
Fortune telling for a person who is far away. Fortune telling about other people

In astrology, the Sun symbolizes individuality, personality, consciousness and will, the level of energy and creative potential. All planets revolve around the Sun, and each person is the center of his own World.

The opportunity to express yourself and show your personality is very important. However, sometimes the will, creative impulses or other conscious manifestations of the personality are suppressed or blocked by some circumstances.

If you have difficulty expressing yourself or feel that your life energy is suppressed, use the esoteric Sun Tarot spread.

The five cards of this layout will show various aspects of the current energetic state of your personality and will help you better realize and understand your interaction with the World and the Universe.

The layout is performed by the Major Arcana. If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of cards of the esoteric Tarot layout “Sun”

Card 1 – How you consciously perceive yourself at the moment
Card 2 – The true image of your Self, your soul
Card 3 – How the World and Universe perceives you at the moment
Card 4 – What energies strengthen you and harmonize the manifestations of your personality
Card 5 – What energies weaken you or block your personality manifestations

How do you consciously perceive yourself at this moment?

You got “Lovers”, which always means Decision, Choice (even if it doesn’t concern love). This Choice carries within itself unquestioningness and irrevocability to the rejected option. “There are two sides to a coin” - The Real Truth can only be seen by studying all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and value it.

The true image of your higher self, your soul

The “Moderation” card means the golden mean, harmony, balance, correct proportions, adequacy of actions. A feeling of balance between the internal and external worlds, recovery. External and internal calm, the need to observe moderation in everything. Thrift, diplomacy, self-discipline, ability to wait. Faith in Higher goals, helping to overcome crisis situations.

How the World and Universe perceives you at the moment

The “Emperor” card you have been dealt indicates will and logic prevailing over feelings, secular power and authority, the desire for protection, stability, security; control over circumstances. Wisdom, maturity. This is the Master, the Ruler of the World, ready to defend his possessions and not afraid to keep power in his hands. This is a strong, influential, ambitious person. The desire to control everything and everyone, the readiness to fight for this opportunity.

What energies enhance your personality manifestations?

Here you got the “Hanged Man”, which indicates the forced impossibility of active actions, constraint by circumstances, and a waste of time. Stagnation, dependence on other people, affairs and circumstances, a change in the value system, the inability to apply familiar knowledge. The need to rethink affairs and events, sacrificing something to overcome a difficult situation.

What energies weaken, suppress or block the manifestations of your personality?

You received the “Star” card, meaning a wonderful future, hope, justified optimism, happiness, luck, good news. Receiving benefits that exceed expectations, success. Long-term long-term planning, brilliant projects. Thirst for life, a surge of creative inspiration. Making dreams come true. Positive solutions to issues. Well-deserved rest, relaxation in nature.

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Fortune telling with Tarot cards that may come in handy

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In Tarot fortune-telling, a person’s alignment will help to create an accurate and as complete description of his personality as possible. The cards will tell you absolutely everything - what he dreams of, what he strives for, what he feels, what positive and negative traits are present in his character. Anyone can tell fortunes - no special knowledge or skills are required.

You must mentally ask the questions below, one at a time - the card drawn will give the answer:

  1. The main life goal of the mysterious person? This is his most global intention; small goals do not count. For example, he dreams of inventing a cure for cancer or flying into space, building a huge house or going on a trip around the world.
  2. Obstacles on the way to your goal? The map will indicate the most important obstacles that need to be eliminated. If you ignore them, your plans will never come true. This concerns obstacles and circumstances specifically external, coming from the outside world.
  3. Internal barriers? These are also obstacles, but a person builds them around himself. These may be negative attitudes, stereotypes imposed by society. For example, the statement: “you can only get rich by dishonest means.” Knowing this will help you work through negative attitudes and get rid of them, and form more positive thinking.
  4. The most important character traits? These are the most clearly manifesting qualities that are clearly visible to others, even if the person himself denies them.
  5. How do others perceive his appearance? He may not be very handsome, but for some reason people around him think otherwise. Or, conversely, a girl with regular facial features will be considered ugly. Most often, this card has a double meaning - it also indicates self-esteem
  6. What events from the past influenced the present? This means positive consequences. For example, in the past a person worked hard, so today he has an excellent level of income
  7. Negative impact of past actions - what events affect the present? The same as in the previous paragraph, but with a negative meaning. For example, in the past a person lied a lot, as a result, in the present he has lost the trust of loved ones
  8. What does he dream about, what does he hope for? This card will tell about the most intimate things, tell about dreams and desires that a person might never share with anyone.
  9. What is it hiding? This card will indicate events from the past, thoughts or desires that the person himself will never admit to. You will probably find out about something shameful
  10. What are his plans for the future? What are you waiting for, what goals and objectives does it set? Real picture of events
  11. What to expect in the future from a relationship with this person? Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in - family, love, business or friendship, the card will tell you about the likely development of events

Watch a video about fortune telling with Tarot cards for a specific person:

Layout "Mysterious mask"

This method of fortune telling is suitable if you and a person find yourself involved in the same situation, the outcome of which is extremely important to you.

Visualize the situation in your mind, then formulate a clear and specific question. And then take out 10 cards in turn, asking each one the following:

  1. What is the other side of the conflict?
  2. What does this person think of me?
  3. Is he being truthful when he voices his intentions towards me?
  4. What are his real goals and intentions, plans and objectives?
  5. What good can I get from a relationship with him?
  6. What bad things can I get that can upset me?
  7. Is he capable of vile, treacherous actions or should he not expect a dirty trick?
  8. Is our relationship dangerous for me? Is it worth giving them up?
  9. How best to behave in this situation in order to get out of it with the least losses and maximum benefits?
  10. What will be the outcome of the case if you do nothing and let events develop naturally?

With these simple layouts you can find out everything about any person.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Despite the fact that this book is primarily intended for personal work with the Tarot, situations may arise when you want to tell fortunes using the Tarot for other people. This requires some understanding of human psychology and caution.

We all project our ideas, feelings and aspirations onto the qualities that the cards reveal. But what is “wonderful” for you may be “boring” for another person. For example, for you the Tower Arcanum means excitement and dynamics, as it suggests sudden changes or unexpected events, and you personally really like this kind of spontaneity in life. But another person will prefer to have all the blows of fate and changes under his strict control, and will perceive the Tower as a threat, rather than liberation from old shackles.

Always view reading fortunes to others as a fun experience because you are likely to learn more about yourself and the Tarot as you interpret the cards from an objective perspective.

Tell fortunes to friends and loved ones very carefully. Before the session, ask yourself if your personal feelings are involved; Do you have a personal interest in the development of their situation? The art of fortune telling on others lies in constantly being aware of your point of view on the situation, so restrain your opinion and try to be as objective as possible. In addition, during the interpretation, do not wishful thinking, because your friend wants to hear exactly this, and not the bitter truth.

Fortune telling for absent people

You can lay out the cards and ask a question regarding the absent person (for example, using online health fortune telling). But it can be both a fun experience and a reflection of your projection. And again I want to remind you that fortune telling about another person or about the development of an ordinary situation will require great internal honesty from you. It is very interesting to know the answers to such questions: “What does my loved one think about me right now?” or “What should I talk about with my old aunt who is coming to visit next week?” Avoid questions such as “Why does A hate B?” or “Will Jane divorce her husband or not?”, because these problems are none of your business, completely different people are involved in them.