, to give birth to healthy children, to have material wealth.

Eggs with embryos inside were used for painting. There were such ones in the farmsteads, where they kept not only chickens, but also a cockerel. Easter eggs were placed in the most honorable corner of the peasant hut, where the icons are placed. Over time, the squirrel in some Easter eggs shrank, turning into a hard lump, and in some it rotted. The spoiled painted eggs were buried in the ground where no one walks - "so that they would not trample on the saint."

Easter eggs do not eat, they eat dyes - as a symbol of the Christian rite of communion.

- What do the signs on the Easter eggs mean?

- The key factors for a good harvest are the heat provided by the sun and water. Since ancient times, their combination has symbolized the cross. Its vertical line represents the sun and masculinity. Horizontal - water and femininity. The intersection of these lines is a sign of love, which gives life to everything. The cross is also a very powerful talisman.

- Many symbols have multiple meanings. So, a rhombus symbolizes land, a plowed and sown field, fertility. The triangle is the union of three elements: water, earth and fire. It also denotes family: father, mother and child. When the peoples of Europe adopted Christianity, this sign acquired the meaning of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit. A schematic representation of a pine tree means health. Wavy line - water and feminine energy. Svarga (swastika) - the sun. The stars are fire, masculine energy. Fish is health. The dots are the sown grains that are about to germinate. A pair of birds looking at each other symbolizes lovers, a married couple. The birds, whose heads are turned in different directions, are the guards who protect the house.

I lead a painting circle for Easter eggs in the Center for Children and Youth Creativity in Vasilkov, Kiev region. Through the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the guys and I investigated how the symbols of the ancient Trypillian culture were used in Ukrainian Easter eggs of the 19th century (it existed from the 6th to the 3rd millennium BC on the territory of Ukraine. - Author). It turned out that crosses, wavy lines, swargs, lattices, dots, schematic images of pines, sigma (a sign resembling the Latin letter "s") and a number of others are both on Easter eggs and on ceramics of Trypillians.

- Who taught you to paint Easter eggs?

- My uncle's wife Oksana Bilous, and hers is a folk master. I became interested in Easter eggs in 1992. Then she graduated from the university and came to work at the school. Soon the director and the head teacher found out about my creative pursuits, they offered to organize a circle. I taught children and at the same time studied myself. Gradually she became a professional Easter egg painting master.

Before picking up the scribblers, I must read the prayer "Our Father". I create both author's (with drawings I have invented) and traditional ones - in accordance with the old canons. First, I make two small holes in the egg with the help of a file (a small file) and blow out the white and yolk through them, and then I start painting.

Easter eggs are amulets. They should be placed in the house near the icon or hung near the entrance. In this regard, I will tell you the following case: once I got a call from people who bought several of my Easter eggs, and said that these amulets suddenly burst. I ask: "Did strangers come to you before that?" - "Yes, the head of the family had an anniversary, there were many guests." After this answer, it became clear to me that someone, apparently, envied the owners of the house, or simply showed up with bad thoughts. Easter eggs protected the house from negative energy. I advised to bury them where no one walks, and come to me for other Easter eggs.

By the way, since ancient times, people have noticed that eggs can take on the energy of a person. At all times, there were those who knew how to use them to treat the consequences of severe fear, remove the evil eye, diagnose and even predict the future. I believe in this because I was cured by a rural grandmother who has the ability to "roll an egg." I had health problems and the doctors were unable to help. Then I found a traditional healer. She rolled an egg over me, broke it and determined by the protein and yolk what I was sick with. Thanks to the prescribed treatment, I recovered.

I paint eggs with modern acrylic paints, but some craftswomen today began to switch to paints that they used in the old days.

"FACTS" met one of them - Lyubov Ktitorova from Kiev.

- You should have seen the attic in my dacha - everything is covered with bunches of herbs, as if I were a healer,- the woman jokes. - My friend and colleague Tatyana Vlinenko and I harvest plants, dry them, brew them, add alum (salts of various metals) and thus obtain natural colors. Green color can be achieved thanks to a decoction of basil, red - madder, yellow - tansy. Freshly cooked elderberry broth gives a blue tint, but if it stands a little, it turns black. Natural paints quickly deteriorate, but you can work with sour ones.

You can cognize pysanka, like yourself, all your life ...
Dedicated to my friends, inspirers, patient students.
For good Faith and Love!
Svetlana Kremneva.

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not see and admire the amazing creations of the craftswomen of the Slavic Pysanka.
The thousand-year tradition of painting chicken eggs with the help of beeswax and natural colors has grown into a wonderful folk art, unique in its charm. The creations of the Pysanoks are widespread everywhere, where the Slavic peoples historically lived: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, the European part of Russia. And now, as a result of the great migrations, the craftswomen of this precious miniature can be found at any end of the Earth. All of them carefully preserve the traditional rules and features of wax painting on a chicken egg, the secret mysteries of filling each Pysanka with the protective power. And the skill of Easter eggs for those who come into contact with their creation comes from the heart, from the soul, from God.
If you take Pysanka in your hands, a completely different world opens up to you, and you yourself become different: better, kinder, more affectionate. Probably, the assumption is true that the Pysanka contains the Soul of that woman - Bereginya, who created her for Love, for Health, Longevity, Strength, Happiness, Wealth.

2. A tradition born in the mists of time.

In the spring, when bright sun rays pierce winter clouds and touch the ground, when snowdrifts begin to disappear before our eyes, and, bound by ice, rivers turn into stormy streams, people turned to God, to the sky and the sun and called out - they met the Red Spring. From the warm lands (as people from Iriya believed), birds flew in - messengers of spring, joy, warmth and the Sun. This event inspired great hope that the harsh time of winter is coming to an end, that very soon the birds will begin to lay eggs and hatch - hatch chicks. And they do it only with the arrival of spring and the sun.
According to the ideas of our ancient ancestors, the bird's egg was a symbol of the Universe, the Sun, life, resurrection, rebirth. Indeed, the egg is a miracle in which Life is hidden. From ancient legends, we know that people believed: all light arose from a universal cosmic egg that floated in the sea abyss. Well, the yolk itself is so similar in color and shape to the sun. And in the ancient Karelian epic "Kalevala" there are the following lines:

From the egg, from the bottom
Mother came out - the earth is damp;
From the egg, from the top
There was a high vault of heaven;
From the yolk, from the top
The sun was bright;
From the protein, from the top
A clear month has appeared;
From the egg, from the variegated part
The stars became in the sky;
From the egg, from the dark part
The clouds appeared in the air.

3. Different types of Easter eggs.

At the dawn of human life, the Egg was revered as a symbol of the spring Sun, which awakens Nature from sleep, and later the egg became a talisman that protects people from evil forces. To make the egg's strength even greater, its surface was painted in different colors: yellow, red, orange, green, blue - and received "dyes", and if wax droplets were applied to the surface of the egg, then after staining in one or more colors, " kapanki ".
In addition, beautiful magic signs were applied to the shell, perhaps because they did not know how to write yet. And those signs were drawings - prayers. This is how Easter eggs were created in order to receive both help and protection from divine forces. People firmly believed that Easter eggs would bring good, happiness, prosperity, health and protect them from any evil. And they brought! .. And defended! ..
Since time immemorial, signs of rain, earth, water, sun and fire have been painted on the egg, thereby establishing a connection with the forces of nature, ensuring a bountiful harvest, prosperity in the house and a happy fate. Even in the last century, Easter eggs accompanied a person from birth to death. The pysanka was placed in the baby's cradle as a symbol of the beginning of a new life, while it was placed in the coffin of the deceased as a sign of hope for his Resurrection. Pysankas were used to commemorate deceased relatives, and they were also presented to newlyweds for health and happiness.
The custom of painting eggs has gone through many trials: time, the politics of mixing cultural, religious and historical values, fear of reprisals - and survived, has survived to this day. Painted and painted eggs accompany one of the most beautiful Christian holidays - Bright Resurrection - Easter as a sign of the rebirth of life, resurrection. Of course, this fragile fine art could perish, and was only a few steps away from it.
However, outstanding scientists of the 19th - 20th centuries: anthropologist F. Vovk, ethnographers O. Kolberg and N. Sumtsov, who studied this tradition, left for us albums with images of Easter eggs. A full member of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society, SK Kulzhinsky, created a monumental work, on the basis of which it is possible to revive in memory both a forgotten custom and the most ancient ornament. If you want to see the true masterpieces of Slavyanskaya Pysanka, go to Ukraine: to Kiev or Lviv - there, museums keep collections numbering tens of thousands of copies of this tiny miracle. It was here that the skill of Pysanka reached its greatest development and became a symbol of Ukraine.

In Canada, Ukrainian emigrants erected a monument to Pysanka. In the USA, in New York, there is a museum of Ukrainian art. Of course, specific people are behind this process of reviving ancient Slavic art:
E. Benyashevsky - a book about Pysanka was published in 1968;
Z. Eliev - an album with 1200 samples, published in the USA in 1994;
A. G. Solomchenko published a unique book - the album "Pysanka of the Ukrainian Carpathians";
O. Belous and Z. Stashuk - "Pysanka School", a manual for those wishing to learn the skill, published in Kiev in 1999;
Z. Ivanitskaya - album "Pysanka", published in Moscow in 2001;
V. Manko - the book "Ukrainian folk Easter egg", published in Lviv in 2001.
That, perhaps, is all that can be read today about Pysanka. And even then most of the publications are in Ukrainian.
In Yaroslavl, this tradition is studied in the framework of the workshop for the revival of folk crafts "Slavic Easter Egg" of the Yaroslavl regional public organization "Russian Traditions" with the participation of craftswomen: S. Kremneva, E. Kulikova, M. Kozlova, N. Shleneva, A. Khaikina, G. Kotova and many others, for whom the revival of unique art has become more than just a hobby.

4. The meaning of color in Pysanka.

Pysanka as an artistic phenomenon of human creativity includes the ambiguity of the most ancient symbols. The symbolism of Pysanka is a set of meanings of color, ornament and the egg itself. A symbol is what serves as a conventional sign of a concept, phenomenon, idea (Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov). A wide variety of color combinations are used in bright colorful miniatures. However, a certain pattern can be traced in them: most often we see white, yellow, red, brown, black, less often green and blue colors in ornaments. Color meanings are diverse and directly depend on the region where the Pysanka was written, on the historical period of time in which it was created.
So the white color at all times was perceived as the color of purity: divine purity, purity of spirit, purity of thoughts and goals set for a person. If we consider that the shell of a chicken egg is white, then we can assume that this color is the basis of life, the basis of the universe. Without pretending to be true, we can assume that white is an analogue of light, divine light. Remember such Russian expressions as "white light" or "in broad daylight", they also indicate the connection between the concepts of "white" and "light". Now imagine how you took the egg, created the image of the future Easter egg and drawn the first lines of the magic pattern. Your thoughts are pure, your heart is filled with love, you are creating a new World. And the outline of the ornament you have conceived on Pysanka will be white - the color of divine purity.

The next color you paint on the Pysanka will be yellow. This is the color of vital, divine power - the power of Knowledge. The life force is given to us by the light of the Sun. Remember which pencil a child chooses when drawing the sun? Many of us would choose red, and the little one would choose yellow. Gold, a metal of strength and power, is yellow in color. And now on your Pysanka the yellow lines and fields of the pattern shine with the golden light of Reason.

Red is, of course, the color of the joy of life, strength, courage, courage. Actually the meaning of the word "red" is multifaceted. This is especially noticeable in the Russian language. Beautiful - "red maiden", valuable - "red goods", "mahogany". The main, important one is the "red corner", "red porch". Nice, bright, light - "red day". Listen to how this word is played in a folk song:
Into the tower from the red porch
The red maiden entered.
The red maiden entered,
I cleaned up the red corner.
I tidied up the red corner
She gathered a table - a throne.
The table - the throne has assembled
Yes, she invited the guests.
Folk wisdom has retained the amazing ambiguity of the word "red" in the proverbs: "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies", "For a good word, he will not regret his own father", "Debt payment is red."
In Pysanka, red is often the dominant color that carries the main meaning. In Pysanka "To health", red can mean vigor, joy of life, the ability to fight for life. In Pysanka, made for women, this color can tell about the beauty of life, joy, hope and dream of each of us. In Pysanka for men, this color is a symbol of courage, strength, courage, perseverance in achieving the goal.
And now green fluffy pines - symbols of health, eternal youth and longevity - magically fit into the divine form of a living chicken egg; duck - a symbol of fertility, caring and the ability to get out of the water dry; two yellow squares (symbols of your house, your land) in an openwork eight-pointed star. And all this against a bright red background, confirming the joy of being.

Green is much less common in Easter eggs, even more rarely it is dominant. More often these are small inclusions in the general ornament of Pysanka "for health". As a rule, greenery is used in patterns composed of plant elements and has a direct dependence on the season.
Green color as a sign of the flowering of the vital forces of nature and appears in Pysanka along with spring. When the first leaves bloom on the trees, when the first greenery breaks through last year's withered grass, then they begin to write Easter eggs with green lines and fields of patterns. Greenery in the ornament denotes the growth, development and health of all living things on earth: new, strong, young - both in Nature and in human life. Such a Pysanka was revered as a person's plea to higher powers for indulgence and help in the deeds of the righteous, for the granting of a rich harvest, and success in creative endeavors.

The next significant color on Pysanka is brown or burgundy. We are all children of planet Earth. Since ancient times, people have understood that the earth must be protected, because it feeds, and wets, and warms, and protects, That is why it was affectionately called: Mother Earth. She was given primacy in wisdom, strength, songs were dedicated to her, filled with hope for a better fate, fairy tales and legends were passed about her from mouth to mouth. From this preface, you already understood that brown on Pysanka is the color of Mother Earth,
which means the color of wisdom, hope, faith, the color of support in life, the color of the source
all the best. Most often, this is not the color of the pattern, but the color of the background - the basis of the whole Easter Egg.

Black is also often found in Easter eggs, but only as a background. It makes sense to assume that this is the color of outer space, the cosmic abyss, from where everything on Earth originated. Of course, this is only a guess, but think about why black attracts us so much? Black color, darkness - this is the secret, the unknown that scares kids and scares adults. In ancient times, this color was associated with the symbol of the Earth, its fertility, sacred, mysterious, even disturbing ideas of ancient people are hidden in it. These Pysanki evoke very similar impressions in our time.

The colors blue and purple speak for themselves. Of course, the first idea of ​​them is expressed in the images of heaven, air, space, spiritual purity and divine providence. However, these colors are much rarer than others. And it is not surprising, because Pysanka was created by people and for people living on Earth. In some Pysanka you can see shades of basic colors: orange, pink, scarlet, crimson - this is most likely not a tradition, but creative variations of the craftswomen.
If we talk about the tradition of color in Pysanki, then we can distinguish as the main ones: white, yellow, red, green, brown or burgundy and black. Easter eggs with a scanty, austere pattern belong, perhaps, to a more ancient time, their origin is the earliest, archaic. Perhaps it will be fair to say that the color resolution of the ornaments on Pysanka is also associated with the place where they were written. In the areas located to the south, where it is warm, where the nature is bright, a huge variety of flowering vegetation, the ornaments of the Pysanka are richer, their color resolution is multicolored. For example, take a look at Hutsul Easter Eggs.

How much work, attentiveness, skill and accuracy in the outlines of a huge number of intersecting lines have been invested in these wonderful works - gutsulochki called: "ducks", "goats", "rams", "ochkata", "zvezdchata" .... How much poetry, love, joyful experiences are hidden in the national character of these Pysanka!
But these are completely different in mood Pysanka, more restrained, modest in color, with a large, almost severe ornament. They were born in regions where winters are longer and colder, where spring and summer are not so riot with colors, where the songs are drawn-out, and the feelings are calm. Although, who knows how it feels? If you think about it, you can see in them the greatest strength of the spirit of people. People whose main goal is to live, survive and leave behind the sprouted grain, the house they built, the successor of the family, the successor of the business. Isn't this such a simple, at first glance, and understandable answer to the question: why did you come to this earth? It is possible that the search for the main answer to the main philosophical question gave birth to these amazing creations.

5. Pysanka symbol.

The word reveals the meaning-content of an artistic literary work. A symbol is also a word. For thousands of years, people have verified the semantic meaning of signs and symbols. It is surprising not only that the symbol is very beautiful graphically, but also how it accurately reflects in its lines, color, shape, a person's desire for life, for beauty. If you try to compare the symbols in the works of national creativity of different peoples, then even an uninitiated person will see how similar they are, how much they have in common. But we do not set ourselves the goal of exploring the similarities and differences in the symbolism of the peoples of the world. We will try to see the meaningful part of the symbolism of the Slavic Pysanka.
Pysanka among all peoples has always been not only decorative. They were treated as strong amulets. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, for almost all Indo-European peoples, the egg is a symbol of life, and the pattern on the shell is the called divine help, a talisman for the one to whom this Easter egg was written. Secondly, work on a small masterpiece requires a lot of time and a lot of attention, which means that it will be performed only for a truly beloved person, which is also the strongest amulet. Well, and, finally, all applied patterns necessarily carried a strict meaning, a message to the gods and information for the owner of the amulet.
Over the course of several centuries, the Slavic peoples have developed certain patterns on Pysanki, each locality has developed its own character of traditional ornament and its color. Style, color, main significant elements were passed from mother to daughter and were invariably executed on Pysanka. That is why it is still possible to determine where it was made by the colors and ornaments on the egg.
Easter egg designs often consisted of complex geometric shapes based on a rhombus or square. A rhombus with dots inside symbolized a sown field, prosperity, abundance. The outlines of a rhombus were especially varied: with ledges in the corners, crossed by two diagonals, comb, with spirals in pairs extending from its corners, etc. The rhombuses in the patterns were arranged in a chain one after another or combined with other geometric motifs: an oblique cross, a star, outlet.

In addition to geometric motifs, in Slavic Pysanka there are images of flowers, leaves, bushes, trees. also has many plant and floral motifs. One of them is the World Tree, symbolizing the connection of the lower, "underside" world, earth and all nine heavens. They portrayed the World Tree as lush, tall, with various fantasy flowers and birds on the branches.

Plant motifs are combined in a pattern depicting birds or animals. It was a whole world of poetic images. Fabulous pea birds, modest little ducks, horses, graceful deer with branchy antlers were depicted on the amulet egg.

No less common on Pysanka is a stylized female figure, often formed on the basis of an oblique cross - this is the goddess Bereginya, she is also Makosh (the Mother of God in the modern interpretation), which has childbearing symbolism. This is perhaps the most basic protective image - a direct appeal to divine help. It is surprisingly simple to execute: just two intersecting lines that themselves find their place on the Pysanka. Hands raised up pray for the sending of help, protection, health. To the person. Her image is easily combined with triangles, rhombuses, curls. Each of which is also an independent symbol. The triangle is the unity of the elements of nature, the unity of the family, the unity of the divine Trinity. A rhombus is a house, a field of human activity, his world in which he lives. The diamond and its variations are also associated with fertility and sexual power. Curls are symbols of protection from the threat of the outside world, or they are often called "ram's horns" - they are signs of material well-being. This is how one uncomplicated symbol can accommodate such rich content.
The motives of flowers, trees, birds, animals, female figures in folk art have always been endowed with capacious and ambiguous symbolism.
So, swans were the personification of a young beautiful girl and a bride or were considered a symbol of faithful love, pigeons were a symbol of marital fidelity and a happy family, ducks displayed the help and solicitude of a woman - mistress, a falcon - the speed and courage of a warrior - a man.

Very often in the ornamentation of Pysanka there are wavy and broken lines, waves of different outlines. This is a symbol of water, purification, growth, getting rid of diseases and all sorts of negativity, which is widespread in folk art.

Favorite patterns on Pysanka were cruciform motifs, shamrocks and the most important symbols of the agrarian cult of the ancient Slavs - swastikas, sun signs.
Reference: In general, the swastika has been known on the territory of Russia, based on materials from archaeological excavations, for at least three thousand years, and not only as decorations, for example, by Vyatichi. But in Russia this symbol - a cross with curved ends, had a different name - "Kolovrat". "Kolo" is the ancient Russian name for the sun, "gate" - "return"; in modern Russian language this word corresponds to the word "solstice". The sun was symbolically indicated by an equilateral cross, and sometimes by a cross superimposed on a circle. The curved ends of the cross symbolized either an increase or decrease in daylight hours. The increase in solar time of the day was indicated by the left swastika, which in Russian was called "Kolovrat"; the decline of the sun was indicated by the right swastika, in Russian called "salting" (From the "Slavic Encyclopedia". dazzle.ru). And in Pysanka this sign carries a fiery, creative principle: "Kolovrat" - saves, preserves what is already there. Pysanka with "Kolovrat" has no price when losses are expected in your business. Pysanka with a swastika "salting" has a creative meaning, carries the meaning of profit, increase, growth in business, in the family, in prosperity.

Easter Eggs occupy a special place among these miniature creations. Their ornamentation clearly repeats the requests of Christian rituals: various types of crosses, swastikas, churches, decorated with publicly available details of folk ornament. Stripes - "plowed field", mesh - "protection", dots - "seed", wavy lines - "water" - and so on. And of course, on Easter Pysanka, which are given to people dear to you on the day of Bright Resurrection, inscriptions like "Christ is Risen" are appropriate.
Easter eggs from my collection, which has more than 200 painted miniatures, It presents Easter eggs of the traditional direction, the so-called "lists" from samples from the collections of researchers of different times. There are Pysanka - insights, Pysanka, created in the image and likeness, but in each of them lives a piece of the author's love. I am deeply convinced that Easter eggs are written not with skill and skill (it would be too simple), but with heart and soul.

7. Epic stories about Easter eggs.


Mitka grew up as a weak boy, was often ill, and got into some awkward stories. He grew up, grew up and matured to draft age. You yourself know how to give a son to the army, how many fears are spinning in the mother's head. However, she did not take any illegal actions. I saw them off and made the sign of the cross: “Serve, son! Just take care of yourself. You yourself will not protect yourself - no one will do it for you ”. Mitka went to the army. Six months of training - and for the war. It was then that my mother ordered me a talisman - an Easter egg for her son. Of course, how many guys from this incomprehensible war did not return home. For this occasion, I chose bright colors for Pysanka: white, yellow, red, and brown - the colors of life. And I wrote the symbols so that they would be kept from a bullet, from an enemy, from chance.
Some time has passed, not so much: three or four months. The pysanka began to cry: a drop appeared from the top of her head. This means that the amulet beeps: take action - trouble is on the doorstep. The mother rushed in search of her son, because for a month there was no news from him, and at first he wrote almost every week.

She found Mitka in a hospital in Rostov, with a wound to the head. The guy was already on the mend. The mother brought her son home, here the doctors treated him and gave him a conclusion: he served, shed blood, and that's enough. They were discharged, then. But alive! Now he is already married, he has two children.
Here, if you want - believe, if you want - do not believe, but the egg gave a sign in time.

For my children and grandchildren, I always write Pysanka. And for health, and for good luck, and for protection. And she taught her daughters this business, they write well, beautifully. Only forever they, young, do not have enough time.
The grandson was then still four years old. And a sore clung to him: as the temperature rises, he began to choke - a false croup is called. The boy was often ill. And the young, then what, they hunt for a walk.
Once they got together to their friends and took their son with them, because that family has the same baby. Well, let's go and let's go - not for the first time. Only closer to midnight in their room the sound rang out like an explosion. I looked at what was there, and it was the egg that exploded, the one I wrote to my grandson for health. I go to the phone, call, ask how the children are behaving there, isn't it time for them to sleep? They answer me that they have been sleeping for a long time. I'm telling my daughter about Easter eggs. Five minutes later, the daughter calls back: they say, the baby has a fever, suffocation has begun, they say, an ambulance has already been called.
Happiness - what kind of: Easter egg warned: the signal has given; an ambulance was nearby: it arrived quickly; and in the hospital the oxygen chamber was serviceable and free.
Then the doctors said that they called an ambulance on time, just a little more - and it would be difficult to help ...

Grandma, do you want me to tell you how the testicle helped my mother and me?
-Tell me, granddaughter.
- You know, grandmother, we went to Turkey on vacation in the summer? We flew there by plane, and everything was fine. Then, when we rested, we also returned by plane. Somewhere in the middle of the way, our plane began to shake so much that all the passengers were frightened, some even screamed. The flight attendant girl reassured everyone, ordered them to fasten their seat belts and said that the plane was in a zone of turbulence.
- Were you scared, granddaughter?
- Just like that, grandma! I cried and asked my mother if our plane would break down. Mom told me not to be afraid that God would not allow this. Then the plane stopped shaking and we flew to Moscow.
-Well, and, thank God, that is how it ended!
-Grandma, I haven't told you everything yet. Listen! When we arrived home, we saw that the protective testicle that you wrote to me and my mother had burst. And I think it was it that saved us on this terrible flight.
-Yes, granddaughter, maybe the Easter egg helped you, or maybe an experienced pilot or a lucky break. The main thing is that everything ended well.
-Grandma, when my mother and I fly again to rest, will you write us a pysanka for happiness and good luck?
-I will definitely write!


My daughters are beautiful, slender, young. Both are married and both have children. Amazing stories are connected with the birth of both of my granddaughters.
For the eldest, I wrote two amulets: one for conception, the other for bearing a child and easy childbirth. So, doctors feared for the outcome of this event for several reasons and believed that the result could be unpredictable.
When the time came, the daughter went to the hospital and took an Easter egg with her. In the clinic, all things, of course, were placed in the storage room - and the purse where the Easter egg was lying for the pregnancy license was also there.
The birth did not really drag out - it passed quickly, without pathologies. Thanks to the doctor and midwife who were able to provide all this. The girl was born strong, loud, healthy by 10 points.
The day of discharge came. The daughter got her things from the locker. In her purse there was an egg, completely unrecognizable. As if someone with a wet rag wiped the magic pattern from the shell for a long time.

And I suppose that the amulet had to work hard so that everything in the mystery of the birth of my black-browed granddaughter was calm and easy.

My youngest daughter has an even more exciting story. The pysanka for carrying a child worked in the first half of pregnancy, because there was a threat of miscarriage. At the beginning of the last month, the doctors became worried, because the fetus took a stable "breech presentation" (as it seems to be called in the medical world). This threatened with serious complications, up to a cesarean section.
I urgently went to the village for an egg from a hen - pullets. The old people said that in such eggs a very great vitality and fertile force is inherent. The little testicle was found, almost pigeon-like. I wrote a duck on it and put it under the icon, just not as usual - with the sharp end up, but on the contrary - as if upside down. I prayed and let everything go to the providence of God. It was then that miracles began to happen: exactly two weeks later, the Easter egg began to dry, and three days before giving birth, it turned into a "vanka-vstanka" - an egg that, no matter how you put it, could only stand on the "head." A perfectly fresh egg, taken from under the chicken, dried up in two weeks! Then it seemed incredible to me. And here is the main miracle - the day before giving birth, the baby turned over and got into a normal position! All these three weeks, the daughter was in the antenatal department under the supervision of doctors. They were preparing her for a caesarean section.
As a result, the childbirth went smoothly, without complications. Many thanks to all the specialists who took part in this, for the fact that I have a second granddaughter - a white girl!

I have a friend. Gorgeous. Clever girl. Married. And there are still no kids. So she asked me to write an Easter egg for conception after long ordeals in medical institutions. Actually, there was nothing surprising in this request, because if you really want something, then all means are good. Of course, I agreed - how can you help a girl! She sat down in the evening, in silence. I started to write, and the egg in my hands cracked. Well, what, I think, is rare, but it happens. Maybe the egg was cracked, but I didn't notice. I took another one, checked it thoroughly, and set to work. And the egg, well, as if it were alive, jumps out of my hands and breaks. I think - it is no coincidence that all this! I called my friend the next morning. And she was all in tears: “My hubby has gone to another. I don’t know what to do now. ” Maybe that's why the Easter egg didn't want to be created ?!
However, the story did not end there. Because my friend decided: “Well, their men, since they are so unfaithful. I will live alone for my own pleasure, only a child must be given birth. Besides, the years go by. ”So I wrote her an Easter egg. And I laid in its content and conception, and a meeting with a worthy person. After that, more than a year passed - I lost sight of my friend. One day they tell me that she met a man she liked. And she will soon give birth to a child.
A few months later, we met with her, and I learned that the egg "for conception" cracked on the day the woman confirmed the pregnancy test with the doctor. Now the baby (and a son was born) is already four years old. He grows up in a world of love and affection: mother and father do not cherish souls in him.

Easter eggs need time when you will not be distracted and pulled out of the process, paper and pencil (pen).
Then you make yourself comfortable, put a piece of paper in front of you, and at the very top you place two anchors of the moment. This is the current date (03/16/2012) and your name (I write Daria).
Then you formulate in your head the topic you will write about.
It can be just a cleansing drain (then a topic - I write out my state), research (a topic - why do I need ..., why is it happening ...), unsubscribing of the resentment (the topic is my resentment to ...) and any other.
Next, you draw a horizontal line from the left to the right edge of the sheet.
Under this line, you fix the topic in writing and begin to write whatever comes to mind.
It is important - in the process, do not think about what is being written. Your task is simply to write down all that mental mixer that is going on in your head. Thinking over the wording is unnecessary and even harmful. If curses and curses are written out - this is good, let it be better to be discharged and burned out than to poison them invisible from the inside. If in the process emotions and tears will flood - do not hold back, live. You can draw, scribble - anything you want. The main thing is to write down on paper everything that is inside you on this topic to a state of complete emptiness. When there is nothing left and there is a ringing echoing void inside, then we draw the second such line as at the beginning - this is how we close the space of the Easter egg. Below the line for the final return to reality, we put the same anchors again - the current date and our name.
Then write the magic phrase: "cancel all decisions." Under this royal decree, be sure to write your signature and again the current date.
Now you can reread it if you really want to.
And everything written into the fire. Better right away, but you can postpone it. The main thing is to do this no later than three days after unsubscribing.
No new decisions need to be made. Do not worry about good decisions that have been discharged either. All good things after canceling will be automatically restored. The psyche is not stupid and does not get rid of the good and the useful.

Easter egg looks something like this

Part two. What to do if, in the process of unsubscribing, I remembered (learned) something from which I now feel bad. Or I didn't remember anything, but I still feel bad.

This pain does not need to be endured, it does not need to be driven into the depths in order to return back to a comfortable state, you just need to live it and let it go. Moreover, any pain is also a collapsed force, letting go of it we return the force back.
I know several ways how to do this, I am sure that there are many more of them and those who wish can find a lot of useful things in any source.
My ways that I have typed over the years.

Cleansing draining Easter egg.

The rules are the same as for the research one (that is, the date, name, boundaries are mandatory - these are all protection against not staying inside). Necessarily a magic command to the mind after the bottom line: "cancel all decisions" and your signature with the date under it.

Differences - there will be no questions, instead of a question, you write what kind of pain torments you (resentment, fear) and then pour everything that is inside onto the paper. Such Easter eggs are written to a state of emptiness, until the feelings completely dry up and the head becomes completely empty. If you can't write, then instead of words, you can just move a pen on paper, drawing lines, or what to say in your head. The essence is the same - you need to write to the void inside. It is quite possible that the emptiness will turn out to be temporary - we are multi-layered and under one layer of pain another may appear. In such a situation, you just need to write a cleansing Easter egg again. And again. And again.
Such Easter eggs must be burned. What is poured onto paper must be released in order to regain strength and until you burn it, all pain and strength will remain on paper. The subsequent incineration is also part of the safety precautions that must be followed by all means.

Similarly, pain can transfer to any material medium - a doll (who worked with traditional dolls knows perfectly well what I mean), for wrapping with threads, for strings, and for anything, even twisting candy wrappers. The main principle is that when pronouncing what sits inside and interferes with your hands, it is through your hands that you bring this blackness out of yourself into something material. And then you destroy this material through any of the elements, but the easiest way is through fire.
Whoever does it seriously and with a full investment of effort will surely face the fact that sometimes such things burn very badly. It looks like magic, but plain paper does not want to burn. It's okay - after you've transferred the pain to paper or a doll - it's not just paper and a doll anymore.

And one more easy-to-use way is work with the elements directly ... It is as follows. Before starting work, you need to agree with the elements of water for help in working with pain. The easiest way to do this is through the old conspiracies "Water-Tatiana, land-Ulyana, key-Ivan, give water from any trouble" and "Where is the water - there is disease and trouble." After that, you can lower your hands into the water and, through the actions with your hands, just like in a cleansing Easter egg, drain everything that is inside into the water. If water is drawn into a container, then the conspiracy "Where is the water - there is disease and trouble" is whispered when pouring out, if for the current one, then immediately.

APD - In the comments, Yulia suggested a slight change in the spell - "Where is the water - there is pain and trouble." Strongly expands the functionality and strengthens the formula. Personally, I absolutely trust Yulin's formulations, they are verified always one hundred rows. Well, psycholinguistics is a very useful thing, so I will change the slander. It's up to you to decide.

It is possible without these conspiracies, it's just easier for me, but the agreement must be voiced in any case.
In the same way, you can work with the earth to agree and drain the pain into the earth.
And yet - this is a separate work, you should not combine it with washing dishes or planting a vegetable garden.

I hope you understand the basic principle - pain from the inside through the hands is deduced to something material and this material is then given to the purification of one of the elements. In the case of working with the elements directly, the material aspect is not needed - the pain is direct through the hands transferred to the elements for cleansing.

If these methods do not purr to you, then by this principle you can come up with your own - the main thing is that it works.

And only when you clean out all the pain, you can revise your research Easter eggs for decisions made on resentment or fear. After that, they can be canceled, changed - whatever you want to edit. Better still, in writing, so that you can put more effort into cancellation.

Well, as a conclusion, it is even worth looking at - why all this was at all. What lesson was there in the situation, why did you create it for yourself, what you wanted to learn and could not do it at that moment.

I have changed altogether. First of all, it has changed inside. Very much. And as if recognized herself... Although I had done quite a lot of techniques before in personal therapy, because we have it, plus training seminars.

I dyed my hair, made it brown, it's pretty close to mine. It's hard to remove the rye, although I paint with henna, not chemistry.

I thought about the wardrobe and realized that it was really more comfortable for me to wear something else. I bought myself two beautiful floor-length dresses with a wide hem. They are very beautiful, but at the same time noble and calm. But most importantly, I calmed down a lot in my soul, and began to study a lot with the children and around the house.

To my mind, the effect is very strong... I am very grateful for this method.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Lana for the course on Easter eggs. It has a number of strengths that can be very valuable to many.

1) The course is designed for independent work, and this is its indisputable plus. This format makes it possible not to depend on a psychologist, but to help yourself (yourself), which is very important for people who feel an urgent need to do something with their lives, but do not have the financial ability to work with a coach or psychologist. The basis of the method and course is "Help yourself!", "Everything is in your hands", "No one will deal with your questions, except you!" own life.

2) There is no "water" in the course, it is strictly practical. Each word of Lana is weighed and verified, a large number of examples are given (and disassembled in the classroom, and written in the text for the convenience of independent use), everything is clarified and explained, possible "pitfalls" in the process of work are discussed.

3) A very reasonable format: first, the theory, which can be listened to at a convenient time in the recording, then practice with the maximum deepening into the topic, clarifying the nuances. The practical lesson, of course, must be present.

4) Affordable price (which was very important for me personally).

5) In addition to the course itself, the site of the school "Through the Eyes of the Soul" gives access to interesting materials and touches on important topics... I really admired!

Lana's manner of presenting material is very captivating - one can feel her competence, deep knowledge and understanding of issues at a deep level. Thank you for her generosity in explaining, focusing our attention on important things. In her every word, one can feel care, support and sincere interest in our result. Special thanks for the additional hands-on activity not covered in the plan.

Anna K.

Let's face it! Another attempt to find answers to the question that torments you - always ends with even more ...

Just-just-not-answers !!! And questions. So what? Where is the exit?!

In the next, worthy of a drain, situations? Or will you again be looking for a magic training, from the squad of hopeful friends "pills from everything at once"? Or will you endure further?

So that's it. It was a state when not only tears were cleared, but a huge Gratitude to Myself for relief from pain. And You can do it too, and You yourself!

This is living with clarity, down to the smallest detail, timeless, already, the reasons for the situations in which I found myself. Such power of the joy of liberation can only be compared with the postpartum euphoria of happiness. Have you already guessed?

This I am writing about how the course "Pysanka. Method of crescent" by Lana Chulanova, has fit into my life :)) The course is the best what happened to me lately.

I declare with full responsibility that this course will form in you the ability to independently provide express assistance in all inconsistencies, in all spheres of life!

The ability to see the causes, consequences, necessity and knowledge of how to change and stay true to yourself, will be prescribed already during the course. They registered with me thanks to Lana's skill, experience, work and the help of the participants. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Because inside there were questions about how to resolve certain situations in my life. I will definitely apply the knowledge I have gained. Thanks to!