
Plants for the front area of ​​the house. Decoration of a flower garden in the front area. How to decorate the entrance to the site: lawns, flower beds, vertical gardening

To add coziness and security to the site, plant flowering and decorative deciduous trees, such as 'Paul's Scarlet' hawthorn ('Paul's Scarlet') or 'Flamingo' ash-leaved maple.

It is good to plant several columnar conifers that maintain a neat shape without pruning. Between them, as well as along the paths, you can plant globular plants that are great for any style - from classic to country.

From conifers- European spruce 'Little Gem', 'Tompa', prickly spruce 'Glauca Globosa', Serbian spruce 'Nana', black spruce `Nana`, juniper scaly `Blue Star` `Blue Star`, thuja western `Golden Globe` `Golden Globe`, `Little Champion` `Little Champion`, `Tini Tim` `Tiny Tim'), mountain pine 'Humpy', 'Mops', 'Winter Gold' 'Winter Gold', Scots pine 'Globosa Viridis', yew berry 'Repandens'.

From hardwood- barberry Thunberg 'Atropurpurea Nana' ('Atropurpurea Nana'), 'Kobold' ('Kobold'), birch-leaved spirea 'Tor' ('Tor') and Japanese spirea 'Goldflame' ('Goldflame'), 'Genpei' (' Genpei '), 'Little Princess' ('Little Princess'), 'Golden Princess' ('Golden Princess'), Japanese kerria 'Picta' ('Picta'), common viburnum 'Compactum' ('Compactum').

READ ALSO Entrance to the house: arrangement and design


In the middle of a small round or rectangular flower bed, spherical or weeping trees grafted onto a trunk look very interesting. From herbaceous perennials, pay attention to the varieties of curb aster, Korean chrysanthemum and Santolina.

Gaps between tall accent plants can be filled with compact groundcovers and flowering plants. Plant roses and spireas among conifers. Roses choose from groups of polyanthus, floribunda or miniature.

Pay attention that the height of an adult bush does not exceed 40-60 cm. There is also a place for annuals blooming throughout the summer - petunias, marigolds, verbena, alyssum, lobelia, pelargonium.

If the flower bed is located most of the day in the shade, give preference to decorative and deciduous perennials. The flower garden of modern varieties of geyher and pachysandra is not inferior in attractiveness.

Porch in landscaped garden

All elements of the landscape composition are located at the vertices of an irregular triangle. A third of the flower bed will be occupied by a large and expressive accent plant, the other third by subordinate plants of the second order.

The remaining space is filled with plants as their visual saturation decreases, adhering to the "triangle" rule. Low plants are planted to the edge of the flower bed, and taller and more massive plants towards the center.

In the flower bed, 3-5 large stones, dumping of pebbles, gravel, etc. will look attractive. Compact shrubs with decorative foliage and beautiful seasonal flowering are planted along the path in clumps. Complement the composition with plants that will fill the garden with aroma and delight guests with colorful flowering.

To decorate the porch with coniferous or evergreen plants and entwine the house with climbing ones, a raised flower bed was built. When laying it, remember about internal waterproofing and drainage.

In such beds, compact varieties of junipers, spruces and mountain pines grow well and overwinter. Climbing plants can also be planted here. On the south facade, the porch can be decorated with a fragrant climbing rose or clematis. In this case, you need to attach a plant trellis to the wall.

The flower beds and porch can be illuminated with built-in lights in the form of stones, cute animals or insects, as well as decorated with garden accessories and container plants.

It is good to twine the front wall of the house with creepers - girlish grapes, climbing roses or clematis.

The southern facade can be decorated with a pergola with climbing plants that will provide a cozy shade in summer. The low coniferous plants create a feeling of cleanliness and tidiness and require little maintenance.

- this is the visiting card of the owners of the house and their site. The front entrance can demonstrate not only your hospitality, but also become an expression of your attitude to life and home. You can make the area in front of the house not only elegant, but also unusual, memorable, having its own unique character.

Let's dream up, what could be the front area of ​​your house?

Front area for the lover of life

This version of the main entrance speaks of the owner's love for life, for himself and for people. This light and refined baroque courtyard is designed according to the laws of symmetry, which gives solemnity to the composition.

On both sides of the tiled path leading to the porch, a neat classic is laid out. The lawn is framed with curbs made of woolly chistets - a plant with silvery velvety leaves.

In the foreground, at the very beginning of the path, Thunberg barberry bushes are planted - a variety with dark purple foliage. Just as symmetrically, on the two sides of the lawn, not some distance from the path, slender virginian junipers of a columnar shape rise.

Pergolas on the left side are decorated with several varieties of clematis - varieties with purple and pink flowers are suitable for this composition. On this canopy of lush greenery and bright flowers, it will be nice to relax in the shade. In addition, pergolas will decorate the border of the site - the neighbor's fence.

Pergolas in the form of rounded arches are also installed above the porch. Here you can also plant clematis - with purple flowers, as well as climbing roses in white or pink shades. The porch railings are made in the form of stone scrolls.

This whole composition affably beckons the guest inside, to a hospitable house.

Front area for romance

For romantics - in front of the house there is a semicircular paved terrace with a stone grotto and a small waterfall. On both sides of the waterfall there are wide wooden ones, convenient for relaxation. Around the stone platform there is a parterre lawn, even and well-trimmed. This whole corner in landscape style looks absolutely open, serene, romantic.

In front of the entrance, two compositions of western arborvitae are symmetrically planted - varieties with a columnar and spherical shape.

Behind the grotto with a waterfall, Maak's honeysuckle bushes form a bright purple coulisse. In July, honeysuckle blooms with large white flowers, fragrant with an exquisite aroma.

Norway maple grows at the edge of the site, forming a natural shelter over one of the benches from rain or hot sun. It is pleasant to indulge in conversations and reflections, sitting in the shade of a maple tree and listening to the murmur of water.

Entrance to the ascetic's house

This front area seems to tell each guest that the local host is practical, not very sociable, prefers a minimalist style.

The space here is conditionally divided into three zones - a terrace under the canopy at the front door, a paved area with a bench and a small garden on the slope, imitating a forest corner.

The terrace is separated from the garden by a low stepped retaining wall made of stone, on top of which there are small flower beds, in which flyers can be planted. Potted plants can be placed on the terrace itself or on the steps.

The garden is separated from the stone platform by clipped small bushes. You can, however, get by with herbaceous plants that form bushes of medium height - for example, it can be broom cochia or shrub aster.

The basis of the composition on the slope is made up of dwarf gray fir trees planted on the lawn. Large boulders are decorated with decorative glass balls. Veronica large and veronica gentian are planted between the stones. The small periwinkle also grows on this hill. All three plants are covered with flowers of blue, blue and purple hues. As you know, the blue color is very calming, setting in a thoughtful way.

Hermit's Porch

This porch is designed in a regular style. Solemn and at the same time massive composition for an outsider looks like a symbolic wall, as if warning: "My home is my fortress."

The entrance door here is arranged on a raised porch, to which five steps lead. The porch is decorated with a wide arch entwined with girlish grapes.

A semi-circular hedge, perfectly trimmed, adorns this front area. For the highest part of the hedge, you can choose Bumald's spirea, brilliant cotoneaster or Thunberg's barberry. Bearberry is suitable for the middle row - it forms dense sods that will need to be trimmed regularly.

The bottom row is decorated with gray fescue.

If you want the composition to look more cheerful, then you need to choose variegated varieties of shrubs for it.

This front area will appeal to those who always remain a child in their hearts - they love noisy companies, parties, competitions, and performances.

With the calculation of all these activities, it is worth arranging a large paved area in front of the entrance - a real stage. Here you can really act out performances - for example, prepare a cheerful “skit” for a birthday person or organize a performance with the children. You can put buffet tables or a jacuzzi here, or you can organize a billiards, darts or table tennis tournament.

In a word, the list of events can be very extensive.

Although such a site should be as free as possible - so as not to interfere with the flight of your imagination, it would still be too deserted and inhospitable without green plants. On the wall of the house, you can put girlish grapes on a trellis - in the summer the eye rests on its greenery, and in the fall the leaves turn into a stunning bright red color. The arch at the entrance to the site is entwined with fiery red beans, planted in a tall ceramic vase. Exactly the same plants are planted along the edge of the site, and the supports for them - long pieces of twine or wire - converge at one point on the same arch.

Several bushes of Ottawa barberry are planted at the rear edge of the site. The leaves of this variety are dark - wine red in summer, turning into brighter orange hues in autumn.

The front area is your calling card. Design it the way you want your guests to think of you.

Let's talk about what the landscape design of the business card of the owners of the house - the front area should be like, and how to properly design the entrance in such a way as to show hospitality, a sense of taste and an optimistic attitude to life. At will, the area in front of the house can be elegant, modest and traditional, or it can become an unusual manifestation of the owners' imagination, emphasizing their temper and courage.

The layout of the front area on the site is a big responsibility, since it is from it that the acquaintance with the owners, the house and the site begins. As a rule, this zone is directly connected with the entrance so closely that sometimes it is one with it.

The design style of the front zone will depend on a number of features not only of the site itself, but also of the territory surrounding it, in particular, on:

  • buildings;
  • vegetation;
  • relief, etc.

Nevertheless, the zone most often has features common to most of the sites, including forms, style and content. When working on design options for the front area, it is important to follow certain stylistic decisions that have already been used to decorate the site. Regardless of which design style is chosen, the main thing is that the zone is neat, stylish and elegant. Is that the impression you would like to make on your guests?

Let's fantasize about what the front areas of our houses could become! Perhaps, among the options for their design, you can choose the most suitable for you.

Front door for optimists

The zone design option in this style is suitable for people who love life and enjoy every new day, welcome guests and are ready to demonstrate it with pleasure. The courtyard of such people should be decorated in bright colors, being a model of elegance. To make the overall composition neat and festive, it is important to adhere to the basic laws of symmetry.

Let a tiled path lead to the house, on the sides of which you can lay out a traditional lawn. As a frame for the lawn, you can use an unusual plant - woolly chistets, the feature of which is velvet silvery leaves.

At the very beginning of the trail, in the foreground, Thunberg barberry bushes with purple leaves can be planted, symmetrically; on the sides of the lawn, not far from the trail, cone-shaped junipers will be appropriate.

On the left side of the zone, you can equip pergolas decorated with clematis with pink flowers, thus working on creating a cozy canopy for relaxing on warm summer days in the shade. In addition to the aesthetic role, pergolas can also perform a functional one - to mask the neighbor's fence.

Above the porch, rounded pergola arches will look beautiful, which can also be decorated with clematis of different shades.

The described composition will surely delight and surprise the guest, inviting a hospitable and good-natured host to the house.

Decoration of the front area in a romantic style

The romantic mood of the owner will be ideally conveyed by a waterfall or a rounded terrace.

Romantics can beautifully decorate the area in front of the house with the help of a rounded paved terrace and a stone grotto with a cascading waterfall. On the sides of the waterfall, you can equip benches for relaxation, and surround the stone platform with a well-kept lawn. The described site is decorated in a landscape style and will be an ideal option for romantics with a serene soul.

In this case, the western ones, symmetrically located at the thuja path, will be appropriate in this case, honeysuckle bushes in the form of a screen behind the grotto, blooming with beautiful white flowers with a wonderful aroma.

The edges of the site will be decorated with a majestic maple, under the crown of which it will be possible to hide both from rain and from the sun, planted by the murmur of water in the fountain.

Ceremonial area for an ascetic

The entrance to the ascetic's house is notable for its practical design, eloquently confirming the owner's reluctance to make acquaintances, prone to minimalism in everything.

In this case, it would be appropriate to divide the zone into three parts:

  • terrace under a canopy;
  • a platform paved with stone or paving stones;
  • a garden imitating a forest clearing.

It is important that the garden is separated from the terrace by a retaining stone wall. You can decorate it with compact flower girls with flyers. On the terrace you can install tub flowering plants. The garden can be separated from the stone paved area with ornamental shrubs, barberry or dogwood, or with herbaceous plants collected in bushes of medium height.
At the heart of the composition in the garden, dwarf-type spruces, planted just in the middle of the lawn, will look good. In addition, you can use boulders of various shapes and glass balls that are fashionable today. In the garden, you can plant plants that bloom with flowers of cold and soothing shades, for example, periwinkle.

Front area for the unsociable

The porch for a recluse is best designed in a regular style with a massive composition, which will only confirm the judgment that the house is a fortress. In this case, it is better to place the front door on a small pedestal with steps, decorate it with an arch with climbing plants. To decorate the zone, you can use a hedge with the involvement of spirea, cotoneaster and Thunberg barberry.

These plants will look best at the highest point of the hedge, while bearberry is good for the middle row. For the bottom row, gray fescue will be most appropriate. You can “dilute” the composition a little with variegated shrubs.

Porch decoration for a creative person

This design option for the front area will appeal to people who are constantly in an inspired state, closely communicating with the muse. In front of the entrance, a spacious paved area, built in the likeness of a stage, will be appropriate. Here, by the way, it will really be possible to put on mini-performances with friends, dance with children and decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. Moreover, on such a site you can arrange interesting competitions in darts, billiards or table tennis. In general, the purpose of the design of the zone in this case is to expand the opportunities for guests and owners of the house for entertainment.

The wall of the house can be twined with girlish grapes, and at the entrance to the site you can install an arch, also twined, but this time with red beans. It would be good to plant the same plants along the perimeter of the site, taking care of the supports in advance, which will converge at a single point on the arch.

In the background of the porch, you can plant a couple of barberry bushes, with dark leaves.

front or entrance area.

To put it succinctly, there are only two zones on the site: the front and the rest. This does not mean that we exalt the first and put the second at nothing, rather the opposite. Just as a theater begins with a hanger, and a house with a hallway, so the plot begins, whatever one may say, with the front area. In addition, there is another saying that says that they are met by clothes. The parterre or front area is the face of the site and the first impression of the guests about its owner. The elemental composition of this zone has no restrictions.

Determining the location of this zone, it is not at all necessary to place it strictly in front of the facade of the house. The front area can be located elsewhere on the site - it all depends on how the house is located on the site, as well as on its architectural features and the imagination of the owners or the designer.

The decoration of the parade zone can be carried out in any style of landscape design. More often it is performed in a regular style, and in contrast, the rest of the zones are decorated in a natural or any other style that is characterized by naturalness.

When decorating the front area in a regular style, all elements, as a rule, should be located symmetrically about the main axis, which is usually a path leading from the entrance to the site to the front porch or a paved area located there. In this option, it is desirable that the house, at least its facade on a given side, is also symmetrical about the center. Such a design is not an absolute and indisputable rule, since the front area in a regular style can be designed without an axis of symmetry, but all the elements included in its composition, in this case, must have the correct geometric shape. The main colors for the regular style front area are calm, neutral tones. If raised beds or retaining walls are used, they must be made of stone, in shades that match the color of the house itself, or at least its basement.

One of the main parts of the zone of this style is the parterre lawn, which can occupy
the main part of its area. Coniferous trees of the correct crown shape, for example, blue spruces, varietal arborvitae and junipers, can be planted on the lawn. If the tree is planted with a tapeworm, it can be used as a Christmas tree in winter. It doesn't have to be Norway spruce. For such a purpose, prickly spruce (blue) and different types of fir are quite suitable.

Parterre lawn is advisable to perform with a border raised or carpet beds, as well as a clipped border, such as boxwood. Along the walls of the house, you can place flower beds or flower beds with annuals, while it is desirable that the color of the flowers is not defiant. A frequently used element in the design of the front area is a fountain or a decorative pond, again of the correct form. As a rule, it is located in the center of the entire composition, and in the case when there is more than one axis of symmetry, then in the center of symmetry.

The strict classic style of decoration, despite the rather “mature” age, is still in fashion, but the design of the front area in the so-called natural or natural style is becoming more and more popular. One of its maintenance benefits is that trees, shrubs and borders do not need to be trimmed into regular geometric shapes.

The landscape of the front zone, made in natural style, includes areas with evergreen
or coniferous plants, groups of trees and ornamental shrubs, lawns, beautifully blooming for a long time mixborders or creepers. The main thing to consider is the compatibility of plants and the commensurability of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. The main requirement is that all elements look as natural as possible and the transitions from one element to another be smooth and almost imperceptible, which will give an overall complete and harmonious picture as a result. Rock gardens, decorative ponds and streams can also be part of the front zone made in a natural style. This style is useful for small areas. Here you can place your favorite plants from different groups, but compatible in terms of agrotechnical characteristics.

In addition to these two styles of site design, others are possible, such as forest, especially if your site is located in an adult, well-established forest area. It is quite possible that in order to improve the appearance of the entrance zone in such a site, only a small cosmetic cleaning of the forest will be required, and dotted strokes to the overall picture in the form of replanting groups of shrubs or other plants.

It is customary to say that "the theater begins with a hanger." Also, a person's house always begins with a yard, which is the hallmark of its owners. Not all parts of the courtyard fall into the field of view of the curious glances of visitors, but its front area always takes the first blow. That is why the owners pay great attention to its design. From this, by and large, public opinion about a person depends. The photo shows the front area of ​​the courtyard in a variant that can be called close to ideal. This design is very popular.

front area of ​​the house

Even if the owner is unsociable and guests rarely visit his house, there is a certain category of people who enter the house of any person without invitation or warning. This is an ambulance paramedic, a postman, a census counter, plumbers, electrical workers, police officers and many other random people who enter the house without authorization. Even if these people do not enter the house, they will definitely find themselves in the front area of ​​the courtyard, and, one way or another, will witness its well-groomed, fantastic beauty or clutter and unsystematic design. Public opinion awaits a person, regardless of whether he is a hospitable host or unsociable. The photo shows how the unsystematic approach to the design of the front area of ​​the courtyard looks like.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

The landscape design of the front zone of the entrance to the courtyard includes a large number of structures and means of its creation. This includes facilities and design tools such as:

  • fountain and grotto;
  • slide and pool;
  • arch and hedge;
  • raised flower beds;
  • paths and benches;
  • walkways and artificial pond;
  • figurines of fairy tale characters.
  • vertical gardening;
  • natural stone as a means of designing structures and covering the yard and paths;
  • lawns and flower beds;
  • shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees;
  • electric lights, lighting.

The photo of landscape design structures for the front area of ​​the courtyard eloquently reveals its possibilities. Means contributing to the design of the front area. There are a lot of means by which the landscape design of the front zone is created. This does not mean at all that you need to use them without fail all at once. The author of the landscape design of the front area is the owner of the house. It is this zone that must select from a huge number of various means those that will help him create one single individual composition of the courtyard.

Arrangement of the path in front of the house

It depends not only on design tools, but also on other parameters:

  • landscape design style that reflects the tastes and passions of the owner of the house (hospitable, ascetic, romantic, creative, unsociable, unsociable);
  • taking into account the initial design of the front zone of the courtyard (the presence of structures, shrubs, trees, flower bushes in it);
  • front area size.

How to start work on the landscape design of the front area of ​​the courtyard? The landscape design plan for the front area of ​​the courtyard has matured in the head of the chief designer, his owner. Now is the time to get it down on paper. Having determined the zone of the center of the composition and marking it with two intersecting lines, it is necessary to put all planned objects on the plan. As for the trees in this zone, shrubs and flowers, when planning their planting, one should take into account the growth of stands during subsequent years, since trees cannot be in front of shrubs, and tall flowers should grow behind low ones. This question is important because improper planning will result in replanting plants in the area. Each transplantation has a very detrimental effect on the development of the plant, and sometimes leads to its death. The photo shows the layout of landscape design elements on the plan.

Marking the territory of the parade zone. Having completed the planning of the landscape design of the front area of ​​the courtyard, it is necessary to move on to the practical application of the plan on the ground. It should be carried out only after the acquisition of planting plants. It is good if the plants are purchased in containers and kept fresh and moist in the soil. Having measured the extreme lines with a tape measure, it is necessary to drive pegs in the corners and pull the cord. The entire interior of the front area was thus defined. It is necessary to apply elements of the future design in real sizes to the zone. For marking the winding outlines of design objects, a watering hose helps a lot. After determining the place for plants and other design elements, you can proceed to the practical part of the plan: planting trees, bushes, flowers and installing other landscape design items for the front area.

Choosing plants for planting

What are the types of design? It is not possible to provide options for landscape design for people of certain characteristics, since landscape design is a purely individual process. In this regard, further we will talk about approximate options for landscape design of the front area for types of people with different perceptions of the world around them.

Classic style in landscape design and its features

For the starting point, as in many matters, we will take the classical style. Classic, traditional or regular style reflects the simple and modest desire of a person to get rid of the chaos in design, created by the presence of excesses, the lack of strictness of geometric shapes in design elements. The photo shows the palace and park design in the classical style.

The main requirements of the classical style in landscape design are symmetry, certainty and traditionalism of geometric lines and shapes, calm pure colors and their shades, frames that do not allow flashy and out of the general tone design elements. This is the style that is used when creating park design in city squares and palaces. It is official, solemn and regal due to the purity of its strict lines and regularity of forms.

Classical style in landscape design of private houses. In private homes, the classic style is a reflection of the refined, elegant taste of its owners. The choice of a classic style for a private house characterizes its owners as respectable people, occupying a certain position in society. The classical style in landscape design, despite its apparent simplicity, is not at all simple. This is a rather expensive style that requires certain financial investments. The reason that classical style in landscape design is expensive is the choice for this only natural, natural materials. The photo reflects one of the options for the front area of ​​a private house in a classic style.

Design of the composition center and its features. When planning the front area, the owner will place a monumental structure exactly in the center, emphasizing the solemnity and grandeur. The most suitable structure would be a fountain. A straight path to the house, covered with tiles in soothing colors, will run exactly in the middle of the front area, dividing it into strictly symmetrical parts. Also located symmetrically on both sides of the path, raised flower beds will be made strictly from the materials from which the house and the fence are made and of the same shades. The top of the bricks will be tiled with the same facing tiles as the main walkway to the house. The photo reflects the central structure of the parade area, the fountain.

Flower bed design is a complex process. On raised flowerbeds on both sides in the classic front area, a lawn with a green even cover of lawn grass will be laid out. The strictness of the forms emphasizes the absence of frills in the design. On both sides of the path, two elite blue spruces are planted, emphasizing the majesty of the classical composition, there may be two or more of them, but they must be symmetrical: 4, 6, 8, etc., depending on the size of the site and the length of the path.

Planting flowers in front of the house

Lawns, clearly delineating horizontal lines, smoothly transition into straight vertical lines of the house. For flowering plants, the main colors are two or three light shades, softly combined with green, the remaining colors are in harmony with the dominant ones. The accent in this white-green world can be large scarlet roses, like single islands, entering into a modest contrast and being a highlight in an environment of strict classical style. The photo demonstrates the beauty of a flower bed blooming in a classic style.

How to emphasize the front area of ​​the courtyard in a classic style?

On the outer side of the front area, the owner of the classical style will draw a clear boundary, making plantings of arborvitae, separating it from the main territory of the estate with a square or rectangle. At the entrance to the house, on both sides of the path, you can plant two juniper bushes that act as "guards". A classic-style fence can be entwined with plain wild grapes, which by the end of autumn will please the eye with a motley salute of multi-colored leaves, which chastely retain a dark green hue all summer long. Predominantly green color of climbing flowering plants closes the wall of the house, which is in contact with the front area of ​​the courtyard. The photo presents the green vertical walls of the fence and the house in a classic style.