
Spaghetti with olive oil. Spaghetti with garlic and hot pepper How to cook with stew


Spaghetti pasta - 500 gr;

Olive oil - 100 ml;

Chili pepper - 2 pieces;

Garlic - 8 medium-sized cloves;

Parsley - 50 gr;

Lemon - half;

Salt to taste.

Let's try to cook the famous Italian dish in a new way. We got this recipe with great difficulty; we had to promise mountains of gold for it. But having tried to cook the dish for the first time, we were very pleasantly surprised, and now we are sharing the recipe with you.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and add spaghetti pasta. Cook until fully cooked.

And about 5 minutes before the end of cooking, prepare a frying pan and heat it up very high, and pour olive oil into it. In this oil you need to fry the garlic, crushed beforehand, and the chili pepper, also chopped into large chips before this.

When the garlic has softened enough, you need to add finely chopped parsley there. Mix everything well and remove from heat.

Drain spaghetti until al dente in a colander to remove excess water. And then we put them in a frying pan with pepper, parsley and garlic.

Let’s simmer all this for about half a minute over low heat, remembering to stir. Now add the zest of half a lemon and the juice of half a lemon.

Let's add some salt. Let's pepper it. Let's mix everything again. And the dish is ready to eat. The food is served, bon appetit to you.

Our dear guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Spaghetti with garlic and butter. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later wonder: . A simple recipe was written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook Spaghetti with garlic and butter at home. Here, all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inexperienced cook can easily prepare. For this purpose, special recipes have been created with detailed photographs and step-by-step descriptions of the preparation steps. By following the written recipe, you can easily prepare this delicious dish and feel its beneficial properties and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material still do not understand, how to cook spaghetti with garlic and butter, then we suggest you look at our other recipes.

If you have never made fried pasta before, then this urgently needs to be corrected. After all, this is an ideal and quick lunch or dinner.

Cooking pasta in a frying pan without cooking is very simple, and you don’t have to worry about it sticking together.

Required Products:

  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • 0.2 kg pasta;
  • spices to taste;
  • clove of garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and let it heat up, then add the pasta there and mix them well so that they are saturated with oil.
  2. When they begin to change color, add finely chopped or crushed garlic and season with spices.
  3. Fill the contents with water, it should cover the ingredients and fry for about seven minutes until the pasta completely absorbs the liquid.

With cheese

Well, who doesn't love mac and cheese? This is the same dish for all occasions. Let's try not boiling them, but frying them and seasoning them with cheese.

Required ingredients:

  • seasoning for pasta or any other;
  • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • about 50 grams of cheese;
  • garlic clove;
  • 0.2 kg pasta.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the selected pasta and fry it for several minutes, stirring constantly. During this time they should be well saturated with oil.
  2. Sprinkle the dish with spices; you can use either ready-made seasoning or, for example, salt and ground black pepper. We also send garlic there, which has been chopped or grated in advance.
  3. Pour everything with a small amount of water so that it covers the food, and keep it on low heat under the lid for about five minutes until the pasta absorbs everything.
  4. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and the dish is ready to be served.

Cooking with egg

If you want something even more satisfying and interesting, but without meat, then be sure to make fried pasta with egg.

Required Products:

  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • four eggs;
  • any seasonings to your liking;
  • 300 grams of pasta;
  • a piece of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Pasta must first be boiled. Do this in the most usual way, but it is advisable that they are not very soft, but still turn out slightly undercooked and hard.
  2. Place both types of oil in a frying pan and add the already boiled pasta there, mix everything well so that the contents are completely in the oil.
  3. And fry until the pasta reaches the desired state. Everyone determines the degree of roasting for themselves, some like it completely brown, while others prefer only slightly browned.
  4. Beat the eggs into the pasta, immediately add the selected spices and stir. The eggs will turn white very quickly, all you have to do is fry the dish for a couple more minutes and it’s ready.

Armenian fried pasta

Armenian fried pasta is simply an amazing dish and you are missing out if you haven't tried it yet.

Required ingredients:

  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 0.3 kg of pasta;
  • spices to your taste;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix both types of oil, heat on the stove, add the pasta there and stir until they are coated with the oil mixture.
  2. Fry them for a few minutes, add chopped garlic and any spices, then add water and keep on fire until the liquid is completely absorbed.
  3. Cover with a lid, turn off the stove and let them sit for about 10 minutes before serving.

How to cook with stew

For the dish you will need:

  • can of stew;
  • one onion;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • any seasonings;
  • 0.3 kg pasta;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the fat from the stew, lightly mash it with a fork, mix with chopped onion and garlic and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into another container, add pasta and fry until golden brown, not forgetting to add spices.
  3. Fill with water and keep on fire until the liquid is completely absorbed.
  4. Combine the stew with pasta and the dish is ready to serve.

Simple recipe with onions

Required ingredients:

  • half a package of pasta;
  • any seasonings as desired;
  • vegetable oil – 20 milliliters;
  • one onion and a clove of garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the onion and garlic in any convenient way and lightly fry in hot oil.
  2. We put the pasta there, knead until the oil is evenly distributed, season everything with spices and fill with water.
  3. Continue cooking until the pasta absorbs the liquid, then dry it a little and the dish is ready.

This is an absolutely minimalist recipe, one might say dietary.


- spaghetti, ½ kg

— olive oil, 100 ml

- garlic, 8 cloves

- ½ lemon, zest and juice

- parsley leaves, 50 g

- 2 chili peppers

- ground black pepper

How to cook spaghetti with garlic:

1. Let the spaghetti cook. Peel the garlic cloves and press them through. Cut the chili pepper into large chips, chop the parsley leaves finely. When there are about 5 minutes left before the end of cooking the pasta, heat the frying pan and fry the chili and garlic in olive oil. Add chopped parsley to the frying pan, stir and turn off the heat.

2. Cook the spaghetti not until fully cooked, but until al dente, strain out the water, and place the pasta in a frying pan, mixing with parsley, chili and garlic.

3. Simmer the spaghetti for half a minute, turning off the heat, without stopping stirring. Put the zest, add lemon juice, season with pepper and add salt to the dish. After thoroughly mixing, serve.

From Romano Gordini. The easiest pasta recipe I know and one of my favorites. There are a minimum of ingredients, everything is prepared literally in a minute, and it’s so delicious... And just try to say that these are all exotic products!

If you really bought it, the worst thing you can do with it is drown it in a complicated sauce. Mushrooms, cream, salmon, smoked meats - forget about them for a while. Let the pasta develop its taste, do not overwhelm it with numerous ingredients. Good olio d'oliva extra vergine oil and young garlic - now is the beginning of the season - that's all you need. Don't take refined or "regular" olive oil - you need very good one here.
Another secret (well, suddenly): the mysterious pereroncino is a moderately hot and aromatic red pepper, in this case not too finely ground. If you don't have Italian, find hot red pepper flakes, it's not a problem. Do not use ground powder; the main thing here is not the spiciness, but the taste of the pepper! Well, the quantity is, of course, at your discretion.
The most important thing: you need to calculate the time and prepare all the ingredients so that by the time the pasta and sauce are combined in the pan, they are perfectly cooked - spaghetti al dente, and the garlic is not overcooked.


for 1 serving: Has already

  • Spaghetti - 80 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Parsley
  • Peperoncino ground
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
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Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted boiling water, stirring to prevent sticking, until al dente, 1 minute less than the time indicated on the package.
Cut the garlic crosswise into thin slices.


When the spaghetti is almost ready, fry, without browning, the garlic and a pinch or two of peperoncino in a frying pan with olive oil over medium heat for a few seconds, pour in 8-10 tbsp. l. pasta cooking water. Be careful not to overcook the garlic and pepper!

This is a rare case when a skilled cook can “read” all the ingredients, and even the recipe itself, in its name. “Spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino” literally translates as “spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and hot pepper,” and here, in general, everything is clear without additional explanation. Of course, as with any other dish consisting of 3-4 ingredients, each of them must be of excellent quality - excellent olive oil, fresh garlic, good spaghetti... And spaghetti, so be it, you can take the most ordinary ones.

Spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and pepper

Place a frying pan with olive oil on low heat without a single hint of high heat, much less smoke. Add peeled and thinly sliced ​​garlic and also thinly sliced ​​hot pepper (it’s better to get rid of the seeds right away, they can be disproportionately hot) and simmer them in oil while the spaghetti is cooking.

Bring 2 liters of water to a boil, to which 20 g of salt have been added, add spaghetti and boil until “” according to the instructions on the package. Drain the finished spaghetti in a colander, place in a frying pan and mix thoroughly so that they are all covered with a thin layer of oil, saturated with the aroma of garlic and the slight heat of pepper. Divide the spaghetti into bowls and serve, seasoning with ground pepper, grated Parmesan and herbs if desired.