
Hagalaz gebo turisaz reservation. The meaning of the hagalaz rune. Erase from memory

When studying rune magic, you should pay attention not only to the specific meanings of each element, but also to their general combination.

So, Perth-Hagalaz-Mannaz-Perth helps to develop psychic abilities in oneself and teaches to listen to intuition. Having created an amulet with such an inscription, you can strengthen your capabilities several times and attract good luck to yourself.

- the first rune of the second Atta. It has the greatest destructive energy, but it has both negative and positive manifestations.

It is believed that the bearer of this sign is under the scrutiny of female deities, and especially Hagalla, the harbinger of death.

The meaning in divination

The Hagalaz image is symmetrical and therefore does not have an inverted position. When fortune-telling, the loss of this rune can mean:

  1. A serious illness that can become chronic.
  2. Accident.
  3. The constraining framework of conditions that do not allow development.
  4. Risky situations, the result of which is impossible to calculate.
  5. Fanatical attachment to another person.
  6. This is not the time to indulge your whims and ambitions.
  7. A warning about the futility of efforts.

The loss of this rune in the layout always speaks of the termination of the life stage, the completion of the case. However, in combination with other runes, it can lose such a negative color.

So, in the layout of the relationship with the rune, Turisaz Hagalaz means the end of a relationship that has long outlived its usefulness and only pulled back.

Application in the creation of amulets

Despite the destructive power, this symbol is actively used when creating amulets. Its main goal:

  1. Solving psychological problems, gaining self-confidence, breaking the imposed shackles.
  2. Protection against extraneous influences.
  3. The imposition of damage, love spells, curses or other manipulations with the person.

Applying Hagalaz to a personal talisman is a challenge to the Gods, a willingness to show them your determination and lack of fear of difficulties.

Hagalaz in a combination of two runes

The combination of Hagalaz with other runes can be very different from its personal meaning. For their competent interpretation in fortune telling and when creating amulets, it is necessary to know exactly the general meaning of each combination.

Runes nameThe meaning in divinationSphere of protection
Dagaz-Khagalaz (Water + Time)A series of troubles with no end in sight, a chronic illnessStrengthening of character and training of willpower, a radical change in life values
Gebo-Hagalaz (Water + Air)The collapse of all hopes and plans, quarrels with loved onesMaintaining strong bonds between family members helps to be more critical of yourself and your actions
Nautiz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)The visibility of work, a lot of ado about nothing, the people around do not take it seriously and shift the hardest things onto the fortunetellerHelps to cope with powerlessness and apathy, endows with inner strength and self-confidence, will allow you to separate the important from the unnecessary
Algiz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Severe emotional state caused by insomnia and nightmaresProtection from other people's negative influence, increases your own poise
Berkana-Hagalaz (Water + Earth)Illness of someone within the family, destruction of the usual way of lifeHelps to assimilate new knowledge, reduces damage from troubles and smooths out conflicts
Otal-Hagalaz (Water + Earth)Dramatic changes that will fundamentally change the path of lifeOpenness to everything new and non-linear thinking will help to realize oneself in any endeavors
Teyvaz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Physical weakness, helplessness in front of enemies, protracted conflict, which will result in defeatStrengthens willpower and makes irreconcilable towards enemies, endows with leadership qualities and helps to lead people
Uruz-Hagalaz (Water + Earth)Health problems, infertility, financial ruinHelps to gain stability in life, has a beneficial effect on health
Turisaz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Loss of something dear, betrayal of loved ones, career problemsGives self-confidence, removes depression, serves as a shield against mental influences
Evaz-Hagalaz (Water + Air)Unexpected discovery of the truth, punishment of the guilty, recognition of true meritsStrong moral principles will help achieve universal respect
Isa-Hagalaz (Water + Ice)Disappointing forecasts regarding future events, serious illness, infertilityCalms the inner fire, helps to cope with oneself, does not allow to commit rash acts
Eyvaz-Hagalaz (Water + Water)A drastic change in the situation that can destroy the entire usual lifeAllows you to drop unnecessary nervousness, increases intuition and inclination to spiritual practices
Mannaz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Backstab, betrayal of a close friendHelps get rid of unnecessary emotionality and make decisions guided by logic, rather than personal preferences
Soulu-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Minor bias can cause big problemsIncreases concentration and attentiveness, helps to soberly look at the situation
Fehu-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Great success that comes from hard workProtection against serious illnesses, improvement of general well-being
Laguz-Hagalaz (Water + Water)A maelstrom of events, the result of which is impossible to predictOpenness and sincerity in words and deeds will bring respect and recognition even among enemies
Vuno-Hagalaz (Water + Earth)Triumph of justice, time to admit your mistakes and try to correct them, revealing the truthWill save the people around you from the lies, help fight your own selfishness, the voice of conscience
Inguz-Khagalaz (Water + Earth)All wasted efforts will go to waste, big financial lossesBeing entrepreneurial and taking preventive action will pay off
Raido-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Unexpected change of residence, in most cases - forced, catastrophe, burning of all assetsGetting rid of old obligations that did not allow development
Kenaz-Hagalaz (Water + Fire)Pressure from bosses, envy of talent, exorbitant ambitionInternal fire will help to cope with all the intrigues of competitors
Ansuz-Hagalaz (Water + Air)The machinations of competitors, the struggle for the position, warning of future problems, resignationDefeating enemies, increasing organization and competitiveness
Hyera-Hagalaz (Water + Time)Unexpected fulfillment of the desired, success that will not last foreverAttracts good luck, helps to find the optimal solution even in the most difficult situations
Perth Hagalaz (Water + Water)A warning against hasty actions, it is better to postpone the planned events for a certain timeHelp in solving financial problems, winning a large amount of money
Wyrd HagalazOversaturation, life fatigue, obsessive routineStability in work and family relationships, all sharp emotional outbursts will be stopped even at the moment of inception

When decoding the runic writing, the sequence of symbols also plays an important role. To know exactly the meaning of the combination, you need to know as detailed as possible the meaning of each rune separately.

Hagalaz in a combination of three runes

In runescripts, this combination is used more often than more complex recordings. A well-chosen combination of three runes will help neutralize the negative meaning and enhance the overall energy potential.

These basic combinations include:

  1. Hagalaz-Laguz-Evaz - this formula is interpreted as the knowledge of true value through suffering. It will help to reduce all losing situations to minimal damage.
  2. Hagalaz-Turisaz-Teivaz - designed to cut off all negative messages and cleanse the aura of its wearer from dark emanations. This runescript can be used as protection against the evil eye or damage of medium strength.
  3. Hagalaz-Yera-Hagalaz is a dynamic combination that will help you adjust and harmoniously fit into a changing world. This formula will not bring instant success, but it will push you on a new path.
  4. Nautiz-Hagalaz-Nautiz - this combination of three runes symbolizes destructive energy. An amulet with a similar formula will help you get rid of old habits and start your life from scratch.
  5. Hagalaz-Kano-Soulu - this combination is interpreted as self-sacrifice. Kano's fire and Soulu's light together mean the flow of energy that comes from the depths of a person and warms his environment. Amulets with this formula are often created by mothers for their children.
  6. Hagalaz-Mannaz-Hagalaz is a symbol of warriors, strong-minded people, for whom the main thing is power. Such a runescript is used before a serious confrontation and in the struggle for leadership. The constant wearing of a talisman with this magical letter can push its owner to rash actions and cause excessive aggressiveness.

Unlike a combination of two runes, such runescripts already have a more specific scope.

Hagalaz in a combination of four runes

The difference between a four-line notation and a three-line one is that in it each symbol acts as a separate element, strengthening or clarifying the meaning of the previous rune. The magical effect becomes more narrowly focused.

The main combinations are:

  1. Perth-Hagalaz-Mannaz-Perth - this combination strengthens its carrier's connection with other worlds and entities. It helps to awaken the memory of ancestors, develops intuition and warns of impending dangers.
  2. Hagalaz-Natuz-Isa-Raido is a powerful curse that is designed to complicate a person's life. Almost insurmountable obstacles will arise in his path, which will entail health problems, emotional imbalance and great losses. However, if the cursed man copes with them or is able to get rid of the negative influence, then all the power of the curse will return back to the caster.
  3. Eyvaz-Hagalaz-Yera-Uruz is a protective runescript that will not allow significant damage to both physical and psychological health, and will also help prevent financial problems and other losses. However, unlike the combination with Algiz, the protection will not be universal. The third rune indicates a specific object of protection. In other cases, this entry will not work.
  4. Hagalaz-Kano-Isa-Perth - this combination of runes is designed to push a stalled situation towards development, to force its wearer to develop. It is designed to accumulate all negative experience and transform it into a weapon for further victories. This is a powerful flow of energy, which is controlled only by your own inner strength.

To activate such combinations, slips are used - special words that help to concentrate all mental energy and direct it to a specific goal. They should have a clear and specific structure.

Blurred language or very abstract goals are unacceptable.

Hagalaz in a combination of five or more runes

The more accurate and complete a formula is, the stronger it works. Therefore, you can often find runescripts with five or more elements.

The most popular combinations are:

  1. Eyvaz-Sovilo-Hagalaz-Sovilo-Hyera - it helps to get rid of all negative manifestations of mental energy (damage, evil eye, curses) and cleanse a person's own biofield. It acts like a mirror, redirecting all the negative charge back to the sender.
  2. Yera-Sovilo-Hagalaz-Berkana-Sovilo-Yera - this combination is used to change the destiny of a person. It is very energy-intensive and difficult to perform, but if successfully performed, it is able to change the very essence of the conjured individual.
  3. Nautiz-Turisaz-Khagalaz-Turisaz-Nautiz - this combination allows you to focus and direct all internal energy to the solution of one specific problem. By adding an additional rune after Hagalaz, you can more specifically describe the goal, and the Nautiz located at the ends will allow you to throw away all the negative consequences of using this combination.

It must be borne in mind that in proportion to the strength, the difficulty in harnessing magical energy also increases. It is not recommended for beginners in runology to use formulas with more than three elements.


The Hagalaz rune has tremendous destructive energy, which is not easy to use. In fortune-telling, she informs about future problems or the completion of a certain stage of life.

The creation of a personal amulet with her image is a challenge, both to oneself and to divine entities. This is a way to build your character and achieve your goals, regardless of the consequences.

Germanic name: Hagalaz
Anglo-Saxon name: Hel (Haegl)
Old Norse name: Hagall
Phonetic match: X (H)

Traditional meaning: hail.

Before us is the first rune of the second etta - etta Hagalaz, which got its name from the name of the element, in contrast to the other two, which are named after the gods (the first - in honor of Freya and Freyr, and the third - after the name of Tyr). Some rune masters tried to extend this principle to the second ett, correlating it with either Odin or Thor. I will try to prove that most of the runes of this etta are associated with the goddesses - first of all, with the norns.

As already mentioned, the first ett is devoted to the ordering of chaos and the establishment of the cosmic world order. And now, considering the runes of the second etta, we will get acquainted with the hostile forces that seek to destroy this order and thereby generate the changes necessary for life and development. Even at the most superficial level, it is obvious that Hagalaz is a dangerous rune. Its meaning is hail, and hail is made up of frozen water and air, and although it is not as hard and dense as ice, everyone knows the damage it can do to crops. This is the destructive force of nature.

To penetrate deeper into the meaning of Hagalaz, it is necessary to consider it in combination with two other runes - Isa and Nautiz. These three runes - the first three runes of the second etta - are connected with each other both magically and in meaning.

Of the nine worlds connected by the Yggdrasil ash axis, these three runes correspond to the three lower worlds, which, in traditional shamanic representations, form the "underworld". Hagalaz corresponds to the kingdom of Hel. Niflheim, whose name literally means "foggy world" and which, therefore, is associated with the elements of water and air, which form both fog and hail, corresponds to the Nautiz rune. Niflheim is an extension of the kingdom of Hel, located next to it. And, finally, the world of giants - more precisely, frost giants - is called Etunheim and is associated with the Isa rune.

The name "Hel" (Hel) comes from the ancient Germanic word halja, which simply means "cover" and has nothing to do with the associations that evoke in us the Christian image of hell, which goes back to the Hebrew concept of "Gehenna". (Because of this, Hel is sometimes mistakenly represented as "hell", that is, a fiery hell. This error is easy to explain, taking into account that in the Middle East, heat is perceived as something threatening, potentially life-threatening, while in the North the main threat to life naturally appears to be cold). The kingdom of Hel is ruled by the goddess Hel (Hella). In the Edda it is described as a gloomy, gloomy place, but its inhabitants are not subjected to any torture. Everyone who is not overtaken by death in battle or at sea gets there. Even Balder, who was killed by accident at the hand of Head, went exactly to Hel, where his wife Nanna followed him.

The goddess Hel is a late Scandinavian version of the human-friendly German goddess Holda, also known in folklore as Lady Blizzard (Dame Holle). By the way, Holland got its name in her honor. A significant part of the territory of this country is below sea level, and today Holland is called the Netherlands, that is, "the lower lands" - which again brings us back to the image of the "underworld". In addition, Holland is a land of fog, so the images of Hel and Niflhel are very closely associated with it. The name "Hall" is linguistically connected with the oldest known name of the kingdom of Hel - "Halja". This goddess covers the earth with a blanket of snow. In Holland, when it snows, they say: "Mrs. Blizzard knocks feather beds."

The occult and deep psychological significance of the Hagalaz rune deserves special attention. Hel is the kingdom of the dead, and for us, the living, the dead are part of our past. Having considered the previous runes in futhark order, we correlated them with the myth of creation, as it is described in the "Divination of the Velva", and settled on the Vunyo rune - the symbol of the golden age. Following this, according to the myth, three giantesses appeared from Etunheim. These are none other than three norns - the goddesses of fate, who together personify time: Urd symbolizes the past, Verdandi - the present, and Skuld - the future. Goddess Urd is the esoteric ruler of the Hagalaz rune.

The psychological significance of the Hagalaz rune in the layout, as a rule, is associated with destructive forces acting on the subconscious level and preparing the necessary changes. Correlating the power of this rune with the norn Urd, we can conclude that these destructive forces originate in our personal past. In most cases, they are generated by lessons that have not been learned in the past and unresolved problems, as well as repressed unpleasant memories that are too painful for us to decide to deal with them, but continue to influence our current patterns of behavior. In particularly difficult cases, these destructive forces may be rooted in a more distant past - in other words, in our previous incarnations.

The kingdom of Hel can be identified with the personal unconscious, the deepest layer of which is associated with the collective unconscious. This area contains the potential for the highest good - and, at the same time, complete destruction. Hagalaz is saturated with dark feminine energy and is closely associated with evil witchcraft - in particular, with harmful feminine magic. The first evil sorceress to appear in Scandinavian myths, Gullveig, personifies, like Hel, the dark hypostasis of the Goddess. Because of Gullveig, a thirst for gold entered Valhalla. Prior to that, gold was a toy for the Aesir, and Gullveig brought greed and evil spells with her, for which she was punished by burning three times: "They burned her three times, // three times born, // and yet she // lives to this day."

However, she remained to live not in the usual sense of the word. When Gullveig was revived again after the third burning, Loki ate her heart, thereby absorbing the evil contained in her. (Another interpretation is also possible: the three deaths of Gullveig brought to life three norns, who appeared on the stage shortly after this episode.) A man-god cannot kill a Goddess - not even an evil one. This was Odin's mistake. The matter was aggravated by the fact that he refused to pay the Vir Van, the relatives of Gullveig, and a war broke out between the Aesir and the Van. Vira is a mandatory monetary penalty for murder, by which the ancient Scandinavians meant the public killing of a person. It should be noted that the vira custom did not give a "license to kill", since premeditated, secretly prepared murder was unheard of.

The High German word Hachel - "witch" is associated with Hagalaz. It corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon haegtessa, from which the modern English hag - "witch, sorceress" is derived. The Old Dutch equivalent of haegtessa is hagedisse, which has two meanings: "sorceress" and "lizard". The lizard is an animal closely related to shamanic practices; in this sense, the word hagedisse has survived in the Dutch language to this day.

Hail is a combination of two elements: air and water. In Holland, it was widely believed that witches knew how to control the weather and could send hail on the fields of their enemies. Popular belief said that a witch carries hail in a sack and lets it out when necessary. The ability to send hail was attributed to two Scandinavian demigoddesses - Torgerd and Irpa. Thus, the Hagalaz rune can be used in operations of harmful magic. I once used it in conjunction with Thurisaz, and the result was disastrous for the person targeted by this enchantment. The runes involved brought out his consciousness all the refuse accumulated in the field of the unconscious. The symptoms in which this manifested itself could be interpreted by an ignorant observer as being possessed by the devil. The Hagalaz rune itself, without a conscious appeal to its power, generates general discomfort as a premonition of change. Under its influence, unconscious destructive forces reach consciousness gradually, thanks to which they can be used constructively.

The kingdom of Hel is the equivalent of the shamanic underworld, and one can enter it through a shamanic journey in an altered state of consciousness. Odin and Hermod had a chance to travel to Hel, but only Odin's horse Sleipnir could overcome this path. No other horse can handle this.

But enough of the dangers associated with Hagalaz! After all, there is another version of this rune, which gives reliable protection - primarily from bad weather. For this purpose, the peasants placed her image in a conspicuous place - above the door or on the roof of the house. In its protective form, Hagalaz is usually referred to as Heil, and this word means blessing and greeting. In this form, this rune served to bless the newlyweds and, as it is easy to see, it is formed by two intertwined Algiz runes (symbolizing the union of the male and female forms of Algiz).

Runes affect all spheres of human life - practitioners-runologists tirelessly come up with new ways to use ancient signs. A separate article should be devoted to the topic of love - it excites the minds of the female half of humanity.

The structure of runic magic is based on the use of the movement of energies. A practicing magician, uses knowledge about the work of the runes, creates a new or destroys the old. This also applies to love. An experienced runologist makes love spells, he operates with energy and does not attract frightening paraphernalia like volts, tufts of hair and cemetery soil.

Runic formulas for breaking a relationship and runic formulas for love are applied to a photo where both people are depicted. Clauses for runestavs are made in a line or for a whole spell. Practitioners depict powerful runic staves in blood, painting over a pen or ink drawing. The activation is carried out in the way that the magician considers appropriate for a particular case.

Strong rune lapel

The principle of operation of the formulas of runic lapels is the same. Runes gradually change the characters of people or the circumstances in which the couple is, confuse thoughts, send obsessions. The couple begins to quarrel from scratch, the lovers cease to understand what they are doing together and break the connection. A wall suddenly grows between partners, which no one wants to break.

Cool down on yourself: Gebo - Turisaz - Isa.

To "cool" yourself and stop loving a person, take your photo and put the chain Gebo - Turisaz - Isa on it. Then draw this formula on the skin, stipulate the action of the runes.

To separate the two lovers, on the joint photo of the victims, apply the chain Isa - Algiz - reverse Raido - Turisaz - Hagalaz.

  • Feedback Raido will block the path to building relationships.
  • Algiz and Turisaz will consolidate the ceremony and nourish it with energy.
  • Hagalaz and Isa break the bond between lovers.

After applying, stipulate the work of the stave.

This is a powerful rune lapel by Vitoria. The spell acts carefully and gently, symbols of cooling relations appear gradually, so lovers will not notice magical interference. The author recommends to stipulate becoming a ruler and focus on the separation of the couple, and not only on quarrels.

  • Hagalaz will break the connection.
  • Nautiz push to break.
  • Feedback Vunyo will destroy the joy of communicating with each other.
  • Mirrored Kano reduce sex appeal in each other's eyes.
  • Uruz eliminates libido.
  • Feedback Ansuz provoke quarrels and destroy mutual understanding.
  • Isa will not let the couple figure out the reasons for the quarrel without parting.

This is a protective runescript that will save the wearer from the average power of magical influences, including light love spells, gummies and dry spells. The spell creates a cocoon around the object and redirects the negative to the specified place, and also hides the wearer from viewing the aura, evil eyes and other rituals. Protection lasts 2-3 months without renewal, but still requires reapplication. Runestav nourishes people with a weakened biofield with energy and maintains tone.

The operator puts a runescript on a sheet of paper, a photo of an object, a part of a fern or a cucumber, also applies it to a paper carrier and puts it in a bag with a dried fern. The mage draws the spell clockwise from the outside.

Stav consists of Orkhon runes and is negotiated in its entirety. The place where the negative energy directed to the object is transferred is introduced into the agreement.

To attract love, formulas are used, which include the following love runes:

  1. Hagalaz increases the need for communication.
  2. Isa fixes the result.
  3. Hyera leads to a happy outcome.
  4. Eyvaz reinforces the action of Uruz.
  5. Inguz symbolizes the masculine principle and provokes the birth of love.
  6. Gebo- the rune of love, is responsible for partnership.
  7. Soulou energizes.
  8. Dagaz transforms the union, translates it into a serious plane.
  9. Feminine energy Berkans directs the focus of attention to children and family.
  10. Odal encourages partners to find common interests, jointly acquire objects and housing, creates common values. Odal is a rune of love, a happy family life.
  11. Uruz provokes activity and progress.
  12. Vunyo brings harmony to the union.
  13. Algiz protects partners
  14. Perth creates opportunities for finding a pair.
  15. Laguz- the rune of love and love affairs, personifies feminine strength, seduction and the ability to find a common language.

How bets work on a man's love

Runes for love are intertwined into becoming and sent to a person, they work according to the principle of a classic love spell. The object attracts the operator, he shows her attentions. Runic formulas for a man's love are not eternal, after a specified period of time their energy is extinguished and the spell needs to be updated. Runes give an impulse for the emergence of love, the operator can only consolidate the result.

Clause and activation of love stakes

To attract the love of a particular person, runes are drawn in his photo or in a picture where there are both future partners. The operator activates the runestav in the usual way - with breath, elemental energy, blood.

It is important to correctly draw up a reservation to attract love. To do this, the operator must clearly know how each rune in a spell or a separate formula works.

The operator, while discussing the runestav, pronounces changes in the life of both partners.

When drawing up a runic spell formula, runes of the second plan appear at the intersection of the runes. The meaning of such runes is also taken into account, so think over the style of the runescript so that the runes of the second plan will strengthen becoming.

Proven runic bets for a man's love

The runescripts described below have been tested by many masters. With the help of staves, you can get married, return an unfaithful lover, attract love into life, increase passion and desire.

Simple formulas

Simple runic formulas are suitable for beginners who have difficulty with complex stavs. Despite the outward simplicity, even in this type of runes will help relationships grow, bring marriage closer, and bring the return of love closer.

  • Nautiz - Kano - Gebo - Odal - Vunyo - Hyera will direct the object to marriage.
  • Evaz - Gebo - Odal - a chain for returning a loved one.
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kano - Gebo - a formula that has a beneficial effect on sex, causes mutual desire.

The creator of the runescript Djess made this formula after falling in love with a married man. The spell purposefully acts to attract relationships for lovers and create sexual attachment.

  • Stungin Iss prevents the object from noticing the love spell.
  • Gebo - Vuno - Kano in conjunction, they create a relationship that brings joy and fresh impressions to both partners.
  • Nautiz forces the object to act in accordance with the clause.
  • Uruz enhances sexual desire.
  • Ansuz in the background, it adds to partners the desire for mutual understanding and dilutes lust with common interests.

The spell of attracting a man works delicately, does not cause painful attachment and awakens the desire to tighten contact, to get closer.

  • Teyvaz personifies the object of influence
  • Berkana symbolizes a female operator.
  • Mirrored Ansuz means a verbal gimmick.
  • Nautiz the second plan is forced into a relationship.
  • Ansuz - Nautiz in a bundle give rise to thoughts about the operator.
  • Hyera reinforces the effect of the spell.
  • Kenaz and Laguz intensify passions.
  • Vunyo harmonizes relationships.

Runescript works on the principle of a gimmick, does not break the will of the bewitched and does not bear side effects, coercion is soft and careful.

  • Nautiz make the man think about the operator.
  • Mirrored Nautiz causes the need for communication.
  • Eyvaz elevates the operator to the rank of the meaning of life for a man.
  • Ansuz strengthens thoughts about a woman in the head.
  • Vunyo pushes to start a relationship.
  • Laguz mask the magical effect.
  • Bunch Raido - Hyera creates a path to relationships and pushes the object forward.
  • Dagaz changes the train of thought.
  • Gebo connects partners.
  • Kano intensifies lust.
  • Soulou sharpens the feeling of falling in love.
  • Turisaz evoke passion, awaken lust.
  • Elven runes: n eliminates the negative effects of the gingerbread, t increases the effectiveness of the spell, g brings harmony to a couple, f enhances passion and love, p enchants.

The operator casts a spell on the photo. Due to the presence of elven runes, the duration of the spell is stipulated, the standard formulation of neutralization after burning will not work.

  • Dagaz changes the consciousness of the object.
  • Bunch Kano - Soulu evokes a vivid passion.
  • Laguz personifies feminine energy and love.
  • Vunyo causes joy and euphoria.
  • Gebo personifies relationships.
  • Ansuz directs the train of thought in the specified direction.
  • Hyera fixes the action of the stave, closing it into a cycle.
  • Elven runes: e awakens passion and forces the man into submission, k makes the operator attractive to the object, l sends longing, s induces sexual desire, u encourages the man to express feelings.

The most powerful rune spell "Slave's Cross"

The rune hagillet creates a strong sexual and emotional bond, turning the subject into a slave. The work of the runes leads to the fact that the man is no longer able to have sexual intercourse with other women, except for the operator, his feelings are similar to an obsession - thoughts overwhelm him around the clock.

Runes are applied with blood on the photo, choose the area of ​​the head, heart or groin.

  • Nautiz rigidly enforces an object into a relationship.
  • Gebo symbolizes partnership.
  • Kenaz mean mutual attraction and the flow of sexual energy.
  • Teyvaz induce lust and guarantee sexual compatibility.
  • Vunyo give slavery a sense of joy.
  • Nautiz closes by becoming, formulating the compulsion to carry the cross while he is standing on the object.

This formula answers the query "becoming a rune so that everyone will love you", enhances feminine attractiveness and magnetism, and attracts men to the operator's field of vision.

  • Gebo symbolizes the ability, the gift in the layouts for relationships and in stavas.
  • Kano enhance sexual attraction.

The clause includes voiced intentions about what the operator wants to look like in the eyes of the men around him. A woman pronounces definitions like "beautiful", "sexy", "interesting", etc. The duration of the stav is also stipulated, then the formula is activated in the usual way.

Becoming the authorship of the master runologist, the Angel aims to make the man fall in love with the operator. Using this formula, Angel was able to take a man out of a relationship with another woman, move in with him and bring the relationship to a new level.

  • Nautiz creates a sex bond.
  • Vunyo fills communication with joy.
  • Mirrored Vunyo makes the subject feel unwell away from the operator.
  • Soulou guarantees tenderness and love for a woman.
  • Uruz encourages a man to take active steps to conquer a woman.
  • Feedback Uruz demolishes resistance to the action of the formula.
  • Teyvaz brings the action of the stav to its logical end.
  • Eyvaz pushes to legitimize the union.

Runes of the second plan:

  • Kano personifies feelings and sex.
  • Gebo harmonizes the couple.
  • Inguz evokes love and passion.
  • Algiz protects the union.
  • Mirror and straight Turisaz break down barriers to love.

This runescript will help an unmarried woman find a partner.

  • Bunch Raido Soulu illuminates the path along which the future beloved will come.
  • Odal will force all relatives and friends to accept a man.
  • Gebo harmonizes relationships and makes them equal.
  • Eyvaz in conjunction with Laguz emotionally connect partners.
  • Teyvaz and Berkana will make the man the main thing in the family, and their life together will be long and pleasant.

The operator stipulates becoming within 81 days: nine times in nine days, activates with fire - a candle will do.

Proven rune staves to restore relationships

Rituals using these staves are used when the connection with a loved one has been interrupted and a person needs reconciliation.

The chain for building relationships looks like a bunch of two runes.

  • Gebo personifies partnership and reconciliation.
  • Vunyo makes you remember the joy that communication with a partner brings.

The operator puts a chain on the photo of the lovers and activates it in the usual way. After the ritual, the quarrel will come to an end, the couple will reconcile. The clause includes positive language without the particle "not".

It is best to apply this runescript immediately after a conflict.

  • Gebo symbolizes union.
  • Inverted Ansuz help to forget about grievances.
  • Vunyo make partners happy and give the joy of reconciliation.
  • Soulou rekindles extinguished passion.

The operator activates the formula in any way, and applies the runescript in blood to the joint photo.

The runescript includes three runes.

  • Ansuz helps to return to the beginning, resurrects the candy-bouquet period.
  • Gebo equalizes partners.
  • Vunyo brings joy, understanding and love.

Becoming a runic "Flower of Love" harmonizes, allows you to maintain warmth, passion and fidelity, returns partners in the brightest time in their love.

  • Gebo make feelings mutual.
  • Teyvaz holds the union together.
  • Soulou personifies mutual love.
  • Kenaz evoke passion.
  • Dagaz embody positive change.
  • Eyvaz help to come to compromises.
  • Turisaz destroy disagreements and problems.
  • Algiz protect the couple from external influences and symbolize the protection of higher powers.

Moral issues

Is it ethical to make a love spell with runes on someone else's husband? There is no consensus on this matter. Some practitioners believe that runes for love will not have the desired effect if a couple is intended for each other, others are trying to break up a family. Novice magicians who have not yet decided on the degree of ethics of their actions should understand that a love spell, like any other intervention in a person's personal choice, entails consequences. Only the operator is responsible for the action of the runes.

Consider in detail the hard love spell with runes nautiz - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The runic spell is an element of mental magic. Mental magic is considered more powerful than astral and energy magic. A runic love spell is an action that is guaranteed to yield results in attracting the attention of a loved one.

Each of the runes is a source of magical vibrations. The source has its own purpose and meaning. Composing a runic text or drawing from several runes creates a spectrum of magical radiation that can act locally and purposefully. Magical focus and locality are similar to a laser beam - if harmless scattered energy is collected in a thin beam of a beam, then it begins to work miracles.

Runic magic willingly uses the energy centers of a person - chakras for a love spell. For a love spell, choose Anahata (heart center) and Svadhisthana (sex center). Accordingly, the runic love spell is based on two principles of bindings - on the heart and on the sexual.

Photo, information marks on hair, saliva or nails are also used by magicians. "Flavoring" mental magic with elements of energy and astral magic enhances the effectiveness.

The main rule for composing a runic love spell is the exact sequence of the runes. Therefore, before proceeding with the rituals, it is necessary to carefully study the text. The inscription or style is remembered to the smallest detail, then you can protect yourself from the spontaneity of the impact and achieve the desired outcome.

The folding of the runes is done according to the phases of the moon: for the development of relations - the phase of the young month, and if it is necessary to extinguish the rejection, then the action is carried out during the aging moon.

After drawing up the magic text, you need to clearly pronounce the name of the rune, "tasting" the sound of each of them.

Runes of love spell

Since each rune has its own meaning and function, only those that fit into the drawing of the relationship between a man and a woman are used for a love spell.

  • Mannaz. Vibration of attention grabbing. If your name and the name of the chosen one take place in the verbal formula, then the rune draws his attention to you.
  • Iisa. Vibration balance, stabilization. The rune in the formula is used to consolidate the result.
  • Gebo. Union vibration. The rune promotes a friendly attitude, an increase in interest in your person.
  • Vunyo. The vibration of the holiday. This symbol contributes to the fact that when you appear, the chosen one has a surge of strength and joyful excitement.
  • Nautiz. The vibration of patience and endurance. The symbol protects feelings from external influences, it helps well in the event that relatives of your chosen one begin to discourage them from meeting with you.
  • Yer. The vibration of accomplishment. When entered into the formula, this vibration ensures the success of the love spell.
  • Algiz. Vibration of unconscious manifestations of human essence - reflexes and instincts, premonition and intuition. The rune is good for sexual attachment.
  • Teyvaz. The vibration of overcoming and good luck in the rivalry. The need for this vibration arises if you have a rival and the chosen one needs to be protected from her influence.
  • Berkana . Vibration of motherhood, family. Vibration for long-term and serious relationships that naturally lead to the creation of a family.
  • Inguz. The vibration of the beginning. It is sometimes necessary if the chosen one has a long-term relationship with another. This symbol "nullifies" the relationship and prepares the young man for new feelings.
  • Uruz. The vibration of uncontrollability. The symbol fuels passion.
  • Kenaz. Vibration "burning". The rune promotes heart desire.

Simple runic formulas for love spell

There are simple formulas available to everyone, to use them you do not need to immerse yourself in the study of runic magic, it is enough to write a formula and perform a ritual. The rune is already the simplest formula, but its energy is too scattered and the effectiveness of its influence is low. The more symbols are included in the formula, the more localized the "magic laser" beam, making it powerful and effective.

  • Berkana in alliance with Inguz. The vibration of starting a family and starting a new life. The formula is good if you have already established a relationship with the chosen one, but he is in no hurry with the "official" proposal.
  • Nautiz in alliance with Gebo. The combination of symbols leads to a direct dependence. The chosen one needs your presence like air. The formula is strong, but it takes skill for the need for your presence to grow into a feeling.
  • Teyvaz in alliance with Uruz and Gebo. A powerful formula to make you passionate. The only drawback is that along with passion, the jealousy of the chosen one arises, for which there is no need for a reason.
  • Gebo in the union Kenaz and Vunyo. The symbol creates an aura of love, celebration and happiness. It is possible that this is the most optimal combination of runes for a relationship between a man and a woman. This vibration is present in newlyweds during the honeymoon period. The only difficulty is that the level of relations raised to such a level becomes more and more difficult to maintain over time.

A simple ritual

For the simplest ritual, the simplest things are also suitable - a simple pencil with a graphite core and a piece of rough wrapping paper.

Only strong magicians can create runic text in sunlight, so if you are a beginner in this business, then the action is better carried out under the light of a wax candle (candles made of paraffin or stearin reduce efficiency).

  • Draw a sequence of runes. Rule: you cannot redraw, correct the runes - each line of the symbol is drawn only once.
  • Make a puncture with a needle on the little finger of the right hand (heart attachment) or on the little finger of the left hand (sexual attachment).
  • Drop blood on each symbol. The size of the droplets does not matter - even the smallest droplet "turns on" the rune.
  • Pronounce the following verbal formula:

Photo ritual

The effectiveness of the rune ritual in the photo is undeniable. This method is good, if no other love spells helped, then this love spell will work unambiguously. Restriction in use and is determined by the inevitability of exposure. Therefore, before this method, it is advisable to try something else.

For the ritual you will need: two glasses, each with a small piece of ice, a photo with a full-length image of the chosen one, a needle, your own hair, and a wax candle.

The sequence of the ritual:

  • Ignite the tip of the needle and make two punctures on the photo of the chosen one. The first puncture is at the level of the heart, and the second hole is at the level of the middle of the segment between the groin and the navel.
  • Draw a symbol on the photo to the left of the chosen one Uruz, and on the right - Perth. Perth- the symbol of the Player (puppeteer), symbolizes your power over the young man.
  • Puncture with a needle on the little finger of the left hand. The first drop of blood belongs to the flame of a candle, the second "opens" the rune Uruz, and the third is dripping onto the ice in the glass to your left.
  • Puncture with a needle on the little finger of the right hand. The first drop belongs to the candle flame, the second opens the rune Perth, and drip the third on the ice in the glass to your right.
  • Pull your own hair through the holes in the photo and tie it so that the knot is on the back of the photo.
  • On the knot, drop a drop of blood from both fingers, and on top we "seal" the candles with melted wax.
  • As soon as the ice in the glasses melts, take a symbolic sip from each glass, and then drain the water into the third glass, this water must be given to the chosen one (you can add it to juice or coffee).
  • Wrap the photo in red cloth and hide in a secluded place.

How to make a love spell using runes to win the heart of a particular person?

Magic was popular not only in the olden days. Nowadays, more and more people are resorting to various magical methods in order to achieve certain goals. And this applies not only to the sphere of human activity, his health, but also to matters of the heart. For example, to attract attention, achieve reciprocity or win the heart of a particular person, you can use runic love spells. And today in our article we will talk about this type of love rituals.

Runic magic is considered one of the most ancient witchcraft rituals that can radically change the fate of a particular person, different life circumstances.

Runes as an effective magical tool, their meaning

Runes, being the simplest magical device, have a very effective effect. Therefore, using different options for runic rituals, you can achieve this goal in a shorter time.

Typically, runes can be applied in different areas. Most often, runic traces and symbols are applied to amulets and amulets for:

  • cleansing from the negative and "bad" energy of the premises;
  • divination and fortune-telling;
  • protection of a person (his heirs or other members of his family) from external adverse influences;
  • rituals of a love nature (runic love spell).

In particular, to carry out runic love spells, ancestors could use the following symbols:

  • Rune of Surf (Eihwaz) - helps to call a beloved person to himself;
  • Midwife (Mannaz) - establishes a love affair between the victim of a love spell and the performer of the rite;
  • Beer (Naud) - capable of forcibly causing dependence and submission;
  • Feu - for a prosperous, happy marriage;
  • Gebo - promises the right choice of a partner for creating a family, a happy future in marriage.

How does the impact occur with the use of runes?

In fact, runes are symbols that resemble the outlines of the ancient alphabet. Therefore, before proceeding with the runic love spell, you should familiarize yourself with the meaning of this or that sign. And although today people know many variants of runic symbols, the most often used are the capital letters of the ancient series of runes - "Elder Futhark". It was created many centuries ago by powerful magicians and sorcerers. This is probably why the symbols of this runic series have great power and are able to carry out a runic love spell with high efficiency.

In general, in love magic, runes act like any other symbol endowed with magic and expressed in letter form. In order for the runes to help achieve the desired goal, it is necessary to choose the right base. In addition, runic magic is based on the use of the blood of the performer of the ritual. Therefore, if you decide to apply runic love spells, be prepared for this. In this case, blood will act as an activator.

Basic rules for conducting rituals

Runic love spells most often involve the application of several of the most popular runic formulas. You can choose the combination that is optimal for your situation, having decided on the ultimate goal. Depending on what you want, you can apply one of the following formulas:

  • “Berkana-Inguz” is suitable for uniting destinies and entering into marriage;
  • to attract the attention of the love spell object by increasing its own attractiveness - "Teivaz-Uruz-Gebo";
  • cause passion or increase sexual desire in the victim of a love spell - "Gebo-Kenaz-Vuno";
  • to awaken mutual feelings and to plant longing in the heart of a particular person - "Nautiz-Gebo";
  • forever bind your beloved through runic love spells - "Nautiz-Gebo-Nautiz";
  • a strong combination with a long and lasting effect, which helps to subdue victims with a strong will - "Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz".

Having determined for yourself for what purpose you will perform the runic love spell, choose the most appropriate time. A magical ritual of runic magic with the application of symbols and the activation of the runes should preferably be carried out on Friday or Monday. It is recommended that there are no other people in the house besides the performer of the ritual. It is best to start performing magical actions in a good mood so that the symbols are filled with positive energy.

Earlier, during the preliminary preparation for the implementation of a magical ritual, people tried to fast. If you are ready for the same, so that the love spell will work quickly, you can begin to limit food and spiritually in 3-4 days. During this period, you can not only fast, but also think about filling the love spell with power and about the end result.

Simple yet effective ritual

There are runic spells that are easy to use, but at the same time have a strong effect on the victim. This runic love spell is one of those. To do it, you need to get some thing bewitched. Clothes or any other item with which a person comes into contact on a daily basis is perfect. At the same time, choose a thing of a dark color so that the applied runes and blood are not detected.

After obtaining a thing, apply runic symbols on it. Find the right combination depending on what you want to achieve. Signs can be applied:

When you complete this operation, light an ordinary candle. With the tip of the needle heated over the flame, pierce your finger. Drop blood on each mark applied to the victim's item in the same sequence. A love spell should be read at the same time. His words look like this:

“You burn, (name of the victim), brightly and strongly from passion and love for me, all your thoughts are only about me. You will soon understand that there is no more beautiful and better than me in the whole wide world, but you yourself will come to me. Our destinies are from now on connected, now I have settled in your heart. "

After done, wait a few days without returning the item to the victim. Hide the item during this period to dry the blood. Take out the thing every day and hold it in your hands, charging it with the desired value. After that, return the love object to the victim. You can notice the effect of the ritual within the first ten days. The effect of the love spell will intensify as the person often comes into contact with the charmed thing.

The easiest way to bewitch with runes

There are also such runic spells, for the implementation of which there is no need to get the victim's personal thing. To make such a runic love spell, a blank sheet of paper is enough. It is worth putting those runic signs on it that will help you achieve what you want.

Transfer the outlines of the runes that you decided to use for the love spell on paper. Then, piercing your finger, drop a drop of blood on each of the symbols in the same sequence in which the ancient letters were drawn. At the same time as doing this, say the words:

“I will enchant, bewitch, bewitch you (the name of the victim), and the runes will help me with this. The words of this conspiracy are strong, and they will help you to take possession of your heart, to subjugate your will, so that from now on and forever and ever, passionate, ardent and enormous love will tie our destinies. We are now bound together. "

After what has been said, you can complete the ritual. In order for it to work, and the love spell immediately "worked", you should bury a sheet of paper. It is advisable to do this closer to the victim's house. If possible, bury a sheet with rune symbols and your own blood in the courtyard of your beloved.

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Working formula: Nautiz-Kenaz-Mannaz-Uruz-Vuno

Apply red ink on the photo (you can use blood) on the heart chakra area of ​​your rabbit. If there is no photo, use object snaps. Draw a little man with a heart (at the same time imagine a real person), write anchors next to the picture, i.e. Full name, date of birth / age, address, phone number, hair color, eye color, etc. Just don't overdo it - don't write a biography!

Love spell has no gender, therefore it works equally well on both men and women.

If you are performing the ritual:

Days: Monday - an appeal to Freya, Friday - an appeal to Frigga.

Gifts: honey drink, apples / apple juice, sweets, flour products, etc. - what they ask. Pour under the tree you like, put sweets on the ground at the roots with gratitude.

Activation of the runes: by breathing (the so-called revitalization of the runes), by burning - I do not recommend it, but by fire (gently hold the flame along the runes).

Nautiz - the object is drawn to the operator, he feels the need / need to see the operator, hear, feel, hold his hand, be near.

Kenaz - fire, passion that the crawl has for you, sexual desires / attraction of the object to the operator. Here you can concretize, so that I would like to do a crawl with you.

(Psychological aspect: Kenaz is a torch that illuminates the road to the walker, helping to see its irregularities, holes and stones lying on the way to you).

Mannaz - the rabbit itself, which "hooked on you," here you turn on the visualization, imagine a happy face in love with you.

Uruz - action. aimed at conquering you as the most desirable partner (whatever - I want to meet with you, call, hug, kiss, carry in my arms, etc.), sexual desire for you as well. Provides a love connection, harmonizes relationships, provides sympathy between partners. In general, it fills any relationship with strength. Where the power of Uruz is present, relations will not deplete.

Vunyo - causes joy, high spirits in the rabbit when he sees the operator, communicates with (your full name), he is not as good with anyone as he is with you, he experiences psychological comfort, enjoys any interaction with ( Your full name). The crawling operator is a kind of drug, both psychologically and physically.

Validity: a week (works great without updates), then depends on the personal strength of the operator. If you feel that the action has weakened - refresh. If everything is in order, leave it as it is.

And one more thing - you shouldn't wait for instant results, remember: it takes some time for the runes to spin up the programmed program (from a couple of three hours, up to 1-2 days). But when the ligature "gets accustomed" to the rabbit, you can "warm up" it simply by visualization - it acts instantly. Draw, for example, on the back under the guise of a massage.

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Love spell with an appeal for patronage to the goddess Freya

Freya (whose name means "mistress") is a Scandinavian goddess from the Van tribe, Freyr's sister. First of all, she is known as the patroness of love, beauty and fertility. This is the goddess of sensual pleasures and passions, the giver of luck and abundance. She bestows joy and delight, blesses alliances and quenches love thirst. In addition, as a widow who knows the bitterness of loss, she helps those who have lost their beloved to cope with grief. She is not only available, but also often takes an active role in contact with those who need her - this happened to me, and I read about this from many modern clergymen. In addition, she is one of the few goddesses who are served equally by both women and men.

Altar and offerings:

  • colors (for cover and candles): gold and green;
  • altar decoration: amber; gold jewelry (symbolizing the famous gold necklace or belt of Freya - Brisingamen); figurines or images of cats (sacred animals of Freya); heart-shaped stones or amulets; rune Fehu; symbols of the elements of the Earth;
  • offerings: sweet pastries, sweet berries, honey, sweet wine, bloody sacrifices are welcome.

Golden Freya, appear at my request

Free the heart from the new misfortune!

Become, armed, in gentle warfare

Runes, ideally - on the carrier and lining. Options: photo, hand and touch the object, etc.

Black Magic - conspiracies, ceremonies, rituals. Magical help

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"Hard" love spell.

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    Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz - a rather tough love spell;

    Tell me if I understood this formula correctly:

    Perth - Birth, birth

    Kenaz - spark, flame

    Gebo - love, relationships

    Putting it all together: forcing the spark / flame of a love relationship? =)

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    1. Perthro - birth

    2. kenaz - enthusiasm, fire of desires, aspirations. What is important, kenaz is associated with aspects of life: love, knowledge, skill. According to Gorsleben, the man Kenaz is a skilled craftsman.

    3. Gebo is the rune of relationships. Anyone. And building a clear hierarchy in relationships - who is in charge here. Those. You also set the dominant position with the formula - you must obey, you subordinate, impose your will on the bewitched.

    4. Nautiz - everything is correct, compulsory.

    ". this is a necessary side of a certain process. Difficult, difficult, unpleasant, but necessary. And the rune allows you to exist in these conditions. Nauthiz is a necessity that makes you act. Obligation of execution." (C - slamzeno from Shaposhnikov)

    The birth of a desire, a passionate, fiery desire to enter into a relationship, into a system of relationships, to submit to you as the main one, and this submission is subject to mandatory execution.

    This submission, the relationship of submission becomes the most important task for a person.

    Therefore - a rather tough love spell.

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    Kenaz - Gebo - Nautiz - Sex and Passion

    Dear, can you decipher it in more detail? Kenaz is understandable. Gebo - too, but a problem for Nautiz?

    I want to try, I have a man here a little cold. or just calmed down, so I want to rekindle the passion again. In theory, this formula should help. But I can't put something in the hang, I can't decide on Nautiz.

    The Universe of Secret Knowledge - Runic Magic, Tarot, Practitioners Club, Black Magic and Runes

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    Runic love spells

    Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz is a rather tough love spell.

    Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo - "flame of love"

    Gebo-Inguz-Evaz - runes love spell, probably with marriage;

    Nautiz - Kenaz - Mannaz - Uruz - Vuno - packing for a rabbit.

    Mannaz is an object whose energy Runa feeds on

    Kenaz - the flame of passion (?)

    Gebo - partnerships

    Vunyo - the joy of this this ..

    Gebo - again relationships and partnerships

    Otala - common home, family

    And I also read reviews. It seems to work like a love spell or a call, I don't remember, but still.

    How to find that material - I'll post it right away, I just don't remember where I read the discussion of this formula

    ergi ok æði ok óþola;

    svá ek þat af ríst,

    sem ek þat á reist,

    ef gerask þarfar þess. ""

    just like cutting,

    I will give you lust, sorrow and madness for your inheritance.

    But from the evil divination that I can save

    And remove the spell whenever I want. "

    Read the primary sources - and you will be happy.

    that is, it's not about a love spell, but about such a punishment - like run to me, because if you don't run, the Turses will punish you and still bring you to me.

    something like this (I do not pretend to be true)

    You will wildly want sex as much as you climb the wall, but it will be removed at the behest of the one who did it. And I must remove the reasons and harmonize the Chaos that will be.

    Richard»26 Sep 2014, 00:56

    Let the spells last as long as the caster wants them to.

    (You can write this directly - let the spell last 2 (or other) days from the time it was cast.)

    Laguz let me find an approach to the object and it does not feel compelled.

    (Here Laguz is used to bypass the natural defense of the subject: love for another (oh), moral and ethical attitudes, etc., to hide the impact)

    Kennaz let the subject feel sexually attracted to me.

    Let a talisman be created, which begins and stops its action at the request of the owner.

    Let the owner of the talisman become the subject of the spell, and the object chosen by the subject (it is clear that he is different every time)

    Nauthiz - let the object unconditionally obey the spell - we suppress the will of the person - we subordinate it to the "will" of the talisman, "suck" it, force it to execute the laid down algorithm of the spell.

    Kenaz - let lust take possession of him and overshadow his mind

    We cause an attack of passion, desires in the object and we add an obsession with the realization of these desires, otherwise people are different - you can lust even at a distance and do nothing.

    Laguz - let the experience not leave a trace and / or leave the desired trace - we take care of the consequences and our comfort - so that later we do not have to deal with the suddenly arisen love on the basis of successful sex; we remove the possible remnants of the strong effect of Nauthiz + Kenaz - we wash it off with water (Laguz), we agree on the disposability and at the same time we leave ourselves the possibility of further manipulations by a person - and suddenly you like it.

    (It would be better to say - “let all the consequences of this spell be eliminated, except those that the subject wishes.”)

    Let this spell work on (name)

    Let the spell take effect when I wish and end when I wish.

    Kenaz - let the victim burn with passion for me

    Naud - let the victim be forced to urgently realize his desire.

    Winjo - Let Both Sides Have Fun

    Laguz - let the victim not guess about witchcraft.

    Visualization (optional): a person is attracted to me by a magnet.

    It makes sense to make the spell finite, because a constant love spell based on sex can lead to unforeseen circumstances.

    Multiple endings are better. Those. it is a spell that will "shoot" small end spells. Better because the love spell is almost one-time, and every time it is difficult to cast the final spell.

    1) Let the target of this spell be<имя>(If a love spell is done for another person, then it makes sense to take, say, Gebo or Eihwaz to symbolize the connection between these two people. love spell "both" can be identified by Eihwaz. Type of rope with marked ends - this end clings to (name), but this one to (name).)

    2) His will will be broken, and he will obey the spell (Hagalaz) (It's hard, although it is also possible, and this is not a mistake. But it would be better to use Naud, this is the classic rune of the black love spell.)

    3) Let him / she want sex with me (or someone else) (Kenaz)

    4) The spell will expire when the caster (subject) wants it.

    Let a talisman be created, wearing it - the subject, and the one to whom the subject mentally points - the object

    Kenaz - let the object be afflicted with sexual desire towards the subject

    Naud - let him not be able to resist and be forced to strive for sex with the subject.

    Gebo - let the object and the subject enjoy, and their relationship in an amicable way (without hysterics) will end if the subject does not wish otherwise. (if you wish, then this spell must be replaced with something else).

    Richard»26 Sep 2014, 00:57

    Hagalaz (destruction of barriers, elimination of "complexes", everything that interferes) + Kenaz (passion, desire, irresistible craving) + Naud (push, coercion, indication of the need for action)

    Turisaz (removal of obstacles, push) + Kenaz + Naud (passion, desire) + Vunyo (mutual joy, elimination of shyness, insecurity) + Gebo (to strengthen further relationships, complete mutual understanding)

    Soulo (elimination of obstacles, complexes, everything that can inhibit the development of relationships, giving self-confidence) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Eyvaz (mutual passion, bonds, mutual understanding) + Vunyo + Gebo (further joyful development of relations, joy from resolved problems etc.)

    Teyvaz (push, victory over oneself, determination, getting rid of fear) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Vuno (joy, achievement of what was planned).

    kraya»30 Sep 2014, 18:47

    How to stipulate, just each rune?

    Sori if there was such a question and I repeat myself.

    The stipulations in the subject are given - it is written how to stipulate each rune. That's how you stipulate.

    Nyd (naud) (main and secondary) - longing, a strong need for a person, compulsion,

    Gyfu (Gebo) - the desire to be together, marriage, partnership, the combination of 2 energies.

    Odal - the desire to have a family with the subject,

    Wyn (Wuno) - to be happy, live in harmony, rejoice with the subject,

    Yera is a stable, fruitful result and closure in a constant cycle.

    Аs - Divine strength and support,

    Ac - Powerful union nourishment and reliable support.

    Rad (3pcs) - the direction of energy in the right direction, as well as all attention, all the roads of the object lead to the subject, the entire life path only with the subject.

    Thorn (tours) - aggressive defense that does not allow outsiders to this union,

    Elhaz (Algiz) - protection of the union,

    Ear - without a subject - death to you.

    "In the midnight hour, I will light spring candles, I will call, I will wake up the Ognevitz sisters

    You wake up fire sister

    how the streams of God flow from east to west

    I will choose one of seven streams

    I will fill it with firecrackers

    A stream will flow, a river of fire

    This river is fiery

    Fire Sisters to Mother Earth

    And that scorching river will rise, a river of fire into the soul of my man-husband (name)

    Will stain his clean eyes

    A fiery fire will inflame in his chest

    Will fill the zealous heart

    Will dry up his mind (name)

    So that you think about me

    I was longing for an hour and a day

    Father and mother did not remember relatives

    Dreamed of me alone

    So that his thoughts about others would pass away, burn to ashes

    No matter how his soul cries, fights back

    Let the fire burn in my soul

    In a fiery fire, love fire, dry fire. "

    Working runes: Mannaz + teivaz (secondary) - a man, an object of influence. Berakana adhered to him - accordingly Zh.

    Ansuz (zerk) love spell energy, acting through words.

    Nautizi (secondary) - compulsion, stabilization of love spell.

    Ansuz + Nautiz make "him" think about "her".

    Hyera makes it permanent, endless.

    Kenazy - "hot sisters of Ognevitsa" + Lagusa - streams of passion that lead to "love" rallying.

    Vunyo make relationships harmonious and joyful.

  • The effects of the Nautiz rune: patience, willpower, strengthening the will, getting out of the crisis, coercion and shackles, forcibly kindling fire.

    Rune of patience, compulsion, necessity, self-regenerating fire, grief. Rune of beer. This is the rune of the crisis and it reveals to us the meaning of the crisis. The rune conveys the state of Eternity. This is the primary state of God. Try in your Consciousness right now to imagine that you are GOD…. And you are ONE ... You are ETERNITY ONE ... There is nothing but you. There is no Time and Space ... ONE ... ETERNITY ... And the only eternal state that you can experience at the very beginning is PATIENCE. As they say in Christianity - God endured and ordered you. Our reality itself is already an Illusion created in the Consciousness of the One, in order to simply forget about this initial state and how to get out of it. Everything is based on Suffering. Suffering and Patience are the foundation of everything, and everything else is built on this state. Christianity is generally a symbol of pure Nautise. The Cross of God is Nautiz. In Christianity, all martyrs, starting from the incarnation of God on Earth - Jesus Christ. Torment, Suffering, Patience - these are all Nautiz. Endless Patience. Nautiz is hard and hopeless, this is a state when you can no longer change anything. Nautiz is Destiny. Nautiz is the very rune with which you do not want to meet and she is always there. Nautiz is a Disease. But also nautiz is the Will and the ability to raise oneself to one's feet, it is the POWER OF THE SPIRIT. Nautiz is the true power of your Spirit. There is no other truth power other than the Power of the Spirit. We ourselves can strengthen the Power of the Spirit - by fasting, abstinence, forcing ourselves to do something - this strengthens and hardens us. All these are categories of Nautiz, which are mandatory as qualities, and if you disagree with this, then Nautiz will come to you and make your life such where you forcibly pump these qualities. It is better to learn how to create Nautiz for yourself than to suffer and pray for the Void. Nautiz is tough and she strengthens and endows a person with these qualities. Do not create Nautiz for people around you without their permission, and you will not have Nautiz. A common rake of novice runologist practitioners is the impact on other people without their Will always leads to a reverse reaction of Nautiz to the practice. The more you influence others without their demand, the more you create Nautise for yourself and you will have to work it out. Living the Nautiz rune itself is a painful approach. But in the hands of an experienced practitioner, it is a wonderful instrument of discipline and self-control. Control and limitation are all categories of Nautise. From the point of perception of Astrology, this is pure Saturn. This is the sign of Capricorn, who patiently and persistently achieves its goals through self-discipline and self-control. Although there are Capricorns who simply lose this energy by suffering and suffering immensely. This Saturn and this subpersonality is in each of Us. Each of us has the Spirit of God and this Spirit is Nautiz.

    Nautiz is an igniting Fire. How our ancestors kindled the Fire - due to strong friction, a spark was generated and a full-fledged fire was already kindled from it. The bonfire was constantly maintained. The ability to support your inner fire will deprive you of Nautiz situations. If you have allowed your inner Fire to go out, then the Nautise stage awaits you in order to reignite this Spark of life. Nautiz is symbolically associated with the Kano rune. Your desires keep your fire going. Problems arise when there are no desires and then Nautiz comes in and kindles desires, only they begin from a crisis. For example, the desire not to suffer and not get sick - if your desires are such, then when you did not keep track of your inner Kano, your inner fire of desires, and now Nautiz rekindles you. Understanding Nautiz is imperative for the practitioner to remove Nautiz situations in his life.

    When used, the energy of the Nautiz rune empowers the power to overcome needs, adversity and problems through patience. Endows with perseverance in achieving the desired goal. It can also be used when influencing others - as a way to compel something to do or think. True, in the event of an impact on others, remember that what you send you will definitely return. In love magic creates desire and need to find a partner. Also, the very concept of "love spell" is Nautiz. At the end, we will always get Nautiz as a result - therefore the use of runes to force someone to love in the long run is always ineffective and unreasonable. With the help of the energy of this rune, you can get rid of bad habits, it promotes patience and refraining from bad habits according to your intention and desire, this applies to alcoholism, drug addiction, food addiction and other bad habits. It allows and strengthens willpower in any business, from decision-making to the implementation of any business by perseverance. Working with Nautiz in magical practice requires caution. Feels like the energy of the rune is a sensation of painful heat, feverish heat.